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We haven't had a proper shortstack thread in a while, except in futa form.

Shortstacks are welcome, pregnant ones too, just no futa and no loli.

Also, shortstack transformations if you got them
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I'm game. I don't 4chan much so fuck formatting I guess. Here you go
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A short Brazilian ojou brat wasn't something I would have thought I needed in my life, but here we are.
Post the nudie version you coward.
Why do you think I said I needed more of her?
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In the previous threaded, before the bike, there was an image of a futa masturbating on a side street. Requesting that image if someone still has it
Here's a short stack transformation story I wrote a while back: https://www.literotica.com/s/shortstack-girlfriend-genie

It's inspired by the Shortstack Girlfriend Genie CYOA. A guy asks a genie to cure his girlfriend's chronic illness, but her powers only work in a narrow domain.
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Just how short is this Lady?
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There is a surprising amount of Samus Aran shortstack art it seems
Strongmoist is a goated artist
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First time on a shortstack thread here and I'd like to know; is there even any reason to post any JK Lind art or has that reached 100% saturation here?
If my math is correct she's around 4'2 which is kinda weird cause she doesn't seem 4'2 in most of these art pieces to me
Maybe I'm just dumb
that checks out to me, and we don’t know the guys height
I was just assuming he was 5'10
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I freaking loved that story. Would love another story based around another person, maybe with a cameo from the first story's couple
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This one?
anyone know any good shortstack tf stories?
if its been on DA ive probably already read it but still any recc is fine by me.
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>shortstack goblin gf
>big tits, wide hips, jiggly ass
>accidentally get her pregnant
>goblins always have litters
>she starts ballooning, tits bloating with milk, hips widening, ass swelling
>soon she's too big to wear anything besides a towel or a big flowy gown
>she still has months left
>she wants more kids
>your skinny ex gets jealous and looks for a goblin potion
>accidentally drinks halfling potion
>randomly transforms during her office job to shortack gnome
>mischeviously breaks into goblin gf's place and replaces pregnancy potions with sleeping potions.
>tries to steal you back with a one night stand.
>becomes as massively pregnant as Goblin gf.
>now you live with two pregnant short stacks, always magically pranking each other
>pranking leads to others getting shortstacked?
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This thread needs some draph content.
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male shortstack range
Anyone know who this artist is? Catboxing the image just because I can’t tell if it’s shortstack enough. https://files.catbox.moe/t3yicm.png
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More transformations!
Angstrom. That looks more like oppai loli than shortstack anyway.
I'm writing an isekai harem story about shortstacks and I've got the first chapter here: https://www.literotica.com/s/shortstacks-in-another-world-01.

The concept is that the MC is called to another world by the goddess of short stacks to save her believers. Each chapter will be him saving another girl and adding her to his harem.
you know, I always come here hoping to find female goblin rape gangs... never do though.

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Anyone like pregnant shortstacks?
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Pregnant shortstacks are the best. Post more if you got any!
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Have this one too. Shortstacks with boobs and belly that are quite big for normal human are absolute best!
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i love pregnant females in all forms. So sure.
Time to give girls the draph rings.
I've uploaded the second chapter: https://www.literotica.com/s/shortstacks-in-another-world-02. Chapter 1 was about a dwarf, chapter 2 is about a goblin.
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I wish we saw more transformation pieces, seeing it looks fun
I really like it! Can't wait for the goblin to swell up.
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>Shortstack thread
>Most of it is transformation...
The monkey's paw curls a finger.
that’s literally what we want. it’s on topic
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Short stack AND pregnant, minus the transformation
Chapter three, Negotiating with Gnomes, is up: https://www.literotica.com/s/shortstacks-in-another-world-03
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Another busty, pregnant shortstack.
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>The monkey's paw gives you your shortstacks
>But it comes with HUMILIATION TOO

Oh no!
Not shortstacks that are also angry and embarrassed and possibly still in their clothes that are somehow both too big for them and also far too small around their hips, breasts, bellies, thighs, arses, etc.
How dreadful.

It's not like one of my fantasies is a group of goblin girls finding a way to make other, taller women into shortstacks even shorter than they are so they can bully their victim, push her around, and grope, squeeze, stroke, lick, tickle, and fuck every awkward pound of flesh smothering her suddenly snack-sized body.
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mighty need for standing paizuri
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the GOAT is back
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>impregnate your shortstack wife
>watch her grow
>watch her swell
>soon she's more womb than woman
>she's still getting bigger
>she's heavy and hugely pregnant
>turns out goblins have litters
then doing it again because it was hot watching her turning into a round baby incubator
the goblin army must grow. keep impregnating her!
>great big belly packed full of little gobbos
>big milky tits
>wide, wide hips
>fat thighs that spread out like pancake batter
>preggo waddle par excellence
>she hates it (and can't get enough of being so big)
>she demands more after this litter
>tfw no gf to turn into a fat ripe short stack while she turns me into a big chubby stoner
Closest I could get IRL to a goblin and orc transformation, but still out of reach.
>she demands more after this litter
I don't think she'll need to demand anything; you don't think being balls-deep in another species for so much hasn't caused some changes for you, too? All those goblin juices you've been soaking your cock in? Haven't you noticed just how much thicker and weightier it feels? It's so logged up with her slick that it's all prune-y and wrinkly. Look, the head's even all flared up! It's twitching!

Honestly, no wonder it's leaking and twitching. It's so impregnated with her that it's probably changed your balls by now, too. They're so much huger and tighter than they used to be, and you can just feel them groaning and churning, can't you? That's not too surprising, though. Goblins reproduce in litters. It's all numbers to her. Her fat eggs come in bunches; all they need are lots and lots of swimmers. All that tissue in your balls that crafted those perfect little human gametes is just in override now, churning out more and more and more touch swimmers. All that substance that used to form intelligence or height or definition just being repurposed into making more and more tough muscly swimmers, pushing through a solution of thick, slimy goblin stink. Your cum must be straight up thick as shit now.

You might be able to control it, I guess, but all of that is just pumping hormones into your system. You can tell yourself you just smell more from mating pressing your sweaty gob gf all the time, but you know that probably isn't entirely true anymore. How much body hair are you sporting right now? When's the last time you even thought about something more complicated than pumping her full of more little gob—uh, babies?

Keep telling yourself you're doing this because she's demanding it or whatever, but I think we both know that she isn't the only thing becoming fatter, softer, hornier, more breeding-mad... you're not going to cream pie her again right now, are you, anon?
Literally half of this fetish is women powerless to control how built for nonstop cream pies their bodies are. TF is a logical part of that.
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Holy fuck
Desperately need to be turned into a brood father against my will by a thick monster girl short stack now
>Goblin males don't exist as far as anyone knows, they just seduce or kidnap men of other species to turn into half-goblin hybrids too corrupted by their own lust to go back to normal life
>Once your balls are large enough that they're larger than your first, there's simply no hope for you
>Her thighs, her ass, her tits, her mouth, her pussy- any part of her she decides to subject you to can just wring you dry while your brain shuts down entirely as your goblin tainted body commands you to breed
>And the knowledge that your uncontrolled breeding is only going to bring about more and more short stacks out of her, make her bloated milkers even more monstrous and productive to feed them
>the thought of your endless progeny overrunning the world, flooding it with fat goblin tits, wiping away sanity under waves of milk and cum, and drowning it all in the same lust and debauchery you feel every day
>It should still horrify you but at the slightest thought of it your balls go crazy, rumbling like a motor as they swell and force themselves full of enough baby batter to guarantee another city-overrunning clutch of fertilized goblin eggs
>And she doesn't even have to tie you up for it anymore
>Immobilized by the weight and sensations of your own growing package, she just walks right up to you, holding her inhuman breasts apart from each other, and then let's them slap together into your pulsing pillar of peis meat
>And then for the 50th time, your mind goes blank, and you let loose inside her tits
where does one meet women like this irl
asian country.
never fails, lolifags are as bad as furfags
>OMG someone requested shortstacks!
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>glorp her fat pussy
>feel your own balls fatten too
>she's round and pregnant
>you're fat as fuck
>pumping out goblins
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Would be the life, honestly.

Sometimes I think about just orcmaxxing and creampieing short stacks IRL but I don't know the first thing about finding short stacks in real life and I've been skinny all my life.
Jeez, anon, you fucking stink now! What happened? Before you met her you were just a quiet well groomed guy; now you're like, slicked down with body hair and grime and shit. What the fuck is that smell?

Anon? You understanding me, anon?
Don't forget a couple of things. One: sometimes goblin genes "bork out" and create a goblin that takes significant traits from the father. Essentially, she looks like she's an entirely different species, but deep down her genes are still goblin. A goblin tribe managed to capture a dragon, and that's where kobolds come from. The right goblin at the right time in a forest can end up with a litter of bumblebee girls. Demonic invasion? Imp tribe. Basically, if it's a thick monstergirl shortstack, chances are she's a goblin subspecies.

Second: goblins have no concept of "personal property". Do you need something? Is someone else using that thing, or it's reserved for emergencies? If no, you can use it. Broodfathers are passed around the entire tribe, or even to different tribes if necessary for diplomacy.
Hell, that's why goblins kidnap men: goblin wants sex, she sees a male that isn't being fucked right at that moment, she decides to take him. That's why, ironically, promiscuous men tend to be less likely to be kidnapped.
Someone wired my brain backwards because I love pics of girls with massive enormous tits but a mostly flat butt, but specifically I like behind shots like this.
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Hi shortstack thread, I've discovered I like drawing shortstacks. Here you go
>goblin wants sex, she sees a male that isn't being fucked right at that moment, she decides to take him
Problem is that a brood father is a pain in the ass; once he's at full pumping capacity he sort of loses any desire or ability to care for himself or do anything beyond just making more goblets. Many a goblin has gotten in trouble for corrupting a new mate when they're already got a full on baby bakery at home.
That's why there are so many goblings though, somebody's gotta do the chores while the broodmother converts her mate and the broodfather fattens up and bloats her (and himself) with cum.
Now I'm horny AND lonely anon; thanks.
Thanks, anon!
Friend of mine is looking to get a commission of this lala but can't find any more pics of them, anyone got a source so they've got more angles to work with?
>captcha: STAX
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>I don't know the first thing about finding short stacks in real life
Have you tried tilting your neck down?
What do you mean "of this lala"?
Your friend wants to get a commission of someone elses character?

Anyway, believe that's TheSpudFarmer's body mod.
This is the secret. I always missed the shortstacks because I kept looking ahead of me instead of down.
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Now dock, go balls deep into her urethra.
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Short girls with fat tits are built for having semen pumped into their cleavage while they stand
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the absolute best kind of paizuri
truly wonderful creatures
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That's like saying womb transplant is is a logical part of pregnancy bc ofc you have to put the pregnant womb into the woman for her to be pregnant

anyways I experimented with some edits of >>11104849
quick 10 minute exercise, figured I may as well share
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Sorry anon, I didn't mean to make you lonely. Just think about a ripe goblin shortstack absolutely bloated with babies, and a big pregnant belly with just enough give
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>goblin turns elf into an evil shorter, stackier goblin
fug its so hot
artist?I need this done with Pyra or Mythra.
retired Samus
aged 45
weight: 480lbs
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bump now that NNN is over and I'm so backed up I'm ready to burst
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then cum already idiot
La+ is cute and innocent she would never
>tfw no short stack gf to corrupt me into a dumb sex addict
not fair bros

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