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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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What's the biggest butt you've seen in any anime or game?
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Why start a new thread so soon? The other one's like 50 posts from the image limit.

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The angel boss from the game Hakoniwa Explorer Plus has a pretty nice big butt that she uses to crush you.
Not that anon but that's pretty hot, now I realize there's basically no size content of Bailey. Can you draw her as a mini-giantess with Mattie being stuck in her oversized lap too?
Remeber, it's all fine and dandy to post content but don't coom!
Save it for December 1st.
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Imagine a world where all the fat goes directly into the woman's thighs, ass, and hips. I would have no problems if the woman was the fattest of them all. Go ahead and become a 200 kg woman if you want, get as fat as you want, girl.
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will also finish later
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…dumb question would you be down to like, properly bombgirl up Bailey, lit fuse, ticking timer, the works? Pic related
That was fast, thanks!
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will ALSO also finish later
oh HELL yes. I've always wanted this of her
Ooo these are great! Could you do Bailey getting stuck in a doorway?
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will also Also also finish later
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no clue whats happening but if its my chance to get a pic like this but with bailey then im taking it
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I don't know either, I'm just adding more shit to my backlog to finish
Jesus thats good, down for other characters?
I'm just here to feed the Bailey need... for now
>>11166161 >>11166165

honestly I'm down for just the sketch type work, means more scenerios n can leave your personal favs to be finished if wanted - the bailey exclusivity scratches an itch I've had for *y e a r s*

(Giantess bailey smothering the planet as her butt and size grow?) ((size/bum growing bigger than the whole universe?))
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An idea that comes to mind: POV of her about to sit on viewer's face -> view from front/above of her butt growing to smother the anon viewer (she's REALLY enjoying it) -> her butt filling the room (maybe even bursting out?)

Also, happen to have an @ for comms?
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Close enough
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ttraveler246 on discord, TTraveler24 on twitter
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Idea: bailey stuffing a large cold rod up her ass to keep from exploding (cold rod therapy)
Is that a Blue Mountain State reference?
holy shit that sequence is so good...

How about a giant bailey unwillingly destroying more and more as she (and her rump obviously) grows bigger?
It's all fine and dandy to post but remember to not coom until December 1st.
We're 1/3rd of the way bros.
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A big butt NEEDS hips and thighs to match. I hate it when it's just two balloons attached to a regular ass frame, it's garbage
What an awful thread.
If you're going to fill it with deviantart tier /aco/ shit, do it on /aco/ instead
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Don't worry big man, wasn't planning on posting anymore sketches, just save up the ideas
Have Big Bailey as apology
Maybe you should take a chill pill dude
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I'd argue that you can get away with a big butt with slight hips/thighs but only up to a certain size. Once that size is exceeded, then yea, it becomes the balloon look that just doesn't look good
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What do you think they smell like?
Intoxicatingly musky, but not in a gross way
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>like big butts
>95% of art is shit like this with proportions so ridiculous I don't know how anyone unironically finds it hot
It's almost as bad as the titfags. almost
Some of us want to be smothered by truly gigantic asses.
Go to >>>/h/ if you want more realistic butts.
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Imagine humanity going extinct after she releases her gas cloud
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Why is Bailey so much more simped for in comparison to the other dozens of big butt OCs?
Because she has that girl-next-door aesthetic going on.
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I think it's a combination of her design (HUGE ass in tiny shorts, thicc thighs in thigh highs) and and at least a liiitle bit of pettiness (loving and appreciating her design a lot even though her artist doesn't care for her lol).
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What is this character named?
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Speaking of Bailey. Did the yesterday.
One for the boys. <3

I do it because I like the design and I know Graph isn't going to draw her. Haha.
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>I do it because I like the design and I know Graph isn't going to draw her
Based. If he won't, at least someone will.
She's the perfect balance needed for a perfect pornbait OC
Sexually appealing without it going overboard (HUGE ass but not too huge, revealing clothes but not too revealing, approachable but not to the point of being a horrid slut)
Compare and Contrast: Maddison (picrel)
Maddison is actually my favorite.

Also is there a board for [spoiler]furshit[/spoiler] with ass? I have stuff I want to post but don't want to make an account anywhere
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>what would the justification of such fictional world be, I mean, it is obvious the writers have a very specific fetish but you know it has to be believable up to a certain degree.
Maybe it can start small, have it be a part of history. At some point food started being made in such a way where now people don't get fat after eating... at least that's how it starts. People everywhere just eat more and more and there's just no issues, businesses are booming.
Then over time whatever formula or whatever it is gets added to food gets altered just slightly enough so that any woman that eats such food, well, it starts going right to their ass and thighs instead.
This happens long enough that it goes from like, women being able to eat whatever and not get fat, to women now being able to eat whatever and they do get fat... but only in all the right places. They start to look like pic related on the regular.
And then a story in such a world would take place where it's advanced even further-- a skinny chick could eat a hamburger and her ass would start getting bigger right then and there, instantly.
Then, say it's a busy day at the hamburger place, and thus, a lot of borgers are being bought and eaten, and well, there you go.
i think it's sexy that she's a bomb
k wick guy we get it
I'd gotten rather used to you not being around.
Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
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Let's say I want to mindlessly goon to nothing but big fat butts for 1-2 hours. Which artists should I pick?
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Teruwo, Jojobee, and ytrall come to mind
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Does anyone know any good sites for big butts? There is Chounyuu for hyper breasts but for big butts??
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I felt so cheated when I first saw Tako and realized she's not a romance option lol
A lot of the side characters feel like better romance options than the main cast sometimes.
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>Know how autistic the jannies can get about "muh western art"
>Made sure to choose a piece that is clearly anime-styled
>Still gets deleted
Guess I'll repost the second half of what I wrote, at least.
I have two big ideas regarding this. The first, rather simply, is to go back in time and alter human evolutionary history ever so slightly so that women gain huge asses at some point. This actually wouldn't be entirely without basis. One of the main reasons human childbirth is so dangerous is because of how narrow our pelvic gap is, something that ladies being substantially wider could presumably help out with, so you could try to work in a justification around natural selection.
The other is a concept for a sci-fi society that I've had for a while. Haven't written anything down yet, but the basic outline is something like this:
>At some point in the future Richfuck McGee decides to go colonize a distant planet as his personal fiefdom
>Brings with him loads of servants and a harem of beautiful women
>These women have all been genetically modified to be more shapely using the finest in back alley gene modification technology
>Nothing too extreme at this point, they're just a bit thicker here and there
>At some point Richfuck McGee dies, his servants and harem are now stuck there, they decide to build a society
>They succeed pretty well but, shocker, things start going wrong with the shady back alley gene mods
>Fortunately it's nothing dangerous, and isn't even noticed at first, but with every generation the average female posterior grows little by little
>Finally, a century or two later, the mutations have run their course
>The planet is now host to a prosperous civilization, and also known as the place where women with humongous rears come from
The excuse for why they never did anything about it is that gene modding is very advanced tech, and by the time they do reach that level big butts are an entrenched part of their culture.
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Oh shit, I didn't realize all the GA stuff got nuked.
Guess anons will just have to use the archive.
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Did this yesterday afternoon.
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more like "aw butts"
>Huge ass
aww yis
>makes it look like plastic
aww noo
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i think wasabisushi might be my single favorite ass artist, im surprised they arent posted here more often. something about the proportions and the way they give the butts absurdly perfect, unrealistic shapes but still render them as if they have realistic heft and weight
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the panty shot/panty line obsession helps too
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Praying in the next life I can be the cockslave of an insatiable plapping-needy plump-assed princess.
Sauce on that huge Zeldass?
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and a personal fav
Grey Impact
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this is like is tailblazer was good
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These head-on shots are making me want to draw it again.
Please do.
appreciate all the pics of this pose being posted, ive always wanted to get around to tagging it on boorus (rule 34 xxx specifically), would ass_over_shoulders be a good name for it?
sources for these? can't find the artists, the 2nd and 4th one's sigs are too unclear
>orange woman
>in this hallowed space
For shame.
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be thankful that I didn't post any “”“male"”

sounds good enough

1. karen (sketchyboi08)
2. sandymoo
3. Mabel Pines (RidiculousCake)
4. phantanya (kendalljt)
5. maddison (spiralingstaircase)
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thank you
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Drew this last night. Loved how the shape came out.
I love Autumn. I think she's my favorite OC of yours.
Thanks I have no idea why people like her so much besides ass.
It's a pretty big, well rounded reason, I feel.
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Truly it is a mystery.
horny people are so easy lol
She's also beautiful and elegant
hardworking personality + blissful ignorance
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I'm a sucker for a gigantic butt that can basically demolish or devour any chair, like this piece, and you do that pretty well.
So, yes, I suppose it is pretty much just about the ass, but it's a pretty beeg ass.
Choose one
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Either Aya or Youmu or Sakuya because they have the fatter asses but I am leaning towards Aya as hers is the biggest plus those tengu cheeks need correction ASAP.
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Let's say, for some reason, hyper art becomes normalized. Do you think it would still be called "hyper"; or, due to its nature of always being bigger than normal, just be a label for outliers?
If what's considered hyper now just becomes normal, then any sizes beyond even that would then be considered hyper, wouldn't it?
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Fat 7/11 ass I thought about during my trip to Japan last year.
The only thing I love more than her proportions is her cute face
Pretty good stuff; asses that are too big and fat for mundane everyday life are so damn hot.
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I don't know why but I like thinking about how big asses would effect things like city building.
Would cities be more public transport heavy and pedestrian friendly since nearly half the population of the world would have asses too big to fit into cars?
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To expand on this (ha), would chairs come in sizes like pants? Would armrests no longer be a thing, or would the modern age have detachable armrests for chairs so a man could sit down comfortably, and then push two together and remove the inner armrests for a woman's massive ass to fit?
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men would simply have fat assed women sit on our laps to have something to do with our hands
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Why are the OP pics so fucking ugly? I never come into these threads for that reason.
You literally come into this thread all the time to say this.
This is my first time here dumbass
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You sure about that? This is taken from three separate big booty threads from this year.
You really think people don't notice?
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None of those are me, nice try.
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Right, so it's all different people, got it.
Now, if you "never come into these threads" like you've said, then scram.
You know how in some series the girls breast slowly grow over time, is there something like that with butts
And he does it for free too
"Elf on the Shelf" but it's Frieren sitting on Fern's giant ass.
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Merry Christmass, anons
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Canon proportions
What's a detail included in their work that shows the artist truly is a big ass lover?
Thanks. Hopefully, they will draw more assholes in the future.
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Happy New Rear, anons
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Behold, the first NSFW artist in human history to ever make porn with PicMix.
Congrats on being the first.
Based 2hu enjoyer. We need more 2hus with fat asses.
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Either Yuyuko because she is canonically pretty or Letty because of all the extra plump fat she has.
Lyrica, no contest.
Ran because of all her fluff and plump body. Also, where are her tails?
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What the fuck
you again?
gtfo cunt
She shaved them all off [spoiler]jk i just wanted to hide her tails that usually block her back view[/spoiler]
I am fully convinced at this point you are a troll.
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Arcueid butt I commed
Pretty big butt. Who's the artist?
Most of these asses itt are too big.
I disagree
if you want realistic "big" go /h/, in this board, we post unrealistic sizes of everything. So no, no such thing as too big on /d/.
For me almost none of them are big enough, I want my room fillers, my building wreakers, city smotherers, country killers, planet warmers, Galaxy beds.
There's a reason I skip these shitty threads, all of these look like AI slop.
>There's a reason I skip these shitty threads
Uh huh.
This thread doesn't specify "hyper" though, so it's totally valid that these exceed the typical "big" stated.
Yeah they don't rally handle the shape well.
We need to find a way to edit this to go the other way around.
yeah, I like big butts but these threads and a lot of "big X" threads in general /d/ or not tend to make them so ridiculously large that I find it baffling how anyone is supposed to get off to it and not find it a caricature of what coomers like
Who let the normalfags in?
"you don't like ass that takes up a whole room lolol normiessss" kk
What I don't understand is why someone would just keep coming here if they don't like big asses, no matter how big it is
That's about the size of it, yes.
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>Get [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]mad that a thread on /d/ called Big Butts with a hyper ass image isn't normal butts
fuck offfff
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New thread:

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