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The return of cute boys, wide hips, and fat butts
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And before I forget about it here's the document about building your own butt

best thread itt
big if true
Happy Halloween
I wish Andy's ass was this fat
he's such a bottom
need moar
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I guess i'll try to help
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Bottom is not just Ass...I guess.
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Gives a new meaning to 'deflategate'.
God damn those bitches are huge
>boy has more ass than girl
massive even
real achievements are those you can brag about (big booty boy bitches)
Twunks are so hot goddamn
>draw a boy
>give it a girl's ass and hips
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Femboys are already umrealistic and short term. Why not have fun with it.
If boys were as curvy as girls, it'd be so over. Girls wouldn't be able to complete at all.
Mouse-type body
>Girls wouldn't be able to complete at all.
Nah. Girls don't compete with boys. Girls lust over boys! If boys had those asses we'd be in danger and constantly slapped on our asses!
curious how long it takes to see results?
im curious as well
>If boys were as curvy as girls, it'd be so over. Girls wouldn't be able to complete at all.
i mean if this >>11160178 procedure were to be real, slim boys could have some results closer to a breastlet woman
man that's some nice art improvement. i guess it really is true what they say about fixating on one character or fetish will help you get better.
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wish there was more art of this twink. I don't think there's been anything new of him in ages.
Do you know the artists name I cant find anything with reverse image searches
id eat that ass
Boys like this don't exist in real life...r-right?
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OP here, saw a few people asking if this actually works. No clue, tried using it multiple times in the past but got sidetracked by life. Going to be working on my physical health before the year ends and will be picking up the section named "The Cheeks" in the document as a workout routine when it's gym time.

On a side note, seen subliminals for larger cheeks, thighs, and hips on YouTube around for a while now and never gave them a shot. Decided to put together a short playlist of them for myself and give it a go. Put them on in the morning and listen the entire time during my remote job.
I will report that they are definitely working, after about 2 weeks of it during the day my butt is a bit more shapely and feels a little bit wider. Not saying others need to use them but if you choose to do the passive path for a large bottom you just need to believe that they will work. These things are entirely belief-based and won't do anything if you think they won't.

Good luck to any others wanting to build their butts bigger.

Not to the extent that most of these images are, some people won the genetic lottery but you can build a larger butt over time. The image in >>11163040 is probably around the most realistic in terms of size, but if someone were to really push themselves and do everything for the sake of size increase you can probably really push the boundaries to something like >>11160172 but that's entirely based on genetics and effort.
absolute wife material
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how could you post this and then not even post the playlist?
Does anyone have pictures of men with bigger asses than the females in the same pic? I've been looking for some but don't know how to find them.
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I forgot

Anyway here's the playlist I made and listen to for most of my day except on weekends. I have it playing for about 8 hours a day while working. It's all relaxing noises so you can also sleep with it on, plus I'll occasionally add more to it but I won't make it super bloated. Don't really think too hard about it. Just put it on, adjust to a comfortable volume, and think "Damn my ass is going to get so big from this". Give it about a week to settle in and then check for changes instead of every day, also helps to have an idea of your "goal body" in mind. For example, my goal is to reach something like this >>11163824 so I just keep that image in mind when I think about my "goal body" and your brain will associate your end state with looking like that.

Anyway enough talk from me about ass here's the link:
how dare they to be that shameless and take out their thongs, they need breeding correction
if you were to find it share it plz
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I wish. I love seeing men absolutely MOG females in terms of ass size
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Tried finding some, my sources unfortunately failed me and only gave me stuff of the male either slightly smaller or about the same size as the woman/futa in the same image. Most of the people who draw this type of content either only draw guys or draw male on futa with the futa both larger and dominate. You'd probably be better off either learning to make content or just commission artists to draw it, they'd probably be fine drawing it.

>>11168803 (me)
Something I did forget to mention is you definitely don't need to listen to this playlist as long as I do. I only listen to it for 8 hours a day because I work 8 hours a day and don't have anything better to do. I might see faster results than someone else just because I do listen to it so much so take progress being slow with a grain of salt, or it doesn't work at all and I'm wasting my time but I don't believe that at all so I'll stay hopeful about listening to it.

Also this content gets nuked regularly off of YouTube so if you really like specific videos or the whole playlist I recommend finding a way to download them. I do my best at finding high(er) quality ones that aren't super disruptive or annoying to listen to on repeat.
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Thanks for these, love self improvement and experimentation. Will try these out for the next week and if the tread is still here i will give an update on how i think its going.
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No worries, I know a good portion of the people who use these threads want to grow a large butt (including me). But in the case that they don't, they might know someone who is trying to get a larger butt, and through information shared between Bottom Heavy Boys threads the seemingly impossible might just become possible with enough effort. It might not always work to the extent someone wants it to but if you shoot for the moon and miss, you've still landed amongst the stars. Good luck with your improvements and I hope they work out for you.

On another note, I managed to find exactly one image of a guy significantly larger than the woman in the image.
any type of gym routine isn't something you do for a few weeks and see results. Any kind of routine is months to years of consistency and tiny changes along the way. Unless you commit to it for the longrun you won't see changes.

>t. gymfag who has been training consistently for 7 years
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these definitly give me a tense tingly feeling in the booty. Maybe that's how they work. Make you flex and build the muscle that way. Or maybe I'm just a reality warper and this is a way to program my subconcious to influence reality in a controlled manner rather than the "You thought about something yesterday here's a commercial of something brand new involving that thing!" stuff I usually get.
Yes please
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Posting a few classics.
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If any of you start growing bigger asses you need to promise to have sex with me
say it louder for the people in the back
men dont have butts like the ones in the drawings unfortunately :-(
not with that behaviour
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I promise if the fat ass femboy cyborg body transfer program becomes a thing I will come back to this forsaken site and wring every last one of you dry with the fattest boy ass you'll ever feel
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Hmmm tell me what you'd do to me
Seriously, edit out the cock and most of these are indistinguishable from a bottom-heavy girl.
>fat ass femboy cyborg body transfer program
Don't forget to tell someone to bite your shiny metal ass if that day comes
I'm straight as an arrow but NNN has made me so horny I'd fuck these boys in the ass, with no condom so I can feel their insides as I rearrange their guts.
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cool same here
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I'd fuck the hell out of a country femboy
he's so fuckable
I'd give buttjobs to anons here after every workout just so you could visualise my ass getting bigger every time desu
Watabouta bayou boi>>11177899
>anon gave out his lower-body feminization playlist
you've changed the world, buddy.
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Must be hard being gay in the South, having to perpetually remain in the closet and all.
As a San Francisco "city slicker" I would give them a good time if you know what I mean.
I can't believe that what's gotten me off my ass working out and taking care of myself is a stupid femboy fetish and the desire to be a femboy.
As long as it motivates you, then there is no bad reason for taking care of your health and appearance.

I lowkey work out because I want to be a sort of muscular guy who fucks femboys.
Wanting to be admired for your appearance is very feminine behavior.
I love that.
Hope you accomplish your goal anon, I'll finally be nutting tonight after midnight with all the great art posted here and thinking about your curves... :)
It feels weird how my circle just came to the conclusion that I'm a femboy. I think they know something I don't, and it scares me.
Same, but no shame in that. I work on myself to do crossplay, and intend to do "content" in the future.
I'd love to be smushed by these juicy boy cakes
all these boys looks like girls
Well duh, they have the child-bearing hips and plump cheeks of women.
erotic indeed
Don't die yet, I need more fat assed dudes.
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so do i, its like an addiction
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Please keep AI slop in the AI containment thread.
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Boi wives, boi wives, boi wives!
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