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Welcome to the fake titty committee.
Edits, originals & implant related content welcome. Cyberware tits, fake asses, mana boobs and other creative ideas are in vouge! Keep it 18+ and please enjoy the plastic enhancements.
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AI xray content has arrived.
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AI truely is a godsend for us. When even some porn sites don't have proper tags for implants (looking at you PornHUB). How is it that the one fetish that can work irl doesnt have much content? Kinda insane.
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Theres a guy on deviantart that edits AI slop to add in implants and usually breast expansion.
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anyone ever have a gf who considered getting work done? I dated a girl who was insecure about her appearance and wanted lip fillers. I worked hard to convince her out of it but if I'm honest I still jerk off to the idea of letting it happen. Especially knowing how likely it would've been for her to become addicted. I would have pretended to not notice when the botox began migrating, just moaning louder in bed each time she got more. Keeping her away from mirrors during sex so that she wouldn't see that blowjobs made her look like a fleshlight with eyes. I'm not a huge fan of hentai "blowjob face" but it's very hot irl. Some botox-induced examples being pornstars like sweetiefox, cassie bender and adriana chechik
My wife started getting lip filler. She's got it three times. I bet she'd keep going if I asked her to or had the money to spend.
Last year we did a implant around 600 cc's. It looks great. Trying to see if I can find a way to finance her getting more lip filler. Some rain dude online paid to have her nipples pierced which has been pretty awesome.
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the ex in question also had a pretty saggy pair of tits. She really hated them and only got annoyed when I reminded her that's my favorite type. Hot to imagine the timeline where we got married and had all those kids she wanted, I can't imagine the state they'd be in by the end. Knowing all the while that she might get implants whether I liked it or not, each pregnancy increasing the amount of cc's she would need to "fix" them. Inadvertently ending up with porn-tier tits because there was so much space to fill. Realistically, she was on the border of C and D cups so I don't know if she ever had a chance to get as huge as your wife
You caught a girl with illegal implants, blackmail her or report her to the flatier police station. she made her choice
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Implants warmed by bathing.
The girl exercises her boyfriend's penis with her implant breasts.
chicks with really large implants in the 800-100+ range have this weird thing happen where when they get into hottubs the saline inside their breasts heats up and stays hot for a while even after they get out of the tub. It also goes the other way and if they are out in the cold the saline cools and their boobs stay cold for a while.
My high school sweetheart wanted implants. I welcomed it and told her I would pay for them when we got married. Unfortunately, we broke up in senior year, and she changed her mind later.

>Adriana Chechik
>gangbang porn star
dang thanks for finding another good gangbang slut for me

>My wife started getting lip filler. She's got it three times. I bet she'd keep going if I asked her to or had the money to spend.
>Last year we did a implant around 600 cc's. It looks great. Trying to see if I can find a way to finance her getting more lip filler. Some rain dude online paid to have her nipples pierced which has been pretty awesome.
Living the dream bro. I'm pretty curious. How big are her tits now? How many ccs in the lips? What did this dude want in exchange for the nipple piercings? What's your wife's body count? Is it an open marriage? (I'm going too far but I figure I might as well say everything.) Also, what's a rain dude?


Always neat to find out something new about implants
I just want someone to be like oh wow your a cute twink and then buy me a fake body whilst sweeping me off My feet.
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Glowie tiddy is such a hot giveaway
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Cute. I'm a fan.
Thanks anon to be it won't happen and I'll turn 30 in 6 years and then it will never happen:> fun to dream tho
Jeez not with that attitude! Dont suplex your own dreams anon.
I'm trying anon but like idk where to find it. It's pretty much seems like rng and I've never had good luck.
Visibly fake without cutaways or x-rays is always good quality shit.
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Breast implants that are actually ticking time bombs in disguise, y/n
So like that one episode of Stripperella?
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Which canonically busty characters would you like to turn out to be surgically enhanced? And which less busty ones should get implants?
Anyone remember the guy putting lewd text and age updates on the impants? Really miss it but I remember he was kinda run out of here
I miss that, as well. Admittedly, I also got a degradation kink, so that helped a bit.
Also wondering, is there an archive/booru out there of multiple reduction edits, or do we mostly just save them and pass them around?
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>Which canonically busty characters would you like to turn out to be surgically enhanced?
Any busty girl designed by Raita.

>And which less busty ones should get implants?
The thought of Makoto from Persona 5 getting fake tits and especially a BBL drives me nuts.
woops that one is ai
Not implied implants like the Litchi pics but this girls tits do look super fake, like most pics from this artists.
forgot pic like dumbass
but for what purpose are they in there
Many cyberpunk settings have remotely triggered bomb implants. Could be similar deal, guy that put bombs in wants to make absolutely sure the blast is big enough to get the intended target.
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I like it when the tits on a lithe frame are so disproportionately big that it'd feel improbable for them to be anything but fake.
Why is there so little ass implant stuff?
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Niche within niche sempai. I got u.
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This shit is so hot but so hard to find..
this is some of the worst art i've ever seen.
>Milla Noire got implants.
I believe this is the first time I've done implant art.
There's a decent amount of artists that draw BBL-esque asses, at least.
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