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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

Any content is allowed, as long as the futa is bigger than the male.

Previous thread: ded
I go on vacation once and shit gets fucked up…
New Muchin just dropped
here to supply
guess thats it for these two
wouldve loved to see her fuck his mom or her classmates or even how she grew
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Return of the king
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Speaking of returning kings, new Eigetu.
I'll let an actual translation group handle this one though
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who is the artist of these?
Can you upload the new doujin and share a mega link?
what a shockingly wholesome ending considering the guy who made it
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not sure if i'd classify this as wholesome but considering his usual approach i guess it is
Futas are really nice to guys who understand their place
Kinda cute, especially considering this is happening in Muchinverse
Source? Reverse image search doesn't bring up anything
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As far as I can tell, this is the first time the artist has done futa
Does this character cannonically have acock? why is there so much futa art of her already?
Anyway some new Nia stuff. Rarely uploads, but I love that he actually draws adult women.

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Seem edible?
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Is this Nia's translation or something you made?
It's funny seeing "cowper spurts" because the intention is the precum which is made by the cowper glands
His. Yeah his translation is often times weird, but people asked for it. I added the original Japanese version to the folder.
Had to make a new one:
It feels a bit like he's using a translation software, when I translate with MTL+OCR it's usually making similar mistakes
Compared to Google translate, it also seems that some sentences are missing from the original.
thanks so much for sharing that, somethings up with kemono seems completely dead for all the people I follow
They need an active connection to load new posts
Who's the character? I've seen a lot of futa art of her now that you pointed it out.

Itokonoue Kaoru from the upcoming game known as "Project kv".
Basically a bunch of core employees that were working on BA (artists, writers, composers, etc) left and started their own company... and they decided to make Blue Archive again, but with swords instead of guns, get it? That's why she's drawn with a huge "katana" - t. /bag/got
sauce? reverse search isn't bringing anything up.
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This has a part 2 where she fucks him, but I'll get around to that later

It's in the filename. HC overnight2
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Love it when the give attention to the foreskin
thats the equivalent of a childhood friend vanilla type of stoty in the muchin universe kek

so it seems not all futas in this universe are just emotionless rape machines lol
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Eigetu at it again
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You know, the small guy actually seems to be enjoying the sex alot more
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Cute! What's the source?
>its never a hung, bigger switch who loves being fucked as much as fucking.
>both muchin and nia fucks up the perfect futa romance story buildup

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Who is the artist
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Thanks anon
Use saucenao, not spoonfeeding anything that does show up.
Did you translate this yourself? Where's the full translation?
Can't find anything on panda. Are they classified under a different name or something on there?
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That set was done by someone else, it's in their group's(?) variety futa translations

I did do these ones but they're not in my Futa is Bigger collection

As usual, the man’s doing all the work while the women socialize.
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>As usual, the man’s doing all the work while the women socialize.
What are you talking about, Anon? The futa and woman are engaging in the most important job of all: reproduction. Ever since men's sperm counts dwindled to nothingness, the futa minority have been forced to fully shoulder the responsibility of siring children with women. If it wasn't for the futas and their insatiable sex drives, the human race would have gone extinct! Futas and women work hard producing children, and men work hard producing money to provide for them!
Then do it at home. I’m trying to meet a hard deadline here, womens.
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>Anon is so cute hehe
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Use saucenao
They post all their futa to arcalive. Superfuta has some of it. https://g.superfuta.com/tag/34085/1
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>Superfuta has some of it
does anyone have the pic by kamata yuuya where there's a group of super tall futanari fucking a guys gf in front of him? used to be on his skeb but it's gone now.
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Do you guys think it's possible to experience true happiness in a world without futanari?
want to be the girl here such a good doujin
>will never have futas compete for your love
feels bad
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Which one of em?
Karin, love me hime hair girls so much and she has great body proportions (cock a good size not disfigured)
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Help with sauce?
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Does anyone have any futa stories where the futa is the bull to a husband and wife? Basically consensual cucking
Nah, futas are perfect tradwives, they are just to shy to admit it, as they want to manage an image of themselves as the alpha breeders.
Yeah I got a really good one for you.
One of my favorites easily, has a lot of chapters which are no sex just characters talking, been a while since the last time update so I hope they're alive.
It's slow at times but the characters are good and the sex scenes are pretty fucking hot
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Would you pay a professional futa bull over $5,000 to impregnate your wife with a superior futa child?
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Thanks ill give it a look.

No probably not, unless i married the bull as well.
Trashy how can anyones get off to this
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Pic unrelated. I had an idea for a story of former NTR futas settling down and making amends by helping struggling honest couples, making deceitful wives pine for them, and giving confidence to the neglected to deserve better in their relationships. They'd be married and employed to a proprietress of a countryside inn and her childhood friend (guy), whom one of the twins bullied and NTR'd in highschool, and the twins's sexual experience and superior genes be offered to the inn's clientele. Since both the proprietress and her friend understand that futas of the twins's caliber have indomitable sex drives, and it is impossible to sate their loving, doting, muscular husbands's insatiable sexual appetites with their bodies alone (they have an inn to run!) The long wait list though is very hot and I'm stealing that.
A gold digger bitch making her rotten, elite husband pay for and wait 2+ years for her to get fucked by one of the twins and he has to go to the inn with her if he wants the superior child out of it since the requirement for impregnation is the presence and written consent of both parties at check-in, watching is optional. Then the gold digger is left hopelessly masturbating to the memories of the long nights at the inn, huffing into a used garment left to her by the twin (single mothers and widows get a hefty discount and shorter wait period, inquire with staff by phone or online about the big sister program if you want excellent siblings for your current or future children).
Does anyone have the Zalty story “my little sister is a futa”? He deleted after finding Jesus, and all the pastebin links I’ve found are dead.
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Yeah, it's here:
This is pretty good so far, the carnival/fair, whatever arc was great. My only problem is the dude being a femboy (hard to self insert), the wierd confrentations with random people (they serve to do nothing but halt the story) and the odd hangups the characters have about becoming a threesome
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He makes the settings so hot
It's the same guy as the one I'm replying to and from the same set, he's called BINGDAK
NTR fucking sucks, where's the size difference gentle femdom
Ntr sucks, consensual cucking (with futa) is based
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Why isn't the man sucking the futa's cock clean? A real man would show a little appreciation for the futa, especially after all the effort she went through to satisfy his wife.
Because the futa and wife are doing a sph session to make him cum
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Not enough futa netorase
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Thanks anon
Love this position, can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've seen it though.
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I like the idea of a guy finding out he's been getting cheated on by his girlfriend so for revenge, he doesn't tell her and instead starts getting railed by his futa friend and telling her how much bigger her dick is then the guy his girlfriend is cheating with.
Even better: girl tries to cheat on a guy with a futa but gets rejected, the futa then goes after the guy and after telling him what his gf tried to do fucks him and shows it to her to mock her.
There was a short comic like that (with a pair of futas rather than just one)
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I'm 99% sure you're talking about this comic
that's it
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I find stories like that more interesting ngl
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New muchin just posted
anyone got the new muchin?
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Develop actual fucking taste and standards yoi fucks.
Fuck off cunt
kill yourself

and how has no one leaked it yet
Hey I have gotten it is there anyway I can share it to just u
drop the link or the images my man
Eat a turd.
Both of you.
At least have enough dignity to beg for a decent artist.
Have a lot of artist I like this happens to be one so suck one and u would report me
Anyone got the new Nia stuff?
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Why would I report you?
Your abysmal garbage taste is yiur own problem you shit huffing queermo.
By all means post leaked shit idc, just find a better artist.
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And again this is just one of many artist I follow ya bag of dicks maybe if u learn how to read your see I said it already wipe the shit out your eyes
It’s on the panda, if you really want it, but like fuck if I’m posting it here. Word of warning: It involves a fetus.
Can’t reverse image search this. What is it?
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...making one right?
ehm... kinda...
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The fuck is wrong with him man?
I've seen this kind of fucked up stuff from another user on pixiv before...forgot the name though.
Suppose Muchin wants to do something that AI has a hard time replicating, as there used to be a 4chan thread posting loads of these Muchin-style AI images.
That feels almost like pouring bleach in your lunch because you're tired of your co-workers stealing it
That's a ungodly level of spite if so.
He could just refine and improve his style and do more wholesome shit.
But sure let's grind a fetus into jam instead.
Doubledeck's stuff is always so hot
More wholesome character interactions would be appreciated really, cause while I do like Muchins artstyle, but him always doing the overly dominant "I-will-breed-anyone-however-the-fuck-I-like" kind of Futas is a downer.
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