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A thread for muscular futanari.

AI and hyper are allowed, but try to keep it to a minimum.
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this world needs more muscle futas
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But that's all the captchas i'm willing to solve
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Mikoyan is great.
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Yeah, he's one of my favorite artists when it comes to fit girls and futanari.
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More Futanari Athletic Club?
Now that Ogre VS Dark Elf is completed I wonder what he's up to.
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Eru is cute. CUTE!
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Any go-to muscle futa on female artists you could recommend?
As long as the futa has massive breasts(or at least still recognizable as sexy feminine underneath all the musculature) and is sexually dominant with the female I'm game.
I also know of Ike and Sabamori but they upload really slowly. Pic related, Soutoku too but he seems to want to pose futas more than having them fuck his females.
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This guy is my favorite buff futa artist, he really knows how to encapsulate the raw sexual energy of a muscular futa in an uncontrollable heat.
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posts very little but it's always this girl kaede and I love her.
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I like the thought of demon energy turning Ashley into a big horny futa, but she still tries to be inconspicuous and look for places/girls to dump her immense loads into.
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futa on male is so hot
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dead ah thread

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