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Eleven Weight Lifting Competition Edition: >>11099829

Authors Pixiv(has all useful links there like twitter, dlsite, and fanbox): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5773248

Only 1-2 pages left till the chapter comes out, this being the biggest chapter yet. Which elf do you think is next?
this is how she makes uma a sibling
Still mad Uma was left on the side for most of the chapter, what a waste of potential.
He needs to let Umanami and Funou have their own chapters hoenstly, and stop pairing them together.
Funou went from not being able to properly get it up, to lifting a whole person with her erection alone.
Character progress.
she's like a plaything
Uma and Funou need to have a chapter for themselves where they fuck like rabbits in heat.
>chose to make them NBR in this chapter
>doesn't have them do anything together in this chapter
They got more physical in the beach one
Yuri has finally been defeated
He's probably going to add heart pupils or something but the empty stare is doing work for me especially since she is basically passed out in a puddle of cum
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He's free. Chapter in November.
Maybe the next chapter will have more focus on Uma? Do we know what the plan is after this chapter?
Usually the formula would go Mara -> Tansho -> Uma/Funou and repeat.
But he was talking about mixing it up with the SEXO and doing a little more world building, so who knows.
is he still not done?
Hes got translating to english to do and some minor touch ups. Probably gonna be the first week of november as stated.
She hasn't gotten a taste of the pro penis yet
What do you mean, Funou is literally an ex-Pro. She was THE Pro.
Granted I know what who you mean, but AV really isn't part of the cast, shes just a plot device to get Yuri to get lewder. Next times shes involved will probably be an AV involving the 4 Elves and Yuri.
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Smug Horse.
Not till she gets knocked up.
was AV more of a bottom or top
Bottom. Her porn book was bottom, she offered for yuri to fuck her before she realized yuri was human, she rode the life like torso dildo a few chapters ago.
not surprising considering that funou could most likely split roast an elf and lift them off the ground with that monster she has
admiring the baby they just created
Bottom, Funou was(is) the top elf.
2 questions since I have not really been following this that hard
1-Has he done anything with the student council girl at all?
2- has Tansho gotten penetrative sex yet?
Not in the actual manga but he did some for those 4koma bits
Yes she was the second person in
I'd love to see prime pornstar Funou ridding AV-san, something tells me even the lewd AV is utterly hopeless against the anal dorm mother.
Funou is a monster. I bet AV-san couldn't stand a chance even if she were bigger, it's the years of experience on Funou's part
want to be Yuri so bad and also like 1' shorter
truly the isekai we need
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Almost there my fellow futachads
I want to see a flashback where Funou is destroying elf pussy back to back

but it's not been kawakami's style to rapid-fire kumite sex scenes
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Is there any info on how tall they are?
Funou looks pretty massive in some panels, but not very different from the other elves in others.
There was an image of Funou compared to Yuri, and it stated that Funou was 188 cm or someshit, which is 6'2"+. Yuri was like 5'2" or 5'4", I fucking forgot.
Im 190cm holy shit she is tall.
>tfw you never get to be with her
Why even live at this point?
>188 cm
Fuck that's hot. Now I have to see that image.
I love dick charts
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Funou is snu-snu sized, and yuri is an average sized japanese girl
I quite like this image
God I love Amazon women.
Holy fuck, that means all of the elven cast is relatively tall compared to the 5'4'' womanlet Yuri.
Mara is almost Funou's height in this pic too.
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The sizes don't seem to be consistent at all times. I wish he'd make an official height chart along with the cock chart.
And also reveal the measurements of Funou's max power fully erect cock.
And make a chart for cum production as well.
does a height chart really matter if, like you noted, the sizes aren't consistent anyway? well, i guess it would be nice to have one regardless
It's not that it matters, it's just that numbers are fun and I like imagining how much bigger than me they'd be.
uma is pretty short, I think she is the shortest elf due to being younger than Mara and tansho
More like 50cm since she can self-paizu and self-suck combo..
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I miss the old version…
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Uma will grow and surpass her mother.
I liked the "realistic" proportions
I hope the upcoming chapter introduces Kasei. He's done doodles of her and has used her in a chapter as a mention. Surely she will be introduced one day.
i dunno
I like her too but I feel like she would have been used as a proper member of the cast if she was meant to be
I can only really see her being used to pad out the number of elves yuri gets fucked by, but if AV doesn't get a turn she is doomed to obscurity
so her front half is floppy
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Funou can easily smother Yuri.
the "front half" is an onahole.
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>he removed Tansho and Yuri on her sides making funny faces
>Tansho and Yuri on her sides making funny faces
Do you have this version?
maybe someone does, i was watching his early concept versions and he was drawing tansho on the left and yuri on the right, guess he scrapped it
I have this sketch bit. I don't know he drew it more detailed later on. Also chapter should be out in eight minutes
Fantastic image.
it's out on fanbox
which ver has the least censoring? i always forget
Patreon I think
it's up on the mega too now
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>Funou's so hard its smooshing her boobs
I love details like this.
god I hope so
Can someone tell me what search engine is being used? I want to try and find the megalink myself but none of these spots have any results pop up. I know I'm not putting in typos.
Man he really needs to train anatomy and perspective, as in spend some months doing deliberate practice, some pages in this chapter were hilariously bad. Page 8 is probably the most offending one, with Uma's leg being on top of Yuri's while both are bending in impossible ways. Still, great sex scene as always, although it felt a bit out of character for Funou to be this much on the offensive.
only thing left is giving a tally count of sex for AV and Funou + amount of pregnancies
>although it felt a bit out of character for Funou to be this much on the offensive.
It feels like result of writing out Uma's aggressive for being too forceful and not building up Funou sexual frustration more. Funou has to step up because Uma isn't doing the work for her as much.
top tier bodies but cocks could be better proportioned its great they are tall
What would the elves think of men? Would they like us or find us attractive?
probably not care cuz they are all dikes anyways
God damn that chapter was hot. So what now? I don't regularly follow his news updates.
Are we gonna cycle back to Mara fucking her or will the pornstar elf get a turn? I also wouldn't be opposed to the cute elf rom the onahole chapter getting a shot at Yuri.
I remember reading on /a/, where the story was just starting to show bare dicks, that Kawa was planning on making a huge festival, akin to those Brazilian Carnivals, and that it would end up in a huge orgy.
No idea if he's still clinging to that idea, or if he's at least interested in it.
Next chapter apparently won't be sex
Despite what the other Anons said, at the end of his last stream he said he was still thinking on what he wanted to do. So it could be anything.
He said the plot to 40 was done a few months ago and that he wanted to do something more akin to the early stuff. My guess is a echhi comedy chapter. I could see how back to back sex chapter could get boring for him.
What exactly is in the mega? Just the released chapters or is there something else too?
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The released chapters that anon retranslated but not shrunk down like the mangadex ones and the ones that were in color are left in color. The last two chapters aren't change because the translator quit.
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It was gonna be called Penis Festival if I remember right. I know that I could never die happy without seeing the divine sight of it...
Makes me so fucking happy that he didn't pull the "dorm daughter" retcon in the end
I don't think he's gonna go back to implied teasing stuff. Sex sells and he has made a shit ton of money from these chapters, and the next logical step is Elf on Elf action. Or to introduce a new Elf that mixes up the formula.
Wait, Mangadex still uploads new chapters?
I hope these two will eventually have their own sex chapter, Uma clearly has the hots for her mom.
Today's drawing
Not posting because I don't know if it is furry enough to get me banned
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she should drop anchor on my face
I would not leave that anchor hanging near my balls that's for sure.
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He's testing his new setup and drawpad. Sorry about the quality, this is on high, so his settings just suck.
Is he using Procreate now? That's bound to make the drawings look a bit different
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Cute feet.
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Don't forget the cute pp
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No nutz juice during November
D&D/magic the gathering promotion art look pretty good
>Dragon maid or plus size elf similar theme
I miss the ecchi work before manga publisher being pussy…
Princess Rosalina size-like
He's really gotten into feet lately after he got better at drawing them. I remember he use to avoid drawing them by having socks and shit on. That's why Funou and Uma were wearing shows while fapping after the spa chapter.
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There is no way.
is that even a pussy
Honestly there needs to be more futanari with small pps. Too many images and stories of girls with big uterus breakers fucking other girls.
Only if they also have big balls. There's something both hot and cute about small dicks combined with big balls.
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Post off topic transvestite posts in the appropriate thread.
You know, if she were to actually sit she'd impale herself on that thing. And I don't mean in the fun way either.
Those are some weird looking elves
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More small pp respect in futa media would be more than welcome, god knows how firmly I stand against Tansho getting bullied. Though personally, I'm still happy with any size desu.
>Too many images and stories of girls with big uterus breakers fucking other girls.
I'll always prefer seeing the giant ones receive non-penetrative stimulation.
Monstrously huge dicks, and other creative and impossible variants are always very nice to look at imo.
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twi'lek of anime
In a futanari setting, 35cm is like the average dick size.
Fuck off
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Made for submission
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Wait for another chapter
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FUTA protagonists
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He's thinking on what the volume 3 cover should be, what do you guys like?
A or D. We don't need another ass cover especially from Funou who has done it in damn near every chapter she has been in and on the second volume cover. C is basically just a fusion of the first two volumes. B with a different pose for Funou would be good. The only problem with D is that is probably more difficult to draw. I think even a Yuri solo cover could work
D referred devil or Dracula
So do they all have prostates? Or is it just Uma? First time I remember him including it.
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Can you please stop derailing this thread
Proper anal sex chapter when?
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D cover all the way. Would be nice to see all four cocks close to each other, as well as their blissful faces. Not to mention it would make a really good cover spread
>I think even a Yuri solo cover could work
Eh, that's kinda boring desu, doesn't live up to the Futanari in the title. AV, side characters like Doctor and Zombie, hell, even the one-off character pinups could work really well
My eyes are fucked cause I really don't get what happens in the D picture. The 4 elves are jerking off together or is it something else?
D is similar to the onsen scene though
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Will of D? One Piece?
There was suppose to be cumming in this but the faces in his current sketch don't look quite orgasmic
Also b cover showing the butts
The struggle of big balls
I want the butts
>big fat hangers
Now we're talking, is this a new character he's designing?
I'd like for Yuri to investigate whether elves can only pee from their dicks or also from their pussies, also if both whether they can only direct it to one hole at a time or simultaneously, and if it varies individually. Also which of the group has the strongest stream. Purely for scientific research.

Other topics I'd like to see explorered are more Elven Ear erogenous-zone play like in early chapters (maybe using them to wrap around the cock of another elf like an elf-ear-paizuri while performing fellatio). Also self-insertion and creampie (either pussy or anal) something there is never ever enough of in futa content. Everyone except Tansho should easily be capable of it.

>side characters like Doctor and Zombie
Does Yuri still have the nude specs? Might be a good hook to see them again if she goes to return them. I'm sad that the Zombie Elf didn't have stitch marks on her shaft to match the rest her design.

>New character with big balls
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I dunno I didn't the chat I was just going over my recordings. It would be the first or second time he showed off a design and did nothing with it.
Kawa isn't into that so we'll never get it in detail. Though he isn't above making jokes about it.
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Someone tell him to stop cooming so much...
Gay black magicians cursing him for creating wholesome and sexy content in an era where they'd rather all fictive men and women be depicted ugly and repulsive.
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>It would be
I meant it wouldn't be
>Kawa isn't into that so we'll never get it in detail.
What a shame. It'd be kinda cute to have a scene where Yuri holds an elf's dick while she pees.
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Damn shame. It's hopefully not too late to give Tansho a growth spurt but directly concentrated in the balls. She should have one part of her that outclasses the other elves.
How does one even get prostatitis?
edging for a few hours may produce asymptomatic prostatitis. In one to two weeks the inflammation tends to reduce on its own but edging should be avoided. if it happens too often, it's likely he may have another complication.
Define "few hours", I usually edge for one and a half hour or so, is that dangerous?
it might be more. from what i hear there are people who do that for 6+ hours or more. combine that with multiple faps a day, do that every day and you fuck your brain and prostate up in no time.
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The Elves are bigger than usual. I'm glad he went with this cover though.
>sitting on edge
Why though, that feeling is beyond bothersome
Similar to the onsen one but I'm not complaining because I loved that spread. I wish he also did a shot of their asses in that position as shown here though >>11165161
dunno, i don't bother with edging at all. maybe it's some masochistic thing, like orgasm denial?
Shoulda had them with their dicks between their breasts to add another level of Tansho jealousy.
For me, an orgasm after 1~ hour edging feels amazing, and better than 2 "fine" ones in the same timespan. It's a matter of preference at the end. I don't get why someone would do it for 6+ hours though.
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I'd rather say that he abstains for way too long, and has to crank it out more often.
Drawing a doujin that's as horny as FnE, he no doubt needs to fap frequently to let go of that frustration. Holding it in for that long will drive him insane in no time
For the record, I know for a fact that looking at porn without touching yourself can result in heavy inflammation
They don't look like horny maniacs drowning in pleasure here... Such a shame
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>looking at porn without touching yourself can result in heavy inflammation
Wait what?
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Sounds weird, but sometimes I like to read longer doujins for the story. It makes me appreciate some stuff that I wouldn't have if I were cooming to it.
Also that doesn't change the fact that you get blue balls, even if you don't touch yourself to it
>bue balls
Now that's something I don't think I've ever felt/had.
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i wish the elves looked like they do in the cover all the time
>Uma and Mara touching dicks is the closest we have gotten to elf on elf that isn't funou and Uma
Blue balls is a real phenomenon that I only experienced a couple of times from prolonged masturbation/edging, after not masturbating for a few days. Also, by "prolonged masturbation/edging," I mean like 4+ hours straight. It starts as a minor feeling of pressure build up in the testicles, but quickly accelerates to sharp pain, primarily in the lower parts of the testicles. Even after ejaculating, your balls will usually remain sore for the rest of the day. Some people also experience pressure and/or pain in the abdomen (although I have not), which I assume is caused by fluid buildup in the prostate.
>Some people also experience pressure and/or pain in the abdomen
I can relate to this horrible feeling. It feels somewhere between the strong urge to take a leak and having to take a dump, and you WILL need to get rid of that if you're not a masochist.
>which I assume is caused by fluid buildup in the prostate
It is, I always released an excessive amount of fluid after blue balls. Just don't do it guys, coom when your body tells you to. You too, Kawa.
Yea don't edge. I did it for years, and ended up damaging my left cranial nerve 7. I've been recovering for a few years but I still get face paralysis and massive headaches if I don't moderate myself.
Do things in moderation, 1-2 times a week at most.
What the actual fuck? How does edging damage your head?
I edge for like 2-3 hours 3-5 times a week, been doing it for years now. Am I going to get brain damage?
>4+ hours straight
Yeah nah not doing that. My record was 3 hours and the ejaculation didn't even feel that great. Around 1~1:30 hour is the peak spot for me, and from what everyone is saying, it should be safe enough.
You ever fap so much that you get a headache?
Yea keep doing that and ignore the pain and you'll damage that nerve.
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He was too tired to finish today, said he was gonna finish it on his own later. No new hints about the next chapter yet.
yeah, too similar
Their cocks are so much thinner...
i with their boobs and asses were usually this massive
Funous boobs lookin twice their usual size
why the fuck he always screws up proportions?
Cum is stored in her boobs
Up to 3 a week is probably fine still, I don't believe for a moment healthy married couples are having sex only twice a week. The most important thing at the end of the day is not edge for hours on end and you'll be ok.
Yeah, his stated reason is for penetration and oral to not look as absurd, but I'm pretty sure most fans wouldn't have cared either way.
>buying a $3,800 tablet
why is be buying another?
tablets get used up as you draw. the surface gets scratched up by the pen, and then when you try to draw and go over said scratches, random twitches happen and the drawn lines get screwed up. maybe he already ruined his current one.
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He's always spending a fuckton of money on gear though. He just bought a new monitor the other day.
Could be problems with impulsivity, this man's running out of cash
it's possible. i know a guy like that, he can't keep any money at all. got a few bucks? he wastes it on food or some mmo cash shop shit. he also buys a new phone every other week because he keeps smashing them like a retard.
The sticky version
Tansho gets the privilege of being the first elf with cum in her mouth
Is he gonna add two loli?
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So much cum... Man I'm fucking hyped
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I think uma's dick is colored wrong because used the dick chart which has a gradient like it is fading into her normal skin color instead of the clear dived been the skin colored sheath and her red dick>>11158872
Here is how it looks on the other cover
Why do we live in a world without any elvish water? How cruel reality is.
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doing a front and back cover?
>edging for a few hours
What happens if you routinely edge for eight hours?
>more MaraxTansho
Why doesn't he do a chapter with just the two of them?
it shouldn't get worn down on the same places unless you have a gorilla grip or you never change your stylus nubs regularly
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Their butts are too big, he tends to go off model regularly when he focuses keenly one body part.
>Their butts are too big
theyre never big enough
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>Umanami and Tanshos balls are hidden
He's setting them up to be the sub elves to get railed in the eventual Elf on Elf chapters.
Tansho's should not be hidden though, they are supposed to be the largest ones.
Notice Tansho's thighs being together. Her balls are way too big to be squished between like that
I'll be honest.
I think the Funou and Uma chapter sucked.
It sure wasn't as legendary as Ch.35
I think it was the best of the three sex chapters. It just felt like Uma got cheated out of some scenes, Uma and funou didn't do anything to each other, and he definitely should have went with pic related over what we got.
I just want to see funou slamming full forced ass clapping (her own ass I mean) ramming her cock into Uma, while their balls smash against eachother
the early pic designs were alot hotter than the ones he ended up using and we still didnt get any proper deepthroat cumshots
Thats what happens when you have a chapter with two elves in it, it divides attention between the two so both feel neglected. I dont understand his facination with pairing them for every chapter when its their turn. Let them have their individual chapters.
The problem isn't that they share a chapter it's that they don't do anything directly to each other which defeats the purpose of pairing them up and leads to this >>11172598
So what could be a proper threesome turns into two one on one parts. We also don't get much in the way of the double teaming. We don't even get something as jerking them both off. The only thing we got his Yuri eating Funao's ass while she was getting plowed by Uma.
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So is it going to be AV that'll put it in her pooper?
This too much, this chapter felt like a complete waste of potential. There is so much he could have done yet didn't, such as:
>Double penetration (ass and pussy)
>Oral and pussy
>Double bukkake
>Yuri jerking off an elf while being fucked
>Elf on Elf on Yuri
And many others I can't think of at the moment. Two futas one girl opens so many possibilities and yet he decided to not do a single one of them.
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Anal at this stage was probably always off the table but it is crazy that they didn't touch each other.We got a handjob, paizuri and Uma cumming on funou in the beach chapter
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>those fat balls squished against each other
>the squirting pussies
>the thick, protruding, gaping anuses
>the buttplugs being ejected from said anuses
The panel at the bottom is criminally erotic.
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If you are going to use ai, the least you could do is make some that look like they would fit the FnE world.
>literal third leg
I've been waiting literal years to see Yuri get railed by AV-san aka the hottest Elf. How much longer...
What is the censorship logic of adding a black bar around the halfway mark of the shafts? I periodically see this in other publications too (sometimes repeated to the point that the penis looks like a zebra) but it's never consistent.
Well you the thing with censorship law is that it that it is vague it only says vulgarity is illegal. No one actually knows how much to censor what to censor. that's why you can shit like light saber dicks in one hentai and two semi transparent lines in another. I don't think the police get out of bed unless it uncensored. I've never seen a single example of someone getting in trouble for not censoring enough, It's probably hard to prosecute unless they go all the way. Not to mention what counts as vulgar changes with time. iirc assholes used to be censored a few decades ago but that changed to only when something is going in or out of them.
wish their cocks looked more like this and Yuri was shorter so they can lift her up without even trying
C. I'm just an ass man.
How long till we get a pregnant character? All this semen has to have an effect, despite the magical seals, life finds a way.
Maybe as an ending for the story?
i speculate the last chapter will be some giant gangbang with an epilogue of some being knocked up

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