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Post any content with modularity, body part detachements, headless girls, etc. No gore, preferably no futa, high-effort AI is passable.

Trying to revive the tread with the GOAT, あ. Still sad about them dissapearing from pixiv.
Also posting some 艾德柯Edke for a good measure.
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It's a real shame that some of the best artist for this niche fetish are gone
Name some.
I miss whoever made this character. Completely forgot their name
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Fuuuck this artist deleted their stuff?
Worse, they simply deactivated their account. That's a shame, really, even their headswap staff was kino (but it's not a thread for that).
why the fuck do these threads keep getting nuked?
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I think they just 404 from inactivity. the Archive only hold for 3 days. It's why it's empty now. As for why the 404 the fetish is still very niche meaning content is rare and unlike other things posted here having 10+ new pictures a week isn't feasible so it takes a very dedicated anon to even keep these threads around, so say they go on vacation or get sick it's a high chance it just 404s because rarely is there anything to post that's free/new in this genre.
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Who is the author? Is there a patreon, pixvid or other kind of platform to follow his work?
あ, I mentioned it earlier.
And, unfortunately, they nuked themselves out of pixiv and they aren't on any other platform afaik.
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I wonder if this fetish will get bigger in the future
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If prosthetics ever get better than homegrown limbs it'll probably see a big uptick
past 2 or 3 threads disappeared after a day though
that's because retards kept filling it up with arm and leg amputees and made it unpopular
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when no one gets the job done right (xessxie)
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Agreed, there's an amputee thread already, go shit that up
there was a mess up and mods purged a shit ton of boards, all threads got nuked
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Too bad that there were artists that make such works would disappear with those works gone forever.
None of said arts never get archived in e-hentai.
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Vtubers detatching their heads is my favorite kind of content
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Amputee thread is this way >>11100421
it's a detachment / NBM general, and I think harmless detachment of limbs falls under that category. I've been keeping quiet but someone has to stand up to the spergs before they totally kill the morale of the thread...
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>someone has to stand up
Kek, its a fetish thread. And you can't even be bothered to contribute...
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I would say, if those limbs are still alive after separation, then it's NBM/detachment
Otherwise it's just an amputation with some extra steps
>alive after separation
That's the whole point
Gotta love a living lowerhalf that has a mind of its own and is good with her feet.
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Okay I agree with that, I thought you were the anon that was consistently complaining about anything that wasn't specifically head detachment in previous threads. Aesthetically I don't mind "clean" amputation like >>11121838 either, but it's much better when the body parts are still under control or at least reattachable.
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some good stuff








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October is almost here bros...
Dullahan season

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