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boating edition
previous >>11130539
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guess this is the new giant male thread
well, here's some new content
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god I wanna bury a city under a thick load so bad
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Armies are toys
might as well mention that i'm opening up requests for giant male content with my OC if anyone's interested, will do about 2-3 for now
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Pathetic micro armies desperately trying and failing to fend off cute horny/hungry boys is the peak of content imho
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I bought some tiny figures but they were a lot smaller than I thought than they would be. Anyone any ideas or requests?
Put in spandex, show result of them pressed against bulge.
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Gotta aquire spandex first, but noted
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need to play in arcade mode where I get points for every unit crushed or otherwise disposed of
that is correct
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>points multiply with fear level, the more terrified the tiny is before getting crushed the more points you get
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>Extra point for non traditional tiny deletion
Are those little gray blocks city pieces? If so where did you get them? I was looking for city stuff myself and all I could find was some sets of city blocks for posing your kaiju, mecha etc figurines that were way bigger than what I wanted.
oh you got those ones too? i really like those ones! they are pretty good for pictures!

do i get extra points for showing them the remains of their friends on my foot before stomping them?

I assume you mean these? If yes, I unfortunately have to disappoint you, that's printed on and is the sock/shoe size.

But I once checked for stuff like you're looking for and it exists, but it is commission based, expensive and honestly almost looks too nice to step on
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Yes, that's a terror level mutliplier
>I assume you mean these? If yes, I unfortunately have to disappoint you, that's printed on and is the sock/shoe size.
Oh damn lmao.
Yeah the other examples of tiny cities I've found were custom made. All I want is some gray rectangles in a grid to cum on man. Someone should be making this.
yeah, but mine are SMALL small, I was retarded and didn't really pay attention to the scale when I ordered them
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subbies, which part of this guy would like to be in/on?
At that size between the toes seems like the best place to settle. Tongue sends ya to acid land, dick and balls erupt constantly. Toes you could build there so long as he does not focus on scrubbing you out.
If we're throwing danger out the window the balls.
uhh socks off pls
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Can you do barefoot smothering under a desk?
giant boys being distressed at how big they are is hot and cute
I'm surprised there aren't more tinies wedged between those cheeks
Casually living with a gigantic boi
>And then he farts
>That one stuck to your foot at the end
always with you
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that would be fun to do
>Tfw I'll never experience financial ruin from surviving a giant femboy sitting on my car and almost crushing me to death
>The giant femboy also sues you for trauma compensation for almost killing you
>Afterall it's your fault for being underneath his butt when he sat down
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I bet growing would feel amazing...
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Would you?
which part?
looming over someone and cumming on them so much that they can't move
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Holy fuck PLEASE tell me you have a discord or telegram...
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anybody have Pimeconechicken's recent work? I don't like the overly masculine stuff
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Of course, in a heartbeat.
Real question is am I going to regret it ten minutes later when I'm all battered by the peristaltic movements of his throat squeezing me down and after dropping in a merciless, dark, hot, suffocating, vile muscle sack squeezing me and covering me with burning acids.
I really really really wanna find out. And for the massive twink to send my phone down with me so I can call for help on this thread and see the reactions I get from anons.

I'm dead serious.
if only the feet were drawn better
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posting since relevant to OP pic
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>This thread is filled with cute boys who are eager to grow and crush everyone around them
>I'm probably the only one in this thread that wants to be a tiny
I-I'm scared
me and the other giants jostling you between our cockheads trying to be the one to send you down our hungry, precum drooling slits
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more like scaroused, right
>Us and (you)
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Nooo please don't do that! That sounds like the worst thing ever! Please don't take turns sitting on me and crushing me!
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>Me and the homies visiting your hometown
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I wanna use an olympic sized pool as my baththub...
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Does anyone know who the creator of the attached pic is? I seem to have downloaded a whole folder of stuff like this from somewhere (probably here), but I'm now wondering if since then there's been more made.
I think it may be the same person who made >>11162845 but I'm not sure...
Haha wouldn't it be funny if everyone in this thread vividly described what they would do to me if I shrunk down in front of you all?
Wouldn't it be hilarious if I were to grab you and drop you inside my underwear, trapping you against my balls and cock as I go throughout my day and my intense workout? Haha, and maybe after a long day of you worshipping my dick, I can drop you inside a condom as I jerk off, filling it up as you drown in my seed... just kidding, unless?
Haha and then you like placed me down on your favorite chair and sat on me, completely smothering me with your ass? Haha
i haven't made much, this is the most recent thing i posted
Wouldn't be my first choice but maybe I'd end up doing that
Make sure you have him send me down too after you're fully digested. This sort of test needs a large sample size.
might as well post this here too, a guy shrinking down a continent to destroy with his cock:

>army thinks it's winning but it's actually just stimulating the giant boy
best shit
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I'd be so smug if I were giant
hot. returning it back to normal size except wrecked is hot
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haha imagine if after shrinking you i ate all your friends and family in one gulp and pressed you against my throat as they went down wouldnt that be funny?
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Haha but imagine if I shrankyou down first and ate your friends and family in one gulp and pressed you against my throat as they went, after which I would pin you against my stomach with one hand so you could hear their last moments before I gulp you down too haha
Any megaman giants?
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Haha not him but wouldn't be super funny if you just like stepped on me? Like you're enormous, and you just slide me inside of your sweaty, dirty sock? And all I can do is like squirm and inhale your scent as I'm forced to worship you? Haha
Yall niggas are just titans from AOT at this point
haha imagine if that was you stuck there? Wouldn't that be hilarious? haha

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>there's twinks out there who'd doubtlessly swallow me down without a single speck of hesitation and yet shrinking isn't possible
>only thing that's realistically gonna happen is lungs or throat cancer, unless I just off myself, either way it's gonna be slow, painful and unremarkable

Whoah what a lame ass fucking dimension
I'll never know how it feels to be demoted to food by a young, fresh, full of life and energy hottie who's going to mock me even as I'm grinded down to my very bones in his stomach. Knowing he'll go on after I'm dead, absorbed and owned by him in every possible ways. My legacy ending up being a thin layer of fat on his butt to please his next boy or girlfriend.
not me I wouldn't eat anybody
uggo or fat? -> stepped on and red dotted without a care
hot or cute? -> Your new life is worshiping my cock, balls, taint, anus and general crotch area until you eventually expire some how. Probably from getting crushed on my thigh or something.
>uggo or fat? -> stepped on and red dotted without a care
can I at least be sat on instead?
should have done more fork putdowns before the day of the shrink fatty
You literally cannot insult me without it turning me on, sorry anon
>uggos get red dotted
Damn, can’t have shit even in a fantasy
This world sucks ass
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Posting best big boy kel

Sometime time ago alwitheberries on twitter deleted a lot of his stuff, do you happen to know if there's any site with his lost stuff?? Like other nice macro kel drawings...
I'm not sure if this is the correct board to post this on the website, but FYI coiledfist is closing down.
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imagine walking by that gym
Where'd you buy from?
Just searched for train set model figures
Put them in thong. Front or back is the same. If you trap them in your cheeks start twerking
Oh god I would worship your feet and your dick
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I did make a twitter because I couldn't be bothered to remember all my catbox links. This will be the one and only time I will shill it
Thanks for sharing your pictures, you're incredibly beautiful
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would this suffice for now?
files DOT catbox DOT moe SLASH zb9457 DOT mp4

Thank you ^^
u have an archive of stuff youve made?
thanks for all the pictures, slipper anon <3
God... that one was so hot. You're so good at this, you need to do more, I'm begging you.
I swear to god the dude cums by making cute size art that's difficult to find, because he NEVER says why he doesn't have an archive of any kind.
Haha, imagine if you knew I was stuck there, getting harder and harder at the realization that I'm squirming under your heel all day. Like imagine I'm just completely powerless against you. Haha
sounds like a good time
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>Be you
>Another guy simply walking down the street.
>Just another person trying to get by.
>Start to fel weird.
>Your body heats up as his clothes begin to feel tight.
>The empty spaces quickly filled by your being.
>Walking becomes difficult with this strange wave of pleasure formed by the clothing straining against your skin, the same way your now growing bulge is fighitng to pierce your pants.
>The zipper finally giving up as the button valiantly tries to stay in place.
>You feel the chilling air on the parts where the clothes became too small to cover you anymore.
>And when the restraining outfit finally feels like it's about to cut your circulation and suffocate you inside of it.
>Buttons fly, fabric tears and your flesh becomes visible as you slowly force your attire to be shed from you.
>Not even the shoes manage to contain you, as your toes force themselves out.
>The same way your throbing hard erection grew it's way to freedom, even the most stubborn of strings and stitches breaking by it's expanding presence alone.
>Bursting your way out in such a pleasurable way that forces you to arch your back for a second.
>You can feel the stares of the bewildered people, as your increasingly naked body starts to tower over the other pedestrians, steam releasing from the destroyed stuffy interiors of your clothes, even your body heat growing to outmach the coldness of your surroundings.

>Trembling legs from the pleasure, and dizzy head from the change of perspective, you stumble and catch yourself on a nearby STOP sign, that now barely comes to your chest.
>You steady yourself and find that the sign bended over your weight.
>This sturdy piece of metal simply bended over like nothing by you simply leaning on it.
>This somehow make your dick throb
>This growing power trip is getting addictive
>And you are not done yet.
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Holy shit, that's good
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Hey does aynone have this greentext about a pervert dressed up as a peach on comic con where a shrinking disease affects some of the participants so he is just shoving them up his ass (+ image that was attached to it, dark elevator femboy with pink stockings and a lot of blood, dark )

I lost it and can't find it
I tried going through all the giant male threads on d for the last decade but couldn't find anything searching for peach, so I'd need to cast a wider net. Though searching for just "peach" brings up way too many results to go through without actually having seen the post.

To narrow things down do you
>know which board you saw it on (definitely d, or could it have been aco?)
>recall roughly how long it was (contained in one post, or more? all greentext or bits of normal text mixed in?)
>remember any particular phrases or words?
>said he was dressed up as a peach, as in the fruit, or did you mean he crossdressed as Princess Peach?
any anons wanna come do this to me? I could shave first if you want
Does anyone remember a story which involved a group of nanoscopic tinies trying to survive in a titanic boys' room, the story ending with the boys finding the tinies and snuffing them out?
It had lots of nice scenes, the boys were spawning cities with a device and smushing them for fun, one of them steps on some and says "You mean nothing to us, you are just toys!", something along those lines.
I can't find it anywhere anymore.
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I found it
I'll be willing to do it, no shaving required.
The bigger one's needs outweights everything by size alone.
well that's nice of you
so you'd want the foot then?
Yeah but any body part is equally worth of pampering. Just the absolute awe of the magnitude, the way the skin and flesh become an erotic living landscape.
Anywhere on your huge being would be just great,
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I got these ones since I liked the outfits and scale
Looking at the brand page they make several other sets I might eventually get too.
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me in your harbour
huh, I didn't see these. When I got mine, I just went for a few different gauge model trainset figures
well lucky for you I like attention paid to my feet
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Fucking nggh.
Would certanly love to spend time attending to your feet's every need or whim, and constantly improve in order to serve you better,

>Tfw will never become so acquainted with Anon's feet that you know perfectly fine details like his favorite footwear, his favorite socks, his pressure points and how to read his body language by just his foot movement alone, knowing if what he needs is a stressdoll, a pampering session or something to warm his toes; and how to best serve him.
>Things that are so specific to him that the rest of the world would consider them useless data or pointless information.
>But they are crucial for you, since it's information about Anon, and Anon is your world.
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>tfw no tiny anon for exclusive foot use
godd i need to worship someones cock so bad, i want aguy to cum on me and leave me a dripping tiny mess of his cum stuck to a desk or something
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this could be you if only you weren't so regular sized
finally my life's purpose :3
Would you give your tiny doll clothes, or leave them naked?
>something to warm his toes
if you knew how to do that you have no idea how much I'd value you, my feet get cold
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bratty boys polluting the atmosphere
it's too much work for some dime-a-dozen renders

Source ?
Mega folders are incredibly easy to make but I am not going to indulge this shit anymore
underwear at least unless I wanted otherwise
At the risk of starting an ERP, god I want everyone in this thread to just sit on me and crush me
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Would you make a good cushion?
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>all these giants itt
good times are upon us, I remember when the only good irl stuff I ever found was this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5M0GmvcmDU
Only for cute bois like you
Woah, this is really good!
>the most recent thing
Do you have links to your older posts too?
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Need to do this to someone
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This, but in the butt
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So true, or under foreskin I'd adore having someone squirming there
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At the risk of you enjoying it I'd love to feel you squirm underneath me
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Willing or unwilling?
you dont like dartr's stuff?
I like both but the idea of taking an unwilling or rebellious tiny and completely breaking them with nothing but my cock until they're begging for it really get me going
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Male or female tho?

Would love to be in your sock and share body heat and cuddle with your foot. Only to climb out and willingly get into your other sock to warm up the other foot.
I'd love either but I'd probably treat them a little differently, I would definitely treat the guys a little more harshly before they submit
>Male or female tho?
NTA but if I had tiny girls I'd either treat them more like pets or put them around my crotch area so they can become obsessed with me, I'm straight so the giant thing is a dominance thing for me when it comes to tiny guys
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Agreed, the guys are sturdier, they can take a little more of rough play.

So let's say a "shrinking virus bs" scenario happens and some people start to shrink.

Would you start collecting both males and females or go primarly for shrunken girls first?

Would you keep them together or keep males and females separated?
I'd collect both for sure. I'd have to think if I'd even let them see each other at all, because I wouldn't want any other men in the tiny girls' lives but me
It definitely depends on their size, if they are like 6 inches or bigger I'd probably just collect one ore two of each to have as pets, if they're smaller than an inch I'd take as many as I could and hopefully find someone I know to keep at a favorite while I treat the rest as disposable, they can all mingle if they're that small.

(also definitely trying to get my girlfriend infected she would love it)
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Not even if both become so enamoured and ossessed by you that pleasuring you becomes more important than even their own possible relationships?

What if all tinies are tiny but some are tinier than others?
Would you have a few doll size ones and many disposable micros?

Also love that mental image about your girlfriend.
>Not even if both become so enamoured and ossessed by you that pleasuring you becomes more important than even their own possible relationships?
I suppose if that's a possible outcome it would be interesting to experiment with.
>What if all tinies are tiny but some are tinier than others?
>Would you have a few doll size ones and many disposable micros?
NTA but definitely. I like a good variety, maybe from 0.5in to 3in? There'd be more females at 3in than there would be males
>Would you have a few doll size ones and many disposable micros?

Doll sized tinys to try and stroke my cock while dozens of micro ones try and survive it would be heaven

>Also love that mental image about your girlfriend.

She'd honestly thank me for it she loves the idea of belonging to me it's adorable
here's two, one is with len the other is weirder with a giant chibi boy
>giant chibi boy
that reminds me. what the fuck is wrong with the regular posters on the /d/ giant male discord server?
> the /d/ giant male discord server?

that exists?
yeah, it was posted a few times a few months ago
If you're not careful I might enjoy it too much
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enjoy it all you like as long as you serve me well down there, otherwise I'll take things into my own hands
Fuck smother me with that cock baby
Being literally bound to sole face first is so appealing. I wanna be hunted down by like drones and dragged struggling to them.
It's very concentrated, niche autism. I've got the high functioning kind and those two don't mesh for me
why does he feel the need to reply to every post
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Unwilling inside of a buttcrack
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Be careful I'm absolutely craving the thought of drowning someone in my precum alone

only that deep?
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Would if I could...
Who's the artist?
>only that deep?
Not as smelly that deep
Lucas is definitely a bot
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but he's moved over to another other macro server I use and he's actually been talking a bit (as well as the "Wow~" comments) but that could just be the bot owner interjecting every so often
honestly this is great. just take her clothes away, leave her in basic underwear, and I'll take 20 thanks
Maid outfits are better.
Or Tissue clothings that they need to make themselves. They tear with every liquid and are not that great warming them up so they constantly crave your body heat..
>so they constantly crave your body heat..
same thing with just underwear, hardly keeping you warm if the room is colder
Is anyone aware of any good fics of cute nerdy boys getting huge? Particularly if they become a lot more confident and dominant along with it...
God I need to be a hot guys living sweat rag so bad
Tomboys/muscle girls make the best micros!
Grace Howard and Jane Doe in the shoes
Belle and Soukaku in the balls
Ellen Joe up the butt
Zhu Yuan as the onahole
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idk who these people are but I'd agree with you in terms of the placement, except I'd put one in between my balls and dick as I walk around during the day, and then the onahole one how does that work logistically?
Need my girlfriend at this size so I have my own personal toy and material whenever I'd like rather than just at home
>Ellen Joe up the butt
Big tail makes it easier to pull her out, or feed her in deeper; would be my guess.
Now do an ass exercise. Also whose the artist?
>idk who these people are
Girls from Zenless Zone Zero. Zhu's the one in the pic originally replied to. You've probably already seen them around, the game took off running and they all got lots of art. Just not much in terms of minigirl/giant male content.

>and then the onahole one how does that work logistically?
Pic related. Since they're already shrunk might as well take the extra step to imagine them hardier or more elastic so they don't get torn apart. That and no reason they can't be different sizes, so she could be many times bigger than the ones trapped in the nuts. As you fill her up those two can end up in whichever orifice you use, unless they get churned into cum.

But that does give me another idea. There's still other girls not mentioned, so make them extra small and have insole-sized Grace and Jane wedge them under the guy's toe nails just to make sure every spot is reached.

What >>11171732 said, she's the longest one on the count of the tail so she can go in further and be taken out easier. Best place for her to be.

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>and then he swallows
Extremely hot and cute
>she's the longest one on the count of the tail so she can go in further and be taken out easier. Best place for her to be.
She doesn't deserve that tho
She gave me bad service at the maid cafe so she can eat what's left of that awful omlette rice
That just makes it hotter tho

That doesn't, that's just vile
What's that supposed to mean!?
>That just makes it hotter tho
Don't you feel guilty?
Any chance somebody here has binary-prophet's giant Geralt pic? Feet on the table, had shrunken Yennefer, Triss and Ciri worshipping them. He deleted his dA and I haven't found an archive of his work, it's western 3D but I don't know where else to ask.
Happy ending.
I wonder if white collar crime is enough to be sent into the digestive track of a hottie like this one.
What is this from?
Which size do you prefer, anon?

Maybe after the fact, but not while I'm cooming.
For what it's worth I'm not into snuff, so she'd get out. Eventually.
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come through my city at this size please
me personally it's a tossup between the biggest and the smallest option you've presented there. I like to be able to see individual people react to me and maybe fool around with them a little by picking them up with my toes or something, but there's also something to be said about being able to do that but with whole skyscrapers
all of them, me gradually getting bigger
op one
I think getting something under your toenails would be uncomfortable
Ok. Wait on the tallest building and wear a red shirt. I'll pick you up.

enough about destruction what about giant boys being cutie pies?
>Ok. Wait on the tallest building and wear a red shirt. I'll pick you up.
ready and waiting for whatever you're going to do with me
>I will never cuddle a giant boy and give him kisses
It’s over
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I wanna know so bad what it feels like to fuck different things. A small person like an onahole, a car, an office building, a planet's crust, a gaseous planet, a star, a black hole etc.
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>a black hole

i'd assume it sucks
yeah I wanna get that spaghetti dick suction
the ultimate succ in the universe, only for godly giants
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>Imagine being so big that your cumshot can overwhelm a black hole
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How big is too big?
>How big is too big?
When you run out of things you can penetrate
>bf shrank but I happily take care of both of us
>clean house, protect him from bugs
>full body blowjobs
>blushing, asking shrunken boyfriend if he'll snuggle in my undies again tonight
>he says yes <333
>sleepy, but jolted back up when I feel him struggle to wrap himself around my cock
>grip both tightly and slowly start to stroke, fun night x
I want to be reduced to living in your sock threads after you use my apartment as a toe separator and scrunch them into rubble

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