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Mid-October Spooky Edition

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giant gyaru animation:
Can anyone post a link with the last omake from the 5th volume of Chieri's love? Can't find it
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Anyone got AnAlternateUsername animations?
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Tiny ghosts trying to haunt normal girls
Just finished Ape Escape 3, kino game
Sayaka's bike shorts are lewd.
AlloyRabbit if you are reading this, draw a giga Sayakaaa
Cute idea, but definietly feels like a part 1
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Where does FreeFaller post now that his pixiv is gone?
what happened?
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Needs more of a magical shrinking
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I dunno, but Im grabbing their junk from a link they shared on their fanbox
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Where they tiny when they died or they somehow got shrunk?
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Which one sounds better to you? Vengeful tinies or a realy pathetic afterlife?
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>giant girls who genocide millions in life become tiny ghosts in death
Based karma supplying SWs.
>Milena Velba discovers her breast milk can cause growth
>uses it on herself for a bit
>starts letting the other big tiddy models that show up in her videos drink and grow as well
>all continue to grow as they feed from Milena's tits
>eventually a gang of mile-tall massive-breasted models are roaming around
>Milena however always remains the tallest and most dominant

She's 3D I know, but she fits the scenario too well
Pathetic afterlife, mostly because it reminds me of that one old story of /fit/.
Let's see
>Bunch of idiots decide to mess with dark arts because reasons.
>Along the way, something went wrong, and ended up as ghosts, bound to the artifact of the ritual.
>Tomboy evolved gym bunny extraordinaire appears.
>Moves into the house with parent's money of course.
>Finds the shitty altar these ghosts are bounded to, when she made a hole in one of the walls while moving her weights.
>A totem-like glass idol thingy with an... odd shape.
>She thinks it looks kinda cool, so she keeps it.
>The altar is disturbed and the ghosts awake, ready to haunt whoever disturbed the relic
>Only to find the tomboy rubbing it against her panties.
>Ghosts can only stare enraged as she climaxes and makes sure to coat the whole relic in her scence.
>Start to haunt her.

>The lights go out, and she sees a shadow in the corner of her eye.
>Thinking it might be an animal, the first thing she can and throws it as hard as possible.
>The glass totem coated in pussy juice flies through the air and crashes loudly into the wall, shattering.
>All the ghosts become even more enraged, and a high pitched screech is heard around the house.
>All except one, the one who felt the object phase through them.
>That scent of hers, the sticky fluid that stinked of her cunt, strong and piercing.
>Smelling of pleasure, sweat, skin and flesh.
>The smell of life.
>The ghost tried to dismiss it, but they felt tainted, and somehow deep inside, they knew this was a warning.

>The tomboy hears slapping sounds, like footsteps of people running in her direction.
>She stands up with a jump and starts swinging and doing kung-fu kicks in the direction of the sounds.
>Wind breaks on her fists and feet.
>She feels she hits something fleshy with her foot.
>Footsteps stop, and then they start to get further away.
>Screams "Nuh uh!" and starts to give them chase.
>The ghosts start to shrink
>With the unholy relic destroyed, they loose strenght by the minute.
>Can't feed off her fear because she doesn't fear them.
>In theory they should've been dragged to hell or some shit, since the altar was destroyed.
>Tfw because she performed the last "ritual" on that thing before breaking it, she is the new "altar", basically anchoring them to her.
>And because she cosntantly expels that 'Smell of life' they become weaker, which means...

>She keeps kicking and punching the air in darkness, fucking up the whole house in the process.
>The ghosts keep trying to run, but they keep shrinking, and it gets more and more difficult to keep running away from someone as athletic as her.
>She manages to punch one, and wrap her arm around their head, like she used to do to the kids on the playground.
>The ghosts squirms, trying to break free before he becomes even smaller, but she keeps it in place, forcing it's face to be in direct contact with the smell of her sweaty armpit.
>As the ghosts keep shrinking, she feels how her lower kicks keep hitting invinsible things.
>Eventually pins some of them under her soles, and out of pure disrespect, spits on them.

>Doesn't remember going to sleep.
>Next morning, simply decides to go to the gym again.

>Ghosts are wishing they were dragged to hell instead.
>Stuck to different parts of her body, at a minuscule size.
>And worst of all.
>She is apparently fit and healthy enough, for the salt of her sweat to be considered 'pure'
>They can't move, no matter how much they struggle, squirm, beg or howl.
>Doomed to remain in the place the place on her body, she pinned them to last night.
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I was expecting
>when the artifact shattered the ghosts got traped in the fluids coating it, becoming sentient drops of "ectoplasm"
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>stuck to body end
I used to kind of like this and now it's like #2 scenario...
>pedos getting off to corrupting kids
Not any of those or these anons, and have never posted size outside of /d/. That said, my macrophilia hot take is I absolutely do not give a damn if someone posts gts where kids can see it, so long as it isn't on a website specifically for kids, which I doubt exists anymore in this age, given the centralization of the web (youtube kids is the exception that thing 100% is run by pedos). Your kid saw a scragboy animation on YouTube? Shouldn't have given your kid unrestricted internet access dumbass. I used to be a total pearl clutcher, wishing that nobody would have the same accidental grooming experience (tm) that I did, but now I don't care.

Recently I saw a vid going in-depth on a shitty vore artist who terrorized youtube from 2007-2010, and they were treating this mf like he killed someone and they were doing forensics or something. I couldn't help but laugh at the dorks my age in the comments bitching and whining about how this deviantartist totally ruined their life. If anything he was fascinating by sheer virtue of how trash his art was, not that he posted on public spaces.
Blue boards may be 'work safe', but you have to be 18+ to post on 4chan.
you shouldn't be browsing 4chan while at work either
Agreed, but 'work safe' is not the same as work safe, if you catch my drift.
>the comments bitching and whining about how this deviantartist totally ruined their life.
It's all moral grandstanding, no one actually cares. We're in this strange neo puritan age where people want to pretend seeing someone talk about a cartoon's breasts is obscene. That said, kids shouldn't be allowed on the internet in general. You should be 18+ to use it.
>neo puritan
no intelligent person has ever used this phrase btw
btw, forgot to mention im trans
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you sound a bit like an egg, but I'm sure you'll get there someday buddy
>the turd who talks to himself is back
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that's right me, I'm back!
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Peak yandere giantess right here.
>Abducst tiny.
>Shakes off bag (leaving behind his cellphone) and shoes, not leaving fingerprints.
>Drops him in panties, waiting for the smell of her arousal to break him.
>Refuses to elaborate.
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Bruh most of us millennials had unrestricted Internet access since 8-10 years old and I think most turned out fine. I didn't get groomed by anyone but ironically navigating content that's either in Japanese or English did get me to further sharpen my second language.

I dunno why we're pretending that kids can't go anywhere online now, as long as you teach them a minimum of common sense and to not take anything online too seriously, and also not to go and talk to strangers nilly willy. Hell, they should be taught to just lurk.
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Good job anon
I need more Himiko size stuff.
This. I'd like to see >>11147560
with her.
supremely based taste
I'm the guy who posted the hot take, let me clarify some things. The comments saying the vore artist ruined their lives wasn't in a "omg it's so cringe/lewd it literally ruined my life" way. Rather they were saying "I witnessed these animations as a kid and developed a vore fetish, which has stunted my ability to form a relationship wahwahwah" it was a major theme of the vid too, with an interview with one of the deviantartist's victims. Which is BS btw, I'm a fuckin gts brapfag which is way more niche, and I'm in a longterm healthy relationship so...?

And when I said groomed, that was a mistake, I just couldn't find the word for "conditioned into this fetish by means of early youtube being early youtube." I'm not even mad desu, I could probably condition myself to be into normal (solo girl) porn, but why would I? This fetish is GOATed, best nuts ever, super imaginative, and no one can pin you for doing anything weird in the name of it because it's impossible.

Anyways I have no idea how the first dude reached the conclusion that the internet should exclusively be 18+. As someone who wasn't allowed anything growing up, I would've been miserable if I wasn't allowed to sneak onto the web and be a little shit. Good on you, second dude, for using your early web exposure to improve in a second language.
alicemagic: https://youtu.be/1W-x3VjUOxI
Another fucking nothing cake. Almost like Ashkiiwolf. Fan fucking tastic
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NTA but nice. Didn't find what I was looking for but quite a few things there I hadn't seen before
JoeTheVenezuelan must save us
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what were you looking for?
The stuff related to Rita, the girl in my previous post. It seems like a fair bit of the Pokemon stuff is missing
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still hopelessly looking for that giantess kronii vid from AZ
>Bruh most of us millennials had unrestricted Internet access since 8-10 years old and I think most turned out fine.
The internet of today is a vastly different beast than the one of 15-20 years ago.
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>Few people see Tiny trick-or-treaters because they can only carry one or two pieces of candy before they go home.
>Low effort mouse ears and tail costume knocks 'em dead every time.
>Knock on a house at random. "Trick or treat..."
>Equally low effort cat ears and teaches you a new meaning of fear with just an "ara ara".
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its a good thing giantesses dont exist because giant girls are very scary as there is a giant skeleton inside them and that would be terrifying
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So Kazuradrop's new NP is shrinking people and running them over with a toy?
Her NP was always shrinking people to the size of a bug
I really liked this one actually extreme horny energy.
However the fact nobody threw themselves into her body while she was sleeping or hugged her legs when she was standing is extremely unrealistic no man has that much self control.
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Tinies being former giants punished for abusing their power is always a cool backstory
Going to save bigly for her
No it isn't you faggot. Only men should ever shrink.
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>Fapping to men
Gross, what are you gay? F/f is the ultimate form of size.
Alternatively crowds of non descript specks is also fine.
Lmao, fellow size brapfag here, hello. Good to hear you've got a long term relationship! Yeah I agree that the "this random fetish content on youtube ruined my life" is absolute bs, my take is that it wouldn't be able to awaken something if there was nothing to awaken in the 1st place so who knows? I know for certain that my stuff was an innate taste because it did predate most media exposure I can recall lol. Btw if you don'd mind using Discord there is a server in the gts booty-brap thread to hang out at.

That is true but the general principles of having common sense, not taking stuff too seriously and exercising caution when interacting with foreigners still probably holds up. Though the attempts to actually brainwash children into US-centric political bs is concerning.
Men should be the targets of shrinking viruses, and magical shrinking with their female friends and quest party members always nearby to grab them up and tease them
need way more giantess Sadako content
want her to bully me in a loving way instead of crazy
love the manga detail (finger play) and scale so much
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God thats hot.
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still upset at whoever wrote the wiki on Sadako DX since its a lie about her appearing giant at the end
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>Sadako vs Godzilla
>humanity defeats a Tokyo wrecking lizard by showing it a VHS tape and having a giant ghost girl drag it to hell
>Sadako vs Godzilla (modern reboot)
>humanity's protector Godzilla gets cursed and people of New York have 7 days to prepare to help it fight off a kaiju sized ghost girl that will doom us all
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thats cruel to her dont want her to get destroyed like that
Godzilla has returned from Hell so she stands no chance so would have to team up with her to protect Tokyo
I really envy sizefags of more recent years simply because there is so much more of everything and of generally higher quality than what you would've found in the early 2000s. But I guess there was the satisfaction of striking gold in some obscured phpBB board that can never really be recreated.
got a source, good sir?
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>the general principles of having common sense, not taking stuff too seriously and exercising caution when interacting with foreigners still probably holds up
Not really. When I was young it used to be a hard fucking code to never reveal personal information and be skeptical of anything you read online. There were far more close-knit, small communities of forums and IRCs and fansites. Now it's just monoliths like twitter and reddit that are full of ads and BS and bots and advertising and attempts to extract every bit of possible info they can out of you. I'd be terrified to let my kids onto the internet if I had any. Modern social media is a nightmare machine that hosts the torment nexus and kids don't know how to navigate that.
At that proximity, why are people running away, and not towards and past or into the buildings and alleys? Are they so desperate to protect that poor big lady's bare feet with their bodies?
the ol' Prometheus "why don't they run to the side of the falling space ship instead of away from it"
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Scenario I want to see more of:
>Shrunken to microscopic size and unwittingly tormented by the unconscious actions of a woman you know, e.g. your friend or roommate
>Somehow end up getting regrown, but you're left traumatized from nearly getting squashed or swallowed by her multiple times
>You can't tell her what happened: maybe you think she won't believe you, maybe you don't want her to feel bad, maybe she'd tease you about it and make things worse, etc.
>So you keep it to yourself and try to act normal around her, like it never happened
>That's difficult, though, when even her most casual actions can lead to painful flashbacks
>When she walks around, you remember her massive bare foot crashing down beside you with apocalyptic force
>When she adjusts her tight shorts, you remember being buried in the hot, muggy depths of her ass crack
>When she takes a bite of food, you remember her enormous tongue snaking out of her mouth as she licked her lips, eagerly anticipating her next morsel
>She's the same as ever, while you struggle not to have a panic attack from just being around her
Also works if you actually do die to her while you're micro, then respawn at normal size
Oh? You're approaching me little anon? Instead of running away from my noble imperial feet you're approaching?
Anyone else constantly switch between size and another fetish?
One week I'm really into size. Keep cooming to it and it loses its luster, but now I'm really into inanimate TF. Keep cooming to that and I'm into size again. and repeat..
>fight with the girl
>turn her into a giant statue
More like ‘possessive girlfriend turns her exes into plastic figurines on her desk’
Which despite being super hot for me a few days ago is now more scary than anything since I’m starting to get back into size and away from inanimate TF

It’s annoying bc my gf knows that I’m into size, but I think inanimate is a biiit too weird even for a girl that accepts her bf wants to be <1in tall
I tend to mix and match much more now than what I used to. I also love TF and making people into Dolls or small stuff like coins or even dust.
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I love multisize so much, bros...
How about a deck of cards, where each card is a different person?
Stored securely in a case in the back pocket of a cute girl.
That too, or keychains. I absolutely love when the mother/sister/aunt has control of the TFmed girl while being totally unaware
I would have figured that you were into girls transforming guys, what with being into giantess. So I’d have assumed you were into ‘girl has her bf as a little acrylic keychain.’
The way I would imagine my previous post, each card is a guy that the cute girl beat in a game (with an attached bet). Once they lose, they join her collection..
Respawn idea reminds me of https://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=14834&textsize=0&chapter=2

Comment about the container with all the clones looking like a soap dispencer makes me hope at some point the younger sister will decide to use it like that, making the extra lives semi-useless as they're all in danger

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