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> "futa"
> no pussy

Should have specified futa and dick-girl or futa only. What is even the criteria for a dick girl? because MtF's are their own thing. Are dick-girls women who were just born with male genitals?
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>erm ackshually those aren't REAL futas because-
If you're gonna complain about that at least post something.
You're asking for a full-package-futa.
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Futanari means having both, no pussy means it's not a futa. Dick girls are just men with a feminine figure.
I would argue that there is a difference between a trans female and a dick girl, however it comes down to semantics. Its hentai, you can have a person who has XX chromosomes who does not have a pussy but has boobs and a dick.
So perfected men.
>he wouldn't fuck other men if we were all futas
>So perfected men.
No. Men and women are already perfect. Whole point of proper futas is that they're something else
>Dick girls are just men with a feminine figure.
By function yes, by overall nature of body and soul arguably not.
IRL dick girls are just twisted men.
>>he wouldn't fuck other men if we were all futas
If you were futas, you wouldn't be men. If you were once men, you still would be in spirit.
Nobody cares. And pussies are disgusting
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Your semantics bore me.
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Futa needs to have a penis, a pussy, and tits to be a futa.
Testicles can be external or internal though.
This debate was settled decades ago, and I'm sick of you faggots acting like it wasnt.
Futa is literally just Japanese hermaphrodites. Which is cock and cunt.
Nice to see the Neopet faeries here
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Futa is when a girl has a penis but it's alright if you disagree
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That's not futa on futa. It's page 2 of 2. On the translated page 1 these two explain to the viewer (a guy) that they're actually father and son, and on this page the viewer (male) fucks both.
The eternal Futa autist.
I genuinely think there is not a single place on the internet, where there’s been Futa content posted, where this exact same complaint hasn’t been raised by a couple of people, who just have to insist on their definition being correct, despite them clearly being in the minority, which means the definition is either not what they think it is, or has changed overtime, and they just can’t cope with that.
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Not futa.
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Stop being a faggot who posts male on male.
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and now for some genuine futa on futa
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The only one talking about men here is you, get out of the closet.
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Futa means both, posting shit that does not have a pussy along with their dick is just male content. This is basic shit.
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Futa is when a girl has a penis but it's alright if you disagree
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So would you say pic related is futa on futa or not?
When a girl has a dick and a vagina. Futanari, look it up retard.
And doujin means porn
Fucking retarded shit brained ape.
Two-form; futa nari
>Has the attractive forms of both males and females.
Vaginas not needed.
no vagina
This is not futanari
considering the artist, this isn't either
don't care, fuck off
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I don't know the context or what they're saying so I cannot say.

Look it up where

Why are you mad
I'm mad because I'm sick of faggots like you mudding and bastsrdizing clear consice words to fit you aidspig bullshit.
Fuck off.
>clear consice words
Use the tag: futanari / futa on any porn site. It will show you dickgirls without vaginas, and those with them. Get with the times gramps-bot.
All that proves is there's no shortage of retards like you.
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Take it easy it's only a drawing

I don't think you understand how language works. I'm sure you feel very strongly about this but if a word is being used in multiple ways by different groups of people, that just means it has more than one definition. Also the meaning of words CAN in fact change depending on how people use them. Genie's out of the bottle.
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No it means faggots like YOU have no fucking idea what words mean, how they are used, and are too fucking stupid and deceptive to learn the actual definitions and usages.
Jump off a bridge nigger.
What does Faggot mean? A wooden clap thrown in the fire, not a homosexual man!!!!
Fag is solely a cigarette, too.

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