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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>11100062
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I wonder if she actually had an accident at that time…
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one more thread before we take a break >>>/vt/86447037
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>Gura was complaining about her tummy grumbling really bad during the Deep Cock colab stream today
A side-effect of holding in her gas for the entire stream. The second she gets offline she hikes up a leg and rips ass like a sick cow. Just one long, concentrated, rank smelling turbo-fart that makes her feel like she's a deflating balloon. The relief is so strong she can't help but moan and shiver as her bloated bowels explode into her poor panties. But she pushes a bit too hard, not realizing she was overdue for a morning dump. Without warning, the 20 second long megafart turns into a shark shart. Gura doesn't even hesitate before sticking a hand in her undies and checking.
1:24:13 (brap?)
1:40:16 (brap?)
1:41:48 (gurgle)
1:44:15 (gurgle)
1:55:07 (brap?)
1:57:02 (burp)
1:57:35 (brap)
Appears as if she was really gassy that day on stream and instead of muting every time she had to fart, which would arise some suspicion in the chat, she tried to cover up the sound of her braps with her own voice. It might’ve worked for normies who are too dumb to realize or listen hard enough but I have a trained ear for this kinda stuff and I know exactly what listen out for. The calling cards if you will.
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a few alts, all ringo
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choco on fanbox
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choco on fanbox
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choco on fanbox
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Filian's doing another laxative stream next wednesday
Nice whats she holding til?
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toilet sui
more on fanbox
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this time for sure
the panties will be filled, the horn will be heard
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Korone implied choco
VAllure is a blessing. Where is that Denpa audio though?
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we4ge posted another miko set on fanbox
I've been sick with a bug for over a week, and just finally started moving around again. And not once, have I fapped to anything fart/scat/other bodily function related. I've heard scat fixations are caused by gut parasites that send brain signals to your head- making you crave poop. Maybe I had parasites and shit/puked them out while I was sick?
I've never been attracted to anything else, so if I'm permanently unattracted to stinky stuff, am I asexual now?
Imagine the smell
Tags: Choco, Ringo, Braps, Yuri, Nerissa, Kiara
There's soiling, toilet destruction, braps, plenty of shit for you all to enjoy.
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the fucking madlad
>This is just the prologue believe it or not, the rest is coming Soon™
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choco on fanbox
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Next episode comes out before the end of the month hopefully. Didn't get around to Kiara actually being diapered yet and I figured it warranted an entire new part to fully explore her puffy pampies.
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Added to the Mega
Nice. Too bad the /vt/ thread died before you could post this there.
rip the /vt/ thread, we'll be back. but not for a while.
We got close enough to bump limit for me to be okay with it dying lol. Thanks brapmates for still helping out over there too, and hopefully a certain Jerboa would treat you lot well
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We ended it off on a nice big even number, so I'm satisfied.
I'll see you lot sometime after the 20th.
Until we meet again.
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Are you taking any medication? Sometimes certain medicines make it hard to get aroused.
oh you know that ass be brapping
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>Kiara needs to pee while playing, wants to hold it in to feel the pressure
Actually very common for women to have a pee-holding kink. The bladder being full can put pressure on some very sensitive areas down there.
Also yes, I did post this story today specifically for a reason.
Why don't you count how many words are in the title? Or how many chapters there are?
Here it is, a ringo/choco/onara questionaire, hoping for alot of responses
Can someone please add these to the mega
Suisei choco (on face)
original filename
Can someone add this to the Mega file as well
Avispa choco

I just commissioned an artist to draw more of her so expect that in the future
Thank you very much!
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Grimmi bragging about having thick 10 to 12 inch logs of shit
Forgot to post the link
>ywn have a Grimmi gf who will proudly show you her fat logs after she lays them
Why even live?
Are those her real farts? Impressive.
She burps on stream a lot too. There’s many clips of them on her Twitch.

oh my god her farts are insane
also my vtubers should be more comfortable and have a farting corner in their stream, would make it a lot easier for us clippers
I knew about her burps and even watched a few of her streams, but damn I didn't know she ripped ass like that.
No. Also I got my horniness back, it’s all good
>are those her real farts?
There’s so much variation in them I have to say yes. At first I was skeptical then she did a few smaller ones.

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