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Inclement Weather Edition
Previous Report: >>11138152
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High, crashing waves
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Is there enough room in qt firefighter's boot to save all the Anon's from the storm?
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Just give up your freedom forever and (You) can be safe from any and all weather emergencies and giant girl related disasters
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Sadpanda doing some bandwidth limiting shit so I can't get the original resolution on this.
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Of course! Did you know cute girl's boots have infinite room in them? Well technically since there is no lower limit on shrinking. It's true.
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Touch the cow, do it now.
Question for any writers here.. how long did it take for you to feel like your writing wasn’t terrible?
I came up with a scenario I liked and I’m writing something now, but I really feel like it isn’t good at all. This is my first time really writing a story as well, for what it’s worth
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sucks we will never have pic related animated
love everything about her, proportions, smugness, hair, outfit

I'm not entirely sure my answer will help you but if you can derive anything useful than all the better, I'll share my personal experience:

First of all, English isn't even my first language, but I was taught since kindergarten and after that I was self-taught, by age 9 or 10 I had good enough understanding of it to browse the Internet but only at 12 I had a more full grasp of the language. Teaching it to others ironically helped sharpen my own.

Now, here's also the thing, my mother's family all have some affinity with the arts and without trying to boast, I did inherit my mom's affinity for writing so even as a kid I could write from essays to short novels in Spanish. I even won some state level contests with those so, way before we even get to fetish writing, I was getting quite a bit of experience.

As for size stuff, I started writing (in English) since I began highschool at 15 years old but I only shared with a limited group of friends. I wrote stuff for well over a decade but the thing here is that I was already fairly confident, my main concerns was linguistics, using English in a proper way that doesn't scream "ESL" but I wasn't too worried about my writing being terrible, I reasoned that it couldn't be much worse to an outside reader than it was to me after proofreading.

I surfaced here back in 2016-2017 with a couple silly greentexts, also fully embracing my personal fetishes for the first time in a somewhat public writing, all the writing I did before was tamer stuff though I was already writing some booty/brap stuff, which is my bread & butter lol.

Almost exactly 4 years ago I began my most ambitious project, the interactive story that I still work on to this day, available on both writing-com and collaberotica. When I started out I was confident I could do good foundational writing, setting up scenarios, establishing characters and their relationship but I didn't have much confidence in being able to write the juicy stuff.
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Who is she?
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Honestly, I only feel like I improved as a writer when I started writing regular fiction stories and posting them for feedback, then I took the lessons I learned from other anons and applied them to fetish stories that I felt like I took a step forward. I also read a really good book on writing romance stories that helped me a lot with the basics. Just writing nothing but fetish stuff kinda turned into an echo chamber where I was just doing it for the fap and wasn't really improving my craft. Now when I reread my older interactive stories and stuff it's like damn, so many epithets. One side effect of this was that writing so many romance stories for practice turned me into more of a dialogue-heavy writer, which really doesn't lend itself well to things like unaware stories unless there's two tinies who shrunk at the same time or something like that.

What I did back then was to set up various routes within the interactive intended for better writers to take up, if my characters/lore proved good enough to get invested into. But over time as I wrote more and also looked back at all the writers I had looked up to, not just to enjoy their works but to take notes of what they did, I began to assimilate bits of that into my own writing and gradually gave myself enough confidence to start writing the sexy stuff myself.

TLDR: It took me about a year of writing to get enough confidence to write the sexy stuff on my own, you could interpret that as feeling my writing wasn't too terrible lol.

In any case, I also got quite a surprising amount of feedback on my writing and it was overwhelmingly positive. Now, I'm aware that the "hug box" effect from places like deviantart has caused artists to grow stale and stop improving because they get comfy with what they can already do and I'm not sure if this is a difference of character or if there's even more underlying factors but in response to the praise I strived to get even better, making my writing even sharper with each new chapter I cranked out. It also helped that a lot of the positive feedback was from fellow writers who actually pointed at specific things I was doing remarkably well like writing dialogue or some parts where I portrayed teacher characters, as I have real life experience being an ESL teacher for several years, my usage of a diverse cast of characters without falling into woke panderind/political correctness, my knowledge of the Mexican lifestyle to portray a hispanic family, etc. I also got some pieces of advice regarding pacing that I took to heart, I almost always try to incorporate given advice to the best of my ability.

And well, this where I am today, writing full-on novel-like storylines within that interactive and I've fostered a little community around my writing and the kinks associated with it.
Finally some art of my wife
lol, I've been at it for years and there's still a million things I'm no good at. For now just take it slow. Don't focus on writing well, just on writing anything at all. The more you write, the better your sense of what works and what doesn't.
I've never lost that feeling. I've been able to keep it at bay, reduced, hidden away you might say. It helps when I look back at my first fanfics and then see that I didn't do many things people find "terrible" or "cringy". I leanred how to stop doing shit like adding infinite "He/she said" at the end or to learn how to make it easy to know who's talking without me explicitly writing it.
I've also read a fuckton of books since then too. Reading Ulysses was a game changer when you realize you can technically do whatever the fuck you want as long as it's entertaining to read and leaves you with a strong sensation. Good or bad, it helps your growth.
Read a lot, be it cringy or not, fuck up a lot, but be sure to always write. Write and keep writing, whatver it is, but write.
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To be agonizingly sophomoric, if you ever feel your writing is good, it probably isn't, but if you think it is terrible, your writing most likely isn't.
I personally view that fetish writing (really all writing), you are confronting an impossible, lonesome and fraughtful task, that you are subconsciously yet foremostly pleasing the most critical, tormenting and unhinged reader on god's green earth: yourself. Quashing that perpetually aggravating fucker's thoughts on your work means continuously tricking them into thinking you are doing good by reading more, writing more, and getting some feedback along the way. The bastard only bests when you stop writing for good, and any writing is good writing if it means besting him.
No, that's good advice for sure, I appreciate it. (As an aside, I think I saw you mention something about the writing.com project last thread as well, I think I actually did stumble across it -- was one of the characters called Maggie?)

For you, you have an affinity for writing, but for me it's more like biology/biochemistry.. stuff like that. I'm not lying when I say that the last time I wrote something that was actually narrative-based was probably, like, in middle or junior high school, however many years ago that was.. I have technically 'written' a lot since then, but it's mostly scientific writing, flashcards, stuff like that. I was always good at reading comprehension and hoped that that would carry over, but.. it seems for me it's a lot harder to write stuff than to critically analyze it.

I don't think that I'd do collaborative writing personally -- that's not really aligned with my goals -- but I eventually do want to write some multi-part stuff. What I'm figuring that I'll do is just write some like 5-10k word one-shots to build up to it, but I do kind of wonder about my ability to plan ahead long-term for plots, maintain consistent characterization, stuff like that.. which it sounds to me like your experience as a child helped you a lot with that.

Fortunately for me, I am in a gap year.. I still do have a lot of stuff planned, but I should hopefully have a lot of hours to really focus on learning to write. Even aside from writing stuff about this fetish, I think it'll be a nice skill to have
Do you happen to remember the name of the book that you read? I actually am going to take a course on creative writing either this winter, or next spring, to fulfill a prerequisite.. so I might get some practice that way.

You mentioned dialogue, and I feel for me it's funny b/c the main issue I feel I'm facing is that I have *too much* dialogue. Like here's my second paragraph:

“That’s all well and good,” Ryan sighed, “but I’m set to start college next week. What should I do?” Furrowing his brows, Ryan’s doctor spoke “Well… you have two choices. The first is that you take a gap semester. You could always start college in January. The second choice, and I don’t recommend this,” warned his doctor, “is that you could start college as planned. Your case isn’t unheard of; colleges do have accommodations for smaller students. That said, I still don’t recommend it, especially seeing as how you’ll be back to normal size for next semester. What do you think that you want to do?”

Aside from the last sentence (which just sounds off) and the 'Ryan's doctor' bit (b/c I feel it's weird to name him in that way), I feel like I'm more just telling readers about the plot rather than showing it. When I read other writers, there isn't as much dialogue, meanwhile for me there's just lines and lines and lines..

I get this is one of those skills that will improve the more I do it -- and I honestly wasn't thinking about writing 'regular' stories before but think that it's a good idea to start now -- but it really is frustrating that I'm having such a hard time as I begin.

I'm just trying to tell myself that everybody was bad at it starting out.. I'm not trying to become the next Pynchon or anything after all lol
I do kind of feel like it's been hard for me to work on it because I have high expectations. But it sounds like I should just try and sit down for a few hours and just write something.. and then presumably afterward I can spend a lot of time editing it. I'll try that, thanks.

>learn how to make it easy to know who's talking without me explicitly writing it
Yeah, I feel this is a skill that I really need to improve on. But it seems like a lot of people are saying the same thing that I just need to keep writing, so I'll try that.

As for reading.. it's funny, like I've never really read one of those stereotypical 'difficult books,' but I feel like on reading comprehension on standardized tests, I've always done pretty good. Most of what I read nowadays is like LN slop, so it might be a good idea to read a few 'real' books to get exposed to more writing.

Thanks, I'll definitely keep at it. I do feel kind of like I've always been a perfectionist in the past -- like I would literally be writing one-sentence flashcards and editing some of them for like 10 minutes simply to get the sentence to flow well -- but it makes sense that I should just try and get out of my head and write. Hopefully I'll be able to finish my first draft this week.
>I feel like I'm more just telling readers about the plot rather than showing it. When I read other writers, there isn't as much dialogue, meanwhile for me there's just lines and lines and lines..
I mean, the paragraph you shared is all setup. It's normal for that part of a story to involve more "telling" than "showing". Anyway, telling isn't the great sin of writing that so many third-rate critics make it out to be. Plenty of authors, especially older ones, have used it to great effect. And some writers are also more dialogue-heavy than others, so don't fret too much about that. This seems like a perfectly adequate use of dialogue to me, except for the last sentence which you correctly identified as sounding off.
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The only thing I don't like about this dialogue is the "warned his doctor", it is a completely needless interjection.

As far as your "too much dialogue" comments here
>I feel like I'm more just telling readers about the plot rather than showing it
You are falling for what has become a widespread and fundamental misunderstanding of what "show don't tell" means. People's attention spans have gotten low and they've started using an incorrect definition akin to "dialogue is bad, action is good" and that is absolutely not what it means. Characters talking IS an action. If people in this universe see their doctors to consult with them on shrinking virus or whatever, then it's absolutely acceptable to have this scene in your story to establish that and set up the premise of the rest of the story. Show don't tell just means not over relying on an omnipotent narrator to tell the audience about your character's personalities.
Someone's OC
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Yeah, that's correct! Maggie is one of the relatively newer characters added to it.

Btw as for the collaborative writing I know it's not for everyone but let me tell you that there's more to it beneath the surface. While it's true that I meant to gather fellow writers to add to my stories, the interactive format has its own perks that almnost no one seems to be aware of or seem to use in any meaningful capacity:

Sorry if this gives you any cringe but I don't have a better analogy, an interactive story can function like Unlimited Blade Works from Fate. It's an engine that allows you to create theoretically an infinite amount of stories with only your imagination and creativity as constraints. If you go through the effort of creating a roster of characters and establish a canonical lore, you can keep generating stories using this as a framework instead of having to start from scratch every time, it feels a bit like a cheat code. As an author that's committed to the story, I try to make the most of this, which is why my interactive has a good amount of different routes and even some that are basically AUs but the thing is that they work in context, they don't feel like they're the same repetitive multiverse bs you see in mainstream media.

Even if you don't aim for collaborative writing, I'd say to maybe give the interactive format a try one day to try this for yourself if you want.

Also as general advice, practice does indeed make perfect and time will help you forging your skills provide you're constant in your efforts, a few months or even a year into the future you'll definitely be able to look back and see how much you've progressed, I experienced it myself, it's real.
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A cow.
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mogu mogu moge moge
>Die horribly in lava from the crust breaking apart before I can experience anything good
There is clearly some barrier
Also if you want to be realistic, her mass would be so massive Earth would be ripped apart before she could touch the planet
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>Do you happen to remember the name of the book that you read?
How to Write a Romance Novel: WRITING A RIVETING READ by Judy Angelo. She writes a ton of romance stories with barechested dudes on the covers with plots like "I married my boss that I hate to save his company but now I think I'm falling in love with him" but I thought her advice was pretty sound, and the stuff about using action beats to break up big sections of dialogue really helped me. Now when I read LN slop and characters are just talking on and on to each other without anyone even sneezing or scratching their ass it annoys me somewhat. Also she gives a tip about starting off every chapter of a story with a line of dialogue to act as a seed for the author to set the scene and also to hook the reader and get them engrossed in the story and it's something that I've done with every single story I've written since I read that book. But yeah, definitely as the other anon said, reading a ton of books helps. I have a kindle so whenever I read a passage that really sticks with me I highlight it so I can analyze it later, to see why exactly it stuck out.
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Hey man, am I retarded or did you add a female MC option to your interactive? I looked through the outline and the first few chapters but I couldn't find anything like that. I might be thinking of a different interactive though. I have serious yuri brainrot so I only write F/F stuff nowadays but finding that kind of stuff in size stories is like looking for oil on the moon.
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>Join up with the 122nd Terran Mecha Corps
>Hell yeah, gonna get to travel to far off planets, blow stuff up, and maybe meet a cute alien girl
>First deployment is to chase off some 'marauders'. Ought to be easy, I've got 75 tons of machinery
>Switch to thermals and get a pict-capture of something big in the distance that the targeting computer can't identify
>Lance commander mutters something about 'bad intelligence', but company command and our dropships are radio silent
>A transmission on a wide band cuts through our lance's chatter...
>"We are Clan Handplay is Underrated. This world is ours. Those who dispute our claim must identify the size and location of their forces."

You could said I added a female deuteragonist-antagonist, not exactly a true MC but she can serve the purpose. The character in question is Chrissy, a girl from the Gullliverse storyline who serves as an alternate MC and gets squashed/brapped on by the giant gals. I'm going to fully add her to the main canon but I haven't yet.

She's a lilliputian girl that is very hostile to both the MC and his friends, who happen to be brob gals and you can imagine how their interactions will end up, she has no chill lol, she's willing to call them land whales and other insults when they're a thousand times her height. To Brobs, Lillies are about 2mm in size.
Lol it's fine, I don't think you can give anyone posting on /size/ cringe by talking about something like that.

Thanks for the advice though, I appreciate it. I feel like most of my life has been spent doing non-creative things, so it's definitely an adjustment... but I'm sure you're right

I see what you two are saying. I guess that does make sense; start the story with him hearing from his doctor about this prognosis, then after that I kind of have it outlined that he (obviously, wouldn't you?) made the choice to go to college and stuff.

But I will remove the 'warned his doctor' part -- like I kind of had it there b/c of the similar intermission in the first sentence but I guess it does read kind of weird to have two in a row like that

Thank you, I'll definitely give it a read. Funny enough, I actually did start the story with a line of dialogue like that since I kind of felt like it would establish the setting and stuff like that.

I really do appreciate all of the advice. I'm pretty excited to get writing on this now.. hopefully I'll have a draft done by the weekend. I have nothing but time right now, after all
Thoughts on shrinking being pleasurable, or associated with pleasure?
Imagine shrinking whenever you're aroused, and being unable to regrow for a day whenever you orgasm
Imagine all of your female friends finding out about this condition...
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I don't ever think I'll feel like it isn't terrible desu.

I always feel like my word choice sucks, that it's not really interesting, that I'm the only one interested in this weird scenario, etc

And then people come right back around and tell me that, actually, they really enjoyed it and that I should do more.

Don't stop feeling like you can improve, and do maintain some awareness, but also don't let your own unsubstantiated thoughts paralyze you from doing what you want. Also trust people when they say they like it.
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omg omg omg
Cute moge, God she needs more content she fits perfect for a giantess
>ywn be on an arctic expedition with a giant qt that keeps you warm by putting you under her coat, tightly pressed against her breasts
Remember that giant women would be much warmer than normal ones because of the square cube law, much lower heat dissipation by volume
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>Person gets shrunk and spends the entire day trapped between his captor's tits
>After hours and hours, he manages to squirm his way out while she is sleeping
>Immediately and shamefully has to return to the cleavage; his tiny body cannot properly heat itself because it loses heat too quickly
Doesn’t that imply that he’d basically need to be pressed up against her body 24/7?

I kinda run this premise and play around with the trope in some of my storylines lul, it's an underrated concept.
It’s even better to me if she’s smug because she *knows* they can’t survive on their own
Yet another reason that shrink > growth. Shrinkchads get to be pressed up against their qt of choice’s body 24/7..
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That looks like real text. What is he saying?
Question for you guys who are into something else in addition to size. Does your interest in each fetish fluctuate over time?
Like one week you might be really into X and not much into size, and the next week it’s the opposite?
I’m not talking about low libido, I mean normal/high, just interest in each fluctuating
Yes. Alternating your shit is good for your brain anyways. However it seems I have already fucked my brain and have a fixation that makes me come back to size shit most the time.
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I think it's something like: "You can't leave me like this! Please!"
My problem is aside from size I’m into clothing TF. Like literally deviantart-tier clothing TF captions.
My gf knows about the size thing, she’s fine with it.. but nobody knows about the clothing TF.
What really bothers me is that I would be fine if a size scenario happened to me irl.. I’m mostly a gentlefag so I’d honestly be super turned on. But if a clothing TF scenario happened to me irl, I wouldn’t be turned on in the slightest. So why am I into this bullshit? I wish I was solely into size
Yeah clothes stuff is great, but i was mostly talking about porn from meat space.
want Fern to look at me like that while Frieren keeps doting on me
Oh I don’t ever look at regular porn
Honestly though like go on deviantart and type #shoetf into the search bar. Such a stupid fucking fetish
Size is a constant but other stuff surrounding it fluctuates. Like some time back I spent a couple years being really into furry stuff, or male stuff, but now it's almost exclusively human female.
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Idk, but the fact tiny can't be heard even by the viewer works on meta level
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Pretty much always about giant bitches. Like I can appreciate tradionally pretty girls, fit girls with abit of tone, big titties. But making them giant just makes it all better.

Size just plays so well into stuff. And the last few years with AI have made me a degenerate. I fuck around with suno cranking out giantess themed k-pop shit.
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Is that a motherfuggin Battletech reference in my size fetish thread?
There's a whole bunch of size fetishists in /btg/.
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giant hags owe me sex. at the very least they should use their copious behinds to flatten my city
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>hide from the hurricane in giant hag's home
>her lust turns out to be stronger than any storm
>not just asking a giga qt to blow on the hurricane to stop its winds
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>implying she didn't caused the storm herself to lure in helpless tinies
>Never did and to this day I don't watch/have never watched normal porn. The idea of seeing a guy turns me off instantly because my self-insertion just doesn't mesh with it, I'd rather watch POV stuff and even then mainstream porn doesn't do anything for me.
This is it for me
Crazy long shot here. But I remember reading a short story on deviantart probably like 4-8 years ago that I’m looking for.
Premise is that a guy is at his college and falls asleep. Dreams he woke up tiny on the bench he was sleeping on, and some girl in leggings (maybe the story said they were grey) walks over and sits on him.
I remember the story describing how he was like trying to crawl out from under her. I think she farted once as well. Story ended with him waking up.

I really doubt anybody here has read it, but if there’s a chance..
She’s tsun, she actually wants to dote on you too.
For the love of all that is horny, can someone please post that picture of a fujoshi Giantess, forcing two guys on top of a skyscraper to embrace and telling them to kiss? If it helps, I think the giantess and question was practically drooling with interest.
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>tinies are made to go to the mandatory evacuation point because of the hurricane
>whole bunch of tinies are getting airlifted and dropped into two massive pink bowls
>everyone gets settled into the deepest point of the recess
>a shadow envelops the thousands of tinies
>a bare-chested giga hag picks up her bra and puts it back on, trapping tens of thousands of tinies against her overflowing bust and fabric
>she returns home, happy in the knowledge she is now saving and protecting the tines from the storm
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Neat, I found that arc and I like her immediately, she sounds like my type lol
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Bigger and with less tinies!
1 on 1 with a Tera sized hag!
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dont be silly anon, tera sized hags dont exist
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Cranko I know you post here this is actually kino as hell
Tell that to that animation showing off largest things in the univers that, after a bunch of stars, shows your mom
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I didn’t know that but that sounds funny.
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cant tell what im lookin at
big rainbow sock. SHI~NE
Sky chan?
Size draining occurring through sex that ends with girl using her bf as a human dildo
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so I had this weird kind of idea a little while back
imagining that with magic or wacky science or whatever, a tiny person is gravitationally bonded onto a lady's body

think of it like how gravity behaves in Mario Galaxy or something -- they can comfortably walk and move around on her body, with "down" always being whatever direction brings their feet back onto her skin
if they jump, they'll rise off of her in whatever direction is their current "up", and then just come right back down onto her body like always

so if they were to walk around all over her, the curves of her body anywhere would constantly adjust their personal gravity and make it easy to move anywhere on her, but impossible to get off of her body for more than a moment
no associated image because I don't think anyone's drawn quite this concept before in anything I've ever seen
I would love to be so small compared to a woman that gravity attracts me to her
big hags are the legend's choice of giant woman
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newhu supremacy
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It's a great scenario for body exploration, entrapment and voyeurism. I like to imagine a girl casually forcing micros to live on her body while she either ignores or toys with them, knowing that they can't ever escape her warmth, odor, voice and being subjected to her showers and lotions with absolutely no say.
Well Battletech IS inspired by Macross which is famous for its...large women
what i should watch from Macross if i want to experience large women?
SDF: Macross has basically one scene with a giant woman doing anything to a human. Macross 7 has a big lady in it who does big lady things, and at one point the band plays for a group of Meltran who act like fangirls at a concert. Frontier has Klan Klang, which is enough said desu. After that? Uhhh... there's basically no reason to watch if giant women is the goal.
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It's a shame only this giantess gets any fan art from the game
I remember this one as well, but it was on giantessworld too.
who is that and what game
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Cute dork socks.
Very appealing idea. What size should body-bound macros be?
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you messed up now faggot. you think you could insult my mom and get away with it? well guess what, those seven proxies of yours didn't do shit and now i know what basement you're posting from.
wanna know something else? my big sisters are coming to get you and you are gonna realize real soon that your online words have real-life fucking consequences. you and everyone else in your soon-to-be-crushed city are gonna be red blots on my sisters shoes, and that's all because you couldn't hold your stupid tongue.
you're fucking dead kiddo.
I know this isn’t what that anon was describing but one of my favorite scenarios is body bound tinies but with minimal mobility rather than free roaming.
So like in that image, the tiny would be “anchored” to that particular spot on the foot. And if they try hard they might be able to crawl away from that spot, but there’s a constant force pulling them back to their anchor point which increases in strength the farther they try to move away from it
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Jokes on you. I had eight proxies and will be watching the whole thing from a safe distance
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I enjoy:
I think these are the ones most people like nobody ACTUALLY wants to die
I’m actually on with master too though, like another anon said in the /v/ thread having a size shifter GF you can go tell
>yeah go stomp that continent to dust and let’s cuddle in the remains
Would be pretty cash
sounds like g*ant c*pl* shit
fuck off faggot
Hope his gf stomps your house next (while you’re sleeping so you don’t get any pleasure from it)
Noooo I don’t ever want to be big! I just want to date a girl who can become big herself and have her take suggestions from me on who to wipe out…
Would you rather:
A. Date a girl that can become big
B. Date a girl that can shrink you
C. Date a girl while having control over your size yourself?
A and B are the straight answers
C is faggotville
A and B are both cool for different reasons, but for A I pretty explicitly want her to be essentially god power level.

C is stupid
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I love sadistic women, tenfold if they're bigger than a building
what about a girl that is naturally big?
I do feel like B is best. But what happens if you ever break up with such a girl..?
There was a post forever ago about dating a girl with shrink powers who joked about making her ex’s live between her buttcheeks forever, and the fear that came from dating her and not being sure if she was joking.
Of course she’s joking. They’d fall off when she was showering, after all
Not if they're microbe size
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wtf why did that silly woman squeeze a load of jam in her hands? is she retarded?
How small are we talking? Like, so small that one of the wrinkles of her asshole would take months if not years to cross small?
I always just insert more super powers when I want a scenario to work
>they’re actually trapped in a dimension of infinite ass fat
For me it’s better if they’re actually up against her in the ‘real world’
Not that she’d ever do such a thing, surely. Sooner or later her friends would mention some details about her exes, you’d look up their social media and see that they're still actively posting… right?
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Chimata is made for bullying despite any extreme size difference between yourself and her
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Since we're Chimataposting now:
Which 2hu has the best ability for size content, under the assumption that they're already big?
My vote is on either Satori or Reisen.
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Quickly made a machine translation of the Stellaris Giantess mod.
Here is the translation files with installation instructions
If you like Stellaris and giga-giantesses this is one of the best gts mods.
This mod needs a proper translation, it is honestly incredible.
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>New Shoes planet model(test)
Shoes... planet?
10/10 cover
3/10 doujin
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Body-bound micros should be just big enough so that the girl can feel where they are but go unnoticed by the casual observer. So maybe 1-2 millimeters. They would be free to roam her body and pick their preferred places and of course her orifices would be perilous to approach. It's not like she's going to launch a rescue mission if you get swallowed or get stuck up her butt.
Since you're linked to her body and not her accessories it wouldn't be advisable to traverse the outside of her clothes, since when she removes them you'd be sent tumbling over a rapidly moving fabric landscape just to snap back to her in some disorienting place. It's much more peaceful to nestle into a soft crevice and appreciate her life vicariously.
>just big enough so that the girl can feel where they are but go unnoticed by the casual observer
This is a really good idea. There’s a lot of fun stuff that could be done at a scale like that. I really like the idea of this girl talking to your friends/family and acting like she doesn’t know where you are.. you’re trying so hard to get their attention, but you’re just too small.
Where do you think you’d go if that happened to you? I think during the day I’d probably want to be somewhere where I can see like shoulders/neck. At night maybe the crease between butt and thigh. Though I could very easily fall in.. would that necessarily be bad though?
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I hope Cesara gets something like this
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Might consider it when I do PM commissions again.
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Yukari can manipulate boundaries to either make herself gigantic or others tiny. So she can easily appeal to those who are picky enough to see a difference between the two. Her smug personality and sense of superiority makes her a good big bitch and of course she’s a pretty hag. Perfect for putting others in their place beneath her. She can do more as well thanks to her powers again like being able to ensure those smaller than her can survive her playtime or die which again can work towards the fatal and non-fatal crowds. She is very flexible to say the least for size stuff.
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I'm super into bodily imprisonment and now I'm curious.
Supposing a new "capture" has been pulled into orbit, and he wants to escape her pull. He devises a plan to hang onto her bra when she goes to take a shower. What would happen? Would he be able to stay on the bra if he always keeps himself oriented between her and him? Or is hanging onto her clothes a fruitless endeavor somehow?
>But eventually you realize you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unobtainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy
girls being shrunken and trapped in their unaware sister's panties...
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I think being on her hands would be the most interesting. You'd get a wide variety of sights, at the forefront of how she explores the world. You'd also have ready access to finger food. When feeling adventurous you could walk around the back of her hand or ride things out beneath her nails.
Since you can't leave her body you wouldn't have to worry about being washed down the drain, you'd get a monumental cleaning every time she washes her hands. You'd get clasped between her hand and her girlfriend's and get very intimate contact with both their body parts.
If she licks her fingers while you're on them there could be a terrifying moment where you're suspended midair on a strand of saliva and then you snap back away from her lips back to her digits to get a napkin smearing.
I didn’t think about the hands, they definitely are appealing. Though I do feel as if it would be pretty disorienting to be there. Think how often you move your hands quickly from one area to another.
What kind of person do you think gets the treatment of being shrunk on her body? Are we talking like her exes, maybe? Or is it more of a ‘you cut ahead of me in line’ severity?
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Honestly I don't get the appeal of hyper-small tinies or giga giantesses. If you're so small or she's so big that being trapped in the confines of her buttcrack is less like being sandwiched between marshmallows and more like being crushed between two boulders, what's the point?
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The girl stays soft no matter how small you get
>that doesn't make s-
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I think it would be possible to get a small amount of distance from her while she's dressed, clamboring over layers of clothing. But it would be temporary, and the further you get the more you'd feel the pull. Maybe she'd let you link to her friends too and you'd get a choice of whose body can be your world.
It would surely be disorienting, but since your 'gravity' is acclimated to the surface beneath you it would be more like the observable world is tilting this way and that. Her body, being a world, can only be orientated correctly for those upon it.
I like to think of a menagerie of dubious volunteers. People she approached with hypothetical absurdities like who would you rather live on as a speck, me or her... If you play along and show interest, she'll take it as consent. She wouldn't want to feel like a bad person, after all. She's just a normal woman living her best life with a few tagalongs to appreciate her in a unique way.
>face smushed in boobs while body is being smushed in boobs
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Your taste doesn't align with mine prepare for destruction
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D. Date a girl that is naturally big.
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Every time I played that old game Katamari Damacy I would imagine rolling a ball of lint across a giant girl's body until it was large enough to get her attention. You also started off some levels small enough to be stepped on by NPCs so there was that as well.
Is this AI? It has a filename like it is but it's good.and I want sauce.
The filename is just from skeb deliveries.
NTA but it's the file name format for commission files downloaded from skeb.jp so it isn't AI
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There are too many good artists now and I can never find their shit because it's all on Twitter and/or paywalled I hate it.
>But what if I were to create commissioned artwork using AI and pass it off as my own drawing?
>How delightfully devilish of you, anon!
Doesn't look anything like the typical AI picture
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An anchor point is a punishment reserved for those she really dislikes. The others can roam around to their preferred spots, but the anchored micros are subjected to the same thing day in and day out. They can only hope that other micros visit them.
Imagine crossing a bitchy nympho and getting anchored to her clit forever. Whether you massage it or try to escape and pop back against it, you'll still serve her purposes.
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Yes that's why I was confused, I assumed "output" was some kind of AI suffix.

Hell yeah now we are talking
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Poison gas giantess from Skunk's attack on giantess world defence force, turn based giantess RPG. There are two games, the 2nd has better animation but the first game has more overall scenes.
Where do her exes have the honor of being anchored to, her butthole?
If not, who does get anchored to a place like that?
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I enjoy the concept of micro "anchoring" too much and could gush about it forever but it'd be annoying
Nah, you should continue talking about it, it's a really fun scenario. I'd like to hear all of your thoughts on a girl anchoring 1-2mm tall people to places on her body
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The worst spots are determined through sheer pettiness and karmic comeuppance. She runs into her gross ex who stunk up their bed, he gets to smell her ass from now on. The bitch who kicked her down to climb the social ladder gets to be trampled underfoot.
A guy who gave her the ick for being a little too desperate to get into her pants now gets overwhelming pussy.
And of course a nosy bitch gets entombed in snot.
Would you personally want to be allowed to roam free on her vast body, or would you want to be anchored somewhere, you think?
It’s hard for me to say. I definitely do like the idea of being able to spend a few days on her clit, then maybe a few days in one of the wrinkles of her butthole.. but at the same time I think there’s something really appealing to being *forced* into a really humiliating area.
I’d definitely date a girl like that. More for the experience of the eventual breakup than anything, though…
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My mind is pretty one dimensional unfortunately. I love the thought of some selfish bitch trapping people on her body. I love the thought of some tiny fool squirming around, his arms sinking deep into foot flesh as he vainly tries to free himself from whatever malicious magic binds him. I love the thought of somebody shrinking and being sucked into a girl's cleavage, and then spending the rest of his life trying to climb out, only to get sucked back down every time he manages to move more than a foot or so (proportionally). And I love the idea of somebody pinned facefirst against a girl's buttcheek, making muffled screams for forgiveness that go completely unheard, and that wouldn't be cared about even if she heard him.

Most of all though I like the idea that this continues forever, without any input from her. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Take this scenario, but then imagine that the only women that are able to shrink men are ones with cluster B personality disorders (and the ones with BPD are the best at it)
I’m actually going to tell my gf about this in bed tonight though because she knows I’m into this. I think she’ll find it really hot
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Honestly this would be pretty hot if it didn't mean that my narcissistic bitch of a sister would be basically guaranteed to get it and use it on me.
Where would she anchor you to, you think?
It sounds like she’d try and train you to eventually love being a tiny little mite on her body..
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>Where would she anchor you to, you think?
Probably the crack of her ass. Not because of any ironic justification, but because historically her bullying of me back when I was too weak and skinny to defend myself consisted of her using her fat ass to sit on me and thinking that farts were the peak of comedy.
It would be interesting if she’s partially why you have this fetish
It seems, though, that you’re just one (1) shrinking virus away from living through an average giantessworld story. How exciting
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She is, in all likelihood, the source of my fetish. And why I love her as a sister, I also kinda despise her as a person. She is simultaneously the most fitting 'giantess' candidate I could think of because of her bitchy domineering attitude and yet I can imagine no happiness with a life under her thumb. She is, in short, a nightmare. The sort of thing you fear and hate but can't stop thinking about.
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>Start following artist
>They immediately go on hiatus/stop posting new art/delete their account
Every fucking time.
anyone remember that one warioware type size game that was posted a while back? I think it was a youtube link to a demo. Curious if anything new was ever posted about it.
Wait it was made? I thought people just brainstormed the idea
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Not that body exploration doesn't appeal to me but my overall favorite size scenario is oral entrapment. Being anchored to a tongue, palate or uvula is insanely hot to me. To be oppressed by every oral activity, unable to escape or even be swallowed.
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this? never released it though, I should probably get back to it at some point https://youtu.be/ayr57NIfSDM
god i hate looking back at this it looks like ass and I've improved way more 2d and 3d wise so i should really remake it (or just make something better desu)
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>dump truck tier thickness
>focuses on her chest instead
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something inspired by that one western art of a bikini that teleports ships and planes into it
Hmm. I think in the moment I never thought my writing was *terrible*, but I usually cringe when I look back at old writing. That doesn't make me feel bad, though, because that meant my skill has grown since then to recognize it.

Just gotta keep practicing and thinking about how to improve. Read all you can. Write, get critique, and always strive to improve.
Nice idea, what was the picture it was based off?
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god why can't our world just be trampled into dust by some brat
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That's definitely a one off-gag but I want to be sure...
Sauce? Saucenao and Yandex couldn't help me
I remember a similar story from back in the early 2000s I read where a dude got cursed with shrinking every time he got a boner, which women did take advantage of. Always seemed like a really hot scenario to have shrinking be tied to something like that or an orgasm.
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3D render of Miku and Kizuna = 99% chance it's Racyon
yeah that's what I was thinking of. Seemed fun.
Hey guys, does anyone here by any chance still have a copy of Pogojo's Shrink School game? I once had it but lost it.
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Giantesses in the age range of 40+ are in demand. Gilfs even more, gotta get me some Drasna
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Tbh it was fun, but also just really bad coding lol, weird how much you can improve in just a few months to see code as basically unsalvageable, but neat nonetheless was cool to do. I think if I were to do another one I'd probably take suggestions or whatever since the first warioware did something similar with allowing random people to suggest minigame ideas, maybe in like early november or something.
Oh yeah, this seemed interesting. I do like how varied the minigames were and how varied they looked as well. Not that I have any ideas, but I'll look forward to brainstorming ideas.
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>Cruel giantess and gentle giantess having a heated argument about the proper treatment of tinies
>Both unaware of the tiny desperately trying to get their attention and avoid getting unwittingly squashed
Her nipples must be absolutely fucking massive
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hhnngg she really needs more content along with Shiki
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loved the ogrepon video you made recently
that sense of scale is phenomenal
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For me it's
>gentle giantess is so much bigger than the cruel one accidental damage she causes without even realising eclipses the evil one actually trying to break stuff
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We all know anon actually does want to go in there
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that should be me "trying" to climb her
ncie to see the one usually drawn smaller to be bigger
The red girl should always be bigger
>her crushing a person in her mech
Authors knew what they were doing
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Do you support off board size threads?
Personally i always bump them
i've been getting some great art commissioned from the pokemon threads
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I think people are pushing their luck making too many superfluous size threads in /d/ and trying to get away with safe horny size generals in other boards. Hiroshima Nagasaki is gonna ban size content to a containment board at this rate, but maybe that's what idiots want.
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Do the /hr/ size threads count? Because I support those.
You lack taste. Role reversal is ideal and soft fragile girls make the best giantess.
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>No-brainers: Hurr giantesses should be cruel and try to cause death and destruction!
>Me, an intellectual: Giantesses should be so big and powerful that despite trying her very best to not harm or destroy anything, even the tiny little mistakes she makes causes unimaginable destruction
Nah. Still not hot because she's shackled to conventional morality.
Already addressed this with >No-brainers
>giant hags
simply kino
you mean the pokemon?
Hell yeah, love the occasional /v/ giantess thread.
The problem is most gentlefag content omits destruction altogether ruining suspension of disbelief.
>A girl's bodily functions will never throw the climate out of whack and cause an uptick in storms and other disasters

Why even bother?
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>chieri sounds like it's heading to a final arc

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>finally get into Ace Attorney series proper
>the size interactive on writing.jew hasn't been updated in months
Doesn't the guy who made that post in these threads too? Any reason why? His writing was good, was looking forward to more giant AA girls having city-sex rampages.

>March 8 20xx
>So if I'm understanding the plaintiff's readings correctly, the defendent Ms Gaia Tess, caused 100000 worth of studio property, hospitalizing 5 actors, and...and am I reading this correctly? Death by eating a man and murdering another with her buttocks?
>Yes, that is correct your Honor, as far fetched as it all seems, these are the charges that are being brought forward to this court today.
>I see, well Mr Wright, I certainly hope you understand the weight of the charges brought onto your client; please tell your client that if she is suddenly hungry, that I am NOT on the menu.
>I don't think that will be an issue your Honor
>I may look like a sweet old man, but really! I'm bitter as they come!
>Don't you mean brittle as they come?
>Prosecution, you may begin.
>Ah yes, on the day of March 4th, at 12:30 PM Miss Tess was on stage with her fellow coworkers Irma Bugg and Director Taz T. Reat. They were going over a special effect scene for a movie called "Attack of the 50 foot cannibal"
At 12:33 PM an argument broke out between Miss Tess, and Director Reat, which resulted in Miss Tess pushing Mr Reat into a prop, resulting in his immediate death. At 12:35PM Mr Bugg saw the sight, and Miss Tess used another giant prop to stamp out the witness. The stage janitor Voile Rizzim, happened to see it all go down and immediately went to the police about it.
>Crowd murmers in shock
>So wait, she didn't actually eat the victim?
>Well your honor, as you can see in the murder photo...
>Yes, as you can see, it was a prop from the movie that looked like Miss Tess.
*Slams table*
>The defendant utilized the very same fatality on the director and the witness to that murder turning this fantasy movie into a documentary!
*Slams gavel*
>Mr Wright...your rebuttal?
>...This feels like a thinly veiled fetish
One long trial of twists and terrible puns later...
>Marco Mycrew, you were actually working the stage props at the time when Miss Tess and Director Reat where on stage where you not?
>And you had motive to ruin both Miss Tess and seeing the studio collapse!
>No! I!
>So you tried to kill Director Reat with a falling stagelight! Miss Tess wasn't angry at Mr Reat, she was trying to save his life! And he would've been completely fine, but when you saw he fell into Miss Tess's mouth prop, you flipped the switch!
>Nnnnnnnnnng! Stop!
>But you had a problem, because Mr Bugg saw you operating the console from the stage and was going to tell Miss Tess!
>So you dropped the giant legs prop on him causing his silence, the studio damage, the fire... and you pinned it all on Miss Tess!
*slam slam slam slam slam*
*Presents torn cloth*
>W-whats this? Some sort of tissue? Thank you! I was certainly sweating!
>Tsk tsk tsk...Mr Mycrew... don't you realize what this is?
>Eh? What is it?
>It's your monogrammed part of your left sock, left at the crime scene.
>Crowd erupts in shock
>Then surely...you wouldn't have any issue pulling up your pant leg and showing us your socks for comparison?
>.....NO! NO!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *stomps over and over and over until collapses at the stand.
>The court clears out
>Well, now that we've have that matter finally squashed, I will now hand down the verdict.
>In the case against Miss Tess, I find the defendant...NOT GUILTY!
>This court is dismissed.
>You did it Nick! You sure showed some big heart out there!
>Thanks Maya, but I couldn't have done it without my friend.
>No, the weirdos who have this fetish.
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>You and your childhood friend/rival about to start your pokemon adventure
>Grew together, wanted to be the champions of the region and promised each other to always try hard and never give up.
>"I'll always be there for you" was your motto.
>Eventually the day came, both got your initials.
>Starts the race for championship.
>She runs out of the lab as soon as she can, you are left behind because you need to go for your running shoes
>Try to catch up to her.
>But on the first route, a weird trainner ambushes you.
>Confidence melts when you see her pokemon is a fucking dragon of high level.
>Get blacked out
>When you wake up, sense a great pressure of soft mass pressing you against a rubbery floor.
>Air is stale, and funky, coating your body.
>Constantly assaulted by what you can only assume are fighting pokemon using giant leather pillows from an abandoned gym.
>Look to the side, and there's a giant foot, toes wiggling playing with someone almost like a predator torturing it's prey.
>You recognize your rival, she recognizes you, both understand the surreal situation you both are in.
>Look up between the gap of what you now know are toes, and see the weird trainner's smiling face, up on the sky like a moon.
>She tells you that her name is Zinnia, that she is gonna train you and that "Grandma is gonna love you"
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Any more like this? I love when shrunken people have ordinary objects used on them.
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They have a few more renders in this vein:
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Thanks anon.
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>Pekora alt
Mother-daughter size play hits different
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Pale, soft, mommy feet
I'd make a new /vp/ thread after last one went over 300, but the board is way too busy with all the leak stuff
I just want to be smothered beneath Pekomama's prodigious motherly posterior.
Big milkies

Giant soft mommies
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More massive Uzaki posts please and thank you.
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giant mommies are so great
not enough giant short stacks
How loud do you think it would be to be *inside* of an acoustic guitar?
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We need to combine the two and have giant shortstack mommies
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Still here, yeah.
Kinda got kicked in the ass by life for a while and my writing for pretty much anything came to a solid halt until recently.
In the past month or so I got some focus back and put my attention totally onto a commissioned Ace Attorney story I've had to work on for GTSWorld (pic related) with my old interactive story still staying on the back burner until I can get this story squared away.
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fuckin' forgot to link the story I'm working on even after going to get the link ready to go
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Honestly a dream come true would be to have an older giantess, possibly a Milf, as a boss in a giantess game. She’s gentle and gives tips, but when push comes to shove she doesn’t want to let the player progress without testing his strength first. Losing the battle results in some smothering and motherly teasing before you’re allowed to try again, of course.

I’m honestly sick of seeing 90% of the characters in giantess games be high school teenagers, not even mid 20s giantesses baka
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>I’m honestly sick of seeing 90% of the characters in giantess games be high school teenagers, not even mid 20s giantesses baka

I'm so aggravated with neo puritan virtue signaling nonsense and I'm glad Japan sticks to their guns on the high school setting personally
tfw no rpg about earth being visited and conquered by high-tech elementary schoolers
Anon having a mental breakdown because he has to go back in the office ladies nylons tomorrow to afford the rent for his matchbox bed
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It seems really pointless when you could just post the same stuff here without blue board restrictions. I never understood what was with the /vp/ autists trying so hard to make it a thing and then having specific pokemon size threads for a while.
It's doubly stupid how we have five different size threads
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I'm fine with it the way it is. I don't need to see cock vore next to the stuff that's actually good
>has alts
>kemono still isn't working so I can't see them
total paywall death
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I think Kemono is perma-dead now, no one left to fix the crawlers.
i was wondering for a while about the same thing and i'm pretty sure it's pedos who get off to corrupting the kids
>inb4 corrupting kids who are on 4chan already
Everything posted is often tamer than the standard waifu thread. Maxing out the height slider isn't going to ruin anyone's mind
Kids don’t post on vp lol it’s all butthurt boomers that hate everything about Pokemon besides the 1st two seasons of the anime
trawling 4chan to talk to kids is like spying on a elementary school to look for adult women
it does exist
but its in japanese

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