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Old: >>11118041

Please keep discussions on topic, don't blogpost about shit that will obviously derail the thread, i.e. no gfd or prostitution. Doing so should be an obvious sign to everyone you're just looking for attention. Follow board rules.
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Anyone have any cool stories to share about femdom play with their GF or Wives? I have a few I can share if there is interest.
More nipple play please
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I have some stories with my ex. I miss her. We almost did like pic related with her friend but then broke up.
>feels badman.png
>feels badman.png
i mean yeah
femdom is the best because it’s the only thing I can place myself into as both the dom and the sub. with anything else (m/m f/f or maledom) I only self-insert as the dom so I thought that was the only role I could enjoy, turns out it’s not. being able to enjoy something from both sides makes it 10x better.
hell yeah, switches rise up
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This image instantly awakened a new fetish in me full-force, and then I've hardly ever seen anything like it.

I like it more than being made to cum in their own mouth since it's happening separate from the orgasm, in the full regret of post-nut clarity. Anyone got any similar?
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my wife did that to me once, I came in her and she sat on my face and ordered me to lick it out of her like the image attached. It was new to me and now I get a raging boner with those images but idk what it would be called, you never see it
The newest Doskoinpo has ntr in it. I'm a bit disappointed with him.
Not surprising, though. Dude's flirted with it more than once.
Ahh yes, the good ol PiV rape in bondage
A classic for a reason
One girl introduced me to spit fetish. When we were making out and she was sitting on my lap facing me, she raised her head above and told me to open my mouth to spit into it. At first I was reluctant thinking she's joking but she slapped me and pulled my hair then again told to open mouth for her to spit into. After that she ordered me to swallow and slapped me again calling me a good dog. That shit was hot.
You mean in his pixiv fanbox art?
I've never seen something similar to ntr in his other doujins. I've never liste to his audio stuff because I don't understand japanese.
I mean, there are a few of his one/two page stuff where the girl mentions she has a boyfriend. But even counting his normal doujin stuff, one of the dad/daughter ones has the daughter show the dad some of the kids at her school have been getting pussy while he hasn't, or the fake demon stepsister one where the dad gets pussy because he has levels to steal but the shota doesn't. Not saying he has done ntr before, but you can see enough tendencies to not really be surprised by him taking the plunge.
Nothing too special, but with my ex-gf we enstablished a rule that if she initiated something with her feet, I was not allowed to do anything but let her have her way. I definitely miss having her feet slapped on my face at random times of the day. I once managed to cum just from having her slipper pushed to my nose. God bless kinky girls
Your pic makes it look like she did feet stuff to you together with another girl.
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There need to be more doujins where a female teacher is teaching her students several femdom activities.
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I had a girlfriend who liked it when I spent 40+ minutes using my hands and mouth to make her cum. I'd give her a full body massage, get her wet with my fingers, and eat her pussy.

Holy fuck, she was hot. On the bed, she looked like a distressed goddess, like so perfect I didn't know what to do with her. Fit, too.

Her name was Khadijah, which I also thought was fucking hot.

Then, after she "basked in the glow," she got me tissues or paper towels, set a timer on her phone, and gave me 30 seconds to cum. No edging beforehand or anything.

Go on, share me yours.
What happened to the relationship?
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Nothing sexier than being reminded of the inferiority of my sexual anatomy by a woman, whose reproductive parts are ticked safely inside. One shot and I am at Her mercy
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Totally defeated, my pathetic, inferior semen no longer able to taint the human genome
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I wish. We actually fantasized about a college friend of hers. It started out as a joke since her friend had the feminine version of my name, but she never mustered the courage to ask her.
Im going to kill myself
my wife tied me to the ned, casted her phone to the TV, put a plug in my ass, and clover clamps on my nipples. She then started browsing online sex shops to pick out toys. If the dildo I picked out was too small she'd pull on the clamps until i changed my mind. She basically had a shopping list picked out, and would punish me until I said yes. Then when she had everything in the cart, she sat on my face and said if i came, it was me agreeing to buying and playing with all of it. She sucked my dick edging me until I "agreed" while riding my face.
>We actually fantasized about a college friend of hers.
You wanted to do threesomes? She is bisexual?
I mean you can probably guess. For me, this was obviously the worst part. You fapping jerks will probably get off on knowing that she hooked up with other men on Tinder when that was still a thing and had actual sex with them. So, they had actual sex, and I got the 30-second cum countdown.

When I started wanting to actually have sex with her, she ghosted me.
I don't like cucking except if it is the lesbian kind where she cheats on you with other girl.
It's a sad story what you just wrote.
Based mistress
Fucking bitch, im sorry she did that to you anon.
Wow, femdom just isn't viable irl ig
>they had actual sex, and I got the 30-second cum countdown
Hot. She managed to stay in her role and even gave you chance to cum. Do you think she was already dating and fucking other guys at the time you were eat her out? Now that would be hot.
Shame about ghosting tho.
I love happy endings
That desperate for (you)s?
It's complicated, she was "kinda" bi-curious and used to masturbate to both real and 2d women, but never had much experience with other girls besides some making out with drunken college friends like the one I mentioned. So we mostly stuck to imagining fictional scenarios, which is still great to spice up the bedroom
Why did you lose her?
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I know this is incredible to hear but nobody gives a shit about your relationship anon. Post porn.
She looks like she's going to tickle the hell out of him
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>femdomcucks are literal cucks
Imagine my shock.
Strap on looked obscenly long from the thumbnail, she's REALLY digging into him!
Is that Asuka?
I always knew she would enjoy pegging
Except with something that big she's probably trying to kill him
>femdom thread
>posts femsub
fuck off
Yeah he gonna end up like Mr. Hands
Maybe he'll get some cartoon physics elasticity
Anyone know what genre of porn this is? (There's some gore on the side but I'm not sure if /d/ allows it).
that literally happened to me the other day
You unfortunately forgot your place. She probably has had to deal with that kind of stuff before where slaves get too 'demanding'. So she cut her losses early. Smart woman.
Yeah, I mean the likely explanation is that it was less complicated for her to break it off than it was to find out if I was mad enough to interfere with her life somehow. Mess up her good time? My opportunity to keep the relationship going was if I simped right then and there instead of getting mad about not having sex with her.

It's my fault, but I'm only human, lol. Of course, I'm turned on by the idea of being like, "Oh no, making me cum in your spare time must be such a chore!" or something like that. "Let me pay for your next date," etc. I get off on the idea plenty.

But in reality, I just became super jealous for sex.

That's life, folks.
Giantess ryona?
Many fetishes do not survive first contact with reality
It's not limited to giantesses though. I'm talking about women just inflicting some brutal punishment on random dudes (the stronger the guy looks the better).
The reverse ryona thread's just gay tho
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This happened a few years ago.My girlfriend at the time and I had been dating for a while, about 8 months. 6 of those were her being in a sort of explicit 'keyholder'. I wasn't locked up 24/7 but she had been in control for that entire time, and she did prefer me to wear the cage than not.
And we have done a lot of physical stuff, but due to several reasons we have not actually had sex. Sex specifically hasn't been important to me (I had not had penetrative sex and hand issues from a previous relationship). Unfortunate, since she had a pretty high sex drive and clearly wanted to but was wonderful and understanding and didn't really pressure me. Plus we were sexually active and did foreplay and stuff, just not to actual sex.
So I decided that I was ready and told her that I was ready for it. She like, stopped what she was doing and threw me onto the bed (did I mention she is like, 5 inches taller than me an an amateur wrestler?) and we started kissing and shit. She asked me if I was sure, I said yes, and so she gabbed the cage I was wearing and then whispered in my ear that the next time it comes off she is going to "claim me". It was Tuesday and she made me wait until god damn Saturday night. I think she *said* that it was so that "I had time to think about it to make sure", but she really just wanted to tease me.
The day comes around and it wasn't too difficult to get into the swing of things. She made me get her off first and came a few times while riding me, telling me that I needed to stay hard for her but not "make a mess" until she says so. Which was fucking challenging I promise you. When I told her that I was close she stopped and made me edge *inside of her*. And then kept going for another minute or two.
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So after a few minutes, I am close again and to abbreviate that conversation
"Can I cum please"
"Do you think you have done a good job for me?"
"Yes please jesus"
"Yes you have. You do deserve it. Well the answer is..."
She leans down
And she cums all over me.
We finish, and we cuddle and kiss and shit. I asked her why she didn't let me and she said

>"Because you always remember your first time. And I want you to always remember who you belong to"

I am now married to this woman.
I'm looking for this green about anon and his yandere wrestler/rower girl. I'm not sure if it was this board or not. I think he'd posted it to ao3 too.
It's about anon who's a marathon athlete at College who catches the attention of this buff girl. Girl realizes how much stronger she is than anon. She has this light bulb moment and figures she can basically force him to do anything. Anon gets raped, etc etc
that's gay

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