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I Miss Ame Edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>11099896
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big mooner
god please
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that last Ame and Gura collab was kinda weird
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this picture is so cute i dont even wanna jerk off anymore i just wanna hug her
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we're never gonna catch a break are we
Threads back up btw.
maybe let's wait a bit before baking at home again...
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Yeah, whoever hates architecture is back for good. Fun while it lasted, I guess.
stealth thread up
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It's absolutely insane to me that a general that actually talks about vtubers and their content is a no-go but actual off-topic generals like a straight up /vg/ thread on /vt/ are apparently acceptable.
Also stuff like /feet/, which gets pretty blatant about being a fetish thread but the only time I've seen them get nuked was when someone put uncensored nipples in the OP by mistake
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Sorry but I'm not dump diving the catalog only for said stealth thread to last a couple hours at best, see you guys there tomorrow

Every other lewd general is fine there (as they should be) but ours. Faggot mod simply hates fat vtubers no matter how SFW we make the place, and instead of just not clicking the fucking general, nukes us instead. Gotta make room for more drama and bait threads, certainly not enough of those.
Please don’t do this all it’s gonna do is attract catalog schizos. Terrible idea
>Sorry but I'm not dump diving the catalog only for said stealth thread to last a couple hours at best, see you guys there tomorrow
It's gonna stay up.
For the same reason stealth become threads stay up.
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Yeah, that one thread with the chubby Sopranos chick as OP went to hell very fast. It's a niche kink, attracting a bigger crowd is not a good thing especially on a board filled with vitriol like /vt/
All it’s going to do is attract retards AND maybe get Mint harassed, stupid idea
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It will die out fast at least
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>AND maybe get Mint harassed
I doubt many people would care that much, and she seems to sniff out anyone trying to start shit in chat pretty quickly.
I do agree that camping out /here/ while things cool down is the best approach though, and on the plus side we don't need to hold back out of fear of being nuked
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Ember keeps talking about wanting to eat Orbeez and it's making me think evil things
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/ringo/ is still around but we're not. Nice to know we're more disgusting than literal shit fetishists.
Have you heard anything back through the IRC? It’s pretty ridiculous this is happening
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Hate boners are eternal. There's two schizos on /vg/ at a certain general that have been fighting for years, shitting up the thread with walls of shitposting and nothing happens. The difference is that those two don't have a ban hammer in hands. I really would like to know what is this guy's motivation, dude would provide more material for Joker 2 than the actual sequel.

No one ever went through with IRC, perhaps back in 2022, but not now. Seems like the mod feedback thing failed too.
>Hate boners are eternal. There's two schizos on /vg/ at a certain general that have been fighting for years, shitting up the thread with walls of shitposting and nothing happens. The difference is that those two don't have a ban hammer in hands
There's a story here and I'm interested in hearing it
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I don't wanna stay at dad's house, his neighbors are weird!
I wish some retards would stop bumping it
>mint castella thread stays up
Time to test if it's something in the OP getting the thread deleted.
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It's probably as simple as him searching for "/ag/ - Architecture General" and deleting it if it shows up. Maybe we'll have to change the thread title to Japanese or something like some other generals do.
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/who/ used to write the general's title in runes to avoid tourists during big events. I used to think that was one of the dumbest things ever but maybe that baker was right... also the bait thread staying up just shows "bait" threads triumph over generals, what a rotten board
Bao owns preg art of herself
Please make it less focused on a single, small vtuber next time. Maybe call it Marshmallow Girls or something.
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text to speech "uoooorrrrrrrrrrppppppppp!!"
main thread is up on /vt/
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Lia's new outfit was made for Architecting.
>watching Zen's abs become a huge flabby gut
>"What? No, chat. Its the same model from last year."
>*drooping gut jutting from her tummy window bouncing across her knees*
That’s interesting. I want to keep tabs on her but I’m not interested in streamers.
Jesus fuck who cares? I wish you fags would get over crying about what happens on an entirely different board. I use this thread to get off, same when it was on /vt/. Why does it matter what board it's on? Or is this coming from the same anons who make their whole personality about shitty "events" like divegrass?
you seem really pleasant to be around
There are many other threads for fattywank imagedumping and even one on an entirely separate website if you want vtubers specifically. This general originated on /vt/ so of course the sense of community/ritualposting/cross-thread engagement was and is a big draw for the OGs.
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This, plus other generals will post blatant fetish stuff all the time and seldom get targeted to the same extent as us. No one likes it when the people in charge play favorites like that.
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holy fuckin SEX. can you post the rest of the reine and pochi stuff too?
Nerissa always will have the peak midwestern experience. That culvers stream was fun for her, but an experience for architects.
>Pochi getting fatter as well

>Last month another Reine outfit dropped
Lord knows how that is that going to fit.
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Artist in pic related does not know proper anatomy... Where are her lungs???
Behind her boobs
Hololive but each member has their weight powered by how many members it has.
Just letting some of you guys who are into the other type of architecture to be on the lookout for an Ollie/Kiara piece within a week or two.
>the other type of architecture
looking at the literature archive, the volume of original writing pretty clearly dropped off a fucking cliff after we got booted. presumably half the play for writefags is being able to bounce prospective ideas off a group of likeminded people and/or get some validation and constructive criticism on what they wrote, but this board generates at most three or four (You)s on a good day.

like it or not but /vt/ has a critical mass of people who are the right kind of parasocial to be able to write lore- and character-accurate longform fetish erotica and this board.... doesn't
Do you think /wg/ would be bothered with me bouncing architecture fics off of them? I've been debating writing one at some point (either something with ERB feederism or expanding >>>/vt/85791656 into a full story)
it almost certainly can't hurt to try

I am also a /ringo/fag and their literature repository occasionally gets upstream contributions from otherwise unaffiliated /wg/ anons. if they can tolerate that stuff I'd be shocked if architecture (especially the relatively vanilla tropes in the genre) wasn't fair game
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Umari Tomoe when I love horsies so much
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I mentioned this a long time ago but /wg/ is extremely harsh with architects. Basically, if there's a fat girl in the story, "it's a huge turn off, I almost gagged etc, no one enjoys this" replies are the usual, while pretty much every other story discussed there is this epic mindbreak tale where the titular chuuba is bound to get raped and killed (not always in the same order). Maybe I'm too vanilla, maybe it was a bad period of that general, but I always got bad vibes from that place.

The one positive about that place is that some anons MIGHT offer constructive criticism in terms of general writing and stuff while doing le kink shaming, and they do put your story up in their archive, so if you're looking for that...
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Not usually one to self-identify but for the record I'm AA and this post is retarded. Their earliest experience with architecture was with some randos posting my or RequestAnon's deranged slob content without our consent or any discussion building up to it, and if that's what you're thinking of, of COURSE they had adverse reactions to it.

The thing is though, 1) they're creative hobbyists who will spitball about literally anything if it's brought up with enough eloquence and passion, and 2) if you actually browsed there regularly you'd know that lite-architecture gets brought up all the time. There was even a whole thread edition about it the other day. Slampig sex is still in the works with multiple Holos as far as I'm aware.

If you want it to catch on, try and get an organic brainstorming session started and/or write a greentext before dumping them straight into blobtown, and (most importantly) don't sound like a sperg.
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i'm not deranged :(
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We're all a little bit deranged, friend. For example, I'm genuinely happy I got a trend of anime girls drinking fryer oil going.
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I'm also glad you did that, this shit is absolutely vile and it's so fucking hot
where's the architecture general on /vt/, it's the only thing i click on within the catalog
search "Would you love your oshi even if she was chubby?" and you should find it, we shortened the subject to just /ag/ to hide it from you-know-who
thanks choom
>fast food worker chugging down grease by the gallon until their stomach is screaming at them and their uniform is tearing asunder

No, maybe that's too powerful... unless...
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Embrace the power
>thread's been back up for the past week or so
FUCK. So much time lost.
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Kaela is based
If she starts treating eating the same way she treats grinding in games, she will blow up
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sir a second home thread has hit the bump limit
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who knew just changing the OP a tiny bit would make all the difference
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Oh man this artist has a lot of chuuba stuff.
We're up on /vt/
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Red superchat goes wrong! goes... sexual...?
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Been enjoying their output from this month
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holy moly that saggy fupa
Clover's intro containing an actual weight gain sequence is still glorious, probably helps in the significant amount of fat art she gets
Who is this gal? she is super duper cute!

Is Crazy Ollie the strongest?
Hakos Baelz, juiciest of the rrats (she's actually flat though)
As expected from the burstday girl.
Baelz isn't flat, she has cute little B cups.
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I'm a filthy cowfag and underestimated the rrat, I apologize for my blunder
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don't think i saw this posted yet
It's truly just water weight
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Pippa is gross I shouldn't be aroused
Idk much about her but... So tubby and tanned, no grossness could stop me.
Vomit Drawer
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I want to slap these guts and watch them jiggle
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Made me a fan, love her.
I couldn't find the general on /vt/ if there is one but holy Bronson we need to save this woman before it's too late.
>couldn't find the general on /vt/
it's about to go dormant for the night but see >>11143694
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>so fat she's blocking the chat

Erotic concept...
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just searching for /ag/ works as well

we're back btw
any other recent stories ?

Anyone have that picture of Miilkywayz where her stomach is sitting on a table and she’s got stars in her eyes? Really good quality and was posted on twitter not too long ago
working on a Kiara fic right now, actually
it's late though and I'm away from my computer so I'll wait until morning to post the wip here and on /vt/
Thanks anons, I wasn't sure if it would be there since just "architecture" didn't turn it up and I didn't feel like scrolling through endless drama/baitposts just to find it
this one?

looking forward to some phat phoenix
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>>11154253 (me)
a bit late but here's the wip, let me know if you guys have any thoughts on it
Kino imo, I consider myself a belly guy, but hyper bottom heavy stuff can be fantastic when done right. I especially thought the onomatopoeia was well done and tastefully placed, I know how much of a pain in the nuts that can be to dial in. I really like the very direct connection between how much she's eating and how fat she's getting and I hope we see more of that.

Will look forward to the final version anon
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Thanks man, Kiara having a giant ass just makes a lot more sense to me for some reason
Kiara's fast food motif makes her super low hanging fat bait in general and the notion of all that KFP going right to her ass is definitely appealing. I think the ass/thighs focus gives you a lot of good opportunities to play around with how being that fat might impact day-to-day tasks (breaking chairs, not being able to fit through doorways, maybe accidentally sitting on her genmates...) which other areas of emphasis don't necessarily.

I have a verging-on-autistic-level thing for fat girls bullying other people with their enormous bellies, so I'm trying to put together a long(er)-form fat Kiara fic in which she uses her KFP chimkens essentially as personal servants and then has the idea that she could get more business if she rented them out to her fatter customers for the same purpose. You could have something like Kiara demonstrating to Nerissa (for instance) how to "use" her new servants, but she misjudges how many are actually necessary to support the weight of her belly and crushes a few of them, depending upon how dark you're comfortable with the tone being. Nerissa is the best guess I've got so far for the second chuuba in this idea, but I'm taking suggestions if someone thinks they have a better one.
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I agree that Nerissa is a great pick but I got to mention the fattest reaper in the game
Mori fats have an unbelievable amount of potential but I think I would have a difficult time writing her in the kind of indifferent / very casually haughty tone required to make this premise work. Maybe I could adapt the idea slightly in which rather than Kiara renting out her KFP it's her teaching Calli how to use the Dead Beats that way.
Bottom heavy Kiara is something that is not touched on enough.

>Nerissa is the best guess I've got so far for the second chuuba in this idea, but I'm taking suggestions if someone thinks they have a better one.

Another thing that makes Kiara really good for fat stuff is that she's connected enough to have a lot of friends she can have join in on the fatness.
>Fellow Myth members
>Indies and small corpos like Mint, Aura, etc.
>Fellow Myth members
Gura rarely comes to my mind in these discussions because I never watch her stream, but the exact personality traits that make her unappealing to me as a streamer would probably make her the ideal candidate for casual fatdom scenarios (ESPECIALLY with an "older sister" character like Kiara in it).
Kiara+Reine mutual gain is another thing which we badly need more of but I lack the facilities to do justice to. Reine being irl rich is something that it feels like one should be able to work into it, although my brain may be too autistic to allow me to mix in-universe content (like a chuuba's fans being literal physical manifestations of their fanbase mascot) with roommate stuff
>Kiara+Reine mutual gain is another thing which we badly need more of
Very Correct.

> although my brain may be too autistic to allow me to mix in-universe content (like a chuuba's fans being literal physical manifestations of their fanbase mascot) with roommate stuff
You could probably wave it off as Holomoney being good enough that she can have a lifestyle approaching what she used to have before getting warped into our world.
I'll give it a read
Obese Matara, Doki, Mint, and Sunny offering a chubby MoguGhost a "Congratulations for escaping Nijisanji" Cake *It has 12 layers*
most mods on /vt/ are actual faggots. only reason why cute chubby girls trigger them, but billions of drama threads clogging up the board dont mean anything to them.
>Kiara wearing a New Jeans shirt with only a small amount of her potbelly poking out in contrast to the girth of her lower body
This was my favorite part of it, good job, immediately made me think of a doodle an artist made shortly after her debut, I'll look for it right now
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Here it is
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alluring fatass
>deme admits she's obese
>this is not a drill
Hard to tell if she's actually obese or 'you're not skinny therefore obese, brings shame to famiry'
Pleasantly chubby but could get away with calling her fat from the picture she showed as example. Even if she does end up being medically obese she is still fucking hot
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most likely medically obese
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Wish he colored more of these sketches in
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I know nothing about vtubers but these are some sexy fatties. Might be better than the regular fat thread desu
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hell yeah brother
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Doobi do be debu.
The only Dooby I know is the Doobie Brothers but that is one fat rat.
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i love /architect/ing but I'm not into ssbbw unlike most of the posts here, though >>11136982 >>11137992 are great
If you are looking for more chubby-tier content the home thread is probably a better bet. Since we've been consistently back home, the /d/ thread increasingly serves the function of containment for images too big to be posted on a blue board.
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I saw a 3D Nerissa clip from a couple months ago in which she apparently bought a walking machine for her home because she wasn't walking (!) enough. American suburbia is such a fattie's paradise it's genuinely insane. The fics write themselves.

>bring home the walking machine in hopes (You)r 550-pound wife might find this a form of exercise low-effort and inoffensive enough to at least try
>Rissa doesn't even look up from her meal as she laughs at you, her H-cup boobs jiggling with the motion of her big tummy underneath
>tells you to go return it and get her more Culver's on your way back
We back on /vt/
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>too big for /vt/ meidos

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This and pic related are some of the strangest deletions to me, there's hardly anything about them that normal people would register as fat fetish art. Did you get a warning for it or anything?
No warning or anything this time. I do wonder if it's just a random anon stumbling their way into the general and not liking seeing their oshi fat, but then again that Ame one got taken down multiple times. It's only the first deletion in a while so probably nothing to be concerned about.
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Hot off of the Skeb presses (compressed due to 4chan limits)
you better give me a fucking source
God bless. we really do need more raden fats
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Only other fat I got from Raden
big chinken
draft 2 of the kiara fic is up if anyone wants to check it out
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Wow, when I posted that pixiveo Kiara I was wondering how your progress was going.
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*sigh* I guess you-know-who is back
WHAT THE FUCK, literally hit the bump limit?
Literally as soon as I tried baking a new thread the guy just swooped in, deleted enough posts to send us back before bump limit and killed the thread. You can't tell me that isn't someone powertripping
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Man, this sucks. Was looking forward to livepost during Ami's outfit reveal stream. It's been ages since I had to use the mod feedback too.
If you mean the feedback form I don't think that's enough anymore. We've gotta start making a fuss in IRC too to get this guy's mod powers taken away
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I wish I could focus on anything as much as this guy focus on hating fat anime girls
removed /ag/ from the subject.
find it by searching for chubby
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somehow you can get banned for a safe for work fat flare image

Flow Glow fat when?
I give it a week tops
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monter grils :)
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>getting hit with an off-topic ban for this
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only on our wonderful home board
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>we're up on LotB today
That might explain the sudden thread deletion yesterday. Guess we better brace ourselves
/ag/ WILL BE UP NEXT IN A 4 PERSON FREE FOR ALL. LAST PERSON STANDING WINS AND MOVES ON. Otherwise, /ag/ will move on to the 30 man rumble to try and claim a spot.
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How did it go?
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Realized I should probably also post this here. Shiori goes on an endless ramble while you cram her full of cheesecake:
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Home thread is now in hibernation mode for the night, here's hoping tomorrow goes just as smoothly
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If you're feeling sinister
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>Ember ate chicken tendies right before this stream and is still out-eating Uruka
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/ag/ is up. Search for chubby or Mint Castella.
Alternate timeline where Ms. Koro does sumo instead of kickboxing
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Brothers, I come here requesting your finest fat Marines. Especially if she's wearing this outfit here: >>11166160
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found a better one
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This is amazing! It was a great read. What else have you written?
Seems like the home thread is going into hibernation for the night
You guys think it might be safe to bring the subject back tomorrow?
We can try it.
Anything by "Archive Anon" in the Rentry.
...I'm also the one that maintains the Rentry if that wasn't clear.

Incidentally here's some fanart by a lovely drawfriend that gave their blessing to share recently.

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We are up.
We are down.
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At least we went out with a cool one
did we actually get deleted or was the board just too fast?
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None of the stuff I posted went down but I still got temporarily blocked for 15 minutes. Seems like it's stealth season. Just great. As if we're not getting enough tourists.
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I checked archives, we got deleted
god damnit that OP was a bad choice
The image, the subject or the actual text of the post?
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I don't think so. It was most likely the subject containing /ag/ that made it possible for the faggot janny to nuke the whole thing. It's his same gay modus operandi of going back, deleting some random images and the shutting it all down. There's far lewder stuff used on the big generals' OP and nothing happens, at most just the image is taken down
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I know I probably shouldn't expect better from mods on the Mongolian basket-weaving forum but it really pisses me off that we're the only thread that has to deal with this sort of shit, especially since it should be as easy to deal with as revoking one guy's mod powers
>gets mad at being called fat
>accidentally reveals more of her unhealthy habits
my favorite combo
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We don't even have an actual mod's ire, it's just a janny. If it were the former they would have the power to enforce their opinion with warnings and bans, but instead of going that far, they settle for repeatedly merely deleting the thread instead. Why? Because they clearly don't have the power to do anything more. This is why I've advocated someone else going on the IRC. I wish I'd been pushier back when I tried the first time.
We're up. Search for chubby
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Time will tell, but I hope this is a case of Stealth 100... so simple it might just work
Would renaming to Brosnan General or something like it be enough to avoid jannies and tourists coming in?
Tourists are good though. That's literally the main point of being over there rather than here
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New thread.
Look for "feed your oshi"
you can also look for /αg/
someone please update kakuteki's shit onto kemono
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Source for this one? Saucenao, yandex and iqdb have all failed me.
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It's from notwilliam_ but probably not something that got posted to the masses
say, I know things are stringent, but has anyone caught heat solely over a catbox link?
I don't think linking porn has even been an issue, but I'm just wondering if it ever happens with ag material
Catboxes should be fine.
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well alright then
I ask because I noticed something cool about a script I've been using with /vtai/, where the catbox link shows up as an image in the post (This is a new thing I just noticed because of the fauna image)

I was actually shocked because of how seamless it looked, so I thought it would be of interest
just wasn't sure how to approach this but since this link has been on every single ai general for a long while, its definitely no secret and can considered safe and acceptable
>4chanX Catbox userscript
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Does Saa still stream? Haven't seen any new art or anything about her in a long time.
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cellulite is criminally underrepresented
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wasn't aware of this artist, NOICE
New thread is up. You can find it by searching for "Eat up!"
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Happy Thanksgiving.
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post fat chloe's

i wanna feel better after hearing the news...
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I miss her fat ass like you guys wouldn't believe
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Someone post the fat chibi Halloween fauna
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I don't feel so good...
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Time to hibernate I guess
yeah, this is the first graduation that "people" on /vt/ are really gonna care about, no sense trying to fight the tsunami
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It was right about time to give our nightly bumpers some rest too, so that's okay. Still, the graduation sucks. I don't even know what to say or feel, there's just this hollow emotion in my chest.
i personally am very happy for her to finally be free. it's always been apparent that she didn't like EN's management and now she has outright stated that's why she is leaving. i'm excited to see what she does now that she will have both freedom and a significantly higher budget than she had the first time
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>it's always been apparent that she didn't like EN's management and now she has outright stated that's why she is leaving.
Thing is she's the third or fourth person since Aqua in August to quit for that exact reason. It's not much of a stretch to think there may an issue behind the scenes that needs to be nipped in the bud
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Mumei also told members some pretty disappointing stuff about management a while ago, might become the Gura of Promise at this point. Not looking good.
Pekora is playing Cookie Clicker.
We can work with this
we are back.
Look for Feed Your Fauna, or the greek letter for a.
For those who care she ended on 100 million cookies which is 2,228,571 pounds. All of it on her or split among Gen 3? You make the call!
Damn these graduations suck

Anyone have any good art of Kiara and Raora fat as fuck?

I love fat euros
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Thank you
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>Kiara getting fat off her own fried chicken
always fitting

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