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Delicious strongfat tummies edition.

AI and futa are not allowed, take that shit somewhere else.

Previous thread: >>11100173
Hyper muscle thread: >>11100109
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I was going to wait until my thread died to make a new one but glad to see someone took the initiative and chose a strongfat drawing as some anons suggested
>both threads
this is still a regular muscle girl thread, there's just an emphasis on strongfat girls
Hot dwarf.
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Ghost muscle.
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Multi arm muscle.
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Babymaking with Oga!
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>Ghost muscle.
Brehs... I'm hoping he will be given another chance.
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Same anon. Perhaps since more people are getting into muscular girls, he might get another chance to make a new manga about them soon.
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Last I checked, he completely pivoted to some boring ass romcom shit for another one-shot. Really fucking hope he won't abandon us like this.
>dat last panel in your page
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Don’t lose hope anon. He might just be doing this romcom you speak of as a stopgap while he brainstorms his next manga about muscular women.
I'll try, anon. I'm also worried that the kikes at Shueisha will give him another retarded editor who tanks a second potential hit but that's a whole story coming up only later.
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Only time will tell what will happen. All we can do is hope there’s no kike meddling afoot whenever he announces his new one-shot or full-fledged series.
Let's stand together, brother.
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Hell yeah! I’ll gladly stand up with you for the honor of his future series about gorilla women!
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Big Bunny
As a Sorceressfag, I honestly wish Amazon was just as popular.
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Beefy Bunny
Ibuo Bunny.
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The best kind of bunny.
Correct. Erect.
liking muscles is an acquired taste sadly
I know this isn't AI but man, that looks way too fucking good it almost feels like it's AI
oh wait nevermind I just checked the twitter account and turns out that it is AI after all
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The stigma against muscular women is getting better, at least.
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true, the rise of "muscle mommies" (I personally don't like the term) has definitely helped muscle girls become more mainstream
"Mommies" is such a cringe term especially for muscular women. Like the one in your pic, she is built for submission by the Big Manlet Cock.
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How much should a healthy girl eat on the daily?
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She’s got a wonderful ass and thighs there.
She knows it.
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>AI shit
Fuck off. Post real art or gtfo.

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