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It's been over a month and no one bothered to create a new one. Which means I get to choose the header. So femboys it is.
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always appreciate this thread
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We really need more CV like this, where the victim is just hanging between their legs.
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An Ankha dance I can get behind.
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its nizikuroryu time
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There was a great set of that blue oni girl from ZZZ but I can't find it.
girls are stored in the balls
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He's pretty great
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You don't really want to kill people by melting them into semen in your testicles, do you? That's really messed up.
Nah, I want to be the one getting melted. Totally different.
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Melting them via the stomach or breasts and turning them into bigger body parts or milk works too, personally
Get in the penis shinji.

personally i'd settle for either being absorbed into the balls themselves to become a mass of semen-producing glands for eternity or just being bathed in an inescapable cum chamber that can fill until i'm constantly drowning without actually losing consciousness or dying, with fresh sperm constantly forcing into me either from liquid pressure around me or the sperm actively moving itself and the semen around it to force its way in
just joining a chorus of souls enhancing those balls that are forever drowned out by the deafening noise of churn churn
meant to include pic but capcha
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Some Cock vore art of my OC, Mu
Oh that’s yours.
A predator saying "What the sigma squidward" with prey in their balls is something I never expected to witness.

death by brainrot gf when
she definitly died to brainrot there
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wow, is this Cyrie?
Nope, it's a cyrie look-a-like
could've fooled me any time, it's practically the same artstyle and fetish material, thanks for the info
No, but I DO want futa balls to be treated like private prison systems where criminals, preferably women, are incarcerated within them for the full length of their sentence.
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thats what makes it hot
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I'm surprised there isn't a lot of genshin cock vore considering how popular it is.
or femboys
I really would. Is it all that wrong to punctuate a friendship/family relationship of years by swallowing them down my cock and permanently boiling them down to nothing more than a few hundred gallons of thick spunk I’ll promptly spurt into the drain and then forget about?
Yes, because you're not jizzing them into a condom or a jar and keeping them in a nice little curio cabinet of still-cognizant cocksludge, occasionally shaking them or sticking something in them to stimulate them while they beg to be turned back or swallowed back up and jizzed into a fertile milf who'll birth them anew.

Speaking of: if you ever want to resolve a love triangle (or a complex love dodecahedron, just cockvore everyone involved and squirt them into a birthing-mother's fertile womb so they'll be fused into one being when born again.
So instead of all that drama they can just masturbate together as one, and they'll all be happy!

...that said, if you really wanna stick to the disposal aspect, get a cute couple that really loves each other, condom/onahole TF one, and then cockvore the other. Pump the condom/onahole full of their cummified lover until they burst and splatter all over. Let them steam and stew together in a puddle lamenting their lost future together/moan about how hot it is as you walk away.

Boob milk is best. Especially if the tits that vore them used to be chicks and feel so aroused from their nipples being stimulated that they end up milking themselves.
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Melting women down into the slime they came from is really fucking hot. Just is
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That image isn't cockvore, however this image by the same artist is.
the artist made a CV version of that Bocch image.
Dunno if anyone saved it.
I remember that one and think it was an edit by an anon. I doubt the artist lurks these threads.
>...that said, if you really wanna stick to the disposal aspect, get a cute couple that really loves each other, condom/onahole TF one, and then cockvore the other
My fantasy is kind of similar to this, except I want to be cockvore'd by a futa while my partner watches and laughs at me. I'd be inside their balls struggling, screaming, crying, begging to get out while their fat, swaying balls churn me down to nothing and my partner laughs at me. Bonus points if instead, my partner is getting dicked down by them while I'm being churned away into nothingness inside of their cumtanks, so I'm literally listening to them make animalistic love, and their passionate making out, while they disregard me and end my existence by turning me into my superior's baby batter.
I do
If you don't mind the request, I wouldn't mind seeing more of your older content getting CV edits, if that's something you wouldn't mind doing of course.
I might prefer to just do new stuff, but I suppose a few edits would be fine. What drawings were you thinking of?
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Not them, but I'd love to see a CV edit of this one
I actually don't, I prefer when it is just someone being trapped inside someone else's balls, only to escape when -and if- their captor decides to cum them out
Not killed but turned into a cum slime girl/boy
>decide to culminate your relationship with your gf by cockvoring her
>writhe in pleasure as your feel her pointless struggle as she slide down your urethra and then squirms inside your balls as she is digested
>cum the biggest load in the biggest orgasm you've ever had.
>watch how what used you be your gf is now flowing down the drain
>all except a small moving mass. your gf has been reduced to a tiny slime made of cum no bigger than your pinky finger
>it seems to be fond of you, probably it inherited a part of your original gf's personality
>only now it has the intelligence of a slime
>you keep her as an amusing pet thing.
>one day you decide to cum on her to see what happens
>she happily absorbs your shot and grows a tiny bit larger
>you go back to your business not thinking much of it, but now your pet/gf has learned that the thing she needs to grow is inside your cock (and growing and multiplying is the prime slime directive)
>she flows inside your cock while you are sleeping
>proceeds to feed off your cum, growing larger, which also causes your balls to grow larger
>and larger
>in despair you try to cum her out, but she just solidifies a part of herself and clogs up your cock, causing you no small amount of pain due to the pressure buildup
>eventually your balls become so gigantic you lose the ability to move
>just when you feel they are finally going to explode, you instead shoot a massive load, with an orgasm so strong you kinda feel some blood vessels bursting in your brain
>las thing you see before passing out is 4 human-sized cum slime girls looking like the first one
>you wake up to find yourself completely immobilised and bogged down in an amalgam of your cum gfs/pets/daughters who are caressing you and your balls. Seems like you gave birth a couple more times while you were out cold
>this is your life now. You brace for your next birthing
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Sorry I was late to respond, but this if you don't mind. Bonus points if you can make the balls bigger too.
random anon that wants a request here
not sure if I can post the image for this. but the Rumia one (7th image) linked here

if you're willing to do extra work like here >>11126668 don't suppose it could be colored and have the balls increased too?
Damn, that was fast. Wasn't expecting that, thank you.
If someone gets cock bored, churned down into cum and then shot into someone's pussy where they fertilize an egg is the resultant offspring still them? Or do you think that genetically they were transformed the pred's semen so their own DNA is gone. You could argue that the offspring is not the prey because they were transformed into sperm, not an embryo and that the embry was created from them but is not them. And what happens if multiple eggs are fertilized? Is the consciousness or soul, if still present split up?
love it, greatly appreciate it!
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Out of curiosity, have you ever practiced much with urethras in your art?
I have a big thing for gaping urethras. Whether that's because they're stretched open by a preys legs sticking out, or as a way to make a penis seem more intimidating by showing you the interior.
Here's two examples of both scenarios I'm referring to.

May have just missed it, but I don't think I've seen your CV stuff have much of a urethra focus.
Here's the other example. More of "staring down the barrel."
Not really, I tend to have it close completely around whoever's being swallowed. I'd be open to stuff like this first example, but I'm not really interested in stuff like the second (in standard vore, I'm not really interested in mawshots either)
Now I'm imagining your cum-daughters trying to get spouses of their own but, due to their unusual origin, they completely misunderstand how it works.
One cumslime brings her boyfriend to you so that you can cockvore him and churn him into cum, so that he can become part of her forever.
Another cumslime ends up with a boyfriend and a girlfriend, and she ends up frequently cockvored by the former and unbirthed by the latter. All three eventually end up pregnant.
Yet another cumslime thinks that her hubby devouring others is extremely hot, but she's also jealous so she never allows him to cum and create more cumslimes.
Wish we had more content of this OC. Would go as far as volunteering to help her make content.
Could you do a Nahida edit of that Kanna thing you did somewhat recently? Specifically Part 2.
Don't really care who the prey is.
I have a confession.

I've been using nsfw ai chatbots to roleplay cock vore for a few months now. I used to only crank my shit once or twice a week, now I do it every two days because of this.
Which ones?
Well I replied, but I guess the mods don't like sharing the name?
Dear Artists.
Stop doing what I'm going to dub the "Spazman ball crunch"
It's fucking retarded and kills my boner.
And it's not a "grr I don't like gore" I've jerked it to a few CV stuff that delves into bone crunching and stuff, but you managed to make something too goofy for CV, and that alone is already a goofy fucking fetish.
i thought spazman didn't do any bone stuff
That stuff is pretty cruel. I don't like bone crunching or bones showing up.
i'm actually a huge fan when it's the involuntary retraction from orgasming (non-cv, less exaggerated example: https://files.catbox.moe/84m5gc.png), especially coupled with the notion that the orgasm was so powerful that it promptly liquifies the prey. im pretty sure the latter is what happens here:
He means spazman's retarded ass overly done clenching/deforming shit.
How the sack vac packs the prey eases up then vac packs again.
It does look retarded and so many mindlessly copy it
Any interest in this? >>11130098
If jadf clenching isn't your thing, I'd still love to see cock vore that leads into your usual skull speech bubble coupled with a more emphasized eye rolling ejaculation.

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