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Post pics of spermatazoids romancing eggs, and sexy pics/pages of doujins that are great because of the little images of insemination.

I had an idea in that "Discussion" thread about a form of pic related: sperm fighting each other for dominance/eating each other. I think I've seen that once or twice before. That'd go great with my "Self Genesis" idea.
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me bottom right
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Lel or this type
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Ones where the girls gets psychically connected to their eggs being fertilized are great
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Or Raita wher the sperm talk and the girls can hear them
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That kinda gay
By chance have the name?
source pls
Kek that image could use a new category:
"These niggas gay"
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"The Spermatochad"
biggest mistake of my life
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In reality the sperm does not fertilize the egg until well after coitus, meaning days later.
Hey anon. Shut up.
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Have to post it
Do i even want to know what inspired this?

Odd but good style.
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That’s your fault for not cumming directly inside the fallopian tubes
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>waited too long to ejaculate. my began impregnating itself.
is there even a commonly agreed on tag for this?
hyper sperm.
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But it isn't.
The woman is shrunk to microscopic size and raped by regular sperm due to being so tiny.
well I didn’t know that. then it’s shrinking
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I'm glad that post blew up to kind of let artists know that people appreciate the effort put into fertilization graphics. I've been noticing more anacondas and bombardment on r34.
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>when the sperm relentlessly squish and deform the eggs
>when the eggs are depicted with visible fear or submission
Hottest representation of complete domination
Ai Love Ryuu by benantoka
Why spoonfeed? I called him a retard because he can just click the damn SauceNAO tab
considering a good chunk of manga with this also has the last panel or two be of the girl with a heavily pregnant belly or a newborn, having a flash forward to a few days later seems not very strange
next you're gonna say you can't ejaculate directly into a girl's womb
Does anyone have that collection of these images for copy/pasting onto pics?
I love egg deformation that has the sperm bulging out
Is he swimming in a coke can
Sure but 'shrinking' is so general it barely helps. Gangbang might help a bit in that case if added on.
But its a hard situation to find.
Not the original asker btw.
I especially love when you can see the genetics getting combined, like DNA
Imagine getting angery, because someone gave the sauce. You need to rethink your life, anon.
[Kaientai (Shuten Douji)] Otonari-san wa Gaikokujin Succubus Shimai [English] [Fated Circle] [Digital]
Cant say i've ever seen this.
Any examples?
For impregnation pics where the character getting bred is canonically a mother "later on", it's neat to see the impregnation cutaway reference the future son or daughter in some way (for example, Tsuki Uzaki and Hana Uzaki, etc) but this seems to be really, really rare and I can't recall specific examples unfortunately.

I guess you could call this one "the making of", like DVD extras.
I love detailed fertilization comics.
I love nanoscopic women getting tentacle raped by sperm cells.
I love a macro guy or futa's sperm cells going on their own rampages.
Sperm cells are the best and they're somehow so underused.
I think I have a new fetish....
nta, maybe he means like this? On that note egg division is also great to see
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Would this make the baby stronger or weaker?
Strong sperm and a weak egg would average out to a normal child imo
After an adventure through educational resources ive learnt that the tip of the sperm basically bursts when it penetrates the egg membrane, & the chemical reaction clears the way for the sperms genetic material to penetrate deeper. This also feels like it has sexual potential
Source?, saucenao dosn t work
Years later and /d/ stills finds new ways to astound me.
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Other than the spermxsperm and giant sperm this thread is pretty /h/ tier
>edging the fertilization
I love it
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Captured Exorcist Who Can Manipulate Time Gives Birth to Tentacles That Inherit Her Power
pandanuki's stuff is like cocaine to me
fucking hot
anaconda hot
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As in horrifying when sober?
no it's fucking hot
I'm sick of all these artists who don't go all the way into the dementedly sexy
Even here, the majority is kinda vanilla.
This is 4chan. Everything here always has been and always will be kind of gay. Don't let the dipshits that complain about it fool you. They could go anywhere else and then keep coming back to this gay ass site for a reason. Just like you and me.
Nah bro. The homo boards are bracketed off for a reason: [cm / hm / lgbt / y]
What is this from? Is this futa on male? Cuz if it is, hot.
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Alright, this might be my new kink, any more stuff like this?
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this isn't on panda is it
my poor sperm getting bullied by the huge tittied futa just like I am
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The full pictures here https://exhentai.org/g/1609922/98db8c6b3b/?p=8
>Small sperm holds the ovum vagina open so the bigger ones can get inside
Lmao I had always pondered this and was wondering why no one had drawn it before
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Sauce of this https://exhentai.org/s/0a3283e40c/1711097-82
It is
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This, I enjoy moment-of-climax fertilization as much as the next guy, but the fact that more hentai art hasn’t incorporated how it actually happens is a tragedy
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>Sperm impregnation
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>>11139509 (me)
>sperm fighting each other for dominance/eating each other
I wrote a little story in my other thread about this little sperm adventure in my other thread:
ive seen sperm slime girls, but not ovum slime girls
Much better
>in my other thread x2
ha whoops
unless you count actual egg slime girls, but that is abit different
Sperm slimes are just living jizz.
There isn't much ovum goo to form a slime from in that regard.
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Need more
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There's just something about a woman being insanely knocked up (compared to 1 egg a month) that's extremely hot
Very organized sperm.
Fellatrix being consistently vile as usual
Why is he like this?
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I don't get left
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The Pacman: The Egg goes on the Hunt
Deez Niggas Gay: Sperm on Sperm
Inception: Egg has a Vagina
The Proposal: Sperm asks for Egg's hand in marriage
Last Man Standing: Sperm eat each other
The Black Hole: Egg sucks in every sperm
Sappheric Unity: egg fuses with egg.
this comment should not have gone unnoticed
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>The Proposal: Sperm asks for Egg's hand in marriage
that's just Cells at Work, specifically Code Black has that exact depiction of sperm cells
>The Pacman: The Egg goes on the Hunt
this is rare but also very very very hot
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Cells at work is faggot shit though cause it's anime girks cosplaying as cells.
It should have been osmosis jones anime edition.
Nips are eternal tasteless faggots.
Translation for the pics though?
>The Hounds
What kind of man builds a machine to kill a girl?
Why was that your first thought anon?
Of all things.
>spermcell reverse rape.
Ok, now i've seen everything.
best thread in years.
[spoiler]What about my other one?
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Sperm w/ anime faces
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Need more animations
I found it through the animated and fertilization tags on r34
I'd love to see an artist other than Asanagi do this concept
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Does this count?
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>the weakest futa sperm cells
the girl producing these must be built like a fucking tank
i love this thread the pics here are just so funny
holy shit i finally found my home thread. i never knew why but these depictions are always so hot to me
The bottom line originally was

Dude we're in some guys asshole.
>my sperm are all going to heaven
I think I'm gonna call it a night
It's to keep straggots out, not to keep faggots in
What would sperm heaven look like?
The Yuri: Semenslime-chan makes out with Egg-chan >>11156671
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I like when they have faces.
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Oh that pic is bigger is it?
Heres an idea: magically charged sperm that powers up the offspring even after fertilization. Sperm continues to fuse into the Zygote and after the fetus forms; into the umbilical.
Makes pregnant sex not technically pointless.
Hot idea, not gonna lie.
Yep. A father that wants his child as smart and strong as possible would need to constantly fuck his wive to get it. 50 creampies for every single point of IQ gained.
Damn lol it sucks that this thread is getting more traffic than my main thread. I made this one as an afterthought. This is fun though, this thread needed to be made.
>be me, posts OP pic in the other thread
>...wait this deserves it's own thread actually
It's loli shit, so can't be posted here
Futanari Oyako Soukan Ni | Futanari Mother–Daughter Adultery 2
That's pretty good. I wanna see that.
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The Oviposition: Monster egg eats human egg
I've seen some pics with sperm impregnating sperm of the other person but there is always no conclusion to this. The balls of the person whom sperm was impregnated just get bigger and that's all and sometimes even this is missing.
Like, the implications of sperm in your balls being pregnant is pretty terrifying, because it is not just one egg that will produce a baby and the anatomy of your body doesn't supported to carry a child, not even saying about thousands of them at the same time. So, what other ways this can be resolved except from sperm impregnating sperm resulting in a spoiled mutated sperm that can't do anything and you just have to ejaculate it out?
My only idea is that impregnated sperm cells doesn't produce a baby right away, they still need to be in a female body to do that, but they do not need to fuse with the egg, yes, they just enter the womb and start forming a baby with the genetic material of the father and the person who came into his balls, without mixing mother's genes in, effectively making her a surrogate mother. The cuckoo sperm.
well technically sperm alone lacks what's needed for a successful procreation, which is also why test tube babies can be made when both sex cell donors are female but not when both donors are male.
i dont know the english translation of biological terms but basically the egg cells are "fat" enough to start splitting and multiplying when they get the second half of DNA from the sperm cell, and then attach to the womb walls for further nutrients; meanwhile sperm cells have ditched all their excess in pursuit of the single goal of finding an egg cell and combining with it. thus if by some miracle two sperm cells were to combine, there'd only be a dead cell at best and a cancer cell at worst
I've always liked the idea of partners' sperm fusing and redoing meiosis to mix and recombine their genes, but nothing ever treats that as what's happening.
It's always either illogically killing and entirely replacing the body's own sperm, or illogically forming a zygote where there's no uterine wall for it to implant.
Stop being fags and accept the spermalcidal take over.
Your betters will accept you working for them.

Maybe having this powerful, fusable sperm, means they bring all they bring all the necessary elements, like the cell core DNA merging ability and the enzymes to plant into the testicles.

You actually see some artworks where they need to birth through their urethra, so that's probably what's happening. Basically the bigger, aggressive sperm cells are just mobile egg cells, hermaphroditic in nature, just like the big cocked futas, who produce them.
cuckshit with extra steps doesn't change it being nigger behavior
Does a sperm's cum contain even smaller little sperms?
You have excellent taste good sir

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