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Onee-chan's Secret edition.

Previous thread: >>11116605
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Anybody got sequences where time progresses? I mean not age progression but the tg happens over the course of a few weeks or months.
Saw a pretty good japanese one but can't find it anymore.
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There's this, I guess?
No, it had dialouge and was about university I think.
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Wanted to respond to this one a few threads back but missed my chance...
>I dunno why you niggas put female bodies on a pedestal. They have so many disadvantages
I feel like that's kind of the point. I know I'm in the minority compared to a lot of the self-insert "life would be better" trannies in denial but I'd love the idea of being forced into a female body against my will for the exact reason that I think it's inferior. My body being incapable of peeing while standing, at least without my genitals causing me to make a mess of myself. Being physically weaker than the weakest of men, limiting the places and times I can be out and about un-accompanied. Also, trying to continue dressing as a boy only to find myself forced by my work to wear dresses and/or skirts having a severe impact on my sense of self and forcing me to spend an hour getting ready each morning wearing clothes I hate in a body I hate.

I wish more content leaned into this, particularly as a form of punishment rather than the usual run-of-the-mill self-insert content we see constantly made by artists pre-troon, post-troon or in denial about being a troon. I know identity death is a contentious topic, and I enjoy various flavours of it but I most prefer stories where the even after 20 years as a woman, MC has only accepted living as a woman and the daily challenges it brings with a faint hope of one day having a male body again, one day escaping the prison of a female body. Such that despite accepting life as a woman, said character would drop to their knees begging a genie/witch/whatever to change them back if they ever re-appeared.
it's pretty cute that there's a lot of flush/embarrassment early on, then they get used to it, and then at the end she's embarrassed or excited again
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>even on sex it's way harder for women to feel arousal compared to men. We basically have an instant arousal lever.
Even better. I could actually imagine a story that plays into this. For example, a boy or man who constantly masturbates and as punishment, a powerful being transforms them into a woman. At first their sex-addicted mind thinks it'll be even better as a woman, but soon come to realise they can't get the sexual relief they so desperately crave with fingers alone. Unaware of or unwilling to use toys and most definitely unwilling to have sex with a man, still considering themselves to be one, they go on, becoming increasingly more frustrated, wanting to escape their now-female body.
more images like the one anon is talking about?
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How do you feel about this one?
Anyone know the name of the one where the MC is anxious about choosing his gender and all of his friends pretty much choose what you wouldn't have expected, including his friend with an X scar on his face?
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I think there's no room for humiliation in gender bender anymore. Those people habe made this place grim and awful to look when it used to be full of confident and willing transformations
We shouldn't have to dread seeing someone getting r*ped or c*cked when we open an image, we should all mass report every showcase of misery porn to clean up the threads from them
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Bunka Matsuri Kouhen by Ashika
Fuck off. I just know you're some cuck trying to bait people to posting support for ntr and humiliation.
Also fuck off to the other retard last thread who implied not wanting the umpteenth mind rape where you lose everything you care about means you want some tranny fantasy instead.
I think light humiliation is best, nothing absolutely degrading but embarrassing as hell.
Anyone remember the old "what are tomboys for" copypasta because to me a good tg scenario is when there's a decent overlap between tomboys and genderswaped guys with the later only allowing for a wider range of body types
Light humiliation / embarrassment is 10/10, the problem is that some retards think that rape and cuckoldry etc are the same thing and those people need to be fed into a woodchipper feet first.
What do you guys think about FtM?
It's rarer but fun.
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A waste of perfectly good pussy and spits in the face of my overarching TF fetish. I don't have anything against those who like it, but I also have no desire to see it unless it's played for laughs or the side dish for MtF. I'm glad it's not often discussed here.
But it's absolutely great when it's paired with mtf. Couple transformations are hot. The former girlfriend teaching her former boyfriend the pleasures of womanhood.
I looked it up and I don't like it. there's not a lot done with the tgtf and it's inexplicably futa
it's not for me but I have read one or two interesting stories with it. I think it kind of suffers from the inverse thing that mtf benefits from, that being the fact that when girls dress or want to act masculine it's seen as cute, while a guy who acts feminine is seen as pathetic or a pervert or weird. at least for me, dramatic irony makes mtf enjoyable, but it also means ftm has to try very hard to hit other points that I like or else it'll turn me away
Almost always boring.
>vast number of archetypes to choose from
>what if they had no boobs and wore pants?
You could make it interesting, but it almost always isn't.
overhate of being female/playing up the disadvantages is unironically a ftm-troon meme which is kinda funny because the mtf-troons don't escape the male urge to worship the feminine form (There's a reason the girls with endometriosis think their pass-out-painful-periods are normal: the rest exaggerate theirs)
the whole "lack of orgasm" thing is a meme too: dudes put more emphasis on it because it's often easier to achieve but being extremely hard/wet is fun on its own and most men can't have multiplr orgasms/experience the full-body-cramp-irl-ahegao ones, nor do the maraton masturbation sessions women can because they don't have an internal coom tank that can run out
There's also no way getting your carpet eaten by someone who knows what they're doing isn't an enviable experience
>I dunno why you niggas put female bodies on a pedestal
it's just what straight men do
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Up until a few years ago, I disliked it and the only TSF/TG content I'd consume was MtF. But I've read and seen so much of it that it all sort of blended together after a while. I still like MtF nowadays, but find it more enjoyable when it's paired with other changes to spice it up like race change, and/or age regression/progression. FtM offered new areas to explore and some variety for once. Now I have phases where I seek out one more than the other.

A lot of human FtM turns me off due to the fact that it puts too much emphasis on shit like excessive body hair, beards and baldness, so I prefer that the end result retains at least a hint of femininity. For furshit this isn't a problem as much, and most FtM authors I like are on FurAffinity.
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>What do you guys think about FtM?
It's essentially an entirely different fetish and one that I don't have any particular interest in, especially because it opens the door to gay male sex. I've always been surprised that the /aco/ TG thread lumps MtF and FtM together instead of keeping them separate like /d/.
Speaking of, here's the /d/ FtM thread for you: >>11104127
>race change
ha haahahahaha
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Hello, Themightfenek here.
It has been some time, so I wanted to pass by and talk with you guys - to confirm my identity here is a wip of an upcming TSF/TG comic I'm working on.

I like talking on /d/ because you lads are unfiltered and anonymous and all that shit:

>What you guys think of my output this year? Any art you really liked?
>Anything you would like see me doing more/less? Any suggestions?
>Also,feel free to ask me any question and I will be here to answer.
>Any art you really liked?
I liked the Scott Pilgrim stuff. I'm not super into the franchise but the pairs of TF sequences + aftermath pinups were good.
If it really is you drop some of your recent stuff. Need examples. Honestly I don't keep track of artist names.
is the girls all being moderately retarded intentional
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I don't do Patreon (for anybody, nothing personal), so I don't see a lot of your stuff and what you do put out for free is censored by those little fenek heads. Which means I can't really comment. Sorry.
I don't really understand why do you Konosuba content so much, I like some of the changes to kazuma but I feel like branching out to other series would be better (self-admitted bias here because the kunoichi swap is my favorite one of yours). I generally dislike the swapped male character completely assuming the identity and traits of the archetype of woman they swap to, but I'm glad they still retain a lot of the same color palette from their pre-swapped self.

I imagine the way you draw large breasts as being somewhat "cartoony" is a deliberate design choice, but I don't like it very much. The way you drew large breasts for the "Ash TG 2/4" image and the "Intrepid reporter Joan J. Jameson" image I like more.

I'm not even a /co/-type person, but I enjoy many of your genderswap edits of pre-existing series, especially the anime ones. They fit almost perfectly into the art style of the frame of the show you're editing, which shows great skill on your part as that seems rather hard to do.

I still don't really get the premise of Goths and Geeks, is it just people transforming into said goths and geeks? I love nerdification but mentalcrash is the only person that does it really and I would like more people to branch out into that space (especially given the kind of person that reads TG stuff). Jesse is the best one of the bunch, it seems like part of the story or premise is missing?
I really liked the Shonen MILF TGs this year. As for future suggestions, I'd like to see a continuation of the Goblin CYOA and a (new) New Class Change, maybe with a cleric or an Amazon. I also had this idea that Jay and Lucas from the original Goths&Geeks could spend a summer at Camp Maykagal, completing a swap with Jessie and Casey.
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I don't know about other anons, but
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I need more manga with twinning.
>Hello, Themightfenek here.
The only comment I'm able to make is
>Who dis?
Don't know you, not your fault I'm just not good with remembering names, but checking your portfolio I can say you have great style, so keep up doing embarrassing swaps like this.
Your Goths & Geeks stuff has been great this year but I have to say that I tried to go back to the Camp Maykagal story arc and I found it hard to follow

Also, what were you planning to cook with the Knight stuff I remember you asking on twitter?
Do as much as you want bruh. It’s not my place to tell you what you can and cannot do
I think it's great when paired with MtF, something like a husband and wife swapping genders and realisng they're better suited that way. On its own it just doesn't interest me.
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Despite its relative newness I've probably fapped to it more than any other doujin. Something about it just hits every button for me and i keep coming back to it, the mix of confusion, fear, pleasure, and submission on the TG victim's face is just perfect and I love how the futa has totally lost all respect for him.
I can't simply enjoy a fun genderbender manga anymore without tranny retards in the comments inserting themselves and their ideology in the comments. Please go die to all of them.
So why are you inserting yourself and your ideology here to shit up the fun genderbender thread?
I'm not, illiterate anon.
A couple of months ago I wrote a very short TGAR story for /tfg/, and I thought you guys might enjoy it here. It was the first actual story I had ever written, so don't expect too much. The story itself was based on two images, but I'm not sure if they would be considered 'Eastern' enough to be posted here, so there's just a link to them included within the rentry. I hope you enjoy it, and criticism is always appreciated. Be as harsh as you'd like. Thank you.

it does feel like females go almost retarded thanks to their female hormones, maybe anons turned femanons would even harder time to control themselfes.
I think brain drain is part of the fantasy for some. You see it a lot with gen w and x. Lots of bimbofication. Its not just the fantasy of being a beautiful woman, its being so beautiful that you no longer need to be smart to live. You just need to exist and people will provide for you because of your beauty. Like a vacation from the self.

You see a similar fantasy with ftm, where they seek release from a beuty based worth system and envy the skill and labor based value system of men, assuming they will be able to gain more social value based on their skills, not realizing that male hiarchies are more complicated than that and value is also awarded based on attraction and silly things like age or height.

Anyway, the transformed mtf is often stupid as sbit because it communicates that the transformed has such high beuty privilege that there is no need to be smart. Life will just work out for them because they inspire such intense lust from others
I agree. These faggots have ruined the vibe4RTT
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I do adore the idea of keeping a TSF'd anon as some sort of pet gf, because of they no longer desire to be smart or thinking about complicated stuffs
For me at least, part of the appeal of TG is that you have the beauty of a woman's body, with the brains of a man. Best of both worlds, you get a hot girl but you don't have to deal with a woman's retardation.
Turn a guy into a girl and bimboify him and all you have is a woman, might as well have been a woman from the start there's no difference.
>being extremely wet is fun
That's funny, my girlfriend hates it. Aside from feeling good, soiling your underwear everytime you feel good is likely worse than just having to deal with a boner
Well, your fantasy is about power as a woman with both beuty and skill or a partner with more skill and intelligence than an average woman.

For gen w and x, you have people who have been day dreaming of exiting the male rat race for 40+ years by becoming a hot woman. Imagine an ugly man working in a factory, thinking to himself "if I was a hot woman I wouldn't have to deal with any of this and I could just be hot and dumb and people would do stuff for me"

Its not that different than dreaming about being rich.

Its really an intense envy of pretty privilege. Because obviously they are not fantasizing about becoming an ugly smart woman. They are not commissioning fan art transforming into ayn rand. Its always a beautiful blond that society will just hand everything to.

And it is a fantasy. Atracrive women of get pretty privilege for 20, 30 years and they only really get a free ride if they allow themselves to be caged by a wealthy probably ugly man. Men of equal attractive appeal will probably just use them and then they become single and pregnant.

Its the same for women who envy men's labor based social value system. The process is still lonely even if you get recognition, with most people not carrying if you live and die, and you do not escape needing to be attractive. An attractive skilled charismatic tall man can rule the world. An ugly short bland skilled man makes a little more money to buy lego and anime.
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>I hope you enjoy it, and criticism is always appreciated. Be as harsh as you'd like.
Personally not a fan of reading victim POV TSF stories, but that's purely subjective. It's quite popular with TSF fans in general.
I liked the attention to the size of the new body relative to an adult one.
The portion that starts with "As your hand quickly moves from the front of your face" and ends with "Two hands that were as dainty and feminine" two halves and a full paragraph later dithers too much.
While I'd quibble with a bit of the verbiage, it's fairly well-written.
It was very short.
You might want to pop it up on TG Storytime dot com, I think All-Ages stories do pretty well there (not that I know firsthand, I only write porn).
I kind of like it for the exact opposite reason I like this fetish. Watching someone slim and pretty get turned into a bald, bloated pig gets my degradation engine running.

Unfortunately, most of the people into it on /d/ use it as a vehicle for adding spice to what's fundamentally a trap fetish or, even worse, treat overt masculinization as "empowering" or something gay like that and don't share my tastes for the demoralizing, defeminizing aspect, a reverse of how everyone in this thread insists that every mtf scenario MUST be miserable, always, forever, and without question, because to do otherwise would cede ground to the troons and we can't have that (understandable, but fuck am I getting tired of miseryfags in these threads).

Also, it should very much be confined to its own thread(s). It's kind of like the cuntboy/futa dichotomy: superficially similar in concept, but adherents of either are after very different things.
Yeah, I plan to do more pin ups post transformation for quick sequences
Tbh I don't do bimbo stuff very much (its mostly the SSS Club comics, and those characters and script are all from other person as patreon rewards)

I wish people did more with other kinds of "dumb" characters.
You have the book dumb but street smart girl
You get the book smart girl, but street dumb
You get the one that is dumb, but also very confident and assertive despite being wrong
You have the innocent dumb kind that is also kind
All different flavors of dumbassery that can be explored

Its fine brosk. Also I post uncensored stuff on Twitter for free if you want to check (after some time), and also on the 1$ tier on Deviantart.

lol never watched it
But the truth is that when my schedulle is complicated and I need to do something fast I do a Kazuma sequence. The first stage is done already, so its faster. They also tend to be pretty funny to do, and are good to let me d some fantasy designs.

> I feel like branching out to other series
Plan to do that to, have started with Scott Pilgrim. Also plan on dong with Batman, as I have lots of ideas to TG him.

>you draw large breasts as being somewhat "cartoony" is a deliberate design choice,
More of anime, but its a mix of people liking and me liking it, like a tiny voice whispering to make them bigger. Tho I have been trying to give more attention to smaller sizes, Carmen on the newest comic is more modest for example.

>I still don't really get the premise of Goths and Geeks
Its a joke with the "nerd seeks big titty goth gf" bit. The idea is that the site lures some nerds there, and turn them into goth gfs for those who pay premium.
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I was hyped to work more on the goblin one, but it did pretty bad saddly. So I decided to focus on other things.

> I also had this idea that Jay and Lucas from the original Goths&Geeks could spend a summer at Camp Maykagal
Its actually on the plans. I just have to check who I will work with in that one - if its Charoset (the original writer of Goths&Geeks) or TkeOkGatsby (the writer of Camp Makyagal and the G&G AU).

I draw

Sure, its on the plans. I've done plenty of TGs with total mind alterations over the years, but these days I'm more in the mood of partial ones to get those embarassing situations.

Understable. Old comics tend to look more messy, sometimes I consider making remakes of old stuff (technically this Halloween I'm sort of doing that for a sequence).

>Also, what were you planning to cook with the Knight stuff I remember you asking on twitter?
lmao it was nothing, just urious about that topic. Its not attached to any idea.

Bro, you have no idea how much I ask for feedback, but only 10% of the public ever bothers. When you draw, half of the enjoyement is seeing what people think of it.

>or /tfg/
What's that?
This is really too short to leave much of an impression, and I'll echo >>11132568 and state I'm not a fan of victim POV either.

>They moved through the air differently. They felt like they used completely new muscles
>you feel yourself fall for a moment before you hit the ground. Just a split second of air, but it was still enough to startle you slightly

I like these sensory descriptions. Most 'ts money shots' are solely focused on the meaty, tactile, physical changes, so it's always nice to see something a bit different emphasized. This still falls victim to the usual cliches though, "new centre of balance..." and all that. The overall prose is decent enough for getting someone's rocks off, though there's the occasional odd turn of phrase.

>You sense moisture growing on your eyes

Are my eyes made of glass? Just say, "your eyes tear up," its punchier and less awkward to read.

>You look down at your legs that are concealed by your pink covers, and you see just how much less of you there is. Your feet used to be nearly at the end of your bed, but it seems as if you only come half way now. Your lower body even makes a smaller and less pronounced lump in the bed. Hardly noticeable compared to what it used to be.

This paragraph is way too repetitive and is not the only example of such in your text. We get it. We're a snug little bug in the rug now, so how about we trim down the word count down to match that?

>You look down and see just how much less of you there is, your feet only coming half way up the covers now instead of reaching the foot board.

That gets the message across that we're real itty-bitty in one compound sentence instead of an entire paragraph. When writing, always respect your readers' time but never their attention spans.

Overall, this isn't bad for a first attempt. Keep writing and READ what you've written to spot the parts that drag or you find yourself rushing through; that usually means something needs revising.
/tfg/ is the transformation general on the somewhat hidden /trash/ board. It's technically for any kind of transformation, but it's almost exclusively focused on anthro and non-human types of transformations instead of plain TG. Most people there probably would not be interested in most of your work, with the possible exception of your goblin transformations.

If you're looking for other areas on 4chan to ask for their opinions on you, you should check out the TG thread on /aco/. It's a lot quieter there than in here, but they should still be able to give you some good feedback.
For everything thats dear and holy to me, please do something with bnha again. The one you did way back with Bakugo getting rewritten into a support heroine was so super fucking hot.
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Damn, I love your art. It's so appealing
If I could request anything it'd be less identity death and a little more anguish over changing. Nothing hyper rape-y just some inner turmoil but the sensations are too good to fight. But I look forward to all your art
Honestly, the main thing is that there are often long form things that are left hung up like the Halloween one that took over a year to be fully posted but this year seems to be better on that.
other than that I like the stuff you put out there, more one offs to compliment the longer running comics would be good though.
i've been looking for that for a while. thanks for posting
I kinda want more impulsive dumbassery or characters realizing they're dumb decisions right before it's bites them in the ass.
For a TSF example off the top of my head something like
>Guy gets TS virus, will go back in a week if they don't have sex
>Manage to do so and on the last day, celebrates by getting blackout drunk
>Hangover type situation where they wake up in a completed unfamiliar room, still a girl, naked, with a unfamiliar man snoring next to them
>Worst part is they can't even remember doing it so no silver lining of "it felt good" cope
>Proceed with a handful of "well if it isn't the consequence of my actions" dumbassery with a TSF spin
It's gay
extremely autistic aside but a ballad is simply a verse form but would probably be more likely to be a love song than an adventure narrative. a more useful distinction (and one a noblewoman would know) would be between chanson de geste (songs of deeds, knightly adventures and all that) and chanson courtoise (courtly songs, about chivalric love)
a good cold open
7 and 13 year olds look pretty distinct, that range is too large
I enjoy the more tactile details, as well as the change in how the shirt fits.
there's a little bit of setup going on, with noting the mother's voice is 'familiar' so it'd be nice if there were more
thanks for sharing

>What do you guys think about FtM?

Its fine but not what I'm looking for most of the time.. I think most people agree because I write spicychats and the one I have for ftm is one of the least read.

It can be pretty hot as a vehical for mtf. Like 3 witches curse a man but it goes wrong and all their feminity flows into him, making him a shapely woman and the three witches become various ugly men as punishment. Stories where the man and woman swap places are also hot.

It can be an interesting story device. I'd like to see a game that digs into the differences between being a man and woman that comments on the things ftm's say about gender. About how women no longer care about your feelings by default. That many women fear you just because. That men wall themselves off and will not be venerable and talk about suffering or loss.

If you wanted to make this spicy, have some bratty liberal woman wish she was a man thinking it would make her life easier only to become a fsr ugly slop and no one care if she lives or dies. Then have a game mechanic where she can become more handsome and rank up on relationship quests and have sex and she fights out that many of the attraction rules still apply: handsome people are just treated better and she was misguided.

You could do a sequel where a guy envies women and becomes an ugly woman and has to learn to be pretty otherwise no one cares about him. Mxh0
as someone who has written FTM, it's hot imo but doesn't get a lot of traction. I had a request to do a shapeshifter caption back in February where a girl wakes up after taking the form of her crush in her sleep. It was short (like most captions) and has yet to even reach triple digits in terms of favs. My other FTM stories also have a MTF transformation in them, but those didn't do too well either. I've had ideas for more FTM stuff, but I'm not really a fan of writing captions anymore (like I made a poll back in August for a part 2 of a bodysuit caption and don't want to write it now).

This is so fucking true, there are so many options for FTM that everyone sleeps on. Like people who hate on FTM need to look at the archetypes for male characters in stories meant for female audiences to see that there are more archetypes than just boring everyman and edgelord/bad boy.

that thread is for transgender FTM, not TSF/Gender Swap FTM
>If I could request anything it'd be less identity death and a little more anguish over changing.
I plan to do much more of that mate, you will be well served.

True, I gotta say what complicated things with the vampire comic was the script, and a good chunck of it was rewriten from what I had in mind. To this day probably one of my best comics in technical terms, but I feel like it could have been way better. I was glad when I finished that one.

>but this year seems to be better on that.
Funny enough the Goths&Geeks AU is probably going to last a year too, but flows better imo. I will keep that format going foward of one page per month for comics that I'm very invested.

I also have a new Halloween Special planned for next month, but I'm taking a page out of Arisane's book. I will post the drafts on patreon first, around 5 pages per month I think. Then once I have all the lineart, I will have it colored and posted in full. So the special wil be finished in few months (not on Halloween but whatever!).

For the full dumbassery you gotta add that he didn't really had sex on the night prior, but he thinks he did, so now he has thinking "I'm just locked anyway!" and THEN he gets stuck.

>extremely autistic aside but a ballad is simply a verse form but would probably be more likely to be a love song than an adventure narrative. a more useful distinction (and one a noblewoman would know) would be between chanson de geste (songs of deeds, knightly adventures and all that) and chanson courtoise (courtly songs, about chivalric love)
Actually useful, will mention it on the game I'm GMing.

I think its funny when paired with MtF.
I kind of prefer the girl turned guy to be a bit more "aware" while the guy turned girl to have more compulsions to act feminine - just so the girl turned guy gets all embarrassed over being turned on by the other.

By itsef it does nothing to me tho.
If you're still here, I like both your (former) wizard girls.
TGAR makes me diamonds and there aren't enough stories like this. Great introduction; hope to see more of it or a similar concept. Don't forget the erotica though kek
I like it, but I agree with what other anons have said in that it’s a pretty different fetish from mtf. I can see the main audience for it being girls who fantasize about turning into guys, but they’re much rarer than guys who fantasize about turning into girls. It’s definitely a muh society moment that barely anyone thinks a male end result is desirable.

It’s also interesting how it’s seen as the gayer of the two, because (for example) how I see mtf would be pretty “gay” to most people. Where I’m into it to voyeuristically watch the transformed guy acting perverted as a girl and seeing what kinds of freaky sex he/she can have, whether it be with guys or girls or both. I like no mental changes for this reason, to see the guy’s genuine reaction to being a girl and how he can use it to his advantage. Never cared much for humiliation or degradation personally, but some light embarrassment can be fine.

Ah I see you are a man of culture as well.

I’ll just echo what other anons have said and say that I hope to see more TGs without any mental changes, or very little. But your work is great quality regardless, so keep it up.
>barely anyone thinks a male end result is desirable.
not true. it's been becoming a bigger and bigger issue past several years.
I hope you’re right because from what I’ve seen female end results still reign supreme in both TSF and regular TF. Maybe there is a sizable audience of people who like male end results but just can’t create/commission content for it on the same level as female end result fans. With AI taking off we might see just how many ftm/mtm fans there really are.
Looking for one that was posted before about a guy that answers an ad to be a model/salesperson for a mangaka and gets turned into a character in the female mangakas book and does sales for her while they also have sex
Not to mention the dark place, but has anyone went to reddit and asked a ftm board if they read ftm print or manga fiction and if they do, where do they get it?

I wouldn't be surprised if its yoie thing where they never want a female body to even touch their fantasy and they are just self inserting as male at birth characters.

Maleness is usually more a combination of achievements and behaviors so there might be the same appeal as mtf where femaleness is the result of body shape, reproductive ability and a handful of behaviors. If so, it would make more sense to self insert as a male that has already achieved things and obtained a position of power within a story. So like Alucard in hellsing (already the most powerful character) or jack skeleton (the king of Halloween town) vs inserting as a fresh frm whom is presumably a nobody.

Secondly it would seem that many people give up fantasy fiction for transforming when they start hrt. The dream becomes boring reality. Mtf's stop reading the fantasy stuff entirely and some start to try to make the fantasies more realistic. We've seen this shift on Twitter where trans spurgs demand this and that be changed to suit them.

Perhaps more ftm's are on hrt and just don't desire fantasy stories.
>I like no mental changes for this reason, to see the guy’s genuine reaction to being a girl and how he can use it to his advantage

I like mental changes so long as the transformed is aware of them and thinks about them, maybe fights them.

Like they start to become very aroused by men. Or they have more anxiety and feel weeker and they lament how brave they used to be. Stuff like "has senpai always been so handsome !?!" Or "calm down anon, this wouldn't have bothered you before! Why am I so scared now?!"
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It's mostly bodyswap, but this artist is doing comics about a woman with a massive TSF fetish.
Funny enough most ftm trans actually like cuntboy porn of all things over actual ftm transformations, even though it should logically be disgusting to them.

You’re also right about self-inserting as powerful male characters being a big source of appeal. From the past ftm transformation threads on here, a few (possible) femanons said they had fantasies about turning into male characters they found attractive/powerful, with the power being a big part of that attraction.

I agree. Self-aware mental changes are the best type if it’s going to be present.

Thanks for the recommendation. This could be pretty kino if there’s a page where she gushes about turning into her ideal guy, it’s rare to see characters who unashamedly love TSF in-story.
>You’re also right about self-inserting as powerful male characters being a big source of appeal. From the past ftm transformation threads on here, a few (possible) femanons said they had fantasies about turning into male characters they found attractive/powerful, with the power being a big part of that attraction.

I would not be surprised if many trans ftm types are the ones writing a lot of yoie fanfics and are actually self inserting as the taller more powerful male.

Your comment about cuntboys make sense. It also explains the concept of the yoie hole and why most yoie does not actually represent how gay men date or have sex and is probably a better representation of how powerful lesbians or trans men would date.

For people who don't fully understand why I keep talking about yoie, a certain level of trans thought is baked into women who like yoie. A common reason given for why a straight woman like yoie is that female bodies feel disgusting, inferior, alien, etc and the idea of self inserting as a woman in a straight relationship gives them anxiety. For some reason, never fully explained, inserting as one of the men in a gay relationship does not cause these same feelings.
>Funny enough most ftm trans actually like cuntboy porn of all things over actual ftm transformations, even though it should logically be disgusting to them.
Not if you kee in mind that they are transitioning due to a fetish.
Given that pregnant bellies can only be posted on /d/ and birthing pics will get you a several day ban, the argument that kinks should not motivate human behavior doesn't hold a lot of weight.

If you left this shit to normies, we'd just post women that are 160 pounds, hip to waist ratio of .85, B cups, just standing there, clothed.
I love this more than I probably should. Just good to see stuff more FtM aligned sometimes.
It's a good thing.
I sometimes consider writing a ftm story with magical beasts and an idiot wizard. One of the beasts tricks the young wizard into a pact (normally forbidden between mixed genders) so she can unload all of her female essence to the wizard and get out of becoming the next breeder for her pack of .agic beasts.

The hapless wizard would walk right into it, greedy for magic power thr easy way. It would end, unreversalable as it would essentially break the wizard when 5 tons of female essence is forced into a 120 lb sack.
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>Looking for one that was posted before about a guy that answers an ad to be a model/salesperson for a mangaka and gets turned into a character in the female mangakas book and does sales for her while they also have sex
I dislike it, but if someone else wants to jerk off to it I ain't gonna stop em.

I kind of want to do it as an rpg and let the player pick paths. And let the complete breaking of the wizard be towards the end. Like he thinks he has found some cheat code to ultimate magic and makes pacts with lots of female magic beasts and even defeats an overlord with all his magic power...only for all the essence to flow into him all st one time like a damn breaking.
I meant irl. but you guys don't want this discussion.
the fact is just that people feel helpless and powerless and think it will solve their issues.
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>I dislike it, but if someone else wants to jerk off to it I ain't gonna stop em.
It would be hilarious if somebody was going around to kick in doors and tackle pantsless anons who were masturbating to the wrong thing.
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This guy
Don't give anyone any ideas. /d/ has like 3 people that would do this if they wouldn't go to jail
>Given that pregnant bellies can only be posted on /d/ and birthing pics will get you a several day ban, the argument that kinks should not motivate human behavior doesn't hold a lot of weight.
Stupid statement that pretends that every kink is on the same level, when in reality you have everything between "healthy" and "fucked up body modifications", but whatever.
fucked up body modifications are pretty accepted and even celebrated nowadays.
Anyone remember the one about a chain of curses; a woman curses her rapist to turn into a woman who has to get fucked by like eight or nine men to turn back, and the curse keeps getting passed down?
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Nevermore I was searching the wrong number. I like this one because the genderbent dude looks kind of odd, which is specifically commented on
Images like this are the best for me. Getting turned int a completely docile woman as a defense mechanism? Should be done more
post more bote tg
you should already know
do you get actual money doing this gig? im curious if tg creators are in it for the passion cause some people definitely just take weird commissions all the time, and also just curious how much tg creators actually make off these things
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New story. Happy fucking Halloween, everybody!
Was tooling around on AO3 and found a good sized story (around 300k words) called Rising of the Huntress Hero. Tags say it has masturbation and vaginal sex. Anyone read it to see if it’s good? That’s a big investment for fapping material.
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I like it when mixed in with MTF. As unfeasible as it is, I've always wanted more scenarios where it happens in middle of sex.
>MC finds a macguffin that can turn him into a hot girl, has the classic clause of "getting pregnant will lock you into that form"
>Owes friend a favor, ends up doing the classic "pretend to be the friend's girlfriend to make other girls jealous"
>Friend at one point gets carried away with how hot MC is, quickly overpowers her and proceeds to start raping her
>MC desperately grabs the macguffin in time in the midst of this and proceeds to turn back into a man
>Friend however is in direct physical contact, with his dick being inside MC at the time of use, and proceeds to also turn into a girl
>Friend begins to slide herself up and down MC's shaft after transformation, now losing herself in a trance of newfound pleasure, unaware any transformation even took place
>MC desperately tries to get friend to stop, but cries of protest are drowned out by her moans growing louder and louder
>Finally ends up creampieing in her, causing her to orgasm and shout with pleasure
>Friend finally slows down as her pants quickly turn into a scream of shock once she realizes what happened
>Sure enough, macguffin fails to have any affect on her
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Does there exist a subset of TG/TF where the process is more “natural” rather than magic or instant? Things like surgery, genetic modification, meds. Things that take time with it, willing or unwilling. Would love some artist names of such if they exist.
how the fuck is any of that "natural"
I think he means that it doesn't play loose with the laws of physics
What you're looking for is your typical discord grooming server. Make a post on r/eggirl or some shit and I'm sure they'll be crawling over each other to send you an invite.
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I don’t want real human tg, gross

Pretty much this. It doesn’t have to be reality, just not instant or magical.

picrel, you
It's a different fetish called "feminization". you can try combining that with "male:breast expansion" on most hentai sites and find a little bit of this, good luck. I wouldnt talk about it here since people here dont like it and the threads they do are just cancerous /soc/ tier where people post about nasty real life stuff about it.
>What do you guys think about FtM?
It can be way more interesting to me than MtF, when handled correctly. I like seeing all the emotions involved, and women are (generally) way more expressive than men are. The range of emotions like confusion, horniness/unwanted pleasure, panic, and total fear as they watch/feel their body slowly changing into something else can be so hot. Plus, throw in another woman while in a private setting, and things can get super interesting as they try to figure out what the hell's going on.

Dudes, on the other hand, may experience the same emotions, but don't always seem to express them nearly as much and typically just go straight to fondling themselves as/after they change.

In both cases though, the changed pretty much always discover that their new body is dangerously difficult to control, sexually.
how did you know I was pomni
Does anyone know the old kdingo website's name for the wayback machine? It's not kdingo.com or kdingo.net.
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>I wish more content leaned into this, particularly as a form of punishment rather than the usual run-of-the-mill self-insert content we see constantly made by artists pre-troon, post-troon or in denial about being a troon

I agree with you here, TSF as a genre doesn't have nearly enough sense of conflict with the act of transformation itself. It's far too often the case that the man turned into a woman just acquiesces to the whole situation which usually isn't interesting from a narrative or fetish standpoint. Bukuman was good for this, although his content seems a bit rote and formulaic in how he depicts "bad ends" for the women involved.

I think this is part of why I wish there was more temporary genderswap content, something which seems rather uncommon now. If there was a reasonable expectation or chance narratively speaking that they could become normal again, it would raise narrative stakes considerably, and make any sense of loss seem more real.
That's why the best works I've read are typically created by Japanese women - They're relatively removed from tranny propaganda and are already women so they don't have AGP even if they have a fetish for GB in general.
If you genuinely think trannies would find no enjoyment from that image which is just a straight depiction of gender dysphoria you may be retarded.
That's not what either of us said.
I don’t like trannies either but stuff like that image is the exact opposite of sexy to me. If I wanted to see people crying and unhappy with their bodies that they can’t change I’d just go outside and listen to passersby or even create a twitter account to read FTM troons bitch and moan and get nearly the exact same speech. Same deal with things like NTR or humiliation or getting sick (yes that’s a fetish). People already get cheated on and humiliated every day; low stakes and escapism isn’t an exclusively tranny thing, it’s been a part of fiction for a long time to give people a break from their boring/lame real lives. It’s why overpowered harem protagonists exist.
Well, yeah. I agree that the pic anon posted isn't fun but I do agree with his sentiment that if there's no struggle then it isn't interesting. It's just plain wish fulfilment.
I'm not looking for meaningless misery either..
so what's sexy to you? people that are willingly transformed into women and are happy about it, but also they're not trans but also nothing changes as a result of that change? It's just a visual thing? People get transformed no before no after so that you have no stakes? might as well look at pinups
always nice to see oc
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I have no fucking clue what "high cut gel" is but my almonds are fully activated. Given the limited context, anybody got any guesses?
maybe personality extraction gel?
except for the fact that it's a faux diagnosis and what they're suffering from is severe self esteem and self image issues, that got amplified and manipulated to the point of insanity.
they don't exactly think about these things much.
No one cares. Most of being human is a mental disorder by modern standards. If everyone was mentally healthy we'd never left the jungles. Or if you are heavily religious, we'd still be herding sheep in the middle east or the hills of Ireland or whatever. You think a mentally well person would desire to build modern society when they could just be a farmer with a loving family?
>Well, yeah. I agree that the pic anon posted isn't fun but I do agree with his sentiment that if there's no struggle then it isn't interesting. It's just plain wish fulfilment.

Doesn't have to be struggle. They could just explore their new life. Like the struggle could be their new life. Show their thoughts.

"Wow, I never knew boobs were so heavy and they kind of sweat under the skin..."

"My skin is soft but I have to keep shaving my legs..."

"Has Paul's shoulders and arms always looked so cool?"

Make it a journey
I don't see why being against 100% wish fulfillment means every work has to go full oh the edge sufferingporn, like obviously there has to be some element of conflict from the character being TG'd but I fail to see why the character coming to terms with it some positive light makes it tranny wish fulfillment.
>It's just a visual thing?
Unironically it’s primarily an extension of my general transformation fetish, which is mainly visual. It’s not so much about the psychological aspect but the fact it’s a regular guy physically becoming something very different/extraordinary. So my ideal TG would be a long, drawn out sequence of the guy transforming step-by-step without any major psychological stuff involved, so he/she would just be passively observing the changes and maybe sometimes feeling the body as it changes. It’s the transformation in and of itself that’s the ‘main event’ for me, so adding the psychological aspect is too distracting in my view.

I can see where you’re coming from and you make a good point. As someone who starts to lose interest in the post-TF section, I don’t normally consider the greater story and just look at the transformation as basically a stand-alone sex scene. So to me the post-TF is like wondering what happens after the characters have sex or seeing the characters talk about sex without actually doing it.

Also good points.
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Press Switch has a good showcase of how to do it without being totally edgy in the last update of observation notes for two unrelated stereotypical girl and boy swapping. In the end both characters end up miserable as a result of the swap, but the point ends up being more about societal acceptance about gender confirmation, with both parties now having to conform to different ideas of what's expected of them.
I like Skiegh has a mixture of dark and positive shit in Press Switch.
Just a pity updates are slow and routes are left unfinished. I've love to see a route with Calvin stuck as the black haired schizo girl for the potential involving the schizophrenia or whatever it was she has.
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>>What you guys think of my output this year? Any art you really liked?
Goth version of Maykagal camp is good: fingers crossed for a happy threesome. The precious, pillowy, schizo rival deserves love and friendship.
In the vampire mansion comic (I think this was last year), you did an excellent job drawing intricate dresses. I'd like to see more of them.
>Anything you would like see me doing more/less? Any suggestions?
Less identity death, strip clubs, etc. My personal taste (of which ALL artists should conform to) is a humiliating start with a happy finish. It's important that a very low level of dissonance remains until the very end or else it's just a regular comic.
I personally don't care for the Scott Pilgrim stuff, but I can recognize you do an excellent job mimicking the artstyle.

I'd like to see more harem hijinks like in that comic about the childhood friends and genie. The sequences involving Guiuliane (best Fenek girl) were great. The design for the gal delinquent in the first Valentine's Day comic was perfect, with the redhead from Maykagal and genki barbarian Kazuma being runnerups.
>Also,feel free to ask me any question and I will be here to answer.
What gave you the inspiration for the Pink Dragon Mist comic? It's probably my favourite TG comic.
Sorry if you get asked this a lot, but is the secret to learning to draw just practice?

All-in-all, you're a great artist who has remained consistent in quality. I wish you all the best.
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>It doesn’t have to be reality, just not instant or magical.
It sounds like you want slow, gradual TF/TG content, which is already rare, but at the same time, you want it to be "realistic" which is not a thing the majority of TG artists do. Although, there is a growing subset of fetish art that is, for lack of a better term, "total tranny faggotry" that adopts the medicalization and framing of a person undergoing a gradual transformation over months or years that's still drawn exactly like other TF porn (meaning the results may as well be fucking magical), but framed like taking HRT and transitioning.

tl;dr - Fuck off.
So remember that AI written Student Transfer Zoey route I was working on?
I was using a proxy called Chary to get Claude 3 Sonnet access, well the proxy is pretty much done for.
don't care if people hate it, that last thought bubble makes this amazing
can you give maybe an iota of context
>Crazy wizard who's insanely skilled in illusion magic has a spell that's basically on the level of creating an entire alternate reality. He's also a man of fine taste
>Casts it on his enemy he wants to extract info on
>Constructs an entire TSF scenario so this enemy guy truly believes he's been transported to another world and due to reasons he's now a beautiful magical girl fighting for justice while wearing a somewhat revealing and lewd magical girl outfit
>Is made to fight enemies who have pervy tentacles and shit like that
>After a while, makes that comment in regards to his options for trying to extract info from this guy
I googled the story, it's translated from korean. it is a translation error. unless you have the raw there is no way to know what it means
Does anyone remember that martial arts manga where one of the characters finds a way to gain ultimate power and become unbeatable but in exchange he becomes a woman and becomes increasingly feminine and stops caring that much about fighting and prefers now to be a housewife?
I know the Korean name of the novel, but my google-fu is too weak to find a raw for that chapter.
We need more ship girl tf.
>guy get's isekaied into azur lane/kancolle world as his ship waifu.
>ends up falling in love with the commander.
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Honestly love to be the admiral of such a base. Helping anons getting used to their radically different boatgirl bodies. As they could end up in a taller or shorter frame, extra busty, even milky ones and various animal parts like fox ears tail or cat ones. could also include Abyssal and Siren fleet girls too.
Maybe they could adopt a few boatgirl traits like KC Konguo screaming burning love. KC Nagato going after small and cute things. KC Tenryuu being a bit chunibyo and still believing in Santa. AL Kashino taking care of milk refillings.
i even welcome them even if they were bi so i could so some lesbian orgy too.
>adding some of the character's traits that they now inhabit.
That's cool as long as it's not completely identity death but new quirks.

>guy before was a shy reserved guy who prefers to draw and play video games.
>gets isekaied as Baltimore from azur lane.
>Now is starting to have urges to be into sports and slowly he becomes more athletic and more confident.
>Still he has some shyness especially towards the commander due to starting to be attracted to him.

Another fun idea is that a guy get's isekaied as the commander and slowly realizes that his main ship waifus are actually his friends that were isekaied as well. They try their best to act how the character is supposed to act so as to not raise suspicion (they all think only them individually got isekaied ) but fail horribly.
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>That's cool as long as it's not completely identity death but new quirks.
idk how to describe it perfectly, but it would be like a tick. That if they don't think about supressing or they relax then it could come out. But it won't touch their mind otherwise. Like AL Taihou may end up a bit possessive if they actually fell for the commander. But also basicly what you wrote down. It's a trait they can adapt into but not forced into.
>Another fun idea is that a guy get's isekaied as the commander and slowly realizes that his main ship waifus are actually his friends that were isekaied as well. They try their best to act how the character is supposed to act so as to not raise suspicion (they all think only them individually got isekaied ) but fail horribly.
I kinda thought about making them try to keep it a secret that they used to be a guy and it would comical that dozens of boatanons believe that they are the only male that got turned into a shipgirl. But basicly the same idea
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it's a paid chapter, ep 118
Could you be thinking of Hen?

Gradual change is best change, imo. Hard to find now though.
>I fail to see why the character coming to terms with it some positive light makes it tranny wish fulfillment.
I never said it was. Just that there needs to be conflict to reach it.

Conflict is necessary. If you wish to waste the genre's power of internal conflict then it must come from elsewhere.
>Make it a journey

>The Hero's Journey
The GB Journey
>Call to Action/Refusal
The GB doesn't want to change but is forced either directly or made to 'choose' so in pursuit of other goals
>Crossing into The Unknown
The physical transformation
>The Mentor(s) and allies
Supporting cast, usually in on the secret (if it is secret) to help adjust
>The ordeal
A low point. Like the picture at >>11135615 but not the end of the journey.
A path to acceptance or a path to change back. Mental/Spiritual Transformation.
A distraction or doubt the GB is taking the right path
>The return to The Known
Acceptance or Change Back
>Master of both worlds
Master of the self, of both perspectives.
It's not about those demented types finding enjoyment, it's about a sense of narrative satisfaction that can enhance the appeal of the fetish. The genderswapped male becoming a female and being unhappy with being a female serves to highlight the nature of the transformation itself. If everything is just sunshine and rainbows then it calls into question why have it be a story at all, there has to be some kind of conflict (even if I would prefer it to not be so overly negative as Bukuman and people like him do)

>It’s the transformation in and of itself that’s the ‘main event’ for me, so adding the psychological aspect is too distracting in my view.

This is where I would disagree, for me the transformation is also important but what is even more important is seeing the aftermath and its mental/behavioral implications. It's why I love TG stories where the male undergoes a partial mental shift in things like temperament, personality and disposition, either through a direct consequence of the shift or through the natural shifts in one's mindset and behavior that would occur from being changed from a man into a woman. Of course, this can go too far as well where the genderswap story almost immediately loses any interest in its own premise, and instead becomes focused on the story and plot of somebody that may as well have been a woman the entire time.

>but the point ends up being more about societal acceptance

Is this new? I've played press-switch on and off for years but I don't recall it ever showing the perspective of people completely unrelated to the main character, nor did it ever try to make any broad (and almost certainly hackneyed) statements about social expectations that would just make the game less interesting.

The unfinished route with the girl who had autism was one of his most interesting ones. It's a shame he seems to have lost interest in the mass swap story route.
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This was really good https://www.deviantart.com/themightfenek/art/GOTHS-and-GEEKS-AU-P-9-1064171264

Reminds me of pic related. Past rewrites like that are great.
In general, I don't like rule 63 content or transformations of pre-existing characters unless there's a reasonable in-universe explanation. Eg, not a fan of the Kazuma transformations all that much, but Kazuma bodyswapping with someone using that canon artifact would be great. I'm also not a fan of smut at all, which just makes me not the target audience for a lot of stuff and I get that.
From a purely execution standpoint your art is really good to my nigger cattle eye. I actually quite like your edits of eg Ben 10 and Avatar from an artstyle perspective, which is ironic considering I just said I didn't like TG of established characters.
>conflict is necessary
>what is even more important is seeing the aftermath
I must be the hyper-coomer of TSF because the narrative aspect has always been secondary to the physical change process itself. Probably why I’m also meh towards mental changes and related fetishes like hypno or mindbreak. My brain just sees breast expansion/the hair getting longer/etc and goes ook ook.
Obviously you can omit it if you're just doing a short sequence or one time drawing but if you intended to have something more substantial and long running there needs to be some kind of narrative to follow and not just 2weeks of non stop masturbation.
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saw this last thread but couldnt find the sauce. any clues?
Appreciate it, have been trying to find this for a bit.
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>I agree with you here, TSF as a genre doesn't have nearly enough sense of conflict

I agree a lot with it, there are a bunch of interesting angles you can take the idea of your body being hanged, or reality being messed with. You can create some interesting (and hot, first and foremost) stories with it.

Those are part of my Discord know that from time to time I post a super long and overly elaborated idea for a TG full of character development and THEMES or whatever that I'm very pround of.

Then I remember that I would have to *draw* all of that, and that complicates things a lot. It's why I like working with writers - I just need to draw a before and after - not the super villains chasing the ex-sidekick of a super hero before they get transformed - or all the fight scenes that a fighting game themed martial arts tournament would have.

I STILL want to do one of those tho, I'm planning out something, to release one page per month (which seems like a much more doable thing).

Glad you are liking the g&g au
>Less identity death
I like ID, but I have been in a different mood lately, of watching them squirm with compulsions but keeping their memmories. So expect more of that.

>with a happy finish
Yeah, I have a hard time making my characters suffer in the end, I'm a softy in that regard. Apart from Vanessa. She shall be clowned for centuries by her older sisters and the master for all the people she killed as Vasquez.

> Pink Dragon Mist comic
I liked Draph designs from Granblue, I loved the sexual dismorphism. Thought they would look hotter with cow tails and ears, so create my "totally original creature". The pink dragon is based on a /tg/ greentext.

haha for fanart I tend to create my own stuff, but try to stay true to the original setting. Sometimes its hard, got no idea for a JJK TG for example, because "changing bodies and minds" is a thign that exists and seems to be super OP in canon.
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Don't know where to find that without a watermark, but I found the artist.
Artist is よるのまど. Looks like a commission from Amulai Sweet Factory.
i'm kind of the same honestly I much prefer the process and more or less the embarrassment of someone having to deal with a girl's body/ the different sensations and proportions as they change. but a lot of things either skip right to the change or like you said mental changes which feel kinda pointless since the person doesn't react to the fallout of the change at all. i think someone earlier mentioned ones taking a "realistic" amount of time like an actual transition and I'm not really a fan of those either since it's just kinda reading a trans person's story and id rather have weird freaky magic ass expansion as they try to hide it in pants that are too tight lol
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Anon, bad take! Slowburn is some of the best TSF content around!
thanks guys, and yeah makes sense it was commissioned by amulai
Just want to say that I still hold a torch for TG Harem
anyone remember the doujin where an all boys school gets turned into women except a couple nerds and the nerds fuck everyone, including their bullies? i remember a subplot of the janitor dude fucking the principal or something?
What's pic from?
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Right page to post. Chelsea was best girl.
>chelsea was best girl even in the theoretical AU where she was a nicer, girl-next-door type
>potential for threesomes with ryana
Random thing I came across on deviantart was the existence of Chelsea fanart
me too

yuri route best route for tg harem, would love to see more stories like that

The character designs all looked natural and not exaggerated which was neat
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Colin should be extra thicc with H-cup tits.
>theoretical AU where she was a nicer, girl-next-door type
Uh, what are you talking about? I don't remember an au.
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He posted some extras to his journal way back in the day, including character profiles, and ideas for future episodes, including a dream AU. I'm pretty sure he detailed what each girl's personalities would be like somewhere, but I can't find it. Its either in an old thread here or in a comment somewhere.
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Found it
>Dylan would be a overly friendly and genky party girl, think in Ty lee from ATLA.
>Ming would be more tradionally japanese, with a little goth style on the mix.
>Chase would become a girl next door tomboy, but unlike Ryana, she would be more on the cute side.
>Ryan would become a jersey girl.
>And Colllin would become a model-like attention whore cosplayer.
Sauce for this tl?
Saucenao only gives the original moonrunes version
You know one series I actually really liked? The first one you did. Like the first 3 or 4 images you ever posted on DA, about the 3 guys who found a magic medallion. That shit had me diamonds at the time. I even gave you a follow back then.
>Now is starting to have urges to be into sports.

This is a punishment worse than almost anything I've seen in TSF as far as mental changes go. Truly a horrifying prospect.

>Another fun idea is that a guy get's isekaied as the commander and slowly realizes that his main ship waifus are actually his friends

I would prefer a TSF scenario like the anime Haifuri to kantai collection, where everybody is isekai'd on board a singular ship rather than becoming personified ships. The actual day to day operations of a ship from any era can be quite interesting, although I don't really see that as working as a TSF body/genderswap concept nearly as much, given that the isekai'd males turned into females aren't becoming distinct characters that the viewer would likely recognize.

I do like the idea of a mass isekai swap though

>I kinda thought about making them try to keep it a secret

The question is, what would they have to gain individually or collectively by keeping the truth about who they are a secret? Would there even be a penalty if a shipgirl's secret were to be revealed when every person there has also been isekai'd?
Honestly, I wouldn't remind a return to/a fleshed out sequel to this. Was clearly an early project there for you, so probably not the most fleshed out.
Maybe have a compulsion or whammy where if they try and break character they just forget and just act in-character
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>The question is, what would they have to gain individually or collectively by keeping the truth about who they are a secret? Would there even be a penalty if a shipgirl's secret were to be revealed when every person there has also been isekai'd?
To be honest it would be comical. Just seeing them trying to act like a shipgirl they got assigned as believing others are actual shipgirls. I just like the premise like what one of the magical girl tsf manga had where everyone thought they were the only male in the magical girl group
>The question is, what would they have to gain individually or collectively by keeping the truth about who they are a secret?

Let's say in the base a couple of handful of the shipgirls are guys from the real world that got isekaied. The majority of the base still has normal shipgirls.
under that scenario there are many reasons to keep it a secret.

The funniest one is that they think they are the only one who got isekaied.
The other reasons are.

>to not disturb unit cohesion by the drama of revealing that the shipgirl's friends and teamates have been replaced by total strangers.

> They don't know how the actual shipgirls and the commander would react for all they know they could be made prisoners, since they are total strangers to the base and thus cannot be trusted. The commander and shipgirls might even think it's a plot of the Sirens/Abyssals that are trying to infiltrate them using body swap technology or something.

For these reasons it's better for any isekaied person to keep it a secret.
>Remember old idea for VN where in the setting it’s a coin toss if you’ll transform or not, and another coin toss if you’ll stay your original sex
>Each route would explore different reactions to being transformed through different characters
>One would be defiant, another curious, another would take it in stride, etc
>Drop the idea because the “Despair” route was too depressing and it was the first one I thought of
You should consider trying again, I like the concept. If you started with another part you might feel more comfortable wrapping back around to the depressing parts.
There's a bunch of interesting ways you could take reactions to that world too like maybe a side character who never allowed themselves to get too attached to their own identity in case it suddenly changed, but it never did.
Slow burn is good! Tranny medicalization is bad! Simple as.
The Despair route was going to be rather short- the character was worried he was turning into a girl when he was younger, but turns out he just had a form of androgen insensitivity, and struggled for a long time with his identity because of it. When you meet him, he had finally managed to get a solid grasp of who he is and wants to be, and being comfortable with the clothes he has to wear (the materials of most men’s clothing irritates his skin), he is fine with being effeminate, it was just the hand he was dealt- and then not long after meeting you, the coin us flipped, and he loses. He notices a slight point to his ears that sharpens each day, the small breasts he had developed due to his condition feel tender again, his clothes feel a bit looser than before, he is turning into a woman, an elven woman. All the fears spring back to the surface as they have now been made manifest and he spirals until he takes a length of cloth, ties it around his neck and the ceiling, and kicks the chair out from under him. Which is where you would find him, checking his apartment after not responding to your texts for a few days. He never thought to reach out to you for help, or comfort, just let the fear and despair consume him. When I first wrote the outline it was the only way I could see it ending for him, and it made me sick to my stomach once I had finished it, so I threw it and the draft away, but things that elicit strong emotions tend to stick with you
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Now that I think about it, odd that it hapened twice.

I live on a third world country, so whatever dollar I make is worthwhile. Enough to live comfortably and focus on stuff that I like to do rather than any weird commission.

My lil bro sees me and wants to work with art too, but I have been clear with him that I only draw one single particular subject over and over, not some epic shonen story (he is also way more talented than me, so I desire to see him actually working on the creative industry).

I guess you can check [NovelChef], he mostly does that, but the work is ai gen and always misery porn. I don't recommend unless somebody is into detailed mind break (which I'm not a fan of).

I don't get the appeal of boats over other kinds of characters. Th honestly I was never big into twinning into existing characters anyway. For me the fun is into creating new designs. But if I want to really draw a character I do a "retcon tg" with them where I pretend that the original design was a tg all along. Pic related.
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Humm a lot of people liked the tg harem, and every month somebody asks me to continue it. At the time I stopped because there were way too many characters to draw per panel haha

I still want to do with it tho, but there are some things that I'm unsure. Should I reboot it? The original has a mix of realistic people with harem tropes, and seems that people like it, but I also worry that it ends up very aimless and ill defined. Mei (pic related) for example, is not any character trope - "peverted japanese girl with an alt style" is not really an harem trope - and Diana and Chelsea seem to have a bit of an overlap on some aspects (with their ego and all). That is not very "harem anime" but closer to "real people", get it? But is that what people liked on it?

Over the years other writers have their take on "anime harem tg" that I found very interesting - where characters literally have to deal with "wait, I was on a 3d world, now I'm on a 2d world???", "I keep saying my new catch phrase" and "the setting literally slows down when there is a slowmo scene" - things that play with the idea that the world literally is working under the logic of anime and how real people deal with that. And I find that super cool and interesting.

So I often wonder, should I reboot it and change a bit the dynamic? Make the characters more stock anime tropes? Keep more of their personalities (at first) to have them try to fight their new roles and impulses (unlike the og, where only Carter resists)? Maybe mix and match their og personality with anime tropes - so a guy into sports that turns into a gyaru eventually becomes a sporty gyaru? Or would people really just prefer that I kept the same characters and continued the story from there?

You should really check FoxFace's Harem Hijinks story. The sexiest thing I read in a long time, every single part. The college teacher turned into a clumsy extremelly horny and in denial teacher was the hottest
>I don't get the appeal of boats over other kinds of characters. Th honestly I was never big into twinning into existing characters anyway. For me the fun is into creating new designs. But if I want to really draw a character I do a "retcon tg" with them where I pretend that the original design was a tg all along. Pic related.
Well there is that one anon always wanting to see more boat TGs.
But i adore the Boat and gacha TGs as either leads to a harem or i could transform anon everyday into a different female body. But really as long as they got female shape and need to get used to it i'm content
'realistic' people- which is to say a bit of character depth to work with- was a selling feature, far too many stories just ruin their own appeal by writing characters that are just unpleasant to read about or without even two dimensional writing. I think it's a common mistake to not bother with plot/characterization as well as The Plot. Nothing ruins the fun more than breaking the illusion that these are people (or at least as close to basic character work as a comic or short story manages)

I'd say to keep the "real people" aspect, aka: some characterization work. It's not like there's any shortage of the alternative out there.

Playing with "anime world" could be really good or really bad. I think you can pull it off, but I'd probably keep that relatively low-key so that it doesn't distract from the fun (ie: the character notices at first, then inadvertently forgets and starts doing things like the catch phrase without thinking), while things like 2D start causing issues with fridge logic.

Stock anime tropes could work but honestly I like your character work fine as is. Fighting back sounds fun and can work especially if they get confused and end up as a "mix" of themselves and the tropes. But again, the current version works fine too.

Honestly either a reboot, original style reboot, or continuation could all work really well. I'd like to see original flavor or a continuation of the story (yuri route pls) but a reboot with some of those changes could work great too.

What were examples of well done anime harem tg you liked?
Why do the derailers like horror art so much? That art's idea of anatomy isn't sexy, that's a medical condition. Looks like elephantiasis.
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>I don't get the appeal of boats over other kinds of characters.
It has to be the product of autism.
I think you should reboot it at this point.
Do a oneoff sequel and then reboot?
there is always desire for progress.
but people who put power and profit in front of everything will manipulate and use others.
and there is never a shortage of vulnerable people to use.
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I really like passive acceptance. Something like here where it says something along the lines of:

"Thorns, who was transformed into a woman through arts and other means and was unable to return to his original form, has grown hair over time."

I think that the guy subconsciously feminizing himself after being unable to return is peak.
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also here's part 2 from the artist's poipiku
>get told by generic anime goddess that you get to go to any anime world you want, but you have to be female
>say AL or KC, thinking you'll be given the body of a SSR battleship or carrier
>get put in the body of a coastal defense ship or destroyer with bad stats
>never go out on sorties because you're too weak
>commander treats you like you're just a little kid
>older shipgirls treat you like a little sister/daughter

This is why you go with Arknights; at least if you are a child soldier there, you will either be stronger than most adults or will grow up to be.
Subtly mindwhammied to think and act more in character in ways the character is aware of and others they miss completely is underrated, especially if they need someone else to point out that they are
It's not brought up in AL because the only human the girls interact with is the player character who also happens to be the God-commander they're engineered to get wet for, but the botes are stronger than humans when geared up and inconsistently are when not powered up. They wouldn't be able to move if they weren't, and all of them can have guns and explosives after a quick magical girl transformation.

The reason not to choose AL wouldn't be strength, but the fact that you're unlikely to get cool/good stuff happening to you due to cast bloat. Even the shitters are used in-story, but don't expect any spotlight if you're not high rarity. The world isn't terribly grimdark overall even when there is fighting, but still better to choose a nice slice of life or something.
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POV transformations are so hot.

I'm sorry but that world is literally not a place anyone wants to live. It's not grimdark, but it's certainly not fun if you aren't an operator. Your average person has to contend with random catastrophes multiple demon/eldritch incursions, and constant political bullshit that will get RI's attention.

I'd rather be a shipgirl in AL/KC than an operator in Arknights where most operators have magic-crystal-cancer-aids. I don't want oripathy, thanks
KC is probably the best botes setting for stories due to having a more coherent gimmick and stuff to work with
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>posting nothing
Fuck off, tranny. Touch Brass.
For me, the most fun thing about the TG harem was seeing the original personality of the character and their relationship with the MC get translated or subverted by the transformation.

What makes the Chase --> Chelsea TF so good, IMO, is that his existence gets subverted in the sense that he goes from being sporty/athletic, which is masculine, to being hyperfeminine. So it's a total flip of his priorities and who he is... except Chelsea is still a funhouse mirror reflection of Chase in that she's high status as a girl for her femininity. It's the same way Chase was high status as a guy for his athleticism. Chelsea and Chase's attitudes are also basically the same, except with Chelsea's being female coded (and also devoted to MC), and so you can see how she's a female version of him, yet simultaneously completely feminized.

I didn't really care for the harem aspect at all, and I didn't feel nearly as strongly about the other character TFs. I'd be fine with it if you just made comics about MC and Chelsea. So RE: rebooting it, really I just care about the subversion of the character. Any story where the character becomes a feminine reflection of who they used to be, but that 'who they used to be' still shines through in some way, would be incredible.
The 'character becomes romantically interested in MC' frame of the TG Harem story is a natural way to explore that subversion, because you have a clear target: turning their platonic friendship into an infatuation, while still trying to preserve echoes of what their original relationship used to be somehow.

Also Chelsea's hair, outfit, pose, and attitude are so hot.
I meant weak as in "weaker than the rest" because of bad stats, so you're never sent to do anything

not every operator has oripathy, and even then, RI has shit that slows it down enough that it isn't a hindrance
Lucky dildo invading her womb to force her body making eggs and laying them.
There is?
Personally I like to collate a bunch of designs as resulting from different tech with different side effects. So AL cubes resonate with the user in sometimes unanticipated ways, including possible serious body mass gain/loss as a shortie becomes a big girl or a big guy turns fun sized. KC shipgirls are the product of serious treatment but with no period of user incapacitation and fairly directed, with some cases with abnormal senses or sensibilities developing, while abyssals are the products of hardcore put-in-tube-for-a-few-weeks modifications that sometimes get a little too enthusiastic and result in abnormal light sensitivity, a love of deep water, and occasionally water breathing on top of nonhuman physionomy. T-Dolls are generally actually gynoids with artificial bodies.
kys horrorcow
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The only horror here is (You)
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Does anyone know what "disneydeer" is?, in the context of bimbofication.
Output has been solid. I really liked the New Class TG would love to see more with another class
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I don't know where you ran across the term, but I'm assuming that someone was opaquely referencing the "Bambi Sleep" series of bimbofication files, which are very popular in the sissy community.
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Posting Link from Zelda, the rarest TG'ed character.
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>What were examples of well done anime harem tg you liked?

FOxFace´s Harem's Hijinks is the top, the best one I read, but its on his patreon.

>This one is neat because of the struggles of the TGed character, and I like how he managed to change his path from "seductress" to "childhood friend" and with it change his appereance and the tropes that are conected to him
>I also like how the "MC" reacted to it (even if it was rushed), and I find the "painel" and "tasks" that he has acess a really good idea

>This one is pretty cool because the MC is an agent trying to make sense in a world that works with anime logic, and he is not sure what kind of anime is it, and what is or isnt acceptable
>Instead of being a "main characfter", he actively tries to be a BACKGROUND character, and is attempting to discover who is the real "MC" of this world, while trying to avoid the enemy agent living there and finding the friendly agent lost there

>I like some of the mental changes on this one , but its kind of plain compared to the others
>I do enjoy that aparently one of the characters got the role of "sexy confident teacher", but is visibly unconfortable with it and thus cant do it properly
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>I really LOVE how the guy described the changes from a 3 dimensional world to a 2d world
>I like how he dealed with mind alterations, and how character could try to fight it (but enjoyed more the fact that on the other story the characters could manipulate their roles)
>The REACTIONS to the people being TGed were also really cool, especial mention to the guy that totaly freaks out and has a psychotic breakdown:

"Kevin began to laugh hysterically, the water in Pinky’s eyes leaked down her cheeks. A waifu in desperate need of a hug or a flower or whatever token gesture would make her heart meter for the designated protagonist go up. That thought was funny too. Him, not a male chem major with a serious girlfriend, but the ditzy girly-girl object of some otaku’s unsatisfied lust. Sure. That was him. It just made sense."

(If you guys read those, tell me what you thought about it)
When I revive the TG Harem stuff, Im probably taking note of some things on these

Really a shame that every single one of them in unfinished :haaa~1:
I liked how you had a spectrum of how drastic the changes were, like Chelsea was most different but Ryana was most similar. But I agree with the other anon, what was nice was that their changes were ultimately a mirror of themselves, truly a feminine form of themselves. Chelsea was technically the most different, she was still recognizably similar to her old self.

Chelsea and Ryan had the best dynamic because they were very similar as dudes, and ended up very different as girls, but were still frenemies/rivals. If they had been female all along, you can imagine they were both sporty girls and then puberty made them go different paths. All this to say, Chelsea and Ryan threesome route would be ideal.

If you do reboot it, you could have some of them resist the changes, but others should be cool with it. I liked how Carter reacted differently to each girl changing, like how he got annoyed about Chloe was frustrating because she kept dropping spaghetti and he missed Colin. Personally, I think Chelsea and Ryan are the ones who should be kept. You could change the others more if you think that'd be best

is this story down?
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forced school uniforms and skirt suits are an underrated part of TG. I just enjoy that Japanese schools and companies take it for a given that all women have to wear skirts and will never give exceptions for TG victims.
I can't access it either, but https://web.archive.org/web/20170124081619/http://www.tgstorytime.com/viewstory.php?sid=3700 has the first chapter. Dunno if there were ever more chapters or not.
Japocalypse Now is great fun as an animeification story, it's tragic the author never continued it. Hope someone writes something similar someday.
Personally, I like the third story the most.
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for me its the second, featuring the womanizer accepting a date because she got ticked off about getting called cute by another womanizer, and then a smash cut to getting fingerfucked and plowed. i like it when even when they're reluctant, there's some small thing that gives them a feminine reaction that escalates
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>forced school uniforms and skirt suits are an underrated part of TG

I agree, it's especially good when it's some external force requiring the wearing of said skirts, rather than some internal trait of the TG'd character. It's especially appealing when under the circumstances wouldn't seem usual, such as somebody who has to fight or be a soldier regularly like one would see in a battle anime. The in ongruence between their female form, their skirt, and the decidedly unfeminine role they are made to retain or are forced to do can make the entire TG sequence more interesting than it otherwise would have been.
As the others said, seeing how the characters translated over to girls with the same amount of depth was really good. If you did redo it, maybe make it just a little bit slower so we can observe their interactions change as they gradually TG, like in your newer comics.
Also, keep Carter a guy.
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The new Ranma 1/2 reboot got released on Netflix today. Has anyone watched it yet?
The entire season leaked 2 months ago. It is heavily censored.
make carter a girl but have his TF happen after the others so he has some idea what's happening to him or inadvertently sets it off and derails his own future role into a TG'd one
thanks for mentioning it, I went and starting reading and it's to my tastes, at least up to about a third of the way through, which is where I'm at right now.
the genderbender component is handled in a slightly silly way (MC isekai'd into female body, makes a female 'persona' to cope) but ultimately acceptable, since there are some scenes of introspection about gender. romantic/sexual attraction is handled somewhat gracefully, along the lines of 'new body means new brain chemistry'.
the base plot and setting from the source material is the most eye-rolling part, but nothing to be done about that.
as far as fappability, explicit content is not overbearing but is definitely present.
I remember I had the idea that the Shrine of Resurrection had a flaw in it and Link would wake up as a girl.
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Is... is this a Link thread now?
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Needs more Gerudo Link. Only thing better than gender swap is race swap added with it.
that is just alice margatroid
All gender bending should end with pregnancy.
All pregnancy should begin with gender bender.
Yeah, very early on it became clear that Fenek was on a wavelength similar to my own in terms of taste. On top of that, his art noticeably improved with every new piece he put out.

My appreciation for the harem series has nothing to do with meta commentary on harem anime, it comes from liking the characters you made. Their designs are solid and the dynamic between Chelsea, Ryana, and Chloe was fun.
I think an easy way to continue the series without having to draw a ton of stuff is to just have two or three-panel comics that are supposed to represent "clips" as if there's a larger harem anime show and we're only seeing highlights. Remember that episode where Ryana lost a bet with Chelsea and had to act girly? Or that episode where Mei presents Carter to her parents as her bf to get out of an arranged marriage? And who can forget the classic episode where Chloe gets hit in the head and starts thinking she used to be a boy?
any other AO3 fic worth reading especially like this premise and maybe not for shield hero?
been wanting Isekai like this with guy reincarnating as a Princess
Compulsions to fit into the latest incarnation of the Zelda role the way even the tomboyish ones end up doing?
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not enough tg + sw
WHy did this have tentacles.
Damn i really crave to make someone's belly grow with life.
>>11141000 (checked)
Neither of those anons but unfortunately I’ve got nothing in all my time trawling AO3. All of the genderbend stories I’ve seen on there are either very short or skip over the genderbend entirely.
as an addendum to my previous post re: that shield hero story (>>11140095), I've finished what's there now. in terms of fappability there's a decent masturbation scene, a scene of heavy petting, and a sex scene, in that order. that order is also the order of quality, in terms of tgtf, because there's more psychological exploration in the masturbation scene, there's a bit of it with the heavy petting, and by the time of the sex scene, the character is just donezo in terms of tgtf psychology. the sex scene is just straight up written description of a man and a woman having enthusiastic sex. the only nod to it being a tgtf story by that point is a throwaway line on the MC seeing her partner's penis and saying 'gosh sure glad I don't have one of those anymore'. additionally, it's mostly focused on 'what' is happening, than on how it feels or what the MC is thinking about, so it doesn't even gesture towards being a point of comparison to the MC's previous state of being.
I think it's worth reading those three scenes alone (chapters 11, 36, and 48, I believe), even if you don't care about the power fantasy setting chaff, just as an object lesson on what is important in making explicit tgtf writing worth reading.
writers, take note! don't blow your loads, neither figuratively nor literally!
I don't spend a lot of time on ao3 but my impression is no. the userbase is more female oriented and mtf tgtf is not very interesting to them
Thanks for going through and reading it anon. Sounds like only a few chapters are worth reading. And agreed you’re not likely to find good mtf tgtf stories on ao3 since the female userbase doesn’t care for it or only uses it as a plot device.
Sounds good to me.
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>I suggested she get an abortion to become a guy again, but she reacted by covering her tummy and yelling no!
Based. Men turned into women wouldn't be nearly as cavalier about abortion as actual women are.
>female fierce deity
This is a really missed opportunity for a tg scenario. Majora's mask gimmick of masks magically transforming link is a great way for a tg scenario. Wish there was a story about it or something.
Why did the kemono on all TG artist stop updating?
Tfw this never got translated
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There are a couple where Link gets turned into a gerudo like pic related and Amongst the Gerudo, but yeah as far as tsf transformations they're pretty much the only race you see, save maybe one saw with the great fairy
Presumably one person was the importer for all of them and they quit doing it.
I like Kouji when he goes all in on the yuri futa train
There were some women who are against abortion (my mother, a devout Catholic, was the person who explained to me what an abortion was and she had nothing good to say about it) and some even choose to risk their lives rather than having an emergency abortion and some women are pressured into getting an abortion by a man either wanting to escape the responsibility of being a father or to escape the responsibility of committing a sexual crime like a man pressuring the underage girl he molested to keep his statutory rape violation a secret.

Let's try to avoid generalized, blanketed statements about any group of people.
did this artist make more?
I'm pretty sure at least some of their importers are broken. There hasn't been any patreons updated since september 12th and no fanboxes since june 30th.
agreed, now want mage girl to turn into futa and tease tiny fairy MC that ends up enjoying it and fairy getting jelly so turns into futa as well to have her way with him on top of mage girl
There was an ok OC fic on AO3 back in the day, but it got deleted. The author is still around though, I've genuinely considered messaging them about it
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It's safe to lump most zoomer and millennial women together, because those groups overwhelmingly support abortion, Mostly because that's what they've been told to believe and they've never bothered to think about the ethical implications of eliminating something that would grow into an independent human being that shares half their DNA. All respect to any woman that's capable of independent thought, of course.
A genderbent man would get hit by the reality of a pregnancy all at once instead of having had a lifetime of "your body your choice"/"clump of cells" obfuscating piled on them, including not knowing if he's ever going to have any other way of having a kid because he might not be able to change back.
There's no point talking to the monkey, you'll only encourage it to keep spewing its offtopic screeds
>Men turned into women
>A genderbent man
Are you literally retarded?
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New thread: >>11141575
>All gender bending should end with pregnancy.
I don't have any pregnant Kyonkos, though.

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