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Girls that are too big to walk or move around easily.

Same do's and don'ts as the SSBBW / fat thread.
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Forced weight gain is so hot
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Oh fuck yeah, the only thing that's hotter is when a series of comics has the 'turning point' as the feedee has a revelation and MMM WANTS MORE because IT FEELS SO GOOD TO GET FAT
Got any more of that Ran? Kemono and r34 didn't have anything by that artist name, unfortunately.
Man, this is great, except for... what on earth did they do to her tails? Poor girl's had them ripped free or something.
bumping temporarily
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Based. I love the same thing.
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>blob thread is back
Oh how I missed you.
I never understood the appeal of stuff like this
This entire sequence is peak. Last two are some of the best blobs ever.
List some of your tastes, don't hold back on the freaky shit either.
I haven't been in this type of thread in awhile now, glad to see it still be the same as ever. Gotta love some immobilized blobs.
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I really don't care for the larger sizes in the thread. But between barely mobile to almost room sized is a sweet spot for me, which is a bit too big for the other thread. Which is why I restarted this thread.

I'll just go for the hell of it.

>Larger than me
>Huge Breasts
>Huge Belly
>Huge Thighs
>Wide Hips
>Long Legs
>Long hair
>Caucasian Features
>Flawless Skin or Pale Skin

>Fat arms
>Double Chin / Fat Faces
>Too fat to properly masturbate
>Double Belly
>Crushing via really tight hugs.
>Crushing via her sitting on my lap.
>Calves wider than my own torso
>Using her like a bed.
>Cat Ears / Wolf Ears
>Underwear hidden under belly and folds.
>Exposed midrift
>Sound of eating
>Bathing together
>Squeezing her fat

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