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Previous Threads: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11147359

You just encountered a master sorcerer who can turn people into any inanimate object. What would you wanna be turned into and why?
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First for possessive and jealous girlfriends that transform their boyfriends into their clothes/sex toys/accessories upon breaking up with them, because they can’t stand the idea of seeing them with other women

>gf begs and begs to let her transform you
>told you she’s always into it
>could you pleeeease let her do it to you just once
>reluctantly agree, get transformed
>after a whole day of usage, anticipate being human again
>instead get told that she’s breaking up with you
>she’s not turning you back, this is your life now
>this was her plan from the moment she first asked
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Any character suggestions for gingerbread TFs?
Might pick up 2 or 3 that i like the most.
Please draw Yukana Yame, Ranko Honjō, and Nene Fujinoki from My First Girlfriend is a Gal.
Kagome from Inuyasha
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Vermeil from Vermeil in Gold
Chacha Akaza, Azuki Shinatsu, Haruko Amaya, Minori Rokujou, Aki Nijou, and Shiria Ootsuka from Maken-ki!
Chifusa Manyuu, Chichi, Toyo, Kagefusa Manyu, and Oiso from Magic Breast Secret Sword Scroll
was this translated?
I would love to be a futa sorcereress' reshapable onahole
As far as I know this comic has not been translated yet.
I see this ugly shit get posted every time and it's fucking awful.
Koishi Komeiji, Flandre Scarlet. Think of the different frosting flavours for each colour..
Yeah it gets pretty tiresome.
I'd love to see some of the biggest-breasted women turned into lactating gingerbread cookies. I volunteer Passionlip, Cattleya, and Vtuber Miilkywayz to be cookified and dunked in milk! (Or have leaky cookie tits.)

…or turn Tamamo, Tamamo Cat, and Koyanskaya into lactating cookies. Being dunked in milk.

Mmm. Cookies and milk…
Reposting from last thread:

…y'know what'd be real fucked up? Imagine a loving mother being TF'd right out of the blue. Maybe she's pregnant, maybe she's in front of her loving family - all that matters now is that she's suddenly transformed in a sexily humiliating fashion into an inanimate form, putting her into a state of aroused distress.

If she's pregnant? In her new form, she's very much distressed because it's not only her she's afraid for: it's her unborn child and said child's possible future.
What if her baby won't ever be born?
Worse, what if she DOES manage to give birth but her daughter is similarly inanimate?

If she was TF'd in front of her family? She's gonna watch her beloved family crumble apart in real-time, unable to stop what's happening: with her suddenly rendered a helpless inanimate object, the family left bereft as their loving pillar of support is taken from them. She'll watch her husband/futanari wife undergo a breakdown trying to convince themselves that she's still there, holding it together while the rest of the family's tensions rise up from losing a loved one, leading to everyone lashing out.

...and worse, if they're convinced she's truly lost, and is an inanimate "thing" with no sentience whatsoever, she can look forward to either winding up in the trash, or becoming her spouse's new fucktoy. (Assuming they don't leave them up in the halls of the house for the family to see and try to interact with in hopes of turning her back.)
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Oh, come on, man. The thread just started and already with the fucked up walls of text? At least have the common decency to post a pic with it.
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Relax, there isn't even that much new art to post right now anyways. Let the people have their fun. Although I do recommend having art, preferably new art, with your posts. Have fun ya'll!
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Apologies for >>11157801, image didn't upload properly, so have an image of a pregnant onahole-mother and her newborns.

...thoughts on this scenario, anons?
Got any ideas for similar TF scenarios with pregnant women?
No thanks, I don't mess with preg stuff. The bloated belly look is fine but I don't do shit involving kids of any sort or age. I know "different strokes" and all that but it's just not for me.
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Agreed, anything that involves children is beyond gross and immoral.
Erza and Lucy from Fairy Tail
Would you live in a fictional town where there is a possibility that you might get transformed in a inanimate object? Even if it means you might lose consciousness or killed? How about the ability to transform people into any object you like?
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Depends how permanent/reversible the transformations are, and I definitely prefer objects to stay conscious
Who the fuck starts a thread like that? I just sat down and got my dick out.
Anybody else *really* want to be a small, golden toe ring for a girl suffering from hyperhidrosis?
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Get toileted lol
There you go. Sorry for being a bit slow but those are 2 AM doodles.
Once again, This is kojika45

Pixiv Fanbox: https://kosica45.fanbox.cc/posts

Fantia: https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/11631/posts
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A new commission for @Kjzz , with his character Alexis using a poor client for cover her massive ass! A "perfect fit" as she said...I don't think so, buuut if the Queen say, it's probably true, right? Hope she don't use her for twerk or something like that...Uh oh--.
The second part of my commission for @Kjzz ! With his oc Alexis doing what you have to do when you have a huge ass and a golden boombox: shake it enough to create and earthquake with those cheeks! Sadly this random client is just a mess now, so...who's the next? The Queen needs of a new pair of panties.
Thoughts on food tf? I’ve been really into popsicle tf recently, very fun stuff with gradually being licked down. Especially if touches to the popsicle feel like touches to your dick..
Love the second panel. That powerless shaking is so amazing to me.
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Powerless shaking is also good for soul powered sex toys! An onahole that squirms and vibrates when you fuck it. Maybe eventually they fade and wear out, but really high quality cocksleeves would keep at it forever, tying their identity to servicing cock
I’d much rather be transformed into a dildo, desu. I bet I could really make some girl feel real good with my powerless shaking..
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What’s your ultimate inanimate TF fantasy?
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Turning (almost) every woman in the world into an animate lactating titty and then having them be milked and fucked.
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Being turned into a small, gold toe ring, and then worn by a cute girl (with very sweaty feet) on her second toe.

What women get to avoid the tittification?
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Being sucked and fucked.
No, seriously.

Imagine if enough fucking and sucking keeps them from either fully tittifying or turns them back from being one (temporarily).
Since the biology of all women is then also altered such that their bodies are also constantly lactating and in estrus, I'd imagine that leaving them unfulfilled sexually or not squirting out milk speeds up the rate of tittification.

...there'd be so many lesbians turned into inanimate titties, man. Free fuckable titties to take for your collection!
It’s interesting, I’m into size and inanimate TF. With size, almost everybody wants to be the smaller (submissive) one. But with inanimate TF, it seems like a pretty even mix between dom and sub. If anything, I feel as if more people want to be transformers than transformed
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I just wanna see hotties turned into titties. Helpless, horny, all hot-n'-heavy, with nipples begging to be tweaked and squeezed and chewed and played with in all sorts of ways.
Mine would be to date a girl with a transformation fetish who slowly over time turns me into a life sized doll. Having her every once in a while transform an arm or a leg because she just can’t help herself, knowing it’s permanent and watching me have to deal with a stiffer, weaker, appendage that I’d have to hide when going out.
She tries to stop herself but just can’t help it when she gets too horny, until eventually she impulsively does my face and I lose my ability to speak, and the rest of my body’s too weak to do much on my own. That despite her countless apologies, I have no choice but to accept my role as her doll.

It’s long lol but I thought it was worth writing down because I haven’t really read any stories like it.
I would be into this if instead of a doll, it was a plastic anime figurine
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Clothing TF should be so pleasurable that you can’t think straight. Every minute stretch, every time you rub against your owner’s skin.. it should just all be overwhelmingly pleasurable.
You’re trying to talk to her but literally can’t even speak straight.
Anybody else with me?
tfed into a halloween costume of something goofy like an inflatable hotdog but it's tighter on the inside than it looks

bonus points if it's difficult for the wearer to take off later
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I completely agree~
I like to think that as your fabric is being stretched out your thoughts are being pulled apart too. Finding it incredibly hard to think, if not it being outright impossible once you're pulled taut over your owner's body.
I'm with ya. It should be a constant struggle against overbearing pleasure to retain your mind.
Hi! Recently I did a story divided in two parts for introduce a new character, but we had some problems to post it here on DA and for this reason we decided post it on Sam's profile, and for who want to see it, here is the link:

The Starway to Heaven (part One) by TF2tories on @DeviantArt


I also did this little "cover" for the story with some of the tfs what appear on it to advertisement.

An special thanks for @SmashandPain for help me with the problem and obviously @TF2tories for edit, fix and post it.
My first design for Skyler and what I consider as her casual outfit/human disguise! With some stuff including Lucy. For more of Skyler, check our new story posted today:

The Stairway to Heaven(Part 2) by TF2tories on @DeviantArt


(yeah that's a divulgation)
After what happened in our most recent story, we can see what happened with Lucy and...Simon and Luna too? This was not exactly Skyler's ittemption, but they came with her, sooo, a bônus, right? I'm sure she doesn't care! And after all, they just need to hold on a little more!...And maybe be used like a towel, and a cushion, and some new clothes for some good time--, Lucy need to receive her punishment after all! It's fair and if they're actually together, sacrifices are necessary.

The story:

A console-tan pic for Halloween, XDS-Tan doing some Sadako cosplay for spooky season but her big slimey butt is having a hard time fitting through smaller, boxier CRT monitors. The downside of going from digital to physical media is it's just not got enough room.
With Halloween over I was inspired to make a follow-up to the last XDS-Tan pic, now getting contained by the dreaded rewind button. Making her cramped stay in the CRT even more tight certainly wasn't her idea of a fun Halloween!
Being used to rub some cutie down.. I don’t know why it turns me on, but it does.
hopefully she retains her sense of taste while in that form~
What are your thoughts on transformed panties being embroidered with their owner’s name?
Extremely hot to me for some reason.
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I like it, it's just another way for her to assert ownership of me~
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>I love it.
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家具化できる人がいると聞いて_(:3 」∠)_

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I hate this fetish so much man.
Fapped to a bad end panty TF last night and now I’m like ‘wtf did I fap to.’ It’s not even every bad end that sticks with me, but some do.

Please post some loving clothing TF to make up for it..
Can you guys explain what the appeal of this fetish is? Not judging
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Most I can find is this https://www.deviantart.com/festiveenforcer21/art/Maid-s-Panties-PantyTF-Loving-1062899174
And this guy's stuff https://www.deviantart.com/scottoi
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bondage, objectification and degradation
Thanks anon. Wish deviantart had a functioning search system..
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Can’t even begin to ask wtf is wrong with my brain that I find this hot
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Question for those of you into clothing TF; how much does the scenario matter?
Say we have two scenarios:
1. You’re competing with your coworker for a promotion, and to get you out of the picture, she transforms you into a cute pair of work flats.
2. You randomly wake up one day as a pair of work flats.

For me, the first is much hotter. Is it the same for you?
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I absolutely adore tfs that allow you store away your victims. It's just so good.
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Same, it's so hot to see them treated like objects even when they're not in use. Left packed away until they're sold or brought out of storage.
Not exactly the same, but clothing TF into being sold makes me diamonds.
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I love that kind of scenario too, especially if you're totally indistinguishable from the real clothes you're in amongst. As far as your new owner is concerned you're just a normal piece of clothing.
Exactly. You made the mistake of breaking up with your girlfriend, who unbeknownst to you was a witch.
You found this out when she subsequently transformed you into a nice, lacy thong, and teleported you into a store, indistinguishable from the other thongs on the rack.
Would you prefer it if, by sheer coincidence, a female friend bought you? Is that hotter than a stranger buying you?
I suppose I would prefer a total stranger picking me out from all the other thongs. She is completely unaware of what's been done to me and I've no way of telling her. The only time my fabric moves is when she picks me up and stretches me out around her body.
I think I’d find it hotter if it was a friend. Imagine she’s wearing you while she puts missing person posters up, wondering where you are..

I agree though that it would be great. Seeing her hand come towards you on the shelf, being worn for the first time in the changing room. Serving her as a lacy little number below her outfit.

I wonder if you’d want her to work out in you at all. You’d probably enjoy stewing with her other sweaty, worn clothes in her hamper for a week or so post wear. I wonder if I’d rather be at the bottom of the hamper, so all of her other discarded clothes are pressing on me, or in the middle, so I’m surrounded by her scent from all sides?
I'd definitely want to hug her warm body as she works out. Left soaked in her sweat by the time she's done, there'd be no other place to put me other than in the hamper with the rest of her used clothes. I think I'd like to be on the bottom of it, the weight of the rest of her gym wear pressing down on me and maybe even her towel too.
Let’s hope she doesn’t happen to drop her sweaty socks right on top of you. It’s not like she’d care if she did; you’re just dirty laundry as far as she’s concerned.
I feel though that it would be really frustrating being wrapped around he body completely unable to communicate with her or even to move a single muscle to let her know you’re not just a thong.

Being a thong transformed by your now-ex girlfriend, do you think she’d allow you to get aroused, still? If so, hopefully she also allowed you to get some relief from it. Lace underwear isn’t typically known for being able to orgasm, after all..
The musk would be so intense if she were to throw in her socks right after me. I'd be stuck with them on top of me unable to budge. The whole scenario would be incredibly frustrating, but that's sort of what I like about it. That I've no say in the matter once the transformation is complete. I don't really picture being worn as arousing, more just a pleasureable experience. I'd be content just to be worn and used like a piece of clothing should.
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For anyone interested, a really good tf artist, @squash_trap, made an in-depth visual novel styled tf game called Agent_TF_2. Go give it a shot.

Twitter Link: https://x.com/squash_trap/status/1389382052676440067

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QHeE_T21qTHKQNSLufBEgxJo0iBxNnZR/view
Thinking on it, if you’re being used for her workouts, I think it’d make more sense for you to be stored in her gym bag. She’ll wash you.. every so often.. but that’ll be your main home when not being worn. You’ll tumble around with all of her other clothes. Just better hope you don’t end up on the bottom of the bag when she tucks it in a corner in her room between gym sessions; she goes 3 times a week, so you’ll have plenty of time to get intimate with her scents in the time between.

It’s hard to put into words what I like about it. I like aware and unaware, but I feel as if I like them for completely different reasons. Unaware, yeah, it’s just about being a helpless piece of clothing. Having to cling to some girl as she goes about her daily life unaware of what you are (this is why it’s hotter to me if she knows you — being used unaware by your gf is diamonds for me). For aware though, I love teasing. She should refer to you by what clothing you are, or by a related pet name (righty, for instance, if you’re a sock).

I think you might really like these two. You can check out the description for the test. Let me know what you think.. the first one, the descriptions are so hot to me.
*description for the TEXT lol
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Being packaged is like crack for my objectification sub kink brain, seal me up and throw me on a container ship to futadom island
I need kemono to get its shit back together so I can get the latest version of this guy's game https://kemono.su/patreon/user/108722935
>talking about figurine TF nonstop the past few days
>also into size
>someone posts a shrinking/figurine TF story today

Wouldn’t mind being a part of her collection~
Absolutely based.
best panty tf stories? Most I find on deviantart are low tier.
Figurine TF is the hottest inanimate scenario to me. Being posed, being put on display, being part of a (cute girl’s, not some ugly otaku’s) collection.
I’m gonna pretend after that story ended that the guy eventually woke up, tried to move but realized that he couldn’t even shift an inch, just trying impotently to move. And then he sees his new form on the mirror, just a toy to be displayed on some witch’s nightstand..
So, so hot to be owned like that. I wouldn’t mind experiencing it irl, but I’d want it to kind of be dreamlike and pleasurable. As hot as it is to be stuck on some cute girl’s nightstand for easy access, I think it would get boring if I was fully aware standing there for weeks/months/years on end lol.

What do you enjoy about panty TF? I honestly do mostly just read captions on deviantart lol, but I feel there’s a lot of different aspects that appeal to people even about a niche like clothing TF — might make it easier for people to suggest stuff.
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Imagine being the panties of one of these girls…

Anybody else want to be owned specifically by a musky, sweaty, (maybe even) smelly girl?
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Anyone know the artist for this?
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Got a bit of time to doodle so here you go. Two younger sisters very eager for milk bath.
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Kaguya and Mokou, with some of their limbs already bit off(presumably by Eirin).
wish more ecchi animes would do clothing tf
the scenario is always important, to me is what makes it even more exciting
Exciting is a good word to describe it. For me, with TF, there’s a mixture of arousal and dread (at the idea of actually experiencing it) that feels so good. It’s like butterflies in my stomach. I’d never want this to happen to me irl, and yet it’s so hot to imagine being a helpless, silent piece of fabric…

Something I’m reading now on deviantart (just search #pantytf sort by recent and it’s there) has a guy transforming himself into his hot aunt’s panties, only to be unable to transform back immediately because he needs to build up mana. So he gets worn, of course. But his mother happens to be visiting the aunt that day and, being a witch herself, finds her son transformed and tells the aunt.
To punish him, she mind wipes the aunt and tells him he’s going to spend a lot longer than panties as anticipated, but the hot part for me was when she removed all of the mana he was building up, making him into just an ordinary pair of (still conscious) panties. For some reason I found that sentence really hot; he went from ‘I can turn back soon’ to ‘I’m just an ordinary pair of panties’ — and I’m sure his mom will turn him back eventually, but he’s going to be used by his aunt unaware for months on end before he can..
I also love that, it’s like ‘you want to be panties so bad? Have the full experience’ kind of thing. Going from loving it at first, to getting bored after months on end of being treated just as panties..
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For me I love how their posed selfs appear on the box. Like they're completely unaware of what's happened to them.
Great work! I can't wait to lick the frosting off of them after a proper milk dunking. I wonder what their older sisters think of this.. unless they have become cookies as well..
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Toys should be packed up nice and tight.
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I couldn't agree more.
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There's no reason a toy should left out when they're not in use. It's best to store them away as if they were any other object.
If you had the power contain people like this, including yourself, who would you do this too and why?
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True but sometimes it's fun to watch them struggle.
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I think I'd have more fun being the one left struggling as I'm shoved into an unreasonably small amount of space.
Out of curiosity I just gotta ask, why?
Glad that you like them, there seems to be alot of frosting on the most delicious part.
As for Remi and Satori we gonna see. One thing is certain, they would make delicious cookies.
I like compression, but I absolutely can’t get into inflatables/pooltoys.
The thing that appeals to me about compression is the bondage and humiliation aspect. I can imagine myself compressed into a little sphere just rolling helplessly, pressed so close together. trying to push at my container but just being forced together within it.
But when it comes to pooltoys, nothing.

Anybody else?
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I do like both but my preference is definitely pooltoys and inflatables. The appeal is still the bondage and humiliation aspect of it. Your body becoming increasingly taut and immobile with each pump. No thoughts, just an empty head full of air. Then you still get to enjoy being compressed as you're deflated and folded up for next summer.
It's the deflation and folding that gets me
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The idea of being clothing TFed and then sold is so hot to me..
Maybe your girlfriend keeps asking you to try it, and when you finally do, she reveals she’s breaking up with you.. and donates you instead of turning you back.
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Do you have a link to that story? Sounds hot
Part 1
Part 2

Just be aware the aunt is married — that’s the only bit I disliked. I would love to experience this if she was single though..
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>be me
>dating a girl that’s into games, particularly multiplayer ones
>but she has a short temper.. and she’s a witch
>playing league of legends one day
>I can see she’s getting mad and I’m teasing her over it
>eventually hit a nerve, she tells me if she loses this next one I’ll be sorry
>she loses, and I see her getting ready to cast a spell on me
>black out, when I wake up I find that I can’t move and everything looks… bigger
>suddenly grabbed by my girlfriend’s now massive hand and brought up to the mirror
>I’m a stylized anime figurine of myself
>she tells me that if I can’t support her as a boyfriend, then I’ll support her as a desk ornament
>it’s not permanent, though.. she’ll turn me back once she wins three games in a row
>I’m placed on her desk, in view of the screen
>she puts me into a cute pose, after which she goes back to gaming
>doesn’t acknowledge me at all as she games the rest of the day away
>she’s about to go to sleep and still hasn’t won three in a row
>you’re still on her desk, not having moved an inch since she originally posed you
>completely helpless as you watch her prepare for bed and eventually sleep
>you suddenly remember that it’s Sunday night, and she won’t have time to play again until next weekend

Better hope she doesn’t forget about you, right anon? I’d sure hate for her to assume I was a figurine from her collection that got misplaced on her desk somehow haha..
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uhhh how do I get this to happen to me?
By annoying the wrong girl that was in the middle of picking out a new pair of sandals.

Was never really into compression but the idea of being packed into a few inches with someone else is really hot to me.. pressed so close together into a cube.. especially the fact that it’s just featureless for some reason makes it hotter to me
Is it really justifiable to turn someone into a sandal *forever* because of it, though?
Demoted to a life of being stepped on and looking pretty on her shoe rack while not being worn all because I annoyed her once?
It's not justifiable in the slightest, but that's what makes it so hot. One little slip up and you're a cute pair of sandals forever~
>tfw still unsure whether you’re into this bc you’re into inanimate TF or bc you’re into feet
True though. Just a cute pair of sandals to be used as your owner desires, gradually absorbing the scent of her feet as you’re stepped on all day..

That said, voluntary TF is pretty hot too. Just read this story, and I can’t say that I’d say no if a girl asked me this irl (though I do think I would want it to be temporary… say, maybe for a year or so).. especially love how it’s a ‘punishment’ for the other guy but you’re volunteering, now she has a collection of transformed people.
We need more voluntary or conditional tf
Thoughts on clothing TF where you’re made into thread and sewn into a bra/panties/whatever versus just being poofed into one?

I never really thought about it but I just read this story (let me know if you think it’s hot too) and I really would love for this to happen to me .. the point where she recognizes what she is and the description of what she’s become is so hot to me too https://www.deviantart.com/cloudarray/art/Laundromat-of-the-Future-981938490
Very very hot, I love processing and steps and machinery, that story hit a lot of kinks
Scenarios like this are great. I like the idea of a female friend being jealous that you're interested in one of her friends and not her ... so she transforms you into a figurine or ornament or something, and gifts it to her friend. So you're stuck totally inanimate on her desk or bookshelf, being tortured by daily unaware strip-teases, until your friend -finally- decides to come back to collect you (assuming she ever does!)
I'd imagine this could be visual for this story.
I made a fanart of flexiblepeople 's Dust Bunnies Amber and Scarlett in reference to the first half of the story: https://www.deviantart.com/flexiblepeople/art/Dust-Bunnnies-Snack-Time-with-Sheri-956477174

with some differences to fit into a comic page, of course! I hope you like, because it was really fun to do.
A new commission for flexiblepeople, maybe in record time? Maybe! This time with Zoe and Jess looking for some fun on a hot summer day! After all, what's the use of a big backyard if not to fill it with a big balloon? Amber and Scarlett will come home to a mess of goo and rubber pieces all over the backyard... hopefully they won't melt along with it before cleaning up.
My latest commission for flexiblepeople, a complete commission including Zoe, Scarllet, and Amber in a trying moment? Zoe needs to learn to control her taste for body inflation a bit! (Not that I blame her-) or she might end up melting someone in the living room by accident. I wonder who's going to clean all of that up.

P.S.: Shoutout to the characters Emi and Trinity by ThatFlatUser in the background as a reference.
A new commission for @flexiblepeople ! With their characters Scarlett and Amber. Scarlett is returning for their house and find a little surprise waiting for her on the bed...is...is it just me or it's getting hot in here?

Go check Flex's new story for more melting S2:

TF Red Heads - Picture Perfect Rescue by flexiblepeople on DeviantArt
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That’s really hot. It’s much better to me when a scenario involves girls you know rather than just strangers.. and if it’s a girl you know, it usually has to be unaware which is hot in and of itself.
Being gifted unaware to your crush as a figurine.. imagine if she sets you up in view of her bed and you have to listen to her masturbating every night..
…imagine if she moans your name while she’s doing so.

Though I do have to wonder what the female friend is thinking. Why gift you *to* your crush lmao..
This guy has some kind of obsession with betrayal. It's like the 4th or 5th time in seeing a story from him where a parent or son/brother betrays a woman and turns her in to a doll. [spoiler] And I absolutely love it[/spoiler]
I get the sense that for most people, inanimate TF isn’t really a fetish in and of itself, but rather something that they’re into for other reasons, like it satisfies a number of their other fetishes like objectification, bondage, etc..

Is that how it is for you? If so, what appeals to you about this?
>Though I do have to wonder what the female friend is thinking. Why gift you *to* your crush lmao..
I'm thinking it's one of those ironic punishment type things. She's giving you what you want, but in a way that becomes torturous. Daily unaware strip teases, masturbation sessions, etc ... but you're totally inanimate with no way to get any release.

And ultimately, your witch friend is in control over the situation. She can collect you back whenever she thinks you've learned your "lesson". Bonus points if she turns you human again - while keeping you the size of the figurine - and lets you finally release your pent up frustration in the palm of her hand ... while totally enveloped and dominated by her. Feels like she'd finally win you over (i.e., brain break you).
Makes sense. She’d let you get aroused.. maybe even magically enhance your arousal.. but figurines can’t cum, so all you are is a horny little desk toy for your crush, who for her part thinks you’re just the cutest little figurine in her collection.

What would it be like when she dusted you off? I’m almost afraid to ask..

Oh nice, you’re into size as well? Seems like we have similar tastes. I think I’m into TF from the angle of femdom, humiliation, objectification, tease and denial and so on.. is it similar for you?
The fact that it’s your crush rather than a random girl makes it a lot hotter for me. I would still be a bit into it if I was a figurine for a random girl, but not nearly as much.
>have a crush on a girl in your friend group
>you’re super unsubtle about it and everybody knows that you like her
>girl best friend just told you that you should ask her out for like the fiftieth time
>tell her that you’re afraid to because you don’t want to ruin the friendship, for the fiftieth time
>she usually tells you that you should just go ahead and do it, after which the conversation ends, but this time she tells you that if you don’t ask her out when you’re out partying on Friday, you’ll regret it
>unbeknownst to you, girl you have a crush on just confided in girl best friend that she likes you too
>and since she loves to play matchmaker, and knows you two like each other, she’ll make sure you get together.. one way or the other
>it’s Friday (already!) and you’re at the party, spending a lot of time with crush but still hesitant to ask her out
>end up not doing so.. girl best friend is gonna be mad, but what can you do
>get ready to leave, as you’re walking toward your car outside you get stopped by girl best friend
>she tells you that your crush told her she’s into you too, but since you didn’t ask her out yourself, she’s going to have to take drastic measures
>ask her how, she smirks, says ‘like this,’ and then you black out
>when you wake up, you realize that you’re in darkness.. you’re lying on a hard, flat surface, and you can’t move or speak
>after several minutes of lying there helplessly, you feel the ground below you start to move as light enters your surroundings
>you’re apparently in a.. drawer?
>not only that, but you can see girl best friend’s face looming over you, and her hand coming to grab you..
>as she grabs you, you feel a sudden burst of pleasure.. as if somebody was caressing your dick and your whole body simultaneously
>as she takes you out of the drawer, you look at your surroundings
>you’re in her bedroom, and in her mirror, you can see her holding a dildo in one hand.. which is apparently you?
>her other hand, appearing to hold something, is hidden behind her back
>as she places you on her bed, she begins to speak
>teasingly, she tells you that since you didn’t ask your crush out, she’s going to have to introduce you to her in a more.. forceful manner
>moving her other hand into view, she reveals that it contains an onahole, which she places next to you
>she tells you that she’s a witch
>she’s transformed you into a dildo and your crush into an onahole, and she’s going to let you ‘get to know one another’
>gradually guides you into her, feels better and better the deeper you get into your crush
>hard to think straight from pleasure as you’re plunged as deep into her as you possibly can be
>but dildos can’t cum.. so it’s starting to get frustrating already
>wonder if it feels as good.. and frustrating.. for her as it does for you
>barely even notice as you two are placed into a drawer until she begins speaking
>tells you that it’s still Friday night, and that you two are staying like that for the whole weekend
>tells you that you could be enjoying yourselves all weekend as humans, but since you didn’t have the courage to confess your love to her, you’re stuck as nothing but a sex toy
>teasingly waves at you as she closes the drawer and your world begins to darken

>after an indeterminate time, equal part pleasure and frustration, you feel your drawer open once again
>did you make it through the weekend?
>your friend smirks as she begins to speak ‘how was your first five minutes? I almost forgot about one of your features’
>as she says this, you see one of her fingers move to your back, and you hear a ‘click’ noise
>you begin to vibrate
>pleasure and frustration are instantly multiplied by ten, no, by a hundred
>teasingly telling you two to have fun together, she closes the drawer for real
>waking up on Monday morning, your best friend planned to take you two out of your drawer and turn you two back human
>but, as soon as she woke up, she got a call from her mother telling her of a family emergency
>preparing to go back home for the next two weeks, she thought that she was forgetting something
>but.. if she couldn’t remember it, it must not have been that important
>it could always wait until she gets back home, after all

(This came out wayyyy longer than I planned it to. I may as well write an actual story soon. But I thought this scenario — no doubt unoriginal — was really hot. I’d appreciate your thoughts/feedback!)
Yeah, pretty much. I'm kind of a sadist and love seeing girls getting literally objectified and humiliated. I also get off of animal transformations for similar reasons(the girl is turned in to a farm animal or sold to as a pet or zoo animal or something like that). Though people have different reasons for liking it(For instance I don't like voluntary transformations because of this reason, I only get off when they're forced to transform by someone else).
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At least she’ll surely get worn often..
Very cute, I like that the crush was dragged into it too despite not doing anything, I wonder how she feels about it
Your best friend plans to make it up to her by letting your crush use you as an object of her choice for the two days (…and two weeks) that she’s stuck as an object. You still do need to be ‘punished’ a little bit more, after all.

Maybe she’ll even teach her the spell she uses, to really make it up to her~
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