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Face Mask Edition
Previous >>11099894
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You're supposed to post more images
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Do you:

A) Try to oppose/overthrow the mob boss; likely ending up being disposed of in some way and your family never seeing you again or knowing what happened to you? But there's a chance that you can win and take the mob for yourself and be served on hand and feet by an infinite amount of giant qts seeking your favor.
B) Betray the mob boss and try to steal one of her scores; earning her wrath and–if you don't escape in time–being forced to watch her swallow your family alive as punishment before you are forced to live as her pet forever?
C) Fervently serve the mob boss as her slave; pouring her drinks, massaging her feet, and occasionally being dispatched to assassinate other mob boss waifus that cross her? She will occasionally reward you by letting you lick her feet, breasts, or shoving inside one of her holes. Whatever you desire. She'll even be gentle since she doesn't want to lose a good worker.
D) Earn the attention of one of the mob bosses lieutenants and get gifted to her as a reward; obtaining a giant yandere qt mob lieutenant gf who dotes on you constantly but if you show any signs of disloyalty, will swallow you whole so that the two of you can be together forever?
E) Get caught by a qt Police Detective who omits your presence in her report, taking you home as her sex toy since she doesn't have time to date because of you and your boss' recent crime spree.
F) Fail the mob boss during a critical mission, and get given as a toy to her young (whatever age you imagine she is) daughter as punishment for failing?

Or create your own variant on these scenarios. Let me here it, anons.
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>narrowly escape wth evidence encriminating the mob boss
>go to the police
>the giant policewoman turns out to be corrupt and working for the mob
>she brings you back to the mob boss for punishment
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>giant gf puts you in her mask on your request
>she keeps baneposting irl to annoy you while you're there
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>keeps talking with you traped against her lips
This giant retard is gonna accidentally swallow you
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Does professional indemnity insurance cover giantess-tiny work-related incidents?
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Needs more of a magical shrinking
How many of you guys like mostly "vanilla" giantess content? How many of you guys are also into vore?
I actively dislike vore
I like virtually everything as long as size is heavily involved
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I used to hate it but long enough exposure this place changed that
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I really dislike most of the sub-fetishes like vore, feet, and guro and immense overexposure to them from here has only made me like them even less. I did used to hate breast expansion and how prevalent it was in growth stuff but I was unfortunately meme'd into liking it.
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My tastes have gotten pretty specific over the 20 years I've been into size stuff and the 'fully clothed character from popular franchise standing in a city' type stuff does nothing for me. I like stuff that invokes schadenfreude, being deeply unfair, imperilment, grossness and dehumanizing scenarios like entrapment. I do like vore content but I'm equally a foot guy.
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Breats expansion is ok as long as it keeps them within acceptable size. Once the siluet stops resembling a human it's just freak body horror
This fetish is already kinda body horror bro, we just have broken brains.
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Only if you try to apply some realism to it, which most of the content doesn't do
Vore itself is kinda meh but mouthplay and the threat of vore is hot
Great set of pages of whatever this is. Who/where is it from?
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I always think of vore as being part of the vanilla package to be honest.
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Vore being one of the most terrifying experiences imaginable involving molestation and murder being considered vanilla says more about you.
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I feel like the only way a tiny this tiny could survive is if all the big things appeared slower to them, like in that "Epic" movie from 2013.
that's a giant tr*p
fuck off homo
>draw a girl, call it a boy
The trick is not giving a shit about the "lore"
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>that sentence
what the fuck does it mean lmao
just in case it's considering vore as "comparable" to molestation that's retarded though, being slowly dissolved in acid isn't similar to some groping, besides she can easily molest you with her tongue on the way down anyway
i hate vore but love mouthplay,also i dislike feet but it can have its moments
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Yes, being tasted by a giant tongue and mashed up in a giant mouth is molestation and being doomed to a digestive system is violent. I like vore for its debasing and horrifying aspects so someone claiming it's vanilla is just wild to me.
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Feet is only good when the perspective is right. low-angle feet + properly showing the entire body is godlike.
Also, feet with this kind of perspective. anything else is "meh"
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Also this
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I like feet but 99% of the art focused on it is very samey and boring.
This is a recent favorite since I like her leg going from the ground to space and having a space station in the shadow of her toes.
need more Italian bioweapon art
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The manga is titled "I'm glad I lived"
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i just love giant girls lolis, jks, milfs, girlfs
do enjoy vore play, no actual eating or at least brings back out if does eat
dont mind full vore but just no gore and scat shit
hate anything with gore, yellow smell clouds and farts, scat, fat, unwashed (cheese on feet ect..)
white steam is fine
not enough giant clumsy girls especially nerds with glasses (make me diamonds)
this anon is correct the best type of correct
Holy shit, is that Lucy from Servant x Service?
I want to pamper Patche's feet
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I wish Mamizou had content
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Actually I'm pretty sure it's the guy's expy version of Oryou from Girls und Panzer. He (smolwads) also has characters that look like Saori and Shiho from the same show.
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>It's another one of those days where you've been confined to your little sister's big mouth.
>You pissed her off again somehow, and so she's forcing you to once again miss school and serve as her stress releif for the day.
>Helpless against her tongue and lips all day, you're forced to listen to everything she says about you all day, eat whatever she eats, and drink her spit constantly.
>Finally let out back home exhausted and wet, ready for whatever else she has in store for you.
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older sisters belong to their giant imoutos
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Wish I could’ve originally posted this with better and smoother frames but I’m glad you enjoyed this. We do need more huge Mamizou having fun with small humans.
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I'll take left foot, you take right foot
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Vore is on the bottom rung for me when it comes to size subfetishes. I like mouthplay from time to time, but overall, I don't like anything that hyperfixates on vore and feet. There's an annoying amount of size related doujins/games that will have 1 or 2 tit and ass scenes, and then you get nothing but feet back to back.
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Kurumi is niche, does Lotus Land have a full set of size art for every boss?
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Alright /d/, imagine your favourite giant girl scenario. Now replace all the random bystanders/tinies with /d/ Anons. What ensues?
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By a stroke of luck, the only size community I can stomach interacting with is this one. So I consider my size tastes "vanilla" by this place's standards, even if they aren't by outside standards. I bounce back and forth between teasing but ultimately harmless size scenarios, and red dots. I don't like content that focuses too hard on red dots. That mob boss comic story-timed last thread was great, but I didn't care for the more detailed guro parts. I like Kanahebi red dots where there's a splotch, and you can vaguely make out a humanoid shape, but I don't need to see their smushed organs rendered in painstaking detail. As for the non-fatal teasing stuff, it mostly boils down to
>Girl finds dude because of [contrived circumstance]
>Teases him and pretends she's gonna eat/crush him
>Gets close enough to the edge to make the dude second-guess his safety for a brief moment
>Pulls back or swerves right at the last second
>Teases him some more for thinking she was gonna actually do it
Stuff like pretending to swallow, or stomping right beside him, or sitting down with him perfectly positioned in front of her crotch, etc. Then they have sex, or something, and everyone gets a feel good ending. So, reasonably vanilla. It's like a mild femdom thing.

>How many of you guys are also into vore?
Non-fatal mouthplay > unwilling fatal vore. Every other form of it is too autistic, even for me. That said, I mostly prefer butts, thighs, and breasts (crushing/entrapment/smothering) over vore. I think I prefer vore over foot stuff. I don't much care for feet, though, socks can be pretty based. I like vore situations where the tiny is stuck in something. Like yoghurt or ketchup, and is powerless to escape.

tl;dr, my tastes are half-vanilla, and it greatly depends on the mood and characters.
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I like vore on the premise of being done as twisted act of affection, like a giant girl doesn't want her favourite tiny to become anyone else or as some extreme tease, I do like it being harmless and being able to leave the stomach so they tiny can be gulped again too. Probably I just like mouths more than anything
Why are there two Europe continents on this Earth, with the second smaller one the girl is standing on being below Somali in longitude?
That's New Europe were all the New cities like New York and New Amsterdam are
>breaks apart just because some bitch yelled at it
dumb planet
>multiple vore threads
>Retards shit up this thread with their fetish instead of posting there
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Feel free to make a "Giantess/Size - No Vore Allowed" thread if it bothers you so much.
>3 vore and an anal vore thread in the catalog
>Dipshit here spams his fetish to people who don't want to see it instead of in there
Are you just stupid or a stubborn nigger at this point faggot?
>The non vore size thread
You mean his one? Fuck off to the 2 size vore threads on the catalog if you can't help but force your specific sub fetish constantly spammed in ever post.
You sound upset. Some time in a cute girl's stomach would cheer you right up.
>it's the cruel schizo who spams the gentle thread spamming vore here to piss off anons
Should have figured, report and sage to deal with this schizo
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lol get vored fucking idiots
PC98 in general is unsurprisingly rare. So I don’t think there’s any other size stuff featuring LLS girls. Unless you count Yuuka, Reimu, and Marisa.
I love vore

I want to be digested in a big girl's tummy and become part of her thighs and curves
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I still prefer the original but I dig the remix
Etna reading thread arguments
Etna would definitely make tinies rub her feet
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love this giant elf and series, want to be her pet
is kemono broken again. my keys never seem to actually upload anything
Gengetsu and Elly doesnt have any size content and i want to change that
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Sorry anon but there is only room for one of us to be her slave/pet. Find yourself another elf to get enslaved by.
Her throwing them right the fuck up because they’re fat retards who dont shower and then she dies from a stomach infection because one guy took a piss jug with him in there
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you just know she fart
Elves don't do that
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roach annihilator
I’m all for that. Especially with Elly.
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That raises a fair point. I'm surprised Ochiko didn't do his usual weird caption like: "Basic fart magic is enough to wipe out humanity." Such restraint really should be applauded.
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I'm honestly a little surprised he drew Frieren at all. What's next, Marcille?
I prefer Jasminka, to be honest
>This was Himmel's favorite
Could Himmel be one of "my people"?
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Call me plebian but I like when the feet are effectively their own entity/world and the actual girl is hopelessly beyond the tiny's reach
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I thought LuckyB drew a giant Gengetsu years ago
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need moar Randy
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Imagine getting triggered by vore. There's the No vore fags, and then the no futa fags. We can't catch a fucking break
now we're talking
bonus points if she is unaware.
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Impossible! A giant Etna pic I haven't seen!?
Might have something to do with it being brand new
didn't ask
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>Lajest finally explaining just what the fuck his big project is in a Patreon post
>Animation lengths equal to something that's taken him years
>From the way it's described it'll be made either at the expense of the actual story or at the expense of the size smut

I wish him well, because he does good work, but I don't see this ending well.
And I don't care you didn't ask
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We need some diversity quotas for this thread. Everyone posting foot content should be obliged to post a non-foot image along with it or be sent ot the gulag.
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>The gulag in question
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Thanks for the cute tanuki content!
My man!
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Been comissioning a lot of Brazilian and other Miku variations. Shit's peak and the amount of artists doing that trend gave me the power to pick and choose the ones that resonated with me the most.
No prob, but I didn’t actually make or animate the thing myself. Just another bighu enthusiast like you and other fine folk.

Gigantic Samus is fantastic as well and I like your stuff.
the clouds around her feet gave me a dumb idea.
a slightly smaller giga giantess standing above a hurricane. the winds are blowing up her dress like she's marilyn monroe and she's all embarassed by it.
What do you guys think is the optimal ratio of story to smut for specifically size animations? There's some non /d/ non size animations that are 50-50, but the non smut parts are so fucking cute I wish there was more. But it's not a size animation. The only size animation I remember even having a story was that one 20 minute Ashiilwolf animation, and the story sucked because there was zero humor or character development. The animation kicked ass once it got going, but it was boring as hell before the campfire scene.

I think having a bit of a story or preamble can really enhance size stories and animations, but they take time, and are hard to do well.
We need gts skirmish game
Ashkiiwolf might be the most retarded person I've ever seen. He smelled his farts so much he thought he had a grand plan for his universe and characters but his videos were 99% nothing and the 1% was awesome as fuck. I remember his final video was so fucking filled with nothing he stopped doing animations forever.
What a way to go, not with a bang but with a whimper.
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>TheWiking2000 still hasn't returned to making kino vore videos
>he still hasn't posted his remaining WIPs from his most recent planned animation

I will always be thankful for him and Karbo for awakening my gts vore fetish. Shrunk and Drunk and that Star Wars vore animation will remain the GOATs

CakeInferno is our only hope. Too bad he only makes furry stuff
I don't think it's an impossible task to have a good story with size animations. If written stories and drawn art can have it then it's not impossible for animation to do it too.

I feel it's the content in this case that'll mess everything up. I get the feeling they'll pull a Karbo and try to get us to give a shit about characters with body counts measured in planets.
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>Hmmmm I wonder where I should post my niche fetish
>The thread specifically for it?
>Or the thread not for it and then have a melty when someone points it out that there's a thread for it

Retard over here clearly picked 2 and fucked the vibes of the whole thread because of it
We have a size thread for huge fucking pussies too but I don't see you posting in it
>eat tens of thousands with active excretory systems
>ready for more
>eat 1 fat retar/d/ with a piss jar
> immediately die
How was she supposed to know? None of her previous meals did her in.
Not if I stop her
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Giga goblins with big asses; need it or keep it?
Define "vanilla"? Is it just feet, farts, and "you like that little man?" If so, then no, absolutely not.

Vore in general is pretty good, but unaware vore is what gets my jimmies rustling, especially when it's facilitated someone else. You crush on a girl, get found out by her friend/sister, and then shrunk and dropped into a bowl of cereal and unwittingly fed to your crush for the crime of being attracted to her and someone close to her not being cool with it.

I vastly prefer shrink over giantess for the personal level of interactions, unless its a smaller giantess that's <50 feet. I also can't stand other men being involved in my fetish in any way. Though for some reason "mass vore" is a huge turn on to me. Having your bus/train car picked up by some random JC/JK and everyone getting sucked down her throat as a morning snack on her way to school. So hot.
Actually, Elf rectums are solely for farting. Their digestive systems are so powerful that they don't excrete solid waste, but they do need a "rear exhaust" for when gasses build up inside them that can't be burped out, and since they digest everything they eat, flatulence is far more common among Elves than Humans, and to draw attention to it is seen as rude.
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Need fat ass giga goblins using their thick bubble butts to flatten humie and knife ear kingdoms.
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Fuck the vanilla. I want to be small knowing all the dangers that come along with that. No magic no invincibility, real consequences. Vore is awesome, had an ex-meth head chick at my old factory that was cute as hell but a lazy brat. Always imagined her throwing me in her filthy mouth and sucking on me like candy, saliva slightly burning me over the 12hr shift. Her keeping me in there during smoke breaks, Limbs getting caught and snapped between her fucked teeth, deafening me with her constant fucking chatting and smokers cough. Only to finally swallow me on the car ride home and melt in her little gut while screaming at her calling her a bitch. Her not even hearing me bc she's blasting her shitty white trash hoe music in her rusted out pos car. Fuck that job was shit but that fantasy made it OK.
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Are you volunteering to be her buttplug? Very kind
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I've seen one guy one jar before, for the love of god someone please tell her to pull that out before it's too late
Keep thin glass out of your orifices ffs
>tfw be tiny endo-surgeon removing glass shards inside of a girl ass and patching her insides up
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Better than having a buttplug made out of tinies. Really the whole thing could be made a lot simpler if she just used tinies as anal beads.
>how did the piss jug kill her?

Ranjeet was swallowed by her
But soon problems would occur
He took out his jug
While looking quite smug
Unscrewed the cap with a finess
An expert at making a mess
The biohazard released
Fermented with yeast
Ranjeet killed the cute giantess

Also i just want to see a giantess puke on a city would sound kino, that’s what she gets for not washing her food first (and eating curry)
>Giantess ends up in the hospital after eating Indian to show it was safe
They tried to warn her not to redeem, but she didn't listen.
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anyone have their manga translated?
Can we write poems and lymerics about giantesses? Preferably funny ones like this guy wrote >>11109409 kek
Giantess smushing some browns
Crushing them under her shoe
The /pol/tards all cheer
“The good times are here!”
Not knowing she’d wipe them out too
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She can keep me
Okay but is anybody else confused at how this is a fucking Warhammer Fantasy goblin?
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Mighty need.
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need more giant girls stuffing their underwear with bits and pieces of cities
Imagine the metal splinters.
Is she smiling at his suffering?
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I wasn't sure, kind of seemed like a lovey dovey smile bit he's clearly being forced to clean her

i thought it was more of a "being tickled" laugh

Post Roll NOW
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My foot fetish overlaps with giantess fetish. I also have a body swap and possession fetish and have rarely found giantess content that overlaps with that let alone all 3 (feet, giantess, possession)
What about Eskoz?
He has great shit and does everything. Oral. Anal. Cock. unbirth. Full tour.
What's your issue with his content?
Ghost of a footfag tiny that met ab expected end forces a non mentally ill tiny to seak out bottoms of giantess soles?
Well anon I think I found your favorite pic
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I am thinking to make a new mini giantess/amazons story taking place in modern era where some women are naturally tall and big and some men are naturally short and small. I will make this "realistic" by avoiding stuff like making women growing gigantic and men shrinking down because of stuff like virus or special drinks.

I was thinking to make women's bodies growing much bigger by eating a lot while at the same they exercise a lot so they make their bodies much more toned and muscular and they won't end up obese for eating so much and with the fat staying only at the right parts like their breasts and butt. My question is: Is this senario realistic? Or at least realistic for fetish story standards?
Not until she fumigates my hometown with her exhaust
The fuck? Are you me?
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life fucking sucks, i just want to use a giant girl's thick thighs as a comfy mattress to sleep on
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This dude literally never missed once and yet you still have a negative outlook on everything he does. There really is no winning with sizefags
>Has demonstrably had schedule slips with long animations in the past (Chiaki) and even now (Aegir)
>Fetish content that tried to get deep into lore and story has had very mixed results
Neither of these are unfair concerns
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There's this other pic where he's finished cleaning and she's shocked, and a third where she's making the same pose at a tiny city.

From a manga with her (Umoe-chan), she seems to be a nice girl but she's also convinced that people like spending time with her dirty feet
wonder how much manhwa has giant girls we dont know of
been reading Barbarian and really hoped female barbarian also got to turn giant like MC but she even lost some of her height (got it back way later and still didnt get skill to turn giant)
It's hard to tell with hunter rank e characters due to the ESL but with all the art of this character the theme is basically that he's her long-suffering servant and she's maybe a bit stupid and very demanding. I think she has affection, but also sees no problem forcing him to clean her dirty ass feet
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They are fair concerns if you are a supporter as you would hope providing a highly respectable income to any artist would improve their overall output. If you aren't paying, I don't think its fair to denigrate the output of high quality work that is shared for free.
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being a supporter only makes it worse because you get to see the regular mental health gay episodes play on repeat
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need more giantess military, officers, assassins, ect..
>giantess easily defeats and humiliates a nation's military
>now they have to join her miniature collection for war gaming with her friends
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Sounds fun
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>anon joins her war game
>finds out they are using a war game system based around d6's
>tells them they are using mathematically inferior dice for their gaming system and they should swap over to d8s or d10s for their game
>his mech get flattened by a d6 before he can finish his rant
that's merciful compared to what they do to the alternating activation nerds
>western shit
>3d shit
this is a fucked thread, vibes are critically awful holy fuck
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People who bitch about thread quality without posting any pictures should be sentenced to a lifetime in the toenail mines
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or killed by building debris away from the big girl
That's a lot of toes
Don't make me come over there...
For you
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Its been a while since I've last messed with AI Sizebots, cant use SillyTavern since I dont pay OpenAI and I just cant get this fake SMS shit to work

Just found out about this venus chub ai, is it any good?
we should create separate threads for vore, feet, hand, mini giantess, giga giantess, giantesses destroying cities, and gentle. Only "giantess standing not doing anything" and ai art should be posted here.
Now that's a great idea!
>I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have 6 toes on your right foot?
>My father was squashed by a 6-toed girl
Yukari Toes.png
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Whatever happened to footer?
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Has the tiny rail line reached your owner's home yet or are you still struggling through mixed size sidewalks and transit?
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I wish he'd go back to drawing giant jks
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Its simple really. You talk about alternating actions, they alternate who rips your limbs off.
Yes please
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Hello, am the translate anon who did MTTUER1's game, if you're talking about the 2nd game, i'll suggest you join the discord server that's mentioned in game and chat there with me, otherwise go ahead and shoot the corrections
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Sadly i still ride the mix sized subway
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Why are they sending the military at her? She's just chillin
>no giant yellow fart clouds
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They thought she was coming to collect their military as to participate in the local giantesses war gaming club. Turns out she is just there to chill in the bay.
those are just fighter jet 'tours' for top gun fans, still pretty lucrative
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Post it if you got it.
bro needs some correction for getting sand on her towel
maybe stepping on tinies is banned but I don't see any other restrictions
what if you ride without a ticket and get caught?
out of curiosity does oshi no ko have any good size art
the characters seem pretty interesting
On mixed size subways? You'll be given to the conductor and trapped in her cleavage until the end of shift. After that she'll hand you over to the authorities. If she remembers to.
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$50 fine. Not very exciting.
Thought that was two Arabic mfs caught fuckin and the top guy was putting his hands up in an act of surrender or somethin
Fucking lmao
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>Anon doesn't pay the entrance ticket, thinking he'll get the chance to drown in sweaty tits for several hours
>He proudly and loudly announces he doesn't have his ticket when the giant conductor comes by the shelf compartment for tinies
>A few people give him odd looks
>Conductor writes him up a 50 dollar fine and starts to walk away
>"W-Wait! Aren't you gonna jam me in your tits? Or crush me?? Or eat me or ANYTHING??! Didn't you hear me?! I didn't pay the ticket!!!"
>Conductor looks uncomfortable, other passengers start to murmur amongst themselves. Some start recording his outburst
>Anon ends up on a Karen youtube compilation for discriminating against biggers
>Anon was subsequently banned from riding the mixed-size train
You see it too right?
Kkasi00, he's got a recognisable artstyle
Only after you pointed it out
Why are there jets with at least some missiles or rockets on them? If the zog army is only doing reconnaissance then they wouldn’t pack them up with any. If they wanted to destroy her wouldn’t they send a ballistic missile from a submarine or something else? Not jets?
>World of Tshirts takes the train
Thanks a bunch man, I really like his style
Sandy soles are hot
Oriko overpowering two smaller giantess' is fucking amazing
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Giantess on giantess content in general is good, Oriko being the biggest is the cherry on top
those titties got grip strength to keep that bus upright in there
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need to drown in girl fluids
If a fluid is thick enough is it still drowning, or just suffocation?
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Jesus Christ anon, control yourself.
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You mean like gentle giantess? Love that shit. Nothing gets me going like a woman that could tear me apart if she could but just wants to kiss and cuddle and make love.

Vore im really picky about… I prefer it in the context of monster/human relationships. And by monsters I mean true beasts, blobs, tentacle monsters. I like the idea of it being an almost alien form of affection impossible for most humans to experience.
Sure, eat all those buses... fatty.
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Wish content like that was more common
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wait we got two threads?

well I'm just gonna spam big kusogaki here too then
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tera-size brat deciding to take a bite out of Earth is easily among the top world-ending events
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What do you mean by "two threads"?
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there's another GTS/size thread on /d/
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Shit that old thing still hasn't fallen out of the catalogue?
This site is do dead now
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OL are for pantyhose foot pampering
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>Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is out in theaters now!
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Reminds me that Burton recently wanted to re-remake 50 feet tall woman
Oh hey, I wanted to see that. Thanks for reminding me it's out.
wish some werent batshit crazy since they were so hot
need more manga with that size difference
they really are
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I love my toaster wife
50 feet is too small for modern audiences
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Can't stop thinking about tinies struggling desperately against magic sealing them onto a girl's plush feet
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I once again affirm my position: elves are worst giants and should be the plaything of smelly peasant girls.
Based. Elves should have tiny woodland cities and smelly peasant girls should stumble across them.
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end of thread giga gobbo butt
Only da Gahblin Slaya can save that village from getting booty blasted now. Good stuff.
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>there are still people posting in the previosu thread one week later
Love it when lives are sacrificed for the fleeting pleasure of a loser or dead ender, if they're even noticed at all. Makes unfairness dynamics even more potent, like a story I read of a grad student who gave up everything to get her PhD, but on the way to her thesis defense she gets shrunken and ends up melting to death in the belly of a NEET girl.
Dang women don't get along with other women
Get this AI slop out of my thread.
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Where is the new thread?
If a guy is acting like a total douche canoe and isn't listening to reason, you can give him a smack or punch or two and other guys understand it's totally justified. Women, sadly, do not have such a luxury. If a woman hits another woman, she'll be singled out, even if the hit was justified.

See, what this means is giant women would probably love to work at offices of only tiny dudes. The guys are dumb and crass but harmless. But if you had tiny women working their too, they'd probably go missing. If you had 2 giant women working there, or god forbid, more than 2, the office would be a powder keg waiting to explode.
This is art of Mae Merciless, a tranny so if you fapped to it you're gay.
Waiting for the old one to die first, so we don't have 3
There's really no reason to make a new one unless this one actually dies or hits image limit
I don't think there's an image limit on /d/
new thread >>11113706
why do you make a new thread, if the previous TWO haven't met the image limit, retard?
I like vore but it's probably my least preferred amongst other things I like. I think the change came when I realized that it would be pitch black inside a woman's stomach and it would smell like vomit. I can ignore the consequences of digestion but not that.
yes to both, because why not?
It's 300 images.
Sadly no but you can go check the ai thread

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