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Thread for damsels in distress, bondage, peril, bad ends and game overs.

Previous thread >>11154250
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Girls being sold is peak DID
By the way, does anyone knows some Erotica about falling into slavery?
As much as I love gags... too bad she's gagged there. It would be better if they didn't gag her and actually pumped some nasty fluids like cum or piss into her helmet making her drink or drown.
That's not a drowning scenario I assume.
This one is.
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nice but as other anon says that should be semen giving her option to swallow to survive... because right now it looks like sealing her on tar for good
A whore cannot keep swallowing cum forever tho. At some point she needs to do more if she wants to break free.
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Good butt anatomy.
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Is that a new one?
It's old but I made some edits for reasons.
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source on this?

also what's with the long timer trying to post?
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What's the original?
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The source is Earth Defense Team Star Guardians Episode 3, it's in the image name. First time posting from a new device is like 15 minutes. After that it's normal I think.
Not for everyone.
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Where, rather.
The artist is AMeng and the requester was Zetaclosers on Pixiv.
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Anons were talking about girls drowning in sealed helmets filling with fluid earlier, I've got a good set of that. 30~ images is more than I want to post, though.
Starts on page 77. Mind the rest, there's guro.
Chikubi where?
sadly walkaround with changing ex to e- no longer works
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Oh, it's on pixiv too.

I'd give you grief for it almost being 2025 and you STILL not knowing how to get into exhentai, but it's being weird for me too and I don't know why, so I won't.
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The full pic shows a girl's corpse that was already decapitated. The neck was "censored" by the guillotine itself, but you can still see the blood.
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This picture is so satisfying.
I think the link trick only work on the galleries that are normally available through e-h.

Also, the link is busted because there's no page number at the end. If you add a -1 or whatever to the end of the link, it should work (if you have access to ex).
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Close enough.
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This artist's escape attempts are so fun.
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>Welcome to your new home. This tape should hold you tight so try not to struggle too much or you may get tired. Honestly, I think you should take a rest as your mouth is going to be very busy tomorrow.
So, you're the spy girl I've heard about? You seem to be in good spirits.
Sorry for the abruptness, but what you see in front of you is your new "workplace" where you will be aiding us for a while.

W-what the hell is this... No... That's...

I'm begging, please... someone save me...

Why, there's no need for such displeasantries. We're merely having you use your body to compensate for the damages you caused to us.
You need only descend into that tentacle prison. Well, sounds simple, right?

(Next page)
Due to your substantial debts, we estimate that it will take around 1,000 days suspended in there to fully repay us.
Until then, you shall not leave that tentacle prison. Do try your best not to become broken in the meantime.
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Thanks, anon.
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Don't worry, Frieren, you'll only be a sex slave for the rest of his life. That's what, 50 years? 60? Should be a blink of the eye for you.
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This bitch, she was sniffing around our stuff like a rat...

Hey, who sent you here? Where are your pals?

...Not gonna squeal, huh... In that case...
I like cute pics like this that aren't over the top.
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There's various methods of torture and execution on those posts. I wonder how they'll pick them?
Seems like a raffle.
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I wanna cross off the !wanted! and replace it with ~caught~ right in front of her face. Rub it in a little. Even better if the holo-poster updates into listing her sentence while she watches.
Yeah, make her give back all that space she stole!
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Sentences need to be given in a court of law in front of a large audience.
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>sorry girls, you are no use. try to get out before it rains, bye
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A rain of dirt, maybe.
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Why not cement while we are on this?
Dirt's more hands-on. With cement you point the chute in the hole and watch, with dirt you're personally shoveling in every load on to her. Different appeals.
I do prefer cement, though. I like the steady flow and rise, and the "they'll never find your body" vibes are much stronger. Sure, an unmarked grave in the wilderness isn't much better, but it's not impossible. But buried alive in the cement foundations of some construction project? She's just gone.
Plus "cement tomb" just has a much better vibe than "dirt tomb." Hell, most people want the latter.
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Vibrators combine with suffocation perils beautifully well.
>But buried alive in the cement foundations of some construction project? She's just gone.
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Can't these bitches teleport?
Running around in such a skimpy skintight outfit? This is what you get, and deserve! Death by sludgy drowning in mud with an o-ring gag forcing your mouth wide open so you could swallow all that deliciously sludgy mud, while a snake coils around your slutty body, pressing tightly against your chest and belly, making you grasp for air and setting your mind on fire as you slowly suffocate to death as the mud enters your airways, which is going to be it? Both? Preferably both! Well... goodbye, slut, you'll hate every second of it!
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Merry Christmas, /d/!
The dynamite needs ribbons probably.
Shit, you're right.
I love her stamping feet. Immediate, desperate, and totally useless panic. So cute~
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Season of giving <3
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What kind of bad ends fiction do you like the most? Rape? Slavery? Death peril? Do you have any specific scenarios or targets?

For me it's when robbery turns into kidnapping as there's nothing valuable to steal so captors take girls instead.
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I love when feisty stronger girls end up being sex slaves for the rest of their lives, it's the ending I wanted for this bitch I like the works of the artist Mashu but the Valkyries chapters always end up being a happy ending. this bitch should have completely destroyed their pride by defeating her in her best demon form and then turning her into cumdump forever.
>Rape? Slavery? Death peril?
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Death peril is king, greater than any rape or slavery bad ends, but referring to it as a bad end itself somewhat misses the point. Spoilers, man.
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But to actually answer your question, probably slavery, particularly her being captured and sold as a slave.
The life she had before is over. It's done.What ever feats and accomplishments she had were for nothing, at most reduced to some selling point to drive her price up. All her hopes and dreams for the future discarded completely. Nothing about her matters. And then she's sold, she's dragged off the stage by her new owner, lets out one last muffled scream as the next girl in the lot steps up, and she's gone. Vanished into this horrible system. Nobody will never see her again.
That vanishing into the system part is the peak for me. What happens next isn't all that important, not that it probably isn't really hot.

I was more into training, but this one really sold me on slavery end (still doesn't have a decent translation though...)
Now then, I present to you a captured female knight!

This is our highest-quality product today!

Go ahead everyone, get closer so you can examine her up close!

Ooh! Incredible!


"Best of getting fuck up" is my new sign-off phrase
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I love her bad end
Is there an alt of this about how she was bound before they started pouring on her? I wanna better see how fucked she is.
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Here the tentacles stole her time powers and rapidly advance her pregnancy with them.
She had just given birth before this. The look of terror as she can feel the tentacles pushing at her cervix again already gets me diamonds every time.
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>Just a PSA, the artist 'Mischief Remake' was a scammer commissioning the real artist @KaNeeru6 and giving them a small fraction of the commissions cost. Please follow and support the real artist!
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Well that's a hell of a thing. Hope his output doesn't change much, I love his stuff.
She'll make for a better sex slave than she ever did a fighter.
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>and take
You didn't leave the keys to the cuffs, you dorks.

Thanks, anon. Larcei's practically made for this kind of bad end.
Are you really okay with this?
We don't know what this "experiment" will do to your mind and body.
It's not too late to back out.
That won't be necessary.
I've already made up my mind.
Aren't you scared?
Obviously, I have my fears.

I have the opportunity to contribute to the progress and well-being of humanity.
The gratification in that exceeds my fears...!
fhu fhu fhu... How very like you.
In that case!
Commence the artificially-induced hypnosis experiment!
Becoming the cornerstone of humanity's evolution with the utmost delight.
Infiltration! Female Investigators In Bondage: File 6

Hypnosis level at 80%! 90%!!
Autonomic nervous system abnormal! Brain activity at dangerous levels!!
Professor! Any more of this...
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Ouch, she should've followed her own advice
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This is even better than cement shoes
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