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Below the waist edition.
Girls with long saggy breasts due to weight, age, expansion, ext…
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Saggy tits are perfect. Especially when it's a Black chick.
Damn she's just perfect, love me some heavy looking massive veiny tits!
just how I like my women
If they don't look like a sack of nuts I ain't interested
I like tits long, saggy, veiny and empty.
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Why is it so hot when a thin girl has massive hangers?
Image search returns nothing, no artist tag anywhere. Where did you get these from?
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I'll ha e to dig through my history. But I did find this from yesterday


Oh, found it.

Here you go

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Any one got the link to the one where her tits are tied in a knot? I remember it being kinda goofy
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Another bump for life!
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I need a backstory on this one.

not sure. Dont know if the head teacher was a dude and the costume turned him into a succubus or if it was a woman and gave her a cock.

here is the artist

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Any good saggy doujins that aren't just momcest?
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Have a look a konmori's works, there's at least a couple
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And if you don't mind having only the barest sham of a plot, you could go for this classic:
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She's already cute.

Poor big titty women. They don't realize how precious they are.
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First one is from ShuiBaoW
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filename, newfaf
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mommy saggies, omg
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