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Previous: >>11150816
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size changing elves are a menace to humanity and should be not be trusted
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Total slander! Size-changing elves only want what's best for humanity! And if they take a few adorable, tiny humans as rewards for their service, then it's only fair.
S-She cute
Oh boy, are we back on elves?
My mind is still rent-free colonized by Triumph of the Elves. I genuinely wish I could stop thinking about it, but I'm just captivated.
It's a serious, borderline cruel NWO story wearing the flayed skin of a fun, lighthearted romp, and something about that specific brand of tonal dissonance has activated my autism in a way no other size media has. Please help
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>GF shrinks you to a fraction of an inch tall and lets you explore her naked body
>Her soft, pliant skin yields slightly beneath your feet
>The soothing warmth of her body heat radiates all around you
>The beating of her heart echoes through her body in a steady pulse
>Her belly rises and falls with her gentle breathing
>She lays with her head propped up so she can watch your exploration
>You stumble over as she inhales, unable to keep your footing on the shifting ground
>She giggles, amused to see how even her simplest actions can have such a big effect on you
So, where are you going first?
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Straight to the titty
She wants to see your fishing license.
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>A giant girl will never check herself out in the building you work in
>She will never see you staring and give you a quick wink making your heart skip a beat
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this image feels like it should have a game HUD with like health and stamina
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>"Ah, there you are Anon. Are you ready for your track and field training?"
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Recap from last thread. Didn't proofread, might've missed a few. Sorry if I missed yours, etc...
Singin' >>11152132
Ship play >>11159031
>Why are they like this >>11160626
Tinysmell >>11162009
Chloe's Key Item >>11163488
Shrunken reunion >>11167550
Beneath the mech suit >>11167670
>Tiny tip: #524825
>Remember to rescue stray tinies during the winter and keep them warm
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You will make the correct decision, right?
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Are any of you into ASMR, and if so, have you seen any good giantess vids recently? I think until vr gets to a point where it can simulate or provide the proper feedback, it's the closest we can get a true experience.
Thighs. There's something about being enveloped by some soft skin that I find appealing, plus, it's close enough that you can easily enter into her panties.
What if she's cheeky and the building is also housing a shoe?
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>She's still tinyless (and drunk)
I choose pocket
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>"Now kiss"
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>Finally manage to get that cool house on the cliff after wrangling realtors for months
>Already got the work from home benefit secured, thinking that I'm just gonna enjoy my little house and have peace and quiet
>but no
>some giant bitch found my home and fought it was the perfect giantstagram location
>shit went viral and now giant chick keep taking pics in front of my home
I just wanted to enjoy my house man...
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I fucking hate these scams, you meet and they're maybe like 15ft tall, total catfish
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You've heard of office parties, but are you ready for OFFICE DUNGEONS?
>Tiny coworkers clear the dungeon filled with different minis
>Giant OL guides tiny coworkers through the dungeon ala Dungeon Master
>she's also the final boss
>but they ran out of budget so it's just a sockpuppet with googly eyes glued
>when you lose all your "health" the dragon boss "eats" you (gently grabbed by sockpuppet hand and placed inside one of her blazer pockets)
>She migh MUAHAHAHAHA at some points of the adventure
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>R-RAWR, I-I'm a big scary monster...rawr
>p-please run away n-now
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Voyeuristic biggers can't keep getting away with this, anons.
Why do they do this? They don't have to lie to get our attention.
>Your cuteness makes me want to get closer, not further
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The size-changing elves are ruining the adventurer economy anon. Before long, there won't be any contracts or quests because the elves have ended up resolving any issues. Do you really expect a humble adventurer to give up his sword and take up something like farming just because a big elf solved all his problems?
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>no giant milfs in your area that want to cuddle
feels bad
need more stories and pictures with milfs having these types of bodies and size differences
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lol she's just a giant with pointy ears. Y'all getting fooled
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>calls herself a giant because she doesn't want to be seen an e*f
Sounds like an identity crisis more than anything
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imagine the SUCC
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"Smaller" girls are better for cuddling.
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>Do you really expect a humble adventurer to give up his sword and take up something like farming just because a big elf solved all his problems?
That's when we start hiding our cutest human men from them to make them seethe.
>Samus with tiny, male Robin
What pairings do you anons think would make great giantess content?
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I love her
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>take gentle
>make her grow to the point her simple existence is a threat
>watch her break down not knowing what to do
Truly devious
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>bocchi the reddit repost
>anybody shit repost
>dude elves lmao
>dude this shitty western oc
Absolutely trash thread. Will you people please fuck off to bluesky already.
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I think resting on the big round buttcheek of a giant girl at the beach would heal my soul
make your own thread then, bitch nigga
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Hello, Size police? I want to report a hate crime.
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dat hair cut and heart eyes
really makes amazing work
still waiting for isekai with MC guy or girl born into noble family but ends up tiny or born into family of giants but human size so has maids following them to keep them safe while trying to go on adventures or prove themselfs to the family
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I repeat, gentle growth is an underrated niche and deserves more content.

On that note, you. You're terrible.
I personally like a lot of the stuff by Macalda Reye, really good sound done there, though she does a variety of monstergirl stuff, not just giantess. Also she's all original too, she makes her own scripts.

Also moonsilk, same reasons as before besides originality
Watch out, he might flood the thread with gore again!
>still waiting for isekai with MC guy or girl born into noble family but ends up tiny or born into family of giants but human size so has maids following them to keep them safe while trying to go on adventures or prove themselfs to the family
That sounds like it would be one of those LN with an incredibly long title
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Incorrect. Wrong, even.
4th picture seams out of order
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gentle growthfags destroyed by facts and logic
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what are some other applications of giant gfs?
>Remember: They're more scared of you, than you're scare pf them
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Thanks, I'll give them a listen.
It's more like the opening cutscene where the title card fades in over a sweeping shot of the landscape, but instead of a landscape, it's feet.
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is she gentle tho?
She's a goddess and the artist has said she manipulates reality so she's not crushing anything. Some might call that a cop-out, but it's good enough for me.
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source good sir?
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God I miss Raps...
Yeah, it is.
If you want murderfag aesthetics go to the murder thread.
Are there any good mangas or artists who do gentle giant lolis?
Depends on how high your standards are. There are a few artists who do that, but the quality varies a lot.
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ArtClonov, it's in the bottom-right corner.
What happened? Does he not post anymore?
Gimme names! I wanna be the judge.
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He still posts once in a while, but it's all fat lizards now.

Some picks from pixiv/twitter/paywall sites, no particular order. These aren't exclusively gentle. Pic unrelated.

>Fuyuno Mikan (mostly from a few years ago, he doesn't make as much loli as he used to)
>heavy focus on vore and unbirth, sometimes shrink, sometimes giantess, but consistently gentle. Did a lot of non-size loli work for japanese magazines years ago.

>mostly non-size art (randomly with ryona/guro so watch out for that), but has done a number of gentle giant loli commissions.

>lots of giga lolis, rarely does gentle, but the quality is mostly good.

>rarely posts anymore, but did a lot of loli up to and including Shrink High illustrations

>more general lewd than specifically gentle. Focuses on OCs, but has some loli commissions

>mostly destructive, but canonically(?) model cities rather than real ones so YMMV on that being considered gentle. Rarely involves tiny people either way. A few explicitly gentle things here and there. Sometimes draws furry.

>Dey Chloe
>not an artist but commissions lots of loli size content. Primarily shrink focused, but a few giantess things.

>also not an artist but posts tons of commissioned work, most of which is loli or loli-adjacent

>very stylized, mostly non-size, but randomly does giga loli stuff
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I love it, it means she could flatten me and stick me to her sole like a cartoon character, then just oeel me off later with no harm done.
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>it's all fat lizards now.
Shame, but Raps always seemed to be a furry artist who made some giantess content whenever it was his fancy.
Even so, I miss when we had all the write/drawfags here.
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Honestly, I think this thread peaked during covid when everyone had a shit ton of free time to waste here. Threads used to last days instead of weeks, and there were way more greens, stories, and art being posted. Maybe if another pandemic forces everyone to stay inside all day, this thread will be active again.
>turns out the vaccine was a delayed shrinking serum and the only person you know who didn't take it was your new-age hippie girlfriend who insisted that healing crystals were all she needed
>you always thought it was silly, and maybe it was, but it's hard to criticize when you got shrunk and she didn't
>she has cute feet
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That just means we have a power vacuum. The time for the next generation of gentle giantess fags is now. I thought of writing out a short story myself, but it's more comedic than lewd.
Hard to create new content with only one hand.

>The time for the next generation of gentle giantess fags is now.
One can only hope anon.

Anyway, as your writing problem is, my thoughts are just say fuck it and write it anyway. I'm not attached enough to my gentle giantess fetish to not make fun of it.
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Forgot pic
I have debated showing some of my art here, but held back cuz I'm not really sure its 'anime' enough for this board, and I'm guessing a small but fair number of other artists feel the same.

doesnt help that there's a 15min timer to post now either
Artist(barely) here. Kind of surprised to see my angry blue hooded OC here, no matter how weeb pilled I am. Though my tastes are kind of bland? But still flattered to see.

I love seeing new characters Alice, holy shit. The more the merrier.
I have absolutely no sexual interest in giant/giantess. However, I do appreciate that one of the big reasons it turns me off -- the obnoxious destruction and sadism -- isn't a universal in every single piece. These are charming, cute even.
*like Alice
I appreciate your appreciation of gentle giantess content. What are the other reasons why if I may ask?
idk. Just not a turn-on for me. It can be decently a e s t h e t i c , but, at least for me, I prefer my partners to be bigger than me in.........other ways. (Cough.)
not the same anon, but i also don't find gentle giantess sexually appealing.
to me the best part about gentle gts interactions is the comforting vibes- and, in a story, angst from the tension that ACTUALLY living with such an extreme power dynamic holds.
not the dommy mommy power dynamic, but more so both sides realizing that they need an extreme amount of trust going both ways to ever make this feasible, its really heartwarming when it happens though, 'love prevails through hardship' and all that jazz
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Raps returned only to post uninspired blue archive trash
Talk about the monkey paw
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Yeah I can get behind this. Something exciting about a girl with weird beliefs.

Or the opposite
>hippie gf goes on and on about the healing power of home remedies and other psuedoscientific things
>really big into crystals too
>claimed they can solve anything from "misplaced mental energies" to colds
>one day you let slip that you've been achy and tired, and she brings out her latest acquisition, a baseball-sized stone she claims she got from "a gold-aura'd seller"
>it looked like kryptonite, obsidian, and several strips of LED lighting got drunk, hatefucked each other in a massive orgy of spite, and then let crystal meth raise the child
>but she's your gf, and she only wants you to feel better, so you indulge her
>one "aura tuning" later, you are now two inches tall, and your now giant gf owlishly blinked at your tiny form emerging from the pool of clothing on the floor
>the now dim, lifeless rock is now an immovable boulder, and your now giant (to you) gf towers far, far above you
>she promises to find another "cosmostone" to reverse the effects, but for now, she also promises to take care of you until she can
>at least you're no longer achy and tired, you actually feel sprightly and light, so you got that going for you, at least.
>you lounged in your giant gf's sweater, munching some sustainably-grown oat crumbs as she combed the online marketplaces for a replacement magic rock
>such is life as a former rock skeptic

>gf does actually find another one
>reverses the effects but it makes her become an actual giantess instead.
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Yeah it's not as good as his previous ones like the angels and office ladies
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>After the mission, Sensei was in his office doing paperwork
>it turns out that every footstep that Toki took was worth three sheets of paper
>so Sensei keeps scribbling away at the literal mountain of documents in front of him
>it also distracted him from the fact that Toki still hadn't returned to normal size
>What Utaha had summarized after Kotori's infodump was "the giganton particles are decaying slower than normal, but she will shrink down... eventually"
>now you've got a skyscraper-sized bunnygirl maid leaning against the SCHALE building
>and guess what was level with your office window
>you made sure to tell Toki that, no, you did not need a demonstration of how to imitate a bunny
>that didn't stop her occasionally "checking if you were focusing on your work"
>you kept your eyes on the paper to avoid looking at the literal tons of softness swaying right outside your window
>pyon pyon indeed

>One night you are sleeping in your usual spot.
>A small blanket that she made herself because she doesn't trust synthetic fibers
>In comes hippy girlfriend, at 1 am, with legs so shaky that almost makes you belive a real earthquake is happening and it's not just you feeling in full detail her footsteps.

>"AnOn, AnnoneriNo! Anonym- Anonmigo, CompAdre, baBEee... baabyybooy..."
>She looks pale and with wide eyes. Her hands almost as unstable as her voice.
>"I thikn I MIxEd Some LSD bad or something. And I AM haVing aBAad Trip.MY HeaAd Feels like ANGRy BeEes a-and I know The Feds are outside- and WE NEED TO DO SOMETHINg, Anything, I- I Don't want to go to sleep, I ThinNkt I'llDiE!!"

>You both ended up watching old 80's stonner movies together, as she wrapped herself in a blanket, petting you as you helped her remain grounded to reality.
>"Anon, I need you to tell me, that I can leave this house whenever I want."
>You sigh, you already know where this is going, you are pretty sure the paranoia already wore off, but...
"Babe, you can leave the house whenever you-"
>"Silly tiny, you don't tell me what to do!~" She chuckles to herself as she pins you to her thigh with one finger.
>Before going back to staring at the tiles of the floor.

>She is back to her usual normal-ish self.
>At least she stoped ranting about the squares making a circle.
>good artist contracts gacha poison
oh boy, when will it end?
>Giant gf drops a literal GALLON of LSD
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>'humans' from another reality where earth and everything inside it is 20 times as large travel the cosmos only to find a near exact replica of their planet, only with cute versions of themselves to boot

>both technologically and physically outmatched, your people are captured en masse for the booming human pet trade back on the 'giants' homeworld.

Now you have two options-
>become the Store owners personal pet.
>You don't know any of the women coming in here to buy pets or what their motives are.
sure they SAY they will be gentle, but they ALL say that.
>at least you know the store owner well, her boundaries, you at the very least know you won't die... hopefully
>she seems friendly, even to what she considers pets. she acts aloof and bubbly around customers, but you know she's secretly lonely when the lights turn off.
>maybe if you can learn her language, you could fill the hole in her heart

option 2 is a lot more risky
>multitudes of women come into her shop, and while your owner won't sell you to anyone she deems clearly 'unable' to handle a pet, you're not sure how good her judgement truly is.
>many a unfortunate tiny get whisked away by a smiling giantess never to be seen again, trapped within a pair of breasts to muffle their protests.
>but maybe... maybe that's not so bad

what to choose anons?

(first green sorry if its weirdly formatted, suggestions + comments on how to improve if ya want)
why the fuck are they glowing?
aliens, magic, idk. Actual reason: they were hard to see with the darker backgrounds, especially the green one, so i added it.
Lore reason? they are from another reality where magic exists, obviously not magic strong enough to defend against the people who captured them, but magic enough that it makes them all the more interesting pets.
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>>"AnOn, AnnoneriNo! Anonym- Anonmigo, CompAdre, baBEee... baabyybooy..."
This line made me laugh harder than it should've. Phonetically written well enough I could legit hear her saying every word lol

I think it's alright, the main thing is that she's not directly interacting with anyone and that's what makes it not as good.

(Unrelated but screw the 15 minute wait, I've meant to reply like 5 times already but left the tab and it timed out and it took until now for me to be able to post)
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horny gentle giants
innocent gentle giants?
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Innocent. I do however prefer when they are aware of the extreme size difference, or are forced to acknowledge it as part of the conflict in a story.
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Why cant I have an innocent yet horny giantess? What powers deny me?
But to your question: my pick would be horny gentle giantesses.
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I want his giant maid to come back
I won't say no to more giant heels and white thigh highs, even though i don't care about blue archive

Mostly because I cannot deal with innocence, call it envy or bitterness, but I just can't stand it in size content unless there is a cruel or tragic background.

To be fair I'll pick neither.
I don't think I'll ever want to be that vulnerable with a cute girl.
To be pampered and loved and kept safe.
I don't think I'd be worthy of it.

I don't think I'll ever will.
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Thanks, I'll try and finish it before the end of the year, but no promises.
This is an interesting scenario. If the species selling the tinies are civilized, then it's safe to assume that tinies will be protected. Also, piggybacking off what the other anon said, it would have been good to start the story from the perspective of the storeowner or her tiny friend. You would also kill two birds with one stone because you'd be able to condense the lore into a couple of short lines.
Really tough question. Cuddles and kisses are great, but then there are the days were the /d/ side of my brain wants to be rubbed between a pair of soft feet, or stuck in a pair of panties. I'll pick innocent.
Think better of yourself, man. What did you do to have this mentality?
Need more of this, especially if it involves massive hippie titties
I want them to be one and the same
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The thing about giantesses is that they are an omnipotent force of nature. She doesn't care if you are worthy of it or not, she will just pick you up and cuddle. Because she wants it.
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I've been procrastinating my own stories for a while now even though I've got some free time so I won't judge or hold onto anticipation.

Not the anon who posted the big greentext but the short bit under it. I could probably do a proper greentext of my own.

>omnipotent force of nature
just skip the pretense and go full gentle omni, somebody already posted an artist's oc in the thread
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That's what is attractive about them isn't it?
You have no choice but to accept that you are going to be cared for. Forced intimacy, like getting hit by a truck.

Always been weird, ended up isolating myself which ended up in me being even more weird.
I've simply given up on trying to find company.
Guess that's also where this fetish is rooted for me, being tiny means you can hide better.
>"Hey! No speeding!"
Fucking helicopter giantesses
>go full gentle omni
nta, but I wrote about a gentle omni before for a one shot. It's fun for a short story, but I couldn't see it being enjoyable to write unless you are into slice-of-life stuff.
I think the problem is many writers don't have good ideas for stories and don't think outside of the box at all. Even if you give yourself somewhat-rigid constraints of what kind of characters your omni gentle giantess and tiny person are, I think there are narratively interesting stories out there to write about.
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I know I'm just some rando on an Ethiopian pottery sculpting forum, but I hope you can pull yourself out of that mindset.
What if I always obey the speed limit? I like her design, despite how plain it is.
How do I cheer up a cranky giantess?
To play Devil's advocate, if you want to make that argument, there's only so much you can do with the giantess concept from a fetish perspective. So, if you try to branch out, you'll put off people due to entering "writer's barely disguised fetish" territory.
Got a link? I need an excuse to repost my own gentle omni story.


The closest I have come to good ideas and outside-the-box thinking is;
1. writing mostly from the giantess' perspectives while also sprinkling in bits of the tiny's POV.
2. writing multiple gentle giantesses in a story as fundamentally good people to create various dynamics without being repetitive or breaking away from gentle content(wholesome, gentle femdom, maternal, petplay, etc.)
3. creating a blatantly superior species that is kind to the significantly smaller, inferior species because their religion says so
4. creating a race of hyperomnivorous demons that can feed off of energy and human emotions, allowing for a fragile coexistence between the two races.

Weighing >>11174016, good ideas are easy until they're written out in detail anon.
>"writer's barely disguised fetish" territory.
its a horrible pitfall when you actually want to write interesting stories.
*weighing in on
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