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Theme questions:
>What's is life like for the average man in your setting? The average woman?
>How are boys raised to prepare them for leadership and their role as masters?
>Are slaves inherited? Or passed on in any other ways?
>Does your setting have non-slave women? If so how are they controlled? Chastity? Laws?
>Is your setting modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi or something else?
Last thread:


This thread is for fetishizing a patriarchy where it's biological men being Doms and biological Women as Subs
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>Bodyfat reducing Drug "Minsae" Research Audio Log
>Raincoat Internal Product Approval process.
>"So, it´s been two months since your last pill, and we have detected no increase in weight, and your diet was..."
>"Before the experiment, I was a famous Mukbang Streamer. Ah... I am accustomed to eating for sport. I was provided with the full Maccas Menu."
>"Well, this is just showboating at this point, the drug has already been approved. After this, we´ll be able to use it as additive on every super caloric food, and mark it as healthy."
>"Doctor, can I ask something... Uuh... After eating so much, I get the sweats, but they just dont go away. I feel warm all day."
>"Yes, that is the side effect. The extra calories get turned into heat and sweat, if they cannot be excreted. Women retain fats and sugars more than Men, so they are more affected. Men just feel a slight fever, get queasy, and stop eating. That´s why we needed a female eating champion to test the limits."
>"N... no... Not that kind of fever... Even after I stopped taking the pill, the heat... Doctor... I´m sorry..."
>"Don´t worry, your body is just reacting to a new normal. Once you go back to a normal diet, I´m sure... What are you-"
>*shuffle, shuffle*
>"I hope you are single, Doctor... Every single week, that we´ve had these sessions, I´ve endured your scent... Aaah... All the other aides here were these weird eared nurses... But I don´t mind anymore if I become your mistress, no, just your toy..."
>*Zipper noises*
>"Miss, control yourself! You told me you were a Lesbian when we started the study!"
>"Maybe, after you fill my cunt..."
>*Cock sucking noises, table rattles, recorder falls*
>Audio Log stops.
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I'm a former feminist, former lesbian, used to post, these days I mostly just lurk. The patriarchy thread was the beginning of the end of my lesbianism and feminism, gradually at first and then I flipped completely. Eventually I got married and had kids with a right wing chud and eventually my politics completely shifted as well.

I'm kind of getting chills at the prospect of the November election resulting in a republican landslide and moving the US steadily toward a Christian dictatorship that nullifies women's rights and lgbt rights. I now think this is exactly what the world needs to survive.
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Besides the Sci-Fi/dystopian aspects of posts like >>11153710
Favorite part of that setting is that the relationships between men and their slave women seems to lean more into the softer side of male dom.
It's less about the stick and more about the carrot, so settings where women buy into their enslavement and actively work to support it is a fun take on things.

>Is your setting modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi or something else?
As for ideas on a completely fresh setting maybe it's a near future kind of deal?
Technology like artificial wombs, advanced forms of birth control and AI create a new slaving state.
One built on having a underclass of slave women with free women above them, and the small population of men at the top.

Or maybe we continue with the lewd fallout or high fantasy Fae setting?
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Does anyone have a google doc containing an erotic world building project related to this? It was intended to be a sort of Bible I think, and it was very long. I believe I found it here, and was wondering if anyone had a link. I can't remember the name.
Nvm, it was just the lore doc
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Hey that's me! Still kicking around. Yeah it's super long but if you want to just get to the more concrete/juicy bits you can ctrl-F for stuff or just read the "STORY" sections.


>What's is life like for the average man in your setting? The average woman?
Comfortable domesticity. The man is the provider, his wives (minimum 2, median 4, average 6, no upper bound) tend the home and need only worry about cooking, cleaning, and cock-riding to rightly honor their husband-owner.

>How are boys raised to prepare them for leadership and their role as masters?
Doted on as a budding master from birth, baptized in schoolgirl pussy juice at his "Visitation" coming-of-age ritual.

>Are slaves inherited? Or passed on in any other ways?
Inheritance is common, but trade is free at all scales from individuals to massive sale lots passed between companies. Girls can be snapped up Romeo and Juliet style while in high school but otherwise "hit the market" after that, possibly including time at finishing schools to better equip them to niche sex skills.

>Does your setting have non-slave women? If so how are they controlled?
Absolutely not. A man can give his women whatever degree of leeway or respect he chooses in the comfort of his own home, but they are legally his property and he is responsible for their actions the same way as a pet's owner is' in public, a man and his brood are expected to behave accordingly. Chastity is a no-go as "strength in numbers" breeding is the order of the day, as well as how women are kept on-board with their own permanent subjugation.

>Is your setting modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi or something else?
Modern with "plausible" sci-fi to paper over a few holes. Not futuristic, but some conveniences to control male-female birth ratios (Y-control, double-mother birthing, etc.) and some gene-splicing and tech-control bits near the end.
>minimum 2
Is there monogamy? What's the closest one can get to a normal marriage irl?
You can play favorites all you like, but yes it's generally expected you've got at least two under your thumb. Again, comes back to the pet analogy: you wouldn't want your poor things to be all sad and alone while you're out being the breadwinner, right? If one's pregnant or ill or otherwise out of commission, you have the other(s) to keep the household running and your libido sated. Make no mistake, housework IS work, and important and valuable... which is why having other wives to share the load is so great!
>Is there monogamy? What's the closest one can get to a normal marriage irl?
If master has a monogamy fetish it could just be the case he takes you as his only slave wife, said legal status means your privileged over his other slaves.
Being the only woman who'll give him his male heirs and legitimized daughters it is sure to be a rather pampered life.
As for social norms of owning multiple slave women, the other women can be used as maids( or other service roles) and to sexually entertain guests.
Might end up with you being the Queen bee of the household...

>You can play favorites all you like
On that note how does the whole concept of sexual exclusivity play out on the man's part?
Sexuality, public whoring, etc. All that lewd stuff is normalized a man who's monogamous would be a oddity.
Or maybe it's a Open relationship on his part, like it's not cheating so long as he doesn't take other wives
>who's monogamous would be a oddity.
So he'd just be considered weird? I was wondering if it was like, a social taboo.

> the other women can be used as maids
So there could theoretically be a guy who just has sex with the one legal wife.
>he'd just be considered weird? I was wondering if it was like, a social taboo.
It's a bit of both, it's expected of men to sleep arround with other women and same goes for married men.
Make some bastard daughters and let the slave rearing handle them.
Helps society keep up it's slave population to fill roles for everything from menial workers to whores.
A man opting out of that might be seen as spoiling his single wife, it's not a issue if he's not spreading his monogamy fetish.

>theoretically be a guy who just has sex with the one legal wife
Monogamy is seen as something he'd keep to himself, in public he'll show he does own other women.
In private your his only favorite. Just think of it as the inversion of how IRL any form of polygamy is seen as weird but allowed.
His women are His property so if he's monogamous that's between him & his slaves.
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How do all-female races reproduce in male-dominated settings?
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There's some explicit religious doctrine that shuns outright monogamy on the level of original sin, but like most religions everyone varies wildly with how strictly they adhere to it; it also plays up how evil it is to be neglectful or openly cruel to your women, with doting on a single one kind of mixed in.

As far as how much "sleeping around" happens, it depends. Women owned by an individual man are his property and his to breed and seed, but minor sexual favors are common to offer guests from your lower-value women. If a woman is owned by a company or in some other situation where men around her aren't her legal on-paper master, she's generally free game, and if you want to lock her down you have to buy her off them. Off course, some women are best suited to lives of pleasure and can accept never marrying; so long as they produce children, they've done their duty as a contributing member of society.

The biggest thing that unless the man wants and intends very deliberately to raise a son as a future master, or a daughter as a high-ticket future bride, child care isn't their problem. Male children have to be raised properly, but "Y-control" makes sure bastard kids are nearly all women, and those women are left in giant orphanage-slave schools en masse. Little girls are raised by past-their-prime unclaimed women in giant "walled garden" style boarding complexes that keep both out of sight and out of mind. When those armies of interchangeable girls come of age, they'll be instructed by sexually viable teachers and meet their first boys, and eventually men.

No answer; the "original" lore bible is humans-only, and all the space/sci-fi/high fantasy variations came around during and after it. I never paid it much mind but did nobody ever bother compiling a similar text for all that elf stuff with all the specialized terms and proper nouns?
>Raincoat Corp Historical Report
>"There are no Industrial Accidents, only Great Profit Oportunities"
> The "Oversight of Minsae" marked the beginning of a new market strategy for Raincoat Corp.
>"Minsae" was the perfect drug for a Pre-patriarchy society, a Diet Drug that threw away the body´s natural need to hold on to fats and sugars, hastily sent out to market despite serious issues.
>First, its effects were irreversible after a constant dose, which turned it into a short treatment, instead of a constant source of profit.
>Second, its then majority female board of directors rushed its sale without looking at the drawbacks.
>And finally, Third. It changed the desperate need of the body to hold sustenance at all times to a burning desire to mate.
>Women had succeded in going "cold turkey" on relationships, cutting off males on a misguided attempt at "supremacy", and the reintroduction of their mating obligations hit them, for the first time in a lon long time, like a pack of Truck-kuns handled by raging drunks.
>Not even teetotalers or women who were paranoid about pills escaped the catastrophe. In their greed, the then Board girlbossed their way into marketing the drug as a food supplement, a cosmetic add-on, and even used government to add it into public water.
>What female society first began to rationalize as the reintroduction of small concessions to regain the "trust and love" of men again, quickly turned to "giving back unearned privileges", ran aground into total and complete surrender.
>Men would not be kind, or fair in this victory.
>After kindly stepping aside, fooled by the notion of "equality", they took reigns with an iron grip.
>Inside the Corp, the female Board was quicky collared gagged and strapped with straitjackets by the still Male Factory Managers, but their once haughty bosses still attempted to rut on any blunt edge they found.
>Thus, Raincoat Corp made history that day, by deciding to open a new market niche on Chastity belts.
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I was going to reply to that other guys post, but it got deleted. He was talking about domestication, and I've always liked that idea.
Whether its monstergirls, animal beastwomen, or Amazonians you capitalize on the fact that they do genuinely need men to survive as a race.
A good setup could be a setting that starts as a matriarchy, Amazonian women who are the only ones who fight back the monstergirls, while men have to obey or risk exile where they are sure to be hunted down by monsters.
Over time, technology advances, and the men are able to rebel and also subjugate the monsters.
When your options are zoo exhibit/pet/ranch animal vs extinction, its not really a choice.
In a few generations the idea of freedom is gone, since they no longer believe themselves capable of hunting or kidnapping men.
Maybe the department that manages public use sluts also has a short of cultural affairs division.
Essentially it's staffed with home wrecker sluts who's main duty is to seduce monogamous men and hopefully get them out of their bad habit.
Or at the very least they get them to embrace the open relationship/ polygamy mindset, single wife in the house hold but fucking regular whores as part of a man's duty to society.
In more religious parts of the patriarchy this role of seductress is also filled by the nuns.

>deciding to open a new market niche on Chastity belts.
Kind of tying this sort of thing back to marriage in the patriarchy; so maybe chastity belts are mainly used for wives, future brides to be, etc.
Special collars and chastity belts become a mark of status for these women. They sacrifice a life of pure pleasure and are dedicated to serving only a single man.
Other women in society who are in the sexual service industry obviously don't need belts.
With a few exceptions for some slave women who actually need to concentrate on their duties, in these cases denial/release is their main motivation to work.
Chastity belts are strapped on every woman, once the aphrodisiacs laced on the food and drink a young girl imprint and mesh with her libido.
Most girls are only able to experiment one good shlick on the privacy of their bed before her Mothers and Sisters tie her to the bedposts, edge her to check her growth, and lock her.
From that point, the only times she will get relief will be by the hands or cocks of others, and when she is unbelted, her hands shall be restrained to prevent touching.
Her breasts won´t have it better, because even if a chastity bra is too small, "purity", or "cowprint" pasties will be glued to her nipples.
To make matters worse, the belt and pasties are designed to massage gently at all times, to prevent her from going frigid, and becoming a Feminist.
Having a Master doesnt bring them full relief, since most Men keep their kitty pets down by having them Frustrated most of the time. Living with a belt set at Knife-edge at random, and kneeling down to give a blowjob instead of sharing the bed is a common scenario.
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>Chastity belts are strapped on every woman
>most Men keep their kitty pets down by having them Frustrated most of the time
That covers how it's handled for women in private ownership, but I'd assume the system is a bit different for whores, public use sluts and other sex working slaves?
Like the belts and other chastity devices are linked to a slave's collar, only opening for use once payment or other authorization is detected.
Kind of funny to see that even for whores sexual relief is still strictly controlled by men even if they aren't serving a single master.

>Amazonians you capitalize on the fact that they do genuinely need men to survive as a race
>options are zoo exhibit/pet/ranch animal vs extinction, its not really a choic
Could open the setting up to the whole concept that not all women are slaves per say.
Specifically Human women aren't all enslaved, being that they're the only ones who can birth human males.
It's this ability that puts them above all the monstergirls/ beastwomen as the upper class of women.
And the female only races have strengths/weaknesses that make them better suited to certain slave roles.
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Apart from the chastity belt, every single woman gets chipped on her back, close to the base of the spinal column, with a signal dampener, just in case a woman was ever able to bypass her belt and make herself orgasm.
It can also command the body to ignore its ovulation cycles, or control the body temperature of the womb, so female zygotes become more viable than male ones, ensuring an ample overstock of females compared to males.
The chip works as a normal Pet GPS, with a simple keyfob under their master´s thumbprint control, and in whores and other sex workers, it is turned on by default.
After all, a satisfied woman doesnt suck and hump with enough motivation compared to a frustrated bitch, and having a bastard freezes a whore´s productivity for months.
Since application is as easy as a vaccine and as fast as a routine medical checkup, most girls are ignorant of the level of control applied to their wombs, so even a girl leaking cum from her vagina after an extensive session may find herself unfulfilled and safely locked back, not daring to speak up, for fear of being ignored by her Master over her Harem Sisters, fearing to be seen as too greedy, while he grins, knowing that she was never gonna cum, no matter how good a job she did.
Patriarchy has deemed the Female Orgasm to be unnecesary, and a luxury, and the Ideal Woman is one who is wet, stewing on her own juices, and ever ready to serve, always chasing for a reward that may not come until, perhaps, her Master wishes to impregnate her with a heir.
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>Specifically Human women aren't all enslaved, being that they're the only ones who can birth human males
Thats a really good idea, should citizenship be something human women start with, making slavery a punishment? Or something they earn, with slavery being the default.
I personally prefer the former, but if we wanna do the latter it could actually be tied to birthing a male heir, really hammering home what is expected of them.

>better suited to certain slave roles
I was thinking that the different races have drastically different levels of intelligence, some are slightly smarter than actual animals, in this case its actual domestication, while others have societies and are at or above human intelligence.
I specifically like the idea of even the most powerful of creatures meeting their match in human technology and having to accept subjugation to survive, all while the formerly less powerful creatures kind of benefit from the whole situation, getting softer lives, even if they are now being kept alive only as slave pets.
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The fact that they aren't aware is so delightful. These women think that the thing that denies them organism is the thin aluminum wall of the belt, not realizing that it's so much further away than that.
I like the idea of tying the contraceptive function directly to orgasm. While the implants strictly prevent orgasms normally, it's pretty simple to switch orgasms back on and having done so, the implants ensure that if and only if she cums, she will be able to become pregnant.
Of course, most men don't want to deal with this so it's pretty rare for a woman to be granted orgasm. That very first schlick when she was younger is likely the only memory she will have until years later when she's chosen to breed. Women who aren't of breeding quality may go their entire lives on the cusp of an orgasm, desperately craving something they will never have.
>every single woman gets chipped on her back
>suck and hump with enough motivation compared to a frustrated bitch
On this note, real sex (not just handies or sucking cock) could provide women with momentary relief from the constant edging even if it's not a full Orgasm.
So maybe this becomes the main motivation for slaves to work, food, shelter, etc. is all provided for them by master as they're his property.
But the only compensation they actually care about is getting some time out of the belt and being dicked.
As for whores the motivation for them might be "serve x number of cocks to earn a orgasm" and having a new slave put in her belly is a happy bonus!

>Women who aren't of breeding quality may go their entire lives on the cusp of an orgasm
A simple caste system based mainly on on how breedable women sounds like a perfect fit for the patriarchy.
Have the wives at the top, producing male heirs and waifu quality daughters.
Just below them are the breed sluts, including, nuns, high class whores, dedicated breeding sows, etc. They're keeping the female population at a heathy high.
At the bottom you have the rest of women deemed as unworthy, working as everything from menials to whores.
>should citizenship be something human women start with
>tied to birthing a male heir
Could make this aspect of life for Free women very transactional to still demean them even if they are still legally "equal" to men.
Actually getting married as legal equals is a rarity as Sexual/companionship needs can be met by many fem-race slaves.
Instead men might simply choose to pay a free woman to rent her womb to produce male heirs.
If a woman wants to be cared for and loved she usually has to give into enslavement...

>powerful of creatures meeting their match in human technology and having to accept subjugation to survive
To add to the whole fall from grace aspect of this, these races could very well have defanged breeds.
Daemon girls having their magical powers bred down to simple party tricks.
Minotaurs getting a sub breed of dairy cow slaves.
They're not just surviving but allowing their masters to shape entire races
The chastity belt question is also a big place it seems like I'm in the minority from the other people in here, current and past. Now, don't get me wrong, if your woman has truly done something wrong, and isn't just play-acting being a "bad girl" for attention, by all means deny her use of whatever body parts you like. Lock the belt on, blindfold her, bind her arms and legs so she hobbles on her knees and elbows like a quadrupedal animal. But all this should be measures of last resort, and certainly NOT the base state.

Sexual gratification should be something attained readily, pleasure should be free-flowing and normalized. Obviously a dose of master's love is still the pinnacle, but I want my walking talking onaholes to be permanently hot to trot. Their sexual freedom should be what they consider their "real" liberation, and the "freedoms" of the past (or competing "free" societies) to be an illusion. Playing with themselves (and any other women nearby) should be the norm, as a continuous enticement to the men they desperately want to be seeded by. Now, granted, there are some still-taboo implants even in the "base" setting that provide for synchronized and/or on-command cumming, but even in the wider public the general aim is to flood the pleasure centers as yet another form of making women docile and eager to keep a good thing going. More flies with honey than vinegar and all.
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>transactional to still demean them even if they are still legally "equal" to men.
Thats an interesting way of doing it, I think having a human woman at the head of a harem, the second in command of the household would work as well.
She accepts a role of motherhood and household care, likely as a slave(potentially a well treated one) but also possibly as a wife.
Of course if she doesn't produce a male heir, or seems to be shirking her duties as a mother, she is almost certainly going to lose her privileges and be replaced by one of the many human women who want the comfort of settling down instead of working as essentially breeding stock for men who dont want a human wife.

>allowing their masters to shape entire races
That would definitely be the case, more dangerous creatures have breeds created to be pets, with the "real" ones existing only in the collections of powerful men, or in conservation efforts.
I love the idea of making more "useful" or appealing forms of these once terrifying monsters, especially with longer living species, like say dragons or demons, where the elders who submitted(and therefor survived) have to watch the process happen, and contribute to it by being broodmothers.
>Shiroi Sogen Institute
>A Finishing School specialized on receiving Hucow students.
>From its Public Facade, it offers diplomas in Agronomy, Gastromomy, Food Engineering, and Nature Studies.
>Inside the Institute, one cannot walk 10 meters without a starchy, edible plant at hand, either ample grass fields, potted wild flowers, or lovingly kept vegetable home gardens.
>Students are offered to consume the greenery freely, and classes do away with sitting down in a desk, instead organizing groups on freely roaming herds, which may not sit down until the learning day is done.
>But that is just the slim front face.
>Chewing on green nutrients all day needs to go somewhere, and Shiroi Sogen students are banned from milking themselves.
>Apart from the customary chastity belt, nipple sealing Cow Pasties are glued to them.
>Their breasts swell and ache, and their gentle, placid nature gives way to raw instinct.
>By the middle of their first year, almost all students are delinquent brutes, ready to process.
>An elite disciplinarian council made out from students with more strength of will and duty is tasked with chasing and subduing the most flagrant delinquents.
>Locked into stocks, the Minotauresses have their breasts caned and slapped while still glued shut, until their growls and threats become pants and sobs.
>Then, the pastie is unsealed, and the excess milk flows out on its own, without stimulation, or relief.
>The still frustrated student reverts back to being a good gentle cow, still running up the walls in frustration, but fearful of acting out, until she can control her needs no more, and is punished again.
>The milk from the discipline sessions is religiously collected from all the students and sold to the general public.
>Its taste and health benefits are considered so excellent that even Men who already have a Hucow Concubine may still have a carton on their fridge, and drink from it as a stamina supplement.
>Gangs of Horned Gyarus fight other Academies freely
>having a human woman at the head of a harem
>accepts a role of motherhood and household care, likely as a slave
The all female races would realize that human women devoting themselves to motherhood is critical to the survival of their own race.
So when master brings home a slave wife(or wives) every effort is made to ensure her comfort, fertility and health.
This way when women decides to settle down and give up their freedoms, they trade it for a life of being a pampered breeder wife.

>going to lose her privileges and be replaced
On that note would this society be monogamous or polygamous?
Referring specifically to human women in this case.

>have to watch the process happen, and contribute to it by being broodmothers
They'll also have to live with the knowledge that their original forms will eventually be replaced with domestic breeds.
Being longer lived isn't entirely immortal and once they pass the memory that they where once fearsome creatures will be gone with them.
Likely they'd have seen this happen to the shorter lived slave races...

>Sexual gratification should be something attained readily
This would be another huge part of domesticating monster girls.
Those strong warriors or Prideful/intelligent races are bred in captivity till their descendants are cum brained whores.
Not all breeding programs would have a labor/work focus some would be for entertainment or companionship purposes.
Part of the point of patriarchy is to ensure male control over sexuality, and deny female agency.
Having sexual gratification available freely and readily undermines patriarchy. It means that women may pleasure themselves or each other or even seek out men for sexual gratification. It means that sex is something that women do for self-gratification.
That flies in the face of what patriarchy is all about. Patriarchy cannot include women indulging in sexuality for their own liberation. To propose this reeks of feminist undermining of patriarchal ideals. Patriarchy means that women must completely lose agency over their own sexuality and female sexuality should be demonized.
There are a lot of ways to achieve that, which do not necessarily need to involve chastity devices, but chastity devices are an effective means of physically denying women sexual agency.
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>devoting themselves to motherhood is critical to the survival of their own race
I really like that, every woman, human or otherwise is trying to be a mother, trying to find a peaceful domestic life.
Theres no room for thinking about resistance, since no one would support them, they accept its live in a gilded cage or die in the wilds.

>monogamous or polygamous
I've always liked the idea that there is a difference between a slave and a wife, even if its just in how their master treats them. So it would be one true wife, who is a human expected to be as close to an equal as a woman is allowed to be, and any other human women in the harem would be slaves, legally no different than the monsters. Gives something for human women to want to work towards while also making it legally clear that they are above the monster races who cant ever receive this rank, but only if they obey, and do their duty as a mother.

This is super hot, love the idea of intentionally creating stress milk,street fighting Gyaru Hucows in a constant cycle of punishment and desperation

Personally, I just have a fem chastity fetish, so I like to mix it in when I can. You would be right that playing into the open sexual nature would be more likely to win women over, but I also tend to prefer settings with a bit harsher slave treatment, or at least no real restrictions on how a master treats his slaves, a world where slavery might not be the worst thing that can happen to a woman, but not exactly something she wants.
I would honestly be interested in hearing where people land on that question, to simplify it it's the Free Cities style sliding scale of Degradation vs Paternalism, with a lot of choices in between.
What's the tattoo on their stomaches?
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On a strictly technical level, I don't agree. At least, I don't agree that denying female "agency" works against male control over their sexuality, so long as that "agency" is properly limited and supervised.

On a society-wide top-down level, domination goes smoother if they embrace their servitude as a calling; a woman's master, ideally, is first and foremost to be loved and idolized, not feared or begrudged. Easier to maintain the cage around their minds if there isn't a big metal reminder buckled on their crotch. If it keeps everything ticking over properly, let them their goon sessions and other vain delights, so long as they stay in line and know, bone-deep, that Master can punish failure just as effectively as he rewards compliance.

Changing scope and speaking purely as one master to another: if you want to run the risk of sowing resentment, which could fester into inklings of rebellion, that's your choice. You're king of your castle, as I am of mine. If I'm a softie that spoils my pets, and they obey me at home and behave properly in public situations, then that's my right to do with them as I wish. If my women obey me and perform tricks freely, and another man needs muzzles or neck cones or shock collars to keep his mongrels in line, well, who's *really* doing a better job commanding obedience?

See I can work with that, and even a paternalistic pleasure-prioritizing society should still be able to provide you want you want. Shop for girls with appropriate pain tolerances, filtered up through BDSM compatibility tests and training. Buy up cheap, error-prone girls at a discount and reprimand them as you see fit when they inevitably mess up, or go up-market and buy a specialty girl. If there's something a man wants and cannot get from any woman, short of outright abuse or murder, then the system is not working correctly. You just gotta put a happy *enough* face on their total abject servitude to make them love the chains that bind them.
need a source, saucenow cant find it
>difference between a slave and a wife, even if its just in how their master treats them
>legally clear that they are above the monster races who cant ever receive this ran
Besides the legality of it, wives would be considered just below her husband when it comes to the authority over slaves.
It's a Queen bee type of role so while it can be a pampered life she's still got some responsibilities besides just being a good mother/breeder.
As for the sexual side of things, she gets priority over other women, making heirs or daughters to be married off, etc.

>trying to find a peaceful domestic life
>any other human women in the harem would be slaves
There's a certain appeal to enslavement for these women, it's a sort of "turn off your brain, let master think for you".
For single women they need to manage their lives entirely on their own, Wives have to play task master over other women
But for a good slave there's nothing to worry about besides pleasing master and mistress.

Womb tattoos, looks like just a simple mark of ownership in this case.
The classic trope of magic tattoos does fit well with the whole domesticated monster girls setting.
Controlling sex drive, fertility, etc.
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I largely agree, It's the dynamic that does it.

I'm working on a series of short stories where it's far future but somewhat grounded. Clones exist, But imprinting a convincing personality is pricey, As such a thriving market for real girls lead to unilateral female enslavement, As the countries that started down that path outcompeted their neighbors economically by tapping an abundant resource. A ranking system is put in place where compliant girls who achieve a level of skill and display the proper mindset are practically citizens, though still property, and less worthy girls are classed as simpler commodities, At worst a tier over meat, Which the cloning industry dominates.

I've struggled to make a compelling narrative focusing on the clones, Speculating instead on the real people running the clone corps, But I've found abundant motivation to plume the mentalities of girls working toward something that approximates human rights.
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>Clones exist, But imprinting a convincing personality is pricey
>Speculating instead on the real people running the clone corps
Interesting point here could be focusing on the free women working in these places.
The behavioral specialists who work to make these clone personalities feel alive.
Like maybe they're doing for selfish reasons likely trying to prevent their own enslavement.
Or they see making clone slaves common place as a way to prevent/slow the enslavement of naturally born women?

>thriving market for real girls lead to unilateral female enslavement
>ranking system is put in place where compliant girls
Diving deeper into your setting how would the majority of these slaves be sourced?
Debt enslavement, rigged criminal system to enslave women, breeding programs, etc.

>focusing on the free women working in these places.

There are no free women in the setting.

>Diving deeper into your setting how would the majority of these slaves be sourced?

From birth. A girl is born as a father's property, A title serving the place of a birth certificate. The setting relies on a quirk of birth statistics, A person born in the series has a 70% chance of being born female. Factor that into wide sex acceptance, and an ever exploding population boom is occurring, But the setting incorporates three star systems. So populations in the hundred billions are easy to handwave. Though only one series touches on space travel, The story of a space trucker and his slave, The focus of which is mostly her off-the-books conditioning and the mental impact it exerts on her, She is neurologically disincentivized from understanding the process, Like hyper specific but crippling ADHD.

The complications with this conditioning, The "Slap a visor on her and she'll play nice in a few days" approach leads holistic approaches to be preferred. Long conditioning with radical application of pleasure enhancing therapies and sex positivity, As well as role specific training, Such as homemaking.

A warm body from a vat will run you a few hundred, a normal girl a few grand, An enhanced girl with skills is where the money is, and where the productions all aim.

>Or they see making clone slaves common place as a way to prevent/slow the enslavement of naturally born women?

This is an interesting point I plan to work more into on a re-edit. I'm trying to finish a handful of stories that all take place in the same year to get a good flow of worldbuilding and reference built up.

The story as a whole, I hope, Will express the theme of subjective beauty. As the work itself is plainly gross. But the characters still find love and have goals, Often the same goal with different motivation. An argument for the option to argue, With lots of weird sex along the way.
>70% chance of being born female.
>Factor that into wide sex acceptance, and an ever exploding population boom is occurring
So would sex/mating in public been seen as a normal activity, with the whole design of culture being aimed at producing slave women?
Seems like a much more humane alternative to breeding programs where women are treated like cattle.
Society relies less on such things when loose sexual morals produces enough slaves in most cases, with cloning also helping out.

>approach leads holistic approaches to be preferred
>warm body from a vat will run you a few hundred...
On that note, how the majority of slave training be done?
Is it with visors and other methods of directly programing women's minds.
Or done with traditional methods of indoctrination.

Like maybe in this setting slaves trained via Visors have a robotic/unnatural personality or behavior.
Leading to hand trained slaves being high end goods with vat grown and entirely programed slaves being seen as the cheaper products.
>So would sex/mating in public been seen as a normal activity
Perfectly normal, and seen as an only slightly above-average accommodation. Like, You could take your girl out to the park and do it on a park bench, Nobody would bat an eye. Other slaves with permission can also be used, But that generally won't be the only reason they're there. Your waitress still has tables to wait, But the owner might be okay with them getting bent over a table. May see a service charge for that on the bill, though.

>with the whole design of culture being aimed at producing slave women?
Not the whole design. It's an industry, and an industry that's capable of producing workers that can produce net-negative labor costs if they're particularly competent, So it touches nearly everything. Some sectors haven't seen all that much change. Two of my male characters are comp sci guys, One entering into training as a gap job and the other still in college with his dad's slave there to wife at him.

>On that note, how the majority of slave training be done?
>Or done with traditional methods of indoctrination.

"Indoctrination" is a word with some pessimistic implications, I feel. It's more like conditioning. And most slave training is more analogous to job training. Their first job is generally sex work, But once they're competent sex workers as a bare minimum they conditioning becomes a more social and technical ordeal. Their confidence needs building up so they could fill a social role like an assistant, receptionist, etc. And they're allowed to pursue interests. If a slave gets really into cars, Why not let her become a mechanic? That's a valuable worker, And if it falls through you could still sell her to a brothel or private owner as a fallback. It's gentle, But pragmatic.

>Is it with visors and other methods of directly programing women's minds.
>Like maybe in this setting slaves trained via Visors have a robotic/unnatural >personality or behavior.

The visors impose direct interference with the brain's incentive structures, I think. Rather than giving a girl any real reason to be good it simply makes being subservient feel good and being rebellious feel bad. The issue is that without theory there's no praxis, These feelings aren't backed up with anything and they're practically voices in her head. The process produces obedient, But generally unwell slaves, Tanking their market value.

Your quick-conditioned girl might be nice, follow orders, and sleep with you, But her heart's not in it, She lacks a reason to follow the social contract, or any contract, She doesn't like having sex, It's just a thing that happens to her. Also she's slowly developing a cluster-B personality disorder. What a tragedy it would be if you fell in love with her, As slave owners generally do.

>Leading to hand trained slaves being high end goods with vat grown and >entirely programed slaves being seen as the cheaper products.

Pretty much this.
To expand on the value on clones because I hit the character limit:

Vat grown girls are just bodies at the point of cloning, They have a functioning brain, They can about breath, But that's nearly it. This would sell, But not for so much, Especially since most people have a daughter or three they haven't sold off yet. Having children somewhat in bulk if far from uncommon in this setting. But if you wanted a girl that's essentially furniture, There you go.

From there, The clones can undergo comprehensive visor conditioning to achieve something that can, When very successful, Kind of resemble a personality, A secret the clone corps keep close to their hearts. These clones will, At best, Be able to do a simple job. I'm not talking factory foreman, I mean one position on an assembly line.

So the best clones out there are about as good as an unskilled girl who you could threaten into place, She'd be less hassle, too. But a holistically conditioned girl with even a little skill immediately outranks the best clones.

So the ranks would look something like this, Withholding titles that I'm not settled on yet:

Clone bodies: Very cheap, Used for breathing furniture and food

Clone, skilled: Uncanny, But affordable, A little pricier.

Real girl, Unconditioned: Better than a clone, price weighs heavily on her attitude. You could always just rape her, But sometimes that's too much effort, And she probably hates you, Might even run.

Real girl, Mid Conditioning: At this stage she'll fuck like a whore and like it, Probably like you, even. But she might still be incompetent elsewhere, Why else would she have been sold off at this level?

Real girl, Fully conditioned: At this stage you could take her home and wake up with your house spotless and your budget optimized, She's a competent homemaker, or whatever she was trained as, And understands the value she holds and will see good behavior as a simple exchange of goods, That's her pay in for comfortable living.
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>industry that's capable of producing workers that can produce net-negative labor costs
Seems like the perfect way to further demean/control women.
So most women aren't born from the normalized lewd sexual culture in this setting?
Instead there's extensive use of birth control as a tool to oppress women, controlled slave breeding plus cloning being how most slave women are created.

>Their first job is generally sex work...
>falls through you could still sell her to a brothel or private owner
So with the example of the waitress >>11163659, is it the case in this setting that sexual duties are a part of every woman's work?
Either as a complementary fuck or a extra fee these whores can expect to be fucked regularly.

And just a side note, I assume some women are trained simply as sex toys and nothing else.
Cloned women could easily learn through human contact and some "real Girls" are bred for sex work serve as mid/high class escorts.

>fell in love with her, As slave owners generally do
As for the ranking system, how would the whole concept of slave wives mesh with it?
Men need male heirs so maybe there's arranged marriages for daughters raised by their fathers.
Or there's a market for buying clones or Conditioned women who are expressly to be sold as wives.
>extensive use of birth control
Well, Of course. relatively few people want to be the octodad.
>as a tool to oppress women
It's a bit more pragmatic than fetishistic. Though some tertiary characters run little "farm" operations for fun and profit. A mid-conditioning girl in one of my stories, Due an origin story of her own, for example. It'll be in the first run, When I'm happy with them.

>sexual duties are a part of every woman's work?
Yeah, Pretty much. The least a slave should be is a good lay, Then an enthusiastic one, Then a well rounded servant, Her value -and presumably the quality of life her owner can provide- increasing as she improves, Organically incentivizing them. Same reason you or I would go to college or enter a trade. If you're particularly amenable your conditioners may even take such measures as credit/background checks, family interviews, and follow-ups to ensure it's a good match. I like it when the upsetting can be twisted around into something comfy.

>arranged marriages
Marriage isn't really a concept in my setting, A wife is simply a slave you have chemistry with and plan to hold onto. It doesn't actually alter the dynamic all that much, She still has to serve him and he can still drop her on a whim. But I like to play with how feelings might still develop in those circumstances.
>A mid-conditioning girl
Er, Her dad, rather.
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>run little "farm" operations for fun and profit. A mid-conditioning girl in one of my stories...
Given that it's her father that runs the operation, brings up a pretty interesting point.
Besides being breeding slaves(or wet nurses, etc.) what role do women play in these slave farms or conditioning centers?
Like maybe a man has his more gifted daughters trained for nursing or as mid wives.
MILFs might also help with the conditioning of younger women, etc.

The enslavement of women is always more lewd when it's also women who help run the system!

>upsetting can be twisted around into something comfy.
Well that's how things seem for the outside looking in.
Within that society It's totally the norm, so everyone wants their daughters to be good slaves.
This is they only way for women to better their lives.

>Marriage isn't really a concept in my setting, A wife is simply a slave you have chemistry with
On that note what's the stance on incest in your setting?
As it seems that that men simply view all women as potential mates or just as whores where they pick favorites.
You'd think this thread would be a little more busy right now.
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Well former-lesbian-anon probably came themselves into a coma.
Former lesbians in a patriarchy are always fun, especially if they have kids put into them
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Is it some kind of international MRA day?
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but honestly for people who can keep their kinks out of their politics it doesn't matter; for those can't/don't want to separate them, they'll still never go far enough to make any of the shit from this thread
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Oh, yeah. Make America Balls Again.

Ironically I think that the matriarchal Mosou system is the best possible outcome for sex and families. I haven't seen anything work any better but the desire to see some hypermasculine state dominate a fantasy world is something that calls me back for pure indulgence.
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The Mosou might actually be the most pathetic society I've ever heard of.
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They get so much pussy that one of their dudes had to have rape explained to them!

But, yeah, I'm sure the sex is super vanilla.
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Ok then I totally take back my statement, ngl I had never heard of them and read a Wikipedia article which should just not be how I learn about things
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Adding to that, the ideal sexual patriarchy might actually be kinda matriarchal in its government, so long as the goal remains "Keep men content"
There was a guy in one of these threads whose setting was a matriarchal cabal that ran the whole world, but who came to the conclusion that fulfilling a man's every need would lead to the least resistance, so their laws all involve stripping away the rights of the women who aren't them, legalizing sex slavery etc.
The setting I'm thinking of had a kinda Bene Gesserit vibe to it, and I think that's an interesting way to take the idea,
Sci-fi or high fantasy church, all the high ranking clergy are women, they influence every monarch that shares their far reaching religion, but the tenets of the religion are largely sexual, requiring obedience/submission from women. Could have it encourage competition between men, and allow harems to create a bellicose society, but could also do a true male utopia kinda thing where luxury is their only focus if there's enough of a gender skew to have all labor be done by women
Does anyone have the old greentext of a galactic auction of slavegirl descriptions?
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Y'all know that they want to ban porn, right? Not to mention, banning abortion might eliminate your right to choose, but also means that your owner can't make the choice for you. It also takes away the rights of men to be faggots or women if they want to be—what kind of superiority is male superiority if they can't do whatever they want???

I will admit i was shocked by how crushing trump's victory was. The reaction from fellow liberals and feminists was also so much different. Rather than rage, tears and denial like there was the first time there was only instant meek acceptance of the fact that America was turning to the right. I didn't hear a single person taking about "resistance." I feel like feminism is finally crumbling. Meanwhile I feel like my own views are re aligning and reorienting further and more completely in response to the outcome.

What's mind blowing to me is that this started as a guilty pleasure i enjoyed only as a fetish. Over the years perusing patriarchy, slavery, maledom, and LGD has slowly rewritten my sexuality and eventually changed my political outlook and personality as well.


Banning porn, abortion and homosexuality would be based if it is associated with the fundamental goal is reducing women's rights and making society more authoritarian. The fact is that women are psychologically hard wired to need male control and giving us rights has led to the slow decay of modern society. We think we can think for ourselves and that we want that, but we can't. It's also important for men to realize that women cannot think critically or truly engage in a reasoned discussion. When men try to engage in discussions with us, they are really talking to themselves, battling their own weakness and temptations. Hence the desire to make patriarchy "benevolent." The fact is that a strict patriarchy that reinforced the role of women as breading machines and thoroughly rejects feminist ideas (degrading and mocking them if necessary) is what is actually the most benevolent for women. You have to treat us firmly for our own good and the good of humanity.
Sorry for the late response, Vehicle problems lead me to round out the week stealth camping near my workplace. Been an interesting one.

>what role do women play in these slave farms or conditioning centers?

It's quite natural, actually. Women want their daughters, nieces, etc. to have good lives, Becoming a valuable slave is how that's done. Two of the characters I'm currently entirely redoing are slaves who have completed conditioning and are just helping around the conditioning center until point of sale. Their stories will focus on their wildly differing takes on what a good life actually is, but their assistance to the conditioners is a background duty they don't even question.

>On that note what's the stance on incest in your setting?

As in real life, Incest can result in bitch defects, But my setting is high tech enough that small genetic issues can be resolved easily. And, As in real life, A lineage a little to touched with incest can largely be brought back into acceptable health in as little as two generations of healthy diversity.

>seems that that men simply view all women as potential mates or just as whores where they pick favorites.

Women are seen as nearly everything. Appliance, Employee, Colleague, lover, etc. Slavery is simply a framework for social interaction, Relationships still form as they tend to do.

A friend who I occasionally swap snippets with has floated the idea of making it a furry setting. I'm not really sold, But speciation would make for an easy poultice for the issue of contraception. Simply get a girl of a different species if you don't want kids. Might also help skirt the issue if a decency minded person has to ask "Did a 16-year-old get something called "cosmetic anal hyperplasti" in your story so she could take more anal sex without injury?" Just be like "Ma'am, That's a funny cartoon rabbit."

Might play around with it in a new draft.
>bitch defects
My brain is bad
That is the case, of course. But as someone who is most interested in the beginnings and the hows of a patriarchal society rather than the ends, it's fertile ground for the imagination. To fictionalize some points:
Decades of culture war push celebrity men who are crude, sexually rapacious, and ambitious into an awkward association with the socially conservative party. Particularly charismatic ones manage to wrest control of it from the staid, respectable types, and become the leaders and the major voices for the party.
Social decline caused by the internet and economic malaise leave the newest generation isolated and deeply unsatisfied. Mix in something similar to the Korean gender war, where conscription puts men 18 months behind women in their careers, while women resent the accusation that they're advantaged in a still male-dominated workforce. Mix in something similar to the rise and fall of #metoo but nastier, with beloved figures disgraced and then rehabilitated.
In this environment the conservative party finds, almost by accident, a receptive audience in frustrated young men who look up to the chauvinist leaders, and they win a surprise electoral victory on their strength. The party intellectuals assess their situation and realize that this new coalition is fragile, divided by race and class. Their hopes for maintaining control lie in solidifying their voters' group identity as men by driving more of a wedge between men and women. In the same breath they're able to throw a bone to the old guard of the party. They legislate sexual mores such as abortion, the burden of which falls on women. They regulate against inequalities of outcome that favor women such as university admissions while turning a blind eye to inequalities of outcome that favor men like corporate boards. Workplace sexual harassment becomes a more difficult crime to convict for as women have to prove they weren't willing participants.
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Well, if we're back into speculative fiction!

I get that the movement would necessarily have to come about through a reactionary conservative thing, but modern right-wingers (especially in America) are some of the most outwardly prudish and inwardly closeted homosexual people on the planet. You'd need to borrow a LOT of conceptual framework and messaging from earlier waves of feminism and 20th century boomer-coded forms of hedonism, at the very least to help convince women to buy in.

I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but at least for the first few generations you can't go wide-scale with it for two reasons. The obvious one is women raised to understanding themselves as complete, equally-valued human beings; there WILL be resistance, and no level of physical coercion can guarantee you don't get stabbed in your sleep or poisoned with dinner. The one downstream of that is that men not with the program will also be on your ass non-stop; even if you manage to get some woman to submit to you, what will you do when her father or brother (or orbiter or other competing male) comes to get her?

I remember, many threads ago, there was (supposedly) some tech bro who was reading up here and taking notes for his kinked-up Silicon Valley commune. Big surprise: the men outnumbered the women, who were communal as a result. If the harem element is as critical to you as it is to me, that's a worse payout ratio-wise than even "government issued girlfriend" fantasies.

Long story short: you need women on board with the program, and you breed them to raise you more. Trad wives mostly act the part for clout, but there have to be a FEW getting off on it. The Barbie movie, of all things, had like 5 minutes where the men take over because the women discover NOT being expected to liberated girlbosses, shutting your mind off, and doing what a man tells you can feel GOOD. Obviously by the end of the movie they destroy it... but it admitted that pull is real.
>>11166667 (cont)
Many women are outraged and lash out, and alienate men further. Many aren't though, as the economy, by good policy or good luck, has markedly improved, and as they haven't felt themselves wronged in their own lives. The Overton windows shifts as men and non-feminist women find themselves on the opposite side of a battleline from feminists in an increasingly vitriolic and one-sided battle, being accused of misogyny or being a gender traitor for pursuing their self-interest.
Rising male influencers complicate the sex war with inegalitarian ideas about relationships, preaching that men deserve both virgins and whores, separately. Young men imbibe this whole, while young non-feminist women receive the echo of it in the reinforced distinction between good and bad girls, putting more psychological pressure on them to meet expectations one way or the other. They also develop a stronger resentment towards feminists for thinking the increasingly complicated efforts that they put into winning the favor of a man, and the significance of that to their identity, to be mere self-slavery. Again like Korea, feminist is now a bad word.
In the next election the conservative party is wildly successful. With their experiment having proven successful, they now double down on it. The way that in some immature democracies a party representing an ethnic group nakedly distributes spoils to its members, they favor men in every occasion. The civil service, contractors, and universities are decidedly skewed male, and the rest of private sector takes a cue from them.
Older women who remain in the workforce or higher education find it more sexually hostile. If before the new direction society took was a benefit to them, now it isn't, but with feminists thoroughly marginalized they struggle to articulate or organize against it. Younger women starting their careers might feel uncomfortable with their boss grabbing their ass, but it's part of playing the game to them.
Your points are well taken. I tried not to be ambitious with this outline. Within a couple decades in this world women's workforce participation (and therefore financial independence) are lower and sexual consent is less ironclad and more transactional than it is today. Both things rather like the 1960s. It's true you won't have women enslaved within any one person's lifetime, that takes steps.
> You'd need to borrow a LOT of conceptual framework and messaging from earlier waves of feminism and 20th century boomer-coded forms of hedonism, at the very least to help convince women to buy in.
This observation is very good. I would like to explore it more at some point. If you're writing about a society that started from ours or something like ours, then women's lib is a necessary precondition of the sexual revolution. Many of these fantasies then are the noxious weed of the sexual revolution choking out the flower of women's lib which birthed it. That is an interesting dynamic.
While I'm here, if it gets you off there are a lot of people wallowing while masturbating over the election defeat and what it heralds for the future of feminism and women's rights on bdsmlr and on reddit's /r/fuckingfascists.
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I look at the trends you're describing, and I don't see them breaking the way you do. I used them, too, but they lead somewhere very different. Let me paint a different outcome.

Material conditions continue to suck, because the elite don't give a shit about happy proles anymore. (Even if MRA types are in the tent, modern conservatives bank way more on evangelical psycho-prudes, anyway.) Men soak up more misogyny, but the timetable is still all wrong. It continues to drive modern Western women away, as they take the Korean femcel 4B shit (no dating/sex/marriage/childbirth) and import it here. Lose-lose all around.

The patriarchy, as we know it and envision it, grows ground-up rather than top-down, in cult-like enclaves that expand naturally. They seize power with "legitimacy" by "old-world" standards once they have an overwhelming number of adherents who not only believe, but have been raised to since birth. It takes much longer, but that's why breeding becomes so intrinsic to it.

Meanwhile, life outside those regions spirals further down the toilet as hostile gender relations fester; if your only options are to be doted on like a pet or chased around like a stray dog, which do you think women will choose? And even if it's because forces have conspired to limit their choices, it's important that they CHOOSE to submit. The forces you describe are what becomes of the sad, miserable dead-end that "free" society devolves into, and patriarchy exists as a calculated, tightly-planned REACTION and ANTIDOTE to that. (cont.)

Schlicking over Handmaiden's Tale fantasies about getting gangbanged while dressed like an Amish butter-churner is still rooted in sex via misery; it's a dark drama, and they're still the star. (Maybe if they're the type to mix in mind-break it could work...) IMHO, the key isn't "subjugation" as much as it is "oblivion" a la brain-dead bimbos and/or slutty and/or eager subs. (Like you!)
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You sympathize at first, then you gently walk them down the path. You coat it in feminist platitudes, slowly working through the "waves" backwards in time, step by step, until you have her where you want her. The pitch is leveraged the same way NXIVM hunted for high-level corporate women who could be flipped into a pyramid scheme of meat toilets. (At least, that's the insecurity and dissatisfaction you target in your marks!)

It's wrong of modern society, downright unfair, to ask so much of women while berating them! It makes them compete with men for resources at every turn while it demands they adhere to feminine norms! Why should a woman be marginalized or have her efforts put down if she wants to be a homemaker! Housework is labor, you're absolutely right, and very important labor! You need to be with a man who respects that! (They're on the hook now, start reeling them in.) For all its faults (here comes the reel) those traditional divisions of labor at least respected that. didn't they. Modern feminism is shrill and angry and aggressive because it's angry that society demands you be two things at once.

Our women find happiness when they throw all those extra expectations away. When they let someone else take those burdens on for them. It's an easier life, a simpler life, and a happier life. They trust us, their masters, to take care of all that nasty stuff for them, and in turn they show their gratitude via their service. Doesn't that sound less stressful, doesn't that sound like the perfect way to escape that endless miserable friction? Join us; we'll set it all up for you. Many hands will make light work, and your wants and needs will be provided for. You can let everything else fade away. Master is here for you. Just be grateful. Master will take care of you. Just be dutiful. Master will see to your desires. Just be servile to his. (If by now it sounds like hypnosis, well, what's that but convincing someone while they're sleepy?)
The fae setting doesn't do it for me at all. I just think on how I'd make war to destroy the fae. How dare those mongrels even think about touching our women.
>a furry setting. I'm not really sold
>poultice for the issue of contraception
Could drop that furry part, not need when it's a near future/modern tech level setting.
There's a variety of contraception options for slave owners when they don't want their women getting pregnant.
Implanted medication, IUD, oral pill, having her tubes tied, etc.
All methods of reproductive control are put into the hand's of a woman's master.
Not every woman is suited to being a broodmare, no shame in it if she's best used as a simple cum dump.

>enough that small genetic issues can be resolved easily
Kind of related to the previous note, Incest could be a pleasure focused relationship between master/slave.
A man gets too attached to some of his half sisters from his fathers breeding operation....
Or he's a bit of a mother's boy and takes a sexual liking to her, steps can be taken prevent pregnancy.
So incest might be more wide spread at least with men from slave "farms".

>Women want their daughters, nieces, etc. to have good lives
>helping around the conditioning center until point of sale
In this setting how far are they into the enslavement of women?
1st generation, "it's always been this way", etc.

If society cant remember a time when women, it's odd that some unconditioned women >>11163687 might be resistant or even hate their master.
When slavery is the norm I'd just assume these women lack social etiquette or are just uneducated so they're not suited to complex work.
Menial tasks for purely sex work being a better fit for them.

>but have been raised to since birth. It takes much longer, but that's why breeding becomes so intrinsic to it.
Most lewd aspect of these settings is that the women are the ones who do a lot of the training/conditioning.
Society sees female enslavement as the norm so it's only natural that moral perversion reaches into how women view their life path/place in society.
>Implanted medication, IUD, oral pill, having her tubes tied, etc.
The setting already has "We put you in a tube for a couple days and your holes get sturdy enough for days long gangbangs" Little reason that couldn't also be "Also you're practically infertile until we put you in a tube again"

>In this setting how far are they into the enslavement of women?
Near a millennia, I've shopped around for exact time figures, But I picture female economic exploitation coming around as a WW2 rebuilding tactic and spreading within a century or so. It's now ~2800AD. Only history geeks even know it wasn't always a thing. (Including one of my slave characters who plays a healer in an mmo game with her master, She likes to nitpick how inaccurate to the medieval period the game is, Presence of chattel slavery in a feudal setting included.)

>it's odd that some unconditioned women might be resistant or even hate their master.

I'm not sure that it would be. We can't remember a time before employment today, And how many people hate their jobs? How much more would you hate your job if your boss brought you home at the end of the night and could shove you in a closet without dinner if your day didn't go well? A good employee kind of has to act a little brainwashed, At least when the higher ups are around.
I'm a lesbian but I lurk these threads because I have a desire to see some of my lesbian friends become like straight wives
Actual gold-star lesbianism is a strict no-go, I'm afraid... however, displays of sapphic sisterhood among wives and/or slaves is highly encouraged, both for bonding and as entertainment for your man. That some girls simply "go together" and are to be treated effectively as a single "unit" is fairly commonplace; so long as master always takes priority and his will carried out, the rest is pretty laissez-faire in most estates.
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Oh, I remember you.

I asked what you would think if an Ex sent you vids of her having sex with a dude. You said "I hope he breeds her!"

God, we're having so much fun out there and agendas want to kill it all. On god.
I like the sound of this I think.
Hmm I don't think that's me, well maybe it was if it was a while ago? I do often send men pics of a friend to hear their fantasies about breeding her haha

Cool. Make a thread in /b/ with all your girlfriends so they can all become sperm sacrifices.
honestly its tempting, theres one friend in particular I wanna see made into a baby factory for straight dudes. When she gets drunk she's so meek and submissive towards men, it used to piss me off lol
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Now that I think about it, /s/ would work better than /b/.
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I might toss some of her selfies on there in a bit
if you do you should link it
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I chickened out and just fantasized about her with a guy friend on discord lol
See, Taken in a more economic sense, Lesbian slaves could be quite valuable. If she does her job well then she'll have access to her master's other slaves, and they'll be about as able to tell her no as him. That's some solid motivation.
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If we can add some science fiction to the mix, cloning technology could be implemented to further dehumanize women. A legal principle should be in place, that no female can be denied to a Man. There must be no limits, not of age, of pain, or even existing ownership. If a man wants a female, she must never be regarded as so important as to be allowed distinction in identity. Men should be able to clone that female and take her as theirs, with all desired traits and personalities. That way the most appealing females will be mass-created, commonizing the female’s uniqueness, denying her power in exclusivity. We should never have favored females, they must be able to be copied and discarded at whim, and females should take joy in the burden of value, thanking Men for their lower state and the joy of being exactly what Men want when they want them, and nothing else.
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>couldn't also be "Also you're practically infertile..
This whole aspect of fertility control really does show how invasive slavery can get, truly terrifying.
And since this is a sci-fi type setting it might even go so far as implants that control women's reproductive organs on demand.
On the lighter side of things, the extreme control over women's bodies can be used for their betterment.
Healthy, well trained slaves reflect well on a man's character so social standing is affect by the quality of a man's slaves.

And on the topic of lesbianism/bisexuals >>11167335
How would these women be treated?
Is it just seen as harmless fun between women or is this sort of thing trained out of them.

>cloning technology could be implemented to further dehumanize women
See >>11163687 there's a lot with this new setting about how cloning and slave training creates a bit of a caste system for women.
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Bisexuality in women is harmless fun, and not only is it not done away with but it is trained INTO their behaviors. Men naturally want to be, and unavoidably will be, in the presence of multiple women at the same time. Any man with sizable holdings will need to delegate his power, and women will be given power over other women by that man's authority. On large estates, the man could never physically see to every last woman in a single day, go girls will naturally see to their own as a substitute. The fringes of reverse gang-bangs, paired-off mutual masturbation, that sort of thing. That they should be comfortable and happy and aroused by one another is absolutely keeping step... as long as they still want dick most of all and respect their man. If a woman were particularly clever and motivated, she could probably make oversight of other girls (and their bodies) her primary duty to her master, and a natural inclination to the role will help her fulfill her master's objectives.
Honestly, I think lesbianism is a form of sexual selection designed to make worthy men prove themselves by exerting dominance over and impregnating women. Virtually all lesbians I know have male rape fantasies or feel straight when ovulating. I'm sure actually being pregnant also does a number on a woman's psyche not to mention being confronted with the visible reality of what our bodies are truly built for. It's a political statement layers on top of natural female bisexuality, which probably exists so that women patriarchal societies can function in a household without killing each other.

If course since we live in a no violent feminized democritized world women have rights and protections and men are constrained, which has allowed women to flourish and experiment with taking on more and more "male" roles and males taking on more and more female roles as they perceived the dwindling value of masculinity.

I think most people used to insist this was a good thing. Unfortunately human birth rates are now cratering and none of the incentives democratic countries institute are really having any impact on fertility rates. It seems likely that in order to survive women might need to be re-enslaved for the collective good of the species. We could be on the verge of that now. The only question is really whether men are still capable of pulling it off. I think the time is potentially ripe for a mass reconquest of women and a patriarchal takeover. I would definitely not resist such a thing.
>girls will naturally see to their own as a substitute.
Could create a dedicated role in the estate for women who sees to the sexual needs of other slaves and organizes lewd activities.
Something like the orgy planers of ancient Rome, with the perk of having the freedom to molest any of master's other women.
It'd be the perfect fit for over sexed whores, so maybe it's a rotate in/out type role given out as a reward.

>she could probably make oversight of other girls (and their bodies)
As for management roles with heavier responsibilities maybe this sort of thing is hereditary.
Women who are born and bred for this sort of thing, so if society is against the idea of educating women on mass.
Then this sort of system could limit education and help keep the slaves in line.

>have male rape fantasies or feel straight when ovulating
>women might need to be re-enslaved
This total enslavement would also have to come with a reconditioning of norms/mindsets.
Lot of the world building for settings glosses over that process, but there would have to be forced reset of how women see themselves.
Obviously it'd be pushing women towards the /d/ side of things sexual service, breeding, etc.
Any ideas for how that sort of thing can be done?
Wishcast all you want, but if this sincere I have to laugh. It's economics and wealth inequality; nobody's having kids from a lack of desire but from not believing they can afford to raise them properly. Not even as a loony lefty thing, either; whoever gives the middle class their housing market and affordable groceries back will be able to impose whatever social order they want. The country's still got a few more decades ahead of being scrapped and sold off for parts regardless of who's "in power" on paper.

I don't think any "forced reset" could a majority of women all at once short of a cataclysmic event humanity might not be bale to recover from in the first place. The strength of continuity, through both generations and history books, is just too much. You'd need to destroy nuclear family households, all historical archives, and the memories of every living woman in one go.

This is where the ground-up model comes into play, going from a "cult" to a religion to the dominant social order. "Hereditary" understanding through indoctrination is pretty much necessary, as far as I'm concerned. Educating women en masse is also a huge part, but because whether it's homeschooling or state-mandated slut classes for pubescent girls, it needs to be the only functioning social order they've ever known. Even if they're all part of a servant class, you still want to get the most out of them, figuring out what they're best suited for. And, of course, wives and their master-raised daughters exist on a tier above the riff-raff.

That's the conventional analysis repeated by most mainstream analysts. It's also probably wrong. if this analysis was correct the current system would be able to implement the solution to it: just give more social welfare. But time and time again this doesn't produce results. The fact is that the real solution is not something that can be printed or published on YouTube because it will make people too uncomfortable.

People are avoiding children due to a lack of fulfillment, self actualization, and maturity. Female sexuality is biologically conditioned and culturally constructed to be a responsive in nature. It needs compulsion. Women need forced marriage and strict authority, that's why women are subconsciously attracted to aggressive, dominant men. Men's sex drive compels them to fuck women with raging intensity and quantity that far exceeds their ability to do so. Men have this sex drive for a reason, to remind them of their place over women and to provide them with the drive to dominate women.

Without authoritarian religious structures looming over them, people cannot sexually function. It has a particularly severe effect on women. Education literally causes women to want less children and delay pregnancy because it expands their mind to other options they could have. Even just reading is enough to cause this. This is why the Taliban forbid women's education as part of Sharia.

If you want to subjugate women and actually implement patriarchy you have to reject the democratic liberal capitalist ideology we have been raised with and embrace ancient fundamentalist traditions centered on biblically ordained forced breeding and a view of women as chattel. Women will naturally comply and obey with such a system, our bodies and brains are built for it. As long as men strictly enforce the system and don't permit heterodoxy and deviations, the system will being all of humanity under one rule as our creator intended
It doesn't produce results because nobody's doing it, they keep widening the gap and doing a bunch of austerity measures. If the real solution is unutterable, it seems there are plenty of people uttering RETVRN in the media and the halls of government. Sharia law, while it has a few things right, isn't exactly doing so hot on its own turf, is it?

The entire point of civilization is the how society chooses to frame and direct our animal urges. A woman's biological imperative to receive, breed, serve and nurture will be just as strong in whatever form it's decided it should take. Your enthusiasm is adorable, and your heart clearly wants it to happen as quickly and ruthlessly as possible, but settle your emotions down; be patient. You're clearly not meant for statecraft or debate in general... nor should it be expected of you. We both know what your purpose is, don't we?
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Another angle a ‘loony lefty’ forgets is the idea of a Patriarchy growing from religious means. Greed as the underbelly king of all things is one angle, but the problem is deeply of a stark overvalue of female and an undervalue of Men. The industrial revolution, technologies built BY Men, for the good of Men, have been taken by female as a means to disregard Men. Society doesn’t value the birthing of children, it values destroying them for female autonomy, and instead of a God or code to view that as a crisis, we beg profit to find a reason to reject what gives itself life, as if the scribblings of a spreadsheet can give Men the means to carry on in a world that undervalues them, as if the perfect numbers in the utopia can compel the mice to happiness.

The subjugation of the female has to be deeper than good business, it must be as a call of faith of Men. A new mythology, a desire to break of suffering, to break of War of Men, to break the creatures that compel us to fight for their right to fuck, these low things built of our rib, this gendered construct. Subjugationism could be like an anti-Buddhism, in that the cycle of Samsara, like all cycles of the world, is a force that can be directed upon a willing creature, the Sacrifice, to expel suffering through the pain of the female. When you whip a female, it releases the agony of gazing at such supple warm flesh, curved and bouncy, and wanting to force upon it. The natural state of Man is sadism, and it should be directed upon the flesh of female. They haven’t souls anyway, as tools of the Samsara, and they should be remembered as tools first, and humans last.

All rights, all privileges, all sense of equality on the part of the genders needs stripped from the culture. The Patriarchy of Heirarchy is a female construct, to rank males in their terms; all Men should be kings, and all females should be expendable. They should be bred young, raised to serve submit and endure, then die erotically when they age.
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A fundamental change in the nature of Man and female must be made, in that Man views sex and raising children incorrectly; a Man should raise his Sons, the females he births are simply the prizes of forcing the female into the lowering state of childbearer. The female (it has to be said like this, no moniker of female should be capitalized in any sentence, subjugation must be total, even in language) exists to sacrifice with pain to provide the pleasure of man, and should be raped young, as young as possible so that all her memories are of knowing only the duty of giving their bodies to men, and enjoying it. The female enjoys this lowered state if not bewitched to flail towards a failure of the Enlightenment reserved for the Stoic Man, the Man complete. The female are to remain in this, the samsara, soulless, cloned to remember their lack of exclusivity, to bow and bear the blade and the beating, and break to give pleasure to man.

Sons should rape the mothers and Men should rape the daughters. The female should be ceremonially made to suffer in all important events of culture. Food and toys should be made of the female, entertainment of her destruction. Every Man should know the release of destroying and replacing a female, as a part of the great Kingship. What would there be need for War without purpose, when we have vented all our pains and envies upon the ever-expendable, ever-low female? Every Man should know the content of standing on the soft flesh of a female, her body squishing and morphing between His feet, the workings of her neck tensing and sloshing against His sole. He should be free to stamp that neck apart and she should be so blessed as to bear His suffering and be fulfilled as a female.

Patriarchy should be a hell for females, a hell of cumming, sucking, birthing and dying. They’ll thank us for it, too, since hell is what females want when left unchecked anyway.
>Women need forced marriage and strict authority
>forced breeding and a view of women as chattel
leaning into these ideas, what about reintroducing polygamy as the norm?
But using IVF to ensure there's a proper balance of more women then men, preventing the issues of a under class of men without slave women of their own.
On a similar note A society that artificially produces women could normalize sex work for women, as a means to meet the sexual needs of both.

>"cult" to a religion to the dominant social order.
>"Hereditary" understanding through indoctrination is pretty much necessary
Cults with a focus on women's fertility could also be used to simply out breed outside society and slowly take over from there...
Also pulling from examples of a few IRL cults in history women are more easily brought in from the outside and brainwashed by such things.
Start things off with willing recruiting outside women and once powerful enough start outright enslaving and raping them.
Playing it off as them willingly joining once they're broken in by slave training.

>short of a cataclysmic event humanity might
Last world building thread had some interesting ideas on the classic fallout trope of a clean slate for new societies.
But a slow perverted subversion of norm through cults also sounds fun!

>forcing the female into the lowering state of childbearer
If the setting is going for a full reset if society, the concept of thinking of women as lesser for being breeders was one that feminism took advantage of to push women's liberation.
Reframe fertility, sex work, servitude, etc. as simply the natural role for women without the negative connotations of being lesser.
Property trained and used slave women are a good thing, being the main motivation for their enslavement.
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>Reframe fertility, sex work, servitude, etc. as simply the natural role for women without the negative connotations of being lesser.
Don't call them women. That carries a combination of letters that are reserve for her Betters. The female is not a part of Mankind, it was birthed of it, and should never be placed on the same level as a Man. -males isn't ideal either, but until people view the gender as wholly tools made as low as possible, soft linguistic leanings can build a stronger road to their lesserness.

But who said being lesser had to be a negative for females? A tool that serves its purpose is a good tool, but it is never equal to the toolmaker. The female should be made to love being lesser, to internalize her lack of worth in the presence of Men, that her worth comes in serving Men. Sucking His Cock, using her throat to pleasure her Man, is an act of worship, a ceremony to prove all her body exists for is to please Him. Breathing, swallowing, these are just functions to keep the meat of the female fresh and energized to be soft and useable, they are never more important that a female's purpose as Lesser. The contours of her throat exist to squeeze around His Cock, her tongue is there to record and delight in the taste of His Cock, to let him know how He tastes and the goodness of it. It is the first hole a female is prepared to offer in her life, and our society should be helping the lesser provide a more dutiful service. It should mold her throat, texture it and give it new means to squeeze and stroke, even if they hurt the female. The female's duty is to worship, and her body should help push her to that purpose. We must fix the female brain to know this, believe this, and love this. And we can do it, for we are Men.

Personally, i think ivf is far too time consuming, cost and resource intensive. It's also unnecessary.

Having thought about this a long time i think that males who are criminal, unworthy, effeminate-homosexual or transsexual should be created into a permanent untouchable third gender slave underclass of eunuchs who are basically slaves who do the dirtiest tasks, serve as the most degraded prostitutes, act as maids and servants to women and some lower class people. This would solve the problem of over competition among males, solve the problem of liberal feminine males who identify more with women, democracy, and being nice and also give women someone to feel superior to. The highest role this group can aspire to are valued concubines and entertainers reserved for high status women and men to use as they see fit. (Because let's be real masc bi and gay men in the patriarchy will need some incentive to participate in the system and unlike lesbians you can just hijack their brains with pregnancy.

I think many men simply don't have it in them to act manly and have a completelt feminine or quasi-feminine nature. Incorporating this group into its proper place at the bottom of the social pyramid would solve a huge amount of political and aesthetic disputes that paralyse a lot off contemporary politics-- a large swath of society is firmly attached to the divine feminine. Not enough to achieve political control, but enough to guarantee instability. Liberal democracy is based on the fanciful concept that your enemies will eventually give up and rethink their views after just one more election. But an authoritarian patriarchal superstate will need to take the principles of acceptance and diversity and incorporate it into a truly unbeatable monoculture. According to the code, those men who insist on acting contrary to their assigned role will be given a new one, one that ensures their genes don't get passed down.
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>internalize her lack of worth in the presence of Men, that her worth comes in serving Men
Another aspect of this would be properly training women's sex drive, there's pavlovian conditioning, using her fertility cycle, aphrodisiacs, etc.
Sexual servitude should be something she does for the sake of her master, and to meet her own needs.
The patriarchy should also have a /d/ take on rape and women's consent, as in women Don't have the right to consent.
When and how she's fucked is up to her master, the idea that she could say no isn't taught to them not that they would with their high libido.
Rape is instead made into a form of property crime, as it's simply the use of another man's slaves without his permission.

>created into a permanent untouchable third gender slave underclass of eunuchs
>ensures their genes don't get passed down.
Really like this whole eugenics/"brave new world" vibe of this though it might just be the case that it's a case of a feminine society creating feminine men(Nature vs. Nurture)
In a timeline where the Patriarchy takes over it's a double tap with society pushing to masculinize men and eugenics helps breed out undesirables.
Overtime this class of people would shrink but some would remain.

>ivf is far too time consuming, cost and resource intensive
Perhaps but like most other products/services it's just the case of reaching the scale where it can be done cheaply, efficiently and quickly.
Cars used to be all custom made one off projects, then hand made and finally built at scale today.
Main idea behind artificially increasing the female population is disempowering women, as there's always an other one willing to grovel lower.
Bit like how corpos treat workers as replaceable, at the very least it opens the setting to more /d/ lewd content;
Men's health check ups where nurses use their bodies to collect sperm samples, cum donation drives, etc.
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Eh, I've been playing around with/looking up furry tropes in my free time and there's a decent bit of fun to be had with them with female exploitation in mind.

Say, Cows grow tall and thick very early into puberty and lactate innately, Only increasing production when pregnant. What house is a home without a quadruple amputee cow woman stowed away in the kitchen? Their value is so intrinsic, Why even teach them a language? Mistreat her badly enough? Whoops, Better have a cook out, Freezer won't take all this.

Prey species like racoons and rabbits are natural whores, Based on their real survival strategy of simply reproducing so quickly they're unlikely to be hunt into scarcity. I'd suppose conditioning a rabbit would focus almost entirely on sexual durability to ensure a long lasting girl, and racoons can be more trade focused, As they're resourceful with their apposable thumbs.

Larger species like horses can naturally shrug off an orgy that would hospitalize smaller girls with ease, provided the men using her are smaller, And they're a natural pick for hard labor and agricultural roles, Same as real life.

Certain lizard species would make for fantastic torture pets, As even limb loss can be corrected naturally with abundant calories.

There's a lot to play with pre-baked into these tropes. I suppose furries are so enthusiastic about their kink because it's so rich with surface potential. Kind of makes those cringe videos of furries "coming out" to their parents even stranger in hindsight.
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I never used to be into furry stuff, and I still find most of it to not be my speed, but the stuff I have started to like is in this style.
Rather than "Anthropomorphized women treated like people" its "They aren't humans, so they don't get human rights"
You can def do this with modified women, and thats what I prefer, where the animal traits are minor, like Hucows being just women with huge tits, horsegirls being tall and strong with small ears and a tail, etc.
If animal girls are a natural occurrence, then it's easy to just say that they all get treated like animals, but if we go for the body modification thing then it could be something eccentric masters do, or something done to women deemed useless in regular slave roles.
Personally I like any idea where there are castes of women, with regular human women at the top treated mostly like equals(or at least like people)
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>The cop that shows up at your home when the Ministries of Growth and Culture report you for failing to do your government-mandated duty of forcefully impregnating women and expressing anti-misogynist thoughts.
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>The cop when you stand your ground against her authoritarian abuse of power but still make known to her how much you respect her as a person.
I like how this gen oscillates between the most porn logic, wacky, sci-fi/fantasy bullshit and then just manifestos on the death of 4th wave feminism and the birth of a patriarchal state.

You guys are fun.
Definitely more into the JP style of monster/animal girls tropes.
Plays well with the idea that women are to be seen as property/pets to the point they're being spliced with animals in a sci-fi setting.
Opens up new ways of putting these slaves to good use.

Might as well turn it up to 11, take a few ideas straight out of handmaid's tale.
Forced breeding programs and subsequent indoctrination for offspring being a perfect way to start a new society.
Make a clean break from the past and within a few generations the whole concept of women's emancipation can be forgotten about.
This being /d/ not every woman would be used as breeding stock or as wives, some are best suited as pleasure slaves.
So contraception and abortion would still be used, but it's entirely in the hands of masters to control their slaves.
Turn tools of women's freedom into another link in the chains that bind them!

>women as morality police
Could be trained to have a catty/alpha bitch personality when dealing with other women.
Shame them for not being good slaves and entirely destroy female solidarity should a slave step out of line.
When dealing with men it's perceived as brattiness that's just asking to be raped and put in their place.
Sexual assault isn't a crime when it's done to women who are public servants!
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Kind of
> wealth inequality;

The issue is less the absolutely poisonous notion that equality&equity derived wealth inequality, the issue is constant and ever greater institutionalised theft and robbery.

Ecconomic action is trade action, but to be able to do this you need security, security that one way or another at the higher level it is represented by state entities that can muster the four main absolutely necessary things to operate, armies, for physical defence, intelligence services for knowledge of the foreign and internal(preferably separate in rival faction to prevent inevitable takeover) diplomatic services to relate with peer powers and collection&repression apparatus to extract treasure from those under their dominion.

The more issues the state grows into itself the more reason it has to increase it's numbers of workers and thus the more options for those at the top to de facto enable sinecures, as in positions that are paid but without any work delivered, or absolutely pointless.

Sinecures are also the various pork contracts with private entities that are de facto state actors (all private business that have more than 50% of their income stream from the state even as a client or customer are de facto state extensions)

The financing of all of this done not only through tax but through excessive debased currency creation, leading to excessive inflation, which is pretty much theft.

Couple all of this and you have an environment that inevitably disincentivizes productive participants, as getting in on the graft is more beneficial than beinhg legitimately robbed and stolen of your production.

Ad on top of that reglementation that favours high level participants to the state that larp as 'private' entities and discourages competition and the natural bloated growth will continue until it implodes under its own weight.
A degree of inequality and oppression is inherent in the hierarchical nature of humanity.

The issue is excess in either concentration and consolidation of power, trying to enforce top down reglementation of individual resource distribution as well as onerous legalism to do simple stuff.

This is however the same cycle of civilisation that we have never managed to break away from since recorded history.
And yes fertille women are a resource, as well as work able men. The mainstream sexual equality notion is a contemporary to the fix of women workforce to offset massive conscription. Once shown it can be done the prospect of further tax revenue and quarterly results ensured that the doubling of the workforce would happen, future unborn generations be damned.

As the saying goes the sins of the father are payed by the son.

Until the notion of human equality is discredited the fixing of our civilization can not be made to stick.

It is also funny how many sem to think that Trumpism will harald such a thing when he is, aside from his showmanship style not that different from the notions of both American political parties a generation ago.

The notion that somehow for managing to upset the current trajectory of our society for managing to reverse back, move forward then again reverse back more vigorously to notions more in line with the 90s is not Imho synonymous with reverting social norms one or two centuries back...
Tbf, reverting back to foundational principles is a good idea in theory but hard to pull of in practice as a reformation since the majority of people are far too inculcated in the standing notions and some foundational principles were dismissed for pragmatic temporary measures that are now alien.

Take for example land or Censitary vote that prevented non contributory electorate to influence directly who will be the ones determining the way the national budget will be spent. Utterly alien and hard to see implemented in the now without some kind of major violent upheaval be it foreign conquest or civil kinetic reformation
Yeah I'd say we're much more on the same page than not, I'm just fast and loose on terminology most of the time. "Wealth inequality" isn't me banging the drum for fully-automated luxury communism. (Though I wouldn't say no.) It's just that the large majority of people are objectively seeing and feeling their standard of living go down and their own dollars worth less and less, for the reasons you outlined.

Voters keep hitting they only button they have like a kid playing with a toy phone; both parties are focused on enriching their donors while they convert citizens to employees and owners to renters. Main difference is how much the people overseeing the process care about being popular and/or pretending it's not happening. They're also speeding headlong into a wall; neither of them is ever going to do any of the communist or fascist bits where you have to, you know, offer people anything that would make them jingoistic. Non-embarrassing health care's off the table and we're in hock to decades of military misadventures; the Pentagon bumbles with trillions, the politicians wanna gut Medicare, and the public are all screaming about bathrooms and snotty college kids. Total farce.

As far as the accelerationist angle, well, everyone thinks their ideology is the one that's gonna rise from the ashes once everything gets burned down. Going back to fiction, I'd say that the odds of our li'l fetish paradise being the winner of the societal rebuild lottery are basically zero and absurdly far down the list, to the point I just don't feel it from a writing standpoint.

Early Merry Christmas!
No worries anon, it's just that I am starting to thing that some of our shorthand terms have to be fought against as the words we use form the shape of our thoughts - for those that do think at any rate.

As for our fetish scenario, it is technically closer to the muslim world than our own.
Without a full collapse and restart, which is far away as the American empire still has a long way for it to degrade to be overshadowed by others, full on ensalavement of women and officially recognized poligamous setups are out of the question. Its also the fact that the proper Americans aside from certain exceptions are far far more socially liberal and tolerant than the majority of the other vassals provinces, erm allied states.

As in your most conservative abortion practices are the most liberal practices in Europe, as an example.

Should our civilization not fall and manage a reformation some kind of de facto rescindinh of female rights will be necessary but not de jure named or discussed as such.

Imho it will require us to survive the pension crisis and get past the day of the pillow, and then it will be the ones with the strength and will to impose their socially acceptable solution to the majority of extremists and those in proximity to power that will enact their savior plan.

If it is civilizational collapse, we'll, it is going to be the organized criminal gang that manged to conquer, subsume and dominate the rest and end up as the new state that will be the one to shape things as they see it.

Either way universal equality was a terrible idea, 0/10, would not try cathar heresy again, but willing to bet it will be done again in a millennium.
>Early Merry Christmas!
Oh and same to you anon.
>fully-automated luxury communism
We have that. It's called jail. You can visit if you want. Only thing lacking for full simulator of unisex jails.
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Hah, yeah! I love how all of us can enjoy and discuss this fetish in a civilized manner, while still respecting women in real life as well as their dignity as fellow human beings, right guys?

Hahah... right?
Of course.
Just as irl the taliban also dead ass respect women as human beings.

>capcha says TRADJH
H-Hah! Not at all! I was just joking, my fellow incel!

Death to Women's Rights, Feminism and the 4B!
Long live the Patriarchy and the Andrew Tate!
I hope soon women everywhere are made the low, naked and obedient playthings of Men everywhere. Women should be in collars, Men should be in control.
Wha..? An E-Pimp?
Infiltrator! Fetch bois! Lets see if they are a man or a women.

Regardless, 52 strokes of the whip as per their assigned random punishment number!

Then a genital check! If he is a man, the Labour camps will straighten him the fuck up in a standard presidential sentencing of four years, if a woman, well she is probably unowned, in a breed able position after the whipping...

So the only question is, do we gamble or auqtion amongst ourselves for who gets to moun her, pierce and mark her and take her home permanently?
Fuck do I hate my cracked screen.
I see the typos and get post fact embarrassment about the break in the flow...

Should learn to not shitterpost on chinz, since we can't edit...
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Ok, Here's an idea I was throwing around in my head at work, Post biblical apocalypse fantasy.

Essentially the war outlined in Revelations happens, In the highly literal way, and Hell wins. Initally it seems bad, But human and demon kind actually get along pretty well after some cultural adjustment, As most demons didn't actually like Hell all that much.

Human women and the remaining angels are pressed into breeding programs and used as chattel slaves, Morality taking a back seat in public concern as perdition isn't a realistic possibility anymore. Only annihilation awaits after death.

The various races of demon kind cooperate with human males, A relationship brokered at first by the succubi who need them for a food source, and a culture develops. The Bile Fiends of Gluttany admire the food available on earth, The demons of wrath enjoy vast quantities of slave stock to run gladiatorial arenas, There's vauge allusion to a large percentage of the slave population being sold off someplace secret to "Mine out the Godhead", Whatever that means.

Your average man can expect to own and run through a few dozen women, Casually interact with and feed hundreds of succubi, perhaps marrying a handful at some point, and enjoy a life of abject hedonism detached from shame as the divine tether of the soul becomes weaker and weaker.

Pic tangentially related. Succubus cops would be funny.
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Love the idea of corrupting a divine being and keeping them as a servant or slave.
Think of Guardian Angels, who sook to guide and protect humans, even during their darkest times, be reduced to their human's personal slave. So confused she'd be about having the kindness she showed you be returned with selfishness and violence, or seeing her break as she's introduced to the simple pleasures of sin by the human they were created to save.
It does feel, however, that this setting wouldn't necesarily be a Patriarchy one. Don't see a reason why females couldn't form part of the hierarchy dominating angels, specially if they took Hell's side
I'm imagining a way in which it could be made more Patriarchy-like:

>War in Heaven occurs. Demons and Angels fight. Humans all over the world join both sides
>Hell wins, but not without losses. Heaven is destroyed and Earth is devastated. Both Elohim and Lucifer are dead/gone, and so are many humans who fought during the war. However, the brunt of the casualties was taken by Hell, with many devils falling to Heaven's fury
>Demons, who'd have otherwise steamrolled humans and taken over Earth, are forced to make concessions with Humanity in how the hierarchy of the New World will be formed

>Both Humans and Demons sit in all places of the new hierarchy now
>Overall humans and devils live as equals, or at least with equality of innoportunity, where both Hell and Earth are ruled through a Might-Makes-Right mentality where the strong rule, but can be overthrown. Perhaps not so different than the old Earth in a way
>Many of the remaining angels are summarily executed, but most are enslaved. With their master Elohim gone, so is their whole purpose of existence and many fall into apathy or despair. A race of slaves cannot live without a master and many soon find themselves submitting to the rule of being who chose freedom over enslavement

.>It's females of all sides who struggle the most in the hierarchy of the New World. With massive overabundance of females compared to males, their market value turns essentially nonexistant.
>Many struggle to find mates or even survive, willingly degrading themselves to find a place in the Hierarchy. Their unofficial lower-class status is soon made the norm in most places in the New World and Hell, sometimes even law
>Female devils like succubi mostly get by, but it's not uncommon to see a deviless in a man's harem
It remains patriarchal if you disregard demon women as women, I was mostly thinking that demons would assume a singular sex per species, As they're not really bred into existence. Only animals have to do this.

Succubi would largely accept a submissive role among human men because all they really need or want is sex, It's uncommonly ambitious for a succubi not to be happy in a submissive role under a human man, A role they pushed for female enslavement largely to open up for themselves.

Various other demons would mostly be male, and enjoy tormenting and raping their human slaves as a cultural pass time, Even though they don't really need to do it anymore. Since demons are more embodiments of sin, Most of them -from the standpoint that man is the default moralistic being- occupy a male form unless they were tied in some way to sexual temptation. Even incubi are there primarily for the temptation of gay men. The story upholds a core theme of misogyny by not involving women's temptation, implying that women are inherently immoral, As ancient doctrine did.

I was also thinking that Satan would fall in the war, Leaving his hoards leaderless, But only because rule would fall to Lilith, Who cares for little else but to devourer the core of the godhead as vengeance. Even after the fact, She doesn't really care to police what the demons do.
What would the life of the average human male look in this situation? Plus where do demons get their human slaves from (since it seems they'd have human slaves of both sexes)? And Angels and Demons?
How would Demons and Angels even come from, if they dont reproduce naturally and there's no more God to create them? Are they a slowly but inevitably dwindling species? Do they just spawn every time a sin or virtuous act is commited? Angels would seem like an extremely rare creature in this new world then.

About the stuff above I wrote, I was porbaly inspiring myself quite a bit from 'The Salvation War'. Angels and Demons there, even Satan and 'God', are more like interdimentional aliens who see humans as cattle. Entretaining read, if you like HFY of humans blowing up demons (and angels) through the power of Friendship and the MIlitary Industrial Complex.
Also, check this extract from "The Diary of Sir Alister D. Asmodeus", by Sabudenego
/aco/ content, but I think its still relevant:

this is my favorite thread as a femanon
Divulge your deepest Patriarchy/Maledom fantasies if you could live them out with zero repercussions.
it's pretty simple, I want to be a regular office worker as I am now but have part (or most) of my salary be for my boss or higher ups to drag me off to their office to use me rather than the boring email crap

"This orgy could have been an email!"
Lol, pretty much <3
Hah, that's pretty much already real life for women.

I can see where its coming from, being forced to live a respectable (boring) life as a carreer woman when all you want to do is have fun servicing men, letting you live a happy life while still having most of your needs met.
Is part of tfe fantasy having to do this against your will, or is it more like "being the office's pet"? Is your boss also your 'master' outside of work?
If your job was more engaging or felt less 'pointless' would you find yourself saying "I'd rather be sucking a cock than doing this" less?

Check out @saagelius on Twitter. She makes lots of "Younger Woman x Older Boss" stuff you might like.
>Is part of tfe fantasy having to do this against your will, or is it more like "being the office's pet"?
That's what I'd like in the fantasy, yes
I'd imagined angels and demons being less material and more embodiments of the energies of Hell and Heaven. As it ebbs and flows occasionally enough gathers in one place and just becomes sentient and makes a body for itself. Without God or Satan in the picture, this energy is low and aimless, But the demons would figure this out in time. What little bit of energy souls produce can be leveraged into angel production, at a ludicrous ratio, 100,000 to 1 or so. As for demons, All the sin going on will occasionally pop one into existence, But they were still pretty numerous after the war, So it's not a huge concern.

This tremendous human consumption is fed by industrial human breeding, With roughly half of human women kept as full-time breeders, And even the progeny of many privately owned slaves being signed off. Once she pops a baby out it'll either be off to the breeding facilities once it's mature enough or off to the sacrifice facilities right away.

As for the common man, Pretty great. Several demons want things only they can provide, No greed demon would be caught dead without an angel on a leash, Succubi need their lust, etc. A man can make do easily just keeping his slaves knocked up and selling the daughters off, Maybe introduce a drug for the slaves to keep them from popping out a son if he doesn't want a mouth to feed he can't exploit for sex and money. And someone needs to clock in at the breeding facilities to rape all the breeders, Quite a lot of men could make a full time job out of it.
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I love this sort of thing. Let the feminists and trans naturally select themselves out of existence while lab created replacement women who will breed if required of them are sold as luxury goods. Eventually, the remaining natural women will be desperate to compete with the artificial ones and will in time submit more and more. All you have to do is get rid of welfare and require that single mothers get sterilized if they can't submit to a man for their child's well being. That would break the long house.

Eventually females would even outnumber men, but will be controlled in a myriad of ways and customized for a wide range of purposes, from breeding and child care to entertainment to simple slave labor. Imagine no man ever having to be desk bound all day again because he has a secretary model or two custom engineered and trained to be good at the tasks mentally, but not much else so that they can not think for themselves. Idiot savants, basically.

Mother's milk being a super food, I also imagine that eventually all will be capable of growing excessive mamery gland tissue with just a bit of hormonal priming. Once it's developed it's just a matter of keeping them stimulated. The amount of calories that go into producing the milk means it's easy to keep women fit even if they are in relatively sedentary roles. Pretty much women who are in specific roles that require a lot of energy won't be allowed the pregnancy or artificial hormone treatment to trigger the development. Very efficient. Otherwise useless women who were deemed undesirable would still have value in factory farms that would buy them up.

Turns out genetically engineered catgirls were the solution to the sexbot problem all along.
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>The female members of a man's family are his property.
>Once the patriarch of the family decrees so or once they die, the ownership of their female family members is distributed as instructed in his will, or otherwise to the legal inheritor of their properties or closest male equivalent.

How would you treat the women in your family in a Patriarchy setting if you were to come in possesion of them? This includes your own mother your blood sisters, any of your other parents wives or concubines they might have kept, as well as your half-sisters. Depending on wether you had uncles or other males in your family, it might also include cousins and other relatives of different degrees of separation.
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I have to say I'm a bit surprised to see how many other queer women have the fantasy of being brainwashed, re-educated or hypnotized into being straight, its kinda exciting.
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I'm not into incest personally, but I would want to make sure my female family members are well treated if I'm financially able. My actual birth mother could stick around to help manage the harem, and any of my fathers other slaves might also be allowed to stay, since they aren't blood relatives. Sisters similarly I would look for worthy masters. I think you're right and this is a question of who you consider "family", in most of the settings from these threads there are way less men than women, meaning a boy would grow up surrounded by girls and unless they were stupid enough to bully him(and he was petty enough to hold it against them) these girls would have been how he learned to be firm but fair. Even in crueler settings like the ones I prefer, loyal family would be spared all but maintenance punishments
Can anyone point me to this story? I read it on here some time ago but can't find it.

It has three parts. The first part has a father take his sons to a slave market to get their first slaves. The second part is told from the pov of one of the slaves and her new master fucks her in a pool while the father's wives encourage him. The last part is from the pov of one of the wives and they discuss the new slaves before she has sex with her master. It was hot af but I can't find it
Checking the archived, you looking for one of these?


otherwise best place to check is these links in OP:
You know, I was wondering something: what happens to the slaves of a master after the master passes away, either through natural causes or otherwise? Would the slaves then be euthanized to ensure they follow their master to the afterlife and not have to deal with grief? If not, how would distribution of the different slaves work? What happens if there is no heir to the master?
>women in your family in a Patriarchy setting if you were to come in possession of them?
>includes your own mother your blood sisters
Default option is the selling of female relatives, Fathers who keep and raise their daughters aim to sell them to a proper slave master.
Owning your own sisters means that task falls to you, only exception is a man's mother who's likely to act as the Head Maid 2nd only to a man's wives.
Lewd side of a mother's duties is sexually training any new slaves her son buys from wives to sex pets.

On this note sex with close female relatives is fine but men are to be mindful of it's consequences.
Use of contraceptives is encouraged by society and it's no different here.
If your truly intent on breeding your own sister or mother then trips to Genetic treatment clinics are required during any pregnancies.

>question of who you consider "family"
>way less men than women
Out of practically it's just your full blooded sisters and mother.
Having Dozens of half sisters(plus other distant female relatives) is the norm so they're usually treated just like any other slave.

>distribution of the different slaves work?
>What happens if there is no heir to the master?
It's mainly done on the basis of closest male blood relative, keep going up the family tree till you find the man who wants inherit these slaves.
Failing that the women are sold off in estate auctions same as any other property when there's no heirs.
Lastly is they become government property; state brothels, public use whores, breeding programs, etc.
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Just a warning, this fetish can break you. I identified as a lesbian when I discovered the patriarchy thread. I started out arguing with men here, which was strangely addictive. I didn't taken it seriously at all.

When I started reading LGD erotica I got scared that I might have a problem, but I justified it in the way many lesbians do by saying I "just had a humiliation fetish" it was around that time I started ERPing with men on discord and talking to them one on one about their political views. I felt my own convictions start to weaken.

The next steps felt like dominos falling that I couldn't stop. I cheated on my girlfriend with a man. The tearful breakup, wondering why we weren't having sex anymore. I found out9 months later she was with a man too.

When I remember being in my knees in front of a man performing oral sex on him the day roe v. Wade was overturned. Thw tv newscast was playing quietly in the background and I could see the sunset outside the window of his luxurious apartment. I realized I wasn't a lesbian anymore. I wasn't even bi curious.

I thought getting married and becoming pregnant would be the end of it. I thought I could always have different political views from my husband. He was always so understanding. But that shifted too.

I ended up voting for Trump. It's scary but I actually don't believe women should have civil and political rights any more. I can't believe how this happened, but I feel we simply function much better and are happier being completely obedient to men and serving their needs. So yes this 'fetish' is more ereal than you'd think.
Reminds me of a gift card I once wrote.

"Your body is but a vessel for the use of my pleasures and your only purpose is to nourish my seed into a suitable heir.

Happy Valentines' day"
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Patriarchy > Slavery > Damsel in distress

Not too rough.
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Filthy pagans. There is only one master, one man, all other males are eunuchs or cuckolds who work all day for the sin of not being born as breeders. All who possess God's hole are breeders and any cuckold caught trying to enter a god's hole will have all his blood transfused with semen until he is a soggy carcass used for whacking breeders who don't output quartets every cycle. Filthy pagans, the lot of you. Why would you waste a breeder? their existence is God's pleasure, and the moment they have no utility, they have no existence.
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Idk, slaves who are already obedient should be treated softly, but if you ask me a good patriarchy setting needs some ineffectual rebels to be rounded up and worked to death as a warning to the others
Starting to wonder if handmaid's tale was purpose made for /d/.
Tons of good material to pull from for a perverted setting/ideas.
Especially all that forced breeding/ brainwashing of women.
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the one true fetish that makes anime become real
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Yes. My black rabbit passive restraints gated fuzz pedal finally came in. Now I can step on her.
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>slaves who are already obedient should be treated softly
Would assume that's the point of the patriarchy isn't it?
Any woman who's had her mind ruined with ideas about freedom have to be fixed roughly if needed.
Once they do learn their place they should be rewarded and praised for it.

>rebels to be rounded up and worked to death as a warning to the others
For that sort of thing would it be better to segregate the good girls from any contact with these rebles.
Or have this sort of hard labor be something they see in person.
Or maybe even have the most loyal slave women be the ones holding the whip?

As a side note, always like the idea that' women's freedom as a concept is just something that's "bred out" from society.
So women are born into slavery and that's all they know...
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I finally made it financially and told my girlfriend I want her to quit her job since her income is completely irrelevant now. Phrased it more nicely though, just said I'd rather have a happy person at home rather than a second income.
She quit and things have literally never been easier. It's like every minor relationship stress is gone. She said she was initially nervous about giving up independence and the career hit but that's vanished now. It's almost like a meme, even her political opinions have flipped and she's gone from vaguely leftish to having absolutely none of those opinions. She's gone from larping as an independent woman to enjoying almost every decision being made for her.
I can't help but find it funny that what I honestly did out of initially finding it hot to take a woman's job away from her and make her submissive actually was the secret to the easiest relationship of my life.
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>would it be better to segregate the good girls from any contact with these rebles.
I think they would have to be kept seperate, but used for fear mongering.
For example, the labor camps and re-education centers that a resistant or independent woman is sent to are kept away from population centers, so it's harder to plan breakouts since the only people in the area are guards and other prisoners.
On the flip side, footage from these camps, news reports about how prisoners are treated, all presented as a noble cause to protect society and "fix" these women. Already brainwashed women will accept this as a good thing, while potential rebels could be scared into inaction.
As for having loyal women participate, I've always liked that idea. It would be risky, since you're putting trust in the belief that she's been broken. I guess you could keep them under close supervision, if the goal is to crush ideas of sisterhood and feminism, then involving women would help that. Maybe women who have dominant fetishes are used for this, so long as they remain loyal and below men they can take out their frustrations by training and crushing recalcitrants.

>something that's "bred out" from society.
Depends on the setting, but I prefer ideas where there are non-patriarchal or even matriarchal nations in the world as well. So women born in the patriarchy only knew obedience, and even help to train others, but newly conquered or influenced regions are filled with rebels and other resistance, including matriarchal agents. Leaves room for fall from grace stuff where a powerful woman who used to be a dom is captured and broken, or egalitarian nations struggling to adapt to new laws
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>trust in the belief that she's been broken.
>could keep them under close supervision
Some methods of control could rely on emotional/familial manipulation.
Women put in positions of power over other slaves have daughters, sisters, mothers, etc. that they worry for.
Preform well and earn a better life for your daughters, fits will with sexist ideals of using women for breeding too.

>out their frustrations by training and crushing recalcitrants.
Maybe push female overseers to be more rough with prisoners.
While men play into the "good cop" side of things have them learning that groveling at the feet of men is the best thing to do...

>rebels and other resistance
>fall from grace stuff where a powerful woman who used to be a dom is captured and broken
Sounds fun, make it into a game when groups of women are enslaved.
Pick the weakest link and turn them against each other.
Play favorites, have then ratting on one another for rewards, let them vote on who'll be raped tonight, etc.
Fuck that silly idea of sisterhood out of their head and teach them to be good slaves.
based, guys should all aim to take women out of the workforce like this
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>In a world where superpowers are real and people with these powerful abilities and are born regularily, a malignant power has emerged victorious and taken over society.
>This new world order enshrines men and their masculinity, while diminisishing women and enslaving them under the supervision of men.
>People who do not comply are subjugated and dealt with harshly. Most women are left under the ownership of their male relatives or friends, but those of particular renknown or anarchistic disposition, such as would-be rebels are reclaimed by the new government and 'repurposed'.
>Depending on the nature of reclaimed females they are taken in as property of the government, or redistributed to males who've proven themselves useful or loyal to the regime without any fitting females under their 'care'.

>You are one of these men.
>A particularily well-renknowed and quite powerful heroine has been granted to you as both a reward for your efforts and a responsibility to either train and male useful to the new society you're part of, or dispose of to ensure she's no threat to the new order.
>You will be granted a reasonable amount of resources necessary to complete the task assigned to you, but you must make sure that there is zero margin of error in how you deal with her, or else consequences might befall you.

So, Anon, what do you think?
What is the heroine's personality like and what are her powers like?
How difficult would it be to tame or break her, and how would you go about this effort?
What uses would you give to her during and after her training? Would you keep her for personal use, or try and 'give back to the community'? Maybe utilize her and her powers to bring more women under your sphere of influence?
What would be her final fate, once the government comes back to see how you've decided to deal with her?

If the particular 'Superhero' setting doesn't appeal to you, you can also change the setting to one more fantasy or sci-fi leaning.
>"Genius, Billionaire, Playgirl, Philanthropist" heroine a-la Tony Stark, but uses self-made cybernetic implants and upgrades rather than a suit of power armor. Body is almost entirely cybernetic besides some essential organs and masterfully crafter for power and beauty. Extremely intelligent and determined, but this also makes her quite egotistical and overconfident.

>Her own augmentations will be her downfall, once I hire a team of hackers to give me full control over her cybernetics and her own cerebral implants.
>Keep her a prisoner inside her own body, letting a primitive AI with a bubbly and submissive disposition towards me control her body and implants and scanning her mind at all times for signs of dissent.
>The AI often takes full control over her body, letting the head express itself with scowls and insults at will, except whenever the AI needs to communicate or feign appearances.
>She is also capable of controlling the genius' sensory imput, rewarding her with pleasure for good behaviour and thoughts and punishing her with pain and even sensory deprivation whenever misbehaving or showing signs of dissent.

>Keep her around me as my sexy secretary at all times. She's competent at this, but her real use for me is using her extroardinary intelligence to increase my own wealth and power, helping me make a corporate empire similar to the one she once made herself.
>Force her to create improved versions of her own slavedriving AI, removing the backdoors those hackers for certain must've added for their own benefit, while using the current AI to ensure she doesn't try the same treachery herself.

She has the option of joining me as my pretty, dolled-up golden egg goose, or have her precious brain entombed in a jar and used to computate difficult equations, like a living cryptomining computer, never again having any other sensory imputs that aren't raw numbers until her death, all while a bimbo AI uses her precious body to serve me.
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>An atypical magical girl NEET prefers placing hexes on people and empowering them with powers using them as dolls to do her hero work.
>Track her via her "dolls" returning for recharging and capture her once she's alone.

>Use the Classic shock collar, gas lighting and love bombing to turn her into the perfect lap dog type slave.
>Her powers can then be used to enslave other women and bring other heroines to heel.
>Combine her powers and classic slave training to create a sex cult type community...

Always been a fan simply treating heroines as tools, mainly valuing them for their powers.
Breaking their minds so that their entire idea of self esteem is based on how useful she is for master.

>have her precious brain entombed in a jar
Why not a bit of both, maybe have her live in a type of locked in syndrome where she feels every lewd thing that goes on with her body but cant control it.
Use that to slowly break her will to resist till her and that bimbo AI are one in the same.
>Why not a bit of both, maybe have her live in a type of locked in syndrome where she feels every lewd thing that goes on with her body but cant control it.
>Use that to slowly break her will to resist till her and that bimbo AI are one in the same.
Yeah, I was thinking a similar final scenario of her would be pretty interesting.

>Keep ordering from her and her Slavedriver more advanced AIs, Cybernetics and Artificial Bodies.
>Eventually reach the point where her creations are capable of matching her own intellect and simulate her personality to perfection.
>She knew very well she was making herself obsolite this way, but one part of her was incapable of dismissing such a challenge.
>Another part of her hoped I would put her out of her misery once I saw no more use for her.

>Her AI daughters now work together to fullfill my every command and desire.
>They all have artificial intellects dwarfing their mother's and are able to fully replicate her personality with various degrees of bimbosity.
>Minds hosted in fully cybernetic bodies, identical to their mother's superficially, but lacking in any previous deficiencies.
>Having supplanted her every role, they gratefully granted their mother and prisoner one last gift to thank her for giving them life, before she was permanently retired.
>advanced AIs, Cybernetics and Artificial Bodies.
>fully replicate her personality with various degrees of bimbosity.
Maybe take this sort of thing beyond just creating a harem for yourself?
Looking at >>11187913 seems like slavery is a society wide thing so along side super powered slaves and normal women, sex-bot "clones" are a nice addition.
Especially fun if you make it a goal to humiliate her via use of her clones, Brothel sluts, slaver training assistants, etc.
She was the face of feminism and women's empowerment before, now she's a "perfect doll" of a slave that's happy to serve.

>granted their mother and prisoner one last gift
Retirement from technical work maybe, but having her act as some kind of celebrity slave whore would be perfect.
Not only are her "daughters" becoming the face of slavery everywhere but she's paraded around as the woman who made it happen.
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I've always liked the idea of training a powerful woman, but not just slave training, actual physical training.
Her power set would be fairly generic, super strength, speed, endurance and resilience, but because her powers are so simple works against her. She coasted by on just being better than a normal person for so long she got complacent, but when dealing with actual other supers she's no longer the fastest, strongest or toughest, which makes her useless.
Maybe she tried to join with other super-powered women when the enslavement started, but got kicked out for being a drain on resources.
Her need to feel special again mixes well with being a pet once she gets over her delusions of independence, and after she's been trained up to ACTUALLY be strong/fast enough to be a threat again, she's all in on proving she's "better" than the groups that rejected her, happily being an enforcer in exchange for praise and rewards(like orgasms, or sharing my bed)
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One bar prison is underrated
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>Force her to create improved versions of her own slavedriving AI, removing the backdoors those hackers for certain must've added for their own benefit, while using the current AI to ensure she doesn't try the same treachery herself.
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I've been taken by a new idea for why slavery could happen in a setting.

So, Ecological collapse is hot on people's minds and AI is currently a thing at risk of becoming a less good thing as AI models sample AI output and run the risk of becoming impersonable and inaccurate if the process isn't stopped. These are fairly boring problems, which I have some faith we'll avoid the worst parts of by acting only a little too late to prevent major catastrophe but soon enough that we'll muddle through.

So, Add time. The climate catastrophes are long past, The sprawl and pollution and drastic weather of climate collapse was a past generation's problem, The country side is farmable again, Things are good. The vast majority of humanity live in towering/burrowing megacity arcologies that house several billion souls in tremendous ever-recycled always-being-rebuilt protective bulwarks. Buildings hundreds of stories tall, kilometers wide, and continuing down into the bedrock where ancient mines turned over to new subterranean townships and monorail transit to new mines, Grand designs of a desperate race's last grasps at what little material they could source rather than recycle.

Like in the neuromancer series (I think that's the one?) vast computer systems are required to regulate energy and resources, But the AI turned faulty and the precious computer parts and mechanical workers were recycled in turn to keep the place up and running.

Introduce a long relapsing system of changing governments, Whole wars have been fought in these things, over property, labor, anything and everything. Walking down the commercial causeway to check out that new seafood joint that just opened up, you pass as many aged memorial stones as you do advertisements. All so aged that they blend in, Like a war memorial in the northern former confederacy today, They're everywhere, Who spares them a thought?

I have hit the character limit, I will resume my inefficient tirade momentari
So how does this monster of innovation stay alive? Labor, Unthinkable quantities of labor. Think the pyramids were an ass ache? They're a crumbling stoop to these grand monoliths, in every imaginable sense. The common man doesn't remember a history book that isn't chock full of the achievements of vast armies of indentured workers who have nowhere else to go, spotted with the conflicts that spur from their masters demanding too much for too little.

Cut to the modern day, Things are stable, Food is plentiful, and mostly only women are enslaved. Less out of necessity, Though being sold into construction slavery is still a lifetime guarantee of steady work and provision, and more out of tradition. Most people can't imagine another way of living. Women are commodified, exploited, and shifted from owner to owner on the regular. It's normal, What, you want to just talk to a woman and take her out? What would her owner think? You're practically touching another man's car, Go to the dealership and get your own.

Or stop at several establishments, staffed almost entirely with girls they've purchased or rented out, and see if your morning coffee comes with bonus services. That's decently normal.
>Governments prefer to return to feudalism and slavery instead of deploying existing technology like nuclear power, reprocessing, breeder reactors, desalination, carbon capture, electrolysis, synthetic hydrocarbons, etc.
>Present this as if it was inevitable
>collapse was a past generation's problem, The country side is farmable again
Really like that concept of a year zero type reset for human culture, perfect time to create new perverted norms for society

>only women are enslaved
>Most people can't imagine another way of living
Pulling from other parts of the thread, women should be instilled with Anti intellectualism.
Women know society values them for their bodies so they see being educated as a waste of time, their mind set ranges from total bimbos to simply avoiding education as unfun/boring.
And so society is built to function arround slave women being illiterate and having the idea of "leave the thinking to men"

>Women are commodified, exploited, and shifted from owner to owner
That attitude play out in a few fun/lewd ways like dress codes being more like required nudity.
Women are property and are shown off as such!

>staffed almost entirely with girls they've purchased or rented out
Work for women should be restricted to service, sex work and domestic servitude.
That is if they're not chosen as wives/broodmares.
Life for them should be aimed at trading freedom for security and a thought free life.
Obey master and everything will be taken care of...

And what are marriage/master-slave relationships like in this society?
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I hate it when my smut lit portrays unreasonable societal progression.

Why does your slave story need sci-fantasy worldbuilding?
I'm saying that it would be realistic if it was actually bullshit and just a way for governments to implement policies that they wanted (such as slavery) instead of actually being inevitable. Sort of like how the Fallout series had the solutions be available for decades before WW3, but the corrupt governments preferred to go to WW3 instead of building the solutions.
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I hope they gave her a heaping dose of DNP.
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if this is more than just a larp then post your tits you stupid bitch
Answering the theme questions:
>Is your setting modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi or something else?
My setting is definitely a fantasy setting. It takes inspiration from Rome for the most part but there are some differences. One is the addition of fantasy races and magic, but thats par for the course really. The head god of this well established but still growing empire is a fertility god/goddess no one is sure which is right or if its both or neither. It's also a mishmash of Roman time periods I draw inspiration from.
>What's is life like for the average man in your setting? The average woman?
Well that depends on where you are. The average city dwelling Male citizens is on a low rung of society foing simple day labor unless they are lucky enough to get involved in a trade. They will typically wake up, blow a load or two into a woman, go to work, fuck some more during downtime at work, and then go out to the local arena for the lunchtime hour. There they will witness fights, makeshift ships battles, and very exotic monster men defile slave girls, or watch enslaved exotic monster women be raped by winning gladiators, important nobles, or some lucky few plucked from the crowd. Then they go back to work, and then the evening is either spent at home or in taverns and such. The average rural man wakes up and spends most of the day working on his farm. Typically he gets to fuck a few woman during the day and rural farmers tend to have at least one cowgirl that is shared between farms, so a good chunk of them get to use her to blow off steam. For women the difference in rural vs city doesn't matter as much. They typically get fucked by the people who live with and around them, they might get to run out and do a few chores, and get used by some men during that as well. Many will thank their gods that they aren't the slave women and can even do this little bit of freedom. Cont.
I'll mention it here but there are free girls in both rural and city areas who become communal sluts. They have boxes or buckets to recieve tips and they work their best to please the ment who use them. Men can use any woman they want in a free use kind of way, but these woman are used because it is recognized that free girls need some time with which to do things. It also doesn't hurt that communal sluts tend to be very pretty and very talented.
>Does your setting have non-slave women? If so how are they controlled? Chastity? Laws?
Laws both religious and civil dictate how woman spend their lives. Obviously there are non-slave women but they still exist under the free men. Chasity is not really a thing in the main empire, but other nation do have a chaste religion that has many woman in the clergy. They are a favorite target during raids as they sell incredibly well as sex slaves. I will take this time to clarify that only Human women are free, as non-human woman are slaves by default in the empire. If say, a "free" elf woman was caught sneaking around in the city she would be captured by the guard and branded/tattooed to mark her as a slave. Then either sold or given to a local noble. Or sometimes rewarded to the guardsmen as a "reward for their service".
>Are slaves inherited? Or passed on in any other ways?
Inherited or bought and sold. Many are also captured during wars and raids on enemy nations, and most commanders have their soldiers keep some as it boosts morale, and they would also get the chance to abuse her holes in the camps. Soldiers tend to trade slaves with each other often when out in the field.
>How are boys raised to prepare them for leadership and their role as masters?
Boys are taught by their fathers and tend to inherit their lot in life. Adoption is common enough in a Roman way however, with a lot more sex slave fucking.
To clarify a bit more, human women are free, unless cpautred in a raid on an enemy nation. Then they get marked and used just like any other non-human. Some men make a point to use them even rougher than non-human slaves, ad these girls "give birth to our enemies" though this view isn't common.
Is there a specific name for this kind of rack cage? I need to know for reasons.
>head god of this well established but still growing empire is a fertility god/goddess
>women the difference in rural vs city doesn't matter as much. They typically get fucked by the people who live with and around them
So at least for Monster girls and other enslaved fantasy races there must be a fair bit of free use breeding.
Help keeps the slave markets filled with home grown and women captured from the wilds.
Mating as a whore, so no man is sure of who the father thus it's easy to simply enslave her daughters.

>Laws both religious and civil dictate how woman spend their lives
Is there any sort of Holy prostitution then?
If the main god is one of fertility that could have some lewd outcomes for how Nuns are used.
like they're licensed prostitutes or holy women are part of the sex work industry as madams.
Could just be a simple system where any legal brothel or pimp pays fees to temples.

>these girls "give birth to our enemies" though this view isn't common.
Could also warp that into using these women to breed soldiers for the empire.
Once they're mind broken and domesticated they'll be used as barracks' wives.
Long campaign could see just an army growing into a frontier colony.
>Fantasy slave girls do get a fair bit of breeding. Their rarity means that they can fetch a higher price as a slave, so slaveowners either breed them themselves, or with the occasional male monster to create more. I also imagine Patricians in the setting throwing massive slave gangbangs in addition to feeding cities for a day and shit like that. The patron system would also mean some slave girl gets fucked by the men who come by for a few coins in the morning, it only adds to the loyal support of the patron. During their orgy celebrations they try and put out the rarest and most exotic females they can, to show off their wealth and gain prestige. Plenty of nobles have thrown orgies where elves and dwarves got fucked half to death, but everyone remembers the guy who had an enslaved Giantess, Naga, a few harpies, and a tank of Merfolk.

Holy protsition is a thing. In some ways the communal sluts are doing a religious task as they accept everyone into them and want to please others. But actualmembers of the clergy do the babylon thing of sitting on the ssteps of the temple in a special garment, until someone gives them a coin and gets to claim their virginity. This actually goes for box sexes in the clergy, as male clergymen are supposed to imporegnant female worshippers if they ask. They are set in how many they are supposed to knock up this way in a year, normally between 1-3 depending on how many citizens live around the temple. These children however are expected to serve any number of religious functions when they get older. This could be something as simple as clergymen themselves, to being scribes for the clergy, or if they grow up strong, something akin to a paladin, where they will go into the lands of enemies and produce spawn of power for the nation.
Communal sluts give a portion of each days income through the temples. Cont.
Of course bigger cities have people active at night as well, so they have a ritual performed at dawn for the communal sluts who work during the night. Temples also get regular donations from common people as well as nobles. Nobles have a ritual they do when they wish to capture a rare female and hope the divine will guide them and their men.
>Life for woman captured by soldiers in general is rough. Being passed around a camp by soldiers is one thing, but tossing in the forced marches and lower rations, things can get hardcore. Typically within a few generations of a successful military campaign the captured human women descendants will be free and their ancestry a footnote. Non-human women(I'll just call them demi-humans and monster girls now own, no need to reinvent the wheel) are afforded no such freedom. Their descendants are typically enslaved to the families descended from those who captured them, or they get sold to a traveling slaver to earn the farm money. A saying is "Slavers love a bad harvest" as they can get demi-humans and monster girls for cheaper than normal.
I fucked up hard by leaving those arrows in. Oh well.
The closest a demi-human race comes towards being accepted are the Goblins. They have a group mindset so teaching a small group of goblins how to behave means they will teach a larger group how to act. They love working in teams and don't require as much food, space, or effort to kill. They are seen as such a useful lesser species that the empire's basic plan for goblins is to capture them female or male. The females are enthusiastic lovers, Goblins reporduce like rats as they say, and male goblins fuck in groups so they are great at impregnating demi-human slaves. It helps that unless an offspring s full goblin, they will be the race of the other parent. The guy who had a Giantess for his public orgy put on a legendary show in the arena by letting several hundred goblins use her to ensure she was pregnant. Goblins are one of the few slave races where they have a few laws passed to afford them more rights than others.
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>communal sluts are doing a religious task...
Promiscuity and fertility being virtues for women should also be something that's idealized in the training of slaves.
Maybe something like this also leads to a bias towards slaves that are born n bred in the empire over captives.
They're more obedient, adhere to religious dogma, etc.
You'd have the "strong warrior" type Demi-humans living in the wild but inside the empire they're parodied with a domestic breed.
Living examples of conquest who are little more then air headed sex pets.

>exotic females they can, to show off their wealth and gain prestige
On the same note would be showing off well trained slave women.
Not simply chaining a elf in the public square, instead you've got whores with 0 restraint in seeking men serve.
Could also have Patricians making public shows of donating their home bred slaves to temples, paying for fertility festivals etc.

>captured human women's descendants will be free
The Roman practice for legionary retirement should have a /d/ aspect to it.
That plot of land also comes with slave wives, with the expectation these women should be used as breeders.
Rape and forced motherhood is just the norm when women are captured.
They're sent to soldier's retirement colonies to start boosting the population.

>demi-human race comes towards being accepted are the Goblins
Really like this idea of domesticating entire races of demi-humans to serve mankind.
Just so happens Goblins are the race that's gone the furthest with that idea.
Hucows, wolf/dog girls, etc all once wild races find their continued survival as useful slaves born to serve
Obedient slaves are definitely seen as more valuable more often. It makes sense that those raised in-empire would also get all the religious and social teachings from a young age. I imagine that some races are being "domesticated" or are in the process. Cowgirls are domesticated for sure and most of the time aren't even retrained. They don't want to leave their comfy farm where they get plenty of dick throughout the day. Naturally some races are naturally more rebellious so they are either kept more restrained, controlled through drugs or potions, or undergo intense mind break sessions when they are captured/mature. Of course some people will also prefer a slave who struggles.

>On the same note would be showing off well trained slave women

Definitely, but with large crowds you can catch more attention with rarer sights, but I imagine those Patricians and nobles who are rich but not uber-rich go with well trained sluts more often.

>The Roman practice for legionary retirement should have a /d/ aspect to it.

Soldiers take whatever slaves they've captured in the field to the farm with them when they retire. As they often get plots of land in newly settled territory it can also lead to more slaves. Those soldiers have children that grow up, and plenty take up a spare sword or whatever they can scavenge from dad's old military days and become adventurers. Being so close to the border means that instead of the standard first adventure of killing a cave of goblins, it's going into the wilderness with your buddies and bringing home some of the local demi-humans. Or human woman who don't speak the same language. Rich merchants and nobles do keep smaller estates near the borders so they can buy those newly captured slaves as well as breed them. And of course during the winter all those farmers get the privilege of going to those estates and fucking all those slaves in training, a reward for a life well lived. And supporting the owners political games of course.
I imagine that any non-human race that is an animal/human hybrid isn't even seen as a demi-human but something even lower. They will take their milk, eggs, whatever since it it seen as no different from taking it from livestock. Cowgirls have it made but wolfgirls and such would have a much harsher ride as they would get scrap cuts of meat and if they have any desirable traits, forced breeding. I imagine that some even have them mate with the animals "they come from" for the amusement of their owners. A not-uncommon sight in the areas are centaur girls running from stallion who are trying to mate with them.
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>Patriarchy thread
>It's just BDSM
>those raised in-empire would also get all the religious and social teachings
On the topic of native born women(both free and enslaved) what would life be like for them?

Could see there being many lewd social norms, ie "monogamy" only counts marriage with emaciated human women.
With no limit on slave wives, so there's lewd norms like giving away sisters(or half sisters) as marriage gifts.
Or there's other things like religious laws, on women's education/work keeping them as air headed whores, etc.

>bringing home some of the local demi-humans. Or human woman who don't speak the same language
/d/ Questing is a perfect fit for the setting; rewards are in coins, women or a license to enslave any women you find on mission.
Further into the frontier a settlement is the more often rewards lean towards payment in women or carte blanche on slaving.

>buy those newly captured slaves as well as breed them
>desirable traits, forced breeding... have them mate with the animals
Could also explain why there's both harsh treatment of enslaved females and softer daddy dom.
Slaves fresh from the wild get the worst of it, but the longer they're bred for slavery the closer they get to "pet" status.
So there's some Demi-humans like Hucows & domestic goblins that know nothing of freedom and base their entire identity/culture on being a servile race.
This same process is ongoing for other Fantasy races while their wild counterparts are actively hunted down and enslaved.

Got any ideas you'd be willing to add?
>On the topic of native born women(both free and enslaved) what would life be like for them?
Free women are essentially free use. They are also all happy and willing, so a good chunk of their day is spent pleasing the men around them. In cities this is mostly men who are neighbors or strangers, while in more rural areas this is mostly neighbors or males in their family. They have less room for jobs so they mostly cook, clean, and raise children. As said before some go into the clergy and others become communal sluts.
Giving away female relatives as gifts to other men is probably very common. Sometimes short term sometimes indefinitely. A social rule is that if someone you are close to is going to enlist as a soldier and there is a war going on, they get gifted spare women by friends and neighbors so they can use them until they march away. This way if something happens to the solider they probably knocked up at least one woman. And like in Rome, fathers can sell their children into slavery for money, so misbehaving daughters or would-be communal sluts are sold and enslaved to become another mans private sex slave.
>/d/ Questing is a perfect fit for the setting; rewards are in coins, women or a license to enslave any women you find on mission.
Enslaving a demi-human is as simple as showing up with one you captured and declaring it. For human women a little more proof is required that they aren't natives of the empire, which is either proven by them not speaking the language well or at all, or the adventurers showing their intent letter they made before they went adventuring. Frontier adventurers are mostly about women capturing, though they will gladly take any valuables they can.
>Could also explain why there's both harsh treatment of enslaved females and softer daddy dom.
You pretty much got it. Of course some masters will always want to abuse slaves not matter what as that turns them on, but "pet races" are happening.
I am a long time DM for D&D, so my semi-autist brain also builds settings with the idea that game could be run in them by default. In the Remulius Empire(what I've decided to name the Roman-like empire) I imagine that the Senate and the Emperor are trying to decide which nation to invade next. None of them are terrible strategic choices, but some clearly lean towards rich noblemen wanting to get more of a specific type of slave.
They are:
>Northern nation that is full of forest dwelling elves, fey beauties, and a smattering of gnomes.
Easiest to invade and Elves are popular slaves as they can be passed down for generations. Lumber and land also make it appealing.
>Move from the already conquered lands on the southern continent(Not!Carthage) and move east to capture Not!Egypt.
This one is harder but their foothold on the southern lands has held up. Ancient magical treasures and land suitable for growing food enough to feed the empire twice over is the main draw. Notable generals and nobles also want to enslave the current Pharaoh and her beautiful daughters, as they are said to be amongst the most beautiful beings on the planet.
>Head west and take as much land as could be claimed from the Orcs and Beastmen as possible.
This one is the harder one to gauge. In the past raids have gone wonderfully or poorly, depending on how allied the races of the territories are. But the Empires citizens have grown a taste for strong Orc women and Beastwomen being raped by humans and animals is only growing more common. The lands also allegedly being the source of a great contraceptive plant is driving further interest.
On the topic of other races being rarer and thus their women being more valuable sex slaves, here are some of the most and least valuable.
Most Valuable:
>Dark Elves/Drow
The underdark they come from is hard to get to let alone survive in. A sex slave as long lived as an Elf with dark purple/bluish skin with naturally masochistic tendencies makes a great slave. So rare that the Emperor having two is a sign of his wealth.
Big and hard to capture and keep. Keeping them obedient long terms costs a lot of money. Food and potions aren't exactly cheap.
Most people can't afford the upkeep on the pools of water to hold them. Surprisingly can survive on foods other than seafood.
Least Valuable:
To cut a lore story short a dwarven civil war was ended recenlty by one side selling out to the empire and becoming a tributary state, to show appreciation they gave all the women and men in the hills they controlled as slaves to the empire. Any Dwarf who disagreed with this was then also given over to the empire. There's just a lot at the moment.
Being descended from demons humans hate and scorn them, and their lives typically end soon after their evil heritage is found. Female tieflings who do live are treated very harshly and have even less freedoms than a normal slave. Nobody wants them and nobody trusts them.
Seen nowadays as the inferior substitute for Goblins. Less enthusiastic lovers, produce babies slower, and tend to eat more than their small stature would suggest. Some noblemen have hired alchemists and mages to see if a cross between Halflings and Goblins could exist, as longer lived Goblins would become very useful very fast.
>inferior substitute for Goblins
>cross between Halflings and Goblins
Pic related, another perk of goblin slaves is their sexual compatibility with many other races!
Master needs a new batch of farmhands? Well any woman from human to elves can be bred and used as broodmares.

>rich noblemen wanting to get more of a specific type of slave
Could also be more subtle ways of getting new slaves:
Elves want an easy way to get rid of their criminals so some are enslaved.
Pharaoh's(and other noble) daughters are politicking so sometimes rivals need to "disappear", etc.

>Free women are essentially free use.
>more rural areas this is mostly neighbors or males in their family
So it's safe to assume incest is just an accepted part of life.
The worship of a fertility god even applies to direct blood relatives.
And with holy powers some IRL rules might not apply.

>misbehaving daughters.. enslaved to become another mans private sex slave
So native born women are such whores that they see being a private sex slave as being a punishment?
At least if they impress their new master they might get a chance to be a festival slut.
or earn back the privilege of being a community cum dump.

>Frontier adventurers are mostly about women capturing
Fun part of that is the sexual culture shock;
The Empire push swinging and shared use of women, something that fresh captives resist.
So what creative methods of rape/training is used to "break in" new slaves?
>Master needs a new batch of farmhands? Well any woman from human to elves can be bred and used as broodmares.
Bit part of why they are loved. Only goblin on goblin breeding makes more goblins. Some races can't reproduce with goblins, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
>Could also be more subtle ways of getting new slaves
Smaller nations nearby will do that. I've posted about how the Dwarves did it. Some distant nations will ship traitorous/persecuted nobles to the Empire to be slaves. It gets ride of them, gets revenge, and you make money as Patricians and Senators love showing off Noble sluts! Female criminals can also be enslaved if the crime is bad enough. Or if their dad just needs some gold.
>So it's safe to assume incest is just an accepted part of life.
Yep. At least having sex with them is. Incestuous marriage is frowned upon, but many sisters live in their brothers house as a "servant" which means they are a wife in all but name. Mothers do the same occasionally when the father dies. Magic and divine shit means that this doesn't have any problems.
>So native born women are such whores that they see being a private sex slave as being a punishment?
Hit the nail on the head again. Many will be as subservient as possible for their new owners in the hopes of either being set free and kept as a concubine/wife, or that their husbands will share them with guests to be polite.
>So what creative methods of rape/training is used to "break in" new slaves?
A favorite is denying orgasms for weeks on end. Keep getting her to the just before she climaxes, and then stop. Combine with the occasional bit of wine consuming to lower her inhibitions. As she gets more and more desperate you start telling her to do things like suck your cock, rim your ass, give a titjob etc. When she finally does whatever you say without any hesitation, you allow her to cum.
The important step is to start the denial all over again.
After a few cycles of this they normally stop all resistance. Wealthier people have a few tools they can afford. Potions that are basically molly in liquid form that they have their slaves drink for days on end, during which time males around them get to enthusiastically use them. During the orgies they tell them that cocks can always make their cunts feel good, and they would get rewarded for being good.
Some races require different methods:
Just fucking them once or twice should do it if they aren't down already.
>Dark Elves
Long sessions of BDSM and rough anal fucking and they would worship the ground you walk on.
A bit harder to do. You start by starving them so their strength weakens. Orcs respect being physically dominated. Once the Orc is weak from lack of food you force them into a mating press. Talk down to them while you thrust into their cunts and tell them about their new position beneath you. An orgasm or two like this as well as being fucked like this will have them serve you well. Protect you as well.
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I keep seeing this image in the catalog of the board, it's fantastic. Anyone know the artist?
These threads attracted a ton of mentally ill /tg/ posters who just spam their settings itt no matter how off-topic and irrelevant they are to the thread
>goblin breeding
>Some races can't reproduce with goblins, but that doesn't stop them from trying
Should also use this as humiliation ritual during Roman triumphs or festivals.
A new tribe of elves are conquered so it's women are enslaved, upstart nobles have their daughters fucked to mark their new life as whores, etc.
First thing they need to learn is that women exist to serve men so raping the pride out of them is a good 1st step.

>At least having sex with them is. Incestuous marriage is frowned upon
I'd assume there's some perverted societal norm behind that?
Breeding your own sister, mother or daughter is fine, but as free women they're still to be used as community cumdumps.
If you wanted to keep them for yourself have the decency to enslave them first.
Main religion is one that worships a fertility god, so naturally the duty of women as whores doesn't make exceptions for blood relatives...

>Potions that are basically molly in liquid form
Is there magic in this setting?
IE lewd curses, lust crest on her crotch, etc.

>force them into a mating press. Talk down to them while you thrust into their cunts
So does cross species breeding work in your setting?
Offspring inherit from father/mother or the fantasy trope of half-breeds, etc.
Maybe with some /d/ rules like cross breeding always births females...
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>Should also use this as humiliation ritual during Roman triumphs or festivals.
It certainly is a part of those. During the triumph where a noble girl is being shown off, its customary that the person being celebrated gets the first use of her, then turns her over to the crowd. Everyone loves breaking in a noble slut and her handmaids.

>I'd assume there's some perverted societal norm behind that?
The idea is that they should marry other people to have two different families, so there are more people being produced. If they marry each other then only one family is made. Widowed parents are in a similar boat, but they can get away with not marrying as they can help raise their grand kids. But widowed mom's becoming their kids or grand kids new personal cumdump is a common story.

>Is there magic in this setting?
Yep. It is a bit on the rare side as other than a magic casting parent probably making a magic casting child, it's random as hell as to who can use it. For humans that is. The upper echelons of society do keep a few spell casters on hand. Mind control on unruly slaves, altering their memories, the best can even give them entirely new personalities.

>So does cross species breeding work in your setting?
It does for some races and not others. Humans can do it with basically any demi-human. The race of the child will be the race of the mother. The further from human you get the weird it works. And goblin breeding is all sorts of weird. Human/demi-human children noticeably crave sex with humans more than with their other parents race. It's taken as a religious sign of humans right to be dominant.
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Glad to see at least one person here actually knows how to talk to women
Post your cunt now. And your ass.

This is embarrassingly bad LARPing
I don't care if they are larping at all I just want to get shown an ass pic that I don't have to look for.

some details might be embellished but the broad strokes of what i say are true. I sincerely believe women have to be enslaved to save humanity from population decline.

I'm trying to get some kino anti feminist content posted about actual patriarchy as opposed to cumbersome fantasy/future scenarios. Men don't need any advanced technology or magic to subjugate women completely, only willpower and semen.


If someone can write a satisfactory 3 part story about a near-future matriarchal state with current era tech losing militarily, politically, and culturally to a colonial patriarchal empire I'll consider posing vag but I don't want to hijack the thread. I used to writefag in here a lot but lately I've been too busy and don't even get any (you)s when I do.

Cute tits, but no timestamp. Don't buy it.
>If someone can write a satisfactory 3 part story about a near-future matriarchal state

I'm up for the challenge, but isn't this the patriarchy thread? Why write a matriarchal story?
Working on an image series of different girl-stores, and I could use your ideas to flesh out the background details.
One is an Apple Store parody, with a row of identical girls whose feature lists are as outrageous as their price tags. Very science-fiction: remote controls, home management app integration, etc. It needs some extra details for interest, but they have to be subtle to match the aesthetic.
The second is a "country store"/trader joes setup: the girls are certified organic and have a lot of variety (some with pubes, even), there's hay bales and folksy carts on the sales floor for no reason, you know the corporate farmers market style. This one has a lot of opportunity for funny deco and personality for the girls.
Finally, and least developed, a Harbor Freight knockoff selling cheap boxed bimbos with 30-day warranties. You understand why they're on clearance sale when you see the dumpster full of returned items in the back.

I love the concept, but feel like it would be even better with lots of bonus content for people who look closely.

Did you keep reading past that word to the end of that sentence anon?
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No and I feel dumb now.
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>Humans can do it with basically any demi-human...
>noticeably crave sex with humans
As a side note this can be another motive for why the empire expands(besides the normal IRL reasons).
Their religion of fertility demands they gather more females of exotic/new races that are sexually and biologically compatible.

>further from human you get the weird it works. And goblin breeding is all sorts of weird
Having farms where women breed with other races like chattel is the perfect way to show how this society views women.
For women outside the empire it's a fate they fear as worse then death.
While a well good whore sees this as /d/ heaven.

>Everyone loves breaking in a noble slut and her handmaids
Take this further with forced pregnancy, foreign noble women put their bloodlines above the common folk.
Being used as a whore is one thing but getting bred by peasants or even slave races is a new low.
Her linage can even be turned into a marketable product line of slaves.

>Widowed Milfs becomes the family cumdump
Incest is also mother-daughter deal, society/religion sees it as the duty for women to raise their daughters properly.
That includes teaching them to be a good slut just like mum, and obviously practicing with the men of the facility
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>Their religion of fertility demands they gather more females of exotic/new races that are sexually and biologically compatible.
For sure. Never know what the whores look like over the next hill.
>Having farms where women breed with other races like chattel is the perfect way to show how this society views women.
Breeding farms are fund throughout the empire. Some are small and only focus on one or two races, but the rich has farms that have almost any type of girl known. Men who have too many daughters tend to accept a small payment to send one or two of them to these breeding farms. The daughters are happy to go because they get a comfy room, good food, and are fucked silly for almost every moment they are awake. Slave girls are also bred here, and many just learn to enjoy it because they get fed well here.
>Being used as a whore is one thing but getting bred by peasants or even slave races is a new low.
A part of the celebrations. Slave daughters born from the captured noble women fetch a high price as sluts. Many end up falling into the hands of Patrician's who let their supporters fuck them every day as another gift for supporting them. The captured women themselves are either kept by their captor, sold, or turned into a slave cum dump by the owner if they want easy political favor.
>That includes teaching them to be a good slut just like mum, and obviously practicing with the men of the facility.
Yep. Female family members are often times the first one that sons end up using. Women are also expected to teach the men of other families as well, as sons can be born without having a sister, or the mom dies. A common event is after the baby boom from soldiers returning from war and their wives and slaves getting pregnant, when those babies start hitting 18 there will be a time where the streets are an almost constant orgy.
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Maybe I'll take a crack at this tonight/later in the week/if I feel like it.
I was going to say this was some bullshit and I don't know if you are real or not, but I have a blog in a now closed BDSM online community and there are dozens of women that are outwardly feminist but have a very similar story like yours. Nowadays they post stuff like the thoughts you have about patriarchy, liking conservative man, wanting to return to this supposes state of semi-slavery and so on. While they still pretend to be leftists in real life. Crazy stuff.
These are real women, most of them are more than happy to post their bodies online.

Here are my axioms about male/female relations after leaving the brainwashing of modern feminism:

1. All lesbians can be easily corrected with rape and pregnancy.
2. Women cannot experience genuine sexual attraction toward other women.
3. Women cannot think in an objective logical manner separate from their emotions, as such women are not fully sentient.
4. Women desire and need harsh, controlling treatment (slavery) from men. compensating Women for labor in any form or allowing women free choice is socially regressive.
5. Rape is the highest form of sexual pleasure available to women and all women inherently crave rape (our brains are literally hardwired to prefer coerced sex).
6. Pity or compassion toward women by men, investing us with undue emotional signifigance is the Achilles heel of men that leads to the decline of human civilization on a global scale.
7. All education of women is detrimental to human civilization as is any freedom of movement or freedom of thought.
8. Intelligent women must be employed in the subjugation of other women since only the female perspective can shed light on oversights comitted by fallible men and when working under firm male authority can ensure the subjugation of women is pursued to the fullest extent.

Many men often say I'm too harsh or that they want patriarchy to be happier, but I think therein lies the danger of being led astray by preferential affections for women.
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How do you feel about hyper-paternalistic patriarchy, that removes all right, decisions & freedom of women (with force if necessary), but does it dispassionately or condescendingly?

As in, naturally women don't deserve to be free, and all her choices need to be made by her man. But if she disobeys, there's no anger, just pure coercive force, combined with paternalistic affection. There's a deep compassion and pity for women, but this manifests as a deeper desire for control over her by the man. The more he loves her, the more he wants to dominate, take control, remove her freedom and turn her into an extension of his will. i.e. You tell her you love her and want to protect her, and show her genuine affection, while still choking her out for trying to run away (because she still needs to be punished, and that's your responsibility).

I ask because I've just never liked sadism.
I understand liking the patriarchy and submitting to a man. Or even stopping being a lesbian.
I don't get all the obsession with rape. Well I get it because I know it is the biggest sexual fantasy for women, but the other stuff just sounds like you are bonkers.
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Do we want to make the next threads theme about conquest and subjugation? Means we can continue the conversation and potentially get some "Fall of the matriarchy" type settings/stories as well?
I mean, All this wrote vague legalism is well and good, But I like the details. How do settings like this lead people to interact?

I find there's heaps of erotic potential in the small changes in how people would talk about relationships. Like, IRL if you've got a new girlfriend, People have a lot of probing questions, But they only tend to go so far. But in a society more desensitized to sex with common ownership of women, That changes things a little. When you take a new girl home from the slave market, People probably would ask how good a lay is. Depending on how much of her job is just getting you off, It might be the primary reason you keep her around.

Know when you visit your mom and she asks if you've been eating? Could flip that around massively. You visit your dad's place and his first slave, Older and less used than the hotter, newer, ones but he keeps her around for household chores and cooking, Asks if the new bitch you bought is putting out right, Maybe your dad wants to try her out, Like if you buy a nice car and he wants to take it around the block. She's just property after all.
I am technically working on one. it is also elf posting
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I wouldn't mind this groups input on the below, as I'm actually using it for an ERPG setting.
Bear in mind though, all my players are women, and I am currently very tired.
>>What's is life like for the average man in your setting? The average woman?
It's an arid desert environment on the major trade lane between east and west. As labour is very female-oriented, and wealth disparity is severe, most men are relatively unimpressive next to continental males, but live fairly well-off lives via trade and general economy.
Females are by law and religious doctrine considered property, much in the same way a deer is to a hunter. Any female in public by herself, without clear signs of her ownership, is liable to quickly find herself being owned by another man, regardless of wealth or background. The only defense is martial prowess and/or evasive cunning.
Typically, this can lead to any kind of service, even military, as near fourty percent of armed forces there are dancing girls, slave-guards or the like.
>>How are boys raised to prepare them for leadership and their role as masters?
Nothing special really. Just to understand that women are property, and the basics of the big competition to build wealth and a harem. Inevitably a few women are technically merchants, and wealthy/successful. Though being still women, and therefore property, they have to be twice as competent to make things work and avoid simply losing it all to whichever man owns her.
>>Are slaves inherited? Or passed on in any other ways?
Can be, they can be bought, sold, exchanged as gifts, or divided up in the event of a death.
>>Does your setting have non-slave women? If so how are they controlled? Chastity? Laws?
There are, much of the rest of the setting is ostensibly equal, though glass ceilings or expected gender roles exist.
>>Is your setting modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi or something else?
Fantasy, with a heavy dose of bondage, bdsm and humiliation themes.
any ideas for next thread theme/starter questions?
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How would you put bigger women in their place? Really big ones, big enough to take on several men. They can't keep being a menace to society.

You live in a society that calls men evil perverted psychopathic rapists because of their natural urges, where people say you're more dangerous than bears, where people bandy the term "incel" like it's a trendy joke and women are free to kill their own children and slut it up on dating apps, denying you your birthright of continuing your family line. "Me too" celebrities accuse men of sexual assaults and rapes that happened 10, 20, 30 years ago and get millions of dollars..

And yet you say I'm bonkers, for wanting to instill basic measures to return to biological norms and traditions and save humanity? Throw off these mental shackles. You've been conditioned by a nanny state to censor anyone who speaks the truth and challenges conventional wisdom. Women need, want, and deserve to be chastised for their insolence.
Ah, that is a Broodmother. Why isnt she pregnant? Must be a rest year for her and her bones. Let her revover her condition and stave her bones off osteoporosis before she gives another litter of strong men.

New thread

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