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Couples getting fat together
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Peak is back finally
I have a hard time telling where Zelda ends and Link begins, hot.
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Does anyone here have any IRL mutual gaining experience?

I’m a skinny guy and I really want to be in a mutual gaining relationship, so I’d love to know what it’s like. I really feel like I’m just gonna let myself balloon once I settle down, and I’d like my future partner to get fat alongside me.
There were a few people who talked about their experiences in the last thread, but I have no experience myself.
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>it's soft
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Getting fat with someone you're already hot for just makes it better. Mine dated a fat guy before me so she was already into it. Since getting married we've gained over 100 lbs in total (me 30, her 70) and we're fucking more now than ever. Watching her gut bounce when she's on top is heaven.
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Say more anon, what's your favorite thing about gaining together?
Lots of things. Curvier shape, more to grab onto, clothes that show it off, getting excited about food together and indulging in favorites.

But #1: Her belly is kind of an ero zone now. When I fuck her from behind and reach around to grab it she moans and clenches like a vice. Never thought years ago that fat would make us both cum that hard.
Based fatfuck Anon.
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I was in a relationship where we never explicitly were trying gain, she didn’t have that fetish. But we were both pretty chubby when we met, and she loved to snack and eat out. She was actually the one who encouraged us to eat all the time, and she ballooned up to 270 pounds and I got to 315, we each gained about 70 pounds in a year. She was also very short so the new fat made her look like such a pig. We did jokingly play with each other’s bellies sometimes but I was really surprised at how she loved my bigger moobs. I knew she was bi but she really made them a constant part of our bedroom life, sucking on them and playing with my nipples. She even bought me women’s lingerie to wear in bed.

Average guy here, started dating a skinny girl. We really hit it off and got serious quickly. She became aware that my previous partners were all somewhere between chubby and bbw and asked if I wanted her to be different; I made clear I would be into her whatever size she was. She's softened just a little, and there's something very warm and comforting squeezing and rubbing here where there was once only toned muscle. Not actively gaining, but passively softening from a trusting relationship. If she gets self-conscious, I toss her up in the air.

I did admit to her that I wanted to be "bigger." She was only cautiously supportive at first, but she's grown very enthused by my growth and is getting very bold about wanting me bigger. If I miss a meal she'll chide me playfully. She'll order more than she can eat at restaurants and give a coy smile as she pushes the excess on me. If I really stuff myself silly, she'll rub and play with my belly. We'll weigh in once in a while and she'll offhandedly remark how big she thinks I should be, but never acknowledge that the number keeps inching up. I'm up 30 pounds in a year and she can't keep her eyes off me when I change. But somehow she makes it not feel fetishistic, even if it is; she makes it feel tender, warm, and playful.

Honestly, I’d fatten myself up too. But I’ve not yet found a girl to gain with, as I think it’d be cooler if we got fat together.

I suppose the one good thing though is that I have started to get slightly softer even though I’m still slim. I stopped going to the gym in favour of just going on walks because I just want to enjoy food. And I often eat so much in a single sitting that I’m pretty regularly bloated. I never thought I’d be turned on by myself in this way.
Anon you lucky duck, that's what I'm hoping for someday
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I'm kinda frustrated that adipose saleswoman its the only one who draws this somewhat regularly.
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Get stuffed together
Is there a purer form of love than a man and a woman both pigging out and getting incredibly stuffed together to the point where they’re both pregnant with massive food babies?

That sounds like a dream to me. I hope you anons have experienced it too, because I want to experience it so bad. It gets lonely glutting yourself alone.
nta, but right? I want to get stuffed up with a nice, other fatty as well. Lazing around together, bellies out and about while waddle... Seeing and encouraging the other to gain just a little bit more! Nothing else would truly be better...

Mutual gaining was truly something I never thought I would enjoy at first. I was like "No, all girls should get fat..." And then idk how it happened, I just started warming up to the idea of hey... men can gain weight too. We all could, and maybe should... I'm rambling on... But you know what I mean.
I kind of had a similar story. Used to strictly be into girls stuffing and gaining, but over time mutual stuffing just sounded more and more hot to me.

Don’t know about anyone else, but I think part of why I wound up liking it is because I’m a massive glutton myself. Eating until I look pregnant is pretty normal for me, even though I’m still skinny and the more I give into my gluttony and just let my gut get bloated, the hotter and sexier I feel.

I’m still trying to find a stable relationship, but I feel like it’d need to be a relationship with another foodie, so we could both go on lots of restaurant and buffet dates and also lock ourselves inside doing nothing but gorging ourselves with food and fucking. God, I want to just give myself to gluttony so badly, but I want to do it with a partner doing the same with me.

I’m curious: Are any of you other guys in a similar position— Being in a position where you love getting stuffed and bloated and are waiting for an opportunity to do it mutually? What are your stuffings like, and how often do you do them?
I love eating but I've never weighed much more because of my metabolism or digestive issues than my lifestyle, I was stuck at around 110 pounds for several years and only relatively recently gained an extra tension. I don't do stuffings intentionally much since it's more painful than hot. I can never decide if I like the contrast of being the skinny one in a relationship or if I want to do mutual as well.
I know I've been pretty much skinny throughout my entire life, and it's only just now that I'm starting to finally gain some pounds, I'm still pretty skinny, but I have the tiniest of pudge, at least for my size. I want to be a bit of a massive glutton myself, but idk... My still petite body just... Makes it really hard to do so. So it's why I would like to have a love one help and encourage me to get fatter.

>God, I want to just give myself to gluttony so badly, but I want to do it with a partner doing the same with me.
God, saaame...
I'm sure you'll get into that loving relationship eventually, anon! Keep on searching, and believing.
Honestly I don't bloat very often, but I have been gaining weight from a sedentary office job. Most often I just bloat with mentos and coke or baking soda and vinegar rather than food. I'd love to be in a relationship with someone who would blow me up, either just simple bloating or a little more permanent fattening.
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>getting fat as a side affect of feeding your gf (still smaller than her)
>fat gf makes you fatter than her
>getting fat at the same time and being roughly the same size
which scenario do you prefer?
This. Although it’s close between 1 and 3.

I think the big thing is just getting stuffed and bloated together.
I do like 2, there is something nice about >>11176509 >>11176510, but the feeder becoming the inadvertent feeder dosen't seem to get old
wife complained about gaining 50 lbs over the last year or so. I told her I liked it. I think I might have created a monster.

had a hands free orgasm from her force feeding me fries last night. before that I fucked her right after she downed most of a carton of ice cream. this is the best fetish.
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>all these anons who have gfs/wifes that they're getting fat with
I'd say I'm jelly, but I barely jiggle at all.
>tfw it’s Thanksgiving now
You anons better get really stuffed with your partners. It’s a special opportunity.
>get really stuffed with your partners
That's rather presumptive of you anon, that assumes that I have one and that thanksgiving food is something I would binge on.
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On another note, I will try to write something this weekend.
I've been skinny all my life; I don't even know where I'd meet a woman into gaining.
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obsessed with these
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I'm surprised there isn't more palu and pit
Hey there, big degenerates. Do you consider this topic to be "transformation?" Interested parties want to know, for science.
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Not really. It's more growth than anything else - people getting bigger rather than fundamentally changing.
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No, but I understand why someone would think that with a broad enough definition of "transformation".
not at all, sometimes I don't even consider it to be expansion and just think of it as a preference for bears/bbws
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Rare fat monster girl x monster boy sex
Did they gain in some absurd, unrealistic rate, hours or minutes?
Then it's not transformation.
Besides, if the fetish is called "mutual gain", do you think anyone would be content with shortcuts and super-fast speed?
>man and woman in a feeder/feedee relationship
>feedee GF's gain eventually plateaus at a fairly enormous size
>becomes frustrated, as she's developed a need to see numbers go up
>looks at her skinny feeder and decides to see how far he can catch up to her before she finally breaks through the plateau
.>looks at her skinny feeder and decides
not that big a fan of this bit, I like it when a feeder catches up with the feedee un-internationally
Well, I imagine they'd be from the same country to begin with.
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why is it censored
I wish I knew, the artist uploaded it like that as >>11212028 demonstrates.
I'm gonna edit in her titties and his penis then
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here it is
Anybody know some artists that draw this stuff who have their skebs/commissions open?
curious too
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>bf broke his belt today
Might finally make a good effort of gaining weight by buying a couple boxes of snacks to graze on and drinking at least 32 ounces of heavy cream a week
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You do realize you're supposed to post a girl too right?
First post is by a girl
Second post is a boy being inspired
>First post is by a girl

Met my love on Feabie. I have no clue how, that place is a shitshow full of women trying to make money off men.
We both smoke weed (Im telling you, the munchies are so fucking good at helping one with gaining) and it didnt take us long to balloon her up almost 100lbs since I was buying her cakes and boxes of doughnuts all the time. Well over time I learn just how much she likes the idea of me getting fatter too. I had abandoned my way of the long distance runner in uni and wanted to try gaining myself, went from skinny to a little plump before I met her, now I straight up need mens big and tall (and Im not tall). She has been big her whole life, but obesity has been a hell of an adjustment for me. Cant see my dick? Ok, I can work with that. Bouncing tits? Thats kind of hot. I plateud after the 50lbs mark and just stopped paying attention. Moved out on my own and suddenly another 40lbs creeps on over the year, and she can't keep her hands off me. Literally sometimes she wakes me up in the morning becaus she's groping my gut or moobs. I love her so much.
I'm trying to cut back and lose some, but she is really good at sabatoging me. I don't blame her, I've given her express permission to do anything she wants with 0 blame as long as we don't use the safe word. I have only used the safe word once in my life because I don't have the balls to stop the wonderful pleasure we got going on here, the taboo and fear of obesity consuming my life is so fucking sexy that I'll follow my feeder off a cliff if it means she can make me feel this elated forever. I may be doomed, she tells me I'll never be skinny again, I can never go back to being healthy after eating from the tree of gluttony.
You must be the fatass from /v/, awesome writing. @_@
Sounds like it was her plan from the start tbqh if she's aware of feederism enough to have been on feabie lol, you saw the warning signs anon! xP
Oh yeah. You know how on feabie you have the marks to indicate Feeder, Feedee, Fat Admirer, etc? She had all three of those marked, as did I. You never know how much someone is into any of them (I've met people with Feeder tag but they only like being the feeder maybe 5% of the time to specific people. The most confusing is "oh sorry I only am a feedee/r to men/women" but you wont know that if it isnt in bio. Honestly you have so many crazy people from feabie I as a man who got a girl from Feabie would still tell you to be careful if you still try there at all.
Some warning signs are pretty hot, and my god she hasnt disappointed.
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Feabie yeah, no. It's even worse in my country since the selection is fewer it's girls from other countries scamming without even the possibility of meeting lol.
Your girl sounds great from you saying she's a gooner lol, I need a freaky girl who sees images like picrel and goes 'I wonder if my bf is hungry.'
We constantly see things around us that remind us either how much we wanna feed each other or how hungry we are. I mentioned somewhere about fast food mobile apps, if you ever want that extra reminder, appitite stimulant or temptation download a bunch. For one in theory, youre signing your personal information away to a mega fatty greasy chain, psychologically thats pretty hot, but the best perk is the usually annoying push notifications they can send you at random times. Every time I use a Hardees coupon I get at least one notif a day for half a week. McDonalds is also really good about pestering you with little messages that talks in me and my gf's trigger words. You might not even be into a burger right now, but get a notif saying you can get a double cheeseburger for a dollar your tune might swiftly change.
>stein;s gate mutual gain
muh dick, i wish royal oppai would post here again
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Pardon the slop, but somebody cooked generating this
My kinda thread!
Something I’ve always wanted to see, and have literally never seen, is a sequence of a fat woman deliberating fattening up a man until he is suitably fat for her

So, if anyone wants to get on this..
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I have some random images, but not a sequence.
And something a bit more on topic
I think there are some AI chatbots that can do this, but that's about it.
>>11160679 (OP)
isnt there a clean version of this
reverse image search doesn't come up with anything but that image, i think that might be the only version
it's not really slob or anything though so it's not like it needs a clean version to begin with, they're just eating some cake so there's a couple stains from that and they're having sex so there's cum, it's no big deal
I want to say that there is but I'm not sure
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I need help finding some old art I remember seeing. It's of a pear shaped SSBBW pinching the cheek of her similarly shaped, shorter boyfriend. I swear it exists but I can't find it anywhere.
If it helps, I remember seeing it in this bbw-chan thread from ages ago. Hope someone remembers it too.

>most thumbnails won't even load
like trying to find two needles that are linked together in a pile of needles
It's unfortunate because I'm fairly certain it's on my hard drive somewhere, I just can't find. I'm pretty sure it was made by an artist with a decent following, so I was hoping someone else would have it too.
>mutual gain is fairly uncommon as is, but there's probably some fairly decent stuff that's lost media

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