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Girls being fat, and fat girls getting fatter
previous >>11099880
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ill finish it this year i swear
Name of the artist who does these pencil card drawings? He's done some metal slug and advance wars ones that were great but I can't remember his name for the life of me
Chet Rippo / Tits of Mio
already looks good
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So cute
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the way you draw legs is always amazing
Not nearly enough fat mei art out there. Mei is just engineered to be fattened up no matter how much blizzard wants to deny it
>scientist in the antarctic, where it's cold and extra body fat would be beneficial
>can't go outside, probably just sits around all day researching and eating
>built a robot to retrieve things and do small tasks so she doesn't have to get up
>canonically a 33 year old hag
there's so much potential there
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I do have quite a bit of chubby fat mei, probably more than most other characters
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I have a ton of Mei art
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She's only a little chubby in this one but I absolutely love it so I'm posting it
Some anon posted this story that I really enjoyed regarding fat women and space.
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thoughts on my art ?
Not a bad sketch at all, how long have you been drawfagging?
This is excellent, I love just how heavy and saggy you've made all the flab look, especially the breasts and chin. It's something even a lot more established artists struggle with.

Do you post your art anywhere, by chance?
only characters this big for a month or two but ive been drawing since a kid
bloxianrequiem ^^
and thank you, i try to feel the form xD
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Scrolling through your art right now, it certainly is hitting all manners of buttons for me. Do you have any OCs or such?
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Honestly a fat womans armpit area is really good to snuggle in when they are clean. You can easily hide your whole face in her fat and still be able to move just a little bit to stare into her beautiful eyes.
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Vivian's big bottom
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as long as we're posting art
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Great shape
Saw a recent pic of fat AK-12 from girls frontline in her blue dress someone posted recently, but can’t remember the twitter handle or name
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thanks anon, i'm a legs (and thighs and hips and ass) man after all.

anyway watookie in honor of the kommando who made his own.
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He's cracked
Is it just me or have the bbw threads suddenly drastically slowed?
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I've noticed it too, and honestly I couldn't tell you why. Maybe I should contribute to some threads once in a while
/d/ in general is a lot slower than it was a few years ago, quite a few other boards are not as fast as they were in 2019 as well just going off the post rates on 4stats.
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I noticed it too. Things really have seemed to slowed in the last two years.

I am guessing maybe people are moving on to dedicated discord servers, especially considering that BBW-Chan basically has not changed very much in usage the last two years aside from when everyone thought it was going to be gone for good but got paid for in the last minute.
I remember back between 2014 to 2018 when we had the BBW thread that typically lasted between 1-3 months depending on the season. But that was also while having a split thread for western characters on /aco/, the Otafuku thread, the "just chubby" thread, and the immobile thread all simultaneously.
The 3DPD threads on /trash/ barely last a day while the Fat Guy threads last literal weeks. IDK, always bothered me a little
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I think even just four threads ago it was a lot faster. It seems a lot more recent than just a few years ago.
>dedicated discord servers
Kind of sad to see people trade anonymity for pseudonymity, especially for something like porn where you think it'd be called for.
It seems more general than just here. A lot of the plebbit hentai boards have slowed to one a week for some. Panda's weight gain comics have likewise slowed down. If I look back at posting dates, it seems like the slowdown happened about--
Oh, I just figured it out. Is it because school started up again? -_-
>I think even just four threads ago it was a lot faster.
The post rate does vary on much shorter timescales, but in the long term /d/ has slowed down quite a bit
>Is it because school started up again
Doubt it, moot long ago revealed that 4chan's post rate doesn't really change that much with the seasons and as such summerfaggotry was never really a thing.
Now there's actually a new idea; school bullies feeding some meek girl who can't say no to them, until she's all nice and fat. Maybe she was originally so slim and cute that they felt threatened by her, so they decided to fatten her up.
...isn't that actually the plot to cup-chan? Like she ends up eating a lot to have sex repeatedly with some guys at school. Anyone have that doujin?
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>two friends try to fatten up the cutest grl in class so they don't have to compete with her for yuji everylead
>they start start to enjoy fattening her up more and more
>eventually forget about the generic romcom/harem mc in the process
>they end up only wanting the fat girl they created as some sort of giant brick joke against themselves
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We were glacial about a year ago. If things have slowed down lately it's only relative to very recent months. I've felt pretty comfy since we starting blowing through threads in faster than a month
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The 3dpd trash threads are fucking weird, I'm pretty sure one guy there is intentionally spamming the ugliest women possible and there's some other guy who spams giant gross nigresses. If it weren't for those people, I think the threads would do a lot better.
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dumping my own sketches
yeah there's guys that intentionally spam ugly women to kill the thread
Pure gemmies
p. good.
How long did it take you to get to this level?
I wish bbw porn wasn't always so raunchy and dirty and taboo. I want to see some beautiful, sensual, fertile fat goddesses get passionately bred.
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>I wish bbw porn wasn't always so raunchy and dirty and taboo
What are you on? Most of it is pretty vanilla.
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I feel ya my guy, my favourite kind of stuff is just the art of straight pure loving couples.

You aren't wrong when it comes to IRL at least, but if you dive through DA, you'll find some of the most cursed stuff.
Need to bukkake her super bush
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It's pretty good
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Courtesy of the man himself. For some reason his ISP doesn't let him post here. Give him a follow @c__sabre
>Give him a follow
rather presumptive of you to assume that I have a tw*tter account
them ROLLS god damn!!!!!!
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Someone been on a BA commissioning spree with Squish and he's been knocking each one out of the park. Love that Maki got some love.
It's actually 3 different people
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My ass needs to be the 4th.
why are chubbies so molestable?
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Ended up trying out that AI chat that was posted last thread, and I gotta admit, I was pleasantly surprised.
Much better than the jank everyone was messing with last year that hit you with a limit after a bit.
>Ok bye, until next time
my fucking sides lmao
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What can I say, the computer delivered.
Gah wish I'd known someone had posted my iceberg. Would've been nice to talk about it
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I want to shove my face into a belly button like this and sleep in there. I can breath with a snorkel.
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I want to hold a big soft belly in my arms and rest my head on it and get head pats and told that she loves me.
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Pot bellies or double bellies?
Not that you asked me but for me it’s double bellies.
I prefer pots, they're honestly cuter in my opinion and I prefer smaller sizes. Doubles are far more sexual in nature honestly, usually more common on larger girls too. There's more to grab on a double, and I feel like you could have the time of your life just sticking your dick in between them.

Does anyone know why double bellies form? Is it genetic body shape or does it form due to girls constantly trying to cover their bellies under the pants like how the temples of your glasses permanently indent themselves into your head if you've been wearing them for years?
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Been a long while, but if anybody's got a copy of this archive/copy of the reupload from https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9196493/#9200012 or a personal archive, I'd be damn grateful for it. Still can't find a proper upload of his older stuff since missing it the first time
I think this might be it https://files.catbox.moe/5o4wxo.7z
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Damn, that was fast! Thank you so much, you're a real one
Apparently that archive is in the part of my fats folder I have decently organized
In all seriousness, I wonder if that's where a lot of board activity drifted off to. Places like stuffer ai get a _shitton_ of traffic. I know a lot of people get butthurt when people even suggest that that might be the case, but you might want to just take a deep breath and look at some of the traffic some of the BBW diffusion AI sites have been getting.
...would you mind posting your top five fav pics?
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>I know a lot of people get butthurt when people even suggest that that might be the case
Its not exactly news.
If you have seen the AI threads on /v/ many anons love the fact that they can get an AI to generate whatever degenerate art they want at no cost no matter how bad the quality is or how generic it looks.

Although given that this is kind of a place to share and talk about BBW art, I doubt that is a loss of traffic and a reason for the thread slowing down.

I am not going to get butthurt at the existence of AI art, but I certainly not going to say it's good. It is very good at imitating basically whatever you ask it to, especially these days. But it massively struggles with capturing the essence of the subject, personality, and basically cannot do fine details.
I think you overestimate what people need in order to masturbate, and are maybe being a bit too elitist (*) to see the reality that a lot of people aren't here because of art--they're here to masturbate. And they're leaving these threads because art that they can still jerk off to is good enough, even if it is bad in comparison. Your everyday BBW fetish porn doesn't need Michelangelo.

(*) I tried to find a more diplomatically tactful to say this, but I guess I just have to say it.
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>what people need in order to masturbate, and are maybe being a bit too elitist
I really am not. AI art fucks up the anatomy so badly that most of the time I struggle to get off to it.
I know very well that plenty of people some how don't give a shit if a character has a fucked up hand, fat fold, feet, or literally anything. I don't get those people, I am assuming they have a porn addiction so bad that literally anything can satisfy it or just have no standards,

But also again, this is mainly a place to share and discuss bbw art. Unless the AI fags are both that numerous and dont care about even coming here then I don't see how it would make that much of a difference.

>Your everyday BBW fetish porn doesn't need Michelangelo.
True, but I like BBW art that still amazes me with how it looks or what it expresses. If the image is detailed enough and represent a fat woman accurately enough I can basically enjoy every detail of her body. Which honestly BeltBuster, Presi and BambooAle prior to wanting to deliberately have bad anatomy where probably the Michelangelo of BBW art.
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I don't have a top 5, but if I did this would be up there
maybe this as well
and probably this
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Here's a Mei I did a couple months ago and then put on ice rimshot.wav
That's a really cute Mei.
This entire board is really slow now. Over two hours since the last post and this thread is still on page 2.
after the purge a lot of people left, not to mention they blocked people from posting in incognito mode
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Immobile ended up going back to its own board, along with the whole VPN Incognito ban. Think part of it came from that big argument between the board choosing to ban dating life conversations as well.
>the purge
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You really are.

AI art is storming the porn sections of pretty much every original-content focused porn site. I agree in principal; AI art is generally revolting. Most people just don't care.

AI hasn't made amazing art; it's revealed exactly how low most of our standards are. And they are way, way fucking low.

Though let's also be clear, this is porn we're talking about. That thing that preys on our raw physical response, that needs very little and -- while it can be enhanced by our mental and emotional connection to it -- is ultimately the basest, dullest form of stimulation that most humans crave without limit and approach without prejudice.
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>AI hasn't made amazing art; it's revealed exactly how low most of our standards are
I'm not alone in thinking this, thank you. I've thought for a while now that the standards of most of the people who have this fetish are extremely low, and AI art just solidifies that theory.
>You really are.
I literally am not when I say I dont enjoy it because of bad the anatomy usually is or generic it looks.
I have even generated a few images my self over time, they are okay for what its worth BingAI and Stuffer.ai usually profuce the best results for bbw images.
But again it usually messes up key details on the anatomy that just are either grotesque or a turn off in someother way and just dont capture the fine details that really get me going.

>I've thought for a while now that the standards of most of the people who have this fetish are extremely low, and AI art just solidifies that theory.
The fact that some beg tier artists that never improve and just only well known for the sheer volume of low quality art they have drawn over the years has already proven this.

Circle tool crap, morphs, literally anything drawn by Mistystuffer, where the bottom of the barrel 10 to 20 years ago, and honestly even though I do see my self a bit of critic of AI slop, I still think AI slop is way better than the circle tool crap, morphs, and anything drawn by mistystuffer or artists like him.
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Oh my god people are finally talking about it
Pewbutt was like THE ONLY artist I could wank to for a LOOONG time cause he was actually GOOD!
I mean I hate to be a dick about someone’s art but when it's *porn* I don’t want to be distracted by shitty anatomy or poses or just plain bad art. The standards are fuckin abysmal.
Y'know what fuck it I’ll say it fucking hard core dick in the ass no rubber full opinions on blast Pew's been the best fat kink artist for a damn long time and I STILL think he is and the power gap is insane. I’ve been bottling this up for a damn long time.
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And this is all stuff he made YEARS ago
His current stuff is maybe sometimes just a little bit too hyper-real but it’s still top notch and still GOAT material.
Thank you for coming to my turbo autist ted talk
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I fucking love this cat
What's the sauce?
Master proving her pet that she is actually thin, by over stuffing her pet and fattening up
>current stuff
Where is he now?
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FunkIn_TheTrunk on xitter
Pew is great except for him making every single one of his characters fucking cross-eyed or blinded by bangs. Is it that hard to learn eye positioning?
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At this point I think it's a really fair opinion to have. I think for western artists, maybe Salt is coming close but as long as he has the shitty art direction (i.e., posing, scenarios) from his circlejerk he's always gonna be a bunch of steps behind.

I've actually been deleting a lot of stuff from my archives because a handful of artists came on the scene (both east & west) over the years and some of the old stuff I saved just doesn't hit anymore. There are things artists like Pew and Nikoi (obviously enough are in there) just "get" about why this stuff is attractive and what highlights it, and so many just don't but we have to read retarded shit about how toe lipedema or whatever fantasy land garbage a vocal artist or twitter/tumblr/deviantart glazer account came up with is supposedly "hot".
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The Wide Wolf demands all your apples and ciders.
It will always make sense for holo to get fat given her appetite, nothing will change my mind on this.
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Being goddess is very nutritious-depleting job.
it depletes Lawrence's coffers too
I'm realizing I have an above-average pp because my ancestors had to penetrate their wives' fat rolls. I think I may have been genetically predestined to plap.
Fat girlsntaring crosseyed in aroused confusion at their own fat is hot.
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I used to have the nude version of this, but I can't seem to find it. If anyone has it please post it
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My pp is seriously massive, like 8 inches long and girthy, it legit has hurt the very few skinny women I’ve had sex with, the last girl I had to be very careful I didn’t hit her womb because she said it felt like getting punched :( it’s a curse, this girl in college said she wouldn’t fuck me cause it was too big. I look like Shaggy Rogers too so it’s probably a hell of a surprise.
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i'm a hoplophile
Does anyone know any anime or manga that has fat girls in it besides plus sized elf?
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I remember Yakui yo! Alakshmi getting mentioned a few times when the manga first released, but I've surprisingly little fat art about it considering how not-even-thinly veiled the author's fetish is.
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There's not enough love for moderately fat girls in these threads.
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I want more royal/aristocratic fats, but in more historic garb.
Or really fat girls in any historical style
It's cute when they're totally delusional like that. "What!? I'm not fat!"
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>moderately fat girls
My favorite type, though there's a fine line between that and the venus thread.
Denial is always fun even if its unrealistic in most cases.
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Venus threads tend to go too much to the milf direction for me.
I've never really liked milf, when it comes to age gaps I've always been more in favor of the "older sister's friend type," the girl that's a junior when you're just a freshman.
Followed by shocking realization.
This can work well if the setting has some sort of illusion magic, girl thinks she's thin when in reality she's already gained 150 pounds.
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Or perhaps a state of hypnosis that finally wore off.
Ment to reply >>11130055
I'd like to know as well. Last I heard they had to quit their job and see a doctor, but that was a while ago.
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I presume that's because its a bit obscure. I've never heard about until this post, while people were aware of Elf-san because methonium/synecdoche had been around for a while and of Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru as it had gotten a seasonal anime.
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As a younger brother IRL I know that feel.
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Fat woman (Completed)
Fat love and mistakes
Yakui yo! Alakshmi (Abandoned)
Pocha Musume by Fusa (Completed)
Metsuko ni Yoroshiku (Abandoned)
Puuchi-chan’s growing appetite (Free)
Binan to nokemono (Oneshot)

And that's just stuff already in English. There's a ton of untranslated fat girl manga.
Now posts the backside
For me it was Kip and then eventually later on Bamboo as well, but yeah pew was the OG. That image you posted was a go-to for me when I was a teenager, along with his other PB pieces.
Honourable mention to Ray Norr as well, he always had a great eye for anatomy and overall realism. Although I feel like his pieces never quite felt “complete” for some reason.
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Always had this fantasy where a girl outgrows all her clothes and rather than acknowledge her weight gain and buy a size up, she decides to become a nudist for "no reason in particular. certainly not because every single of article of clothing she owns has been reduced to shreds."
Things only escalate from there. The constant humiliation of exposing every last inch of her massive jiggly body causes her to stress eat more, and having no clothes left to "shrink" and tear from her expansion further reinforces her delusion that she's totally fine and not getting fatter at all.
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I need a sauce on this brainrot, both because I want more from the artist and I wanna see what's been cropped.
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I owe you my life.
The finished version is here, though it goes a bit beyond just normal fat art:
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Aww how cute
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high impact sexual thighlence
you do fantastic work ken. her expression and the way her belly flares out, smooshed between her chest packed into her shirt and her massive thighs, is fantastic. I think the perspective is just a little off between wa200 and skk though. it took me a second to realize exactly what was going on
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the ripped stockings really add to the piece
your shading is getting really damn good - how did you learn/improve it?
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thanks anons, I try to be unapologetically horny about the fat of shes. i'll make some adjustments before I post to maybe fix that. I have a bad habit of roughing stuff out and then adjusting for more solid perspective too late.

thanks, people ask me this semi-frequently, but I'll be honest I dont know. I mostly try to study some other artists as reference while I'm rendering but honestly it's mostly something where I'm playing with the brushes and approach every time. I really havent sat down and done proper render study so you'll notice stuff like my hair is usually pretty poor. All things considered, I still have a long ways to go, and I'm trying to work consistently towards improvement so that I can really tackle my more powerful, lewder ideas and also have a workflow that isn't ass so that I can drop by and take reqs in the threads.

anyway coming soon tm on the queue (i am a kurisufag)
>i am a kurisufag
Based, nice of you to draw best girl
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anyone got the one of vivian drawn by bamboo ale?
Here's a recent one :3c
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You kept my file names lol, that /v/ thread the other day reawakened my thirst for some fat Vivs.
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How recent would the bamboo pic be? I searched through a whole gallery of their Twitter/DeviantArt/PixivFanbox/Patreon combined and nothing but found many classics.
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Who does these translations?
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Does anyone else here strongly prefer realistically long skirts over fetish-style mini skirts in fat art? IMO I think it's way hotter when the skirt properly drapes over the butt and legs and more believable that the character would actually wear such a thing.
Any good bbw/feedee dating sim? I found a DDLC one, but it was just a shitty parody
wait for it...
oh wait actually there are phases from thin to fat, but i don't want to post them all
I miss the times when the AmericanDream knew to draw appealing fatties.
His big pregnant redhead character does terrible things to my brain.
I mean it’s a trade off. Miniskirt lets you see more of the tree trunk legs. But full skirt shows off the ass more.
youve drawn a lot of great stuff but this is easily (one of) the best: anatomically perfect, great expression, effort put into shading and detailing her body right down to the hands and feet. you improve with every picture man
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New honi-san translations are done by fattyloveranon
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Fat goth girls do some terrible things to my pee pee
Am I the only one who thinks 90% of fat fetish art is shit?
I want a christmas tree made out of fat women like that. And they should also sing christmas songs by burping loudly.
That's my humble wish this year Santa.
I cannot stand blobs
it’s only good if they don’t have a double chin. otherwise it ruins it for me
Disagree there. What's the point of a girl being fat if her face remains skinny? Just feels wrong imo.
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Took him months and months, but Kip finally cooked for the first time in ages
what’s the point of a girl with giant ass but small boobs, just feels wrong
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i disagree entirely
I'm a tits man, but even I enjoy pears.
Exactly! I can't look at the girl if the ratio between her belly, thighs, and boobs isn't good enough.
Horrible opinion
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thanks champ, high praise. I do try sometimes

anyway I'm at a dead end here trying to think of a Halloween piece the past week or so, so I figure I'll give you all a shot and solicit some ideas if you got anything good and lewd and preferably spooky, and not lame. no guarantees I won't just come up with something this weekend on my own anyway, or just not bother at all. Just dont shit up the thread with begging: I wont bother considering more than the first few. here's one I likely wont follow through on as a tax. And no Hex.
A zombie beholden to their massive appetite but too big to actually get any sort of food
witch so fat she needs one broomstick for each ass cheek and another one for her belly
This, and the best part is a girl with a huge ass having breast envy regarding someone bustier than her.
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Witch skin mercy feels like a cop out, but also it's fucking witch skin mercy.

Or, when in doubt, just take any character you want, dress them up, and give em' some candy
Some of us really like good, old school, doggy style.
I think you mean "blobs cannot stand."
I love double chin, but they have to 'earn it.' I only appreciate double chin if they're so fat that their stomach pushes up their breasts which push up into their face. But I can take it or leave it.
In general, when they get so fat their view is obscured, it drives me wild.
Why are goths so often obese or balloon anyways?
I like long skirts solely because long skirts -> much higher chance of getting a massive, projecting buttshelf.
I miss those Victorian-era butt-amplifier things.

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