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Monitoring this thread as I love this kind of secure bondage like straitjackets or full body restraints suits.
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It lost the plot here. She'd die within a day of heatstroke because of the encasement.
Not showing her being lowered into her hell cell seems like an insane missed opportunity. That's the moneyshot of this kind of stuff.
It depends on what properties the make believe material is, and what atmospheric regulation is in place. Actual latex can easily be cooled by lowering the ambient temperature, the easiest and best way is to put the person in a cold shower.

What they have not discussed is what happens to sweat. From personal experience I can state that sweat doesn't evaporate when encased in latex, it just hangs around and builds up. There is no way to wick it away without removing the latex.
>Erm actually it's special magi- i mean technology latex suit stuff thaf keeps that from happening, there's no escaping this fictional hell bro.
That's what the guy that made this would probably say, effectively anyway.
Eternal non-desired torture is just cringe
>She'd die within a day of heatstroke

grats dude you pointed out that an extreme latex/encasement fetish situation is unrealistic.
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Literal heaven holy shit
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I'm picturing someone going to Hell and just going "nah bro this is mega-cringe."
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I wish we got more gibbet cages. Frame binders are nice, but I feel gibbet cages have a better sense of public humiliation, abandonment and complete immobilization. I guess they're more of a western thing though so Japanese artists rarely do them.
looks awesome with mummification and i like how they are hooked on rope instead of chains so if that rope gets weaker and breaks they will fall into water which adds to their peril
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Do we know the doujin this is from?
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give: 甘縛
a google
Thanks anon
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Is she forced to inhale own piss? Kinky
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>broken neck
my brother in christ, they have their eyes removed
I thought it was nasal expansion
I have dreams about being stuck like this constantly.
You're shocked by the neck and not the nostrils gaping, really?
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Yeah, the "100% absolutely dead" part is more shocking than the "fucked up but not necessarily dead" part.
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In a world where you can gape nostrils that way I don't think realism matters when it comes to neck flexibility. To each their own I suppose.
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Now that's a schlong.
Where we're going we don't need eyes to see
The artist just needs to have her back bent more to take the death off of the neck. Ass on head is absolutely possible with someone flexible enough, but not with the neck bent like that.
Reason I'm autistic enough to reply is because I think the back bending is hot as hell too, so having it all on the neck is... Boring, I guess.
>I think the back bending is hot as hell too
Suspended hogties are great.
Here's one of my recent favourites.
i really liked those few images that had a schoolgirl fail and get put into more and more bondage like gloves, face mask etc
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so does "extreme bondage" have an official definition or is it just kinda something you know when you see it? Like is there a line where bondage becomes extreme bondage?
I saw that "heavy bondage" may refer to armbinders, straitjackets, special bondage gear as opposed to standard rope or tape etc. Also sometimes "long term bondage" or even "permanent bondage" are used for really extreme art.
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Love that frame. Perfect for long term storage.
nta but since when are nostrils any kind of sexual or erotic turn-on?
This is so tame; where is the heavy body mods with rods screwed into bones, hollowed out eyes, permanently glued on masks, ... they are not going back to a normal life.
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I agree but that stuff is hard to find.
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