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Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. Long discussions are a given with threads like these. If you're gonna post some text, at least post a picture related to the thread as well.

>Question of the day
Both hrt femboy and/or chasers, do you work out? If so what is your current routine and what are your fitness goals? If you don't then what's holding you back?
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>>Question of the day
Wouldn't bother with it if my wife didn't ask me to, because I lucked out in genetic department, but apparently it's good for your health so I visit a gym at least once or twice a week for some basic stuff.
where'd you find this one? I love 2n5's work and I've never seen this drawing until now. Definitely saved it. If you have more like this, please share
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saved it from one of the previous threads
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I love 2n5
thanks, I really appreciate the 2n5 dump. some of these I haven't seen before, I think they're fanbox exclusives that haven't been uploaded to the usual places I go. so I extra appreciate it. thanks!
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No problem at all, fellow 2n5 enthusiast.
>my wife
kek i'm so used to these kind of threads being almost entirely gay or "hetero" (as in t4m), it feels a bit bizzare to encounter someone with a cis gf/wife
You think if being an hrt femboy was normalized people wouldn't have so many debates about Bridget? It ain't femboy erasure, it's femboy evolution.
I think the problem is that traps are not trannies, and Bridget was always a trap. Bridget didn't have gender dysphoria or whatever, and he didn't take HRT, he was simply a very feminine boy -- but he was still a boy. His conflict was that he wanted to prove himself in some way as a man, and to overcome his feminine appearance through winning fights.

Flipping that around and saying
>actually Bridget is an HRT tranny and his pronouns are she/her
kind of trashes what Bridget originally was.

Much of the problem of modern tranny mania is that it's so extreme, and it doesn't broker ANY kind of gray areas or spectrum. Boyish girls are not allowed to be tomboys, they must get their tits cut off and say they're literally men. Feminine boys are not allowed to be tomgirls, they must get their dicks cut off and say they're literally women. It's too extreme.
I do agree with the having a grey area but femboys are just as bad if not worse for widening that gap. The issue is that many femboys act like being a tranny is such a bad thing when in reality being a femboy and tranny are pretty much the same thing if you stop looking at tranny caricatures for five seconds. Both wanna look like chicks both in and out of fem presentation. The only difference is pronouns and that some trannies get SRS.

In regards to Bridget, while I don't like that he's uses she/her anymore, I do like that he's no longer a "femboy" anymore. I wish his story was instead of abandoning his masculinity, he rediscovered it through a different angle which is what most irl femboys should be doing. Being a hrt femboy would be the best route for that.

Honestly, if more femboys actually put effort in passing, took estrogen, and didn't completely rely on youth alone, they wouldn't be so looked down upon.
>didn't completely rely on youth alone
this I agree with wholeheartedly, it's actually abhorrent how little effort some people put into passing thinking HRT is a magic drug when in reality it's more of a supplement in the grand scheme of things

going to gym and having a healthy diet, getting a nice haircut, learning fashion and proper makeup (so you don't look like a fucking clown), doing basic skin care etc., all of that can go a long way in making you look semi-passable at the very least
>took estrogen
now this one I don't agree with
estrogen is a powerful drug with long lasting effects and side-effects, some of which are permanent and may be undesirable for some people
one should not take that kind of drugs lightly just to keep their femininity
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Estrogen is not a drug. It's a hormone, something entirely natural and non-threatening to the health of the human body in any legally accessible amount. It even is produced naturally in some regions of the male body, and is an important ingredient in androgens which directly affect muscle growth.
What could threaten health though is testosterone blockers, a manufactured substance designed to limit testosterone production for the most common purpose of allowing estrogen supliments to take more substantial effect. This comparatively could cause permanent damage to testosterone producing glands and leave the otherwise reversible effects of estrogen with it.
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>Estrogen is not a drug
Synthetic estrogen is a drug.
>non-threatening to the health of the human body in any legally accessible amount
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
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>unironic groomers itt
will these threads ever be normal?
I work out every day with the dream of becoming a femboy
It can't happen for me but I have nothing else to look forward to in life so I will keep going
imagine being this retarded
Well, maybe you shouldn't claim taking HRT for the funsies is perfectly safe and acceptable for every gender non-conforming male. Also, post porn, faggot.
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just leave dumb fuck
Now type that without crying
Post porn not this shit dude.

But I can agree and disagree with that anon. Estrogen is a drug even if it's produced naturally. You don't naturally make it at that high of a level. Now the negatives are extremely overplayed. First off, a lot of the sides are reversible during the first few years. Second, half of those sides are actually wanted by plenty of people starting hrt. Third, the actual negatives are rare cases wich can happen if medicated poorly. A good example is having a high chance of osteoporosis if using antiandrogens without estrogen.

Unironically most gnc males should take estrogen as it can prolong twink looks while providing feminization. It really does depend on what the person wants and is willing to give. The whole "grooming" thing doesn't really exist because most normal guys don't wanna be feminine.
>half of those sides are actually wanted by plenty of people starting hrt.
Such as?
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Not literally half as in the ones you listed but some of the sides people tend to say. Things like infertility, weight gain, and gyno.
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Post femboys with small budding tits and stop talking about yourselves, faggots. I'm here to masturbate, not read about your sad lives.
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Agreed. I'm one of the people typing a word wall but at least I post some porn so you can ignore the text and beat off.

Also, who's this artist? I remember watch a video of a succubus tranny getting fucked which I came buckets to. Got me into this kink in the first place.
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>I'm here to masturbate, not read
Bro don't tell me you're not using 4chanx in the year 2024? They have a one click gallery mode that cuts out the posts and only shows images and can run an automatic slideshow for hands-free viewing, BRO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Not that anon but I'm a mobile user so this is useless.
>alf of those sides are actually wanted by plenty of people starting hrt
>the actual negatives are rare cases
Low sex drive and weak erections are almost 100% guaranteed though. Me, I want none of that shit, and when my twink death comes I'll just move on. Simple as.
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>question of the day
t here. i used to work out regularly, albeit fairly light stuff, but because of my work, I haven't been able to keep it up the past couple months. my fiance has tried re-jumpstarting that habit, and i wanna make it happen again, maybe in a couple weeks, once i'm a little bit free-er after work. i really need to build at least a little strength, im way too much of a twig rn.

one more person w a wife here, tho i guess it's a little less straight in my case, idk, whatever
it's all grey area imo
>tho i guess it's a little less straight in my case

Does anybody know any other artist besides 2n5 that draws femboys with boobs consistently? Preferably with a big ass as well and not like a child? (Something like this >>11148562).
Not saying 2n5 sucks but he's like the only few guys who does this.

Anytime I find an artist who fits my criteria perfectly there's always a small catch.
>ikemeru19's work is super vanilla or involves futa
>axred7 older work was good but he's been getting more and more over the top with his proportions as time goes on which can be a turn off
>picturd (picrel) is literally perfect but the femboy is always getting fucked by a furry futa with a dick the size of his whole body. Picrel was the only tame Pic I could find that wasn't cropped.

Someone please help
my mobile app has gallery mode. literal skill issue
I'd use p4 for porn but the serch function doesn't work.
One R34 moderator nuked the better-than-girls tag on the site and left a butthurt angry message about it on the tagging catalogue, which means that femboys are officially, empirically more powerful than jannies
I would pay a femboy to fuck my crush manipulatively.
Astolfo would do that for you.
>Both hrt femboy and/or chasers, do you work out?
Yes, I go to the gym twice a week. Once is for a bit of cardio and a pilates class that runs for about an hour, once is for some more general fitness stuff. Legs, core, more cardio. I try to avoid arms. My guilty pleasure is the hip adductor. I have to be careful using it, because getting exhausted, shaky legged, and then not being able to stop the machine from forcing my legs open starts to get me so fucking horny, I want to buy one.
I also want to eventually do barre, but the time I tried it it fucking kicked my ass and I was sore for like a week.

My main issue is I don't want to get too bulky or muscular. Avoiding arms has helped a bit, but I find I get myself in an odd cycle of needing to overeat to put a bit of softer fat on, then overdoing it and just working it back off and getting harder.
Also the fucking intrusive thoughts on the adductor. God, I want to just be fucking taken the entire time I'm on it. If I had one at home I fuckin swear to god it would make me cum, and I want to use it with a dildo in me so, so fucking bad.
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I wouldn't worry about getting too buff if you only workout twice a week. Honestly that's too little. Have you tried having 2 cardio days and 2 leg days


Legs (quad focused)


Legs (hamstring & glute focused)

Still waiting for a response to this. Still only seeing 2n5
A third day could work, but fitting a fourth in is probably rough, Pilates takes me out for a day, sometimes two if it's a harder session, and it's a bit of a drive if I'm not already making it for some other reason.
I'm worried about gaining bulk or getting less soft, but, I guess it can't hurt to try it.

>Still only seeing 2n5
This one's Pepero, and the Puffy_Chest tag on Gelbooru works well, especially combined with Trap.
Recovery is just a case of consistency. I notice I'm usually sore the most when I'm inconsistent but when I actually lock in being sore doesn't happen much. Just start slow then power through it.

>This one's Pepero
I'm assuming you missed the part where I said, "doesn't look like a child". I'll give gelbooru a shot though.
This is the ideal male form
Hm, hadn't heard of Pepero before. Nice style.
(pic also related)
most of these negative side effects happen at ridiculous blood concentrations that are not at all necessary for feminization. not even on monotherapy is this true.

"hurr durr increased risk of breast cancer"
like no shit Sherlock, I'm going from having no tits to having 2
Its always so neat to check in with these threads and seeing my boobs are now bigger than most of the pics in here.
Youre seeing the levels in cis women being reflected in people who start estrogen.
The levels of thrombosis go up to cis woman levels. Thats kinda to be expected.
I'm not fembot or tranny but I do see this, "hrt will make you explode" notion that most femboys have adopted as pretty funny. I've been on finasteride for years now with no sides but anytime that's brought up in a thread you see people typing word walls of reasons why it's bad for you when it's really not all that bad.
>it's actually abhorrent how little effort some people put into passing thinking HRT is a magic drug when in reality it's more of a supplement in the grand scheme of things
>going to gym and having a healthy diet, getting a nice haircut, learning fashion and proper makeup (so you don't look like a fucking clown), doing basic skin care etc., all of that can go a long way in making you look semi-passable at the very least
they don't want to work to be pretty they want to take a magic potion. or have a mean dommy mommy girlfriend do it to them
the low/no effort is just as much part of the fantasy as the feminization itself. feminine grooming is tedious, expensive, eats so much time out of your day and you have to practice at it which means you start out spending all that time money and effort to look mediocre at best
they don't want to fucking do any of that but want to be pretty the way that doing all that results in so they keep hoping that there's some convenient thing out there that'll make their girly dreams come true without any hard work on their part
i have no respect for these guys, you don't want it enough to work for it, fuck off and quit asking for advice if you're not going to take any of it
>I've been on finasteride for years now with no sides
Finasteride is not HRT and has literally 0 side-effects
I know but it has the same level of fear mongering in other boards that HRT has here and over at /lgbt/.
Yeah, especially on /fit/, they way they speak of fin I almost thought it would basically kill my libido and make me infertile but almost a year into it and nothing has really changed that much.
So hotttt... though Astolfo should have a bigger dick, even if caged
Was never a fan of big dick astolfo desu. I feel like the people who like that only want to be topped by femboys.
I encourage you to try topping a guy that, despite being way bigger than you, doesn't use said size for anything.
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yep, also that i dont really think of myself as a guy, i guess
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I'm 8 inches and I topped a guy who had an average sized dick but plenty of girth. It didn't kill the mood but it threw me off a little. Anything above 8 inches would be visibly massive and idk if I'd be able to ignore it.

Plus it's a bit of a pride thing. I was originally 6 inches but did a lot of penis enlargement exercises to get to 8. It's a little defeating knowing a bottom just came out the womb with a bigger dick and none of the work.
how long can you maintain an erection for and how hard is your erection? from the very small sample size of guys I've been with, I've noticed that big dick guys having problems. I still think huge dicks are amazing, but my 5incher is rock hard and I can stay hard for hours, whereas those guys I've been with had really soft erections and went flaccid really quick.
>I've noticed that big dick guys having problems
This is sort of true. I had a 7incher pre-transition, and while I could get it rock hard every now and then, maintaining a long 20+ erection was a challenge (also, it hurt my wife every time we had sex)
Femboys in garter belts are so fucking hot.
I think flaccid erections only happens with guys 10 inches and up. I wouldn't know but I'm just basing it around what I've seen in porn. I don't really have that issue and never did. My 8 inches is still as strong as when it was 6 inches (6.5 to be exact). It's probably a girth thing as well. I'm only 5" think (5.5 at the base) so I'd assume if you're way thicker it's harder to stay at 100 percent. Imma still try to gain girth though. My only problem is that girth is WAY harder to get than length.
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>t. >>11156445
Meant to respond to >>11156187 originally. My bad
This is just facts
I never thought about that since I'm pretty average and never tried to increase my size or girth, just endurance, but now I kinda get you. On the other hand, you can always cage your bottom if he's too big for your liking :)
Never tried cages on a bottom before but would love to try. Idk how a cage would feel on a dude 8" or higher though. Sounds painful. In most of the porn I see, the bottom already had a small dick. Does size effect comfort?
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Btw, you're image was deleted. Was probably too western or something. Happens to me sometimes.
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>t. Chaser
Been out of the gym for a while and want to get back into it. I usually do a PPL split but everybody on /fit/ shits on that. I get why but what's a better alternative?
What exercises did you do?
which r34 site? they nuked trap/femboy entirely?
>as it can prolong twink looks while providing feminization. It really does depend on what the person wants and is willing to give.
can you give more info on this?

>Low sex drive and weak erections are almost 100% guaranteed though.
and this


t. anon who wants to look more twinkish and femm, but hit 30 recently (tho I still have a face of somebody in their late teens to mid 20s), tho isn't interested in breast development and isn't keen on erectile issues, tho I naturally have gyno man boobs and recently started getting erectile issues randomly anyhow, maybe from SSRIs
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I used a vacuum extender for length and clamp for girth.
It isn't quite the fountain of youth, but even if you don't have the bone structure to pass as female, blocking T and adding E goes a long way toward a more neotenous-twinkish appearance. Softer & less oily skin, reduced body/facial hair growth, halting if not reversing male pattern baldness, plus muscle atrophy over time (especially in the upper body which can be hard to lose even as a sedentary skinny dude) and fat redistribution (away from the midsection and toward the hips/ass/legs, although you still have to work to take advantage of it)

Breast development of some kind is nearly unavoidable on e, but also a slow process with highly variable results; many trans women end up dissatisfied with the growth they get just from e after several years and end up going for BAs or trying to otherwise get more growth. Sex drive/erectile function is also highly variable, a crash early on in hrt is common due to blocking T but it usually returns in a more subdued, female-typical form once you've had decent estrogen levels for long enough (important not to just crash your T and then still also have low estrogen compared to the female range). You usually see the refrain "use it or lose it", although that only applies to the functionality of the dick and NOT ball atrophy/loss of fertility which is entirely downstream of the hormonal change.

You might be interested in finasteride or dutasteride instead, 5ar inhibitors used to stop hair loss and could also reduce skin oiliness/roughness and body/facial hair density, but without much feminization. And if you're currently overweight or otherwise just a dude you can still do a lot to feminize your figure with diet and exercise, you just need to focus more on getting lean and doing the stuff that women tend to gravitate toward (lower body exercise, yoga, etc) than bulking up.
I kinda find if funny for guys who wanna look twinkish and fem in their 30's. Unless you were on HRT, why keep trying? I get still wanting to be attractive in general which you can do with a healthy lifestyle and skincare but if you wanna look fem then you should've been on hrt years ago. I get the whole, "E is for gross troons" but there comes a point where you gotta be real with yourself.
>if you wanna look fem then
...you shoud've been born with the right genetics. Simple as. People who looked effortlessly fem pre-30 without HRT are going to look like that post-30 and even into their early 40s provided they keep the healthy lifestyle and basic skincare.
>you should've been on hrt years ago
HRT is not a magic potion, and your mileage may vary greatly with it. I'd rather not risk any potential side-effects anyway.
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While you're not wrong, you give "passing genes" a bit too much credit. Plenty of people can pass given the right procedures, lifestyle changes, and dosages. After looking at how most passing trannies and femboys look pre hrt, I've noticed a lot of similarities with most people. What makes most people hons imo is the time they start. Don't get me wrong, if someone has giga chad genes then they're screwed but most people don't. Its really just when they started. Now passing after starting at a later age is definitely gene dependent like how Natalie Mars started in her late 20's - early 30's (can't remember exactly) but still passes despite being 40.

So just because you're not attractive now doesn't mean it's not worth the shot.
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Were it simple & cheap to buy everything I need in pill form, I'd have started years ago, desu. Dick issues or not.
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It's not too simple but you people make it harder than it really is. Just do a bit of research about how to DIY or just say you're trans to your endo.
I have no money & live with a parent.
Get a job and go to a clinic. Or just use your parents insurance to visit an endo
Yeah they're not exactly gonna be supportive of me pursuing a fetish.
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Dude how old are you? Just get your insurance card and go behind their backs. Why would they know?
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Turned 26 recently so I need a new insurance card for myself. Because I live with one & they would talk. Plus I don't have a car. Even with insurance that would still be spending a lot of money I don't have to throw around.
As a person who also lives with his parents and also uses their insurance, I can guarantee you they won't. Also, let a damn job. Are you at least in school?
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No father wants to hear their son wants to get estrogen to become more girly or even just being gay. I was working a seasonal job with the other parent but obviously that's about to end. I have money now but it will only last for so long even without having to pay for utilities.
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finasteride is redpilled
estrogen is bluepilled
Doesn't that increase test though?
>No father wants to hear their son wants to get estrogen to become more girly or even just being gay.
Okay but can you not just boymode? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that was the whole point of that. It sounds like you're just making excuses. First it was because you're broke and now it's because you don't wanna let your dad down?
You don't seem to be getting what I'm saying. I can't tell my parents. I'm saying THEY would talk even if I told one. Not that the doctor would talk to them. My excuses of having no money or transport are perfectly valid. And finally I KNOW there's pill alternatives that would solve this issue but no one's pointing out where to get them.
>I'm saying THEY would talk even if I told one. Not that the doctor would talk to them
I don't think you know how that works anon. If you were under 18 then yeah but you're 26 dude. There's literally no need to talk to parents.

And what do you mean pill alternative? That's literally normal HRT.
Forgot pic
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There is when you have no transportation or insurance yet.
Then why would I need to go to the doctor to begin with if I could just get the pills online?
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I was giving options. You said you had no money amd live with your parents. I assumed your parents had health insurance with your name under it. Using your insurance to cover HRT is a good way to start if you're unemployed and living at home.
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While this is true it's no longer viable since being 26 means I have to get my own insurance. And I know there are sites that can deliver HRT & the like discreetly but I do not know them. The only thing a doctor would do is overcharge for a prescription or give me injections that I want to avoid because I hate needles.
While you should get your own insurance, I'm pretty sure you're still under your parents. You could always just ask. If you are then call them to deliver a card then get your prescription. Most endos never start off with injections and usually start off with a fairly low dose of oral estrogen along with some antiandrogens. In regards to what you should be taking I'd ask /hrtgen/ over at /lgbt/.

How the fuck do you not know this? I'm not even trans and I know this.
Forgot image again
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Because this is is a fetish board & this would be for fetish purposes. Not trans lifestyle nonsense. But yes I should ask there for more info. But what I can tell you is that shared parental insurance gets cut off at 26 in my state at least.
This is a fetish board but there's nothing wrong with wanting to look more feminine irl. Even if it's a fetish, so what? Nothing wrong with just looking pretty. Idk what state you're from so idk the rules. What i will say is to at the very least check.
The point is an actual LGBT gay board might not as welcoming to an obvious fetishist.
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As a person who browse both boards i can fairly say that you guys are pretty much the same with the exception of people in this thread being uninformed. The fact that >>11161905 genuinely has no idea how to get hrt for this long proves that point.
I am that guy.
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Oh, my bad. But everything you're saying has already been said by another anon on /lgbt/ just fir them to be called a retard. Your situation is very fixable.
Well that's not exactly confidence boosting if another anon in the same boat isn't getting support either.
I was looking for some Astolfo and I stumbled upon this funny little clip about his hueg cock. One of you will get a kick out of it, at least.

>getting support
As in a job so you can pay for it yourself?
No... clearly not. I mean as in getting information & sources instead of just being driven off. You ding dong.
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>I mean as in getting information & sources instead of just being driven off.
They do. Just right after they're called retards.
>Not trans lifestyle nonsense.
Ironically, trans psy-op has traits of actual fetishism, you know, with some etymological stretching, both within original meaning and your current one.
You do remember what the word means, before you all stupidly started to apply it to sexual matters some however many years back, right?
Now you're just being anal.
>but there's nothing wrong with wanting to look more feminine irl
Actually, there is both.
On one hand, nothing wrong, on the other, a catastrophic fuckton.
It is truly, utterly revolting to read fetishists so stuck in their insanity that they can't even recognize the sheer hulá such people may do towards anything, whether any criticism unto them, any sort of self-assessment or assessment of beauty, or plain attempts to break their self-absorbed hazes.
I'm saying this as someone who contemplates becoming an IRL futa and supremely confident that were I to stop being lazy, up my knowledge, and actually start to work, I could literally invent third sex, stable femboy genomes, IRL anime muscle girls, etc.
Indeed, a man can look like a woman, even think like a woman within limits, yet remain firmly a male in all correct ways.
But you, Anonymous, are reckless, and utterly lacking in self-criticism to so brazenly jump into lust. Allowing lust to override your being only makes a mockery of it.
To play with suboptimal body transformation means is simply idiotic too, if not insane.
At least do try to think about your well-being, Anon-kun.
That's all.
Nice trips, but technically, considering whole psy-op theme it's actually morbidly appropriate. Pharma's no joke, neither are porno ads, probably.
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Cute art. Too bad the artist's profile is closed
Please be nice, it's my first time
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>reposting from last thread because I didn't really get a lot of good answers

Okay hard mode. Does anybody have any dojins where the femboy has boobs and doesn't look like a child? Stuff like >>11147243 >>11148554 and >>11148562 are the kind I'm looking for.
Not sure where I should post this,
But I'm looking for a FemBoy Hentai where they attend an All Boys Academy which is actually a training ground to turn them into cock loving, femboy sluts..

I know it's common with trope girls academy, but I swear there is a femboy version as well
Shiritsu Anahori Gakuen | The Anagutsu Academy ?
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Kill yourself faggot
how come i hear warnings about about groomers on this site all the time but literally nobody has tried to groom me, no matter how badly i wanted to be?
>no matter how badly i wanted to be
You didn't want it bad enough then. Or maybe you're just ugly as sin.
yeah i guess i didn't put myself out there enough. i'm probably too old now at 26.
>i'm probably too old now at 26.
you're not safe at least until early 30s, so go out there and get groomed faggot
out where?
tranny spaces? if you really wanted to get "groomed" you would've done that long time ago
well let's say i really, really wanted it now and was too shy before
You were already getting groomed, you're just too stupid to realize it. The word "groomed" has been used so much that it kinda lost its meaning but in regards to what >>11148533 is referring to, grooming would be getting convinced to do something or think about certain way after reading through a few threads. Kinda like how a kid might get radicalized after reading a few racist threads from /pol/.

Why the fuck do people wait so damn long?
well i guess it worked then~
>Why the fuck do people wait so damn long?
i knowww, in the proces of buying my first cage though so at least i'm going through with it now...
>Why the fuck do people wait so damn long?
What kind of a retarded question is that?

Some of us have less than accepting parents or can't afford to move out, or don't have the spare money in this dogshit economy. Some of us live in less than accepting countries too. There are tons of reasons why someone would delay HRT.
>i knowww, in the proces of buying my first cage though so at least i'm going through with it now...
Was talking about estrogen anon

After 18 that stops being an excuse
>After 18 that stops being an excuse
As if. Also didn't know changing countries is such a piss easy thing, you must've done that a number of times already.
getting a cage already felt like a huge step for me, i'd need a lot more grooming to actually take estrogen :*
Job market and rent prices being all kinds of fucked up is not an excuse, but an objective reality.
Why are you acting like you have to move. Just get a job and buy it yourself.
>Why are you acting like you have to move
Because I do, but can't afford it.
Just take hrt while in your parents house then. Teenagers do drugs behind their parents backs all the time and that's way harder to hide. Just buy the shit and use it.

Unironically skill issue
>just hide tits
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Because I have no money or support & this is a big decision to make. Plus I have no means to easily cheaply get the things I need.
How can they take something they can't afford, stupid?
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Holy shit get a job. You genuinely sound like a highschooler with these complaints.

Thus but unironically. Not that hard.
And again as anons have brought up, the economy is terrible. For most young people living on their own especially. You must live a cushy life to not understand this.
Hrt is like $100 a year, if you can't afford that you are too young to post here
I've been starting to think that ppl who complain are either NEETS or just underage. I understand having a hard time hoping on but considering it impossible is something else.
From where though? From a doctor directly means extra costs even with health insurance.

You niggas aren't helping by providing no means of doing so easily.
Diy hrt costs me 50 eurobucks for one vial, which lasts a bit more than half a year. Plus syringes and alcohol wipes, you come out at about 100 bucks a year.
I'm not tranny but I'm looking at the prices with and without insurance and it doesn't seem like that much.
Now what about self medicating pills & where to buy them?
If I remember correctly hrtcafe
r34.xxx, and it was the 'better than girls' tag. They left femboy and trap tags, but the joke was the autistic screeching that the mod in question went into about the tag they did nuke.
I know the whole femboy milk think is a meme but do you guys actually want to drink tranny femboy cum? I'm a chaser but I'd never suck a dick let alone swallow. Had a twink ride me once and he came on my stomach. I wasn't grossed out but it wasn't as hot as I expected.
>it wasn't as hot as I expected
Many such cases, right?
Try getting him to cum on his own tummy
If he is sufficiently femmy yes.
Nta, but what about dosages and blood tests? How do I make sure I get enough that actually does something?
Dosage is fairly easy. 4.5mg of enanthate should get you to where you wanna be.
Blood tests are good, and should probably be done, but like, you technically don't NEED them. Flying blind isn't perfect but it beats not flying at all.
Some places allow private blood tests, non prescription, depending on your insurance you may also be able go just do the tests via insurance. Estrogen isn't a controlled substance so even if your levels are abnormal (estrogen in your system), you're not gonna get in trouble.

when testing, test at TROUGH which means right before your next scheduled injection, make sure your E (E2, estradiol) is at or above 100 pg/ml (370 pmol/l) and that your T (total testosterone) is at or below 50 ng/dl (1.7 nmol/l)

general health is dependent upon that minimum E level, while complete feminization is dependant upon the T level, however, these values are soft boundaries

if your E is too low or T is too high, you increase the dose, if your E level is really high (300 pg/ml) and your T still isnt suppressed, then it becomes inadvisable to keep increasing your dose and you have to look elsewhere, as long-term (over years) elevated estradiol levels bring with it risks such as breast cancer and thrombosis

thats all you need to know to start
you dont need to buy hrt just drink tapwater, there i saved you 500$/month
fun fact, it's not NEARLY that expensive.
It's only like... $100 every 6 months
Fun fact, I can fuck up my body for even cheaper!
A bottle of bleach is $1 here!
I'll do that next time. Honestly he was really good at riding which is nice because most people aren't that good at it despite what porn says. It was just that part that was a little bit off. That and the fact that his dick was the same size as mine. Mostly prefer small dicks.

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