Kemono is finally back editionPrevious thread: >>11105741
cant wait for kemono shit to be updated
>>11171722DATE's recent one where the guy shows up for literally a page and is featureless and you don't even see the possession happen is emblematic of where things stand. You need some set up to establish who the guy is which makes his taking over of others more enjoyable. When the guy is basically a complete nothing, then what does it matter? It's the scenarios that make it enjoyable.
>>11172106Yeah this is also why parasite possessions by personality-devoid aliens or monsters don't work well. Part of the fun is knowing a deviant PERSON is doing the possessing. The Popuni series is amazing because the popunis themselves have this cute naive personality to them (and also the art is unique).
this looks pretty promising
Tsfsingularity just added so that their posts wouldn't be accessed by kemono links. Does anyone know how to bypass this?
Can this Bocahaboel stuff get updated please?
>kemono's upfinally
Tirotata adabana 4 is out. Now waiting for tl anon to pick it up.Next one will be the final.
>>11174841ya I did the previous ones but i'm busy till the end of next week so might not get around to it for a little is still great but from a glance the story seems to have devolve into corrupting the girl again (ironically the anons discussed this in the thread just a few days ago)
>>11174850No problem, take your time. Better to have a late tl than none at all.
>>11172693probably adding another layer to the scraping, it makes a lot more sense than doing it for since a lot of artists are doing it.
>>11172675Can't stand this guy's art, it looks like he's tracing over either koikatsu/CG or AI art.>>11174841Don't understand why people do those giant balloon tits, they're the opposite of hot and another reason for me to not like Tirotata. Guy is basically just Temu DATE. DATE himself hasn't been good for a few years and feels like he burned himself out on fetish stuff and should have just shifted to trying to do an actual non-H horror series.
Town of Magic is at 98% it could release tonight or tommorow! BIG HYPE
>>11176708And is there any reason to believe it'll be more than 5 minutes of content behind 20 minutes of clicking like usual?
>>11176801Yeah Town of Magic updates were huge for me before, but lately I play it briefly, see if there's any easily-accessed new Nel scenes, and then wait for the next update. I'm probably two or three updates behind on being 100%.
>>11174850>>11174886nvm here it is, i went a little retarded with the fonts againhttps://ibb co/album/3m7gbB?sort=date_asc
I feel dumb how do I open the link in post>>11177075
>>11177091add a dot between ibb and co
TOWN OF MAGIC IS OUT! sadly dev went to greedy shit and is now making everyone even the highest paying patreon tiers resub monthly.
>>11177647>dev went to greedy shitI mean, that was obvious when they started putting out drip feed content every, what, like three months? Wouldn't surprise me if they're finally bleeding patrons because of it and that's why they're doing it.
>>11177647https://mega nz/folder/xmpH2LAY#60AgkGTLolj23wTmV8BzlQ
The link is not working.
Hyouik is releasing a dandadan alien parasite possession comic at the end of the month
>>11178250Does anyone have his fantia stuff Raw? I prefer those over the machine translated stuff.
>>11178250>have to wait until the start of the next month because fanbox doesn't work like patreon where you get charged again the exact day when you subscribed to someone ugh, why are the japanese so behind the times
Since City of Secrets update is also out does someone had the new update? The newest one if possible because the dev did a lot of bug fixes
>>11179459>no new sapphire contentah well at least the slime sounding scene is in.
I want to see more possessed girls living regular lives
Anyone have City Of Secrets v0.06.7 yet?The one I have has a bug.
If you have a version could you share even if it has a bug?
I accidentally mixed it with the old file and tried to fix it. The image files, it turned out that I accidentally dragged the whole file to mix and forgot to back it up. As for the rar file, I deleted it after extracting it. When I went to download the file back from the Korean website, they locked the file storage website. Now I only have the game version 05.01. If I have the new version of the game, I will definitely share it.
I see, im waiting someone post at f95 zone, i think the most recent version of City of Secrets rn is 6.08 or something
If anyone also has the new Town of Magic update pls share, i mean the one after the dev did the bug fixes, someone said more animations were added and i want to check that out
new doujin by hyoui lover incoming
>>11181072>dull generic uninspired designs>generic fantasy settingI bet it'll be some kind of a totally inspired scenario like a goblin or criminal takes over one of them and then masturbates and then rapes the others and implants part of himself into them and then they all have sex and the last page is the princess grinning.
>>11181416Knowing that this is from Hyoui Lover. Yeah pretty much.
I came to fulfill my promise. I think it shouldn't be too difficult. I will leave this link until the 15th.aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvU0dwa21KVEkjUDRya3ZBSzNfWVNhNXFhLUZDSF9UUVVvcWkzWERnQnYxbTZXbmtoUll6MA==
anyone here has some possession that leads to the host transforming to resemble her possessor? e.g. a skinny flat girl gets possessed by a tall girl with big tits, thighs and ass and she becomes like her
>>11182058like this
>>11181471>Hyoui LoverIt's not anythin specific to him. That's just the state of possession doujins nowadays. Only reason I'd blame him is because he, I guess, has enough money to commission enough stuff and be kind of The Guy in the scene at the moment so his tastes dictate the direction everyone else goes in.
>>11182058>>11182060honestly what's the point of possession at that point?
>>11183069It's a difference flavor of it. Sometime someone just really want to see an innocent girl being molded into a slut from within while also being taken over by said slut
>>11182058So, basically, Fey Clan spirit chanelling technique from Ace Attorney?
>>11183069Like everything else TSF, people who don't actually like the fetish are moving in and trying to reshape it to what they want. Skinsuit thread has basically been taken over by people who only want FtF and "moral" types of skinsuits despite the fetishes origins literally being dark stories centered around FUBs and other undesirables.
>>11183415Running into this when I make my possession chatbots. Have to skirt ToS line way harder than I want to.
>>11183426I have to make my bots possession methods so fucking passive.
>>11183415possession with body transformation is still possession and has been prevalent in the fetish since time immemorial, if you don't like it that's cool but don't say shit that isn't true
anyone else hates how FtM possession has been on the rise lately? lots of good possession works ruined by the fact that it's gay
>>11183454I love ftm possession. But that's mostly because it's the theft that does it for me. Taking someone else's body from them is hot, regardless of the gender. FTM also tends to have fun possibilities with showing her female best friend her new equipment and that leading to sex and even pregnancy, which is a winning scenario.
>>11183665>Taking someone else's body from them is hot, regardless of the gender. this is only true if you're bisexual, if you get off on an artwork of a guy getting possessed and jerking his dick off you're 100% gay or bisexual like I said
>>11183762it's not irrelevant if you're straight, FtM is literally unfappable
>>11183219yeah but with a slut instead
>>11183764you're not straight if you're jerking it to gender swap. doesn't matter what direction. to say otherwise is weapons-grade cope.
>>11183796wrong again, not everyone who likes this fetish self inserts as the one who is possessing the girl, and there's nothing gay about finding possession hot unless it's about a guy possessing a girl who becomes a cock gobbler
>>11183926yeah dude and guys in jail aren't gay just because they're fucking dude ass lolC O P E
This is for female possession. If you want FtM shit, go back a thread. The world won't end because one of the 200 futa threads got pushed into the archive.
>>11184152just because you're a faggot doesn't mean everyone else is
>>11184197if you're getting off to possession of females by males, then you are a faggot. because it is the male aspect which intrigues you. otherwise, you'd just be another mindbreak, mind control, or corruption enjoyer. Cope more about it.
>>11183219Pearl's sagging middle-aged titties.
>>11182058this is exactly what I've been looking for, it's 3D model shit but at least it's well made
>>11184363>if you're getting off to possession of females by males, then you are a faggot. because it is the male aspect which intrigues you. otherwise, you'd just be another mindbreak, mind control, or corruption enjoyer. no? I'm getting off on the idea of a girl being controlled from within, of someone else piloting her body and defiling it, it goes a step beyond mind control and corruption which makes it way hotter and appealing to me
>>11184522Let's say that a female is possessed by an evil succubus and corrupts her and makes her suck a dude's cock. Do you still enjoy it as much as MtF?Is having a male making the female suck cock more appealing?Do you think MtM possession where one dude makes another dude fuck a chick, gay? Is it more gay than a FtM possession where a female makes a dude fuck another female?Are you associating possession with getting fucked, so a guy getting possessed will always be gay?
>>11184927>Let's say that a female is possessed by an evil succubus and corrupts her and makes her suck a dude's cock. Do you still enjoy it as much as MtF?yes, in fact I would enjoy it way more than MtF, my favorite types of possession content are FtF and a girl being possessed by a sexless being like a monster, alien, or an AI>Is having a male making the female suck cock more appealing?no, that's gay as fuck>Do you think MtM possession where one dude makes another dude fuck a chick, gay? I wouldn't say gay but I wouldn't get turned on by it, males getting possessed even when it's not to do gay shit doesn't do anything for me>Is it more gay than a FtM possession where a female makes a dude fuck another female?this would actually be kind of gay because the girl possessing the guy would be a lesbian since she wants to fuck other women>Are you associating possession with getting fucked, so a guy getting possessed will always be gay?bro I'm talking about stories where a guy (a femboy 99% of the time) gets possessed and starts sucking cocks, jerking his cock off and getting fucked in the ass, that's fucking gay
Possession's such a scenario/context-heavy fetish that the rise in AIslop images doesn't really bring much to the table for usAt least AI story generators can work I guess
>>11185157>Possession's such a scenario/context-heavy fetish that the rise in AIslop images doesn't really bring much to the table for usyeah, images that only show the girl already being possessed don't get me going as much as a full comic depicting the girl getting possessed and then doing naughty things >At least AI story generators can work I guessAI story generators are pretty good, a jailbroken chatgpt always understands what I'm trying to go for
Will you fags stop with the argument about possession being gay or not? geez I just want to see more art uploaded here, not read two guys having an autistic debate
>>11185683Orochimaru possession is surprisingly rare
>>11184197People jerking off to a man living in a woman's body. Wants a man to be inside it, steal it or be her. While also the thing being the kind work that clearly does not follow the basic, lamest and safe "yuri route" and is the kind that makes the man who likes to abuse other girls and have fun with other guys instead, exploring fully his power over both gender, and explore this situation that opened all kinds of pleasure for him. Also the control, absolutely degrading and the humiliation of the girl that he's possessing. Then anons complain about being gay or not 100% straight. It's hilarious. Anon this is not straight, it's bisexual at best. It's so hilarious that is like loving NTS and coping and denying being a cuck. If you only like the control aspect please go look for mind control or the corruption thread, can't stand people wanting to watering down the fetish
>>11185689see >>11184938possession is not strictly MtF, if you find the idea of a guy becoming a girl and sucking cocks hot then you should stick to the tg thread :)
>>11185764Not really my point, my point being sexuality not really being a thing in this fetish, it removes the barrier of sexuality of both sex and blurs the line between them. Being caught in that is a detriment to the fetish and alienating people who likes all spectrum that comes with it of the fetish
>>11185684Imagine people not being into Micheal Jackson looking fucker with grandpa's voice.Also MtF is the wrong way to go about it. At least make it clear the guy possessing a girl is a faggot from the get-go, no regular straight guy would start gobbling up cocks just because they have a girl's body now.FtF is completely gay if you're interested in the possession aspect itself but it's more on the normal side of things since it's Yuri or bisexual if you go later on with the possessor having sex.>>11185919No straight guy thinks like that. Why do you think people have a preference for strictly FtF? It's because IS a thing in this fetish.
>>11186150>FtF is completely gay if you're interested in the possession aspect itselfhow so? there's nothing inherently gay about getting turned on by the idea of a girl having her body stolen by another girl, it's only gay or agp when you yourself self insert as the one possessing her, unless that's what you meant in which I agree>but it's more on the normal side of things since it's Yuri or bisexual if you go later on with the possessor having sex.what if it's a girl possessing another girl who then has sex with men? that's 100% straight any way you look at it
>>11186158>how so? there's nothing inherently gay about getting turned on by the idea of a girl having her body stolen by another girl, it's only gay or agp when you yourself self insert as the one possessing her, unless that's what you meant in which I agreeYou have girl inside other girl's body, technically it's basically Yuri. Which is the good kind of gay enjoyed by straight men.But if you self insert as the girl then yeah that's kinda gay but that depends on the reader.>what if it's a girl possessing another girl who then has sex with men? that's 100% straight any way you look at itBisexual to be honest, considering stealing the body part and still having the og soul inside that pleasure of the girl the possessor feels.But overall I agree for the type of content it's not gay to enjoy it
Anyway to bypass the thing for TSF singularity yet?
So anyone know any good, free, AI writing programs? I actually quite like that Sekai app that was shared a couple threads ago, though it's extremely finicky in getting it to understand when a girl is being taken over by something- it's obsessed with making the parasite or whatever corrupt the girls or otherwise keep their personalities around, instead of the parasite obtaining full control of the body. Also, of course, not being able to do anything explicitly NSFW is a bit of a downer. I also tried out NovelAI, but maybe it's just because I don't get how to use it, but it doesn't really click for me.
>>11190261You should check out It's pretty cool for what you're looking for. You can actually use the Google Gemini API there for free by grabbing an API key from Google AI Studio. It might hit some filters at certain words, but you can usually work around that with a bit of output tweaking. Here's my chat where Gemini really nailed the possession vibe - it's spot on and the writing quality is solid., have you tried Grok by X (Twitter)? It's now free for everyone and it's uncensored, which is a big plus. It might not be as nuanced with the possession stuff as Gemini, but it's definitely worth a shot for some creative writing without the usual NSFW restrictions.
Does anyone know how to access tsf rere content at kemono? It just showing an error page.
Does anyone have the link from the previous thread that had a dropbox or mega folder filled with different possession stories?
>>11191710>>11191710Let me see what I can pull from my save of that thread...>>here's a mega folder of some AI translations some anon did before the purge>he you go>>!AgCu_AUAthOj58MvonGVcYAd6x2srQVzQQZVokE3iT_8YtNFLEjR9wqmI9VaY9bQwP5vuZcMS8Wd4qyFEbchj9mPtGyf1JYm7A6OnHE1xDuKeC_M42wxfA>PASSWORD: qK3jDrXNgf7vdP2dHope one of these is what you're looking for.
Anyone got mishin takino's new release?
>>11192670The first link is part of the second linkThe last link not available. I recommend storing a backup somewhere (preferably self hosted)
>>11184927Grow up.
>>11193859I got it. I'm a fan of Mishin so I won't post it for at least two weeks but I'm sure someone else will. It's alright, has my favorite setup for the next one though. Hoping the friend possesses Sayama before the end as well.
>>11184927Are you trying to avoid people from getting hard?I mean it succesfully removes arousal at least.>>11184363Imagine a person having this social appeal that you don't like.Now imagine them defacating against their will in public and they can't stop it, only because you have control over them, not through hypnosis or through command, but by simply trying to defacate yourself or through remote control or through pure will power.That is partial possession.Similarly you can have an entity invade their minds and do stuff with their arms against their will or make them say stuff at a specific time against their will.With full possession the struggle is interesting.Anyway, no. Mindbreak is lack of will, much like hypnosis or puppetry. Its not the same. Corruption--- you could see a full possession as corruption I suppose, but corruption isn't the same, as there is no other person taking over.I think in a way disguises and skinsuits may be closer to it, but skinsuits is a lot darker due to the dehumanization aspects and not just controlling. >>11183796One way to look at it:for a penis bearer, straight means liking vaginas to thrust their dick means liking penisses being thrust into their own means 'anything goes'>>11183454The problem is them becoming dick jerkers or acting like a male possessor. There isn't a difference between succubus possesses girl and class pervert possesses girl. The female role isn't taken seriously by the author; they just consider girl as guy basically.>>11183665I have a thing for guy becomes/possesses monster and then possesses girl, and then later reveals to their boyfriend that they, a monster, took over and then shocks them again when they reveal it was originally someone they know who hates them. Nice horror trauma at least, something like that.You could replace the genders/sexes, but it needs to be executed properly by the author. Also I prefer manga/hentai, drawings, not text.
>>11183454(correction) misread, sorry.generally who possesses who doesn't matter, but if the sex is the same it feels less messed upThe reason is because we don't really know the original character nor the possessor. Usually the stories don't really elaborate on this, so it might as well be the same character in that case. You can't tell if the host simply won and uses the excuse to show a different side of themselves or not. (or just went crazy basically)male to female and female to male or monster to whatever usually creates a better groundwork for them to be two separate characters.but male to female, the possession aspect is fine essentially. What comes after may be gay or just ... lazy writing.Why would a girl be interested having a male body? Usually the excuse is the dick, but do they even know how much more powerful testorterone is and how much more easily the male body becomes max aroused than the female body? Authors should take that and shock the female possessor, then make them addicted to it instead or already wanting the dick.What isn't as explored is how the girl inspects their new dick all that much, but that is a problem with futanari as well seemingly.
>>11195594>Authors should take that and shock the female possessor, then make them addicted to it instead or already wanting the dick.>What isn't as explored is how the girl inspects their new dick all that much, but that is a problem with futanari as well seemingly.that's fucking gay, I hate it
wonder if NAI V4 will be able to do TSF content better
Could someone update TwistedTG on kemono? would be thankful
Does anyone have the innocent girl possessed by a prostitute by tsfartist
>>11198346I recommend making a backup archive;this one is official, no wonder the password expires in slightly over a day.Feel free to put it on Kemono party or something. And of course "thanks for sharing". Although I don't personally like it that much (western artists/western story teling being the reason), there is probably someone who does enjoy it.
Hey there, spooky degenerates. Do you consider this topic to be "transformation?" Interested parties want to know, for science.
>>11200062no, possession is possession, I can see why someone would consider it to be transformation but they're completely different things in my opinion, one revolves around morphing your own body into something else while the other is all about taking the body of someone else for a joyride.
>>11200062Possession isn't a transformation.Turning into a ghost, monster, whatever that possesses is though.The entities remain themselves, their bodies remain unchanged, there is absolutely no transformation involved in simply possession.
>>11200075>>11200238This. I really really hate when artists draw "possession", but the only thing they're drawing is actually Fusion. The ghost "possesses" a victim, but what they're doing is fusing, combining traits from both characters into one. That's not real possession.
Does anyone have this comic? It’s 悪霊の棲家-THE EVIL GHOST POSSESSION by Aquotz
>>11200857wish the ghost wasn't so ugly
>>11200547That whole fusion aspect happens with most western artand is highly connected to omnipotence and ... narcissistic supply basically."more beautiful than anyone" -- mary sue.possession isn't about becoming beautifulits about getting away with something;- hiding as someone else- making them do stuff- scaring or manipulating someone else using a different face or showing off this powerthat sort of thing.It's not supposed to be unbeatable, in fact having someone prettier around can be a reason for the possessor to body hop; Another thing I don't like is:"omg I gain 'all' your memories" or "entire personality" ... that's more omnipotence and of course never comes with downsides. Mind fusion basically.Mind blending is still acceptable in some cases, but this also can ruin the whole fiction and make it too powerful. Why have a 'target' that knows about the possession when they can't do anything or tell the difference?that's diffidently a different fetish; again omnipotence.Possession is just an element in those."I am becoming you" is also a fetish, but idk what that is called. You see that in transformations (usually the shapeshifter type) as well. It's not default with possession though. (which is supposed to be temporary)"I took your body away from you" = omnipotence. (possession is just the tool to achieve it, might as well be something else.)That is how you can tell it apart at least, whether its about possession or something else.Possession also has a stronger focus on the act of possessing and the struggle, rather than ... for example taniguchi-san's stuff, which is clearly trying to portrait omnipotence fetish."I can get away with X and nothing can stop me!" that thing, as if becoming god wasn't the most obvious hint.
I think the best term for all of this is"Somatic Narcissism"which is coined by Sam Vaknin. info: a sexual relationship or during intercourse, the somatic narcissist is focussed only on their own experience. They take on the only participant during the intercourse and other people involved are just the tools to achieve the satisfying feeling (of power, control, lust, beauty, dominance, etc.) for themselves.somatic narcissism may be the correct term for the fetish lol
>>11201166>possession isn't about becoming beautiful>its about getting away with something;>- hiding as someone else>- making them do stuff>- scaring or manipulating someone else using a different face or showing off this power>that sort of thing.>It's not supposed to be unbeatable, in fact having someone prettier around can be a reason for the possessor to body hop; I agree with all of these and wish all artists adhered to these rules, way too many "possession" doujins are basically just gender bending with extra steps. I want to see a doujin where the person or entity doing the possessing goes wild and does all sorts of criminal acts while possessing pretty ladies. haburashi has a series that's sort of like that but I don't like his artstyle.
So like, is there ANY archive or type archive of Hyouik's stuff? Or am I being stupid in how I'm looking for it
>>11202134i would've uploaded his fanbox stuff to kemono a while ago if the fucking importer worked
New Tanin ni Naru Kusuri is out on Fanza, waiting for dlsite. Looks like the school nurse gets possessed. Hopefully a return to form for DATE; he goes about 50-50 on this series even though the concept is top tier and should be easy.
feels like most of this fetish is gonna die with most of the big players moving on to itch patreon integration that can't be bypassed and no one being willing to leak shit the old fashioned way anymore. only saving grace is fanbox being back on kemono, but considering how cognizant the jp artists are becoming it's only a matter of time before they switch too.
People just don’t seem willing to leak anything of substance anymore. And that sounds like such a weird thing to say. But there have to be people with the content that just refuse to share / leak it. Like the tsfartist stuff
>>11202137Man, I'll even take a shady fuckin Zip file of all his stuff at this point
>>11203190Legend! Thank you
>>11183069That's what some people (including me) like about possession, some thick sexy bitch hiding inside a plain petite girl's body and making her look just as sexy
>>11183437>>11203403That is called fusion.One of the two takes over as the main and they decide what to keep and what to discard.Its the same as the business strategy "merge and acquisition."It diffidently belongs to the shapeshifting genre.Possession is more like stealing, where what you like is more like buying and using till you're done with it.You can't continue a business under your own name when you steal it, but you can when you buy it. Once bought you can reshape it to suit your needs and sell it once you're done.The thing is, in hentai this form of fusion is costless and consequenceless, and as such a lot closer to omnipotence. Somehow the transformation is completely undone simply by the fuser leaving; also they don't remember anything and the body doesn't remember anything or received any damage?Did they get cured from every disease as well?Its-- reality bending level shit.What is a human character even in these? ... a clay doll? A digimon?That is where the main difference lies: its level of grounded-realism. If you want to fuck with reality however you please, then go to the omnipotence thread.
>>11203403>some thick sexy bitch hiding inside a plain petite girl's body and making her look just as sexythere seriously needs to be more of this, every time I see an artwork depicting that scenario it's always a femboy getting possessed, like holy shit this would've been so good if it had been a girl
>>11203418>That is called what the fuck are you talking about, we're talking strictly about a woman with huge assets taking over the body of a small girl, that's possession
>>11203190Right, I'm an idiot. What is this and what do I do with it?
holy fucking shit paradog is back
>>11203614and he also made some fanart of the hidden
>>11203614# Where are you getting paradogs new artwork from
>>11204236from his pixiv, he posted those works at the end of last month
>>11203487I need an answer too, I'm like next level fuckin stupid
>>11203487>>11204538It's a base 64 encoded character string. Just drop it into a base 64 decoder. The encoding is a workaround for copyright scanners.
Alright, with regards to the AI bots, I'm finding surprisingly that Grok is the frontrunner now. It's not reluctant to explore non-consensual or age inappropriate possessions, like a little boy possessing his mom, although it does seem reluctant to actually describe the sex. Claude outright refuses to engage with prompts like that, but Grok writes almost as well.
>>11203190>>11204558I'm down sharing TSFSingularity stuff like that If someone got tsfartist latest works
>>11203487>>11204538Sorry for making it even harder this time, but you know, links can't last.gofile io/d/9YVWR4>>11204957But will they upload?
ChatGPT produced better results when using "body hopper" instead of possession since possession has more than 1 meaning.From ChatGPT:---Title: "Silent Chains"Yuuto had always been an observer, never fully engaging with the world around him. He was gifted—or cursed—with the ability to possess others. All it took was a touch, a mere moment of contact, and his soul could shift into another’s body. But unlike other possessors, Yuuto’s victims remained conscious, trapped within their own bodies, aware of every move he made but powerless to stop him. The feeling of control over another person’s life had long since stopped being a thrill—it was now a need, a craving.He wanted more.That was when he saw her.Ayaka was beautiful, radiant even, with soft features and an ethereal grace that drew everyone’s attention. She had been dating Kouta, a dependable and kind man who was madly in love with her. Their relationship seemed perfect from the outside. But Yuuto knew that perfection could be shattered—he was just the one to do it.---It was a rainy afternoon when Yuuto finally made his move. Ayaka had left a café alone, rushing to find shelter from the downpour. Yuuto followed her, casually bumping into her as she took shelter under a small awning.His fingers brushed against hers, and the connection was made.Ayaka froze, her body going rigid as Yuuto’s essence flooded into her. The sensation of her mind being overwhelmed was familiar, but this time it felt more potent, more deliberate. Her eyes widened in horror, and her body collapsed to the ground, lifeless.When Ayaka awoke, she found herself trapped. She could feel her own body, yet it was not hers to control. Inside her mind, her consciousness screamed in panic as she realized Yuuto’s presence had taken over.Yuuto smiled, glancing down at his reflection in a puddle nearby.“This will be fun,” he whispered, his voice smooth and seductive in Ayaka’s body.
>>11205171Yeah true... got a bit greedy I guess, I apologize.
Here are some new translations enjoy can someone update tslove on kemonoAlso if you have any suggestions for translation do tell
Artist: Khyle.the rest of this Picture is behind the Patreon.
Artist: Khyle.
>>11206728>>11206731That is the picture.Have you seen the patreon tiers?Is there a content drought that might be getting to people's heads?
Does anyone know of an old three-parter image set on Pixiv about a maid in a maid cafe getting infected by a mushroom parasite, spreading it to the rest of her fellow maids, and then the whole thing spreading to the entire city?
Does anyone have Hyouik's works from FANTIA. Unfortunately I can no longer support him on this platform due to the cancelation of VISA and MASTERCARD cards. The PIXIV fanbox does not have all of his works though
Anyone have Neoniez stuff?
>>112078811. this isn't even possession it's transformation2. that's a male turning into a female
>>11203418It's not always fusion. One variant is skinsuit. The outer appearance of the girl is the exact same, the only difference is that the outer girl is now stretched and expanded to fit the busty woman inside. Each of her limb is worn by the possessor, . Think of it like a glove, stretched to fit what's inside, but the outer layer is the same. And since you can take your gloves off, if the wearer leaves that skinsuit then it just shrinks down to the original, is that not logical?The second one is possession, such as spiritual/succubus. The possessor phases into the girl's body, or maybe by mouth, and her body can either also be expanded in the same way as skinsuit, or also be more like fusion, with elements of each character kept and combined. Or even a third case (that I *don't* like) where she is simply transformed to look just like the possessor.And the *actual* fusion variant is when the characters are phased into each other physically, and usually one of these happens:1/ A completely new character is born. Classic method2/ The 2 characters still have separate consciousnesses, they just share 1 body now. Depends on story it could be struggling to gain control, or simply trying to live their life while the other wants to do sth else. Or it could even be cooperation, where the busty woman uses her body shape to help the petite girl be more confident in her body or some shit.The only thing I do here that's different is just giving the girl bigger tits. How is that any more omnipotent than possession, when the former is possible irl when the latter isn't?
got a mediocre untranslated game. honestly more technically impressive than hot. never seen a first person rpgm game before. link was empty
Tirotata new manga already out on Ehentai
Destroy All Humans 2 has been out for how long now? And there is still a severe lack of possession art content, ESPECIALLY for the Takoshima School Girls. I mean c'mon. It's how most of started. It's one of the hottest forms of possession out there. These artist really have a vision, but we desperately higher quality content.
>>11210025Is there a translation out anywhere? The pictures look hot, at least.
>>11210025>>11210648just finished, here you go (add dot between "ibb" and "co")https://ibb co/album/31r74h?sort=date_ascit's really less about possession and more about smell, my urge to start writing better plot and making AI slop possession is rising
>>11210744Thanks, and great job! Shame about the lame plot, though. Another generic “I possessed the girl you like, now fuck me” plot.
>>11211148I'd be more into it if the possesor doesnt always copy the orginal girl's personality perfectly all the time, at that point it's no different than mind control to me. The first half is hot for that reason, but throws it away afterwards.The disparity of personality between possesor(monster or dickbag person) and the original is what's hot to me. Tirotata usually decent at this, but this one of his weaker works. Also when the hell is he going digitally release his other comiket works?
>>11203419That was hot as fuck
>>11211785yeah but unfortunately it had to be ruined by femboy faggotry
Could someone please update Hyoui-Lover on kemono, it has been over six months since the last one.
>>11209621>>11209623I've skimmed through most of the content, but for the life of me I can't figure out how you use the buyable exorcism items. The most expensive one automatically ejects you and then you lose it. Pic related is from the pixiv.
>>11213644most expensive item will eject who control her body, it mean you must let her touch the package when it arrive by herself.the other 2 item is select ending you want.
>>11211827Nope. I like ftm possession more than ftf. I like mtf the best but ftm is pretty underrated.
>>11214293Didn't ask homo.
>>11214293yeah ftm is actually pretty good.
>>11209621PixiJS can do that, so RPG Maker MV, MZ and Unite.The era before this could not because RGSS was programmed to use directx in an old fashioned way and you cannot work around it without customizing rpgss (mkxp-z for example)and people are lazy, so they want to put as little effort in the engine as possible.Secondly, it isn't that impressive. MV3D and MZ3D is a paid plugin,Its plug and play basically.
>>11214948yeah if you're gay that is
>>11215382Nah, if you're into the possession aspect. Otherwise you're just looking at normal porn with extra steps lol. The possession/body theft is the best aspect. The other shit is all secondary.
>>11215422>The other shit is all secondary.maybe if you're bi and get off on both men and women, but if you're straight you're not going to like seeing a man getting possessed by a woman and then jerking his cock off and getting fucked by men
>>11215461Why would a woman possessing a guy fuck or get fucked by other men? She'd use her new tool to fuck her best friend, get her pregnant. The stuff guys can do that women cant. The allure of possession is stealing, and getting access to what you don't normally have.
>>11215523just because you possessed the body of a girl doesn't mean you're going to behave like a girl, and just because a girl possess the body of a guy doesn't mean she'll live the life of a man. most ftm content I've seen involves the girl in the guy's body having gay sex.
>>11215559that's boring. you can do that as a guy. the allure is in taking the other side's stuff. behaving like a girl is the domain of girls, and intruding upon that is the appeal.
Fellas, I had a weird occurence. So far possession was my standard way-to-go fetish but yesterday I read Vel's story starts relatively normal but ends with the villains winning an the main antagonist become a literal god. BUT during the second half of this monstrous amount of pages there was a huge disregard towards human life. People effectively died due to getting possessed and completly taken over/absorbed by pokemons or there existence overwritten, their souls getting absorbed or straight up identity death.In the end the villain creates a world where it's the status quo that pokemon take over the lives of humans if they feel like it, enabling potentially an almost human-genocide-like world. This was probably the darkest manga I have ever read the more I think about it. Even though it isn't intended to be.But that brought me another thought: Isn't this what happens in a lot manga's out there? Someone taken over basically dying. Is it just me or was the possession fetish always this dark? And what is your stance on overwritting/deleting/absorbing the hosts soul/mind in mangas?
>>11216750Identity death is commonly criticized in this fetish. I personally have no issue with it. Permanently stealing someone's life while their unconscious mind/spirit lay dormant forever is arousing to me.
>>11216750Normally, I am all ABOUT getting rid of the host permanently. Destroying or removing their soul, cutting out parts of the brain to keep their body alive but kill their mind, etc. That shit makes me DIAMONDS.That being said, though... There's just something about Vel's Pokemon series that rubs me the wrong way. Now, keep in mind, I only read the first few stories and then skipped to the end of the Galar arc, so I could very well be entirely off-base with my analysis here, but..I don't like how the Pokemon series is dark as hell, but it's presented as a 'good' thing. Like, in the Galar finale, Gengar-Gloria winning is explicitly shown to lead to the world becoming a 'paradise' (as though the Pokemon universe isn't already a fucking utopia), while Gengar-Gloria getting stopped leads to everyone (rightfully) distrusting Pokemon and the bond between humanity and Pokemon almost completely shattering.I don't need someone patting my head and telling me my fetishes are valid or whatever. This shit's fucked in the head and so am I. Instead of coddling me and going "Oh it's actually perfectly fine, what you want, it's even a good thing", show me the people rightfully being turned off and horrified by what's happening.
>>11216750the dark parts are hot
>>11216750I never liked the idea of identity death, I always liked symbiotic possession, the idea that the person being possessed is actually like, on good friendly terms with the thing possessing them or at the very least their life isn't made worse by having their body taken over, and they basically willingly let the person/monster they're friendly with borrow their body a bit the same way you'd let a friend borrow something important to you, knowing, not just trusting, that they'll give it back. Town of Magic's relationship between Celica and Nel is the peak of this in my opinion since that pleases my heart and my dick. The jellyfish in Ikai Ishukan is the second best in my opinion, but for completely different reasons than Celica and Nel since there's an almost yandere slant to it here, yet at the end of the day she IS still around because of their protection.Like, imagine your life improving, not getting worse, after you let someone or something else take the wheel. Literally the best outcome of this fetish and there's not a lot of it. Call it "willing host" as a subgenre if you want but I like when they're willing because it's earned in some way.
Thanks for the feedback yall. Maybe it's not just me.>>11218070 I had to re-read the Ikai Ishukan one, because I thought to remember that the jellyfish manipulated her into thinking she wants all of this, guess I was wrong there.Town of Magic's relationship between Celica and Nel is wholesome yes, but between Celica and the ghostcrew it's quite the opposite, they only want her for her body (literally).If you like Town of Magic, maybe you should check out "City of Secrets" from "thedarkl1ght" on itchio. As some of the ghost relating things didn't seem consistent to me I asked the dev about it. Without spoiling too much there is a good chance for a symbiotic relationship between Emma and the ghost. As the ghost is mostly pretending/lying about her powers over Emma. Also the game is really great and covers a lot of fetishes that include the change of the PCs body and mind in some way.
>>11218230Way ahead of you, I also like City of Secrets quite a bit but there is not nearly enough Sapphire content in the roadmap IMO since I think physical possession is the best kind of possession. Also not the biggest fan of futa but I'll take what I can get when it comes to slime possession.That being said, I really don't like how grindy City of Secrets is (before you say anything, I don't like how grindy Town of Magic is, either). Soul Juice really needs to be buffed from 3 soul fragmentation mitigation to at least 5, because eventually, late game, you reach this soul fragmentation mitigation loop where you hit a standstill where you can't do content because you're too busy trying to unfuck Emma's soul but working the job down south of the town gives you random assortments of cash that MIGHT make you enough to get Soul Juice but not enough to ALSO let you build a stat in the Gym. And I don't like that no matter how hard you try, you can't seem avoid the hypnosis thing going on at school which you go to, ironically, to keep your reputation intact while that bitch just keeps trying to ruin it. I don't have a problem with juggling tasks in an RPG, but I feel like I'm juggling one singular too many things in City of Secrets, which is a sensation I don't get from town of magic, which don't get me wrong is also grindy in an unfun way, but I don't feel that I'll fuck a run up by not doing specific things.
>>11219409just FYI you unlock another form of income after the second dungeon that makes money MUCH easier to get so this isn't really a problem anymore
>>11219833Income isn't the problem, time in the day to get everything you need is. You basically need to gym it up constantly if you wanna succeed in the dungeons, but it's difficult to do that if you're spending so much time on acquiring sippies to defragment your soul like you're trying to de-fibrillate a dying hard drive.
>>11219409Rather than grinding, have you all just though about editing savefiles for max level and items?
https://ibb co/album/YPFtny?sort=date_ascfinished this
>>11220347posting a few, sadly there will be no part 2 I think since this was originally made a few months ago?
>>11220348ah I was posting the raw japanese ones, i'm a retard
>>11220347here's the correct galleryhttps://ibb co/album/99nwQB?sort=date_asc
>>11220351>>11220347Thanks for the translation! I was hoping this one would get one sooner rather than later. It looked great.
>>11216750That's why the only possession content I like is spirit possession where I know the original spirit remains dormant while their body is being taken, or when the invader spirit kicks out the original spirit to take over their body, but the person is still "alive" in the sense that they can retake their body without remaining dead. I hate unnecessary dead, so a possession killing the original person is a turn off for me.
Kemono's fanbox importer is alive again! Anyone able to upload elto0079/エルトリア's fanbox? I beg of you
Does Vel have any long form comics that don’t have a bad end or end in tragedy?Liked their stuff, but feels like all their bigger works are a homeless person permanently ruining some girl’s life, or they end up effectively dead.
>>11219409SAPPHIRE NEEDS MORE.I worry about character bloat in this gameIt is very slow to update. TDL seems like a cool guy but i think he is roadblocked by some of his artist/animators
>>11216750>>11221467Should have replied to this postI miss wholesome / funny possession content where it’s reluctant, or consensual, or has a comedic air to it rather than dark and twisted.Feels like there’s a lot more “evil” possession nowadays
There's a new parasite possession manga by Suika Maron in the new Unreal Anthology
You guys ever feel, idk, alienated in this fetish?I'm into possession. In terms of TSF, I am ONLY into possession. I don't like body swap, I don't like gender change, I don't like regular shapeshifting/TF, I'm only into suits if the suit actually used to be a person. But it feels like literally everyone in this fetish is also into like 12 others, and it's just... I guess I can't but feel outcast whenever I see artists I followed for their possession stuff just abandon that kink in favor of feminization or whatever.
>>11222174I started with body swap. Possession overtook it but still like both. Skinsuits are only good if the suit was originally a person. That's it.Gender change, shapeshifting/TF, that crap is all worthless. Grew out of the fantasy of being a female version of myself twenty years ago. The draw of the fetish is taking what someone else has; making what was theirs YOURS. Not just being female.
>>11222174I feel as if there isn't enough of my favorite subgenre of this content, which is monster possession (I.E. Slime girl/Slime blob, worm parasite, mimic possession like pic related) cause I think spirit possession outside of rare exceptions is kind of bland since replacing a whole personality should be somewhat unsettling and mildly violent to be hot. It's hard to convey that with a frictionless woosh in, eyes closed, eyes open in different color, and grin. But I don't feel "Alienated" by the fetish, I just feel like my favorite form of it is a niche within a niche. I also like something on the other end of the spectrum where there's less body horror, the consensual possession/friendly body roommates which is something I have only ever seen done right in Town of Magic with Celica and Nel, and City of Secrets with Sapphire, which is even rarer than monster possession. So I understand, but I just don't see it as like, hostile enough to be "alienating", it's more just "well, this is unfortunately rare."
>>11172067What a twist!
i tried :v
CoS 0.07.0(The link will only be available until the 8th of this month.)aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUGVJeXdBYUsjY001UjlyRGcxdFFrS0JaS1NlaWFnbUtJTEN5NER0YnRvc2ZFeURlRThrdw==
>>11223729>>11223942Incredibly fucking hot. Need more baby possession
>>11221687Masterpiece, need more content like this, and also it would be intresting a continuation to know more about what's happening and why. Also Id like to see the brain of the nun parasitized, I love that don't know why>>11222372I like date, but this story is less porn with every episode, also I felt sad for that slime who was trying to be happy>>11221467Dont really know, but in general bad ends with possession it's kinda normal, but the way the story shows it make it hot or not. The one the end is bad but still get you hard, it's a hot bad end.>>11221480I read one where the a girl was being possessed by a succubus and has sex with a young man and they kinda felt in love for each other, in the end the succubus get out and the girl returns to her life normally.
>>11223942>powers up>breasts and thigh expansion Hnngh fuck
>>11222174It's not that the rest of us really need extra garnish with possession, it's just the lack of new possession material in general so we have to "make do" with whatever extra stuff comes with what we can get
>>11222232>Gender change, shapeshifting/TF, that crap is all worthless. Grew out of the fantasy of being a female version of myself twenty years ago. The draw of the fetish is taking what someone else has; making what was theirs YOURS. Not just being female.yeah exactly, lately I've been fantasizing a lot about women who hold power being possessed because the idea of a sexy woman with a high position having that stolen from her really gets me going, shame that no one ever explores that aspect of this fetish, no one ever draws anything involving female politicians, female officers, CEOs or royalty being possessed, it's always boring shit like high school girls or housewives. The only doujin I can think of that fits this description is the one by hiiragi popura where a princess gets possessed by a commoner, nothing else comes to mind.
>>11222284yeah monster possession is the best because you feel like the girl is really being possessed since something that is actually physical is inhabiting her body and controlling her from within, it's a true shame that it's not as common as spirit possession which just feels bland in my opinion
Can someone translate this please? even if it's with machine translation
>>11225218Bored and drunk so her goes nothan'P1:>While following a request to find a pet, Uehara Aika gets attacked by a tentacled parasite in a back alley.]>Get away from my head! You gross piece of shit!>FUCK!! Why was this thing hiding inside the cat!?P2:>Analyzing memories>Physical controlP3:>Arousal>OvulationP4:>Aw... I'm done for. I'm losing myself...P6:>Nice! I finally took over.>Now it's time to try out this specimen's reproduction customs.
Fellas, for those interested, there is a chuck of new [Vel] Mangas on exhentai. Some are bodyswap but some also possession. Though be aware they get really dark. "Imposter" ends with someone getting bamboozled into un-aliving herself. (Bodyswap) "False Salvation" (Genshin) with possession ends with Furina mentally broken. The Genshin comics are weidly interesting, since Vel is a self-insert character that knows the story of Genshin, solve the nations crisis and leaves chaos and broken victims in his way.The rest of the comics are body-swap only but also mostly end with the victim having their life destroyed.Have fun yall!
3 Above are by Garagara Tarou. But locked behind skeb.Any1 could translate the parasite possession one by Suika Maron?
anyone have BQJ111's stuff or could update kemono? thought it finally got updated but it was only a single post
Does this story sound familiar to anyone? I've been trying to find it again on Chyoa or elsewhere after coming across it, but I've had no such luck and it's driving me crazy. I can't remember for sure if it was MTF or FTF, but I remember the MC checking out a woman at a gym and then later possessing her body after the woman was disgusted at them. They then drive the woman's truck to her house ad discover that she's wealthy. A little later on they leave her body and make her attracted to her daughter or stepdaughter. I wanna say at one point too that her other daughter, viewed by her mom as the black sheep in the family due to her progressive views, comes home from college and starts to suspect that something isn't right with her mom.
>>11226710 not quite what you described but it follows similar story beats
>>11227108That's the one! Thanks! I definitely confused certain details of this story with another one that must've been similar in some aspects. At least I got close enough to find it again.
>>11227386No problem! glad i could help
new f:possession translated:
>>11212951I can't find anymore of this guy's art
Looking for a particular manga/doing... mage does a body swap to infiltrate a gang but leaves a safe word for the person looking after her body. After a while, the man in her body gains her memories and uses the safeword and leaves.Anyone know the story?
>>11229710Author is ImpUnderneath. It's their most recent one.
>>11172067Anyone know anything about the change translation?Is it still ongoing or did anon stop?
Wonder if image AI has gotten any better at doing possession
>>11234077some are coasting acceptable on pixiv. I am curious what prompt they use to do it.
never saw this artist stuff here, so just dumped what i had.
part 5 of tirotata adabana is out in comic bavel 04dunno when i'll get around for a shitTL, it's almost 40 pagescontent is alright, nothing amazing, Tirotata still goated for making a second ~100 page possession/skinsuit story, can't wait to see what he makes next. Almost makes me wanna pay him, almost
>>11236811will try to proofread, make this one a little more legible since there's a lot of internal monologue text wallsno promises though
>>11217345Can you recommend some identity death and possession works or comics?
>>11234262Assuming you're the one who posted Rem and Ui comic, do you happen to have Mythra/Pyra one from the same artist?
There is this old Possession image that I remember seeing with a guy possessing a politician and then stealing a car and slamming it into a wall killing her
As for my own favourites, anything slime related is great and anything that shows improvement in possessor's life (status,wealth, beauty) does wonders. I love permanent possessions where there are panels detailing simple daily life stuff that they would/could never do and just living out the lives of the possessed. And the biggest turn on for me is using a body to claim an even better body.(My personal favourite) changes examples a body to claim another one-offs possession
There're possession stories that I enjoy more than others.When a guy possesses a girl without showing her conflicting thoughts, it feels more as if he transforms into a woman than a possession genre.I enjoy it when there is a conflict of thoughts or if there is a story.This recent translation is one of the best possession stories I came across: 132 is where the untranslated part starts for reference. And I’ll dump the parts I’m asking about specifically
Anyone read this manga Yotsuya Kaidan! its pretty shit so i don't mind spoiling that it ends with a mind break and possession. A trap ghost get the mc main love interest body while she die's. then the mc is about to commit suicide over his crush death but the trap ghost save him and they end together while possess the body of the mc crush.
>>11238494This month has been pretty good for people into possession. There’s been a good number of mangas with possession as a central theme or an important element. There’s three notable ones that are currently being translated, two of which have raws readily available.The first is “Yotsugi Kaidan”It’s about a guy whose love interest disappears and finds her as a disembodied ghost. They find out shortly that her spirit was forced out by their teacher who has been looking for a suitable host body for his love interest who died ~50 years prior. The spirit is a trap so it’s basically mtf possession. So far new translated chapters come out everyday and it’s about halfway done.Fair warning cause this one is tagged as tragedy even though it feels like a typical rom com. It’s tagged this way with good reason cause people have been comparing the way it progresses to its ending as school days-like.
Anyone got any willing/resigned acceptance possession?This old one is one of my favorites
>>11238494>>11238498Damn, the ending is weirdly really hot. The full story's tone is all over the place and it really doesn't know what it wants to be, but it gives us such a complete and successful takeover that to me is the essence of what makes possession so sexy and appealing. Best bad ending, wish this was a porn.
>>11238498I remember when this one had come out and I was following it. There’s others that came out around the time too that were good. I’ll see if I can get around to posting them.This month has been good for sure. Have you seen this one? It’s about a guy who can see spirits and thinks his power is shit in a world where people (mostly women) have powers. He finds out from one of the ghosts that he can swap spirits into bodies but only when they cum. It has to be consensual though. So his goal now is to have sex with girls in school who have OP powers so that the ghosts that he can put ghosts on his side inside their bodies and use their powers to help him beat his sister who (for some reason) wants to kill him.So far he’s stolen one of his bully’s body. The ghost inside her body has access to her memories and poses as the bully at school but fucks the MC after school, much to the annoyance of the original owner. Current chapter the MC is trying to win a card game so this other girl with twin tails will fuck him and he can steal her body too.Raws are one chapter ahead and I THINK the next chapter tomorrow will have the second girl possessed if we’re lucky.
>>11238979The plan
>>11238981Took over bully body
>>11238982The ghost inside the bully accesses her memory to find a girl with a strong ability to possess with another ghost next
>>11238494Man, I can't emphasize enough how botched this shit story was; the constant, schizophrenic jumping between being a romance story and dark drama, combined with all the simping , manipulation, and cuckoldry, all neatly tied together with that godawful ending; this shit shoulda just been a normal porn doujin if the author was gonna write all this dramatic buildup, just to shit it into the wind, with every character involved suffering no consequences or resigning themselves to the literal easiest-to-prevent fate, not to mention the author had the fucking balls to wanna crowdfund a continuation with the MC *time traveling to the past.* Truly incredible that a high schooler could put together a more coherent story than this.
Maybe not exactly possession but since there's no bodyswap I'll ask here.I recall reading a story a while ago about a guy who "dies too soon" by accident and is then supposed to be put in a new body by some Angel and then he's accidentally put in the body of a girl and has her memories and stuff, anyone knows what that is?
>>11239071Never mind I found it I think
>>11238979As someone who likes seeing girls get possessed instead of picturing myself possessing them this is some top tier stuff, can't wait for more chapters to get translated
>>11238188sure. usual encoding stuff done.aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9mb2xkZXIvODhpcjI4Znh0cW16ci9NeXRocmErUHlyYQ
>>11239100What was it?
>>11236811>>11236812finished first draft, if you read through and see some typos/shit that doesn't make sense do tell me. I'll fix shit this time before uploading it to e-hentai.https://ibb co/album/B4TRwf?sort=date_asc
>>11239684>>11239686i think the gallery might be fuckeduploaded the images as a zip here just in casehttps://files
We reached the bump limitNew thread: >>11239937
Can anyone find the sources on these. Found them back in 2017 on an old thread. All I know is the character getting possessed is Anri from Samon-kun wa Summoner
>>11240935Looks a *lot* like DATE's art. Like the second to last page you posted is extremely similar to something else he drew. Pretty sure it's like the same style as his Deep Stalker series, issue one or two. If it's not his, it's someone who ripped his style very closely.