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おトイレ間に合わなかった系女子 edition

Kemono list: rentry.org/omokemono2
Manga scene list: rentry.org/omogenmanga
omorashi AI models:

previous thread: >>11099892

No men, no futas, no dicks you faggots. Those go in the male thread.
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Lucid dreaming is great because you can make dream npcs wet themselves at will.
yeah, in the other thread some ppl posted futas, glad you remembered to specify it this time
you're right, i think some people learned it mostly to fulfill their kinks. must be so cool, imagine eagerly going to sleep because of it
Why are scenes of girls pissing on plants so rare? I thought it would be a natural choice but apparently no hentartist is producing them
i haven't considered this but this is a good idea
have you guys ever tried just letting go in a pair of old pants or is the fetish strictly 2d for you?
Im not into doing it myself, Im a sadist and love seeing women do it, the idea of forcing a woman to pee her pants despite her attempts to hold it in or use the toilet or even squat but failing and being forced to soak their clothes elates me. Not to mention the humiliation they feel. I also really love more wholesome scenarios where a cute woman just has an accident due to life not working out and her bladder either failing her or not getting to a toilet in time. And women who either give up or dont even try holding it in and just soak their clothes and also fear wettings. Case in point I like seeing women pee their pants but would never do it myself.
Didn't see the new thread.

Is this book ever being released digitally?

Meanwhile Florina is out there urinating on herself/on Huey's back whenever she comes close to getting hurt so it evens out
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I'm a real degen. I can go for just about anything if they're desperate to piss/pissing themself - 2D girls, 3D women, 2D boys, 3D men *if and only if* it is faceless male content. Makes it easier to self insert I guess. I love doing it myself too, it's total bliss. I could ramble on about the joys of pantswetting, but I don't think it would quite be on thread topic. Maybe in the male thread if I feel so inclined.
If you find something like that post it anon
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There's plenty of other stuff I prefer doing in lucid dreams. It's much more than just sex/fetish indulging. But, it's still a satisfying side diversion going up to random girls and making them wet. I like pressing down on their bladder area and then putting my hand up against their crotch to feel the warm liquid flowing out.
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It's your lucky day. This thread's power to speak omo art into existence remains unmatched.
manifesting girl humping and peeing on a pillow or plushie
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Mostly 2D, (girls) though I tend to watch some 3D (women) videos from time to time.
But I'm the same as the other anon in the sense that I love seeing women desperate but would never try to do this myself.

You know, between their outfit and Illia being a cold region. I wonder if the Pegasus Knights in Elibe end up needing to pee regularly...

Anyway, uohhh piss from a FE girl!!
Can someome translate?
sounds cool. was it hard to learn? i might wanna try it.
You got a girl in mind?
i have an idea in mind and will draw it eventually when i have free time
Cool dubs. Mind sharing who you have in mind though?
I like to write sometimes, and I haven't written pee pee before. If not, it's okay. Your little prompt just gave me that flash in a pan kinda thing.
Thank you!
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Omochads drinking good tonight
>serialized pee romcom by Tsutsu
This is everything I could have ever dreamed of
It varies wildly depending on the individual
For me it's like pulling teeth
The key is waking yourself up at 4am or so before going back to sleep
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I'm juggling like 5 different piss threads across the site. I think this is it, i'm past the point of no return now.
holy moly
It took me a while to be able to do reliably, bit you can do it if you do proper research and apply yourself. There's different methods and different supplements you can take that help a lot. Also, it's funny that you posted Asuka because she's the only actual character I've made wet herself in a lucid dream as opposed to a randomly generated dream npc girl.
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You're welcome...? Uh, for what?
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hm, i thought i could be more or less the same thing for everyone, but i guess i was wrong. thank you for the info.

i see. i might wanna try when i have some time, i think it can definitely pay off. also, i guess it was destiny, i randomly picked from some of my best pics without thinking much. thank you as well for your insights.
Yeah, I didn't particularly summon Asuka or anything but I came across her and she was squirming in her seat like she had to pee and I used my dream influence to make it happen. I'd say your first step should be writing a dream journal of everything you remember from your normal dreams. It makes your brain think that dreams are worth remembering more in the future and your recall ability will increase. Also I recommend taking mugwort and 5HTP before bed.
Favorite manga wetting scenes
i c wat u did
This one is pretty cute
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Anon, anon, anon, you disappoint me. You bring an offering of omo, yet you have neglected to also share some sauce with everybody.
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thinking about cute girls peeing...
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Nevermind, everything was fine, I guess I just missed the discussion for it somehow.
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Can you post or at least have a link for Elf Toilet?

Writing ideas welcome!

Savage Wife writing ideas ideal if that guy's still around!
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There is an omo thread on /vp/ that has stayed alive for almost 3 days now.
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I would sell my soul slaving away at a black company if it meant I could pee in public together with drunk office ladies every week
I love how she's drenching the tree here, good job. Are you making these and you need some scenario idea?
I really like it when the omo ends in humiliation.
Kokomachi made the pic. I make bad fics and worse pics
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Are you the same anon who's writing a "Savage Wife" fic?

I couldn't share some ideas last time. Though, I wonder, how "savage" would the girl be exactly? Because there's a difference between a nomad/tribal girl and "Tarzan but woman"
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>embarrassed group exhibitionist peeing
the classical masters could have never dreamed of such an artistic height. i kneel
Yes? Do you have anything to share?
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It reached 300 posts before getting moved to trash.
I love me some Poke omo.
What a coincidence, as do I!
Got any MILF poke girls?
I wonder if Dawn's tiny bladder was inherited
How about Melony or Lusamine?
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Had to have come from somewhere and weak bladders are usually passed down from mother to daughter.
It probably was.
Well, like I said in the other thread, Melony is almost certainly a casual leaker. Lusamine... I'll be honest, and this might sound like pokemon sacrilege, but I really don't fantasize about her at all. She's a bitch.
But does Melony enjoy wetting?
Good for you, anon. That means there's "more" for me.

Though, I enjoy reading people's headcanons. So please share more if you have them!
>one girls pee gives life and the other kills things
There's a doujin that did this. Even goes down to the main girl having the life giving pee and the secondary girl who appears much later having the deadly pee.
I think Lusamine has a strong bladder and overestimates her holding capacity.
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What about Elesa? (And her "sexy pilot" friend)

Personally, I see Elesa as the type of girl that ends up wetting herself/barely making it because she refuses to go in any place that isn't a bathroom.
Skyla, for the other part, wouldn't have a problem with dropping her shorts and pee outside if needed.
So with all the recent attention Skyla's been getting, I started taking a closer look at her outfit. Boy, those straps sure look like they'd be annoying to take off in a hurry...
If we talk about annoying outfits, girls like Sabrina, Winona or Clair (with their full bodysuits) are what comes to my mind.

Situations like the one in the pic must be a usual occurrence for them.
How about the gym leaders?
Not him, but I always imagined Whitney would be a frequent wetting and crying over wetting herself. That is assuming she doesn't wear diapers which I could also see her doing.
Whitney crying at the end of the gym battle but not because she lost but because she had an accident.
I've always wondered how common wetting because someone challenged you to a battle is in the pokemon world. I think I recall a gen 1 or 2 trainer saying something along the lines of "once you've locked eyes you can't refuse a battle" feels like it would be a somewhat common occurrence.
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Yeah Clair is a dream omo target with her bodysuit and haughty personality. Too bad artists don't seem to agree, she has basically nothing.
Hilda :)
Poor Acerola, she really needed to go.
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Which ones? Because there are many.
Eh, here are some that I can think of.

Erika: she has a weak bladder, and usually wets herself during her naps.
Alternatively, she awakes before pissing herself. And pees in the plants of her gym because the toilet is too far.
I mean, there are only girls in that gym. Who's going to see her?

Gardenia: she obviously has peed herself many times after an encounter with a ghost-type Pokémon.
Those occasions are either complete wettings, or her being unable to cut the flow while squatting in the Eterna Forest.

Bea: With all her training, I could easily see her as one of the leaders with the biggest holding capacity. Rarely wetting herself unless she's doing something like having a holding competition with Maylene.
She also knows how to piss standing.

Valerie: damn, I don't know how I forgot about her when it comes to complicated outfits.
A very tight kimono + black thighs + not (apparent) way of using her hands... This woman either doesn't pee or has an omo fetish too.
Makes me think of an idea where a slime (boy/girl/etc) who has had a unwanted breakup with a girl plays a trick on her by becoming one with her bladder and vagina and gaining control over her sense of urination.

So she begins the day of a date and finds out she:
>cant sit to pee
>doesnt feel an urge until it is much too late
>gets a lot more pleasure from holding it in
>finds this all happening at the WORST possible moments
Eventually she gets on her date and find she has a massive newfound desire to "mark" her date. She ultimately succumbs to it, but it turns out the date is into that, and after some passionate sex the slime is ejaculated out
How about Jasmine, Candice and Roxie?
Well, most fanart depict Jasmine peeing inside Olivine's Lighthouse. So you could argue that she enjoys doing it?

Sorry anon. I like Jasmine, but I don't really fantasize about this kink with her. Much less with Candice or Roxie.
wish there were more white tights omo
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It's stockings and an edit, but I love the way this wet Kokomi looks.
How about Bianca?
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Don't have any headcanons for her either. Sorry again.

As much as I like discussing and reading them, I don't really have that many headcanons myself.
The last ones that I could share are about Caitlin. So here there are.

Pre-Elite 4 Caitlin: it's said that young Caitlin had an explosive temper that would erupt after suffering the frustration of losing a battle. Causing her psychic powers to go out of control.
Perhaps her temper also erupted after she had an accident? (Poor Darach in that case)

Elite 4 Caitlin: as with Erika, with how much she sleeps. It is easy to see Caitlin as an obvious bed-wetter too. (Or as a diaper user, whatever your preferences want)
But I'll say that she doesn't always wet the bed. Because her Musharna could wake her up before she uses the toilet in her dreams.

Now, if she makes it mostly dry, or wets herself on the way to the bathroom. It's up to you too.
I prefer an even split of making it to the toilet and wetting on the way to the bathroom.
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I've definitely seen the scenario come up a few times in Pokemon omo art/doujins at least
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Did Miya-chan no Kyuuin Life get updated?
not nearly enough omo/toilet related valkyria chronicles stuff
i never bothered to finish this one
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Warrior woman from generic rpg tribe. Now married to warrior man from generic rpg kingdom. Hijinks!
Are you making a game? The filename makes me think that.
not really, i was just trying to do something like this for fun https://x.com/teadei_gobou/status/1734925254282313730
but ended up being an excuse to draw horny thoughts and eventually i moved onto other things
why isn't there a general pee thread? like girls making it to the toilet and peeing? too normie?
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You're in it. I'm not too sure when or why the omorashi and free peeing threads converged on each other, only that we are one big happy pee family nowadays.
are watersports allowed? i do enjoy watching a girl get peed in or a guy getting peed on
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I don't see why it wouldn't, although obviously men peeing on women would go in the male thread.
i guess ill have to start browsing the male thread as well, although i don't feel anything if there isn't a woman involved
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>thread conversation shifts to pokemon
>suddenly, a pokepee pic from Biku
guys quick, start talking more about Fire Emblem
I like "free peeing" and "Just/Barely Make it" more over wetting. But let's be real, piss is a somewhat niche fetish already. And I don't think there's enough stuff to justify two separate threads.

Lol, it seems that the power of speaking omo art into existence is actually real.
Anyway, I'm always in when it comes to talking about FE.

As much as I enjoy "happy endings" more, I can't help but see Alear and Ivy as wetters/bed-wetters.
The idea of them suffering nightmares about Lumera and Hyacinth's deaths, their clear fear towards Corrupted/Ghosts and the overall more generic personalities of Engage's cast just lends itself to imagining these kinds of things.
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Here is some more magic'd into existence
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If that's the case, I want more Rune Factory omorashi. Specifically Raven, Dolce, and Cinnamon.
>I mention Elesa and Skyla
>Days later, this drawing was posted

Quick, keep talking about Fire Emblem (and other things) before the power fades away!
>niche fetish
Drinking piss? Yes, very niche. Watching girls pissing? Not at all, it's actually the reason why separate toilets exist
>"No men"
>posts a man
What did OP mean by this?
Let's manifest more VC omo together. Riley especially would look great crying over a puddle.
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Nevermind, its from something else, I thought it was Miya-chan from the character design
gn /omo/
>I like "free peeing" and "Just/Barely Make it" more over wetting.
I prefer the opposite — unless it's all a dream and she's peeing in her sleep. Then I agree.
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Something like this, anon?

Here's with sound: https://twitter.com/ekitaititti0454/status/1849836655945126383?t=YFbdC8dbbSaMXSiW15YJ2w&s=19
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I have updated main character girl's face and would like 4chan's opinion on proportions and such, since I am not an artist.
give us a 3/4 view, hard to tell since the nose isn't super visible
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looks pretty good
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Preliminary idea is to have only 3 or 4 main characters since I have to manually adjust the animator, so no factory pattern for attacking scripts, and I want to give each a unique moveset. This is my current design for character # 2.
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Isn't like I'm interested in try it myself, but. It would be possible to create something like a "omorashi" tulpa?
I wouldn't advise deliberately inflicting mental illness on yourself.
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Need more piss desecration / vandalism
Idk if anyone here gives a damn, but a coup just happened on Omo.org. Annoying manipulative whore is running the show now.
why would the admin guy give any fucks what some chick who does no work thinks? just do it anyway if she wants to throw a fit that's her problem not his
Someone reminds me why people like this become/are the mods of a porn site? (Because that's what it is)
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lmao, hope that piece of trash site burns to the ground and the queen bitch of piss censorship goes with it.
didnt kyuu leave because of general burnout towards the community? didnt really seem like a mod issue
if i had to constantly deal with adbls i would too
Oh 100%. This could have been prevented if Koz let him hire more moderators, but she's too much of a whiny prideful bitch to do so from the sounds of it.
Probably has some dirt on him

Probably unwise to not completely censor your friend's avatar, you probably just started a witch hunt
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Mojique 2 when
shame she's one of the better piss writers on that damn site.

Also shame that the only still living piss site is that hellhole.

we need a piss renaissance away from these fuckers.
Both of them had their own issues. I could see Koz doing this but it's hard to believe that Kyuu's personal hangups weren't another factor.
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the dev is actually making another game, he's about halfway through, you can check his twitter (ao kurage)
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It's kind of funny how there's no real way to do a sneaky public piss as a girl, you just have to accept stripping half-naked and showing your ass to the world. Unless you have a funnel or something with you.
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>ywn get to stand guard for a girl and subtly sneak some peeks
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I've come close to this many times but they never ended up going through with it
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Or just, you know, wearing a skirt.
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I was in the middle of doing a hold when a thought suddenly occurred to me: why doesn't more omo art feature waves of desperation? I guess it would be a bit hard to depict in a single image, but you could still make a set about it.
need more doujins/mangas where half of the pages is just the girl fighting waves of desperation

omo doujins/mangas in general are too short and don't have enough built-up most of the time
I have on good authority that girls can with relative sneakiness pee through the legs of looser shorts with relatively minimal splash or wetness.

It's not easy, but it is possible. not incredibly stealthy, but more so than going ass out.
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Here's some Mist piss. Too bad this artist always goes overboard with the censorship.
Meh, it isn't that bad. I personally think that there are worse ways of censoring out there.

That said, I still pray each day for an alternative for Kemono...
Is there a link or something for this? The /a/ thread isn't there anymore
Also what's the title?
Joining on requesting a link to the Elf Toilet
Thank you!
this has given me inspiration although i think the result will mostly only appeal to me
We now know what Lillie's canon underwear is. All those fanarts of her pissing her panties are now inaccurate...
Well, I don't think sneaky pissing works either way, I can't think of a particularly subtle way to deposit like 500ml of liquid anywhere in public. Even as a guy you still gotta have the dick out, and as a girl, well, you already highlighted the "problem".

Though I've seen some images (lost the links unfortunately) that somewhat got close, like leaving little dribbles through small holes, that was pretty hot. I think sneaky pissing in general is very very hot as opposed to just being brazenly open about it.
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>Power revolves around water accidents
>Almost no omo art
Probably a longshot but on the org there was a 3d rendered game where you made a bunch of girls pee themselves through mini games I think it was in ren'py, either im going insane or it's been wiped from the site.
>We now know what Lillie's canon underwear is
Every girl deserves a guy who she can straddle his head and pee in his mouth on a moments notice, with the only conditions being that she stay well hydrated and that she gives him a deep, passionate kiss afterwards
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How many lives did this one single scene ruin, I wonder.
i know it's not the same, but there's a game called school girls simulator, where, among other stuff, there is a pee meter. you can fill it up by drinking or using diuretics, and you can already guess what happens if you dont make it to the bathroom in time. same goes for npcs, you can prevent them from going to the bathroom by trapping them or carrying them. you can also customize your character with quite a lot of stuff. might be a bit buggy, but it's pretty good for that part.
Still waiting for an RPG where girls attack with their pee.
they really don't need to show anything more than guys when wearing a skirt or dress. there are even those devices they can carry in their purse to ease the process but as with everything they choose not to take the easy way.

if anything its more about how its not socially accetable for lady to pee standing up than anything else, they could do it.
Your image itself shows it running down her leg and undeniably soaking her panties too. That's going to be uncomfortable for her to walk around with all day and it will start to smell too even if she cleans herself off. Yes that makes me really thirsty and would smell heavenly to me but that's not the point. It's not actually realistic for women to do it at all because there's a high risk most of the time, basically they just roll they dice and hope they get lucky but unless they're really desperate, it isn't worth it. Even with a funnel because a lot of times if she's wearing pants it can screw up and she ends up just peeing into her pants anyway.

So yeah the casual squat, or scramble to find a toilet is going to be more common.
well squating with skirt gives them personal cover so maybe moral of the story is that girls should wear skirts.
The game you’re thinking of was probably “Lauren’s game” and yeah I did a quick search of the name over there and it’s been completely wiped from the site. I also found the creator of that games account over there and seems like all their posts are also gone from the site as well.
I tried this and it wasn't worth it, anyone else in this thread save yourself the trouble
It certainly ruined mine.
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I still don't know why this is my main fetish, I just know I've had it before I even knew what sex was.
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Same here, my first memory of it was the typical "crush wetting herself" story except I'm not really into wetting, rather the voyeuristic aspect or naughtiness of the peeing place (like the pool).
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For me, how it started and how it finished are different. It started when a friend of mine (not really a crush) straddled the toilet from the front and pissed everywhere when we were little. The whole thing was confusing as hell to me. There were other smaller incidents with others that I don't really remember too well but basically I knew that the first girl trying to stand, backfired, and women generally had to sit. Well, why the fuck is that, I thought. All my parents told me was that it worked the same way as with boys except they didn't have a penis. That made zero sense to me, I had to know. Eventually around 14 I started googling and I found out. A fetish was born.

Wetting has basically zero appeal to me because it hides all the good parts. I got interested in voyeur or at least the more authentic peeing videos because I fucking hated some of the staged ones of some 90 lb Russian crackwhore in the UK with flapping roast beef, drips a few drops for 5 seconds, wipes and starts digging at her asshole for some reason, wipes again and digs at her asshole, then done, with the whole video being super grainy, no yellow to speak of.

I like the feeling women get and how it changes their entire demeanor. Even the most cunty looking women on earth look pleasant with the look of relief on her face. 2D catches this best and it's why Biku is the GOAT. And I know most of you all are cowardly to admit it but I love urine itself. Watersports and drinking. I like the distinct appearance of urine in a toilet bowl vs what could just be any liquid in her pants or on the ground.

For me, it's about embracing a woman for her more human, less pretty side without being as disgusting as scat. A lot of people see peeing as a dominance thing but I see it as the woman being submissive, vulnerable but safe with me. It's a good balance and would basically be a dealbreaker if a girlfriend wouldn't let me drink her pee. Maybe one day I'll meet my pee princess :3
my fetishes started with underwear and upskirt, then into voyeur and exhibitionism, then one day i found a video of a girl masturbating in a bathroom after peeing and the peeing part was kinda hot to me... and now pee is my main thing
I think "normal" pee fetish is the easiest thing in the world to explain: probably the first time you ever see a vagina irl is by watching a girl pee. Wetting is a tougher cookie to crack. There's the normal "it feels good" explanation, but that doesn't really explain why someone would enjoy watching it happen to someone else. It doesn't quite hit the same voyeuristic/exhibition beats that normal free pee does, though it does tie in nicely with BDSM play, along with the broader shame/humiliation fetish. The vulnerability and aftercare aspects are also a big appeal to certain people, it can be played in a really sweet and romantic lens, and coupled with the fact that the victim will need to undress after means that its really common to see as a "starter" or "opener" scenario to normal sexytimes in fanfics and doujins and stuff. There's also some people that are just into because they have also have a wetlook fetish, and for them the fact that its piss is either not a big enough dealbreaker, or is in fact a bonus.

This topic cycles around every so often, so I don't feel the need to go too into detail for my "origin story", just that the initial spark of my pee curiosity was when a girl wet in her seat in my class.

I'm right there with you also. Pantyshots and pee have been my fascinations since before I became interested in sex, although I can remember vividly the exact moment that I became enamored with panties, unlike the slow burn of descending into omo.
yo, listen to this jam.

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Uh... no.
>probably the first time you ever see a vagina irl is by watching a girl pee
I remember this being nearly word for word the sales pitch for one of nyoutou/goutin's doujins. Come to think of it, I still never ended up buying those even though the digital versions are like $5 online

Incidentally, I'm also one who was obsessed with panties and pee before realizing what sex was. Going to catholic school probably contributed to that
mixed boy/girl peeing is underrated
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I like it too, and I guess it ties in with what I was saying earlier that "peeing together as kids is a common formative experience", but I just wish the tag wasn't so majority loli and shota. Sometimes in those candid festival voyeur videos you see men and women lining up at the same wall/bush, which I think is just crazy. How do you stop yourself from being hard in that situation?
that's it, thanks anon
I remember getting turned on over girls having to pee when I was so young I can't pinpoint it. It somehow was just interesting and then I saw my first crush peeing when we were cross country skiing and that sealed the deal, but I'm sure I was into it before that.
peeing in snow is one of the cutest forms of peeing and theres so much material of it. it's not like they don't get snow in japan so what gives?
was supposed to reply this post but oh well I tried. >>11163630
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good girls water flowers.
>women in uni board try to push unisex bathrooms for 3 years
>they finally listen in 2023
>6 months later they want to cancel the plan because..?
>they even suggest making 75% of the bathrooms girls only
>that gets stopped because thank god theres some sanity left in this universe
>we roll back to """old""" system

Women should not be allowed to decide on anything, but I liked the 6 months of hiss tho.
Unisex bathrooms using those german unisex urinals. Pure kino.
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Same. When I was a kid, if I ever found a scene in a book where a character had to pee or wet themselves, I would obsessively read that scene over and over again. It was a weird fixation of mine long before it became a sexual thing during puberty.
>if I ever found a scene in a book where a character had to pee or wet themselve
yeah I used to read the same book as a kid over and over, it was literally a childrens book about remember to go pee when you can where there was a girl who didn't and was in a pinch.
her panties are double wrong way.
You know, I recently have been wanting to see some omo art of the girls from Rumiko Takahashi works.

... It's a shame that there isn't any at all! Can someone explain to me why her works, though fairly popular, have zero to none omo art (or art in general) even after the recent remakes?
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you would think bedwetting would be way more popular subgenre than it is since you would think its the most common scenario where you have seen someone wet themselves when you were young.
>lucid dreaming
>go up to a girl, put my hand on her lower belly and say "omorashi no jutsu"
>she starts wetting uncontrollably
This never gets old.
I wish I could lucid dream, but every time I've tried I'm somehow conscious about my dream state but unable to affect anything.
You need to believe you can change things for it to happen. Envision the end result you desire and it will happen. It's the same with fighting. If I just point my finger at someone and say "bang", nothing will happen. But if I do and envision a hole being torn in their chest it will manifest.
I don't think that's right. You won't really ever see a bedwetting from somebody else unless you have a sibling, which isn't guaranteed. Classroom wettings are overwhelmingly more common, and are more represented in art for that reason.
I was thinkin like sleepovers and school trips and such. Usually people who are not asleep go to toilet.
>For a long time, Lana had heard guys claim that they hated knowing that their girlfriends peed. Some had walked in on them midstream, and had said it was something they wished they could unsee.
Do normie guys really get that turned off by pee? I obviously can't relate. ;)
Still, it seems more like what a woman would think a man would say.
Squirting is probably a pipeline too (pun intended).
>Do normie guys really get that turned off by pee?

I'm into omorashi for the humiliation/embarrassment aspet. Pee of any kind is disgusting, but at the same time making a grown women lie on her back so I can clean the pee of her makes is a turn-on for me.
if you ask average guy does she want to see girls pissing the only answer you can expect to get back is "what the fuck". there is a reason why our thread is in /d/ and not in /h/.
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It's not as taboo as shit or period blood, but yeah, most normies are a bit turned off by it.
That author has a really particular tone in the way they talk about their characters getting seen peeing that's kind of over the top though. Whoever catches them always acts like it's completely horrifying and shameful, even if whoever it is makes it to a toilet in time and like they're above the act of ever peeing. It really reads like some kind of persecution complex thing.
Different anon, but yeah, I feel like the behavior in the story would be more accurate if it was a scat fic.
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I think so. A guy I knew told me about helping his girl find a public restroom and in the end she had to just piss on cement. He told it like it was torture for both of thm but if he wasn't so icked by piss it could've been a bonding experience and if he was into piss it would've been a dream come true!
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Another guy I knew raged about how it was fucking criminal that the porn he bought had a page with (tame) pissing. He might not be the norm though because what millennial pays literal money for tangible magazines?
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It's funny, I've always had the impression that normies would at least tolerate pee since it's giving them a free look at the pussy. Especially someone who's far gone enough to be buying physical porn mags. Maybe it's just some sort of reverse projection since I actually kinda hate pee stuff that puts too much emphasis on the actual vaginal area, which is like, most scripted porn videos
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need more from behind shots
pretty depressing that something as innocuous as a pretty girl tinkling is held to the same level of taboo as shitting dick nipple horsecock futa TF corruption
I think you are supposed to remove the panties before peeing but I aint girl so can't be sure.
>girl sits on the edge of a planter
>waters the plants
It's that easy
Wtf are you on about? There is a reason girls hide when they pee. Anyone finds it hot to look at them. Now, drinking pee? That's another level of shit, but voyeurism is the most widespread thing ever
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Funny how two separate McDonalds lolis got popular at different times independently of each other between Japs and the West
wait who was the western macca idol? and dabuchi makes perfect sense to become popular, shes cute and part of big ad campaign of course theres fan art of her.

can't post other piss art I have because silly rules but there exist more if you guys do your research, heres non related pic.
You must be on a special level of echo chamber to still say that after the earlier anecdotes in the thread
>chatting with a hot coworker on our way to the bathroom
>it's not actually a unisex bathroom, but 2 separate small bathrooms for staff right next to each other
>despite that I could still hear through the wall how she dropped the seat down and started peeing
>imagination instantly filled up all the gaps and presented me with a clear image
>her warm smile once we met up outside was a cherry on top
I despise this fetish.
>I despise this fetish.
It's not that bad by /d/ standards. Having it intrude on your thoughts is a bitch though.
It's only been a liability once to me.
>on a train trip
>get assigned to older amtrack car
>some madman designed the old 2-person sleeper cars to have a toilet in each room
>there is zero privacy from the other occupant
I swear I'm not making it up.
>unfortunately, this is real life
>I wasn't traveling with a hot chick and nobody used the in-room toilet on the trip
>still imagine scenarios where I was
>have to put a pillow over my lap because diamonds
>play it off as putting a book on it despite having a table
It would make a kino place for a date if you have a gf who's into it. Would need to find out from the trainfags how to request that kind of car without giving away the game.
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This is the oldest omo pic that can still be opened in the /d/ archive.
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its pretty solid, nothing to complain.
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I know that some people here aren't into 3DPD pee, but I just wanted to say that /gif/ getting culled is so catastrophic to piss threads its crazy. We basically get slid off the catalog after like 2 hours.
Oh god I've been through this. Ended up falling in love with her. Lol
Wait, what's going on over there? Haven't been for like a week.
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Great plausible fantasy scenario! Wonder if somebody's made pics or fics?
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A female friend of mine actually mentioned she forgot to lock the door while using the toilet on an amtrak trip earlier this year and got walked in on mid hover squat
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/gif/'s catalog size has been slashed in half, and the internal archive has been culled, so any thread that goes past page 5 now just dies outright. Normal piss threads are never really that active compared to tranny/blacked/gore threads, so it's hard to keep them alive nowadays.
what is the purpose of this
small indie website pls understand
Hiroshima only thinks about cutting costs instead of having any sort of moderation or modern features. It's 2025 - 1/12 and you can't even post a picture you've made with your phone because it weighs more than 4mb.
Wtf? I've been in and out of 4chinz for over 10 years now and I can't recall any board, EVER, only having 5 pages. Maybe it was that small back in the true oldfag days in the early to mid 2000s but 10 pages has been standard for a long time now. Frankly the porn boards are the only reason I still come here because the quality everywhere else has gone down the drain to the point where twitter is actually far better for everything except porn and reddit has been beating this place for everything nsfw except 2D but I've only barely scratched the surface of that. 4chan is becoming obsolete and making the site worse is only accelerating the end.
>Her pissing as a show dominance and marking her territory
It's so obvious. Why did I realize I needed this sooner?
Is this worth playing

You'll get a 15 minute timer and like it
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There's a scene in one chapter of Kiss x Sis where Mikuni pees on Keita in the shower in an effort to "claim" him from the other girls
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Been AFK for a while so catch-up post incoming:

Yeah, I was a little nerd who never got lucky enough to see real peeing incidents as a kid, so instead I got it from reading desperation/wetting/"just made it" scenes in books. I would even get fixated on just reading "the urinary system" page in science textbooks over and over, lol. The big one though that pushed me over the edge was a scene where a character plays the "hand in a bowl of warm water" trick. I didn't know that was a thing before, so I searched it up on the web, and before I knew it I found myself on INeed2Pee's page. Unrestricted internet access is a bitch ain't it.
Omo artists work in mysterious ways. Hey did you know that Korra from Avatar, probably the biggest bombshell in western 2D porn, has a (admittedly really brief) canon omo scene? You probably couldn't tell thanks to the lack of pee art she has. How about the girls from FFVII, absolute titans of horny art for decades. Their total pee arts can probably be counted on two hands. Pyra and Mythra, JRPG juggernauts of a new age - single digit omo art. Pokemon is an omorashi-crazy fandom, and Cynthia is probably the most popular pokegirl. So where the fuck is her wetting art?
It's crazy to think how common this scenario apparently is. There are countless stories of class wettings like these, and yet I never saw a single one beyond like kindergarten or so. The closest I got were a girl in 7th grade who was at the end of her tether and sprinted out and made it, and a girl in a different class from me who was forced to pee in a wastebasket due to a multihour lockdown in my freshman year.
It's all anecdotes, but from what i've seen in candid videos of normies recording others peeing/wetting, the most common response is something like "WTF LMAOOOO". It's not outright revulsion nor do they enjoy it, its more of a shock/surprise "omg look at this weirdo" thing.
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I wonder what causes the synergy between pantyshots and omorashi. Going back to the pokemon example, who are the big 3 omo targets in that fandom? Dawn, Lillie, Marnie - the 3 biggest upskirt baits. Blue Archive? Pretty much all the girls are miniskirted and have unique panty designs. A lot of Kancolle girls have miniskirts, and although Touhou is a bit of an odd one out with a lot more long dresses, a lot of its art still has a panty focus.
>Pyra and Mythra, JRPG juggernauts of a new age - single digit omo art.
>Pokémon is an omorashi-crazy fandom, and Cynthia is probably the most popular pokegirl. So where the fuck is her wetting art?

This is just speculation of mine. But, in Cynthia's case, I think that the motive is simply that JP artists like loli/JK girls more for omo stuff.

Nothing to say about Pyra/Mythra's lack of omo art though. And I have the same question but with the Fire Emblem girls.
Maybe an omo artist that is also an RPG fan isn't really that common?
I really should read the manga, it's been years since the anime and if there are mikuni scenes not adapted in the show or ovas I need it in my life. There are rarely anime what makes peepee go hard but mikuni episodes man.
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The entire manga just becomes Mikuni peeing at one point. Even up to the final few chapters, her pee is the only thing that gives him a boner anymore. With all the serialized pee fetish manga that have come out lately, I'm hoping that eventually Ditama Bow comes back with his own, maybe even with a not!Mikuni character
The Mikuni scenes were my first exposure to anime as a whole when I was a wee lad.
I wonder every day if that was what lead to my tastes today.
>The entire manga just becomes Mikuni peeing at one point.
Guess I'll really read it when I have time. Anime Mikuni was all about omorashi but judging by those few panels you've posted in anime she also just freely pees for MC?
It's still primarily omorashi scenes, with her even directly acknowledging it as being happy pee at one point, but there are a handful of toilet and free pee scenes as well. He just really wanted excuses to draw her peeing as much as he could
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