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Here's a thread idea I haven't seen before

Post women with extremely altered or unusual bodies. Holes blown out beyond repair, excessive piercings, extreme body mods, unconventional growth, that kind of stuff. Bonus points if they're using their bodies to do unusual things as well.
Got one of those images sitting around that's too extreme or has too many fetishes crammed in to be appropriate for any other thread? This might be the place, Just don't break the rules.
I'll try to set the tone with my thread starter dump.
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And away we go, let's scrape the bottom of the fetish barrel.
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Also I was OP of the prolapse thread before the board got nuked, that stuff is welcome here too. Figured this topic might be a better way to continue the direction that thread was trending toward as it slowed down.
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It's hot when some strong woman ends up modified beyond repair, just to serve some really specific and pathetic purpose for the rest of her life.
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Here's one of my all time favorite sequences
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Why is omurice made this way?
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Women should have tails. Pic related.
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Shaving a girl's head and humiliating her turns me on
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This is the most creative body modification I have ever seen
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This is a multi-channel ONAHOLE
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Oh yea, I posted there once asking for lost media. What happened that caused the board to get nuked? Is it the dumb anon who posted scat?

Anyways, used to upload ryara's fanbox stuff to kemono before pixiv dropped the ban hammer. I think someone posted last month's content to sadpanda, that's cool I guess.
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Nah, site mods fucked up and nuked half the boards.
I tried to make a thread like this three or four years ago and it got deleted. Glad to see things have loosened up about it.
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Wombkini bump!

Smutpirate's art from the prolapse thread was fantastic, i hope he posts some more here.
who's the artist?
Oh yeah I've seen this guys stuff, didn't something happen to him?
Supposedly the CCP arrested him. He certainly hasn't done anything new for years.
The way I heard it told, JM made art that resembled a particular actress, or some people decided it did. Those people spammed her socials with messages along the lines of "this should happen to you" or "this is how you should be treated." JM's art is rather graphic, which necessitated an official response of some sort due to it being used to harass a public figure. So JM was arrested for "encouraging violence towards women" or something like that. If true, that means even when he gets released he won't be making similar content again - not without going abroad to a place with less restrictive laws.
Poor guy, fuck China.
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Thanks, been busy but might try to draw some stuff soon. (picrel is not mine)
Always down to hear ideas if anyone has em, may not get to drawing them but on the off chance any other drawfriends are lurking around it can give them something to work with.
Yeah that's the story with JM as far as I can remember. His art had really heavy political overtones too though, and honestly I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did being based in China. If it wasn't that it was only a matter of time before it was something else that got him arrested.
I liked his art, super creative, but man it was so dark even I felt pretty bad if I tried to fap to it.
yep, there should absolutely be more head shaving
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this is absurdly hot
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How do Anons here feel about an "Ultimate Exhibitionist" story, about a girl who isn't satisfied enough with just exposing her completely naked body, she wants to go further, fully inside-out, tearing herself apart until every last crevice, organ and bone has been exposed for all to see.
How would that look in your opinion?
Waita Uziga 毒どくvol.18
https://www.hentai.name/g/378670/ (Chinese ver.)
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Permanent Prolapse is the best. Having to walk around everywhere with your ovaries dangling between your knees, always having to make sure they don't get caught in anything or suffer an explosively painful orgasm.
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I'm picturing the moisturize me lady from Dr. Who, where she's reduced to a sheet of skin stretched over a frame, but all her internals are still attached to the back or connected via tubes and wires.
That character disturbed the hell out of me, still creeps me out now. But now i'm curious for those with this fetish, Is it seeing the body ruined and deformed that you find arousing? Or is it more psychological? The idea of modding yourself to being unrecognizable as a human being or even living.
Like, would you find the idea of a girl ruining herself to the point that all that's left of her is a chip containing her consciousness arousing? Having destroyed herself to the point of having absolutely nothing left, becoming no more than a series of ones and zeroes.
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For me, it's definitely more toward the physical side. I want to see how fucked up their bodies can get while still staying some semblance of functioning.
Not so much into the idea of amputation or reducing them to where there's nothing left.
Do you have an upper limit on how fucked up someone can get before it's a turn-off?

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