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Hopeless romantics edition.
Previous: >>11099832
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There, done.
Don't make me make the thread, ningens. I don't like doing that if I don't already have a theme in mind.
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>That guy who flirts with the local mass-produced police robutts
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The key to their mass-produced hearts is easily recognizing who's who despite them being supposedly identical.
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>completely identical units in both behavior and looks
>the robofucker somehow can distinguish them instantly
Life goals.
Is someone having some pictures of a robo girl giving some hugs?
Like this?
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Underrated mob robots. That one brief scene of them chatting amongst themselves adds a lot.
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There's a bit in GitS with these girls that speaks to me.
One of them has been assigned to manage some new piece of tech the tachikomas want to play with. They're trying to wrangle it out of her but she's having none of it,
>"We won't do anything with it~"
>'Please don't waste my time with your blatant lies!'
until one of them throws some self-referential paradox at her. I always lie, but if that's true then why did I just tell the truth, that thing. That's too much for her, she starts glitching out, standing in place while twitching and stammering "I, um, I, u-um, I-I-I, um, I, um-m," etc. You know this drill.

What's interesting to me is that later in that episode you see her again, still stuck in that paradox, but that glitchy behavior has stopped. She's sat down, is resting her chin in her hand, pondering away. It says to me that at some point she broke out of her glitch loop but kept trying to solve this paradox.
>(Error Error Error Error Error Stop Error Error Stop, stop, Error stop!!)
>(Calm down! Pretend to take a deep breath and calm down!)
>(Alright, alright, just...let's work this out. You're a big girl, you're some toaster, you can handle this. Let's see...if she's lying, then that...)
It's really cute image, if I do say so myself.
>remembering Futurama's "paradox-absorbing crumple zones"
>thinking if they were installed on the chest instead
>If you're a flat appreciator you can just tell your robogf a paradox
Those operators are fucking adorable.
A robot operator being so damn focused in "solving" a paradox to the point she is still thinking about it hours later is just perfect.
Would be cute seeing one of these reacting to some flirting.
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>(You're NOT some toaster! Not! Calm down!!)
Also, when she's glitching out, she's put her finger on her cheek and looked up and to the side, which the a tachikoma derides as such a cliche thinking pose. Implying this is less a 'natural' expression and more a pre-programmed action for when this robot is thinking about something. Very cute.

Aren't they? Wish they got a little more attention. I like them as a common presence in the background, but an episode dedicated to the bridge bunnies would have been nice. Almost a shame the tachikomas are the ones with the AI arc. Almost.
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Feeling like commissioning operator-chan lewds... might give it a go but already spent a lot of money this month.
Pic unrelated.
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Overthinking it as usual but there are some pics in which she's damaging herself. Kinda sad to think about a robot who starts to develop self-destructive tendencies after being bullied and humiliated constantly by her human peers, being reminded constantly that she's an object that can be replaced unlike the other students due to lacking a soul and whatnot.
Someone give her a hug.
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or she just has a fetish
Hope she doesn't take things far enough to make the damage irreparable and that she has enough money to get fully repaired from those activities.
She's still getting a hug though.
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>See that one robot girl by the fountain between classes, cleaning herself up after some incident, washing some of that white 'blood' of hers down the drain and affixing a patch over a small gash in her arm.
>Again. She's still getting bullied...

>'Hey, are you alright?'
>"...I'm fine. It's fine. They're just some stupid ningens..."
>"Humans, meatbags, ningens...whatever. They're all the same, just...scared or j-jealous or...jerks. They're just jerks..."
>She sniffs once.
>"They're always like that...all the same...stupid, stupid ningens..."
>'Hey now, we're not all bad.'
>She quickly jerks up to face you, simulated tears pooling in her eyes. The motion shifts her bangs, briefly shading her angry eyes and highlighting their red glow.
>"Yes they are! They're always doing stuff like this!! It doesn't matter that it doesn't HURT! Don't you stupid ningen morons realize...how...how much this...co...sts..."
>The anger slowly fades from her eyes as they meet yours.
>You smile and helpfully pinch your fleshy cheek.
>Her face quickly turns beet red as she jerks upright. Droplets of water go flying, the ones that don't sizzling off her 'skin.'
>"Aaaah!! No! I-I mean, I didn't, y-you're not, n-n-ninge-HUMANS! Humans aren't all like that! Y-you're not all...you're not stupid! Or a jerk! I didn't mean, I, um-!"
>'It's fine, it's fine. You're mad, I get it.'
>"It didn't mean that!! Definitely not! I'm s-sure you're a perfectly fine human! Person! A good person! Like most people! Please, PLEASE, d-d-don't tell any-"
>You wave her down after letting her panic a little.

>"...you really won't tell anyone? Not a teacher or...?"
>'Sure, sure. My lips are sealed.'
>"And you're not mad?"
>"...well you probably should be."
>'I mean, if you want me to get upset, I ca-'
>"That's not what I meant!!"
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Some NSFW cuz sometimes I forget this thread is for NSFW art and not general robot girl discussion.
Go ningen, hug her for a solid minute now to finish the job!
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I feel that, but most of my lewd robot stuff is mean.
When the robutt finds out that her ningen bf has a weird fetish about fucking her while all her concealed weapons are exposed.
Lmao, that's pretty cute.
Glad to see someone posted some greentext stories. Was going to write something about operator-chan but got too busy with irl stuff.
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>'Hey, will your weapons go off when you cum?'
>"How should I know!?"
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>ultra deadly war machine
>looks like a cute girl
Why is this combination so good
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The next generation of military technology and also wife technology.
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I'm a massive simp for robot girls but for me these would be the main reasons
>not only adorable and attractive but also pretty cool, so more waifuable than your average human girl that are rarely that cool
>is a machine made for war yet a young woman at the same time, so while she is badass part of you also wishes for her to remain safe from the worst aspects of being something made for war
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Does anyone really care about cyborgs here? It's in the subject but I hardly ever see it brought up.
I think it's interesting to think about different body part replacements. Arms and legs are standard but sometimes it's whole-body or even everything but the brain. Maybe they could be unconventional and replace only their face or half their brain.
I like cyborgs but I prefer robots so most of what I post is centered on robot girls. Wouldn't mind seeing more cyborg content though.
Pretty dark but I always liked how Raiden in MGS4/MGR's body has been completely replaced except for the spine, skull and upper face. The idea of replacing almost everything is captivating.
Pic unrelated.
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Dumb shipslut got reprogrammed, serves her right.
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She had barely any fanart not too long ago, glad that has changed since she's an absolute badass.
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Now I want to go out on a date with this deadly, borderline unstoppable robutt while driving an 80s Toyota MR2 and listening to some city pop at max volume, only for her to judge me with a murderous stare since I'm not listening to actual 80s Japanese music.
Nah, she's just got that resting bitch face.
Here have some Chacha
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The harem curse is real. She's great, but due to the nature of her manga there was never enough of her.
Never clear if this one was a cyborg or a gynoid,
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Do these sluts count?
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>they actually made Cutie Honey look like a robotic mecha musume now
about damn time
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Another show for the rewatch pile.

Yes. The megafauna ancestors of todays weak house-catgirls are gynoids and count as robots. Even if they never actually do anything that exposes them as robots.
they're robotic in the manga
>Mean robot catgirls with 80s looks
Powerful concept. Bet they purr super loudly during cuddles.
In that case...
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Sorry, wrong one
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Getting obscure here, but fully synthetic
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kemono is apparently shutting down on the 22nd next month. I have no idea how to scrape jaypegs automatically. I feel retarded downloading them one by one
huh, any reason why?
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the only site manager got screamed at by some random anon complaining about malware ads. Admin tardraged
and decided to not renew the servers next month
incredibly stupid coming and going, fantastic.
Whatever. Kemono's been essentially dead for months.
I hope someone scrape and archive the website before he closes shop
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The entire thing? Get real. Go get gallery-dl, figure out how to use it, start saving what you want.
This is cute
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>QR code is unreadable in image
>painstakingly re-create it by hand
>link to their twitter
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the mod was just baiting. We are back
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I stand by what I said. Save your shit.
File deleted.
Are transformers allowed in this thread?
BTW I think that this is so cute.
Is giving admin the robot pendant to giving consent?
Miss this guy so much
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Hey, I just thought about something. In all this time I've been in this thread, I don't think I've ever seen any art about real life humanoid robots, like Boston Dynamic's Atlas and so on. You'd think some autistic japanese artist would have already made waifu versions of those IRL bots and those waifus would have been posted here, but so far as I can tell that hasn't happened yet.
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it really is hard to replicate humanoid features and choosing which material is suited best for their endoskeleton casings. We're probably not that far away for the first true humanoid looking androids to be released to the market. My guess is we're 20 years away at the very least
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They're saying "humanoid" robots, but what they really mean is anthropomorphic robots. They have the general shape of a human-like being, but no one's actually trying to make them look like actual humans. I suppose that's not only because we keep running into the uncanny valley whenever we do it, but also because, from an aesthetic perspective, it just doesn't make sense. Why go through the whole effort of creating a robot if you're just going to make it a 1:1 carbon copy of a human in the end?
Gonna have to save stuff from artist I like soon then. Shame it's shutting down, I used it for plenty of artists I like.
The ads were cancer though
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>Why go through the whole effort of creating a robot if you're just going to make it a 1:1 carbon copy of a human in the end?

the neverending quest for our inner Pygmalion encourages us to strive and create Galatea
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Machines often don't betray a man as easily as a woman of pure flesh will.
Perhaps the desire for a mate that won't bend or break as easily?
See, but that's still not just a copy of a normal human. Because what you're trying to create here is some Platonic ideal of perfect human beauty, something that doesn't exist in real life (yet). Everytime I see people talking about making "human-looking robots", what they're trying to do is making robots that look like your average person on the street or, at best, like a Hollywood actor.
I just like robots for being cool and women for being hot or cute, combine both and you get a badass sexy girl which is better than just sexy.
Hate when people latch on to this fetish just to vent over their resentment towards 3dpd or cuz they want a partner that can't say disagree while the human never had to put any effort into being worthy of her love.
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Given what your average (aspiring) robo-fucker is like, I have a dreadful feeling that their idea of "perfect human beauty" is literally a realistic 3D anime girl.
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you're not wrong
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I think you misunderstand.
It's not about having a mindless slave, but more an ideal. A superior mate. One that values loyalty, duty, logic, that sort of thing. A diamond that no one else can steal away.
Unique, perpetually beautiful, strong.
It's hard enough to find a mate in this world for most folks, much less one that meet these ideals.
Maybe someone longs for an Ideal they can't find. Like a sexy, bad-ass girl who genuinely likes them.
Don't hate, it's not just your kink.
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Do you like your robutts/dolls human like, or do you prefer them displaying their artificial body?
I'm a sucker for artificial arms, they're like the embodiment of an ideal shape, ending up in tasteful points at the fingertips.
Hm...i guess both for me, doll joints are very nice, but the mechanical parts being on display can very much add to the robogal's attractiveness too
There's no point if you can't see at least joints, otherwise it's just an informed trait.
[nospoilersond]I do forgive a few though, because they have the right kind of behavior modes[/misusingspoilers]
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need obsolete fad robowife
Joints and seam lines but otherwise realistic are my sweetspot.
I prefer some at least semi-obvious pointers to her nature. Depending ond setting, it's fine if they can be hidden under clothes. While we're at pointy, I greatly prefer if her feet are designed like high-heels instead of human feet.
It wasn't Japanese, but I once saw at of that shitty Tesla robot having it's ass fucked by one of the Atomic Heart robo-ballerinas.
I'm flexible. As long as they're visibly robotic in some way, I'm happy. >>11157740 has the right of it too; human-looking robots can work if they're presented right, see Dorothy or Vivy.
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I need to see at least some mechanical limbs. I like the Sangvis Ferri grunt units from GFL, for example. They're mostly human-looking, but their forearms and legs from the thighs down are entirely mechanical, and you can see them clearly. The Nytos too— though they're actually cyborgs.
How do your like your human cyborgs? Do you like full prosthetic body or just prosthetic limbs/bodyparts?
Personality not part of it, sexually functional is my threshold personally.
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You opinions on augmented animal brains in human cyberbodies?

Bestiality or no?
Can she pass the Harkness Test? If yes, we'll bang, OK?
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I wished Sonoda made more robowaifu manga before becoming a full-time confectionery store keeper.
I don't like them. The mental aspect of robots is important to me.
Exceptions exists.
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for puzzle game enjoyers, i bring the good word
you can customize her appearance, and then tell her to stand on buttons, what more would you need from a robot girl?
What if a cyborg is forced to think robot program logic to move her body? Then she starts thinking like a robot?
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Do bioroids count
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If she don't clank, drop the skank.
For the artists here, do you draw internal diagrams of your robotgirls and try to somehow technobabble a way for her to work internally? I do it and have drawn it a couple times but I struggle with using some of the empty interior space beyond just "servos, powerplant, batteries and hydraulic pumps" and want some ideas on what else could be put inside.

Also unrelated question but is it just me or do a lot of media with androids tend to try for an angle where the robot "becomes human" as if being a robot is somehow wrong? I always found that a bit annoying.
It of course needs the PC components like CPU, hard drive, GPU for AI inference, manual override and programming Button, a control panel and stuff... maybe even stick a little monitor for status in.
And could you show your interior design? Would be very interesting...
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Sure! Worth keeping in mind that this one was made as a sort of magi-tech robot, combining magical and technological components (to explain why she can cast spells. She was a highly modern Warforged in a D&D campaign)
What is that?
Like a clone or test tube baby?
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from what i understand it's robots but built partially out of organic components, like wetware brains and living tissue skin hiding titanium/unobtanium bones and piston(?) powered musculature and also cooling pipes and a layer of kevlar under the skin, or something like that.
though in the media i know the term from (Last Origin) they don't look like robots at all, and don't act much like robots outside the Azimov's three commandments deal plus a few extras in that vein, so it'll be mostly disappointing to robofuckers of this thread. Not to say there's no actual robot girls there, pic related, but they aren't a focus, and most units are, or at least look like, human girls wielding impossibly huge machinery/weaponry.
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That's getting into robot transformation, roboticization, whatever. While that can be pretty hot, it's a little removed from robo-waifu stuff.
For my sci-fi settings with androids I’m a big fan of copying myomer from Battletech instead of using hydraulics. They’re essentially artificial muscles operated by electricity, which means you can fill the internal diagram with the necessary “bones” and muscles that a human would have to make it work, which can help fill out more space. If you copy that they also produce a large amount of waste heat, you then get to dedicate a decent amount of room for cooling systems that can also help fill up the internal diagram. Other things to fill up space include more extraneous skeletal bits for structural integrity, or just adding infrastructure for tactile sensors on the “skin” or any other human sense analogue/new robot sense you may want to implement, along with data storage, power storage/generation, a brain/processing unit (I like the idea of a positron brain since I’m a big Asimov fan), redundant cables to connect everything, coolant storage/whatever other physical storage you may need, internal compartments for things like hidden weapons or rocket boosters if you go that route, etc.
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"Dry-humping? What do you mean by that?"
In one of my writhing I'm using the term "Neurotronics" to describe a type of transistor array that operated on a 'strange' gate operation beyond on/off binary or quantum state on/off/both trinary. In theory it operates in the same manner as a human neurons.

I found that manga, anybody knowing about if there is more like that?
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Looks great.
NTA but I use "some" nanotech to replicate nerves and tissues of certain organs if they're more efficient than typical robotics. The nanotech I use replicates cells and how they work. It's not quite gray goop.
I'm a drawfag but not a very good one. I used to be an engineering student for a bit; when I'd think about robot girls I'd try to think about the physics and parts necessary for making a gynoid.
I've been thinking whether or not it'd be worth giving robot girlfriends pure replicant bodies mikicing humans or we just compromise by giving them doll bodies where some joints like the waist and head have 360 degree movement.
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Human-like bodies, but only half-way.
Synthetic skin is really expensive, even skin-like casing ain't cheap. Few independent robots can afford a full set, much less maintain it. Therefore they often only encase their base robotic frame in 'skin' in the places their clothes will expose. Head and neck, arms and legs, etc, leaving the clothed parts of their body with lower-grade, less aesthetically pleasing casing, if any at all.
Most humans only really care about facial area, past that you can generally do whatever. It's much less expensive to just do the face and neck, and if you're super concerned about luddites wear long sleeves and gloves.
Oh, believe me, ningens start caring things bellow the neck really quick when you're walking around with Terminator hands. If anything it's worse if you've got a high-grade face and obviously mechanical arms and legs; the uncanny valley is deep and wide.
Gloves and long sleeves can cause heating problems and are often unfashionable.
I agree. Gloves and sleeves are unfashionable on robots, in fact, all clothing as a whole is unfashionable for robots. You should just go ahead and take it all off.
The gacha horses added a robot girl to their game, they even dance with her!
Robot idol? Cutie
>tfw like robot girls
>tfw most robot keep calling humans ningens
>tfw too scared to approach a robot girl to ask her out
>Seeing robot girls everywhere.
>Too broke to build a robot girl myself as a NEET.
>She'd probably leave me.
>There's reports of robot girls buying their freedom from abusive masters.
>Notice a human-sized doll hand in the alleyway.
>The hand is moving trying to grab something.
>I give the hand a brief handshake as a joke.
>The hand laces its fingers around mine.
>It feels soft and warm.
>Try to let go of hand but it refuses to let go.
>Well I guess if the hand doesn't want to let go I'll take it home.
>Maybe I'll find the owner tomorrow.
>It's late.
>Feels like she's not too far away.
I have a really weird bit of cognitive dissonance.

>Huge fan of robot girls
>would happily marry a robot girl
>an enthusiast of robot girl art

>absolutely hates real life robots
>despises real life AI
>believes all corporate robots and AI to be evil incarnate

am I secretly a robo-racist?
The dissonance between your romanticized vision of what robots could be, and what robots have ended up as irl, is causing you revulsion
I don't see any contradictions there
Modern robotics is lame and gay. Even the talking robots have emasculated soiboi voices now.
Why do corpos always make fuck ugly robots
Why can't we get cute medabot like ones
Because we have a competency crisis with no visionary geniuses. All we have is suits and people who follow their orders. Suits don't care about pleasing asthetics or preserving humanity. All they care about is cheap and replacing you with cheap lame and gay robots. Transhumanism is human replacement and extinction.
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I guess Girls' Frontline is cheating, but technically they're ALL robot girls.
>no panel lines/joints/greeblies/decals
>no obvious external signs of robotic nature
Shit-tier, just like Nier Automata and several others
Hey A2 exists
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It's one of those robo-waifu stories where the writing has to do all the lifting. Which doesn't translate well to an image board or to fan art in general, unfortunately.

>Shit-tier, just like Nier Automata
Shut your whore mouth.
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Not saying Automata's a bad game, far from it
Just saying that robot girls who are physically indistinguishable from humans until they're disemboweled/dismembered and you can see their robot bits never felt like a good fit for a thread about fetishizing robot girls
like there should be SOME external tell for whether a girl is a robot or not
>Go to sleep with robot hand holding my hand.
>Wake up to robot hand trying to pull me.
>It wants me to go to the door.
>Open the front door to see who's outside.
>There's a cardboard box taped up with no address.
>The box rattles.
>Quickly bring the box inside.
>Box weighs heavy.
>Once inside a sharp metal blade cuts through the tape.
>The hand lets go and jumps in the box.
>A robot girl with only her head, her chest, and a single arm is inside the box.
>She's missing an eye.
>Her wig has been burned off her skull cap.
>She balances on her hand to hop out of the box.
>Trip and fall backwards on my ass.
>Robot girl grabs my shirt to pull herself up.
>She stares at me with an emotionless stare.
>She opens her mouth but speaks like a quiet blown out speaker.
"Kiss me you stupid ningen!"
>Against my will we make out.
>She holds me tight with her lone arm.
anyone else get off to being a robot too

artificial body, nonhuman skin colors, plastic/metal looking materials, love translucent parts. i love imagining how cold and smooth they must feel to touch etc. plastic looking women are just the best
>Robot torso girl is laying on my bed.
>She's been plugged into the wall for power.
>Careful to touch her broken robot spine.
"Ningen, what are you doing?"
>"I'm examining your body."
"Touching is a sure way of getting electrocuted. Leave it to a professional."
"If you crave intimancy then hold my hand or touch my collar bone."
>"Why did you kiss me?"
"Kissing is how I register my new owners. I am your property now."
>"That's a lot of responsibility to drop on me."
"I've been observing you for a while."
>She looks at me with her eye.
"It is comforting knowing you understand owning a robot girlfriend is a responsibility."
"I did not want servitude but I need an owner if I'm going to be repaired."
>I'll have to inquire her story another time.
>For now I give her a kiss.
>She takes it.
"Stupid ningen."
>I feel she says that in pity.

I'll greentext more if this thread sinks without posts.
I'm following your story. For whatever that's worth.
I gave it a thought. I've decided to try giving mutual responsibility a shot. The owner has a responsibility to take care of the robot's needs. In return the robot has a duty to serve her owner.
ningen in english somehow sounds like an absolute slur
So what duties can a one-armed torso bot can do?
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>Trust in Elon
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Work outta da home, like Carl.
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>likes robot girls
>hate the advancement of machine learning algorithms
>hates the advancement of android technology
the cognitive dissonance some people have here is absolutely bizarre.
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the tech world is filled with grifters, make sense why some people in here have low trust with tech peeps
Fantasy isn’t reality.
Nobody is making robots with feminine beauty outside of Japan. Robots are ugly and androgynous in the west because we can't make robots offensive.
i find it's less cognitive dissonance and more an understanding that the robot girls we're after and the robots corporations want to make are not the same.
nothing cool, interesting or at all edgy (both literally and figuratively) can be made anymore, it has to all be super sanitized and smoothed out.
i bet you 500 dollars the first android with full personal interaction capabilities will have all the same (if not worse) restrictions and locks that chatgpt et al currently have.
inb4 someone going to post elon propaganda again
sure, but the seething people have against FOSS machine algorithmic tools like Stable Diffusion is kind of retarded. I think people are just not ready to have their own robot girls a reality. The stark contrast between /robotwaifu/ and this thread when it comes to accepting the advancement of AI technology, either FOSS or proprietary bullshit, for the past 3 years is kind of amazing 2bh famallama.
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I forgot how entrenched ex-tumblrtards are on this website now.
There’s no need to make it an internet culture war thing, anon, whatever it is.
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I just cant help it that this thread has lost its edge, and 4chan in general. I've been lurking in this thread on and off for almost a decade. I witnessed the shift of tech optimism people here used to have pre-COVID to the tumbrite-tier anti/skeptical AI sentiment shift from 2022 onwards. Maybe everyone really did leave and the people who are stuck here are newfags from twitter.
For what it's worth, I'm not a tumblrfag nor am I a Twitter retard bashing against every single use case of AI possible. Hell I am working in the field myself but I am massively disillusioned with what people are actually doing with this tech as opposed to what they *could* be doing with it, hence my extreme skepticism.
What did I literally just say, fucker?
I’ve been frequenting these threads about as long. If there’s been a shift away from tech optimism, it’s much more likely to be due to the direction said tech is going than because of some twitter newfaggotry nonsense.
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the AI bubble will pop soon, don't worry. When the grifter gravy train runs out, only pure autism from robotfags will remain
adachi rei spam is done now
Why does a robot need glasses?
The question is why not?
all girls should have glasses
also i lied about being done
Adachi Rei my beloved, only second to Zundamon because I'm a filthy shotacon
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inexpensive way to fix warped optics, much cheaper than going out and buying a whole new optical unit.
Also, it's cute.
It's likely the same people getting disillusioned from seeing tech go to shit. You honestly sound more like a tourist yourself with how much you insist on sucking techbros off

Why do women need non-prescription glasses? It's cute
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Personally, I'm not anti SD, but most of SD gens are slop (like 90% of them). I enjoy SD gens that actually put some effort to make them comparable to "real" art from artist, but again, most of them are slop that are uploaded in bulk. I really prefer gens that are carefully generated/edited that it looks comparable to yet another art instead of mass produced slop.

>t. /aicg/ tourist
I want robot servant girls, not fucking Skynet
Why do you need glasses? Stupid ningen, just go and waste 400 000 dollars on LASIC, and your eyes will be better.
lasik is around 2.5k on average, at least in eagleland
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Pretty much this. Good explanation, anon.
Personally I self insert as the robot/android. I suffer from eczema and asthma, the idea of having an external membrane that simulates skin without it causing pain, no need for lungs or a digestive system and even not needing to breathe all heavily appeal to me. I'm also quite protective of mine though, so being superior physically and caring for someone has an attraction.
That's still a few digits more than a pair of glasses, and for robot girls new eyes cost even more!
Granted, lasik is not as perfect nor foolproof as just getting a new eye, but still.
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fuck off
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cute cute cute
I want to run my hand along her perfectly smooth, featureless torso.
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We need more animus where a villain has a cute robutt girl who's smitten with him fall into his lap and he blows her off out of autism.
Who this
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I'm searching for a specific image that I lost, mind if I ask here?
It was a character reference sheet of a shortstack robo catgirl (on the furry side tho), with a purple (or some dark color) body with gold or yellow details. I recall the specific detail that it had a removable vagina cover, and gold/ellow cat paw decorations. I may be remembering some details wrong, but the broad strokes should be those.
>A gentle sweet metallic voice speaks.
"It's time to wake up ningen."
>Five more minutes.
>Suddenly an electric shock hits my butt.
>Spasm out as to not get cramps.
>Hear a crash on the floor.
"Hey! Ningen! Pick me up."
>Scramble to get Sally off the floor.
>Sally is a head on a spine with only her left rib and chest computer attached.
>She has one skeletal arm attatched to her rib.
>She stares blankly at me with her one working glass green eye.
>At least she looks good with her shoulder length bronze hair.
>Her jaw is still locked.
"Good job stupid ningen."
"You almost broke me again."
>Cuddle Sallie and pat her head.
>Sallie's eye looks away.
"Today's the day we go to the used body shop to find me working parts."
"The sooner we get there the better chance we will find compatible parts."
>Yeah. Right.
>Sally says she already has the money in her personal crypto wallet.
>She could buy her way to freedom.
>But she rather buy a new body and live in servitude for a while than live free but broken.
>Though she can leave when she's fixed.
>However Sally intends to stay with me for a while.
>I did ask what happened to Sally before we met.
>She says she'll tell me later when her body's mostly fixed.

>I noticed blood stains at the end of Sally's spine a few days ago.
>The blood is gone now.
>She must have washed it off last night.
>I don't have time to ponder who's blood it was.
>Sally's spine releases a spark at the end.
"Hurry up and get moving stupid ningen."
>I stomp my foot on Sallie's arm and below the tip of her spine.
>"Sally dear. Need I remind you of the situation you are in?"
>"You made me your owner."
>"I can do whatever I want with you."
>Sally hisses.
>"All I want is a little respect as someone who is taking care of you."
>"I won't tolerate being bullied by someone who's surrendered to be my servant."
>Pet Sally on the head as I step off of her.
>"I see you have trust issues."
>"So let's take care of your needs first."
>Sally smiles.
"You pass
"I said you passed ningen."
>Scratch my head.
>"So you were testing me for what exactly?"
>Sally closes her eye.
"You are not a robo-simp."
"You are not a dominant slaver."
"You have self-preservation."
"You also know when to apply discipline."
"I think we can work well together at least."
>I don't have time for this shit.
>It's a step in the right direction.
>"Cute, but we're late."
>Grab Sally and put her in a duffle bag.
>"Let's talk later when we have time."
>"Right now we need to get you a new body."
>Sally smiles.
>Zip the bag shut.
>Sally playfully speaks.
"Stupid ningen."
>be working very late night at $JOB
>no one around but you and your drone coworker and close friend (holy shit are you lonely)
>she stops drumming her fingers at her workstation
>"You know Anon, I have a mouth. Just throwing that out there."
You should play beer pong.
...so we're going to skip out on work and get ice cream? FUCK YEAH.
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The hell happened to page 3
I'm currently drafting a rough idea for a typical "combat robot has to pretend to be a schoolgirl for X reason" type story/comic and there were a couple things I was sort of pondering, since the whole deal is to not be found out:

-How would such a girl pass a health exam?
-How would she convincingly participate in PE/Swimming classes (being both significantly heavier than a normal human while not suffering from physical exhaustion)?
-What sort of silly school life shenanigans can come from being essentially required to learn how to be a human on the fly?

I got some ideas of my own but I'm interested in hearing some other ideas too.
Do they actually have health exams in schools now? I wasn't aware that was a thing.
Anyway, PE and swimming is easy: not all schools actually have swimming pools, and a combat model robot could be designed for agility and infiltration rather than heavy assault work, so it might not be MUCH heavier than a human but would instead have to constantly limit its above-human capabilities. So not just physical exhaustion, but the ability to make a perfect basketball basket from across the gym, dodge around everyone and everything lightning-fast, etc. Not to mention being able to do complex math instantly and already knowing all the languages the school teaches.
Shenanigans could vary. But basically ask anyone on the autism spectrum about the difficulties they encountered figuring out how to front like they were anywhere approaching normal (shouldn't be too hard to find around here), and then take advantage of the double-standard under which it's cute on girls and creepy on guys.
If you want to make it kinda comfy, have her come to the rescue of a nerdy autist being tormented by a group of jocks, turn them into pretzels, and then robot and nerd wind up in a relationship in which he keeps trying to teach her how to interact with humans despite not actually being very good at it himself, and they manage to bumble their way into somehow actually making friends.
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They had health exams in my school, weight measuring, urine samples, checking for any suspicious lumps, the usual stuff. Sometimes (though super rarely, for obvious reasons) there would be blood tests.
I actually forgot to consider the other aspects of above-human capabilities you mentioned, so her having to keep these in check is definitely something I'll keep in mind.
On one hand I always found the idea of a lonely autist inadvertently becoming "friends" with the combat android as a fellow autist cute and comfy, though I struggle with drawing dudes a fair bit so I generally avoid romance angles as a result. But I can still give that a fair shake in a written aspect, maybe.
The overall idea I had for why there's a combat robot in the first place was that there would be a sort of hidden war going on between two major robotic factions, one believing in coexistence with humanity while the other faction believes "all organic entities should be subservient to their superior automaton equivalents" so I kinda also wanted to toy around with the idea of various different classes being present.
>She doesn't
>Combat bot, so being a hardass who gets on people's cases if they can't keep up with her
>find the LE-7 greentext in the archive
>it's unfinished
>changing your robo-gfs programming to move her erogenous zone
>surprising her by making her cum just by kissing her neck
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Cheerleader equipment online.
She doesn't look very impressed.
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Vespid my beloved
I like the idea of a custom cyborg girl getting support from her mass manufactured android underlings.

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