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Another month, another new thread.




Quick searching guide:

Pixiv: use the 皮モノ tag for the overall catalog of skinsuit stuff, 男皮モノ for specifically male skinsuits (FtM, MtM) and 皮もの or 脱皮 for stragglers that might not be tagged with the main one. 二人羽織 is also used for two people in one suit.

On Deviantart: there are a lot of tags, with the main one being skinsuit, but you may also wanna search skinsuittf, skinsuittransformation, bodysuit, bodysuittf, bodysuittransformation, masking, maskingtf and maskingtransformation

Add to taste after: mtf, m2f, male_to_female, maletofemaletransformation, ftm, f2m, female_to_male, femaletomaletransformation, ftf, f2f, mtm, m2m

Pic source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122984670
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Not a lot of FtM stuff lately, but that's okay, I got a couple FtF things just to get the thread started.
If anyone is smart can they translate this https://e-hentai.org/g/2236641/00ee858d69/?
will you/anyone do it and upload it?
why aren't these doujins tagged 'snuff' on upload sites if making the body suit kills the user? I have to block the entire genre because of that
kills the victim I mean

Honestly, agreed, if the doujin involves killing someone or permanently making them into a non-living suit (basically the same thing) instead of it being reversible or creating an artificial skin then it really should have the snuff tag. I'll readily admit I don't like that kind of thing either and it'd be nice to be able to wide sweep blacklist doujinshi like that for myself so I don't have to sift through them to get to stuff I do enjoy.
Suit of Theseus
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[Yoshida Gorou Shoukai (Yoshida Gorou)] Boku-
tachi wa Onnanoko ni Naru! ~Onnanoko Koujou
02~ | We're gonna be girls! [English] [desudesu]

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(C92) [ZUZUZU (Kamiya Zuzu, Hitomasu
Modoru)] 300 no Oshirushi Atsumete Koukan
suru yori Kawaii Anira ni Natta hou ga Ii
(Granblue Fantasy) [English]:

[Marneko] Onnanoko Kuji | The Girl Lottery
(Nyotaika Happiness! 2) [English] [ChoriScans]

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[Taniguchi-san] Migawari Ichinichi Idol | One Day
Substitute Idol (COMIC Unreal 2012-08 Vol. 38)
[English] {doujin-moe.us} [Digital]:

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[Marneko] Wakuwaku! Rinshou Jisshuu Joshika
Suit Sexy Medical Studies! Girlification Suit
[English] [GTF]:

Hello. I just saw this in archive(dot)md (archived pixiv artworks). Does anyone have more boruto skinsuit arts like these? I think the artist already closed down his/her pixiv acc. I could not look for it.
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I miss when nayande on pixiv was active, their art just hit all the right buttons for me.
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Alongside lheriss, nayande is one of the best "2 person in 1 suit" artists right now. I also love his work.
Skinsuit-ification is not a snuff thing. God. Stop trying to turn everything into a morbid interpretation of events.

Most of the time, it's purely about the objectification of a human being. Meaning it's the act of reducing a person into nothing but a mere object of desire or sexual gratification for the abuser to manipulate with. "Death" barely crosses its readers's minds. In fact, many other fetishes also plays into objectification.
>mind control
>time stop
>personality excretion
>object transformation
>human cattle
>stuck in wall
>pet play

I'd say that vore is probably the closest thing carrying the undertones of a snuff porn. And yet we seldom see any vore galleries getting tagged as snuff (nor are vore readers obsessed with deaths). If vore never elicited that kind of response, then skinsuit should be even further away from that by orders of magnitude. Skinsuit readers don't search for skinsuit galleries to see deaths. If they wanted to do that, they go on LiveLeak.

As a rule of thumb, if the porn doesn't explicitly mention death, NEVER try to bring up the implication of death into it. Internet porn isn't a cult where people are constantly obsessed with getting off to the death of imaginary drawings 24/7. In fact death is a "boner-killer", so sane porn artists always try to stay away from them and rarely ever incorporate deaths into their porn anyway. This is the natural assumption. People are not stupid.
>Skinsuit-ification is not a snuff thing.
I mostly agree but then theres shit like what bocahcaboel puts out which looks and feels really close and is just really unplesant
God every time I see that with full internal view and people stuffed inbetween real organs it makes me want to vomit.
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Turns out this post is related to OP's post. This news has given me many ideas, hehe.
yeah, I do really want more skinsuit art coming out, but I am not desperate enough to take creepy shit like that
Can someone upload midnight's content please, i cant sub with my card and kemono is broken now, its been months
I talked to Nayande recently, they have been busy but do intend to come back and do more suiting art. No timetable yet.
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nice, if you get the chance/even want to you can say they got a fan that eagerly awaits for their return in me
Even bocahcaboel's stuffs at the end of the day never implied snuff as the victims were still alive in the stories.

And also, Bocahcaboel doesn't seem to be focusing on skinsuits as it's more about "skin mecha". There's no level of control. Dude just loves seeing internal organs being played around like they're sexual organs -- which must be amongst the 0.001% fetishes in the world. But that's not a true skinsuit material for skinsuit purists.
I'd love bocahcaboels stuff if the people getting in the living suits got in naked and there was some sort of bio-fusing going on. Like the insides somehow attach to the person who's getting in via their bellybutton or something and now they're linked/melded. Instead it's some weird skin-mech hybrid.
>But that's not a true skinsuit material for skinsuit purists.
because it's fucking disgusting
>well its not technically snuff
it might as well be when he has shit like pushing out brains, at least a skinsuit knife doesn't go and dwell on human organs and is just a short hand for stealing identity, the organ shit is basically buffalo bill shit which a lot of people are not into, so while it its "technically" snuff it sure feels as unplesant as it and I hate how others are starting to do the same stuff now
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Can we not post furry shit?
If it's good quality then why not? Is a skinsuit somehow worse if it has fur?
Kyon draws good art. Definitely a great contributor to the fetish.
>If it's good quality then why not?
Because furry isn't allowed on /d/ retard.
What about >>11151544 and >>11151599 ?
This artist and trevor(the kigurumi/artist one) gave me the worst down bad for needing to be locked into a kigu. Only other stuff that hits the same is the one dollification option in magical camp.
What about it? Its also not allowed here.
And it will never be with that attitude.
Be the change you want to see.
I don't WANT furry allowed here. Its fucking awful.
Kill yourself.
Oh look, the hyper fag is triggered that somebody posted some slightly different images of his niche fetish
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Aww, poor child. Afraid of a little 5-letter word?
It's not furry you retard. There are no animals nor anthros in those images
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Happy Halloween
I'm going to treat myself to some Roanyer masks later this year, closest I can get to this fetish.
Just buy a kigu mask.
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sharing is caring https://x.com/Lherisskin/status/1802457158510162317
Hawkgirl has got the goods in colour. Jesus Christ,
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fellas is it gay to suck off your buddy while wearing a skinsuit?
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their return
It seems like there's barely any actual "2 people inone suit" type art on pixiv even using the two coat tag. Such a pity, i love these types of ones.
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its a shame but it is also a niche within a niche so I get why theres not many of them,
Theres also not too many doujinshi of the subject, and I still regret not buying this one by Nikuma (季刊皮モノvol.20231231) because of that, and it never had a digital release so no one has shared it online, maybe I'll find it second hand online some day
I need your help solving a mystery /d/

Faltain released a living skinsuit comic called One More Tomorrow and I’ve been trying to figure out who the artist is for a while. I don’t think Faltain ever said who it was.

Any leads or guesses are appreciated.
The only clue we have is rather unusual use of SFX, some says the artist probably came from SEA, but who knows?

why not just find your own artist? the internet is full of them
Foolproof detective work worthy of Batman right there. You guys need to learn to do shit yourselves and grow up.
>why not just find your own artist?
hi Faltain
it's perfectly normal for wanting to know who an artist is so you can see more of their work or even commission them
>You guys need to learn to do shit yourselves and grow up.
the irony in relation to Faltain
Thanks anon. Any guesses are better than none.

I do wonder why Faltain doesn’t release the artist names for some of his commissions. I know he’s released artist names on a couple comics he’s commissioned, but not for others. If you think about it he’s actually preventing the artist from getting more customers if they’re still doing commissions.

the amount of time you spend trying to find artists someone has used you could have already found your own it's not hard also for someone some of you anons hate you sure seem to want to ride his crotch every chance you get just do your own work for a change
May not actually be Faltain, just a dickrider. Or Faltain acting as an ESLfag? It’s weird. I’ve never seen anyone defend Faltain for being secretive about his artists before. I wonder what benefit there is to preventing the original artist from getting more customers? Faltain wants the artist be his ‘his’ alone?

Anyway, am currently trying to plug some images into various reverse image search engines, will report back with my findings.
some of you guys need to get lives lol imagine worrying abuot porn that much lol
>I do wonder why Faltain doesn’t release the artist names for some of his commissions.
he is literally saying why in posts here
>get your own artist
he doesn't want others to find them because he wants to keep the illusion that he actually makes them and if others found them they could commission them for skinsuit art
which is really stupid in a niche fetish like this
That makes sense, unfortunately. So far, from what I’ve seen, I’m 90% sure the artist is actually from SEA. I think Indonesia specifically since they speak/understand English at a higher rate and their anime-imitation style is nearly identical to the One More Tommorow comic. A lot of near-identical Indonesian artists came up in reverse image searches. I’m also certain the artist who did the One More Tomorrow comic also did the Power Hungry Blonde and Kill-La-Kill comics (art style is the same). Will update again if I find more promising leads.
Kind of like the illusion having the artist would enable YOU to make worthwhile content...? You could sit down with a guitar that Jimi Hendrix used bud but that ain't making you the best guitar player of all time. Do the effort to find your artists that complement your particular authoring style, don't bum artists other people used successfully (and then shit on them because they aren't catering to your wants). You come off like a basement dwelling 15 year old tool.
The time it takes you to do all of this you could put up several "looking for artists" threads yourself. Probably find plenty of even better artists.The artist isn't the panacea to making great content; it's having a decent grasp on what you're trying to say in said content. Prime Todd McFarlane would draw an awesome Mary Jane She-Venom, but the overall comic would be shit if the writer doesn't have a compelling way to make it happen. Good writing + plotting + forethought can elevate any artist.
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>don't bum artists other people used successfully
Hi Faltain, you don't own the exclusive right to commission people
ironic considering the art is what carries Faltain's comics because the stories are almost all just rehashes of another persons work and are at best mediocore

good luck anon
link some of your works plz so the rest of us can see what you've accomplished
>the old you can only criticize if you've done art yourself comeback
you should spend less time badly defending yourself online and more time improving your craft Faltain
Nayande just released the full comic!! https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/124160323#manga
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? not faltain but ok
>Pointing out the falacy
>"sHoW mE wHaT yOu'Ve DoNe"

Why? So the loser can rip my ideas off too? Nah thanks :D
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you faggots need to start attaching images to your bitching
It’s fucking hilarious seeing the ESL guy write paragraphs of cope blabbing about fucking Jimi Hendrix and shit. If he’s not Faltain, that’s somehow even sadder. He doesn’t ever stop to consider that maybe the original artist wants to have other customers, and wouldn’t want Faltain to have him all to himself like a clingy girlfriend. Didn’t realize Faltain rehashes stories either kek

>good luck anon
Thanks! I’m making some progress.
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Asides from skinsuit/bodysuit, anyone here also a fan of masking artwork/content?

I, personally, am a big fan of these kinds of artwork.

Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118576399
I like it. Especially if it’s a cute girl who only needs to disguise her face, but not the body. The Mission Impossible movies were a big influence.
Who here isn't? I thought it was the same ballpark considering the suit and mask.
Plus it literally says "Masking" in the Thread name. XD
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I dunno man you do seem to be riding the guys dick pretty hard
Same!! I also love masking art!
Ah yeah. It all started there from those movies! I think I also saw some clips of it in Youtube.

True true xD.
Its just that I see skinsuit artworks everywhere and I rarely see "masking only" artworks in these threads. I'm glad though that I see some here :D

Source of the artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/jeekay8888/art/camula-s-charm-01-457521839
>I dunno
You're right, (you) don't know shit. Thanks for confirming.

In other news, here's a a pic I found from one of the SEA studios Faltain hired. The studio is Vietnamese and not Indonesian, but they seem to do a variety of styles and one of the artists on there may be a possible match for the comics mentioned before:

Faltain might now go and complain to them about "posting his work without permission" like he did to that one artist on deviantart who posted a full page from an unreleased symbiote comic, because he said Faltain never bothered to communicate that apparently kek.

Faltain seems to target SEA studios and artists on artstation like this Indonesian artist (jeremmyadevin.artstation.com/albums/8389252) who also did a couple Faltain comics.

Feel free to commission these artists anons, they're open and not exclusive to Faltain, no matter what the dumbass above says.
> https://lightstudio.artstation.com/albums/9387933
> commission stuff from random gooks
> claim it as your own
> jew everyone by paywalling it
Lol. Lmao even . Nice to finally have some concrete proof of his faggotry
>two person skinsuit where they're back to back and then can rotate which head is in the front
Nayande has some crazy ass ideas and I love it, not to mention thats just a genuinely great design
they're good, I prefer full suits but masking is also really good if you want a more grounded feel
Oddly, I think one of my favorite parts about making/unmasking is seeing the hollow ‘shell’ of the pretty girl’s face as a mask. Especially if it’s after you thought she was normal before, but now that pretty face is simply an empty mask.
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I love the contrast between the blank, calm expression of the mask vs whatever the wearer is experiencing underneath
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Nayande, one of the greatest 2-in-1 skinsuit artists right now indeed His ideas are also very unique!

Same!! Especially if the mask is a doll mask or kigurumi mask.

Source of artwork: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113518223
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Source: https://x.com/Hikart48/status/1857464939839193418
well at least now i can follow the actual artist(s) and give them proper support, thanks anon
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Anytime. Glad I could be of service. Feel free to "bum off Faltain's artists" to your hearts content. That Faltain dickrider sure fucked-off real quick now that Faltain's precious "secret" stash of artists has been unmasked kek
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To whoever is updating the second drive, nuclear82's kemono page got updated yestersay. Get to it.

Where to see more of this work?
The Rangiku disguise one is by https://www.deviantart.com/vytz
Sagabel when are you gonna finish the trilogy and give us Monika masking in Natsuki's casual clothes?
I would totally fuck Monika if she put her Yuri mask back on btw
Who was the artist?
Pixiv bullshit deleted his account.

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