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Bursting Boy Bladders

oh and traps and stuff go here too I guess
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I love Kieran.
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cute boy wetting
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It takes a lot more effort to get a guy to piss his pants than a girl, which makes it all the more sweeter when it happens
Poor Bridget got his masculinity retconned.
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We know, Juli.
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It's kind of funny how both Kieran and Carmine are both perfect omo baits. Kieran is pathetic and bulliable, while Carmine is a haughty bitch and you want to knock her down a peg.
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Good to be back
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I fucking love this artist, but I can't recall their name nor have ever found full/leaked doujin that they've made. I've always wanted to see them, and this only reinforces that- Goddamn this is hot...
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it's hard to find male omo that isn't shota
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idk which thread mixed pissing should go in

oh well
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