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A thread for muscular futanari.

AI and hyper are allowed, but try to keep it to a minimum.
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this world needs more muscle futas
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But that's all the captchas i'm willing to solve
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Mikoyan is great.
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Yeah, he's one of my favorite artists when it comes to fit girls and futanari.
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More Futanari Athletic Club?
Now that Ogre VS Dark Elf is completed I wonder what he's up to.
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Eru is cute. CUTE!
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Any go-to muscle futa on female artists you could recommend?
As long as the futa has massive breasts(or at least still recognizable as sexy feminine underneath all the musculature) and is sexually dominant with the female I'm game.
I also know of Ike and Sabamori but they upload really slowly. Pic related, Soutoku too but he seems to want to pose futas more than having them fuck his females.
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This guy is my favorite buff futa artist, he really knows how to encapsulate the raw sexual energy of a muscular futa in an uncontrollable heat.
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posts very little but it's always this girl kaede and I love her.
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I like the thought of demon energy turning Ashley into a big horny futa, but she still tries to be inconspicuous and look for places/girls to dump her immense loads into.
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futa on male is so hot
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dead ah thread
Any stuff with muscular futanari together with venus/thicc women? I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to get results by searching tags.
might as well just fuck dudes at that point
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i want to shove my dick between her balls to enjoy a tamaizuri while drinking her sweet protein packed dick milk.
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Ever wanna dated Italian bodybuilder ?
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Teacher x students couples are the best, Ghlisaine x Eris or Fern x Frieren.
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>futa on male is so gay
Fixed it for you fag
Not gay if it’s a girls cock.
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Bro it's all gay and so are you just stop worrying
Where do you live that dudes look like this?
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who is the artist? is "mikoyan" the name? does anyone have a link to their twitter/pixiv/deviantart/whatever? googling only gives results about fighter jets and reverse image search doesn't help either
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really enjoy these oni
haha imagine being a normal girl at the gym filled with futas twice your size that let you touch their fit bodies
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It's all so fucking good.
really like how buff they are and still curvy but can do without all the veins
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>Fluids generally are not compressible
>However, a futa's prostate is so powerful it can contain dozens of gallons of cum compressed into a space no bigger than a soda can
Do any math fags know how powerful a futa's prostate would have to be to compress liquids to that extent?
Wait what? I recognize that style! Maruchiro is not dead?
Water has an approximate bulk modulus of 2.2 x 109 Pa. This value changes, however, at higher pressures, so it is only an approximate one. To keep it simple using water instead of cum you would need around 200 atmospheric pressure to compress water by 1% of its volume at room temperature. The other problem is if you keep compressing it it will turn to ice. At roughly about 10,000 atmospheres of pressure water should turn into "ice" for a lack of a proper turn at room temperatures although the structure of that ice is different from what we normally call ice. I m tired but if memory serves that is roughly 30km deep at the lower end of Earth's crust... I think... but correct me.
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You're better off with cum from the cum dimension
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I prefer my futas to cum with enough force to penetrate clean through a aircraft supercarrier, lengthwise.
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>He locked his Twitter account
It's over...
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buff futas showing their superior sexual prowess.
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Asking for a "date", in front of everyone, with her erect giga cock exposed? Yeah, she basically told the world that she's going to ruin his asshole that night whether he wants it or not.
Futas don't ask, THEY TAKE.
why did retarded jannies delete my post? >>11201583
me on the bottom right

There must be like a single mod who really wants to enforce the no western art rule because 95% of the time it'll fly under the radar but occasionally a single pic will vanish just because.
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>UPDATE: He unlocked it.
*horny grip* more Higuchi futa incoming
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AIslop was a mistake.
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I have no problem with AIslop as long as it doesn't look "generic" like those pics above us.
AIslop+editing=Decent, aka "Diet AIslop".
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A few more curated slop pieces I found.
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Somehow true
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apparently 'keep ai to a minimum' means dump a whole load of slop
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I've drawn this big cow woman today.
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kinda cute. nice work
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>Attempts to seduce her handler also not successful so far
Casually leaning into her handler and smooshing him against the wall (She sucks at seduction)
what if handler is gril
gib art profile link pls
Secunduspublius on twitter
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imagine a virus where women become this.
spreads through rape.
is this achievable natty
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That's not how it works at all. You can be attracted to futa while thinking that dicks going into male asses is disgusting. There is a stark difference between futa on male and futa on female/futa on futa.
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Tell it to someone who's not into futa at all and see what they think. They'll always call you a fag.
God I want to ride futa cock
Ask a full on fag if they like futa at all and see what they say,

Actual futa falls into a weird category that defies classification because it's not something you can find in reality.
I wonder why there are many artists kept drawing futanari, even though none ever exist in real life?
by that logic a cuntboy is straight
Yeah futanari is not gay nor trans or anything related, a futa is a fully functioning hermaphrodite, they can impregnate and get themselves pregnant, and calling them "them" would be correct since they are not female nor male but something completely different.
File deleted.
wrong. futanaris are women with dicks. intersexuals (former hermaphrodites) are sterile.
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By the logic of "what would the straights think", a cuntboy would also be gay.
Well buck angle is technically a woman that looks like a man. It be straight with a very unattractive manish looking woman that would probably make you feel gay.
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wrong. futanaris are women with dicks. intersexuals (former hermaphrodites) are sterile.
>Well buck angle is technically a woman that looks like a man
Everything you just said was wrong
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I love this futa.
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I love when futas have a harem.
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Bros is it gay if I want to be part of a futa's harem?
if her balls touch yours, it's gay.
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its gay if you dont want to be a girl in a futas harem
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The true scientific answer is it depends on if you're viewing futas as girl with extra cock (not gay) or guy with extra tit (gay). And yeah there's a fundamental difference.
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Sauce me man, I'm on my phone.
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This got wholesome in a bizarre way
Boring thread.
I'll post some good ones.
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Favorite tropes?
>When they're bigger than men?
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>When they start filling up dozens of condoms
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>When they breed women.
This commissioner really likes this MILF as a futa harem stud.
I like it too.
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>When they strap heavy weights to their cocks
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If only there were futas in the gym I'd train everyday.
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>Animal cock futas
That and this are two of my favorite musclefuta images of all time.
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sovietmarmalade is a god.
fags are complaining in the hyper muscle girl thread about megan being drawn bigger than anne but I'm totally down with that, I hope he draws her even bigger.
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Love yama-chan
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fucking disgusting AI scare autism, what the fuck is that vomit inducing filter
yep horse cock futas are so powerful.
knotted futa cocks are also hot.
but if there's something that gets me hot it's monstrous futa cocks with warts, spikes, extreme veins and smegma.
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how muscle are we talking?
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Some comms I got.
Bless you sir.
Is there more?

I tried search picture to all site for sauce.

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