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previous >>11162397
Shimakaze-kun edition
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How should bratty tiny boys be punished?
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I have a need to live in a gay guy's hot, wet, messy mouth. Hearing his voice nonstop. Buried in chewed food and cum. Him not giving a shit subjecting me to burps or a throat dicking from his boyfriend.
would do this to you
a new micro life in my ballsack skin canyons
how many are there now?
with November ending tonight, I'll be ready to flood some cities with the amount of cum I've saved up during NNN...
An interesting concept for growth. The more cum you let churn and fill your balls, the more you grow, only leading you to produce more. NNN would result in quite a lot of giants eager to unload once December arrives, giving the world at the large the "White Christmas" it deserves. Though given the destructive nature of such an event, I imagine there would be constant sexual propaganda just to get guys to not grow and instead unload.

Anyhow...Hoping you grow big and grow hard tonight, Anon. Be sure to milk out every last hot, thick rope from your god cock and really empty those balls. Those cities belong drenched and drown.
Artist is GrW on pixiv
You bet I will, anon; these cities aren't prepared for the impending tsunami of cum that will drench every last square inch and turn the oceans white
Give the entire planet a new coat of paint while you're at it. You better not stop until everything is 20,000 Leagues under your Seed.
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>yfw this will be me and the earth
Or maybe I will just pierce it, who knows
The more bulge centric piece of the Shimakaze already posted.
There's no telling just how pent up I might be, the planet might not even be enough!
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>the masculine urge to grow giant and peer into skyscraper windows
I'm sure whatever you decide you'll do it big and do it hard.

Well, it isn't called the Milky Way for nothing. I'm sure there will be plenty enough in your overgrown cum tanks to make it true to its namesake.
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Would a black hole be the ultimate onahole? Imagine the SUCC
Why use a black hole when I can use an entire universe instead, contorting the fabric of space time as all of existence is used to pleasure my cock?
Would be quite interesting to have a company employ a giant to keep an eye on its employees. Slacking off or behind on deadlines, better hope that giant doesn't see or his lewd stare might lead to an entire department being mysteriously liquidated.

Given the intense gravitational singularity held within, it would more than likely tear every last sperm cell from their balls before they could even thrust once. Although, given one's immense size, it's quite possible they could end up breaking it.

Just be sure to give it a good pounding, Giga Anon.
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I like this boy
100% Deserving of his Big Boi title.
Millions or maybe billions. I love the idea of having a little crotch civilization I spread around like a STD.
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Tiny infestations and sexually transmitted tinies are way too fucking underrated
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How advanced should the crotch habitants be?

>Barely above tribal stage, constantly scavenging for resources, consantly worship anon and his boners.

>Modern or even futuristic era, where they've developed nano cities and internet connection so they can latch onto anon's cellphone and comunicate with him.

>Sexually transmitted tinies.
>Like an std but it's actually good.
>They fight off and hunt other harmful microbes.
>Can't damage the skin but they can comit deforestation, so you won't need to trim your pubic hair.
>They eat grime and dead skin, allowing for a more aesthetic look.
>Their presence produces a small barely noticeable tickle, that speeds up semen production.

>And there are some rumors that having them makes your pp grow, since they start to worship it daily.
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>How advanced should the crotch habitants be?
Slightly past modern humanity. They have the ability to launch large colonization ships into "space" during sex to land on my partners and spread the religion of my cock to new lands.
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Haven't made much with him lately because no real ideas or motivation desu

But I should try to think of something sometime, he deserves to be big!
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Anymoly has improved his animation skill significantly. But his scenarios are weird at best. He knows how to animate, but he doesn't know how to make people horny.
what the fuck are you talking about, crotch inhabitants
kill yourself, talk normal for fuck's sake
Being swallowed with a load of cum down the hatch of a hot twink or twunk would be the best way to go tb-h f∆m. While having the show recorded live and anons commenting and voting to decide if you must go down, and then voting if you should be let out or abandoned to your fate as future butt fat.
Of course in that scenario the comments are automatically read out loud by the computer so the morsel can hear the humiliating desecrating comments. With sound loud enough to be heard once trapped in a twink's stomach.
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>Speaking of crotch parasites.
>The cum vampires.
>A smaller nimbler distant cousin of the succubus that latches onto a host's dick and forces him to ejaculate feeding off his cum.
>However they need for you to allow them entrance, which is why is recommended to sleep with boxers or briefs on.

>Do not allow them to get inside, no matter how much they nuzzle against your package or how cute they try to appear, don't fall for it.
>Once they are inside you won't be able to get them off easily.

>After they have found a host, they'll find a dark place to hide from sunlight, usually the foreskin, and create a "nest"
>From now on They'll be able to leave and come back to the inside of the underwear as they please, and even invite other tiny vampires to live with them.

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