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Boys being dominated by futa, me women and turned into traps, sissies, bimbos, etc.
As long its feminization its welcome
Except eunuch/castration, it has its own thread already
And bringing up real life shit either
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And thats it, bonus internet points for FORCED fem btw, its my favorite
File deleted.
>Here's my new femboy donutsteel OC
>Name: Alex

stop it
What's wrong with the name Alex anon
File deleted.
just use something original for once.
What the fuck happened here? Can't I even make a feminization thread without some bullshit ruining the whole fun within less than 20 posts?
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Okay, Lebrawniqua.
Fuck off.
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Is that a artist name? No results here
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Actually would be pretty neat to feminize a black man into an absolutely feminine tradwife, and to the level feminization tends to go with hentai. Like a reverse BBC, a woman (or futa) completely flipping the script on him.
"I'm sorry ma'am I'd love to fuck his bussu, but Ive got 40 more houses to deliver to before lunch or I won't be able to make rent"
He needs a better union.
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under socialism you’d be allowed to fuck as much as you want on the clock, alas
I wanna see feminization manga/comic that involves the unwilling surgical alteration of the body.

Any source for this?
Not really. Closest thing I know of are the alien gender-bending machines from arisane's comics, and that's just the ususal alien tubes and chemicals in the water turning you gay.

'Alien Abduction' and 'Getting in Shape' if you're at least partially interested in that.
Yeah, I've come across several of these, but it's not really what I'm looking for.
The insta-transformation kind of spoils the flow of the story. Feels like two separate comics/characters cut together.

I want to see the story arc of forced feminization taken from origins to the body altering extreme.
I'm looking for doujins which handle social transition, e.g. character starting to wear female clothing in public.
I require more of this material
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tfw its real and your dream comes true and its not just a fantasy, after 10yrs of hrt :)
Pretty sure captions can get you banned in /d/
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>in the future humanity evolved past the need of crude plastic surgery
>just a single dose of nanobots can completly reshape a male
>femboys, bimbos... a greatly variety of possible fates to a poor boy in debt
>selling his body for money still not working very well to clear his debts tho
>perhaps a second dose to get some bigger pair of breasts can help attracting more clientele?
Look up papermania/Naya, his stuff tends to be sameish. I'd recommend this one https://exhentai.org/g/340527/8812ffec2d/
I have to be honest, anons.

I love forcefem but I hate chastity.
Did she really impregnate him? Is there more?
that's only natural
chastity is a humiliation/cuck fetish larping as feminization
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Personally, I really like the slow changes building up. Especially if it's happening with regular medication/injections and they KNOW about it, but can't stop it. The softening of their features, the clearing of their skin, thinning body hair (even though they're forced to wax/shave it anyway), their breasts starting to bud and be sensitive, and comments about how their penis isn't working as well as it used to. Plus, the fact that their feminine routine (makeup, hair, mannerisms, dressing, etc) is second nature, and the point they don't even realize they're doing it.
Chastity is chastity, nothing more. What is it with you people? Some see evil where it isn't ought to be, others outright propagate it.
Got doujin recommendations for that?
Honestly not really. Most of them jump straight to the end product, or it isn't mentioned at all. The artist I did post a pic of though, gomabura, does some of that.
The best way to display how feminine someone has become is to either compare them to their original selves, or pair them with someone much more masculine than they are to enhance the contrast.
What if my name is Alex and I want to self-insert?
[Rouran Shoujo (tat)] Mesu Ochi Otokonoko no Kekkon
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Hey! I'm wondering if anyone has the picture where an individual gets locked permanently in a rubber pony suit? Might not be the best thread for this, Thanks!
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Anyone have a recommendation for something similar to SISSEKAI? I can only refresh the page looking for a new chapter so many times...

Pic unrelated. Just felt I needed to provide something
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No supportive feminizing bf to
>Force you to wear feminine things
>Have you take pictures
>Gently push you forward
>Make you take care of yourself and make goals for improving yourself

Why even anymore.
also something im into
theres this, it kinda sucks though and i wish it was better/longer
the movies "the assignment" and "the skin i live in", also deal with it but i havent seen them yet

Family is going out of town this weekend
What are some things to buy so I can feel like a sissy this weekend?
Or just things to have a fun sexual time
Chastity cage and/or prostate massager
They call that Bleached, Bleachboouru is pretty good it's just that
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I sympathize so much, I refresh it and the related stories linked at the bottom of the latest chapter too much. There are so few hot written feminization stories nowadays…

I’ve written so many stories over the years, and drawn so many erotic illustrations, only to later in a panic delete them. I feel I understand the appeal of this kink very well and consequently write slow, forced feminization in my, vain opinion, well, but I’m terrified to spend too much time on it instead of my actual art, and terrified to share it online in a world where anyone can get hacked. So I just stick to reading other ppl’s mostly.

I liked this story a lot when I found it as a teen. It has some shared themes with Sissikei, so perhaps you may to:

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Picturd is incredible
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I assume you already read the fics in the Inspired Works list
WestOrEast has a ranma 1/2 feminization fic too, forgot the name but its one of his oldest ones on Ao3
why is this stuff so hot to me now when it did NOTHING for me pre-transition
>Straight light
Fuck, I know this feel.
It's a made up name intended to mock orignal American name.
god i need more of this kind of image
Have been looking for doujins of this if you have any favorites
For the shotacons out there, Raibura to Shota is pretty hot, there is no male on shota, which may even be consideres a good thing for people whoblike feminization but aren't into yaoi but the game still has plenty of anal, nipple play and etc.
Feminization is pretty much the game's entire thing
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hips are ngmi
The "Totally not gay for adorably feminine boys to be absolutely dominated by strong, masculine men' kind of images?
Yes, I am partial to them myself.
Picturd almost exclusively drawing futas is a crime.
Men want to dominate sissies too.
Don't think so. They're not from the same set, but ThiccwithaQ made two pics before that one with the same idea: Pic related is first, then this one >>11108273. OP Pic is the third, but unrelated.
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>Gaming Posture
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>Are Ya Winnin' Son?
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>Dad Is Winning
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You will be forced to negotiate whether you can raise the fucking from 30 minutes to one hour a week.
Ouma ga Horror Show on sadpanda
Oh, something came to mind. I don't rememeber if there is a single 'feminization' situation on the manga (leaning towards no), but if what you want to see is unwilling surgical alteration of the body (leaning towards dark humor/horror rather than hot), there's only one manga I can really point you towards.

The best girl in the business, 'Franken Fran'.
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IIRC there was a gift of the magi sort of situation
>Girl is afraid of dicks or masculine bodies or whatever but has boyfriend
>Boyfriend asks to get a pussy for gf
>Girl for some reason asks to get a dick (face her fears?)
>Turns out she just swapped their reproductive organs
>Boy might have also gotten the girlfriend’s breasts too
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OH, I remember that one! One of the first ones in the series.
No, OP is a follow up to pic related
god i wish i were her
Don't be silly, Anon. Halycon is the straightest of cis guys. There's nothing gay or feminine about this MILF Hunter whatsoever.
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same honestly
I would willingly agree to this.
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Do you have a link? That name brings up nothing on sad panda
It's not porn, so you're not gonna find it there.
Look for it whereve you'd read any other manga online.
Any voluntary, or non-coereced feminization stories?
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same, only started getting off to this sort of thing after ~3 or so years on e
retroactively accepting the things we repressed as we went through them lmao
Aww. I was hoping it was porn, lol.
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Anyone got Abarus' housemate to housewife comic?
Ainslie I'm trying to rub one out I don't need to be reminded of the grind right now
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Making the BF wear a drindl/girls Bavarian outfit for Octoberfest (we''re going to a late local one) as well as for Halloween with me and some girlfriends since he wants to try being femme under cover of ''a joke for the bit;.'

Anything extra I can spring on him on the day to feminize/embarrass him more - something that will just push his limits but he'd probably still secretly love?
Secretary Outfit, make sure the skirts is really tight and short and that breast forms are fake enough that people can tell he's not a real woman or man. Could disguise it as a "practice" outfit to got pick up some some last minute makeup or heel inserts and show him off at a shopping center.
Oh, and make sure to get pictures of him and use female pronouns with him. Remind him to sit and walk like a lady(I assume he'll be wearing heels). Making him be flirty with guys can come later when you get something really compromising on him or he admits he likes a bunch of women sissifying him.
I'm here to fap to fucking sissy petite boys dressed up as pretty girls and never had any thoughts of getting my ass railed. Over the years I stopped caring on if whether the thing I want to fuck is female or not. I just want to ravage and make someone want for me to drill their ass.
God Sissekai is so good. I love when MC's health reaches zero and gets gang raped. I love when goblins whip out their schlongs and start beating off to the MC
New chapter was insanely hot too
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This artist is good

I think that would be a lot for in public. I'm thinking how to make a fraulien outfit more sissy. I'm thinking more getting a cheap petticoat/frilly bloomers to make it more fru fru.

But I do like the secretary idea for WFH, at least on the lower half of the body for zoom/teams...
Heels and a corset. Its easy to play it off as a gag by still standing and acting masculine. "Haha, isn't it funny how much of a juxtaposition there is between these clothes and how I'm acting?"

But being forced into certain postures makes it harder to play it off that way. Which makes it more exciting.

Also, a choker and stockings. Guys aren't used to wearing stuff like that so we're pretty much always concious of it when we do. Of course they'll slip down, so he'd better wear a garter belt, too :^)
Oh, also if he's got chest hair, don't make the top low cut. Again, the juxtaposition gives plausible deniability, so a higher cut makes it more feminine. Alternatively, some kind of bralette

Omg I love the idea of a like an bavarian/edelwiess/floral themed choker. I'm pretty sure some of the costumes come with that and a headband.

Most of the other girls are wearing more stable heeled boots I think I'll try and get him something similar, given its on grass mostly, but I agree anyhing high heeled change your posture to be much more feminine.

I think stockings and garter is a great last minute addition, than you anon!
If the dress is long enough, petticoat all the way, plus the bloomers. The softer and fussier his underwear is the better.

And I agree, get him to see it as comfortable to wear a skirt and stocking, like a nice treat away from his normal work clothes.
Oooh, a corset is rough but I think he’ll like how it feels if he wants be with the girls. Would it be viable or under the dress?

Do something tamer for October fest. Like just basic makeup, maybe some boy shorts with a cute pattern, tell him it adds to the joke “get it boy shorts?!”

Then Halloween do something more over the top, since he’ll be more comfortable.

Corset, lace front wig and full face makeup. Maybe breast forms?

Keep the fussing before hand as a surprise so he doesn’t have time to realize he’ll look as feminine as he can be without medical intervention.

If he protests tell him to commit to the bit and it’s better if he looks more feminine.
Depends on the vibe you wanna go for. I think under is the way to go, because he has to explain he's wearing a corset if he wants to explain his posture lol
Man your BF is lucky as hell, godspeed
Who is this artist please? I love this in denial thing its adorable!
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I'm trying to find this thing i read a while back, but not having luck yet. Hoping maybe one of you can help.
Its a manga or doujin that has a younger man, maybe a prince or a military leader, who has been captured by the physically much larger leader of the enemy faction. this man decides to make the younger man his wife and begins to have sex with him, gradually feminizing him through repeated sex. at one point they bring in representatives of the younger man's kingdom or military and negotiate a peace treaty in exchange for their marriage, I think.

I remember one scene in particular the warlord guy has gone away so this prince or general or whatever is training with a dildo stuck on a wall.
IIRC the guy comes back and he has some potion that will allow the young man to become pregnant.
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ThiccWithaQ / Nyantcha
Kinda. What's wrong with that?
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This sequence in particular is pretty hot, I love when futas can just naturally feminize men like its a innate ability of them
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This is how Fummunity Comix Futa works.

The flag ship comic is A Pervert's Surprise.

I remember someone posted a story here. It was a sissification/vrmmo rpg story where the main character got locked into a sissy class and his childhood female friend was getting ntred ingame. anyone have the name?
[P Herb] Mesu Ochi Knight. In general "mesu ochi" has a ton of great content.
You're thinking of "Sissekai"
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Thank you!
Do any of you guys do forced fem roleplays with people? I tried and the people that are actually good at it always end up ghosting me and deleting their accounts.
I do, quite a lot of the time actually as the domme. I don’t think this board is quite tolerant of roleplaying tho
Not sure sending a discord link here is a good idea either
Yea this board is very “never do <queer thing> irl, don’t even mention it or that’s off topic”
>Whinning about things that aren't hentai
>No images posted
>Not even at least bringing up a game or piece of fiction
No, just no
Do you think there's any safe way to exchange contact info here?
Not that know of. I have a process which works, just has a lot of fallibility if someone really does want to mess with us.
Want to try it?
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Sure! What is the process?
Not the same person but I'm interested
Disc hypnofemboi0138
Well, 4chan is counting my link as spam, so just send me a burner discord ID and you then refer me to your real one if you want
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I wish I could be dunked in a vat of hair loss solution so I'd never have to shave again
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I want friends to talk about this stuff with...
Send me your discord ID cutie, I'm always happy to talk to more sissy girls!
Same. Even if it took the hair on my head I'd have a wig permanently affixed to my head.
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Anyone else can add me too! But I'm not the greatest conversationalist
There're a couple good, long ones, but most of the recent ones are koikatsu-made.
'Forever Summer' by moonlly and 'Witness Protection' by ruinvs are my favorite on-going doujins with slow, forced feminization.
I've been shaving almost every day and im having great results! No burn or bumps.
Brat needs to appreciate his cool dad. Most sissies don’t get even get a dad. The few that do get sexually abused by them.
Yeah same here. Being smooth feels so much better.
Imagine getting mind-controlled by a futa and becoming addicted to her delicious cum
Linking two pretty nice fics I found
A hot feminization Final Fantasy fic I found, its cuck stuff tho
A FGO one which is Gil x Hakunon, pretty cool too
get a real hair removal laser online and do it daily and within multiple months or a year or two youll be completely smooth permanently. (it took me 10 mins of waiting just to post this, fuck this gay ass new system)
No need for mind control, I'd do it voluntarily.
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I like the original name of /WTF/ (women training fems) but this is fine too I guess
These are two different threads
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If anyone else is looking for discord friends I'm down! loudaf. The period is a part of the name
Any good chat bot for feminization?
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is dark souls good for you?
the >finnster pipeline
My gf likes pegging me and also likes it when I am totally shaven etc, what do u think the odds are she'll make me wear a maid costume if I accidentally order it in my size instead of hers?
Just buy two maid costumes
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what i looove is behaviour/temperament training. Pic rel is the hottest example. Shy nerdy boy forced to act like a gyaru. Braincells exchanged for femininity. This is extra-humiliating
Have you got any more of this? Sadly 90% of what this author makes has diapers or age regression.
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Based taste, I wish I had more to share.
>Braincells exchanged for femininity.
Hot as fuck
thought i'd share. its a bit paint by numbers but i enjoyed it

How'd it go?
Pretty hot, I would say full blown genderbender has its own thread I think this one is more suited for doujins like this one
What kind of relationship do you people have with your families?
Just curious
my father dressed me in my little sister's clothes and treated me like his daughter
my mother dressed me in my little sister's clothes so she could show me off to her friends who likewise dressed their sons like their little sisters
my big sister dressed me in my little sister's clothes and made me practice kissing
my little sister dressed me in her clothes and made me her dolly

wasn't cute enough to get molested though
>Forgetting to change tabs before posting on a thread
Ah... Classic mistake
Any one have the source for this one?
Reverse image search isn't coming up with anything
It wasn't
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[Inariya] Succubus no Oneesan
They'd kill me if they could.
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>tmw no supportive gf who’ll feminize you for both our pleasure
Life’s so unfair bros
Here's my cage
>thread immediately dies
the AI got him. turned his hands into girl hands. he can only cook and lie now
Wrong thread, this ain't the chastity general, this isn't even a chastity thread bruh
>Weight gain
Way to ruin a perfectly fine comic
>Weight gain
It's peak
none lol
they threw me out at 14 (bi, kissed a boy)
haven't spoken to them in ~15 years
How old are you now?
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These are my favourites. Both doujins are pretty much the same thing - futa cock turns boys into bitches. They each are pretty short, but the transformation is gradual. Hope you like it.

I'm old (31)
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I'm only interested in feminization/sissification when it's a mixture of femdom and crossdressing. As soon as I see anything involving breast transplants, estrogen, or gay sex, I lose all interest. Is there anyone else here who feels the same way?
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Yeah, me too
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Same, it sucks that the straight trap thread is mostly trapdom.
Man I wish this was more common
literally the exact opposite for me. there has to be some permanent change. also ideally maledom but either is fine.
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I haven't seen it, but you should check out She-Man: A Story of Fixation. It's a movie about a soldier who is forced to take estrogen and wear lingerie when he is blackmailed by a violent transvestite. Funny enough, it was directed by the same guy who made Porky's, A Christmas Story, and Baby Geniuses.
>She-Man: A Story of Fixation
doesn't really work for me, has to pass, even initially
I'm on board with this. Body modification is sort of its own thing and should be like an epilogue if it's included. Gay sex is trash, but very rarely coercion by a participating woman gets a pass. Frankly I don't understand how that works and I'd rather not. But it's very important it is feminization and not just erasure of the previous self - including identity and sexuality. Outside of mindbreak scenarios in which case identity is sort of on the cards but needs to be the endgame and not the premise.
Anon, no need to act like a contrarian you know?
I like breast expansion in feminization stories and doujins but only when its natural or magic, basically anything that relies on hentai logic rather than realism
I fucking hate the use of hormones and surgery in these fics too
objectively correct btw
like regular hormones or like milda7 'turn an entire football team into cheerleaders' hormones
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>Magical explanation > futa cum with feminizing effects > unrealisticly effective "hormones" > bodyswap (Thats barely even feminization anymore)

This is objectively beyond correct
>magical feminizing runes
>being dumb and drinking a girl potion
>forcibly fed that same girl potion
>being blackmailed by your little sister into wearing her clothes
>locking bodysuits

any of these good?
avatar transform might be sort of in your wheelhouse
>futa cum with feminizing effects
See, that's gotta be my favorite, especially if you combine it with some addiction themes.
>be normal guy
>have some bicurious tendencies
>eventually agree to meet a futa (less gay that way) for some casual head swapping
>slow descent into femboy slut hopelessly addicted to futacock
regular. I like longform, and I like natural conversions. I like milda7 too though, although it gets a bit over the top
no this sucks because it's usually identity death. also forced >> being dumb
Original post you are replied to here, I actually like all of these
Dunno about autoclosets tho, its one of these sci-fi automatic closets that might forcibly dress you up if you are not careful?
>locking bodysuits
Cursed loot is a pretty good one.

It's a shame there aren't that many games with the feature. Modded Skyrim, Trap Quest...
So I'm not into sissy or chastity things, but I thought this would be the best place to ask. I want to try doing some crossdressing, maybe with a latex bodysuit to hide my male features or with a lot of makeup. I've seen some pretty impressive temporary results with makeup and I make enough to afford the good stuff. But I'm afraid that my shoulders will ruin the look no matter what I do. Am I just fucked or do prosthetic hips help balance the body out?
you pretty much have to. there's a reason that drag queens tend to have a bimbo aesthetic

you also have to be skinny. like super skinny
Have to what? Have to use prosthetic hips? I don't mind as long as it works. But won't being skinny make my butt too thin? If I'm going to crossdress I want to look good while I do it. I think drag queens look very ugly, and that's not the look I'm going for. Although I don't mind if the look ends up being slutty as long as it looks good. I'm not going to be posting any of it online.
most women's shoulders are broader than their hips. you'll get more mileage in your figure by reducing your waist size rather than adding balloons to your butt
Are there any online resources you could recommend for diet plans and exercise routines that would help me achieve that body?
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unfortunately where fat sits on your body is largely regulated by genes. hormones can alter it but we don't do permanent changes irl. exercise in general will build and tone muscle, you don't get to pick where the fat burns off of you.

off the top of my head i don't know of any non harmful ways to lose a lot of fat quickly. you'll have to work for it. just reduce calorie intake until you achieve the form you're looking for. don't try 'corset training' as it will lead to belly issues

also recommend doing a zentai bodysuit before doing latex, as latex is difficult to maintain and doesn't conform to you, while its pretty easy to get a bodysuit thats flesh toned and has a bust. you don't need to wear an anime girl mask like most kigurumi stuff you'll see
>off the top of my head i don't know of any non harmful ways to lose a lot of fat quickly. you'll have to work for it.
I didn't expect this to be something that was over in the span of a few days, I'd like to put in the effort to be satisfied by my own looks when crossdressing. I just don't know where to start since I've been scared of actually trying to crossdress irl for years, even if only for myself.
get skinny and lean then. its also much easier to shave hair off of lean muscle than squishy fat so you'll have the smoothness you need
MMM..I would love to dominate a lucky sissy gurl and make her MY cute slut! WHo wants to be the lucky bitch~
where's the chase? the romance? you have to lure them into your van with anime, beef jerky and energy drinks
Do you have the other images that were with that one? It seems like it got deleted from pixiv
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artist is shiitake300. it does look like he pulled some of his shit from pixiv

i didn't save much, i'll post what i have thats not on his pixiv. which is 2 things
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his fanbox is also partially on kemono. but kemono is fucked. you may have more luck in a kigurumi thread, there's usually one on /jp/
I am the opposite
Assimilation is the best hands down my favorite is when they slowly become more female of their own choice, but forced is still amazing
so like a boy summons a succubus. the succubus does the succubus thing but doesn't tell him the price. each time he fucks her he turns little by little into a succubus himself

and then the original succubus either gloats at his misfortune, or they tagteam the next dude the summons them
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>each time he fucks her he turns little by little into a succubus himself
Hot as fuck, tf into a succubus is far erotic than draining their power
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moar where it's their own mothers doing it pls!!
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That pretty hot anon, which model you used?
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I hate that all feminization is being done by a woman and is just "wow ur a gurl now"

Give me the shit where a man kidnaps a smaller weaker man and lobotomizes him to completely remake his mind and body to rape in his basement forever
thats because the majority of dudes with AGP are still straight and want to be made to wear girly clothes and be pegged by a cute girl
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This. I think girls are cute, and I want to be cute too. [spoiler]I realize it's unrealistic but I can dream, damnit[/spoiler]
>pic is probably older than half the board
Need a feminized cutie to dominate and fuck
>Give me the shit where a man kidnaps a smaller weaker man and lobotomizes him to completely remake his mind and body to rape in his basement forever
I've seen something like that but it was western art with use of ugly CGI.
It was about a small university boy kidnapped by big hairy biker, chained in basement and feed estrogen for months until he grew tits and his hair grew longer. After that, dressed like a slutty biker chick, so you know knee-long boots, miniskirt to cover his tiny limp dick, leather top squeezing his new grown boobies etc etc. He was then taken to biker club and handcuffed to urinal, next to gloryhome for other bikers to use.
under socialism the state will fuck everyone in the ass equally
Here, faggot
Just leaving this here:

I’m working on AI film adaptations next… probably won’t be out for a year or two however due to the tech not quite being there (but close).
dicks are too big i can only like it if the sissy faggot has a tiny little worm
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Thoughs in the new work of papermania?

Hope for a 3rd part!
I want to be feminized, but I don't want to be turned into some girly bimbo. I want to be turned into a weird, autistic, frumpy horse girl. Am I completely alone in this?

I waited 900 seconds to post this.

you walk in dark places my friend
some fetishes are too fucked up even for /d/

What's this mean? And yes, I do walk in dark places, lol

Is it really that fucked up? I feel like a lot of stuff on /d/ is way worse. It's just feminization with a twist. I met a guy on discord and we were doing a story like this but then he just ghosted...
joe six-pack stories are goated
the base word is fujoshi. basically a femcel who's brain is so blasted with porn that she consumes gay porn because she isn't a part of her own fantasies
Ah, I see. Yes, a femcel is close to what I had in mind- but I really think sex is completely alien to this girl I had in mind
you must have even lower self-esteem than a typical autogynocel; even if you were a completely different person it's inconcievable that you could be attractive or accepted
there are probably quite a lot of people who have the same thing but I imagine most of them are too preoccupied with other, more debilitating mental complexes to dwell on it much
It's okay, anon. However, that can be not a fetish, but more of a deeper psychological need to have another persona. If you experience any discomfort about this, I'd recommend talking to a specialist.
>lobotomizes him
what's the point if there's identity death? how are you supposed to relate to something that's completely gone?
use him as an example to the next victim
but how is it hot? you're supposed to see yourself as the one getting feminized, but the one getting feminized cannot even see themselves as anything if their identity is gone, so it's logically contradictory. just not hot at all
what is this one called?

I've spent damn near a thousand dollars on jailbreaking corporate LLMs to write incredibly detailed lore-rich smut of exactly this: getting pumped full of futa cum and slowly being corrupted into a horny bimbo femboy.

Wrote a whole fantasy adventure novella about questing with said futa and rawing/getting raw'd by her, followed by her lying about not knowing why I was being feminized.
Post proof
femcels don't exist
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I have a thing for demon chicks with horsecocks corrupting me into a demon chick with a horsecock, so that's in play too. This scene was ChatGPT API calls - I use claude more these days, better writer, less prone to a few irritating errors.
it's not AI. model = human brain. jesscaTG's brain in particular.

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