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My PRIMARY fetish is /h/ tier pregnancy with tentacle and futanari as mere tertiaries but I had a recent fit of imagination with a novel futa idea brought on by Bonnouji Yura's recent 2 tentacle doujins that I want to discuss. Further posts outline it.
https://exhentai.org/g/3010152/7f01e3d4cd/ (mostly this one)
I thought up an ideal doujin of most of my fetishes basically.
I got to thinking about it and it seems like the few /d/ tastes I have are all heavily tempered by my /h/ inclinations.
Post art and ideas that you like or contribute to this theme, and discuss the theme itself.
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I'm considering commissioning Bonnouji Yura to extend this Tentacle Slayer Corps story with some of my ideas/fetishes, most of which I suspect he also holds.
It basically amounts to the tentacles capturing more of the Corps and gaining more and more of their powers and using them to crossbreed itself into perfection. Eventually they would reach a critical mass and would use some of the magical girl's powers to up their intelligence and fuse together into a handsome, manly, tentacle monsterboy form with tons of sexual powers and and an alluring masculine voice that would make Kuon's very femininity throb and corrupt her. She'd begin to enjoy futa fucking other girls with the dick the tentacles would temporarily force her to grow and end the story as the enthusiastic Tentacle Queen.
I generally only like futa of the temporary ball-less sort (because its kinda unfeminine otherwise), sometimes merely ultra-clit futa, but that sort of thing doesn't fit for these breeding purposes. So I thought up an AMAZING futa concept one day:
A futanarization that cannot cum on it's own but instead connects the womb to the dick and uses the cum of the male to ejaculate with. The girl can only cum when the man/tentacles blasts into her. Fucking hot.
The tentacles would use this to further boost crossbreeding efforts. I really don't like tentacle mouths sucking futanaris off (like in his previous work), I much prefer them shoving that thing into another girl.

I'm even considering paying him to just ~consider~ all my ideas. Haven't had a doujin stoke the imagination like this in a while. I haven't ever even wanted to commission porn before.
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[Magical Girl Powers P1]
Doujin tldr: Tentacle Slayer Corps with girls with unique magical powers. Powers their tentacle children can inherit.

>Time Stop
-Rapid Pregnancy
>Vital Bond (a power thats good for support and team work that synchronizes the vitality of teamates)
-Fertilization Orgasm (girl can feel eggs being fertilized, author did this in his previous work. She can also feel her offspring's strength and it getting stronger, which thrills)
>Aura Fist (fighting spirit aura ect)
-Masculine Essence (puts off an aura of alluring manliness)
>Transformation (like I dunno she turns her arms into blades or something)
-Futanarization (no balls, it cums with the tentacle semen stored in the womb instead of making its own)
-Shared Orgasm (sense link, feel the tentacles pleasure as well and any girl futa/tentacle-fucked. Psychic powers also make the the tentacles more intelligent)
-Synesthesia (sexual sense-crossing make her vagina taste the sex and find it delicious/make her tongue orgasm when eating delicious things. Nose orgasms from masculine odor. Lactating feels like ejaculation, nipples tastes their own milk)
>Spirit Fusion (shes like a summoner that summons and fuses familars)
-Ideal Form (sexy ikemen monsterboy form where tentacles combine and fuse)
>Siren Song
-Arousing Voice (tentacles speak in a otherworldly attractive voice, making one experience sexual arousal/ovulate
-Erotic Vitality (unending sexual stamina, healthiness. Hymen and vaginal tightness regeneration.
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[Magical Girl Powers P2]
>Alchemy (support, makes potions and the like FMA style)
-Aphrodisiac Mist & Nectar
-Amnesia (make a girl temporarily forget she was recently a tentacle seedbed so she walks unwittingly impregnated among her allies)
>Dream Walker (she helps Corps members and the citizenry but using therapeutic good dreams on them)
-Fantasies Manifest (used to either
A. further sexytimes by giving girls dreams of making out with other girls they haven't yet, having loli harems of their own from the citizenry, or DPing her own daughter with tentacleman (who will not father human babies in reality), or
B. the sole vacation time they spend. Like painting with tentacleman, going on romantic dates with tentacleman, or playing videogames with tentacleman. Just so they don't get bored of the constant fucking ya know.
-Tentacle Portals (portals in vagina/womb/around dick/around limbs. Teleports tentacle fetuses between mothers' wombs for more effective crossbreeding. Tentacles bite their own tails and infinitely insert into girls for fun. Portals summoning the futa dicks of the squad into pussies. Pseudo-amputee kinks

>++Combined use of Transformation, Spirit Fusion, and Vital Bond
-Self Genesis (Combined tentacles can melt into semen/a single spermatazoid and impregnate women with itself for:
A. a comfy place to sleep
B. sneaking into places
C. powering up
D. having fun psychically teasing/sweet talking it's mother
E. making it's mother futa-impregnate another girl, the act of birth is orgasmic for both.
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[Sexy Scenes/Artist requests P1]
-Making out with tentacle tongue, orgasming from the otherworldly delicious flavor AND her tongue becoming an erogenous zone
-Getting throatfucked by tentacle, which makes anything it contacts feel like a pussy and have taste buds
-Tentacles making her drink her own milk, she loves it's magically boosted flavor and erogenous tongue and throat. Same with semen.
-The tentacles shove their tongues into her nipples and cast a spell on her tits than make them taste their own milk and feel as intense as ejaculation
-Tentacle nest growing Kuon-chan a futa dick but refusing to touch it, stoking her desire
-Putting her to sleep and sealing her senses except touch, then shoving her dick into her terrified best friend exorcist. As she enjoys thrusting her hips imagining it to be a tentacle-mouth, her senses are unsealed revealing to her horror she is raping her best friend
-She trys to deny it and pull out but the tentacles use Electrostimulation and Aphrodisiac on Kuon and she loses control and plows her crying friend. To her frustration she has no semen to cum.
-Tentacles then cum into Kuon-chan's pussy and make her futa cock cum that same semen with her dick shoved into her friend.
-Tentacles getting more intelligent until they eventually all fuse into one handsome masculine form. So handsome it makes Kuon's womb throb and heart quicken.
-Tentacleman nibbling on her ear and teasing/speaking sweet nothings into it. Calling her his "Motherwife".
-Tentacleman separates back into tentacles for fun. Any Tentacles he fathers combine into him, powering him up everytime.
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[Sexy Scenes/Artist requests P2]
-He melts into a Semen-Slime via Transformation and with Spirit Fusion condenses into a single speramtazoid and using Self Genesis impregnates Corps women with himself in order to
A. have a pleasant time doing it and sleeping in comfy mommywife womb
B. magic/genecrafting himself
C. playing around speaking psychically to her from within and generally pulsating with manly power
D. getting himself futa ejaculated into another Motherwife, for fun or breeding purposes
E. infiltration where he using Time Accel on himself at the opportune moment
-Kuon impregnating her best friend with tentacleman
-Tentacleman born as a tentacleswarm and then morphing into human form where he shivers in orgasm and rubs himself all over. Exciting the females watching him rub his abs and with the knowledge that they caused this in him.
-Capturing a mother and daughter from the citizenry and giving Kuon an oyakodon fetish
-Capturing Kuon's own mother and giving her an even stronger oyakodon fetish
-Impregnating her own mother with tentacleman
-ect ect imagine obvious uses of the listed powers to your hearts' content
Here are my tastes for reference. I have to wonder how many you guys match my tastes.
(Posted to catbox instead because no one cares) https://files.catbox.moe/699e0k.txt
Horosuke and Null are two of my other favorite tentacle artists
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Namonashi is pretty great too. Great faces.
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Okuva is pretty decent too. A smidge /d/ for my tastes a lot of the time though.
This doujin as a pretty good tentacle monsterGIRL design in it https://exhentai.org/g/1246385/1e28e4c587/
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A classic
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Preg and tentacle on this one, but no futa.
Ones that have all three in just the right way are a little rare
No (You)s yet... ah slow boards.
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I love stories where the girl is trapped and forced to give birth for the rest of her life. I wish there is more stuff that shows them in the future where she has merged with the creature is barely human anymore.
Bigger issue is Bad thread
I like one where she escapes but willingly goes back. Very hot.
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Wow rude
I hate permanent body mutation so must disagree. I love consentacle shit where the girl is happy to be a breeding grounds. It starting out as terrifying rape is fine though, great even. It's even hotter even she later concludes that actually this is pretty fantastic.
>hey tentacle san, the new book in this series I like should be coming out around now. Let me out I wanna read it, I'll come back in like a week.
>*lets her out
>*comes back in 6 days
>Hey tentacle-san I'm bored, how about I go out for a bit and find you some new prey? I wanna lez out on her while you rape her. I'm hankerin for a bit of sadism.
And it's just less hot for me when a girl has to be mind controlled into doing this
Fapping to text and imagination is a nice change of pace. Nice thread.
This pic is a little topical
If you were to commission this it would easily be hundreds of dollars...per post. All of these would invariably total out to more than a grand.

Unpublished artists on skeb don't typically call for less than 10k (usually 15k) yen per page, but published artists typically call for 20k to 30k... per page.

Pre-empting a few questions.
>Why would manga be more expensive than a color image
A single page has multiple drawings and has to deal with a complicated layout, due to panels, speech bubbles, angles, etc. Some of your ideas are also quite complicated and would inherently require more panels to do (tentacle boy transformation is probably the biggest one)
>Maybe he'll take the ideas and do it for free in a new chapter of-
Incredibly, amazingly unlikely.

Start saving up, anon.

>Checked his fanbox and twitter
He DOES allow Twitter DMs, so you could ask him directly, right now, actually, about when he'll open up skeb or something.

HOWEVER. He's also noted on his Twitter that his health is doing so well.
As a matter of fact, his most recent call for skeb requests in August is this:


>I'm looking for Skeb submissions for August! Manga is still too hard on me physically, so this time I'll only be allowing illustration requests.

>I would be happy if you can send me your requests!
Thanks for this info. (You the guy I asked to come here btw?)
Oh man I am not happy to hear manga is taxing for him/his health is bad. I'll stay tepidly optimistic though.
I'll take this slow. Build rapport first.
Would you advise I attempt with like Pixiv or Twitter First? I'd have to make a twitter account.
I essentally want to butter him up and say I like HIS work the way HE does it and to just continue the Kuon story with elements that would naturally be fantastic in it.
The hardest sell would proabbly be the ikemen thing as I imagine some contigent of tentacle lovers do it because they are put off by/don't prefer chads fucking women.
The second would be the ball-less part, as his pervious work had the girl get subjected to a temporary futa-with-balls trap. I wonder how strongly he holds that variant of the fetish.
Pixiv is what I usually default to but he seems pretty active on Twitter so pick whichever.

Best bet would be to establish rapport and then later send a inquiry about the commission and see if he's willing to hash out details.

Worst case you get a skeb account warning or banned.

Lots of money usually sways opinions pretty well.
Sounds like a plan
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Oh look he also posted this to his twitter.
Kuon's powers have an accident or something and they lolify her. He's got plans.
Oh the possibilities.
Posting topical examples
>Tentacle Portals
>Pseudo-amputee kinks
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>Tentacle Portals (portals in vagina/womb/
I like "total electrocution orgasm" like this and not those kinds where the girl's have relatively typical faces just with electricity drawn on their bodies.
But I also do not like for it to look like the electricity is harming them overtly. The stomach deformation in pic related is also a turn off.
It's all in the eyes. Heart-pupils with electric arcs piercing them with gleeful ahegaos and maybe clenched teeth or loling tongues is ideal. Intense but fully pleasurable.
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The girl wielding the electricity from the electric baby in her belly is pretty hot. If it's not full electrocution to boost an orgasm; I'd like any ""casual"" electrifed state to always have SOME visible effect on the girl. Like the baby kicks and sends out pulse shocks and the girl therefore shivers, closes her eyes, and bites her lower lip. Or does a tiny soft yelp/moan.
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>Shared Orgasm
Sense link between girls is common enough, but was is much less common is the girl feeling the pleasures the dick is feeling inside her. And I've never seen a work where she feels the pleasures of the tentacle. You've got this monsterous thing painting unwanted pleasure on your body, and on top of that it forces it's own pleasures onto you too. Hot concept.
I remember seeing good, more topical doujin pages that did the "feeling the boyfriend's dick" thing but I don't remember where they're from.
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Exhentai has Monster_Girl tagged but no Monster_Boy you know. It's rough being a totally straight dude with an Ikemen and Monsterboy fetish (because it's hot seeing the girl's feminine instincts stoked), not many focus on drawing them and tagging them if they're not yaoi. Ugly bastards everywhere. There are loads of almost perfect doujins/pics that tic all of my boxes but unfortunately have ugly bastards. There's not one of them that wouldn't be improved by an ikemen instead.
Self Genesis sounds like an incredibly fun time. If I died and got isekai'd as a tentacle monster I'd just pick up Self Genesis, Amneisa, and Time Accel and do nothing but impregnate bitches, cast amnesia, wait for them to go into town, cast time accel and get born, cast amnesia again so i don't get infamous and slain, and impregnate a different girl with myself.
No one would ever know.
Finally somebody makes an ideapost.
It's great huh? Sounds like a neat premise for a villain. It's really hot if the girl is aware of the power in her belly though. Spamming amnesia like that kind of ruins it for me.
This'd make a great little h-anime though.
Oh on second thought fuck amnesia. Unlike you mind control is just fine by me. I'll take hypnosis instead, the kind that locks a girl lucid in her own head. And ESP while I'm at it to torment her from within.
Any idea for any /d/ fetish? That’s about as broad as you can get.
>that you like or contribute to this theme, and discuss the theme itself.
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>It's rough being a totally straight dude with an Ikemen and Monsterboy fetish (because it's hot seeing the girl's feminine instincts stoked), not many focus on drawing them and tagging them if they're not yaoi. Ugly bastards everywhere. There are loads of almost perfect doujins/pics that tic all of my boxes but unfortunately have ugly bastards. There's not one of them that wouldn't be improved by an ikemen instead.
I feel your pain brother
>Virile Chad casts magical sexytimes on thirsty females and breedcrafts with their wombs
Pretty much. I wish I put something along these lines in the OP.
This idea's kind of hot and I kind want to steal it but I don't have characterss to ue it with. You got any characters you'd want to see this with and an artist you think would fit? If our taste align I wouldn't mind requesting it myself.
This one maybe >>11131334
Some Fate character?
This whole thread is really up Namonashi's alley.
If you can somehow get him to curb the schizo mutation/min control/personality shitting he's recently taken to doing: Fan no Hitori.
I'd be interested to see if the man is capable of consentacles.
Janny if you didn't like my irl animal reaction image couldn't you have just removed the image? Did you have to delete the post?
If it's a cool fucking fetish or idea, one that is at least 60% "on theme" of OPs combination of fetishes: post about it.
Reading all these posts, I'd say OP's OVERARCHING theme/fetish is: "Virile Chad casts magical sexytimes on thirsty females and breedcrafts with their wombs"
Thats pretty good.
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Here's something else he drew of Kuon. She gets saved from the tentacle nest but, as the artist explains, "her titties hurt" so she brings back some of her tentakids so they can drink her milk and relieve the achin in the ol mammaries... I guess.
Lmao weird thing to do. Like lady do you think that's advisable?
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An older Kuon pic
Bonnouji Yura posted this a few days ago and it escaped my notice:
>Thank you for your help. I am a temple of trouble.
>As for our plans for the next month or so, we would like to start working on the manga.
>Therefore, we will only be updating the progress of the work for the next two to three months.
>Please note that we will not be able to update the difference illustrations, so please be careful when you support us.
>(We are very sorry to tell you this just before the end of the month...)
>The contents we are thinking of at the moment are “a story about a pure-blooded degenerate whose womb is converted into a tentacle-only womb” and “a story about a company girl who changes her job to a tentacle nursery.
>I have my hands full with completing the illustrations of the two Senkohime, so I have only a vague idea of what I have in mind, so I will be able to give you more details about the contents and schedule later.
>In any case, we will definitely include a tentacle nursery birth situation, so please look forward to it.
>See you next month.
This seems like a perfect time to strike, so I sent my message. Wish me luck guys.
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