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Previous thread: >>11100802

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff
>No furry (monster girls are allowed though) vomit or poop. Toilets are allowed if she's farting and we can't see any scat.
>Be kind.
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Please don't post pictures with girls that have grotesque looking bodies.
>AI art is allowed but do not flood the thread with it, especially if it is low quality and contains errors.
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All I want for Christmas is this shit right here
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anons, who's your favorite eastern brap artist
Kaze No Koe
kaibutsu wo koeta kaibutsu
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I don't know what it is specifically about it but I really REALLY like gyarus farting and really wish there was more art of them. Does anyone else hear feel like this?
I can totally understand it! Gyarus have a definite appeal to them
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Agreed. Gassy Gyarus are completely underrated.
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This one is kinda funny. It's from this one niche show, poorly produced etc, but with a somewhat interesting concept.
This girl presents you a button, press it and you'll be taken out of time to live alone in a void for 500 million years, after that you're put back the moment you pressed, and you get 10000 dollars (1 million yen) and your memories of the whole time are erased.
To everyone else watching, you just pressed the button, and then got handed the money right away, and it's also what you'd think happened, afterwards.

The artist of this drawing changed the premise.. not 500 million years of alone in a void.. but 500 million years of sniffing her farts. You might not remember, but you'll smell it the rest of your life afterwards.
oh, I see! Thank you for the lore
I love them too but it's pretty dull here as far as topics go. But I guess that's to be expected.
Does anyone have artist recommendations on Skeb
One of my favorite artists has his Skeb open right now. He's only ever made Touhou videos so far, although he does like the Pokemon girls.


@sekiyuCeltic is also extremely good and open right now too, as is @deodorantsword (I commissioned >>11157694 from him).

Other decent fart artists in my follow list that are open include @urao2sei, @shinzanmono108, @BigNty, @2ndcoke_space, @shikoripa, @aoi_hipdrop, @Kon_033, and @hehehehehe73
Wait you commissioned that deodorant sword pic
Honestly thought he only made doujins now I’m really enticed
As for Kaoribako I’m not quite sure for a video I guess I’d need a rather great idea to make it interesting
Sekiyu is good, unique artstyle, does femdom so maybe I’ll get her to do some Yuugi touhou

Thanks anon
Also shinzanmono is my fav but last time I tried him he denied, he seems to very very rarely do Skeb
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This just gave me an idea of mushroom monstergirls that release farts through spores and if women breathe in those spores fungus ends up in their guts and causes them to fart uncontrollably.
i knew a guy who had shroom monstergirls that hypnotized men with their spore filled farts
which artist?
hypnotic farts are my favorite kind
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...fuck, I don't remember his name, it's been that long. But even then, he was a western artist (so nothing I could post here) and the artstyle would have probably been blasted over on /brap/ anyway. He fell out of farts too primarily, if I remember right
I’m curious does anyone have stories about their mothers farting
It seems like there’s a big correlation between gassy moms and guys with fart fetishes I’ve discovered
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thanks though, I'll keep an eye out
Sure thing, you have a discord or telegram?
Ah screw it, add me if you're interested.
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>500 million years of sniffing her farts. You might not remember, but you'll smell it the rest of your life afterwards.
I wish
Honoka is made for farting
Her candy shop should just sell sugar free varieties which she samples
Does anyone want to discuss Love Live farts
what did you have in mind?
Just talking about the girls and what their farts / attitude around farting is like, maybe specific scenarios
Mostly Aqours and Niji
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I'm not sure how many ideas I have myself but I'd love to hear scenarios
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Ok add theenix
Just like her VA.
And now we have a VA who claims she eats one sweet potato per day
So she must fart a lot too
Extending my shilling to Touhou and girls und panzer too
Why do these threads die
>farting to propagate their spores
since it's their means of reproduction, that means they'll also get immense, orgasmic pleasure from farting
/d/ is just not as active as other boards for whatever reason.
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4chan is dead
the internet is dead
brainless zoomers killed it
they cannot even type on keyboards anymore
they cannot formulate a coherent sentence
they are even unable to read, they need a youtube video
it's over
seriously: it's over
>when the fungus emits spores in a woman's stomach it releases tons chemicals that cause arousal
>woman who experience this type of intense pleasure want more
>this makes them eat gas inducing foods
>this feedback loop is intentional as it helps spread spores more
>if not quarantined imeaditly an outbreak may happen
>women under the effects of the fungus are quarantined off in areas that end up smelling of rotting vegatbles from their farts
>at least half of the pataints who recover come out of it with fart fetishes
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unironically this
I can't jack off to this guy's drawings. He has the most disgusting art style ever made.
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That and a lot of artists getting nuked everywhere
There are a couple more important factors;

>unlike 10 years ago, a lot of art these days is paywalled
>unbrowsable and locked discord servers are very popular these days, taking traffic away from open forums like this
>there's less motivation to contribute by posting images to imageboards or booru's these days, as unlike 10 years ago when they were first starting up, they're taken for granted as they're already pretty full of content. So paraoxically, although the booru's and imageboards have more web traffic than they had before, less people are actually posting or contributing on them
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Really? I disagree
>unbrowsable and locked discord servers are very popular these days
I don't get this. Seriously, who the fuck would want their name, even if it's a pseudonym, attached to this fetish?
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Disagree, fakepucco is great
Now that Elon's going to be in government, can some American here write to him to convince him to stop American payment processers like VISA from censoring Japanese art platforms?

Tell him you'll commission a picture of that girl from Death Note he likes, Misa, in return.
This but all art in general, drawing is cringe.
it's a based fetish
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Always nice when a non fart/scat artist makes something directly related to the topic in an attempt at comedy.
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found another mushroom pic
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Ironically, not this.
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Huh, looks like the Patreon importer on Kemono's back up. Sadly, not the Pixiv importer yet though.
The world needs more Galko-chan farts
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I really think it is. I like being able to enjoy normie art and also something so gross and wrong.
what got you into galko braps, anon

Really liking this one because it involves rarely discussed facets of the fetish:

>spinchter reflex to hold in farts depicted in the first panel
>feeding and satisfying a woman, which is also a fetish of mine
>the prior leading to gas and relief from it, which is something I really enjoy
I'm sorry for being that kind of faggot, but I wish someone would edit the footjob out of this edit
Like Galko
Like braps
Galko braps in the manga
Simple as

My hat goes off to these genius anons.
nah I agree with that
>be a frugal mother with some otherworldly bad gas
>decide buying heads of cabbage is cheaper than gas or oil to heat your home during the winter
>lock all the windows, block the gaps between the outside doors
>eat your ten pound pot of cabbage stew and let your ass keep your entire house warm the entire season
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Sakuya izayoi farting illustration.like…
Wondering if I should commission Yuugi from this artist
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Planet destroying braps.
I recommend it
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She has drawn Yuugi five times in the past, so she's definitely a firm favorite character of hers.

Feel like her artstyle's perfect for Satsuki from Kill la Kill.
Satsuki is also a good choice for her art style while

Only issue is I don’t have any Yuugi ideas lmao
I used to really like MelonArts but I found out that she delivered comissions which were fucking traced over
Can you provide some examples?
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Commission I had done ages ago, due to my autistic fixation on this scene
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for some reason the "farting daughter in-law" korean fairy tale came to mind when reading that


also frugal, nutritious and tasty af, if a girl in your life thinks like this, marry her
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Recently had a dominatrix fart in my face multiple times. Her farts were often silent and smelled like garlic but I didn't mind. I could sniff them for hours. I could even feel her butthole pucker on my face. It was great.
fucking more like this, face/head trapped deep in the butt!
based male fart lover
Has anyone ever commissioned Shinzanmono on Skeb?
He always has requests open but seems to rarely accept requests and just tweets his fanbox stuff instead
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guess i could try posting this here if anyone wants to chat about girls farting and stuff
dicksword: ravenveritas24
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Shit, which chapter?
dendra (the one ripping ass here) is a girl, though I will agree, male farts are based
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Different anon, autistic fixation on specific anime brap scenes is based too, love recreations like this
there's just so little out there...
and I've seen IT ALL
is this from lolotron? but I don't see it on his xitter or patreon accounts
In a perfect world lolis would have all the power and we’d all be slaves to their gas
Follow up question
Is anyone aware of Mastercard suddenly not working on Skeb?
I had my card registered and had had skeb before but it suddenly didn’t work and then de-registered my card
Thought texting my bank’s fraud alert would settle things but no I just cannot register a card now
who is this~?
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i could do a few ai requests for ya as long as the characters/artist styles arent too niche
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Almost all japanese art sites likes skeb, fantia, and dl-site have had to pull their support for western credit card companies, cause western credit card companies are little pussy ass bitches who are afraid of being associated with naughty stuff due to creeps misusing it for literal illegal filth. And thus, big ban-hammer on everything, even stuff that's totally legal.
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Since no one else is biting, do one my favorite Hololive girls (Murasaki Shion, Omaru Polka, or Uruha Rushia) bending over so you can see up their skirt from behind as they look back at you smugly, please.
It’s weird though I used this card before and a buddy just used their card on skeb last week
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thats a shitty brap, what model are you using?
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anyone have irl stories to share? gf, sister, friends, etc?
>anyone have irl stories to share? gf, sister, friends, etc?
especially this
redips975 on discord
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>especially this
What is it with you guys and incest
need more sakuya
Does anyone have any experience talking with Japanese people about braps
Not trying to do a thing, Japan here but the few brapbros I’ve met seem to have way better conversations / ideas than the average 4chan autist so I’d like to meet more

Even the artists are nice talking to
Any love live bros here
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Lately I've had the urge to drink gamer girl fartwater
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This is AI, but I think it came out okay
>ideas than the average 4chan autist so I’d like to meet more
I wonder why
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>What is it with you guys and incest
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>Gas General
inb4 pic related
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>4 off-topic images still up
moderation is just non-existent
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Not fan of cringe thing but here
>I probably should've gone to the men's bathhouse
Based anti-troon Lazei?
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who is this? i feel like I've seen them before...
Gassy Tengu. Very fetid farts~
I just experienced this fetish for the first time
It was okay
I'm a little disappointed at how mediocre it was. It wasn't bad like a lot of people say but it wasn't terribly hot either. It was fun though either way, just other stuff is more fun
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>DC's making an official Harley Quinn fart comic called "Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly"

Which of you is the one working for DC?
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holy based
what the fuck lmao
Literally just came here to post that. Bros, we hit the mainstream!
i will now buy your comic book
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Is that a dick?
Yeah, Miquella is a feminine man
Best part is how mad this is making everyone. What are the chances this even slightly helps normalize this fetish?
If there is anyone here who enjoys love live and wants to discuss love live braps then post your discord
Does anyone have any good tips for generating farts with stable diffusion? I'm trying, but nothing good comes out of it. What sort of prompt should one type out?
Use Pony v6 or Illustrious XL based models. Stable Diffusion base and FLUX are scared of farts for "safety" reasons. I tried to train a 3.5 fart lora, and it came out garbage
Thank you! It definitely works better but it also modifies the rest of the image I created in another
The fetish is slowly becoming more and more normal desu. I remember that tiktok chick was making fart vids with 10mill views
>Best part is how mad this is making everyone.
Oh yeah? Feel free to post some good examples if you find any, sounds funny.
>What are the chances this even slightly helps normalize this fetish?
Honestly, this seems like the first major step to normalizing it. Fart jokes are everywhere, but this is an entire book dedicated to it using a major sex symbol of a character that even normies easily recognize.
Speaking of normalizing the fetish, it's been surreal seeing brapposting spread to every single board and thread I see a woman's ass, real or fictional, get posted. I keep /d/posting in /d/ myself, but it's grown far too common to be just a meme, some of these guys have gotta be legit, and even if it's only some, that adds up to a huge number.
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Threads are so bad now all we get are one image a week that’s ai slop
Face it. We have run out of fart porn.
nobody is willing to pay for stuff and post it.
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sniff sniff
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why are the japanese so into farts? you can go to these places and pay jap girls to fart on you and they prepare well, nekosu has been to several and has drawn his experiences. If he's not lying then he got to inhale farts out of this girl's butthole while she farted 50+ times.
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>why are the japanese so into farts?
A culture of taste. I think women have pheromones that they expel some when they fart. As I can tell a female fart by smell alone. They smell like they have a sweet dense musk smell over top of it no matter how their fart smells like. When I smells a guys fart I will gag and they lack the heavy musk smell to it and just smell like shit.
>you can go to these places and pay jap girls to fart on you and they prepare well
Where? Give me some locations please, I travel to Japan frequently
Wait is that what picrel is and do they have any more posted stories?
I’m going to Japan within the few years (but with my sister) and would be down to pay for something like this
yes, the pink/blue haired char is nekosu's avatar. he goes to these 放屁館 places and pays to basically breathe 100% farts out of these girl's butts till he cums. i don't know what they're doing but theres japanese review i read that said the girl farted on him for two hours.
Fuck I really want to go to one of these….my learning Japanese passion just skyrocketed again but idk how I’d excuse leaving to go attend a fart brothel with family with me
Where did you read such a review
I want to say it's Chinese influence + an extremely sexually repressed and socially conservative society.
There’s a shitton of vtuber fart comps on YouTube but I’m curious who the best ones are / any archived comps that aren’t on YouTube anymore and if there’s any like server for vtuber brap clips
>making everyone mad
>normalizing something
Pick one.

/ringo/ is that way, buddy.
Looking for a pic:
>two girls, one is blonde, wearing pink leotard(?)
>other has black hair, wearing school uniform
>dark pink background
>blonde girl calls the black-haired girl naughty
>definitely not from lazei or another common artist

Japan is an incredibly scatophilic culture. I'm VERY okay with it.
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Sadly the new Deodorant Sword / Kaze no Koe work is scat focused, but at least there's this page.
those farts are too small.

it's over
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That squirrel girl in marvel rivals.
I want her to capture me and fart down my throat.
what's with the brap interest in that character, does she have a nice butt i havent seen her model
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Her naked mod model is pretty thicc.
I don't play the game but she looks like the perfect braphog.
Wait, there was a second skit for this? Do you have a link for just it?
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I know this general is just better quality overall, but my god is it slow most of the time.
Do you have any more info
Searching that word doesn’t give me a giant list of prostitute sites idk wtf I was expecting but I’d actually like to plan meeting one
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Pixiv uploaders back up on kemono, it's a new years miracle!
Yay! now maybe Nekosu and Tsuchiro will be updated
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Skeb is such an annoying service
Send a request and just hope you’ll be accepted but there’s zero communication to ever know why an artist didn’t accept or if they even saw your request in the first place
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it's even worse when they don't cancel or accept and just let it sit there.
That’s what I’m going through right now lol
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I dunno about those places, but I saw a Japanese dominatrix a while ago, asked if she would be willing to fart in my face, and she agreed to do so. If I go to Japan, I may go to these places and get the same experience.
Bumping this for any love live bros out there
where are these places?! I wanna go!
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I've always enjoyed translating this guys works on nyou since they're so peak, but man, he keeps on adding scat and the scary four letter word to his newer stuff lately.

Because of that, I have to avoid posting a lot of them since they go against the booru rules and people report them.
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>the scary four letter word

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/onara/ might be near death, but that still doesn't mean we want these kind of low quality autistic scribbles here, yoshi.
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futa or vore is my guess
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please stop posting your shit scribbles, yoshi, lmfao. and please stop posting forever in onara threads on /d/ and /aco/. thanks.
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Correct. In his latest New Years one, one of the lines is even outright talking about how she's a middle schooler, so I can't even pretend her age is ambiguous if I wanted to translate it correctly.

Other recent ones of his include that McDonalds advert daughter and Poppy from Pokemon, both of which would probably get reported on there.

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