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Just realized nobody made another tentacle thread after the board nuke. Let's post pictures of tentacles and their victims! Futa/pregnancy/light body modification is okay but no body horror assimilation stuff.
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imagine the sounds
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imagine the screams
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It's wild how the scariest thing in this image is still the tentacles cleanly sliding into her ears.
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I've said it before in these threads and I'll say it again. Ear penetration is the perfect way for an artist to turn ordinary run of the mill tentacle rape into something much more horrifying in the best way possible. You know no matter what they're doing in there it can't be good.
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>Tentacle thread
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I commissioned this recently. I don't know if it's everyone's cup of tea but I thought I'd share it
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>4chan filename
That aside, this is the tentacle thread, of course this is the place for it. And fresh content is always welcome.
I have my phone set by default to change the name of my uploads to 4chan
Artist is here
what a beautiful image. swallowed in pleasure while she herself is being swallowed
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Oh hey I commissioned this. Had the guy draw a bunch of ryza girls with tentacles
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Something about tentacles probing into a fishgirl/mermaids gills really does it for me. I would like to see more tentacles "getting lost" in general.
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...you mind posting the full quality ones, anon? Maruto's mosiacs are a bit nicer for the client files.
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don't know if the mosaics are any better but here's all the full resolution images at least
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some other ryza (and friends) tentacle stuff I commissioned too
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Relevant to the thread so I'll self link
For your tentacle loving consideration:
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Godspeed. Most artists won't accept full doujin commissions unless you really shell out the dosh. Good luck.
I have no idea what I'm doing and how to form a rapport with some nip artist I like so I think I'll ask around the skeb gen and figure things out.
I gather skeb has certain limitations on interaction though so I may not use it
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Skeb has really limiting rules on interaction and a lot of artists will either ignore your request for further contact/report you. It might be better to try to contact them on twitter if they have one.
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I have a tentacle pic but it’s not quite /d/ tier, i’d say it’s only borderline (softcore tentacle if you will) but can i still post it here?
Is that Mint?
You can post anything /h/ in /d/ threads just not the reverse. What you can't do is make totally /h/ threads.
Being on topic permitting of course.
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go right ahead
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It's probably a good thing tentacles don't exist, I'd either be a seedbed by now, or be back in seedbed rehab for relapsing again
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That artist is incredible.
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His faces are great. I just recently found one of his great consentacle works. https://exhentai.org/g/1733194/7d6dac3fbb/
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Any shows with good tentacle scenes recently? Last one I heard of was Island of the Dead, and that was a while ago now
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