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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous: >>11100026
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What happened here?
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I still want to know, where do you get these?
You're subscribed to his Fanbox, right?
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I am usually not a magical girl fan at all, but I've started reading this series called Suicide Girl that has become one of my favorites (for non-ryona reasons), and the protagonist gets hurt a lot in it.
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The art is both amazing and hilarious at times
Holy shit, sauce? They fucking destroyed her.
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This artist would be kino if he didn't also keep doing scat
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BOOOOO Not how I want the fight to go.
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Fuck they messed up
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I like the artstyle. I could do without the missing tooth tho.
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They're still mad about Denji? Kek
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>>11145355 here

Thanks for the recs, watched them all. Some are great. Feel free to share if you have more, JAV is actually really high quality
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Left to right, for some reason.
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I wonder why this thread's so slow...
The miniseries where that came from has a few others.
made by me

Thanks anon.
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I always like seeing girls holding their tummies in pain
I firmly believe ryona enjoyers have womb jealousy.
Men are jealous of women because they have the power to give birth so they take out their frustrations this way.
The odd fixation with harapan is because they want to destroy women's wombs out of spite.
It's all very Freudian.
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Not even women wanna go through childbirth, so that’s retarded.
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But how does that explain the women who are into it, anon? Your theory doesn't make any sense.
That's just women being bitchy to women they perceive as rivals.
this is not /pol/

its /d/ ryona general
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There's nothing political about my post, it's about the psychological roots of the fetish.
Remember to coom as much as you need to before midnight, we're less than 12 hours away from NNN!!!
all it takes is a single exception, or a few if you want. im ready to bet that what you described is just a possibility, and not a certainty. im sure you can understand.
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Anyone has blade and sorcery ryona vids? Where a guy blasts naked women with magic, turns them into chickens, shrinks them down, beats with bare hands, etc?
Did Norubon release any new stuff?
No, it seems like he exclusively posts to his Patreon now.
Have this ToT Honeybee as a consolation prize.
Thanks anon. I can’t decide which one I want to see get ryoaned more
>tfw my ryona collection is so large I'm beginning to forget about stuff
I've been trying to remember this scene based only on the frequency of the punches and the girl's vocal reactions, only fully remembering when I randomly stumbled across this vid again. Just wanted to share, it's the Tifa vid by Pest.

For me it's loli Honeybee.
I don't know, I love seeing grown bee's tits and fats ass shake and twist with each hit she gets
Loli Honeybee would be untrained and inexperienced, making playing with her so much more fun.
He has a Patreon? Link?
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I could never tell if this guy uses ai or not. Looks like the style, but seems too consistent to be ai.
>implying adult bee is experienced enough to not get a complete beating everytime she's in the ring
Did Bee ever surpass Lilian? Based on the epilogue it seems she was still losing to her.
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big oof
Can you post it? I forgot
I just checked his Pixiv and didn't find anything. Sorry, I was probably talking out of my ass, it seems like he posts his work on Dlsite and just uses his Pixiv to promote it nowadays. It's yours if you're willing to fork over 7 dollars and 23 cents, or you can wait for some generous anons to scan and post it.
Look at her gloves and left elbow.
The thumbs are the wrong way around and her left arm looks like it's twisted the wrong way.
It's these sorts of things that turn me off AI, I'm so disappointed that akabeko chose to go full in on it, he's otherwise pretty talented.
Just checked the epilogue, a couple of throw away lines of dialogue hint that she wants a rematch but no art.
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You're retarded. It's called masochism and self insertion.
Source: me lol
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That’s bullshit. But I believe it.
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Wendy has graduated from being a sandbag!
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Sadly, Mira hasn't...
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Satanophany chapter 281
Is that giga superherione anon still here?
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Man I wish each country had their own version of giga heroine ryona movies
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I've been watching this Satanophany manga for a long time hoping that one day I'll see her get destroyed like that but the plot armor always save her i want a bad ending for her.
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I feel like norubon understands humiliation better than anyone in ryona
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fucking brutal and pathetic
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yeah, I liked that fight because of Tae's humiliation but I would really like to see Ninon get destroyed, I would like to see another character like honey bee have a deep knockout orgasm.
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Yeh ninon deserves a good beating too.
>That uppercut sending her head all the way back
I love when Noru draws that, also Junkos beating is probably my favorite, it's pathetic seeing this busty mature women get fucked up so badly. How old is she agian?
Getting tired of the clearly superior girl being a jobber all the time
The world isn't ready for tomboys. They're trying to erase them, now a girl can't be into masculine hobbies unless she's a lesbian or a pre-transition FtM
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Junko is made for humiliation. Sara vs Junko would be such a funny match. Imagine that grown ass adult getting slaughtered by a highschool girl.

You mean the smaller girl winning?
Lilian winning her first two (three) fights is the hottest thing about this. What a nasty, sadistic little shit. And she won.
Where did you acquire your taste for hurting women, anons?
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Girls that are considered superior should lose more
I was like 13 when I stumbled on a Freezing clip on YouTube about 3 girls ganging up on another one complete with clothing damage. The video is long gone, back in the early 2010s finding ryona content was hard, let alone high quality content.
Nowadays there's so much high quality stuff out there, newfags are spoiled for choice.
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I love ryona!
Is Chun Li even considered superior at this point? Like 95% of pictures involving Chun and Mika are just Chun getting her ass kicked
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Chun Li is iconic female fighter and it's more common fetish to see hero girls beaten instead of villain girls. Same with Tifa and others.
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Girls like Yamashiro Ren
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She will get wrecked soon apparently!

Yeah, just saying she doesn't seem superior in any way nowadays.
Which one? The one that listed a whole bunch of codes in response to somebody asking for beatdowns?
Because that'd be me.
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Hongou Hina she thinks that no one will defeat her she always wins the fights I would like to see her completely humiliated in a fight I hope they show us good Ryona scenes about her. but I think we will never see that because she is the type of character who wins with plot armor and if they defeat her it will be with honor and all that shit
NTA but thank you for your service. Still looking for more catfight humiliation nowadays
I'm actually glad you asked again, because I completely forgot about two from last time.
I tried to spoiler the text, but the multi-line format or something breaks it, so I deleted my post multiple times and just gave up in the end.
[spoiler]Final spoiler test[/spoiler]

cgbd-23 starts with a senior heroine losing to the villainess. The heroine tries to save the day but is overpowered by the villainess. The heroine's friends join in but they're still losing.
Then the senior heroine gives them powers and they force the villainess to retreat.

But the villainess has a grudge against the heroine and so summons a monster to double team her. Some scene break happens and the villainess is beating up the heroine herself.
I'm shocked I actually forgot about cgbd-44 until you asked again.

zepe-37 has the heroine getting beaten by a monster until she's passes out, with the villainess choking her a little.
Then the villainess tortures the heroine.

Scene break happens and the heroine is double teamed by the monster and the villainess, but the monster is the only giving the main beatdown.
The heroine manages to fight back, but then her friend reveals the betrayal and shoots her.
Not as much catfighting as cgbd-23 though.

Also I'm happy to do this, it relieved some fond memories for me as well.
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But is it canon or just fanon?
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Kind of canon. Look at pic. Story mode Chun faces a greatly weakened FANG for her only victory. Karin defeats him at full power. They just really nerfed her to hell.

Actually I find this pretty hot. Being canonically mogged and outclassed can be sexier than ryona. Any more of that?

Based beyond belief. I'll watch them and post if I find some good ones.
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>Any more of that?
In terms of physical strength and stuff? At least in terms of talent, the character Kana from Oshit no Ko gets mogged constantly and copes about it frequently.
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That's pretty hot. I also thought of Hanabi in Keijo completely mogging the MC in episode 1.

Bonus if the MC never catches up. She's inferior, and it's set in stone.
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Someone also mentioned Yuki and Alya from Roshidere in the previous thread.
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yep, you anon, thanks for those codes before too. Hope you know more slow motion spit ones
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I don’t like it but yeah it does
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I want to see this stupid bitch get ryoaned so badly, girls in masks +capes are begging to get fucked up
No, sorry. I saw this more than 12 hours ago, but nothing has come to me since then. I haven't been keeping up with new releases though.

Something I like to do is play back a ryona scene frame by frame on youtube using the < and > keys, maybe that can help you somewhat. Though I use that more for anime rather than JAV.
Random question, where would you post if you're a ryona-focused artist? Last I remember twitter was too volatile to actually have a reasonable guarantee to not be nuked at any given moment.
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Pixiv and twitter are still the best options. Maybe deviantart too, but the search feature became worthless.
Oh that’s fine anon, thanks anyways. I have another question actually, what your dream movie do you wish they would make? For me I wish they’d do a full masked heroine/teacher in love with her student who gets kidnapped, and the heroine goes to save her. But when she goes, she gets the shit kicked out of her so badly in front of her student, with her mask ripped and body covered in piss and bruises.
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So this may be weird since we were talking about JAV, but it would be more seiyuu related.

First it would star Akaneya Himika, who is an idol+seiyuu in her Re:Call outfit (pic related) which was about 8 years ago.
At that same time, she starred in the anime Izetta, which has this amazing ryona scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3r-8jemMVs

Her voice changes from when she gets flung off the gun, to hitting the ground and tumbling, making me think that was Akaneya's real voice afterwards since she isn't a high profile/skilled seiyuu.
Then the chaining up and hanging happens and her grunting/moaning/whimpering still makes me hard.

So I'd want Akaneya to reenact the anime scene (maybe without flying, just being tossed and tumbling across the ground), but in real life with her cool Re:Call outfit. It's not gonna be possible now since she was dressed like that 8 years ago, and has now aged/changed.

The beatdown leading up to that would be a combination of what I've seen over the years, such as being choked while stretched over a knee, and a second person strikes her belly. Or getting slammed chest first into a wall.

Camera angles should be more of the front of the heroine, as I want to see her face, and (small) boobs being highlighted by the clothes as they get pressed by the hits, and groped.
I've never been a fan of legs/ass.

Oh maybe there's a lesbian makeout scene before the ryona, where her breasts are pressed against her anime partner (Hayami Saori).
Maybe at the end then Akaneya's breasts are fully exposed, note I haven't meant that she gets naked until now. I haven't been a fan of the sex/naked scenes in general.

Since it's definitely not possible though, I've been coping with Arisa Taki JAV (codes posted last time). I think she looks like Akaneya.

Okay maybe to be a tinge more realistic, an anime ryona documentary where they show ryona scenes being made. From the artists drawing to seiyuu recording to the side by side final product.
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after. lmao here's your "red legend" japan
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Huh that’s really interesting, and the seiyuu is pretty cute and petite. I feel like giga has the budget to do a falling +tumbling thing so maybe they could do it in the future. Im surprised you’re not an ass guy, I love seeing the sweaty thighs and ass of a JAV heroine while she’s getting cunt busted, but tits are cool too.
Why do jap girls specifically feel so good seeing beat up? Is it cause they’re generally cuter and so seeing them beat up is more satisfying?
It's because whito piggus still believe in old stereotypes of Japanese women being submissive.
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>Why do jap girls specifically feel so good seeing beat up?

Because they're so petite and helpless. Women in general can't hope to overpower a man; a short, slender girl has even less chance. And sadism is all about taking delight in cruelty. The more pointless and unnecessary some violence is, the more cruel it is; same reason kicking a puppy is more cruel than kicking a dog.

So taking some tiny, petite Japanese girl who you could pin down easily with one hand, and beating her so savagely she ends up completely unable to move; just some aching, paralyzed tapestry of bruises? It doesn't get much crueler than that.
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I wish I could find just one doujin like that; some petite, sweet, timid girl who wouldn't have offered her attacker even the slightest hint of resistance anyway being savagely beaten till she's a limp, bruised ragdoll, then being manhandled and raped like a toy for hours afterwards.
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True, and I think it’s even hotter since it’s like they’re weaker/inferior even to other women like in >>11174015 no matter how hard they try to fight and be strong they will always get their ass kicked, they’re too weak and cute/fragile. GodBless Japan for these pathetic cute women
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She really is a ryona queen. She has the demeanor and look of a serious badass lady, but once in the ring..
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She's a complete bitch
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That'd have been so hot. Junko just jobbing to the minion.
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as if
Yeh, it's one thing to get beat up by the strongest (though don't get me wrong, that was the most brutal ass-kicking Junko got in her life and probably gives her nightmares in the middle of the night and when she sees a ring) but getting beat up my a smug loli? complete humiliation. I remember deciding to reread boxing girl yuki like a week ago and was suprised by how tame it felt after reading about a fight like Junkos. I don't know how Noru does it. Also I just realized Junko wears glasses, that makes her even cuter
>have to wait 15 minutes after just having to wait 15 minutes because I refreshed the page
this site is just getting worse and worse
Boxer Girl Yuki is a lot more about the psychological horror than the brutal beatdown. You can see Yuki feeling more and more scared and less confident as Sara plays with her food. With this and Sara's great voice acting it's still the best ryona work for me.
Mahiro stand up is a close second.
Yeh I get that, I guess for me I just enjoy the art work and descriptions of how junko was losing her pride and status as “the red legend” as well as how other characters interact with that defeat. Junko in the story starts out pretty confident and also gradually loses her confidence until she’s a complete mess covered in her own fluids. Yuki is still great and I agree it gets deeper with the psychological part, but I don’t know I love seeing brutal ass kickings, and it’s great that both have the tomboy fucked up
> Mahiro stand up is a close second
I remember someone have a walkthrough of BGY uploaded a while ago, I hope someone does the same for MSU
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Can we stop with the weird racist shit, it's honestly kind of cringe.
what are you talking about schitzo?
I like noru a lot but I wish he did some stuff other than boxing. Like someone like Cocoa has so many different situations and weapons used but noruon always does punching
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I made it! Mahiro Stand Up full playthrough... Well, 6 endings out of 7, I ended up closing the game before I got the one where she actually wins lol.


Obviously not uploading this on Youtube.

Pic related is my favorite part I think. So humiliating. How do you even recover from that?
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I put in some machine translation as well, hope it's good enough to understand. Akemi adds lots of "nyan" and other trolling in her sentences so it breaks some of the MTL, but with Textractor and the Google Translate transcript at the right it should be decent.
Holy shit thanks so much anon! I’m phone posting at the moment and haven’t downloaded mega so I can’t open the files, is audio of some of the dialogue, hits and grunts of Mahiro are included like in the BGY walkthrough? Kind of a silly question but I’m just curious
> I ended up closing the game before I got the one where she actually wins lol.
kek, noru knew everyone just wanted to watch her get her ass kicked and gave her a pity win, I love their work
Based anon delivering
It has sound effects like punches landing.
You're welcome. You should be able to watch the mp4 directly on Mega. I think the match with the blonde bitch starts at the fifth video or so.

Also the sound effects are only the punches but they add a lot already. It might just be on the level of Boxer Girl Yuki. Or it would be if it had voice acting
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I miss my favorite jobber girl Hayate
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> Yuki. Or it would be if it had voice acting
Oh that’s a shame, but still thanks for this anon it’s great
The way she lost to the pink bitch was so humiliating. The pink bitch even trashtalked her.
I’m glad bee was able to beat her up and humble her, cocky bitches need to learn their place
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the fight I wanted to see
Only if Junko lost lol
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Fatty had it the worst
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Junko almost losing to the underling was top tier. The first two thirds of the match were really onesided against her.
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She basically got offscreened for a while.
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Remember this girl?
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I need more Sara... I wonder what she's doing and who she broke recently
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the ending I wanted to see. forcing honey bee to have a deep knockout orgasm is the hottest thing in this series
I love seeing junko beat up but I feel like the purple tie girl (forgot her name) is better to see get fucked up and humbled.
Oh shit I loved this, pure kino. The artist has a lot of teenage girl ryona I love
Yeh, junkos position as the WTB champion makes it hotter to see her get her ass kicked, it just adds so much to her humiliation
>cute blond pretty girl beating the shit out of the tomboy
So good
Now that I think about it, Norubon's blondies are hella OP lol. Only Junko (full power) can take them.

Akemi is a gyaru muscle girl though. She could literally tank the MC's punches with a smile on her face and taunt her during all of the match.
She's so cute bros
I wished more ryona artists took the time to develop storylines and dialogue to their work, the text combined with the images make it a lot hotter
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He really put a good amount of effort on the dating part lol. Anyway, feel free to share your favorite parts and comment on the plot developments, I'm interested to see what people like the most.
>He really put a good amount of effort on the dating part lol
Huh I'm curious as to how that develops, I'm still on the first MP4 so far. I'll definitely be posting more about this, again, thanks for sharing this anon
Honestly so far I'm liking this a bit more than Yuki, the boxing "animation" alone is making it more engaging and I kind of like Mahiro more as an MC she's a cute aggressive retard
The boxing animation changes quite a lot already, yes. Mahiro gets a lot of development too. It picks up with the blonde girl though, I like the emphasis on her superior muscle body.
The emphasis on her erotic figure is great, love the descriptions
Also damn i wonder how bad her beating is going to be. Kenzo only got some weak belly punch and face animations, so I wonder how fucked up mahiro will look
I also really appreciate how the flash backs, character monologues and actual events are all mixed together, especially with the music making it even more dramatic. Sad to see a teenage girl get beaten so badly
The buildup part is funny. Technically you have to lost to Kenzo in order to even have a chance to get the good ending. If Mahiro wins her first match she gets offscreened to a bad ending, despite the VN telling you she "awakened" and became super strong in her match against Kenzo lol.
kek she's destined for failure. The descriptions of her getting weaker and more pathetic are great as well
That part is actually genuinely sad and not just in a fetish way, I can feel her wanting to be taken seriously.
Yeh, though that's still probably the best ending for her (so far, though I doubt the blondie is gonna give her an easy time) Kenzo actually took her seriously here and she learned to accept the defeat and realize she was treating him lesser, and apologizes to him. I liked that a lot
Which would you choose if you were kenzo
Honestly I wish I could get fucked up like left. The meek girl slowly turning into an arrogant, almost evil force of nature is 10/10
Mahiro was never really meek though, she was always kind of aggressive, she just got turned on more, though I agree I'd love to get beat up by her
Yeah, more like weak during that fight with Kenzo. She felt pretty weak.
Oh I see what you mean
God I love this bitch. Her endings are all great.
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Left because I'm actually confident and secure in my masculinity so getting beaten up by a hot chick would be extremely sexy rather than humiliating.
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The only reason I'm not a huge fan of this fight is because she acts too lovey-dovey instead of going full humiliation on him.
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Anime adapt when?
It’s fanon, weak chun li is retard cope for coomers on the internet. Chun Li is the strongest woman in the world!
Anon... Sakura Ganbaru and SF5 make it clear she's AT BEST on Karin and Sakura's level. Probably below, but even equal is shameful.
It's exaggerated by the ryona fanon, but there's a bit of that in the canon, too.

As a charater that investigates and fights the bad guys she often gets involved in fights she's not supposed to win cause she's not Ryu.

She's also an unfortunate kind of emotional in a non-turbo-fighting-autistic way, so it's easy to have situations where her emotions or distractions play against her and she has zero “I'm winning this fight” power to impose herself and turn things around. She has even lost to joke characters Dan and Birdie. Those may be joke fights not to be taken 100% seriously but the fact of the matter is that Capcom chose her as the victim because of how easy and natural it is for her to be defeated by anyone. Mika, Sakura, Karin or Laura may be theoretically weaker, but they can punch up and down and they would never lose a fight as easily as Chun Li.
Umm, never?
You realize this is niche as hell right? Even other coomers are a bit turned off by this one.
>implying ryona anime doesn’t exist
Yeh sure it probably won’t get one but there’s an anime about literally everything at this point, ryona isn’t that weird
Ayane's High Kick is a rather standard sports OVA, it's not supposed to be ryona at least not intentionally.
Yeah Ayane is hot and cat fights are sexy but it's pretty obvious you're not supposed to be aroused by her getting HURT.
It didn't do very well in any case, it had a very short run, indicating that there wasn't much demand.
I don't think things have changed much sinc then.
Noru could try funding it through Patreon but I seriously doubt it would gather enough money for more than a <10 minute short.
I like my ryona bloody and brutal, saucenao and yandex are no help.
What about Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai?

Or ones where the heroine gets beaten repeatedly like Kurokami and Birdy?

When you go to google image search, now you usually have to go to where it says “About This Image” to get the source.
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Is Kill la Kill a ryona anime?
Ryuko gets smacked around quite a bit in that show but that's not the focus of the fanservice so much as the fact that she fights almost naked.
I'm willing to bet it's the same with those shows, the focus isn't so much on them getting beaten up rather than them prancing around in revealing outfits.
I think it’s been discussed before that a character simply getting beaten up isn’t ryona on its own. Some series do more to fetishize the violence like Fire Force and Dandadan. I wouldn’t say they are “ryona series”, but it’s pretty obvious that there is some author appeal involved.
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It’s pretty satisfying to see the resolution of akemis threat of punching mahiro in the face. It’s like all her worst fears have come true
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Oh forgot my >>11176197
And fuck that was a brutal end, she started coping by dreaming only to get semi conscious again and realize the humiliating state she’s in
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I almost feel so bad because of how depressing it is. A young girl (like 17 I think, they said she was graduating iirc) who desperately wants to be a boxer and avenge a boy she’s crushing on gets fucked up so badly in the ring, swollen in the face with her blood and cum everywhere, and just quits boxing in the end. The taunting by akemi with “stand up, stand up” is great too. Poor girl
Who got the more brutal beating/humiliation?
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The last Four Knights of the Apocalypse is really good
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I don't understand why belly punching is more common than cunt punting. Kicking a woman in the snatch is far funnier and hotter. The clitoris has the most nerve endings in the human body, so slamming a woman there should result in some delightful expressions and twitching. I guess a lot of people just fell for the propaganda that women are immune to going attacks or something.
Nah, for me it's a few things:
It's a power thing. Fucking nobody is afraid of some nerdy weirdo in real life, but the fear and pain on these girls faces are hot
It goes against social norms and that makes it spicy. Woman aren't meant to get hurt, and it's fun to break social conventions.
The juxtaposition of pain and pleasure, sex and death. Mixing these opposites is oddly compelling, especially when getting beaten up or killed seems to be an orgasmic experience for the victim somehow. Having blood and cum, fluids that depict life and death (or a chick squirting) in the same situation doubles the fun.
There's a little hint of revenge here too. Yeah yeah, evil incel. But women are the most protected class on Earth and still act hard done by while being cunts to "low value men". It's nice to see some anime chicks getting slapped around a little because of this. Don't lie, we all feel this last point a little these days.
Oh, and it's also a lot of fun to see something beautiful being damaged or destroyed.
So yeah, lots of different factors, but I think your womb envy thing sounds a bit silly. I don't think many people self-insert as the victim. We're normally either cheering on the attacker or putting ourselves in the attackers place.
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Manga is Madara Rumble
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>Fucking nobody is afraid of some nerdy weirdo in real life
Except for media that has been fear mongering about them for years. But that’s a discussion for another place.
Relationship goals
This thread is pretty upsetting.
I have a gf I love very much and a little sister that's cute as a button and it hurts my soul imagining them getting tortured like the women in these drawings.
Hope you don't do this IRL, it's illegal and will land you in a lot of trouble.
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We will take turns harapaning your imouto while you watch.
You sound like a weenie, also like you're larping because some faggy innocent soul wouldn't be on /d/.
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I like both, but I like gut punches more. It’s just very nice to see her react to pain right in her middle.
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Tangentially related but does anyone know what happened to yan/situyan deleting some of her old photos on twitter? She draws ryona and it's obvious that her OC who's the girl that keeps getting beaten is her self-insert. I'm pretty sure some of the photos she deleted showed her tummy getting abused.
I haven’t noticed any deletions
The image I just posted was deleted
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I don’t know much about that then. I still see some 3D pics on her profile, but if you say some were removed, I don’t know what the reason is.
>that pose
I want to pull her pants down on lick her clit
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Tifa really can't win.
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I’ve been looking for this doujin where a loli fights a muscular man and gets raped. Then she trains and challenges him again, loses and gets raped again. Does anyone remember which doujin this is? The violence is pretty mild and at one part he calls her “cunny-chan”.
@catfight jav anon, got another one for you.
zeod-07 is mainly the heroine being tortured by a girl gang(?) but at the end the heroine and her female partner fight the villainesses.

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