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Previous thread >>11100197

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/
C's Haven 3: https://e-hentai.org/g/2700618/0eda85ea0b/


Useful links for editing:
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Is that girl with the big ears from the last thread supposed to be a fennec fox?
Bunny girl
where can I get one custome like that for my bf?
Pick non ugly art for OP please.
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More posting and less complaining, faggot.
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Reminds me of Omaru Polka.
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Hololive has given so much to the world and I cant thank them enough
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Agreed. It's nice that my oshi has such a good friend.
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A couple of them, even.
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I just found out about danbooru removing the shemale tag for the utterly retarded futa without pussy tag.
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I'm not surprised to see someone from /HiRyS/ around here.
i'm fine with that (though i think dickgirl would be a better choice). shemale is a boomer term anyways.
Good. Shemale is associated with irl tranny shit. Futa is much less so and more associated with hermaphroditism.
If futa_sans_vagina were real and 100% natural, what would we call them?
>Dickgirl - crude, disgusting way to refer to people
>Shemale - old porn slang, transgender association
>Futa - weeb terminology, social suicide to use
It's already got a term, intersex.

Any mixture of male and female primary and secondary sexual characteristics in a human that occurs naturally is officially termed as intersex by today's medical community.

That also counts for hermaphrodites. There is a old usage for that word to classify humans that is completely archaic now, the word is intersex. Even if a human did in fact have a fully functioning set of both organs, if they're a human the literal term is intersex.

Unfortunately conservatives have worked tirelessly to erase any genetic deviation that could result in naturally occuring girl penis so we won't get them for a very long time yet, but it's not as uncommon as you think.
Funny way to say men.
Men do anything to avoid being called gay, even kill themselves. Men beat up weaker males and bully more beautiful ones, and possibly even rape them (Elijah Woods, Justin Bieber), sabotaging them at every turn. Conservatives don't actually do anything besides pay taxes and vote for their enemies.
>Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

You do realize we're on 4chan right? Complaining about the "misgenderings" and debating the labels is more important than content here.
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Im actually a Novelite who really likes the Shiocock but dont have any since she is disturbingly straight compared to all the other girls in Hololive. I got this from WAY back though
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You could at least post something instead of perpetuating this never ending retardation.

Ah, I see. Maybe one day some artist will finally draw dickgirl Shioraven. Or Shiboo if you like little girls taking girl cock or with big cocks themselves.
A lot of holos deserve more content with cocks, but the fact that Grindstone has existed as ship for all this time and there's literally not even a single image of them frotting is an actual travesty.
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Agreed. Funnily enough one of my first interactions with hololive was this art of Noel back in early 2020 and it's so old that the artist deleted the original pixiv post. Also I'm pretty sure she's a futa here but if I can't see it then she has a cute taint behind her balls.
Is amusing how often the Holos end as shemales on fanart and especially, fanfiction
Considering how often that one dude posts the catbox futaRyS pics it shouldn't be a surprise at all. Did you think I was him?
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I think there's never enough porn of Sylvia. For a general demon, she really was a sweet girl.
Someone has that frieren art where she's from behind and only her balls are showing?
Shemales ARE trannies. Futa are fictional hermaphrodites.
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Seconded this sounds pretty cute
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That's some pretty nice sloppa, not as good as the gilf one from the last thread but still bretty gud.
The nipple looks bad and so does the shredded ear, but the overall the image is decent.
What game they play?
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Dat 100% woman with extra packages
The PC crowd would demand you call them xemales and say you're a bigot if you didn't. Then they'd find a new term five years later and declare anyone using xemale is a bigot.
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is it bad that I want to get on my knees and worship that girlcock?
It exists. Newhalf.
Thats AI Sloppa? Damn too bad Gyaru futa are my jam and I want more
Newhalf got removed.
Yes. So i advise you to dominate that girlcock instead of worship it.
I can tell you what we wouldn't call them, hermaphrodites or futanari.
Dickgirl is an incorrect mishmash, as shemales aren't actual girls originally. All those crude words only describe visual physical components, rather than internal structure of an entity and a resultant sum.
Useless, worthless term made by people with agenda or by scientifically minded people that try to keep up with those agendas. It encompasses appearance traits and mentality (but not a brain pattern, typically), but not the sexual organs.
If the word sex is used as a concept, equidistant to all function and its mutations alike, then inter-sex means not "between sexes" but "beyond sex", as deviation away from function means no functions. If it is to be used like they do to mixtures, then they fail the fact that sexual function is a discrete item, being a function, and as such all actual, objective mutations are either their own discrete items, or fall into purview of primary two sexes.
By a long shot, amount of practical, discrete permutations that are both beautiful and compliant with human beauty, exceeds their linguistical, taxonomical "capacities".
Hermaphrodite is a beautiful word, but it's a crude term in its own way.
There is no intersex. Permutations of base are inherently within purview of base and are not in between it unless they actually are, as sex is not a sliding scale, which is important as that actual between-ness can both exist, and exist separately.

>medical community
Mere conventions to their ends, it means nothing. It can be rewritten, it can be challenged, pushed out of circulation, etc. Not easy by any means given the scale of effort, but doable past certain resource capabilities.
Making a nod towards a medical community as if they're somehow an unchallengeable authority on any word conventions when much of scientific world is literally engineered to use latin as a "tradition" is simply silly.

Here's a bit better attempt by meaning, but utterly lacking linguistically.
What all those mutations are is broadly a sexual metathesis, permutation, an altered form that has similarity without similarities. So, sexaster, -aster, but not as pejorative.
Or sexāticum.
Or thelyform, for men, and arsenoform, for women!
Hypersex for inhumanity.
Intersex syndrome; to develop notable sexual characteristics beyond one's own assigned, perceived or measured sex.
Makes sense to me.

But still, if I was one I don't think I'd want to be called intersex or dickgirl/cuntboy, and hermaphrodite wouldn't most likely be accurate.
Anything can make sense, doesn't mean it's not badly made.
Take femboy, for instance. It's obvious what it means — but it sounds like a product name or subculture trend more than an actual worthy descriptor.
"I'm a man" sounds much more respectable than "I'm a femboy", it's a slang piece, it doesn't fit in anywhere beyond net pile of tiktokers and porn comment sections, not something you can routinely use in everyday language and feel proud of.
Sure, words that are made from simply merging words are used all the time, and there's a veneer of foreign language beauty concerning, say, Greek, that acts as a buffer to perception of them, making them look more complex, tasteful and sophisticated than they are, but that's the thing.

Those words like shemale, dickgirl, even futa in a manner of speaking, they all are crude.
They, for the lack of better way to put it, are "trying too hard", artificial in incorrect ways, lacking in sleekness and naturality.
>"I'm a man" sounds much more respectable than "I'm a femboy"
Speak for yourself.
While intersex, while a better word, has both description errors and isn't particularly usable for any actual precision. It sounds too out of a left field, and at once describes sex mutations not as separate items in a neutral context, but as a condition.
Man, woman, intesex. Too tacky.
Oh, look at that intexsex, what a babe! How swell! Hey babe, how are yo—
Sorry, bro, I'm no babe. I'm a real 70% woman, 15% man, and 15% moisturizer, a real dudette.
A correct accusation, yet not.
Auto delusions, and capacity to roll things in style has no bearing on language, as it is an external structure to you, its user.
Some people unironically like brainrot speak, or street trash talk — you liking it doesn't change what it is, nor does it change mise-en-scène of its application, which only serves to mold certain context to words used.
C r u d e.
Well shit
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Imageboard, people.
I was late to the party too. Now thanks to anatomy-illiterate western artists, those who know better playing along because it's easier for them to draw and it doesn't lose them sales anymore, and their enablers, the ehwiki link in the OP is one of the only ways left for people to understand that there's an obvious difference between hermaphrodites and hermaphrodites without pussies.
That's the most masculine "futanari" that artist's drawn. Post something on topic first.
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>"Post something on topic first"
>continues with the retarded terminology discussion without posting anything
I did not miss having to interact with your kind.
So, any recommendations on silicon breasts and bottom? Or a bodysuit? I wanna step up my IRL game but my skin isn't ready from prime time.
>hermaphrodites without pussies
That's not a herm, then. Unless it has some other childbirth organ other than a pussy.
>That's not a herm, then.
Correct! What does futanari mean, anon? Do you know?
Nah. I just grab my cock and masturbate.
What, do you want me to read words or something? What am I, an American?
Femboy and tomboy are casual, and should be compared to dudes and chooms.
That's appropriate but only for similar slang, the life itself isn't wholly casual. If a hypothetical femboy could retain his femininity well into his 50s, he wouldn't be a boy anymore, don't you think?
Here's my caged little clitty
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Love these kinds of captions.
Do you have any or know where to find transition hypno or transition encouragment captions? Like hot girls and shemales with text around them encouraging you to be like them. They're really hot to me. Figured I'd ask here.
Any recommendations for a Corset? I have two of them, and I like them a lot, but getting them to lace up well on my own is damn near impossible. Is there such a thing as a self lacing Corset? Or an alternative way to lace up?
hypnotube, and I think 4chan /t/ has a thread for DLing such videos.
That wasn't quite what I was looking for, too many videos and they were too personal, and the strange focus on interracial was honestly disgusting. It can't be helped though, I'll thank you at least for trying to help me. It's a bit niche what I'm requesting.
Wait, is that XIII or what's his name? Wasn't that char a girl?
I absolutely love before-after male-to-shemale pics (especially if they don't involve humiliation), and male-to-shemale captions.
At this point I'm half a mind to start making them myself because there's just not nearly enough.
I hope your writing is creative if you do. I don't usually go the caption route, but they can be fun sometimes and given how often I post little stories with the pics I attach maybe I should.
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The artist is realXXIII or Sela God but that is just a random OC of his. His main OCs are a lesbian couple of a muscular dark tanned girl with blonde hair named Sela and her wife, a brown haired girl named Ursula. Neither are shemales but Ursula is often drawn with a cock, we've never seen her crotch clearly so is easy to think she's a shemale though
They are married and had a baby named Rafaela.
Yeah, but Rafaela barely appears and every time 23 says is not really canon so

I would love if the both of them were shemales tho
I hate knowing I'll never look as good as this. Can you at least get to a convincing level with vocal training? It's not the same as actually having these looks but it's less intrusive and less risky. If it is possible to achieve great results with vocal training, where could you find a guide for it?
this artist is gold wow thanks for showing
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Yes it is utterly retarded and for no other reason that stupid political correctness while butchering the meaning of words.
Futa has both, why use a tag that implies pussy to just say there is no pussy?
With that retarded logic men are just futas sans breasts and pussy.
It's so moronic and absurd to anyone that is not deluded and nuts.
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Damn that plug is awesome, I want one. I've been trying to find one like that for years but cant.
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We need more age progression stuff with shemales.
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>At this point I'm half a mind to start making them myself because there's just not nearly enough.
I felt the same way. Go for it.

The massive height gain is really nice. Love it when they're still exceptionally feminine despite having a male growth spurt.
Peaks at 20, but the idea is glorious.
>Peaks at 20
Yeah, absolutely irresistably breedable.
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You a shemale or some such?
Trans voice lessons and Seattle voice labs online content and willness to sound stupid for 3 months you’ll have bare minimum passing voice or at least the skills to get there.

Yes voice training works but it’s an art and skill so mileage varies because of that.

Being trans you need to be willing to attempt to be the best at everything at the same time to be hot. Ofc only to find out you serve just enough androgynous vibes guys think you’re a 7/8, women find you a 9/10 (only if you top) and you’re only into being a subby bottom to men. Yes im bitter about it, if i 6 figure plastic surgery at best i could be a 9 never a 10 for guys then I couldn’t afford the upkeep for the look anyway
No, but I'd like to occasionally be one by crossdressing and putting on fake tits.
I'm not trans, I just want to be as feminine as possible when crossdressing. I want to see just how far I can go without invasively altering my body. My fetish is being feminine, not dressing up as a clown. Speaking of dressing up, if you're the anon that spoke about how much effort you put into looking feminine in a past thread, what exercises would you recommend? Specifically for the stomach.
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NTA but when it comes to making the stomach seem more feminine, it relies mostly on the context surrounding it, no matter how much weight is on it so long as the shapes around it curve smoothly, it'll look more generally feminine.
Then how do I get the shapes around it to curve smoothly?
What you want to see is the widest point of your hip make a curved line in along your side to the around the lowest point on your rib cage.
However you decide to go about doing that.
Padded clothes or silicone body suits are probably the easiest way to go about it, but if you're willing to put in the effort shapewear and exercise are your best options for a more realistic figure
That's the question I'm trying to find the answer to. What exercises should I do to achieve that? Squats, leg raises, lunges or something else entirely, what works best?
I simply cannot comprehend having a beautiful smooth chest and the willingly choosing to fucking ruin it with fucking artificial breast implants.
It's the same thing as having an adorable natural pink tongue or a cute button nose and willingly choosing to ruin them with a fucking piercing.
I couldn't be exact for specific exercise, but so long as your target muscle growth around your glutes and thighs you should see decent results in due time. Squats are never a bad idea, and leg raises should some action where you want it, especially with resistance.
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God. Shemale threads are the worst because it's just IRL trannies talking shop to one another. You have a whole board for that. Let's just focus on posting chicks with dicks, please.
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It wouldn't be that bad if people just fucking read the OP before posting but I guess it's really hard to remember that this is an imageboard and not a forum.
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Yea I’m the same annon. See bellow


Stomach/abs is all in the kitchen. Harder you work your abs the bigger bumps they’ll be so if you want a washboard vibe then do ab work out. To look toned just have a low body fat % and high muscle in your glutes or else where to help lower that weight without hard calories upkeep. Just do the sections of abs your weakest in your rotation at the gym. Like mine is lower and pelvic floor so I do flutter kicks. Basically just try a bunch of ab targeted exercises and do the hardest one. Never do it weighted unless you want to really get bulky

Workout idk just copy any science based gym nerds leg day just google glute focused workout and pick like glute guy, Jeff nippard are safe resources. Romanian split squats or lunges, the squat variation that you feel your glutes the most in, hip thrusts, single leg deadlifts, abductions of some sort standing is bonus points.

Personally I’m just doing Pilates and cardio now, since I’m tall growing glutes is 10x harder and 10x slower progress wise. Focusing on total body recomp while losing that last 5 pounds of skinny fat is making my butt look bigger quicker.

Then also make sure you’re eating clean, good mix of fibers and probiotics and stuff that agrees with your digestion.

.5 pounds of muscle a week is a good rate for regulars beginner gains can see 1 pound. If your eating right
Thanks for the advice anon. I'll do my best and see if I can't make my body and maybe my voice more feminine so that I can finally try out crossdressing.
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Amazing what a bunch of filters plus angle fraud can do, right?

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