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Kemono is finally back edition

Previous thread: >>11105741
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cant wait for kemono shit to be updated
DATE's recent one where the guy shows up for literally a page and is featureless and you don't even see the possession happen is emblematic of where things stand. You need some set up to establish who the guy is which makes his taking over of others more enjoyable. When the guy is basically a complete nothing, then what does it matter? It's the scenarios that make it enjoyable.
Yeah this is also why parasite possessions by personality-devoid aliens or monsters don't work well. Part of the fun is knowing a deviant PERSON is doing the possessing. The Popuni series is amazing because the popunis themselves have this cute naive personality to them (and also the art is unique).
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this looks pretty promising
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Tsfsingularity just added ich.io so that their posts wouldn't be accessed by kemono links. Does anyone know how to bypass this?
Can this Bocahaboel stuff get updated please?
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>kemono's up
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Tirotata adabana 4 is out. Now waiting for tl anon to pick it up.

Next one will be the final.
ya I did the previous ones but i'm busy till the end of next week so might not get around to it for a little while.

art is still great but from a glance the story seems to have devolve into corrupting the girl again (ironically the anons discussed this in the thread just a few days ago)
No problem, take your time. Better to have a late tl than none at all.
probably adding another layer to the scraping, it makes a lot more sense than doing it for sta.sh since a lot of artists are doing it.
Can't stand this guy's art, it looks like he's tracing over either koikatsu/CG or AI art.

Don't understand why people do those giant balloon tits, they're the opposite of hot and another reason for me to not like Tirotata. Guy is basically just Temu DATE. DATE himself hasn't been good for a few years and feels like he burned himself out on fetish stuff and should have just shifted to trying to do an actual non-H horror series.
Town of Magic is at 98% it could release tonight or tommorow! BIG HYPE

And is there any reason to believe it'll be more than 5 minutes of content behind 20 minutes of clicking like usual?
Yeah Town of Magic updates were huge for me before, but lately I play it briefly, see if there's any easily-accessed new Nel scenes, and then wait for the next update. I'm probably two or three updates behind on being 100%.
nvm here it is, i went a little retarded with the fonts again
https://ibb co/album/3m7gbB?sort=date_asc
I feel dumb how do I open the link in post>>11177075
add a dot between ibb and co
TOWN OF MAGIC IS OUT! sadly dev went to greedy shit and is now making everyone even the highest paying patreon tiers resub monthly.
>dev went to greedy shit
I mean, that was obvious when they started putting out drip feed content every, what, like three months? Wouldn't surprise me if they're finally bleeding patrons because of it and that's why they're doing it.

https://mega nz/folder/xmpH2LAY#60AgkGTLolj23wTmV8BzlQ
The link is not working.
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Hyouik is releasing a dandadan alien parasite possession comic at the end of the month
Does anyone have his fantia stuff Raw? I prefer those over the machine translated stuff.
>have to wait until the start of the next month because fanbox doesn't work like patreon where you get charged again the exact day when you subscribed to someone
ugh, why are the japanese so behind the times
Since City of Secrets update is also out does someone had the new update? The newest one if possible because the dev did a lot of bug fixes
>no new sapphire content
ah well at least the slime sounding scene is in.
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I want to see more possessed girls living regular lives
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Anyone have City Of Secrets v0.06.7 yet?
The one I have has a bug.
If you have a version could you share even if it has a bug?

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