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Aspects of the world changing on a whim. While the people affected are completely oblivious to changes.
Girls getting bigger, men becoming women, social norms altered, ext…
If content is scarce post an image with a new caption changing the context.
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Glad to see this back finally. I'll have to think of some new scenarios.

Since this thread thrives on discussion rather than images, why don't we start it with a prompt about (you)?
>When did you realize you're into reality warp?
>What do you think counts as reality warping?
>Why do you think it's hot or fascinating?
1. Franktonius
2. A drastic change to someone not caused by anyone specifically.
3. Hot, like every adolescent timefreeze fantasy, social norm change is a guilty pleasure pipedream
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spicychat makes my dick explode

try it: https://spicychat.ai/chat/7600de98-808a-4cc6-bff8-177dd122dd78
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I like to be stupidly on the nose with it.
Juice that makes you cum super hard but not realize
1. In ye olde days of the internet, when I was around 13 or 14, I wrote a short (and terrible) story about a guy who was the only one that seemed to notice every girl suddenly had monster curves one day. Then I found out reality warp was a thing when I went looking for stuff like that online.
2. Anything where sudden, possibly unexplained changes occur in an instant, whether to one person or a group of people. Perception of the change can be limited or not in my opinion. Sometimes it's hotter when everyone knows they're changing and can't do anything about it.
3. The hottest thing for me is when a change affects the whole world. I just like to think about how society would be forced to change

My favorite version of the trope is a sort of caste or tribal system arising post-warp. There are suddenly girls with breasts the size of compact cars living alongside other girls with giant asses, and/or girls with permanently swollen pseudopregnancy bellies, and/or mini giantesses, and/or whatever else. There's just so much you can do with that. I've been working on a concept for a story set 500ish years after a guy turned the world into his horny playground. It would either be futuristic scifi or a weird post-apocalyptic scenario where the guy has a cult devoted to worshipping him as a god. Would love to workshop it if anyone was interested. Might help get more activity in the thread.
1. Stranger by Fiction, from BE Story club
2. Reality is modified and only the narrator and/or the protagonist perceives the changes
3. Fucking world changing, social norm evolving due to global transformations

Pls, where can I find good stories?
CYOC interactive stories, as well as CHYOA. Both have many different branching narratives that involve reality warping.

Under CYOC I personally prefer "Transform or Dare" (curse-based changes) as well as "Chronivac 4.0" (computer program that can change reality).

Under CYOA I tend to enjoy many different stories, but most notable are "Master PC Adventures" and "The Rulebook." There's also "Absolute gullibility syndrome" but that's more of a mind control one than a reality bender.
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All women's bedrooms and all their contents cease to exist. A single electronic device that has a screen from inside the room instead of disappearing, is left outside where their door would be. In the new reality, girls will use phones, other handheld devices, or TVs as their homes, freely climbing in and out of the screen or shrinking as they need to.

Their room is stored as would be appropriate for the device. A cartridge for a handheld console, or a disk for a TV. It is impossible for a man to enter a girl's room, but they can still use the device for it's original purpose. A room inside a DS would let a player move furniture, or poke around with a stylus. A room inside a TV would simply let people outside watch in. Women do not find a reason to be bothered by anyone using their device with out without them inside. Peeping on them naked or messing with their stuff inside the room will elicit mild annoyance at most. Outside of their device, they act completely normally like in the old reality though.

Rooms initially digitalized by the shift may resemble the girl's previous physical room closely with few anachronisms, but no new rooms will be created like that. Instead, girls that decide to change rooms can pick any media or program to move into. New media can be created with the intended secondary purpose of being a comfortable room for girls, but developers will always feel drawn to prioritize the entertainment of people playing or watching more. Girls will never be bothered by this, and think it is natural for their homes to have unlockable content they can only get with the help of a player, or other similar things.
Fun idea. I think an interesting dichotomy would be people perceiving women as normal, and treating them as they would when out and about, but when digitized they're seen as products of entertainment almost. In whatever way their device or chosen media is.

A son having his mom's room on his phone could go a lot of ways, messing around with it like a mobile app, or y'know, jerking to her like she's softcore porn. Meanwhile as soon as she's back out their dynamic is the same as it would be otherwise.

In general women's private time being viewable and commodified for other's enjoyment.

An initially really specific idea that could have a lot of play, depending on what you do with it.
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Champion turned chubby retail worker.
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I think this fits the Venus threads more than reality warp since this takes place after her games
Not really a physical change, but reality warps turning relationship and power dynamics on their head are good shit.

Always makes me want to see how it's messed up the person's life in general.
I know but I’m changing the context that it is a warp.
I love this. They way she still has a commanding presence even though she's owned. The fact that she's still rich herself rather than getting turned into a generic slave. The inconsistencies and changing as little as possible make for great reality bending.
Ok I'll give it a shot.

From what I'm reading, you'll like to discuss some maters of world building.

Also that ideas of tribes is genius! It can offer so many varieties of fetish scenarios to a single world. Personally I like to do a Khajit, and make it so people can transform on 14 different fetish bodies depending on which phase of the moon they were born under.

This way we can find variety everywhere, not just in specific locations, where certain tribes are more dominant.
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>girl turns into pussy monster freak overnight
Ok now this is just kinda fucked up
Things rarely go well for fledgling reality benders at first. She'll learn how to fix it though.
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some good size fetishy reality warp story

check this shit out
most time travel plots usually involve causing or preventing a dark future, but what if the opposite were to happen? where you accidentally create a perfect world because you did something in the past? turning the world into something so picturesque it'd look like something out of some absurdly wholesome kids book.
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I've kinda seen something like that happen, but then there was a catch, because there's always a catch.
>When did you realize you're into reality warp?

>Why do you think it's hot or fascinating?
I love the power dynamic swap. I want a guy to punish me for sassing him and just warping reality to make me hypersexualized or fit his weird fetish perfectly. Idk if i like not knowing or knowing more.

I think its also the body transformation too that I like because it atleast keeps me attractive, not totally humiliated in most of these. Like I'm okay with becoming milfed for fat in these like super flattering ways that are impossible irl

All of these are perfect:
True, but what if there wasn't a catch? a world so nice you want for nothing.

I've had this idea for ages, Lucina goes back in the past to prevent the dark future from happening in awakening but due to her meddling with the timeline everything gets thrown out of whack and she has to learn how to embrace a world of peace or it slowly alters her to fit the new timeline.
God dam I love it. but man I don't want to pay so it can remember more than 2k words. I need to find out how I can run my own.
I was using free version in the post example. It is pretty good as well.
The dark future fix but only catch is that the world really, really wants you to join in the peaceful utopia you accidentally made. I love this idea.

I'm also open to the idea where the only catch is the world becoming a specific fetish scenario, because why not?
All men are converted into various kinds of hentai monsters: orcs, masses of tentacles, various insects and so on. They still remember how life used to be.

Meanwhile, all women more than willing to use a male to satisfy their own sexual urges. And "use" here means that any woman can easily overpower any male regardless of the latter's form. Women believe that this is how life has always been.
>Be me
>Giant spider
>Pretty lucky in the shift all things considered. Making webs is easy and relaxing. Don't need them to catch food since society somehow didn't collapse here and I'm still a part of it, but new bug brain wants webs.
>Been working on my biggest project yet.
>I know how she's looking at me.
>Really don't want to get raped right now. I'm in the zone
>I'm high up, she shouldn't be able to climb up and get me.
>She grabs my web, tugs on it. My silk is stronger than steel, but it comes undone like tissue paper.
>The crack as it snaps is deafening. I fall so fast I think I just slipped.
>Get up just in time for her to grab my head and press my mandibles into her pussy.

Been awhile since I last tried resisting, but I was so mad. I don't think this body heals as well as I did when human. Maybe I should bite the bullet and try to get a wife who can protect me.
Does anyone remember a reality change world/story someone described on here once where suddenly women became their tits? As in, their tits were a more accurate representation of themselves than their face was. Instead of being referred to as “kaitlyn” a woman would be “Kaitlyn’s tits” and it would be rude to look at her face and not her tits. It was a pretty interesting idea- if anyone’s seen that floating around, I’d appreciate it
That's actually the plot of the first ever time travel story
>You're focused on working on another giant web
>Then you feel the pressure of round flesh on your abdomen
>Your pregnant wife climbed your bed and sneaked up on you without you noticing
>She isn't even in the mood for sex, she just wanted to remind you that she can claim you at any time
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>Oh, it's nothing important. I'm just happy you've finally gotten used to looking at me.
>There's no need to get embarrassed! I know your story about being from another world where it's rude to look at girls is a bit out there, but I believe you completely.
>I don't think anyone has looked at or thought about faces as much as you. There had to be something up with you. I'm glad you decided to tell me.
>It's still an odd story. Why would there be a world where girls show their feelings on their faces? Like, I'm right here front and center. It just makes more sense to look at me.
>Your right, it's not really that far... But...
>It's really weird! I don't think I'll ever be able to completely understand you on this.
>It's okay. We see eye to tit on what matters. I'm still glad I met you.
>You want another kiss? On the lips?
>Okay, but I want a real one after.
Would a real kiss in this world just be motorboating?
anyone got muscle stuff?
>"Yeah, I had to gag him. He woke up this morning calling me his "Manager" and ranting about being some sort of sports star or something. Lucy for us, that doesn't stop him from being my best cow"
That be really great especially if said world was totally alien to the character in question going from a world of fear and decay to something so sweet they genuinely don't understand any of it and are somewhat frightened by the contrast being so used to the horrors.
>w-what is all of this? why is everything so bright and warm?
>why is the sky clear and people aren't fighting?
>and what am I wearing? this strange outfit feels so odd it's...it's so soft!
>what's this strange emotion I'm feeling? it's making me feel warm I don't understand it at all!
>and this food it's like nothing I've ever had, I can't stop myself from wanting more!
>those strange soft baubles make me bare my teeth in a weird way!
>I really don't get any of this, please help me understand what all of this is, I don't know any of this, but I keep wanting more but...I'm SO confused!
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>Only know a life of blood and violence
>Comfortable with blood and violence as a fact of life
>Fuck with the past
>Comes back to a world of peace and love
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one persons heaven could be another persons hell I suppose.

still I'd like to think they would learn what it means to enjoy peace...eventually.
It's fine, but the limit that it can remember is super low and I want longer responses.
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>Combined a "turn target into a cute boy/girl" app, an "alter target's fetish" app, and a "turn target into quicksand" app.
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the "you are your own fan girl" paradox
Give me something about nerdy girls getting a glow up.
I don't think I have any nerd girls getting made beautiful that's kinda sadly niche.

Who's the artist that did these? The normal google/yandex/saucenao search didn't come up with anything.

>Be one of the first, and last time travelers due to a mistaken interpretation of the butterfly effect/boostrap paradox.
>The future/present you come back to after all of that is so peaceful and wholesome the entire thing reads like a bedtime story about princesses and tea parties.
>Indeed, the average person acts, looks, dresses and speaks like one too. They'll greet a late call in a near-sheer negligee, but blush up a storm if you accidentally brush fingers with them, much less hold their hand.
>Society still functions, and does so almost supernaturally well despite this, it doesn't make sense but everything lines up in the books when you research it.
>You're treated as some scary supersoldier/sick, evil genius by the planning and administration committee that passes for your local government, because you know of conflict past that of pout-scowling at one another and stomping feet, or back-and-forth collar wrestling and hair-pulling (which is perceived as basically a warcrime).
>They don't even keep you distant, but make it a point to embrace you.
>It's not like your new body is up to any kind of fighting. They assure you you're fit, strong even, but you feel weak and delicate.
>They bring you with them, when they go to meet the 'government' of a 'rival' nation, who also brings their famous, scary supersoldier with them.
>You actually cause a peace treaty to be brokered after your long and impassioned conversation with the other time-traveler about your shared experiences and philosophical ponderings on your new reality, convinced either side to 'see the things they share, instead of the differences' and 'make the effort, like those two, to not resort to meanness and be friends".
>Your fellow Time Traveler admits that she used to do some martial arts, but that these people here barely have competitive sports, much less combat ones.
Could make for a cute, fun story.
Would be cool to be an orc or minotaur. With the added effect of my semen possibly causing breast expansion too.
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yeah that'd be fantastic, I imagine it'd probably end with falling in love with the other time traveler as both would slowly adapt to the new worlds rules. (either willingly or reality itself influencing them bit by bit ending up as a noble couple who live an a decadent mansion just like most everyone else) she used to be a tomboy too so she's very embarrassed but the world makes it feel so good that she can't say no but she wants the time other time traveler to do it as he'd be the only one to know the old version of her which makes her feel more safe.

everything involving hard work would be done by cute robots/cyborgs or magic with zero issues in society the hardest thing one might have to do is choosing what to wear or how to spend your free time (which is effectively infinite) porn in that world would be akin to really cheesy romance novels and news broadcasts would be hosted by cute idols and TV in general would be filled to the brim with cutsy moe anime and such, the police basically don't exist (only dealing with lost items, there isn't really any crime outside of some very minor things but the worst anyone gets is a time out in a very ornate jail cell which is still a punishment because it's not quite as nice as most mansions) women tend to be busty and show off cleavage but are otherwise modest in their bouffant gowns, none of them would be caught wearing anything boyish or just plain normal clothes you see anyone in the former timeline wear (outside of Halloween which such a thing is considered "scary" or forbidden but most people just wear "cute scary" stuff)
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>Cute moe anime.
Yes, but only by our angle.
The majority of cute moe is reality tv. Anime is generally cute, but being an animated art passion, it often has the most daring of content, such as erotic content that has hints of actual body appreciation in the cheesy romance, or actual 'fights' (flustered wrestling and glowering).

Even then, a lot of people don't like wearing anything that's not floor length and frilly.
Picrel is considered an almost inappropriately scary Halloween outfit, because it's dark colours, is daringly provocative for normal clothing(and as such intimidating, or suggests power/masculinity), has pointy teeth and ears, spikes, 'bones', fur, and shows her legs off. If you don't get scared of her (or worse, think she looks cute or attractive), she will get scared of you.
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I'm into this for the role reversal scenarios.
>Multiple female characters
>A tomboy, a shy girl, a manhating feminist, etc
>Suddenly: sexual role reversal
>Women are the larger, more sexually forward sex, men are the ones being pursued
>Tomboy becomes a gallant protector, shy girl becomes leering creep, feminist becomes a bitter incel
>Same personality, but adapted to their new role
It's hot because of the contrast with their former selves
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But the idea of one other person that gets to keep their memory alongside you, except they reveal in it, is interesting too.
gothic lolita would be the most spooky anyone gets for the most part but something like that image could be worn but everyone would be a bit freaked out (outside of any time traveler but even then the world would freak them out and they'd be very confused why such a thing would scare them)

speaking of fangs, monster girls could exist in such a world as well but they'd hardly be considered "monsters" like vampires and succubui would just feed on sweet things (being so pale they basically look like dolls), dragon people would "kidnap" girls (invite them over and spoil with nice things) warewolves would just look like girls with dog ears, slime girls are basically jelly or ice cream that they can regenerate, fairies and pixies are common that tend to live in doll houses feeding on sugar cubes, androids/robotic girls might also be around (could be clockwork, magic or just futuristic) low level magic is also possible for most to learn which for the most part would be used for basic things like transport and chores though magical girls probably would exist for building big structures and manufacturing but they could also be doctors though every sickness and disease basically don't exist, they are mostly for having kids (it's possible for people to be reborn/turned into children but nobody really looks older/ages more then 30) over population isn't an issue due to infinite resources and other planets being terraformed
So basically something like this?
If you were an orc, your village would be raided by a bunch of women, who will probably use you as a domestic laborer and living musk diffuser.
And if instead you were a minotaur? Living cream dispenser. Both from the dick and the nipples.
Characterized by a very limited diet. Basically dairy and carbohydrates only, and many subsist almost entirely off cake. As a result, many are extremely light and slender due to lack of fats or proteins in diet (70lbs at 5'4 is considered a healthy weight), but are very quick and lithe. Skin tone a very close match to porcelain (though this is remarkably common among most humanity anyway). Still seen as a bit scary by most. Prone to sugar highs.
A long-lived purely female species that typically stands taller than the average man, and may possess horns, scales, wings and/or a tail.
They are extremely rare, and reproduce by themselves quite slowly, but have legendary maternal and physical passions. They are chronic hostesses, struggle with personal boundaries, and will develop a "clutch" based around those whom they live near, or frequently interact with. This behavior has been observed in girls as young as two, and is a constant compulsion. Succubae and fairies tend to get on well with them as they don't mind being treated like dolls to make people happy.
Indeed, many Succubae live as maids or fashion models, and single fairies often prefer inhabiting doll houses as opposed to their own ones.
Dragons are also, due to their age and nature, some of the more potent wielders of magic out there, with a lot of the magical infrastructure the world runs on being traceable in design or execution, back to a dragon.

I imagine this is quite important, as while magic would explain how civilization developed from caveman times with a much more 'delicate' humanity, I can see 'practical' magic, or even general magic, along with most similar subjects, becoming less common into modern times, as a non-competitive, developed society doesn't have need of it much.
In fact, I can see magic, along with 99% of other education (that's not basic housekeeping and everyday amenities) being entirely vocational.
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Pretty much, yeah some of them might dip into anthro/kemono territory (probably going as far as someone like Nanachi or just magic talking animals akin to magical girl masots, wouldn't really get into furry stuff or anything horror even a zombie girl would be adorable in some form.)
School would basically be a glorified social club that pick hobbies to enjoy together, though some basic things would be required like reading/writing but otherwise it's fair game to choose what electives/vocations you want to do (you are able to do as many or as little as you want) sewing/crafting, cooking sweets, art and theater (both stage and TV) magic/alchemy, tea party host, maids would be pretty common though some would be born with it that just *clicks* in your head when you reach a certain age or is given to you via magical girl like artifacts (though aren't just strictly for magical girls and/or tech) though even outside of schools there would be places you can go independently or you can just choose to be couch potato even exercise isn't required due to food being magic so you can pretty much eat whatever and somehow maintain the weight/figure you want (also every food is basically mouth wateringly good it also might "enhance" if you desire, wholesome busty girls ahoy! possibly being able to be turned into another races if they want, maybe genderbending princes into princesses but not the other way around outside of reincarnation it'd be a one time deal no going back to a guy and can't be forced on someone who doesn't absolutely 100% have a girly heart, adorable pampering and dress up ensue)

men of the world tend be gentile gentlemen or handsome princes, maybe knights/retainers but that wouldn't come up much if at all, weapons cannot be used to cause harm and are strictly for decoration/fashion/cosplay, marriage isn't arranged but most child hood friends tend to be soul mates, governments/nations aren't really a thing outside of superficial flags.
What the fuck?
He's a bit excited
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Take too many people with you and it quickly doesn't become a reality change story anymore. But how do you feel about gaslighting?
Keep your memory but pretend to play the part towards your love interest.
She looks like a small women coming out of a large women kek
>Tfw a big woman will never use your whole body as a dumbbell
>(Proper form involves pressing your crotch to their face btw)
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Artist is "rtil".
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one day a toon pops out of the tv somehow and brings with it cartoon logic into the real world by turning everyone into cute toons though somehow despite all the chaos of gags society still seems to function
She's amazing, can we get her pregnant?
god I wish. sadly I’m not the artist.
Weapons are all either decorative, with deliberate art engraved onto them, or melee weapons made for playfights. Everybody knows that weapons can't cause any real harm, so people engage in playfights every so often for fun, also to win more points for their "kingdom". Points are scored for how dancey, flashey, and acrobatic the playfight is moreso than just counting the times an opponent is touched with the weapon.

Queens' and kings' main responsibility is to regularly host large parties. It is an absolute duty for the ruler of the kingdom to have as much outdoor game equipment and as many different gaming consoles as possible. That, and keep track of the playfighting score under their pastel-coloured flag.

People are way more touchy-feely. Everybody is supernaturally empathetic they can just feel it if another person wants a hug or not. Getting *out* of hug piles is a bigger problem since everybody around you can sense you wanting a hug, and they're happy to oblige.

Hugs and gentle petting are the norm in general. If you want to pet a girl's (or boy's) head, why not? Go for it. It just make sense to comfort someone.
they probably would also be enchanted/blessed with healing magic so it wouldn't hurt at all/can't pierce or cut even the most flimsy materials, it'd probably tickle a little or cause some harmless effect that'd only last like a day or week at most. (the most extreme thing being the loser gets married into the other nation or becoming a servant or getting transformed but the terms have to be agreed before that so it's all consensual)

nations would be superficial for the most part akin to sports teams/idol groups/pop culture fandoms, most rivalries are friendly and essentially are kayfabe battles (though if you saw them you wouldn't call anything close to combat, more like a dance) sportsmen ship does actually exist, good clean fun, cheaters do get punished but nobody really does it.

affection craving and wanting attention can only be suppressed for so long, even introverts have some level of craving but when they cave to someone they trust who wants to take care of them it's like a emotional explosion when they get spoiled, of course they are still very reserved quiet types but they get clingy to that person, tsundares and shy ones tend to seek out quieter affection sometimes maybe surprising you with a burst of outgoingness going all blushy so long as your there for them to hold on to when it becomes too much and end up crying finally opening up about their pent up feelings so you whisk them away some place quiet and tell them how proud of them you are and that it's okay they'll return the favor in spades it's even possible the tables will be turned and you'll be the on blushing
>Sunset after playing straight up 4 hours of basketball
>Not that you're good at it, but your teammates cheered you up so much you couldn't help but get better
>It fucking worked
>Congrats you're now not bad at basketball lol
>Throwing two-points now like no big deal
>The score is like 386:301
>Not in your favour, damn rival kingdom
>Your cute introverted team player is the only one who didn't *give* you encouragement this time because she *needed* it herself
>Scored like fucking half of your entire team's score but needed encouragement anyways
>Prolly was a shut-in before the Big Change, but so was your dumb ass
>You can just *feel* her needing encouragement
>After your team takes a shower, you come up to her and offer a hug, because why not, it just makes sense-
>Actually, she approaches you first
>Sure, that works too
>Tells you she trained so much for basketball she hadn't had a hug in a week
>Damn girl, wtf, people get hugged a bunch of times in a *day* for no particular reason
>That is exactly why she hugs you now lol
>You're a good hugger, so she likes it a lot
>Not that you have an idea how your hugs are different from anybody else's but that's what you've been hearing from the countless people you hugged, so idk
>It's been a quarter hour, is she gonna release you at all?
>Nah, forget it, she *needs* it, you can feel it
>You break the hug when you notice those little wounds she made while falling down during the game
>to lick the wounds, obviously, they won't heal themselves, duuuh
>You tell her you like her-
>Actually, she tells you she likes you first
>Who wouldn't like you after that damn good of a hug *and* healing-licking wounds
>Your team hangs out with the rival kingdom team afterwards
>"What's your winning secret?"
>They turn out to have sacrificed human contact for two weeks straight just to train
>Your teammates just *feel* their need
>Your entire team is now hugging and kissing the rival kingdom's team I guess
Ooooh I like that idea!
at one point does it stop being "reality warp" and just become "isekai"?
>pay for chatgpt to use as a scratchboard that talks back
>want to mask off sometimes and be stupid and lewd
>don't want to get my ass banned

If there's ever a subscription sale for that, I may just join just to scratch the itch.
the idea of girls slam dunking in big gowns is rather amusing it's like those skateboarding maid images you see floating about. (which would absolutely exist in this world) wrestling matches would be like spoiling sessions whoever gets so much joy that they pass out/fall asleep due to being happy "loses" there'd definitely be magic involve with every move making your opponent get dressed up a little more and/or get a makeover, winning stores up a super spoiling so someone who's a champion with a winning streak who'd eventually lose would be subjected to a burst of absolute bliss like imagine the most euphoric feeling you can have times a 100 that only builds more stored away until your streak is broken but when it does it's like you just melt away, most all sports are like that so even if anyone loses you ultimately win in some form but you still want to try and win for that sweet build up. (though winning +100 matches in a row might just melt you a bit too much and leave you in a pleasure stupor for quite some time but it'll wear off...eventually though +1000 wins make take a few years/decades that's akin to enlightenment/fae brain who's presence literally radiates joy)

most people are content with a reasonable amount of joy though.
time travel is technically both if you really think about it since no matter what it is the same world but due to your presence it creates an alternate timeline which is effectively altering reality even if you don't meddle with anything, I suppose in a way it's creating a world that didn't exist before.
since everyone got toon'd they are highly malleable and effectively immortal that can pull objects out from seemingly nowhere without issue (mostly stupid gag stuff as one might imagine) you can even change your look to whatever you want no problem, you wanna be a bomb shell babe toon? go for it, huge dude with muscles on top of musles? why not! turn into a literal car/rocket/dynamite? fuck it go nuts, even buildings and every day objects are effected and operate on old school rubber house gag logic, even if you die you just become an angel and come back like nothing happened and you just laugh it off and you can choose to be the butt of the gag or the one causing it so long as it's funny but toons can still be sweet too a big kiss might make your head explode though but that's totally fine.
Not really. An isekai is a parallel world. A reality warp happens when your own reality changes.

Consider the "cute joyful world" making rounds here as an example.
In an isekai scenario, our world exists in parallel to that joyful world. It may or may not be possible to travel to that world and back.
In a reality warp scenario, our world *becomes* the cute joyful world. As in, our world with nuclear weapons, crime, and other shit gets completely replaced with the world where reality TV is more like moe anime, nations are more like fandoms, and everybody hugs everybody else. In this scenario, the "old world" will only remain in your memory. You'll probably be invited for Halloween; people are gonna listen to your recollections about the "old world" as horror stories. Swords which hurt for real? Barely any hugs? Unpleasant work taking most of your day? The horror.

In the reality warp scenario, 4chan would not exist.
An important thing to consider is why would some of them (notably, swords) exist in the first place.
Reality has been altered fundamentally by the consequences of time travel, creating a far more gentle and non-violent humanity from the get-go.
Spears make sense for hunting originally, but would they even have swords? Is 'play fighting' just a (mostly) men's dance with choreographed moves and artistic weapons?
Swords have always been prestige weapons. Making them is hard compared to other weapons and they never have as much reach. "I want to have the longest knife" has always been a natural impulse for some reason though. They make for very pretty weapons.
Yes, but if this new reality is so naturally non-violent and gentle, why would one find prestige in weapons (as it is a product of when we had martial caste's above regular society)? Would the impulse to have a longer and longer knife even come up?

Instead, wouldn't duels or play-bouts be fought with something like a spear, taken route from hunting?
Maybe "Swords" are instead square or round metal Foil's, which came about out of the need to lighten and make safe the spear for the use of the modern gentleman. With many preferring them one-handed as they're less tiring.
Depends on which point in history the reality shift happens. If it happens during the hunter-gatherer period, then spears would probably be common for playfighting. If it happens during the medieval times, swords would be more common.

Could be swords, could be something else. I'd read your take on playfighting with spears in this sweet world.

Weapons in general definitely would be present in some way, shape, or form, simply because the past trauma just doesn't immediately get discarded like that.
The transportation system primarily involves leaving pies on windowsills for people to float directly to by using a Smellophone™ to get the scent.

rocket jumping is also rather common.
They also wouldn't really be called weapons but rather tools or toys you also have to factor in violence/anger would be a completely alien concept. (though even aliens in this reality would be harmless they'd get taste for fine clothes)

as for when such a timeline would start that's a good question, starting at the big bang so fantastical things are able to exist would make the most sense or the meteor that evolved the humans in a vastly different way due to cosmic radiation (or caused by stepping on a single bug or something like that one gag from the simpsons) but it could start later probably no further then the stone age with the first tools being made of magic stone and the discovery of fine silks being the standard of clothing things would progress more or less the same only with more of a magic/fantasy element and history/cultures being drastically different some of the stuff would happen in our history but in a vastly different context like wars wouldn't happen (like the wild west would still happen but it'd be referred as as the mild west which would be the start of southern belle as a fashion type or the french revloution would just be a huge party where anne marie introduces versailes/rococo to the world) but there'd still be a driving force of tech in those years that eventually lead to what we have now albiet alot more fancy, regal and magically cutsy, magic guns might be a thing but they would essentially be just high powered wands that are akin to nerf/bubble guns you can even ride inside a big bubble also paraskirting would work due to physics being different, traditional science would still exist but it'd be posed differently chemistry would be akin to potions/alchemy.
well that and sentient wise cracking taxi's you can whistle for even in the middle of nowhere they turn up with a "where to, mac?" like roger rabbit though rich people have stretch limos that can actually stretch around corners and are stupidly long, though yeah exploding yourself across town is a viable travel method but you'll just be like eye balls in a pile of dust for a second doing that.

some places in the world would be monocrome while others have color so if you go there you lose your color and gain it back if you leave that place though you can be colorless in color if that's the look you want, the world wouldn't be all toon at first but it'd spread leading to anti-toon propoganda though sooner or later the world would fall to stupidity due to "serious" real life people often acting as the foil/butt of the joke until they end up laughing so much they become toons when they give in it's like a dopamine overdose and pure chaos of ID eliminates your ego/super ego. the government would try to suppress it but toons are crafty tricksters

gags are basically everything in the new toon world, everything is exaggerated to extreme degree's, also double meanings for things happen ALOT your girl asks you to "cream pie" her your throwing a pie in her face which unironically turns her on you ask for a blowjob your getting a leafblower to the face, playing hooky at school? your literally going fishing horsing around? you guessed it your playing poker with horses and other amounts of double meaning shenanigans, new toons are born by drawing with paint brushes onto the world (or playing patty cake with the lights off then a stalk comes drops off a kid though sex is still a thing the foreplay is so gag filled though) bad people tend to get their asses kicked alot and tend to play the antagonists like bluto from popeye
That's like every shoujo lel
>the bags under her eyes are gone
Kino subtle storytelling
But remember, it's reality change.
It's suddenly like she was always hot.
She's part of the popular clique, her crush is now her boyfriend, and her bully is her lackey.
Nerdy girl and popular girl switch roles in life, and they're the only ones who remember it.
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sounds like a teen movie
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>seething at the edge of the cafeteria while that FREAK Katy is chatting it up with YOUR friends
>they're YOUR friends
>she did something, everybody is acting like this is normal, she DID something
>this is your school, why is everybody talking to you like you're nobody?
>why do YOUR friends (not hers) glance over to you and start laughing?
>you're supposed to be laughing about Katy together, it's all reverse, it's not fair!
>you've got a 'kick me' post-it on your back
>Depends on which point in history the reality shift happens.
I will happily take the chance to lore-build for martial traditions.
I've been going off the idea that, for humanity to be so naturally delicate (as well as magic to exist), whatever time travel based change occurred far earlier than human development.

>Could be swords, could be something else. I'd read your take on playfighting with spears in this sweet world.
Taken from the historically very niche and exhilarating sport of hunting (a product of the times, few do such things in modern period), things like spears and bows exist.
Archery does involve traditional bows, but crossbows are increasingly popular as draw strength is more of an issue.
This can either be practiced in tournament style with ranges, or with low-draw bows and foam heads for more playful (though setting relative, incredibly daring) entertainment.
Guns exist. But due to being a niche technology, with relatively lesser drive behind them, and the fact that they're noisy and dirty, they've never advanced past the wheellock.

Spears hold a far grander point of martial pride as historically they were used for hunting and protection by Dragons, warriors and the most manly of men. Though very very quickly phased out, this close range use (and the lack of any relevant alternatives given the lack of interest) has seen the spear remain far more culturally significant, despite being invented ostensibly before the written language.
From this, two major schools exist.
The former, which is more a singular dance, is believed to be descended from hunting drills with spears. Modern places that practice this treat it like performative gymnastics or a solo/group dance tradition.

Playfight style spear sports would appear to be derived from casual spear-nudging, with the blade facing backwards, and 'thrusting' with the butt of the pole. For this reason, modern 'spears', crafted from hollow aluminum or some other light metal, may have an artistic diamond or a point on the rear, with the striking face being flat or rounded.

Atop being lighter, spears have also shrunk, with some being as short as four foot from the grip to the tip, and may be wielded one-handed.
The final, most modern iteration turns them into something close to a fencing foil. A flat-headed length of flexible metal shaft (to take the impact out), more traditional models having a hollow metal tube, with a guard to protect the fingers and a ceremonial spearhead pommel. These can be worn on the hip to show the wielder's martial daring, and used to settle matters of honour, or to provoke amusing responses from those in ones company as, though they come from a very brave origin and are popular among those who fancy themselves daring, they are very much instruments of playfulness.
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Where do you guys usually go to find reality warp lit?
Tried AO3 but there's less than 4 pages of it, and most of it is from series I don't care about, or is slop. Out of those 4 pages, only one story caught my attention, and it was half incomplete and from a deleted author.
Sometimes see good stuff on giantessworld or deviantart but the search/tag function for both of those sites fucking SUCK and are borderline unusable.
>hear talk of people describing the current state of things as "clown world" making people miserable
>a jester goddess decides there needs to be more laughter in the world and intervenes, if people are gonna be silly then you might as well make them all clowns, it IS clown world after all.
>the world then becomes full of sexy and cute clown girls slowly over time
>it's akin to a werewolf curse at first where it only occurs at particular times
>but in extreme cases it becomes more like a vampire curse where they are are a clown 24/7 losing all sense of their old self and can spread the clownification by tickling/making girls giggle where the majority of women become clown girls, jesters harlequin's and maybe even mimes.
>their skin becomes pure white with their faces getting make up, their hair becoming colorful, their clothes are bright, colorful and are quite cute/revealing despite being silly and their bodies tend to be enhanced with honkable boobs and butts
>when someone becomes a clown it's like they have always been a clown and nobody remembers how they used to be (think how like sugar's hobby hobby fruit from one piece works but rather then toys and forgetting they exist everyone just remembers them as always have being a silly cute clown which also includes photo's, video/film, recording, etc)
>often they'll put themselves into lewd/cute situations like tripping themselves leading to having your head buried in their cleavage or rear ends
>only a few people seem to be able to remember their old lives, telling them to remember won't do any good they'll just think your being silly
>"whaa? me a no-nonsense offer worker? that's just silly! *heehee* I've always been the office jokester did'ya bonk your head like I do all the time or something? *giggle* you always make me laugh anon, ooh we should go to the circus together for a date! you always make me feel so...so silly! I love when you laugh at my jokes so we should totally date I'll even let you honk me!"
Put them back. She was hotter before you tried to fix her.
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even in the event someone could/would get hurt by said dueling toys, a simple kissing of a bruise when they cry is enough to heal and make them feel better. (but still there's plenty of after care hugs even if nobody does get hurt) nobody has ever gotten murdered, the only way people really die is due to old age (which due to magic can be multiple millenniums) or choosing to be reborn early which is basically age regression (and actual regression does exist), which you can choose to retain certain things or have a clean slate but now your a kid, couples would do that so they can have the "childhood friends into lovers" experience, you can be born into another family/race/gender or just yourself as a little kid, even if people move on it's not really a sad affair.
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>Katy can't even enjoy her popularity because she thinks this is a prank
>she has no idea why the girls who treated her like shit yesterday are acting like her best friends today
>Katy and Stacy still look the same as they did before, they swapped roles and not bodies
>Katy is a homely dweeb but now guys are fawning over her flat chest, untamable hair, birth control glasses, and acne
>Stacy is a 10/10 blonde goddess but the chess club geeks who were too intimidated to even approach her yesterday are having completely casual conversations with her with no sign of romantic interest
Would playfighting even exist in a reality where humans don't have an urge to really fight?
I feel like most of our competitive spirit comes from the fact that our ancestors had to overcome challenges to survive. So it's just ingrained in us to enjoy overcoming challenges.
In a world with no hardship, would the concept of "winning" even exist?
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Katy has style, it's called Nerd Chic, garwsh.
Stacy is a basic bitch.
If you knew anything about fashion, you'd know this is normal.
This... this is normal.
Humans have existed for around 300k years. Even if the reality shift happened "very early on" at around 10000 BC, that's still ~288k years of pure survival. Our instincts and the urge to playfight would be essentially the same.

Not that humans would know *why* they suddenly want to playfight in a world where hurting another person is unacceptable. The instincts would manifest themselves in "just feeling it".

I really like the concept of healing kisses! So cute~
Makes me think that the play-fighters will enjoy being kissed a lot :3
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I think it would get unbearable with all japes all the time. I think the core tenants of being a good clown should be "Create Joy", "Create Excitement", and "Create Chaos". Jokes would be a good way for a clown to archive that, and no good clown girl would be without her talent in puns and slapstick, but sneaking out to paint polkadots on sidewalks in the middle of the night, or baking and selling delicious mystery flavored pies would also please the jester goddess. Clownliness will trickle down into every part of life, filling it with surprises and smiles.

There should be some extra effect at the pinnacle too, once the jester goddess's influence is fully manifest and every girl in the world has been permanently inducted into the circus. Not sure what it would be. Maybe it's just that her physical avatar appears to become the supreme ring leader of earth. Maybe she starts giving out holy clown blessings, which of course come with their own retroactive reality. "My arms have always been stretchy.", "My hair has always been cotton candy", and the like. Maybe the human capacity for suffering is completely removed or warped in some currently inconceivable way. Maybe all of them? I'm not married to a particular idea.
it's a very adorable concept, kissing would heal any phyical or emotional wound but even if you aren't hurt they give you the extra warm fuzzies especially when you get alot of them (and lipstick kiss marks you don't want to clean off since they always leave a lingering tingle and being a proof of love)

instincts would indeed be vastly different
it wouldn't be chaos 24/7 some clown girls would be able to bring joy in other ways then just doing gags and japes, remember they exist to make people smile again so they would have plenty of other things to do in society

every big top would function as a church of sorts, where the act of laughter is akin to prayer which would naturally lead to more big tops being made across the globe that'd lead to more clown girls, the way it'd happen is they'd get a volunteer from the audience into the ring (typically someone no nonsense who takes everything very seriously 9 to 5 nose to the grindstone types such as teachers, therapists, lawyers, office workers, etc) a clown girl would get them to do something stupid to them and somehow even the most stoic of them would burst out in uproarious laughter as they transformed (skin, clothes, make up, hair and body in that order) and that stress just melts away as now they don't need to take anything (or can't) seriously.
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It'd be a scary time to live through. Like, even if you think the change is a good thing, it's happening slowly, and you'll know you're forgetting how things used to be. Maybe one day you'll wake up and realize halfway through that you forgot reality was changing at all. At least you wouldn't have to carry that worry for long, when any of the dozens of clowns you've known all your life would be happy to cheer you up if you give them a call. Maybe you'll call that courtroom jester who's always accidentally wrapping herself up with her whip. Or that bunny clown who's still trying to talk her twin sister who works as a bat themed magician into trying on makeup and a nose. There's that clown photographer with an afro too, her pictures always come out weird, and she makes you laugh so hard as she explains them. ...Strange. You could have sworn she was only a were-clown, but you can't remember what she looked like without her costume and hair dye. Of course it'd be unthinkable to see a clown out of costume, none of them even own normal clothes. ...But she's a were-clown, not a normal clown... Why did you think she's a were-clown?

Over thinking things this much will make any clown excited to stupefy you.
they would be able to put on normal clothes but the clothes would transform quickly, perhaps they'd also have a slight midnas touch as well where certain objects would appear different if a clown girl would hold them or outright transform like say a ordinary water bottle is turned into a giant spray bottle but if they put it down it's totally normal again but nobody perceives the transformation of the object though some things would stay transformed depending on various factors such as ownership so if a clown girl buys a car it's gonna be made into a tiny clown car and somehow able to fit +10 people but that's fine because it was always a clown car and totally wasn't transformed, maybe said objects could also pass on the clowning blessing like a cursed object.

there would be times where clown girls would feel a little confused "was I always like this? uh duh of course I was, there I go being like, SO silly *giggle* gosh I'm so forgetful...but I'm not forgetting anything! maybe I just lost my marbles, oh no there they are! *slips on falls* gosh I'm extra clumsy today I squashed that guys face into my massive honkers, woah that made him smile maybe I oughta do that more, he's all shy and blushy so cute when he gets all flustered from feeling a bit silly but I can tell he's smiling on the inside *giggie* that makes me smile too"
It's not so bad, Stacy can hang out with other unpopular girls.
I like that. Katy has that casual type of beauty that comes to her naturally and cool personality from just being herself, Stacy is a tryhard loser.
In fact, this might be the more natural way of affairs.
Memories of Stacy being popular? Must've been a weird dream.
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thank you
>Tried AO3 but there's less than 4 pages of it
Tagging on Ao3 is pretty hit and miss, chances are there's loads which use different tags.

Anyway you can find some more stories on chyoa.com
>It's not so bad, Stacy can hang out with other unpopular girls.
The other unpopular girls think she's beneath even them. Or like >>11131391 said, they had a really vivid dream of her being a popular bitch and they dislike her on instinct.
Is there a full translation of this comic? I reverse searched, but I only found the Japanese version.
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what kind of weird ripoff site is that
good shit man. It even raises more questions
>breast to breast communication - would they need to learn english to communicate with men, or would men need to learn how the breasts communicate
>how rude is it to stare at the face
>how do they parse a breast's "motivations" e.g. the brain has goals, but that's secondary to what the tits want. Is it similar to the disconnect between what makes, for example, a man's dick happy vs what makes his soul happy?
>How do breasts feel about paizuri? or penetration?
>If the head is mostly just used for sensory and food intake, how does body language get changed (rubbing ones eyes when tired, hand over mouth when shocked, etc)
>Do things like food taste, earrings, or even eyewear become less important to the point of disappearing? How do piercings affect things?
>is there a self-imposed ego death occurring? Giving up your personhood for tithood?
interesting stuff
There were more posts in that thread where I developed on it which answer most of these questions, but I was a bit inconsistent on it. I'd be happy to talk about boob world again though.
>breast to breast communication - would they need to learn english to communicate with men, or would men need to learn how the breasts communicate
Breast to breast communication only works for breasts, so obviously breasts still need to learn normal languages. Men can never learn or even properly understand how it works.
>how rude is it to stare at the face
Not very, just odd.
>how do they parse a breast's "motivations" e.g. the brain has goals, but that's secondary to what the tits want. Is it similar to the disconnect between what makes, for example, a man's dick happy vs what makes his soul happy?
You've got it. Boobs don't actually think, girls are just compelled to believe that they do. What a girl perceives to be her breast's thoughts and feelings to be are determined by her own projection and expectations. If faced with overwhelming proof that her thoughts are her own, the strange reality will force her to not understand it.
>How do breasts feel about paizuri? or penetration?
It feels good and they like it a lot. A pair of breasts pussy is still hers though, so they also like that. A paizuri is like the main event though. "Traditional" sex can sometimes just be foreplay for a boobjob in this world.
>If the head is mostly just used for sensory and food intake, how does body language get changed (rubbing ones eyes when tired, hand over mouth when shocked, etc)
I hadn't thought about this in specifics much. The idea of a girl covering her clevage when embarrassed, or gently cupping and bouncing herself while deep in thought is really cute. Some stuff would be attatched to the face still though. Her eyes would still be cloudy when first waking up for example. I'd be happy to hear what ideas you have.
>Do things like food taste, earrings, or even eyewear become less important to the point of disappearing? How do piercings affect things?
Sensory experiences that aren't tit focused are less important, but don't disappear entirely. It's less of a priority, but a pair of boobs might care about how the glasses she wears look the same way girls care about their shoes in this world. Nipple piercings are ugly and trashy. That's just my opinion, obviously some boobs would disagree and get them. I think those boobs have no taste.
>is there a self-imposed ego death occurring? Giving up your personhood for tithood?
Not really self imposed, but because of the reality shift, all girls are happy to sacrifice themselves and parts of their identity for the sake of their boobs. In fact, they wouldn't consider it a sacrifice at all. A pair of boobs will take credit for everything a girl thinks, feels, and does, and that girl will be happy with that. At most she might feel a little pride for being a good face and brain to serve her jugs, but feelings that she would have separate form her breasts would be few and far between.
what about girls pre-puberty? Breasts haven't come in yet, which means there was a period of their life when they were functionally non existent. Or rather, the head will be aware of having thoughts pre-breast. How to breasts respond to children?
As for the body language stuff, I figured that there would be similar care taken around blushing as one would take care around not showing your nipples - signs of arousal you aren't meant to see and all that. Mirrors would also be a thing to be curious about, does the face check the face for blemishes (e.g. acne) or is it mostly breast focused
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As soon as girls are conscious enough to be self aware, they'll be aware of themselves as their chest. The lack of development doesn't change this. The boobs have to be taught that they'll grow big and round some day, but that doesn't change who they are.
This isn't a lewd thing. Breasts are just what girls are, nobody from this world sees anything inherently sexual about exposed breasts, so only someone from our world would be bothered by it.

Boobs focus on themselves in the mirror of course. The beauty of the rest of their body is important, but not as much. While boobs may try to treat acne on their face, the put more effort into themselves, and apply makeup to their most important areas rather than wasting it on their face.
>praise girl prepuberty for how cute her breasts are
>girls grow from getting praised so this translates into early breasts growth in that world
>Girls grow from getting praised
I don't know what country's old wive's tale that is, but it comes across as totally random to an international public.
Doesn't that apply to most old wife tales?
well it's not exactly like that. Like the original version is people/kids growing from praise or something like that.
>Breast to breast communication only works for breasts, so obviously breasts still need to learn normal languages. Men can never learn or even properly understand how it works.
What about the girls attached to them?
Also, while I'm here, I really want to note this has been, as the kids call it, living in my head rent-free since I read it and I want to get that out of my system before the thread dies.
would there be a point to a breasts becoming trilingual? They can all communicate with each other, but just not with men, meaning there needs to be breast communication followed with the face who speaks the right language translating. I wonder if that extra step curbs ambition in breasts - if their main goals and joys in life are to be rubbed, make milk, etc. and all ambition (say both capital or political) is squarely in the head's category, would the breasts even want to bother trying since it would just take another step for international relations?
fetish aside, turning a nerdy girl into a muscle mommy should get you to a gulliotine, but i guess thats just how the law of equivalent exchange works.
>When did you realize you're into reality warp?
Wilson Barbers's weight gain stories. Though I'd say I'm more into reality warping as a cause for my fetishes rather than having a direct fetish for reality warp, if I'm understanding this correctly.
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Any time a human gets horny or desires any kind of affection, a nearby non-human being or object transforms into a fuckable form. This doesn't happen if someone gets horny because of a transformed object.
And do they take shape for what i'm horny for? Like loli, oppai loli, shortstack, monster girl etc?
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The shape is always something that you would find to be fuckable, but WHAT it is is semi-random. It usually favors the things that you'd enjoy the most, but it won't ALWAYS give you your favorite - otherwise you'd end up being bored.

Anyway, I'm undecided on whether or not you can impregnate/be impregnated by transformed objects.
svengali gregarious frog - it's a better taging system for mcstories, it has a tag for reality manipulation. Has a heap of content, it's great.
>Anyway, I'm undecided on whether or not you can impregnate/be impregnated by transformed objects.
Welp that is an entire can of different worm i'm not sure how to open up. Like the "baby" would relate to the thing it was born from? Like a cowgirl shaped milk bottles would give birth to possibly a human with hyper lactation? Would they even look human or just baby shaped object?
I think that the children would be normal humans regardless of what the parents are.

As for the whole "relate" thing... My idea is that humans would believe (correctly) that the universe (defined as "everything that isn't human") wants to fuck them, and they exist to fuck the universe. And their entire mindset would be about that. They would accept that the universe is basically one giant lover/parent.

So, for example, if you were born from a human and a milk-bottle-turned-MILF, you would think that your parents are the human and the universe. The milk bottle is not an independent being separated from the universe; it's part of the universe, like a finger is part of your hand.
And if both your parents were human? Well, if you look at your family tree, you'll find out that the universe birthed the primordial lifeforms that appeared on Earth millions of Earth ago, so the universe is still your progenitor. "Abiogenesis" is just a fancy way to say "the universe spontaneously gave birth to humans".
CHYOA dot com has lots, alongside other content, and a fairly robust tagging and bookmark system
the BE addventure is showing its age technically and seems to be unmaintained but has a large backlog and a small active community with a good amount of reality warp material. the tagging system is less developed and less complete which can be frustrating considering everything is organized in a single enormous tree structure but theres some ok search and tagging tools.
I've written a couple things on both sites
myself that are firmly in this genre and gotten encouraging responses if that tells you anything.

svengali is usually good but at the moment its not working for me... the main panel where the mcstories site usually appears is blank, and the search feature is hung on a loading screen. is anyone else having problems?

Oh shit this is baller, I'm actually tempted to spend money on a chatbot. Fuck me.
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Happy to see that someone liked it. I would love to write more, but I've been crazy busy, so you'll have to use your own imagination for now. What kind of media would you want your girlfriend to move into and why?
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A handheld touchscreen console like a DS or a Switch definitely sounds the most fun, especially if it gets some game-like elements for interactivity. Playing with the Steam Deck a lot also makes me imagine filling a custom radial menu with weird options that could affect the room or it's inhabitant(s).

The original post specified it was just for women, though the sub in me can't help but imagine a gender-flipped variant where girls are entertained by guys living in digital rooms for them to observe and/or play with might also be fun.

Pic not quite related, but felt relevant and I wanted to contribute an image.
Finding good reality warp content feels like a struggle. I've found a handful of comics over the years and read through all the good ones on mcstories. Games feel nonexistent or outright just not good.

I keep trying to interact with my favorite fetish and I'm finding nothing. My favorite types of reality warping are retroactive reality warping, oblivious to change, brutal, accidental, sluttification of various kinds etc etc.

I wonder why no one has made a decent reality warping porn game yet. Text based roleplay AI is so fucking frustrating to work with in this scenario too.
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Well it's not really a fetish by itself, is it? It's an uncommon addition to other things, like body transformation.
I wanna write a story about a guy having recurring dreams about an alternate world, the waking segments and the dream segments alternating until which one is the dream and which one is reality becomes blurred and eventually reversed.
Dude go for it. Writing isn't that hard as long as you have time for it. Just make sure to outline your story, the scenes you want to hit and the tones you want them to have.
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Want to talk more about clown world.
Do they turn back or will any room eventually become entirely made of up of fuckable shapes?
sure thing I'm down for more clown.

Clown girls would be very durable and high energy no matter how much they trip over they never seem to get seriously injured, in a way they are very much like vampires or succubus but they don't feed on blood or sexual desire but rather joy/laughter the more joy you experience the better off they are (though sexual desire can still be something they give to make people happy) they might also be able to gain magic powers to assist with gags like spawning pies, being able to store things on their person akin to bags of holding (so they can pull out gags, gimmicks toys and what have you at any time) empath powers so they can tell when you need a bit of joy in your life, most tend to be very loyal to anyone who loves them but they are fine with being apart of harems (circuses) they tend not to be prudish at all.

much like vampires there are different clans/types of clowns such as jesters, harlequins, clowns, ballet/stage/theater, bunny, etc most of which are just costume choices but you could find unique ones such as mimes who cannot talk but they act out words and your mind registers it as talking, some like mimes would have unique powers, jester girls for example always seem to jingle even without bells.

and yes, when you grab their butt or boobs or press their noses it does honk.
I like this idea; dovetails nicely into other /d/ idea I've seen about digitized women.

How would couples sleep? Perhaps women can only get a rest when in cyber space, so they might climb into their husband's cell phone when it's bed time.

When a couple is separated by distance the man might look at his partner's e-room remotely and even ask/demand a peep show.

Perhaps modifying the woman when she is digitalized might alter her subconscious slightly in the real world, with more pronounced modifications taking years of work to produce.
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can you download/torrent a wife?

also if they are digital would you be able to copy/paste and or edit them?
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I think it's better if girls don't become data, they just live in it. No copying or editing your wife or sister. If you copy her room, she stays on the old disc and you get an empty duplicate with all her digital stuff. If you delete it all, she climbs out and is mad at you for trashing her place.

That said, while permanently changing her doesn't gel well imo, the room influencing her while she's in it seems great. Like, imagine your girlfriend lives in a farming sim like harvest moon. Part of the game compels her to be happy and cheer each time you give her a gift. As soon as she leaves, she can express more normal feelings about receiving gifts again. If she's been living and receiving gifts for a long time though, the experience and positive associations might shape how she reacts to gifts in the physical world, but not really in a brainwashy way, she just remembers how she has felt before, and expects a gift from you every day even if it's super modest.
The most directly observable effect of this is that a lot of girls enjoy getting poked with styluses. Make sure to bring one to a first date.

I think girls should have a degree of isolation from game mechanics. Not sure to what extent, but you shouldn't be able to kill a girl by playing her game or force her to act too far out of her personality, I.E. feed a vegan girl meat in game.

Didn't think about couples sharing a room. Lots of different ways to handle that. A device is equivalent to a girl's room, so sleeping in her room while that room is in her sleeping husband's hands may be nice, but considerably more distant than couples sleeping in the same bed before the shift. A girl may spend the night in her husband's room in physical space to be closer, but I think the shift would stop girls from doing that all the time the same way they're blocked from deciding to move into a normal physical room again.
Of course rocket jumping would have to be common, how else would people get to higher floors of their buildings?
>tfw can edit a girl's face onto anime girls to change her body from neck down
sad now
If I may propose a compromise:Being able to make changes to a woman while she's in a digital space designed for it, but the edits are just data and disappear when she leaves. Not sure if they'd reappear when she re-enters, maybe it depends on the room, maybe they could just be manually saved and reloaded while somebody's in there. Though one simple kind of change that might actually affect the girl might just be changing her clothes, since I assume those would be brought in, out and changed by herself in her room, Maybe there could also be 'digital clothes' that only exist within the digital space, and if she tries to leave while wearing them they just disappear, and her original clothes reappear... or not.

Could women enter any game, or just specific girl room software (though even if the latter, I'm assuming some double as games)? If not, can they become playable characters? Are they on-screen at all times? How much control does a user have? I'm intrigued by the idea of girls entering games to be played by outsiders, maybe there could be games specifically designed around being entered by girls, or regular games start having support for girls entering them like a gimmick. Maybe a controller would tell a girl what to do and have them instantly respond to the input by running, jumping, et cetera, but they'd still be able to reject inputs they don't want to do (might be interesting to figure out how that works from her perspective). Or maybe just something like a point-and-click adventure where the girl is autonomous, solving puzzles with users.

Any which way, a more practical question... What happens when the room gets closed, or turned off, or a user just goes into the home menu while it's running? That might explain what happens if a girl 'dies' in a game (going back to the question of if they're on-screen at all times). Also just want to say I like how comparatively gentle, safe and cute this idea is, and I'd love to see stuff get made with it.
I don't know if there is a specific name for this "trope" but it's hot and I wish there was more of it
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I think a good way to think about it is similar to an Amibo or Mii, things happen to the girl and can have some pretty dramatic effects but it's all contained within the screen realm and they get sort of reset when outside of it.

However they do still remember it like you said. And with things happening within the screen being 'normal' this sort of blunts things but also means you can have a girl who sees nothing wrong with being made to fight tentacles monsters while wearing bikini armor in your RPG, yet habitually still enters the game console like you might decide to sit in a different room every now and then.

The actual 'real' effects though are that she many is a bit more familiar with fantasy tropes than before and she personally enjoyed the fighting so she ends up getting into HEMA or something.
But then for a different girl she might start to really get into tentacle porn and end up sort of enjoying being ordered around strategically.
I love thinking about how she did this to him
interesting thought I just had: what if roleplaying games had you actually become your character temporarily? like the digital world/room idea you anons had.

as long as the game is going you are effectively in that world as that person you are playing where anything can happen so long as everyone agrees/ within the rules of the game, the game master, and/or dice rolls/RNG, think of it like jumanji sort of where the game has an actual world within it (that could also possibly effect things in real life if the rules say so)

the game could be like table top dungeon crawling or a typical board game/card game that depending on plays could effect reality in various ways, like how yugioh works in the anime where the players became the monsters/get effected by the cards in some form or jumanji wherein you get put in a world until the game is over.
What's the tag for this?
Reality warp, change in common sense or common sense change, mass [effect you want] ex: mass hypnotism.
What tag(s) do you search?
The honk is a must!
>tags: role_reversal reality_change envy
People holding incredibly huge bras in comparison to their normal bodies is incredibly erotic for some reason
Because It leaves to the imagination that someone, somewhere out there can FILL such an absurd garment, and you are left excited to know who. Like finding the lone feather of an exotic bird, if the bird was an overdeveloped girl.

Plus, if they managed to get to that size, who says they can't get bigger?
To me, it's really fun in a humiliation sorta way for me. What *was* big and womanly is now pitifully tiny and girlish. Just seeing that huge bra is really hot to imply that.
Nerdification is so goddamn hot
She's still as big and womanly as before, it's just that she's been overtaken by someone that should never have been a threat.
I see! So the standard hasn't been changed, it's rather just that Asuka in particular's become so buxom. Still really hot to see Misato overtaken! I love when the changes are either a downgrade or some humiliation that causes the changed person to have to "deal" with their new selves as though their better selves were just a dream. Something like all those reality bending stories on places like the changing mirror really get me hot and bothered.
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I can see the appeal, but I want the subject to still be attractive to me.
Bimbofication or humiliation through hypersexualization also works.
>bitchy boss magically demoted to sex-slave secretary
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Shifting the standards of the whole world up is amazing.

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