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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11166971

Go ahead any post any tf and tf scenario involving men and women. :)
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Summer! (Almost winter at the time of posting)
Put on your swimsuit and go on a summer vacation!
After trying on a swimsuit at the swimwear store, Uonchu gets a massage!
Softened by a mysterious beam, Uonchu-chan is played around with in various ways!
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>ywn visit a shoe factory, somehow fall onto the assembly line, be melted and liquified before being poured into the mold used to make plastic heels, be packaged and boxed before being shipped out to a store, be put on display by the cute employee girl (who’s tempted to buy you then and tbere), be tried on by another girl that remarks you’re ’such a cute pair of heels,’ be bought by her, and be worn every day as her new work shoes all while you can feel, taste, smell and see everything
why even live?
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And that's it for my dump.
I swear, some of these inanimate TF writers have a fetish for making others read cuckshit.
I can read an amazing caption that perfectly aligns with what I’m into.. only for the very last paragraph to be something like ‘and then she goes and fucks another guy while wearing you, completely unaware that her new panties are conscious.’ Disgusting!
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Yeah, it's a shame when they slip it in at the end. I just want to read something about being dehumanised and made helpless. I'd rather not have NTR be shoved into it right at the very end.
Most femdom lovers are cucks, it's about time you accept your fellow brethren for whatever they're or be disgusted at it and join us sadist/maledom chads.
>I just want to read something about being dehumanised and made helpless
Exactly. The image you posted is hot to me because she’s asking where is is completely unaware that she’s wearing him, he’s just another pair of panties in her wardrobe now.

https://www.deviantart.com/attemptsattg/art/Inanimate-TF-Caption-Technical-Malfunctions-921175336 was the caption that made me post it. I bet you’ll love it (the idea of being trapped as a digital item, merely a piece of equipment for another player that thinks you’re just a cute swimsuit, unable to log out is so hot.. plus I love the ‘processing’ aspect too) until the final few sentences.
>Most femdom lovers are cucks
This is totally untrue, cucks are just really loud like niggersniffers and footfags
Mary is trying to squish someone as always, but it's a little difficult to do this with a furios, sadistic and pretty dragon...she'll learn it soon (at least now Kris has a new ball to have fun with-).
The second part of my last comic! I think now she knows her place...more specifically: between Kris boobs. Let's just hope she doens't forget her in there, it's probably a little too hot for dorks (in all the possible meanings).

Mary by @felimaster97
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Pic. and the story that goes along with it:

>“I never fingered you for a summer top kinda gal,” maybe there’d been some signs, but they weren’t an appropriate topic for either the situation or the locale. I plopped the hat back onto her head. I really should’ve gotten one for myself, the Rhodes sun is intense!
>I wiped the sweat off my brow again. I could use something to cool off, something to...share. Shouldn’t there be ice cream shops in places like this? Something like...oh! There’s one!
>“Let’s take a short break,” I pointed to the shop and then gestured for her to wait at one of the tables while I made the order. A sudden wave of dizziness came over me as I approached, it’s probably just the heat.
>“Kostas Creams, we’ve got the best cold treats in town. How can I help ya?” The man at the counter asked while the lady co-worker tinkered with some machine in the back.
>“Hmm,” I took a gander at the menu before deciding,“We’re gonna go with soft serve…” I threw a look towards Kyra, “A large one, to share, with chocolate sauce and macadamia nuts for her, and a wafer cane and cherries for me. How much does that come to?”
>The woman in the back gave him a thumbs up, and he turned back to me, “Well…” he responded with a knowing smile as he pulled a lever, “This one’s on us.”
>Had both of them been wearing ear protection this whole time? Why would they…?
>My clothes ripped away as my ears were assaulted by a deafening noise. Only to have the immediate realization that covering them up had been the wrong split-second choice. I could only flail powerlessly as I was pulled up and then trapped inside some sort of pipe they’d hidden in the ceiling.
>My magic sight only helped me insofar as letting me know that I was bursting with transmutative magic. But all that amounted to a big, fat nothing with my arms pinned.
>“What do you think you’re doing?” I protested as my body turned mushy and soft. No answer, this thing must be soundproofed or something. Getting stuck shouldn’t feel this goo~~
>It’s so small in here, and I’m being funneled through something, where am I?
>Light! Beautiful blinding light!
>But why is everything so...oh crap, I’ve been shrunk, why can’t I feel-
>Oh, of course, because I don’t have legs any more, I fell for a hinky ‘get turned into your own order’ scam and now I’m in a serving glass. We probably ran into the one place in the city where they’re still doing this.
>Fine, let’s see what we have here, transmutation and obfuscation all around the place, both of which I’m saturated with. What a waste, they’re not even particularly good casters. Hell, with a competently cast version I wouldn’t even be considering this.
>They still got me though, I should’ve been onto them as soon as I got dizzy from entering the area.
>A self-enlarging spell should cut it for now, I can get my flesh back later.
>“...” What the?
>“...” Oh crap, I can’t talk, ice cream can’t talk! I’m stuck!
>“It’s awake,” the woman said.
>“So prepare it,” her coworker responded.
>I covered my face as she rained chocolate sauce onto my body. Oh god, it’s all over, and nuts too, augh!
>I weakly tried to stop her as she presented the wafer cane. Ah~~ Don’t push it in there~~ Stop twistii-oooh~~
>“Your friend said to give this to you, and that she’ll be back in a while,” the woman informed before leaving me with Kyra.
>“I thought that we were supposed to have this together,” she sighed to herself before unwrapping the spoon from the napkin.
>This is really happening, I'm gonna be drained for the rest of the trip.
>The utensil slices through my shoulder with ease, leaving an empty hole for the chocolate to seep into, though I could still feel through it in spite of it being severed. How the sauce pools around it in the spoon, how it’s-haaah~~
>My mind wavers as she renders my arm into a cold, unrecognizable mush, parceled by her saliva before fading away completely as it passes into her gullet. My body wants this.
>Oh god, I can’t let her see me blush, what if she finds out that I’m into thi-EEP! My butt~
>More of me dissolves inside her mouth to our mutual delight, and she hums in contentment. Did she get curvier in these last few minutes?
>The distraction leaves me completely defenseless as she shears off my other shoulder. It’s not like I should have them as a dessert anyway, and I can only squirm as she has a fourth spoonful. By the time she deigns to swallow it, I’m further reduced to a writhing mess. She needs to enjoy and savor me, all of me, at her own pace.
>My heartbeat begins to overlap as I lose contact with my last arm, what’ll be next? The spoon’s hovering right in front of me, what’s she gonna give it t-iiiih~~
>I can see myself from up here! And the other half of my face! She really did get curvier!
>Maybe I’ll be added to her increasingly soft and pillowy chest once she fucks my body apart with her tongue and spreads it against her gums as she savors-guh…
>...Did I lapse somehow? My chest’s inside her mouth, with the crushed nuts and chocolate blending and burying themselves into me like love shrapnel. How’d I miss that? My head~
>Wait, which one, I’m no- NO! I need to concentr-ate my whole torso~
>I can't lose sight of the important thing...which was...what was it? Me? My flavor and creaminess? The way I’ll cool you if you eat me on hot days? Was that quite it?
>No, something els-The wafer’s moving! Kyra, what are you doin wiiiiiih~~
>You’re stir-spread-...ng my c-I can’t th-ink Everything’s so...sens-itive, now my whole bo...dy's a-...a-,...ea...t….me-...o~~
Very, very hot anon. I love unaware, especially if you’re being used by a friend.. and the fact that it’s pleasurable too is great.
I think I’ll repost something I wrote a few threads ago that I posted just as we reached bump limit
>have a crush on a girl in your friend group
>you’re super unsubtle about it and everybody knows that you like her
>girl best friend just told you that you should ask her out for like the fiftieth time
>tell her that you’re afraid to because you don’t want to ruin the friendship, for the fiftieth time
>she usually tells you that you should just go ahead and do it, after which the conversation ends, but this time she tells you that if you don’t ask her out when you’re out partying on Friday, you’ll regret it
>unbeknownst to you, girl you have a crush on just confided in girl best friend that she likes you too
>and since she loves to play matchmaker, and knows you two like each other, she’ll make sure you get together.. one way or the other
>it’s Friday (already!) and you’re at the party, spending a lot of time with crush but still hesitant to ask her out
>end up not doing so.. girl best friend is gonna be mad, but what can you do
>get ready to leave, as you’re walking toward your car outside you get stopped by girl best friend
>she tells you that your crush told her she’s into you too, but since you didn’t ask her out yourself, she’s going to have to take drastic measures
>ask her how, she smirks, says ‘like this,’ and then you black out
>when you wake up, you realize that you’re in darkness.. you’re lying on a hard, flat surface, and you can’t move or speak
>after several minutes of lying there helplessly, you feel the ground below you start to move as light enters your surroundings
>you’re apparently in a.. drawer?
>not only that, but you can see girl best friend’s face looming over you, and her hand coming to grab you..
>as she grabs you, you feel a sudden burst of pleasure.. as if somebody was caressing your dick and your whole body simultaneously
>as she takes you out of the drawer, you look at your surroundings
>you’re in her bedroom, and in her mirror, you can see her holding a dildo in one hand.. which is apparently you?
>her other hand, appearing to hold something, is hidden behind her back
>as she places you on her bed, she begins to speak
>teasingly, she tells you that since you didn’t ask your crush out, she’s going to have to introduce you to her in a more.. forceful manner
>moving her other hand into view, she reveals that it contains an onahole, which she places next to you
>she tells you that she’s a witch
>she’s transformed you into a dildo and your crush into an onahole, and she’s going to let you ‘get to know one another’
>gradually guides you into her, feels better and better the deeper you get into your crush
>hard to think straight from pleasure as you’re plunged as deep into her as you possibly can be
>but dildos can’t cum.. so it’s starting to get frustrating already
>wonder if it feels as good.. and frustrating.. for her as it does for you
>barely even notice as you two are placed into a drawer until she begins speaking
>tells you that it’s still Friday night, and that you two are staying like that for the whole weekend
>tells you that you could be enjoying yourselves all weekend as humans, but since you didn’t have the courage to confess your love to her, you’re stuck as nothing but a sex toy
>teasingly waves at you as she closes the drawer and your world begins to darken

>after an indeterminate time, equal parts pleasure and frustration, you feel your drawer open once again
>did you manage to make it through the weekend?
>your friend smirks as she begins to speak ‘how was your first five minutes? I almost forgot about one of your features’
>as she says this, you see her finger move to your back, and you hear a ‘click’ noise
>you begin to vibrate
>pleasure (and frustration) increase exponentially
>she teasingly tells you to have fun together as she closes the drawer for real
>waking up on Monday morning, your best friend planned to take you two out of your drawer and turn you two back to humans
>but, as soon as she woke up, she got a call from her mother telling her of a family emergency
>preparing to go back home for the next two weeks, she thought that she was forgetting something
>but.. if she couldn’t remember it, it must not have been that important, right?
>she’d just have to hope she remembered it by the time she got back home
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Closer look
Sparkle wants to revamp her wardrobe, and Robin and Firefly "volunteer" to help her out. After all, anything is possible in Penacony's dream!
Patreon request for PumpedUp00
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マツクラ(@ matsukura_d)さんのオリキャラちゃんを様々な方法でデータ圧縮しちゃいました!
Definitely one of the more unique requests we've gotten. Ms. Shake wanted to help out her friends, who were forming a band. Unable to play any instruments herself, she considered other ways she could get involved. After coming to us for a custom made treatment, she'll be spending the tour with them as the guitarists pedal...
Commission for GigaShake
Ms. Tara has sampled a lot of our treatments, a lot of them from the inflatable genre. Despite this though, she will still on occasion get surprised by some of the results...

Commission for Toaster98
Ms. Tara has explored a lot of our treatments, a lot of our inflatable treatments. There's a lot of unique things that can be done with an inflatable body and inevitably, our clients will get curious. Be it inflating themselves to new shapes and sizes, or deflating themselves to simply see what it feels like. Ms. Tara recently wanted to experience the latter, opting to have herself deflated in a controlled environment. Most people report the experience to be like a calming and relaxing nap. I think Ms. Tara seems to agree with that sentiment...
Commission for Toaster98
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