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Site got eaten edition
Taking story requests, if anyone's interested. Doesn't have to necessarily be a full scenario - any specific elements you'd enjoy seeing in a story are welcome.
girls eating ireland and the irish
I always thought this was Annak from Tower of god.
A tiny teenager is left home alone when his mother leaves for a couple of days, leaving him in her apartment. Due to a nighttime blackout, the boy gets scared and approaches the door of the apartment. At this time, their black neighbor is resting on the landing, who, intrigued by the opportunity, convinces the boy to let her in...

...it's not hard to guess how it all ends.
Unaware cousin vore pls
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fucking amateur hour here
bruh I got a warning for posting karbo what the hell
It must be a new janny that doesn't know that karbo has been posted here since the inception of the board.
I had this idea of a shrunken girl is out with some college friends and they end up getting drunk and the mean girl of the group dares her that she can swallow her whole and then she won't let her out and they just laugh about it
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Is his dick friggin' melting?
Hey, it is an alien reproductive system. Like how for some species, the males immediately die after having sex for the first time - except in this case, their dick melts. That sloppy toppy had better be worth it
Where’d everyone go?
The Rapture
Being tied to a dick and swallowed with a load of hot cum is how I want to go. Not lying.
Even if the one swallowing is a hot male.
Are you dumb?
Are you? This thread was a dupe that somehow didn't get bumped off. You're replying to a post from 3 weeks ago.
leave the thread
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I guess this is the main thread now.
>27 replies
>8 images
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>alternate biology humanity scenario where the woman eats you and digests you after sex to replenish calories
Why don't we have it like insects? Why are insect bros so lucky?
face it boys, girls are supposed to eat you. it's just a weird quirk of evolution that we aren't girl food, and why the world is a dystopia.
Are you stupid?
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Writefagging is hard.
>this is too wordy
>this is too cringe
>this is way too coomer and doesn’t feel right
Then you spend a trillion page describing something as mundane as a couch leg for scale and realize you lost the entire plot. I’m currently working on a story where a girl uses gadgets she bought on social media to unwillingly trap a group of tinies to act as her stewards in herding other tinies into a faux camp where they are collected every week. I think the idea of a fake plastic trap house is not that much of a shark jump, but I have no clue how to keep them from escaping when she isn’t around without thinking of some magic pill or contrived bullshit. Seriously, fuck writefagging.
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>Out of all species on Earth only humans are into vore
>Human biology is extremely hostile to vore as we developed to chew our food
The game was rigged from the start. Pelicans can devour fish size of your arm whole, but we humans must have tiny throats that a grape can choke you to death. It's an unfair world we live in, we could easily have sexual dimorphism favouring females being larger and a digestive system accustomed to swallowing large objects and vore could very much be a totally possible thing.
But let's work with what we have. We need to find a way to make girls be 20 meters tall as fast as possible.
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For me it's starting out with a plan only to realize it doesn't make sense in detail and my characters have to act in really unnatural ways to make it work. Then I let go a bit and the plot meanders all over the place
sinking into the acid is so hot
I like it when girls have to struggle a bit to swallow down boys. There is a story Sorority soiree where one of the hot girls has to like twist her hips and grunts to get a boy into her already full tummy. Thats super hot.
i also vastly prefer the kind of size difference where swallowing is difficult, which kinda sucks because most content is either much smaller or much bigger than that
let's go a step further and take some inspiration from Ceratiidae on this

>alternate biology where the woman has to eat you to procreate
>girls' throats can stretch a lot more to accommodate boys
>boys are no more than 20cm in height
>to procreate, boys are swallowed whole
>once inside the stomach, they shove their dick into the stomach wall
>the girl then digests everything but the reproductive organs to gain the energy needed for childbirth
>reproductive organs are kept within the stomach lining and are used as a sperm bank for the girl
>girls could possibly have dozens of seed banks in their stomachs, ready to go whenever the body needs it
thats a pretty good one. I'd like to imagine it where men are small around 2-3 inches. boys are raised and taught that an inevitable part of life is being chosen by a woman to be one of many she will use to have children and that when the time comes and you get her pregnant she may not be able to control her post orgasm instincts which tell her to eat you and that its a totally normal and beautiful act of love for a woman to swallow her husband after sex, given that he's served his purpose and has no further use to her
Imo those with a vore fetish have it for the same reason some people are suicidal. It's their brains subconsciously telling them that they're biological failures and would better be off not existing at all. In this case your brain is telling you that if you can't reproduce with a woman you should sacrifice your own life to feed her. Think of it as another example of men's instinct to provide for women.

There was a period in human history where cannibalism was extremely common. This is most likely a relic of those times.
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how do you explain the people who want to feed themselves to obese furry femboys
Okay Dr. Phil but I'm not into eating others or being eaten myself. I want to see others get eaten by others. Only in fiction too, which means what you're saying is on the level of the news reporting that playing GTA5 turns you into a mass murderer.
I kinda agree with this, not In the sense that people into vore are suicidal, but that reality affects fiction and the type of fiction you enjoy kinda tell us how you as a person function normally in a society.
The one girl I know who's into this fetish is obsessed with being cock vored, like it's all she thinks about and cooms to.
Oddly one of my size contacts who used to comm shitty MMD giantess sets from me also went down the CV road. Not sure why that's spreading amongst people I know, but it does kinda shoot your theory in the leg.
Also I'm not suicidal but I'm not afraid of dying due to the way things are going, but I still much prefer being a feeder over being prey.
There is no evolutionary pressure for the brain of a failure to stop him from spreading his genes, so I doubt that would happen.
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Bros anyone know the source of this image?
Reverse img search returns nothing, and neither does the name in the bottom right.

I remember this being part of a comic to but i only have 1 img saved..
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Reverse search worked for me, seems to be from twitter user /i_luv_rurupie/

Didn't seem to be any more then what you posted and this one.
>Ehhouais returned doing animations
Least expected development.
why does her throat have nipples
Those are esophagus clitorises, virgin.
User used to go by Meribel (?) but I don't think they are active anymore. I think she and OnlyAfro were friends and she did something for him vore wise at one port.
Bros, I'm so desperate to be digested. I don't care if I die. I've never cared. When I was younger I would burn myself with candles to simulate stomach acid. What's wrong with us? I've had this obsession since I was six years old. I can remember then opening an anatomy book, reading about the digestive system and feeling sexual arousel
nah i just really like womens bodies and want to be inside of them beyond just putting my penis in. infact i enjoy seeing women eat tiny guys that dont have the fetish almost as much as i want to be eaten. its sadistic of me but im not gonna pretend i dont enjoy watching vids or comics where a tiny young guy is begging not to be eaten and frantic as fuck while the girl is just relaxed like he's any other piece of food.

damn it at least took me until middle school when for a health project I had to draw vore art.
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I used to wrap myself in blankets and imagine I was in a girl's tummy. Still to this day get super aroused watching females eating or when they wear crop tops and expose their cute tummies (I think everyone does, but not because they want to be digesting inside of them.)
I'm with you, how fucking humiliating and perfect a way to go. Unf
>What's wrong with us?
Speak for yourself. I'm into female prey and while I do 'self-insert' as her POV I don't identify with her. It's more about having front-row seats to the action, so-to-speak.
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To take commentary from the 90s show Millennium out of context:
"Sex and death are co-mingled. One inseparable impulse. Risk feeds sensation. Sensation makes risk acceptable."
I'm no Freud expert but it makes enough sense to me that if we have life and death drives- Eros and Thanatos- governing our passions then any interplay between them is bound to manifest in some odd and inverse ways.
If you are unable to reproduce then dying can free up resources for your siblings / other kin, who share some of your genes
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That's wrong. Vore is a broad term for multiple types of fetishes. I'm neither into being vored myself or voreing someone. If vore was a real life thing, I'd rather just watch than actively participate.
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I think vore is one of the most OP fetishes to have.

- Never feel it IRL + unable to act on it IRL so it doesnt affect you as a person and doesnt affect how you interact with other people.
- Cum twice as fast so get back to not horny and do productive stuff
- Still find regular porn good despite years and years of internet access brainrot, lots of people seem into futa / trans stuff and i would rather die than look at it
- No craving to spend money on onlyfans or paid porn over like 3$
- No one can find out you have this fetish unless they literally see search history since theres no real life tells
- Able to use free chatbots to get off because it doesnt properly recognize it as porn
- Infinite creativity allowed in scenarios, compared to regular porn which has like 3 total scenarios
Majority of that is EXTREMELY subjective lol
I'm more inclined to believe vore is just a mistake/unwanted effect of something sane... like adoption is. The normal love for a woman with a big pregnant belly fucks up and gives you vore fetish, just like the normal and advantageous love for your own children fucks up when you wanna adopt someone who has no genes shared with you.
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>- Never feel it IRL + unable to act on it IRL so it doesnt affect you as a person and doesnt affect how you interact with other people.
More like get horny watching people eat because you're imagining unaware vore. Tempted to stare and then go home and imagine someone you know IRL as a pred. Cum buckets.
>- Cum twice as fast so get back to not horny and do productive stuff
Edging for hours.
>- Still find regular porn good despite years and years of internet access brainrot, lots of people seem into futa / trans stuff and i would rather die than look at it
Paying femboys to show me their mouth.
>- No one can find out you have this fetish unless they literally see search history since theres no real life tells
Mom found the vore folder.
>- Able to use free chatbots to get off because it doesnt properly recognize it as porn
The free ones are dumb gotta go with GPT-4 on sillytavern on characters I make for myself 1200 tokens in size.
>- Infinite creativity allowed in scenarios, compared to regular porn which has like 3 total scenarios
I'll give you that one.
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maybe you should just get good and train your vore fetish to be the op minmaxed variant that i have.

Unaware vore is SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BAD!!!!!!
and it ruins the point !
Hey bros looking for an old android 21 vore piece where giku gives her a senzu bean, but unknown to them krillin is on it and he gets swallowed by her
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Here it is. We have so much good art of Android 21 and yet it's not enough... Truly the vore queen.
Bless you anon. You are correct. We need more android 21 vore. She is so underrated
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I like how she swallowed the whole milk bottle
If only we could get a fan manga of Android 21 Vores the Dragon Ball universe? Kinda like Deadpool killing the marvel universe
>whole bottle of milk
I don't have a futa fetish because of porn addiction. I developed my futa fetish when I was 6/8 because I assumed women have penises like men and always imagined them having penises. I was disappointed the first time I saw an actual vagina and saw how ugly it was.

Personally I believe futa/vore is one one of the perfect combinations. Imagine a futa raping you to the point where your body is broken beyond repair; and then swallowing you whole and digesting you alive. How is that not hot?
this is the giantess thread anon, i'm not here to read about how you found out you were gay
Futa isn't gay. I find men and their hairy bodies disgusting. It's just there's something incredibly arousing about a biological woman with a penis as well as a vagina.
It's a little gay.
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Where do you guys go for 3DPD stuff? thisvid is plagued with private videos, stuff on pornhub is only "official" and most of it is shit.
Unaware vore is just as good as aware; sometimes, it can be even better. We all agree that tinies are meant to be eaten, so why is seeing a tiny being eaten by an unaware giantess "shit" and "missing the point?" The tiny was destined to end up in her belly anyway, whether or not she was aware.

I personally love unaware and think it adds an extra layer to the scenario. In a lot of stories, the tiny begs for its life, but the giantess still eats them and often makes fun of them for wanting to live. In an unaware story, the tiny still tries to beg for its life but is not unable to get the giantess to even hear them. You get to see the dread set in as they're slowly brought to the mouth of their pred, and swallowed whole. They're then digested, and the pred's confusion as to what they must've eaten to feel so full of energy only adds to the story. They probably won't ever know they ate a tiny, and the insignificant soon-to-be shit-stain will be forgotten by all, as is the only just fate of all tinies.
>Unaware vore is just as good as aware; sometimes, it can be even better.
you like penises and think vaginas are ugly, it doesnt get any more gay than that
while you are bringing up the impossible scenario of a woman with a penis, its not as clear, imo any sexual interest towards penises (as a man) is gay, regardless of what it's attached to. it's the male sex organ, theres no getting around it, you cant claim it's a woman's penis, that wouldnt make sense even in fantasy
just be honest with yourself, straight men are repulsed by penises
To me the best part is the pred bullying and (sometimes literal) shit talking the prey. That entire aspect is just completely absent from unaware.
Nowhere, if you're not in a secret club you simply can't get it anymore.
I wish thisvid suddenly unprivated every video overnight. Just totally removed the feature.
there is an argument to be made about straight guys being able to enjoy futanari porn, but my brother in christ no straight man wants to get raped by a futa thats gay
I remember ages ago seeing an x-ray internal of giantess frog girl from MHA swallowing deku. It was like a cutaway side-view with him going down.

I've never been able to find it again searching all the relevant tags on all the relevant sites, it's probably in the depths of deviantart somewhere.

Anyone else know the one I'm talking about?
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is this it?
Any recommendations for good, long stories on Eka’s Portal?

That's the one, you legend
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you gay nigga
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Tinyhunter's Worth a Shot
Mouthplayer's Vore Tour
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Liking futa isn't gay. It's allows for straight sex with less dude in it.
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However, BOTTOMING for a futa?
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A lil gay.
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That's ok tho. It's 2024. You can be a lil gay.
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But only once in a while. As a treat.
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Uhh is cock vore bottoming though? You're the one going in
Depends on the context. Getting cock vored is absolutely bottoming. Crawling up a girl's cock to make her nut is topping.
>paying femboys to show me their mouths
I tried asking one for a gummy bear video for a crazy high amount and they still blocked me.
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Yeah it's a crapshoot but I have gotten some good results by easing into it. Tipping their public posts first, maybe getting some customs that are more in line with what they usually do. When I get around to asking for mouth pics I don't bring up vore or macro out the gate. Most content producers don't know how to engage with these fetishes or have a vaguely negative conception of them. I word it like this.
>Hey, I'm interested in getting (X number) of oral fetish pics. These would be close ups of your open mouth, with a focus on your tongue and throat.
If I want to elaborate the theme from maw shots to macro or vore I wait awhile before asking for niche content again.
i didnt even word it weird, i just asked for some mawshots (not referring to them as, more like how you described it) and gummy bear eating. i thought the high amount wouldnt make them question.
wait, you're buying femboy mawshots because of porn addiction?

nigga, im just bisexual, stop jerking off to vore dude
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>wait, you're buying femboy mawshots because of porn addiction?
Their feet, too. But that's not the extent of my addictions. I also commission very sadistic size stories. I like cultivating my personal aesthetic for unfair power dynamics and schadenfreude. It has nothing to do with getting some.
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I'm really craving some stories about a new world order where shrunken people are commonly bought, sold, and consumed as food. I've read all the ones I know of, VortexFoodTM's stuff, FrenchSnacks older works, Kickyou's shrinkism, some of Ty975's stuff, but I need more. Any recommendations?

Something about that setting makes me diamonds. The casual sadism and commodification of those unlucky enough to shrink due to a virus, be shrunk be the government, or whatever reason. Being used as toppings, garnishes or side dishes to other regular food gets me crazy.
Got the rest of this?
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yes. show me a good NWO vore story I haven't seen before. theres more where this came from if you deliver...
I can't find the rest of this, just a different harpy sequence
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Here you go. Fuck tradefags.
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NTA but thank you
I'm really starting to dig mini-giantesses who have to fight to get their meal
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irish shrunk from every dimension in the multiverse for seasonal shamrock shakes
>noooo you cant just be a heckin capitalist you have to give out things for FREEEEE
Barter system is tribalism, not capitalism

Besides since another person already had it and wanted to give it ten free, there's no issue except that you're a fag
>I'd rather just watch than actively participate.
Ahh so your into voreurism
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Asking for a story even doe this was already posted last thread kek
Made a pretty solid chat bot for this kind of scenario that lets you enter a setting and roll for randomized women as the press where you can make it specify their outfits, appearance, character type, how they treat shrunken snacks, and other shit. it's been my go to for months now
No one's posted a new HD mega for karbo have they?
1 dollarino I can live with... but 5 dollarinos is where I draw the line!
Karbo Mega should be a bannable phrase at this point
You faggots are insufferable
Her not actually swallowing you in the end was so dumb. It was peak otherwise.
I don't actually check or read these threads often, hence why I was asking in the first place.
I need more art of girls reacting to the news they just swallowed someone
I know there's a lot of asexuals and demisexuals who have this fetish. They don't see themselves as a participating party in sexual procreation but still feel an attraction to being "useful" to someone and can be aroused by the extremity of being eaten. Add the extra power dynamic of the partner being impossible to resist (giantess or being shrunk) and you've got a hell of a headcase.

I saw one theory that trans people like the fetish because it allows them to "become" part of the opposite gender. You get a lot of "now you'll be part of my boobs or ass" type stuff.

I just like women's tummys and like cruel or mean women because I was teased at school and used to jack off to the hot girls who were bitches to me and would quickly find myself fantasising about them shrinking and eating me (thanks Honey I Shrunk the Kids and about a dozen lazy kids cartoons for that paraphilia). I don't care about digestion or anything too detailed. I like the idea of a girl eating me and just going about her day, knowing I'm in her stomach and getting a naughty thrill from the fact I can hear everything she does.
can someone transcribe this i cant read it
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Ask and ye shall receive anon

Wip by lothric
>initial reaction is embarrassment
Perfect. Thanks anon.

I was a demisexual once. Than man escaped my simulacra through the concerted application of higher gnosis.
>have this fetish
That's how you know it's made up.

Everything you said is probably an indicator that a lot of autists are into it than anything.
What's it like being unfathomably based?
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Aromantic and asexual have fallen under the umbrella of aroace which might be what they consider themselves. I myself have never pursued dating or sex, so depending on the viewpoint I might be asexual despite holding the world masturbation record.
very good shit, how can people prefer safe vore. Digestion is always the best outcome
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Artists with cute styles that draw gruesome and/or terrifying scenarios are so good
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I like my vore as brutal and cruel as possible. Slurped up and tasted with no regard, swallowed down squeezed by oppressive esophagus into a pitch black hot moving flesh chamber that bubbles and burns your flesh slowly into mushy soup, screaming desperately for help that will never come or be heard.

What is wrong with me
now im imagining Lamar as a 4chan autist kek
>What is wrong with me

If it's just a few victims, I find digestion to be a boner-killer. But if you crank up the number of victims into the high double and triple digits?

If she's depopulating cities, eating armies and zeroing out demographics than I'm rock hard from digestion through disposal.
>getting swallowed with a boner
kino, i love it when the tiny begs in fear not be swallowed but the constant wetness and being sloshed around gives them a boner they definitely dont want. they cant help but feel good at their own consumption.
i need to be ripped apart painfully by qt girl stomach acid NOW
>Aromantic and asexual have fallen under the umbrella of aroace
You made these words up.
>All mass shootings arbitrarily linked to our political enemies
Yeah, that makes sense. Anyway, kill yourself.
Nothing but diamonds concepts
>Girl they hate most (Rival/Coworker/Bully)
>Unpleasant but not gross mouth (Smells/tastes stale or like bubblegum/cigarettes/pot/alcohol)
>Gets mocked and teased for their involuntarily boner induced by her warm, wet mouth
>Humiliating selfie of him on her tongue posted to social media with a petty story about he deserves to be eaten (It's completely unjustified)
>Person the tiny crushes on calls him a loser
>Female best friend he trusted tells laughs at him and eggs on the tinies enemy
>She decides to Live Stream
>People mock him, vote for him to get gulped
>She takes him out to tell him how he is going to die, be digested and physically turned into what she thinks of him.
>She mocks him for still having a boner even though he is going to die, tells him he is a pervert that must want it.
>Involuntarily Cums as she swallows
>He Survives long enough to hear how his stupid little "O" face is now a meme:"Get gulped idiot"
>He Survives long enough to hear that not only is not being punished, but people now think he's a creep. On top of that she is making money off him.
>He Survives long enough to hear her fuck the girl he had been crushing on
>She keeps his skeleton or skull as a piece of jewelry/trophy on her nightstand/link in her anal beads
bro has got to be kidding right?
This is so dogshit lmfao
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>>Involuntarily Cums as she swallows
>>He Survives long enough to hear how his stupid little "O" face is now a meme:"Get gulped idiot"
Pretty kino
Is there more of this?
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It’s up on fanbox (which I don’t have) but there are some teasers up on Twitter @nununumd
Please somebody drop in the Karbo mega again. I lost it
Nevermind I found it.
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Having one thread without any Karbo picture or Karbo related stuff would be epic... But its an impossible challenge
Did you SEE the harpy sequence in this very thread?
No giantess vore artist is as good and so prolific.
Go ahead, prove me wrong. Post a sequence as good as the harpy set.

I'm in your exact situation, mind posting it? I'm excited by the fact that some of the harpy set is labeled b, implying that there is MOAR and I NEED IT (please and thank you)
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Your pic reminded me about pic related, thanks
Yeah but being mushed together with hundreds of other men in a girl’s stomach while it is churning and another guy’s dick is smashing into your face is pretty gay. It’s super feminine because you are surrounded by girl, and gay at the same time. How do you get digested without the gay, do you just say no homo over and over?
I come back a month later to see the effect of my seasonal depression making me unreasonably horny and desperate still rippling to this day, this is what this thread will remember me for
>The one girl I know who's into this fetish is obsessed with being cock vored, like it's all she thinks about and cooms to.
Is she a tranny?
Do you often engage in homoerotic fantasy while commenting on fetish threads?
Liking penis makes you gay
No one is asexual
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a person who experiences no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.

It's literally that easy to Google. Let's say that a person didn't want to dick men or women. They just like jacking off to vore hentai, what would that make them? HINT: It's in the second half of the definition.

You can figure it out, I believe in you champ!
>toothpaste hair/ the vore pride flag Tumblr creature is in this thread.
mass vore is just gay. you can't prevent hairy men from rubbing against you and dicks slapping your face as her tummy churns.
You're a virgin in denial if you don't want to date any person despite having sexual desires just like every other person
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>virgin in denial
For me it's being schizoid and I'm not in denial about anything. I gained my wizard powers years ago.
Interesting that you've brought up the detail of these men being hairy, so you have a preference. Are you aware that you are a homosexual or are you still in denial?
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I guess you know >>11143476
better than he does. Wow, you're smarter than the dictionary too! You must have lot of sex because you're so wise!

Dunning-kruger incel lmao.
Just admit you are a faggot because you want to be mushed into a confined space with a bunch of men. As a heterosexual I get the tummy for myself.
So it's important to you to be seen as a heterosexual, was your family not accepting of your sexuality growing up?
Aggressive heterosexuality is part of a man's romance. He would sooner die than fail to defend his honor as a straight (white) male.

Mass vore can probably be lumped in with any of the mega growth scenarios where dudes just get off to the women's god like power. Getting mass vored with a bunch of other dudes would 100% suck, but the same is true for damn near any colossal growth scenario. The entire appeal is her godlike power.

He's not gay for wanting to be indifferently vored, he's just cringe.

If you're gonna get vored she might as well voraciously desire you damn it. And no skimping on he mouth play!
You can always do mass vore with a mass of women. The person(s) being eaten is never "me" and submissive men gross me out so I prefer F/F either way.
Mass vore is still kinda shit. Probably because "powerful woman" does less than nothing for me.
Actually, I notice most of the thread's regulars imagine themselves as the prey. Completely different to the regulars of the monster/creature threads which are mostly sadistic minded focusing on the (female) victim's suffering.

I only prefer giantess (and monstergirl) pred because I'm greedy and want the cute girl to be eaten by another cute girl and the stretchy mouths and bellies of same-size shit is beyond my ability to suspend disbelief.
continue as you are, but i wonder is there ever none-giantess vore? this works but i rather like that as nonsensical as it is
Shouldn't surprise anyone that M/f size content is much less popular since F/m is an inversion of status quo where M/f is just an exaggeration. With vore specifically more generally being a furry thing, and sexual violence against women being super off-putting, it's naturally going to be much less popular.
I think I'm misunderstanding you, but non giantess vore is either furry content or involves stretching the anatomy in some way and bloating abdomens. There's a lot of it, and it's pretty gross. It's probably more prevalent than giantess vore.
This set reads left right??? Like wtf.
I like this one because the vore isn't the focus, it's just a final offhand cruelty, which is hot.
I never imagine myself as pred or prey. Totally content not even being part of the universe where the vore is happening. Just watching it happen to other people instead of inserting my OC like TASE. Everyone who self-inserts is just TASE without money.
>not even imagining yourself as a participant in a fictional scenario
Super cucked
I’m pissing blood, so that clearly means it the end times for me and I’ll be dead soon…
Which giantess would you want to be eaten by if you knew you didn’t have much time left.
Does anyone have a copy of the Torminosus vore stories that an anon here edited to be Giantess vore instead? pastes.psstaudio is dead now...
There's been something I've been looking for for a while if anyone knows
It was these series of images that were set in a fantasy world and a couple giantesses ate some adventurers but the adventurers tried to escape so they ate mud afterwards to stop them from moving around so much

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
my highschool crush
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This one is close, but they are mud golems instead of eating mud, is this the one?
Yeah that was it, thanks so much!
I'm looking to write a growth vore story, in which an undeserving girl basically becomes god by devouring humanity.
What kind of personality would you like her to have? Is there any specific prior identity you'd like her to have? Intend the whole thing to basically happen due to an accident. Currently I'm partial to it being an unintentionally hijacked occult ritual in which this random bimbo gets the sacrficial offerings that were supposed to go to some dark god, but I'm also open to her going through a science lab without permission and gaining amazing powers that way.
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So is kemo just broken for good now?
no, goy, we'll fix it soon so make sure to keep checking the website so we can collect ad reven- I mean you can be notified the second we fix it!
What's going on is the slow conditioning by demons to acclimate you to the concept of becoming their food. They don't want your love, honor, friendship, or anything else. To them, you are nothing more than cattle to be fattened, stupefied, and devoured. Don't believe me? Read the Screwtape Letters or listen to any NDE that talks about demons consuming souls.
t. Saved vorarephile.
No problem. It's 7 more pages, I can post the rest, but you can also find it using the title in the first image in exhentai. Ur call
I was able to find it after you posted the first picture, thank you though
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Newest! Its a pity that Karbo dont draw long nails :(
Does anyone have the 1080p/1440p links for TheWiking's Shrunk & Drunk animation? Or any other animations? Google Drive + Mega links have been down for a while. I can share what I have already to make up for begging.
>that swallow synchronized with her orgasm
absolute Kino
It’s evolutionary memory from sexual cannibalism. The memory of our lucky bastard spider ancestors who were eaten by a girl and this fulfillment of their purpose.
source for the image? reverse search came up with nothing
Magical Mishaps, specifically the Olivia Epilogue which is a seperate download.

All free.
Thanks! Wish he would come back and put all of his stuff back up
A cute innocent one who I can help out in some way with my body.

Also please get that checked out and don't lose hope. That sounds scary.
>bring your child to work day at the office
>that’s easy enough for a mother with a tiny son
>she’s a single parent, father left because he didn’t want tiny children
>so there’s some small resentment that lingers, and things were hard for a while but are getting better
>but she does love her son and does her best, and her work as a personal assistant could be worse
>her boss is a slightly older woman, a strict, cold-beauty type that hates tinies, so any brought in are to be kept on a figurative, or literal, leash and out of her way
>boy is a dumb kid, and wanders around his moms desk a bit too much, gaining boss lady’s attention
>she gets a nasty idea, knowing her assistant struggles somewhat financially, and approaches the boys mother with an offer
>a) let me eat your son right here and now, in front of you, and I’ll give you a raise
>b) you do it to your son yourself while I watch, and I’ll double the raise
>c) you’re fired
>the mother freaks, she can’t lose this job, it was a lucky break and she has bills to pay
>the boss lady keeps talking about how much better off she’d be without a tiny to care for and more money
>tinies die all the time, wouldn’t it be merciful for it to be over with?
>the boy is just scared shitless trying to comprehend what’s going on as his mother doesn’t immediately refuse
>what happens next?
c. She's fired and goes home crying and worried sick while her tiny son is sitting slightly traumatized in the car with her, he's atleast happy his mom didn't eat him or let him get eaten, but the fact it took her several minutes to decide has him feeling uneasy. She breaks down at home and struggles to find another job but eventually meets a girl who works in the sex industry. It's special work for special clients with requests only a mother with a tiny son could fulfill. She has no other choice and takes the job. It's mostly 1 on 1, her, the client who's usually a wealthy influential man or woman with sick desires, and her tiny son. She's had to sit on him, spit on him, use him as a toy, defile him, put him in all sorts of places, make him do all sorts of degrading things in front of her or to her feet or other parts of her body all so they can go home at the end of the day and have food on the table. One night a very wealthy influential woman is the client. She makes it obvious her request isn't a choice for mom and son. They have to do it. She sets a box on the table, filled with naked terrified tiny men and boys. Likely all victims of tiny human trafficking. She's told to swallow each one alive, one by one, while her tiny son watches. He's told to jerk off and if he doesn't cum before his mom is done eating them, then she has to eat him too.
I wrote this green years ago. Really weird to see it again. I think there were some autistic follow ups to it.
she eats him but after her boss walks away she rushes to the bathroom and regurgitates him after a few minutes of gagging and crying over the toilet. she wipes him clean while hes still in shock and stuffs him deep hidden in her bra making sure no one finds out
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Source? Reverse image search shows nothing.
He came back recently and released some stuff he made before. It's not new, but it was never released so its new to us. 3 clips, one is like a minute, the others are 15 ish seconds.
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what are you gonna give me in exchange for that info? post something good and rare.
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The one time in my life I choose to be brave and just ask a girl in a store to show me inside her mouth, and she does, no problems.
She even let me tickle her tongue a bit. WTF was it always this simple?

Someone has already made a full archive in the comment section of "Her first tiny"


I have also saved the AI voice audio he did in August before it got deleted. Sadly I did not save the renders that went along with it.

Things that never happened.
Some writefag turn this into a story
>be you, parents pester you again to get a job
>they cut your internet again 'to get out there'
>decide to visit hot trailer trash cousin, Alissa
>she's alone in her trailer, her mom taking the bus getting groceries, wearing daisy dukes and a tube top
>ass hanging out, tits barely contained
>mfw she's chewing chips and candies like a cow, watching shitty reality TV

>she says, "Hey cuz, wanna try sumthin' fun? Got these pills, make ya real small."
>tfw you're a fucking idiot for even considering it, but her tits are distracting
>she pops a pill, hands you one, "C'mon, it's fun, I swear."
>like a dumb fuck, you take it

>start shrinking, clothes fall off
>she giggles, "Lookit you, like a lil' dick-shaped candy"
>picks you up, drops you in her cleavage
>yfw you're motorboating her sweaty tits, smell like cheap perfume and cigs

>she gets bored, pops you in her mouth
>tfw her tongue is like a fucking slip 'n slide, coated in cheap beer and nachos
>she swallows, you slide down her pulsing throat
>tfw it's dark, wet, and smells like a fucking dumpster

>she laughs, rubs her belly, "Feel ya in there, like a lil' rat"
>tfw you're stuck, can't move, it's fucking hot and humid
>scream at her to let you out
>she burps, "Sorry lil' cuz, guess you're stayin' awhile"

>tfw you're a fucking retard, stuck in your cousin's gut your skin turning into jelly
>tfw you deserve this
>she turns up the TV, scratches her belly, "Night night, lil' cuz"
Has anyone thought of having Legravalima vore from Promised Neverland? She is an amazing pred
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>a person who experiences no sexual feelings or desires
>jacking off
Pick one and only one. The people who are genuinely asexual have a switch missing in their brain that prevents them from feeling arousal. It exists, but is extraordinarily rare. Everyone else is just lying to themselves so they can think they're special by pretending they're defective. If you're jacking off it's because you feel sexual attraction to the something you're jacking off to. Stop bastardizing the term. This has been a public service announcement.
Thisvid is such a shitty site. I wish everybody stopped using it.
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What combination is your favorite?
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The tomato.
The pit.
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this is the only one that really matters to me. you can grab onto a long uvula like in that mickey mouse brave little tailor cartoon.
I think that's where my fetish comes from, actually
Damn dont even know if you care, but I prompted a sort of "input/output form" in a text based ai that lets me put any food into a girl which results in a randomized output of categories i set for it: Description, location of dinner, relationship to the food, "output",... . That food can be shrunken humans as well obviously and the ai creates a really well written output formular with the little tidibits of informations about the "food" i just provide. Somehow the clinical form of it all and the machine-like structure of input/output makes me diamonds
Sad thing is, I googled Emmas little secret, and it shows low res images in google images, but there's no way to find the original resolution ones :/. Wonder if he'd reupload them?
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Fellow digestionchads, how do you like your digestion? for me, digestion isn't complete without
>a dark vast wet hot pulsing chamber
>horrid smell of stomach acid fumes in the air, it burns to even breathe and you feel lightheaded
>slowly over what feels like hours (probably only 15-20 mins in reality) get slowly and oh so painfully turned into nutrition soup, skin slowly peeling to reveal flesh that turns even into more goop, eyes are the first to go
>complete with screams and desperation before eventually, their corpse sinks to the bottom of the pool
>nothing but scant bones are left
Does anyone got that giantess comic panel with story text of a nature giantess swallowing the protagonist by using some sort of brainwashing to have him be willing to be eaten by her (swallowed like a pill) but then his friend helps him out and the giantess gets mad?
Reading this alone turned me on unfortunately, I need to be trapped in a prison of death flesh and turned into paste ASAP.
Unless you only fap to getting eaten by kissless virgins, getting eaten by a girl only means you'll be fat on her ass, bouncing on a more worthy suitor's dick one day. Or maybe before you're even done digesting.
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all of that + one frame depicting the cute girl patting her belly with a sadistic smile
Yeah my fantasy involves all men in existence being small compared to women, whether its growth or shrink. so if i become a qt volleyball stacy's pre game snack than the only men that'll ever be touching the ass fat she turns me into will be the sex toy ones she sits on when she scissors her gf. A Giantess NWO would be paradise.
>stomach acid foaming and covering the prey like tar
>booming internal sounds like heartbeat and breathing, as well as speech and laughter over the prey's demise
>for larger prey, the stomach itself contracting and subduing the large meal. ab crunches into bones snapping

Bonus: people should write more interesting food interactions with giantess vore
>neighbourhood milf
>once heard you had a coconut allergy and made you a coconut chip-free cupcake in a party
>fastforward years and one shrinking incident later
>milf is suntanning and working you off in her gut, but your struggling is distracting her
>she gets an idea
>sways her massive ass as she walks into the kitchen to make herself a pina colada
>returns, belly still visibly squirming and making her burp
>takes a long, hearty sip of her drink
>squirming increases massively for a while, before her gut calms down and only mild convulsions remain
Cartoonish melting followed by sentient assfat.
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Prey should spend so long in a stomach that they are mindbroken by the time their body gives in.
>either the pred is using magic to heal the prey or the prey is desperately trying to stay alive with their own powers
>persisting hours or days while the pred gets to enjoy the thought of subjecting them to a hellish slurry of her own saliva, gastric juices, every drink and meal
>bonus if the pred can taunt them telepathically or by providing them with a communication device just for the sadistic delight
>prey can feel themselves disintegrating, finding that the assets they took pride in are disappearing to be repurposed by the pred
All good points.
I like to see digestion move things along as well
-stomach drains liquid contents and any surviving occupants can hear their friends/bits of them being processed below. This might happen a few times until the giantess' stomach is fully emptied
-once they're small enough or bits of them are broken down enough they're in danger of slipping through the pyloric sphincter for round 2 of digestion
same for me, basically i imagine it externally without any realistic graphic details, with it ending as either sentient body parts or sentient scat. though death isnt off the table
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this pic has it down the way i like
>two stomachs
>one has acid and one doesn't
>prey try to avoid falling into the acidic one
>they can hear the blood curdling screams of their friends being melted alive, knowing they'll be next
>various states of decay in the acid stomach
>one guy just got in and is relatively unharmed. another has his entire lower half dissolved. everyone else is just bones
its like if saw was based
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>lots of preys but it's not completely crowded so you can move around
>very strong stomach acid, digesting a whole prey into a slush and a pile of bones is a matter of minutes
>prey are in various states of digestion all at the same time; some are just freshly gulped down and relatively unharmed, still in shock of being eaten alive, some already have acid burning through their clothes, skin and muscles at various places on their body but are still alive (could technically be saved if given instant medical attention), some are far too gone, limp skinless bodies in the acid, can't even tell if they're dead or unconscious, some are skeletons but still have meat here and there and others are just a pile of clean bones
>intestine view with some bones
Piles of bones are the hottest thing tho. Instantly solidifes the idea that the girl isn't just some hungry tummy spontaneously trying out a new thing, but an experienced apex predator goddess that churns hundreds of lives every week without giving it a second thought. I love when there are some big animal bones too, like a whale skull.
Any recommendations for an RPG maker based vore game? Doesn't specifically have to be about vore, but must include it.

I'm not talking Shrink High, Minimum Project, or Size Matters, or pet hero, or bad status, although those were fun in their own right.

The issue I'm running into is... some of the games on giantesscity have potential but WAY too much grinding or lore to dig through before getting to fetish content. Like, an insane amount. If I wanted to play an RPG I would just go play a better RPG. I don't mind a battle here and there (But I don't want it to be against plain non-monster girls or whatever) I also do enjoy occasional gentle content mixed in but not required.

Thanks in advance if you recommend something although I understand if you would prefer to skip answering.
>>11159013 sorry that I don’t really have any good recommendations but I’ll give some titles you haven’t mentioned in case they tickle your fancy: Little Snatcher, Shrink Hotel, Temptation by Avant, Giant Girl Club. May I ask if Shrink High is still downloadable and if so, how?

>>11156485 fink’s guide to predators it sounds like to me

For everyone in general I’m also looking for the following:

- A masked girl with her friend, then her friend says “there’s something moving under your mask” before the masked friend reveals it’s a tiny guy under it stuck to the mask

- That one comic of a girl agreeing to eat a tiny (first person POV for us) while being mocking and then saying “I hope you enjoyed it” sarcastically? I thought it was a Lothric comic but apparently not since I can’t find it.

- A story on aryion that included a military officer finding the enemy leader shrunken and swallowing her down

- A story about this giantess naga called “Star” named after her birthmark and forms a relationship with a hunter who saves her. I’m 90% sure the person who wrote this deleted their account but I want to shoot my shot

- Story about a dryad thinking twice on eating a young tiny and deciding to raise her/let her go

- Giantess World story about a giantess who falls in love with a researcher sent to study them after capturing them

- Another Giantess World story of a yandere shrinking her classmates to get rid of any competition, thinking about feeding them to her snake but deciding to eat them to not leave any bones, struggles with the first but then willingly eats the second, and at the end of the story looks at the last one saying she could go for more

- Giantess World story 3 where a secret admirer gets swallowed by a college student who found him but has to hide him while her boyfriend comes and she sucks him off, then forgets to let the guy out in the morning and chalks it off

Any help in finding these would be greatly appreciated!
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>girl you usually trust now wants to taste you while big
Do you believe her?
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>Do not shoot your gun in the lake.
i listened to a (fake) giantess digestion noise asmr while falling asleep and i was in a half asleep state for a few hours before i finally orgasmed. it honestly fell like the most uninitiated, "unwilling" orgasm ever, like i was being sucked off by an invisible succubus that cast a spell making me unable to move or resist. aside from that i watch alot of asmr eating, gulping/drinking of girls. my favs are when the camera is mainly zoomed on her plump lips and neck. when a little crumb or glob of yogurt for instance is on the corner of her mouth and her tongue slithers out to retrieve it i get super turned on as I imagine the crumb was me trying to escape before being pulled in by her inescapable slimy tongue. irl i saw a cute girl coworker of mine swallow some pizza and pepsi once and the contraction of her neck made me seriously twitch.
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This is fucking hot
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>swallowing multiple at once
>lots of them inside her stomach but barely makes a bulge
the correct interaction between the genders
Alright anon. What video.
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Legit don't care as long as the demon is hot and either shrinks me or is big enough to swallow me whole. I hope I'm a target thanks to all the vore related messages I made.
The progression from the prey fighting, in denial, screaming and kicking to slowly losing the battle against the stomach, going weaker, her/his voice progressively replaced by the increasing digestion noises all the while we get a big close view of the belly... Everything suggested and letting imagination do the job... It's the best.
Belly close ups when the stomach is doing his things are my favorites. Symbolizes the prey already being gone, you don't see him and by that point he might already be a layer of fat on the tummy so why bother showing him lol.

I hope I'll experience this nightmare one day. Maybe with the giantess streaming her belly live for anons to laugh at my destiny and her reading the comments.
Can confirm boithroats are nice; my twink bf occasionally lets me look into his throat while we're eating and it's pretty insane. Thanks for reading this excerpt from my blog.
I'd love to ask for pics of the mawshots you got but I guess this isn't the type of thread.
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Here's some custom pics I got.
mega DOT nz SLASH folder SLASH EQQVmaYK#_8FWCIxmhSvxLyKQRqxFtA
can't tell if this counts as cucking or polyshit
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Bros is this too violent? I don't usually do damage, and I'm debating if it would be over a line for a non-hard-digestion audience.
is there any AI bot that can write vore stories? Just few weeks ago chatgp was fine with them but now it does not like swallowing and digestion very much and wont write it.
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Just use spicychat, it lets you do and create anything.
I'd say you can include the other part on another site like catbox or mega with warnings if your too scared or, post them seperately with one having the warning [Graphic Digestion] the title.
nah it's fine, speaking of which I need to get those voice comics finished for you. I def put a little to much on my plate doing like 7 of these at once
i use to be able to gaslight character.ai into doing vore. but i deleted all my custom characters and havent used it in months
nah, im just glad you're drawing like actual girl pred again
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The GPT-4 API on Sillytavern is always good for anything.
Just passing by to say I nutted gallons to your Sora vore comic (and all the midna vore comics of course) and would swap position with that (un)lucky doctor in a heartbeat. I want to become calories for a twink getting throat fucked while I'm blacking out in a very active tummy.
I'm not into classical vore (like in being eaten, I'm into vaginal/anal vore), but this one is so tempting... like I want her to gulp and swallow me so that I'm forced to follow this wet tube deep down into her...
more like this?!
>tfw will never get to dive into a hot, wet and powerful throat
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the best so far:

alternative for more customization:
check this video:
youtube DOT com SLASH watch?v=K-Rgj3EDkJ8
it will tell you how to set the cosmos rp preset with agnaistic.
it also work with venus chub ai and janitor with some different results.

all free, unlimited and unfiltered.

spicychat is meh in comparison.
I don't like gore myself but this is abstracted enough that it isn't offensive to me at least. I thought maybe he was a gummi and was also scraped up from being chewed on, but also idk who these character are.
File: Gcr26EzWoAAte93.jpg (1.37 MB, 2896x4096)
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1.37 MB JPG
He's alive!
Based Abul surviving a warzone and explaining macrophilia to the CIA.
Does anyone have access to "what are friends for" by Paramouth Pictures? Or the Mega folder?
Holy shit I love this, thanks for sharing
Dont tell me that is the same faggot who spent a month asking for Karbo's folder
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1.76 MB
1.76 MB JPG
more lolipops

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