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Letting go of your ability to move and becoming an object, your fate in the hands of others.
There's already one here
Somehow I missed this my bad
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It's fine. It's reached bump limit anyway.
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damn might as well repost all the stuff I was posting there here lmao

what's y'all's opinion on Food TF?
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>afraid gf is gonna leave me
>turn gf into flashdrive and upload her to my laptop
>get up to grab my onahole-tf'd ex
>trip on my laptop's charger
>laptop falls off the desk and irreparably breaks
>still lose gf forever because my retarded ass moved her completely off the flashdrive instead of copying her
>should've just made her into an onahole like the last one
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That's why you gotta remember to back her up to the cloud, anon.

...wait is it technically NTR if you TF your GF into a file, upload her online, let her be publicly accessible, and let others seed her?

...ah, got a writing prompt for writeanons: company that TFs ladies into fuckable teddy bears for you to customize and "play" with.
Call it Build-a-Bitch™ and have fun.
Treat your wife and bratty teen daughters to a new life as fluffy stuffables, make your friends into fun crane game prizes!
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...food TF is hot when eating the TFees feels like sex for both parties.
Gets hotter if they got lactating tits too. Doesn't matter what they are, their tits need to flow!
Gingerbread bitches? How convenient, you got milk for your cookie bites!
Chocolate statue? Let her melt out of her tits and on your tongue!
Pudding TF? Hope she likes oozing caramel!
Sentient nuggets? Nice, fresh cheese dip squeezed from her chicken boober fillets!

...imagine all the wondrous tastes and textures of every food-TF'd woman's titties. Nipples that range from chewy like marshmallows to firm like cheese-coated pretzels!
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not the biggest fan of lactation, but I 100% see the appeal in it for food TF. but yeah I want the preys to enjoy it as much as the preds. Then again, there's shit like this that made me cum buckets. (yes, they do eat all of her)
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I'll post all of it
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5/5 (alternate version where no one finds her and she slowly rots away)
>not having back up and keeping her in your collection
Need more dildo/onahole, underwear, and condom TF. Preferably male and where they really don't like it.
I need some stuff where the girl is turned to dust or a pile of ash
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Why isn't there more panties transfomation?
Commission for @ThatFlatUser featuring his OC Grace who had turned his OC Trinity into a bunch of donuts for a stream.
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Denise seems to have gotten caught inside her machine...hopefully they can reverse the process...
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...I don't this is what Denise meant by "reverse"...
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It's a little old, but here
Thanks anon. Smooch
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it hate how rare condom tf is, shit is so good
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I know, it's really hot being left as a cum brained, rubber loser~
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I definitely forgot I posted this thread and figured it would get deleted.

>>11119021 >>11119870
Agreed on wanting the experience to be pleasurable for both involved. As the food I want to feel waves of pleasure as I get chewed and broken down. I think I'd want to be a waffle and my milk turned into syrup.

Here's an onahole one. This is my absolute favorite TF. Life would be perfect if I was a cocksleeve. (Though all the other ones you mentioned are great too I need more of those as well.

Is it okay to link to my own stuff here? I have a DA with an onahole story and panties story that I wrote.
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I don't think anyone would mind you linking your stories. Also that's a cute ona TF.
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Onahole/fleshlight TF story: https://www.deviantart.com/lannbloomm/art/A-Normal-Day-of-Serving-Her-Owner-1032100494

Panties TF story: https://www.deviantart.com/lannbloomm/art/You-Belong-On-Her-Body-1062990939

Hope you guys like them :)
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Panty and onahole TFs are both some of my favourites. In particular I really enjoyed the onahole TF story you wrote. The way the poor toy is just left there with cum leaking out of her at the end is so hot~
I've read the onahole story on several occasions and it's still great, I love how objectified she is along with the enthusiasm she has being a fleshlight. I hope you do more.
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Anyone have Koji's recent stuff? Mainly these two?
Credits and Story here: https://www.deviantart.com/collectorkatie/art/Mounted-Milestone-1002756144

More pics like this here: https://www.deviantart.com/collectorkatie/gallery/all
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full sauce? is there more to this?
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I'm genuinely of the opinion that transformed people would taste better than normal food/drinks

what about y'all?
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What would you want to be turned into for each of these categories:

Here's Mine

For clothing:
>Sports Bra
>One-piece Swimsuit
>Loose skirt

For food/drink:
>Ice Cream
>A single fry in a batch
>A single piece of cereal in a bowl

For furniture:
>Bed or just a Mattress
>Tub or Shower

For machine:
I'm not a fan of machine TFs

For Misc:
>Soap/Body Wash
>Yoga ball
>Trash Can or Bag
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Probably the same. I'm not too sure but I know it'd be fun to mess with people like this.
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Source, please? Seeing Opmcharacters in fetish art is so funny
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Full story here: https://x.com/5m5ZNBQf6Y95874/status/1826271030278828296
Does anyone have some accordion TFs to share? Google and bing shows barely anything
My bad I meant to send this one.
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Somehow forgot the last page
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Thank you
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I'm right now writing a story using a scenario created by a caption author on DA with these three basic elements

>15% of the world's population was instantly turned into inanimate objects through unknown means
>These objects can be as simple as clothes or as complex as entire cars; they just have to be inanimate
>The objects can only talk for a few weeks after the incident before it becomes more challenging, and they inevitably stop talking after a few months

I want to ask you what the worst thing someone could be turned into in this scenario? Like it has to be food or maybe something related to waste disposal
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Well, realistically, that would depend on the parson. A prideful, successful business woman would hate being turned into the cheapest, most-generic, factory model-sex doll for instance.

However, on the other end, even turning into the most advanced and beloved AI model could be torture for someone shy and anthropophobic.

Do you mean "worst" as in something most people can generally agree would be a bad thing to be turned into? In which case, there's still two categories: disposable and long lasting.

If their disposable, then something like toilet paper or cum-rag tissue paper would probably be generally understood as a "bad fate". Tampons, any kind of food (left to rot and feasted on by mice and bugs), or a buggy software program on a machine that will soon be replaced by their new owner. Stuff like that would also work.

Emotion and relationship of the person and their now user, however, would make any transformation "worse". Maybe the beloved son of a very poor household is turned into food, money, or something else desperately needed, so...the desperate parents...had no choice but to use up the last of their son...
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However, if you're talking long lasting, then anything made of plastic really. Even a store mannequin can be hell if written right. Allow me...ahem:

The store employees constantly mishandling and bending the mannequin's joints painfully easy day as their forced to do nothing but module clothes they don't want to... The employees forgot the person was human years ago... They were just forced to be used as any other object, or to gather dust and cobwebs in the storage room. ...until parts of them finally break off from the mishandling. Those parts are then replaced...over and over again, until they no longer recall how they once looked like...then their joints get too broken for even that. They can no longer be used as a standing mannequin. If their female, they'll be repurposed as a bust mannequin now (likely edited by painfully sanding off their skin and applying spackle to increase their boob and/or butt size) and then they'd be put right back out to model the worst of underwear.

...then, when the female breaks too much, or if they were a male mannequin to begin with, they'll get thrown out. Again, if they're female, some random dumpster diver could use them as a part in a DIY sex doll. Otherwise, thrown in a landfill.

...for centuries...

...becuase they are plastic...

...never dying...

And that's just a mannequin.
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Go nuts. Be creative. A car? Scraped for part and melted into screws (how hard would it be to constantly hold up tons of metal pounds for your entire rest of your life?). A phone case? They're used my an Instagram model that has vibration on and are 24/7 texted new messages (the headaches would be insane. They would never have a moment' rest any more). Crusty underwear, vibratos, high-quality sex dolls, plastic dildos...are low hanging fruit, but you can imagine what would happen to them after they're all used-up and thrown for centuries in a landfill too, right?

Heck. Even the keyboard/phone screen your using now. Imagine how that would feel on the receiving end of your inputs?

Anything is "the worst" if you're an object made to last. ...or, at least, an object made to be recycled and melted down again.

I suggest you come up with a concrete idea of how on of these humans-turned-objects can "die". If they can, then any object that can avoid "death" is the "worst one" here.

Even if the person first likes it...it'll eventually be painful and boring as injuries/decay form with no repair in sight.
the worst things that first come to mind are
>stone that falls to the bottom of a pond
>the classic nasty ends like condom, toilet, etc
>some kind of liquid
>food that spoils quickly
but really any fate can get pretty horrible if you're willing to get into the heads of the casually transformed

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