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Worm Edition
Previous Thread >>11158839
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I love scenes with zako being swallowed by tube/worm monsters en masse. Beast Anime is slow to work, but his stuff is great, even if it could do with more variety. He has a lot of zako mid combat being swallowed, but no scenes of shower rooms being attacked or maybe bunks with the occasional lesbian sex being interrupted.
Lots of gory deaths though, so if you are interested in checking him out be warned, lots of decapitations and splattering. I find this shit fun too, but it's not for everyone.
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>This post from last thread
Fuck yes, this would be fun. Especially the part about the hourglass bulges sliding through the creature
I've always liked how he has the outlines of the girls screaming faces imprinted on the monsters throats in his work. It shows just how tightly they're being squeezed in there and its hot as fuck. I wish he did less extreme gore though, the melting muscle girl was gross.
Great series, especially the vore with the muscular girl which is quite rare
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>outlines of the girls screaming faces
I also enjoy that
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The chick being terrified is also fantastic.
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Hiss hiss this is snek
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Yeah glad someone else gets it. Tank stuck in mud, large tube like predator opens up hatch. Blood curdling screams that would make even the most stalwart soldier shiver. 4-5 hourglass bulges come through, super tight, like so tight can see the bump of their nipples and harrowing expressions through the thin layer of hide, kicking and screaming the whole way down. Maybe a girl escapes through the emergency hatch, and starts crying uncontrollably as she is yanked back into the tank by her ankle and eaten through the same hatch as everyone else. Worm like creature finally lifts head, maybe has a panty, bra or skirt or two latched on to face as slithers back into mud. Taking the servings of screaming shivering girl meat to a long and prolonged demise.

Girls und panzer is kinda a particular setting but hey does it not work? They have plenty of good meat, maybe a single tank worth of girls is not enough…
Damn that's hot. I'd be tempted to commission it but I have had bad experiences with those.
Funny been considering a commission regarding Gup lately myself, but understand hesitation been scammed myself.
Just out of genuine curiosity, what did you have in mind? Like any characters or exact scenario etc? Might help me atleast brainstorm if I ever decide to go through with one myself
I've honestly never seen the show, I just fap to the girls occasionally. It's a permanent backlog thing.
lol I watched like 3 episodes and it was boring af, but yes the girls and especially the fan art of the girls is definitely something. Definitely great for digestive massacres
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Drew some other quick followups for the poll last thread
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One of you maniacs commissioned me to do something else with the smug elf girl so she's not present
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Any chance you'll do the whole sequence with her?
Would love to see this one play out from start to finish...
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Probably not going to happen I've already got too much on my plate, no pun intended.
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Everyone has a price, what's yours?
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That's a shame, I really hope you change your mind
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amazing work, anon.
Do you take commissions/would you be willing for an art trade?
pic related, one of the only vore pics I ever had the courage to do from a few years back
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I love it when rescue just barely misses the mark. Do you think the girl in front can hear that call? Her only hope of survival hanging up none the wiser?
Also the girl towards the back looking straight down the worm's throat as it swallows her. Perfect.
I like to think the line is "muffled" because the girl at the front is screaming for the guy on the other end to help and she absolutely can hear him just hanging up.
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One of my latest drawings
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Nice, I like when you can see more of the prey's body.
To be fair, Valérie (that's her name) still got time until she entirely vanishes, mostly because the Megalosaurus will take at least four to five more bites to swallow her.
Theres a game thats being worked on called Guilty Hell 2 that has a few vore scenes in it.
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Glad it's getting some vore scenes, the first Guilty Hell had some great ryona and peril
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I've never been able to find the source of this.
Post them if they're so great
Art Savage
I don't know where it's posted but they are listed as the animator on the full video

There's a whole comic.
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If you want to talk potential comms or whatever you can message me on my pixiv which I linked last thread.
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Unfortunately, there are not enough pictures of Sword Maiden (and other Goblin Slayer girls).
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Someones gotta have the whole thing,


here's the 720p video, the higher rez one wasn't shared, link is good for 2 weeks, grab while you can.
any more to this?
what episode is this?
Thank you anon, incredibly hot
It's a videogame cutscene. There's the full thing with subs:
She gets vomited up at the end. A bummer

Don't thing so
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I like how she goes from "Mmmpff!" to some illegible scribble.
Ai ok in this thread?
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this slop has no soul
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Then allow me to treat y'all to some modest, yet actual art
Now that's more like it
I for one actually agree with you
AI is an insult to art, it lacks soul, it lacks that human spark, to the point it almost feels uncanny, perhaps even eldritch
>link is good for 2 weeks
Any chance of a re-upload? It unfortunately appears to be deleted.
I found it on Kemono after looking myself. It's a bit disappointing, it's literally just that scene with voice acting and some goth chick eating popcorn because it's a movie. The comic it's based on actually shows how she gets in the dino's mouth and I wish he kept that in, because the close-up of the villain's horrified expression as she plummets head first into a gaping mouth was a hot as fuck panel.
Does being swallowed by a slime count? It's more drowning than anything.
Depends how fast the digestion is
>close-up of the villain's horrified expression as she plummets head first into a gaping mouth was a hot as fuck panel.
Is that too western to post on /d/? Is there an /aco/ vore thread?


this sites only good for 24h or 100 downloads, lemme know if anyone knows any good temp file sharing, worst case i can't just post a new link for a few days.
Thanks, anon. I second that earlier anon, though. I wish he animated her falling into the dinosaurs mouth, seeing the fear on the victims face is all part of the fun. Going straight to the kicking legs is like skipping the foreplay.
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Since we're at it with worms, allow me to bring this piece forth
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another 1 day link for Triassic animation
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Tribute to BHM done earlier around this year
I'm mad they stopped working on the MaidVS series.
Such a shame indeed
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My dream vore game would be a game where you control a naga boy fighting and eating smaller human/monster girls whole, and getting stronger and possibly learning a new ability/spell depending on who you eat.
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Ended up commissioning some relevant content, couldn't resist putting one of my girls with a hungry frog.
Catbox for those without pixiv
Nothing hotter than a woman packed so tight into a stomach she has to curl up just to fit.
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Huh, looks like Genly's art. Shame he deleted his gallery, and disappeared
Alright i concede.
Pretty good.
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Vore art of creatures being same size or only slightly bigger and swallowing the prey into a super tight stomach is peak vore- especially with big belly bulge.
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A few threads back we had a lovely comic about some journalists investigating a biotech firm or something... anyway the scientists there are fed up with the snooping so they just get fed to some experimental creatures. Great panel of the bound & helpless journalist forced to watch as the other one struggles inside the creature. Some comic relief when the scientists freak out because the journalist was engorged the wrong way and might harm the creature, so they gotta hurry in there to get it to spit her up.
I am kicking myself for not jotting down the name, anyone?
Carla’s Return by Ghrolath4 on DA!

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There's a big naked giant who has multiple stages of sucking on Airi, all the way till he swallows her, though it ends with him pulling her back out, with her clothes melted, before looping infinitely from the start.
That sounds kinda hot.
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Anyone have the rest of this comic?
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I fantasize about a world where humans have evolved - either naturally or artificially - to be everything else's food. The human body can nourish any organism, be it a carnivore, a herbivore or even a food. Because of that, every living being on the planet has adapted to develop a way to devour humans if they feel like it, from worms growing giant so that they can swallow humans whole, to swarms of flies being capable of melting down an entire human being into nutritious goop.

Humans, from their part, instinctually know that they're ultimately food for predators, and their entire psychology revolves around that fact. Humans deeply desire to get eaten, fantasizing about it near constantly; and when they are about to meet an inevitable gastric demise, they experience overwhelming, ecstatic pleasure. Humans also deeply respect and venerate predatory nature precisely because of the pleasure it can provide - and ironically, this is one of the reasons why humans don't just throw themselves at the first predator they meet: humans believe that it is their sacred duty to feed the planet, and therefore they strive to "improve" themselves (by becoming more fit, or more fat, or more accomplished, or simply older) to become tastier morsels, as well as reproducing to guarantee that there will be more humans to keep feeding nature.
All humans have a point where the temptation to get eaten by a particular creature will be too strong, or where they will decide that they have "ripened themselves" enough; and they will spontaneously offer themselves in sacrifice to a predator. Most of the time, though, a predator will decide to eat a human before it reaches that point; still, the human will not hold a grudge, and instead will take being eaten as a sign that they were, in fact, "ripe" enough to get eaten.
This image confused me but I guess I never saw that this pokemon character existed.
omg that fantasy you wrote out is so fucking hot

any sauce like that?
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Though I prefer to merge them horizontally like this.
Amazing, thank you
Anyone got some willing-ish mimic vore?
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I'm commissioning something along those lines
I love big butt prey that barely fit
I hope she can hear that.

The full animation is behind their Patreon
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Does anyone have the game mod link to this? I know it's echidna wars but which mod version is it.
The link. Couldn't post it because it thought it was spam. It's on Xnxx.

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>scientists focusing on dumb shit instead of creating new wildlife capable of swallowing humans whole
fucking hacks
Lockeroom massacres are peak mass vore, same rings true for dressing rooms and bath house massacres. Azur lane royal maids in this context but any babe works
>bunch of royal maids changing outfits after a hard day of work
>tired and exhausted from dutifully doing their duty as proud and excellent maids and maybe a sortie
>Door’s locked
>whole room is filled with bare breast and frilly lingerie
>something long and hungry has found its way in
>vent grate gets pushed off with ease and onto floor
>girls so busy don’t notice at first as they chat
>one girl notices as it reads up behind her friend who is none the wiser
>pic related, a pred pov if you will
>whole room is suddenly drawn to the commotion as a blood curdling shriek can be heard
>they turn to see a fine pale ass clad in panties wiggling as stuffs hungry jaws
>girl from before on ground trembling
>dead silent for a moments, all quiet save for the wiggling form of the the first victim who is screaming her heart out into some fleshy walls
>as her lower body is claimed with a hearty gulp, the neurons in the girl’s brain’s start firing, run
>chaos erupts, frantic screams and squeals emerge as the girls all in various stages of undressed start running
>bare tits flopping, some completely nude, start barring for the door
>problem……assailants has used its long body to block only exit
>face when some girls realize they are fucked
>another girl is snatched and drags nails on ground so hard starts bleeding as it dragged towards doom
>few girls who make it to door, can’t actually turn the knob because coils have completely enveloped it
>start banging on it and crying for help
>next girl goes down, terrified face visible as jaws close over
>younger girl can’t handle it, goes in corner and puts hands over head, half naked and jsit hoping it’s all a dream
>screams ensue, the prey in various states of denial
>Soem even go for the windows, unsuccessfully of course
>eventually the screams stop
>youngest one (pic related) finally snaps out of it
>eyes dart as she wonders if maybe was a dream, or maybe by some miracle she was spared
>what feels like hours go by, she does not dare turn around
>eyes widen like dinner plates as feels hot rancid breathe against her back and nape of her neck
>breathe ripe with half digested meat and earth
>turns, sees long body full of several hourglass forms all writhing and mewling
>sees them in such detail that the bump of their nips and expressions are visible
>sees a couple of her friends
>hears sounds like an egg like a skillet coming from each bulge
>attention back on pred, maw wide open as she stares down it
>hacks soemthing up
>a big wad of frilly bras and lingerie, sticks to her skin as it is ejected
>it’s steaming and burns her dainty skin to the touch
>tears start flowing
>not a muscle is moved as clamps over her face

>hours later, another girl comes in.
>where is everyone?
>place is a mess, underwear and clothing everywhere, yet not a trace of anyone
>who left the window open? Told them not to do that, might get peeping Tom’s!
>leaves puzzled, no idea where they all went
>meanwhile miles always, pred is leisurely sleeping like a baby
>it’s haul? Still alive screaming bloody murder as they try and escape
>stomach so hot it’s sizzling
>hourglass forms pressed painfully tight as they squirm t try and escape organic torture chamber
>it’s gonna be a long night
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If Lin_art hadn't disappeared, Aegir and Friedrich might have ended up in a similar scenario.
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It's a shame there's almost no content about the girls from DOA, considering how beautiful they are.
Imagine a game called Dead or Alive: Vore Vacation, where you take the form of various monsters and devour girls over and over again.
A damn shame, having just gotten back into Azurlane I was thinking about those comics recently.
There's so many boats I'd love to see vored. I just hope Lin_art is okay with the situation in that region though.
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Speaking of DOA content, Daffi's animation with Nyotengu is my favorite. I would like to see something like this with Momiji (or even together with Nyotengu in one snake).
It is a pity that he went full paywall mode after the DeviantArt vore content purge.
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It seems the owner is tired of Monica's cheating at the casino.
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Marie Rose (censored regrettably)
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Speaking of animations, I remembered 'Lizard Man Vore Momiji" from BucketHead (https://mega.nz/file/RApkkDyS#r6EaoM-YzT4n4InoK0wWBra9xdTAU5WWhPzK68LIzFM). I'd like to see a picture like picrel from this scenario.
Considering that the night elves are in harmony with nature, it is not surprising that they often become victims of various beasts (by their own choice).
This guy drew the ABSOLUTE BEST vore sequences I have ever seen, holy shit.
I hope he's doing OK, he just sort of randomly disappeared a couple months ago.
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>problem: scientist needs plenty of human prey to properly feed and test the monsters that are being created
>solution: scientist clones itself to generate an endless supply of food

>problem: scientist grows envious of the clones because they get to be eaten and digested
>solution: improve the cloning process so that the mind is also copied, then get yourself eaten and let the clone continue your job
>bonus effect: clones collaborate with each other, greatly improving research and development

>problem: clone also wants to be eaten
>solution: non-violent competition such as videogames, card games, or rock-paper-scissors.

>problem: the staff of clones have similar viewpoints, so there's a heavy risk of bias
>proposed solution: make clones slightly different from each other, but how?
>actual solution: introduce a tiny bit of monster DNA in the cloning process. Monsters have been so used to eating humans that it's encoded in their DNA, so regardless of any personality change, a clone will still see humans - including itself - as food for monsters.

>problem: rarely a clone turns into a full monster and starts eating our staff
>solution: that's not a problem

>problem: rarely a clone-turned-monster will also try to get itself eaten by another specimen, they're still technically clones so they should be allowed to do that just like the human clones
>solution: we know it's you Tiffany 749-C, at least wait until we finish researching you
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Found animated version of the picture. In a perfect world, this video from BuckedHead should have ended in similar fashion.
Among the DOA girls, Momiji is the one who needs content the most. Her gentle and purifying nature makes a perfect contrast against some creature's stomach. Since she is a shrine maiden, a scenario where she willingly sacrifices herself to some creature (Asian dragon, for example) is perfect for her. She even has healing and regenerative power to enjoy her time, even when her miko clothes long dissolved and she half-submerged in gastric juice.
What happened to that crazyasianfan4 guy? He had a gallery full of DOA vore with captions and shit. His pixiv is still up but without the original stories, and his Tumblr had more content before
Not bad.

Man, vore on the sea floor hits just right. Vore's always got that vibe of the girl just vanishing, nobody ever finding her, but this takes it up to 11.
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Regrettably, the majority of Nyte's comics lack stories with willing prey and have excessively gruesome endings.
That's the best part of them
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Can anyone post this comic please?
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What fictional character is built for it? Ishtar from FGO is a prime example.
Also here are my favorite stories with her and her sister—
By the way, is upperparasyte still active?
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Did anyone save those greentexts for these?
Also no, Upper's been missing since October of last year.
Anymore of this one? Very interesting idea.
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Do monster girls count
yes. Lamia vore is very good
Much appreciated anon.
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I like arniro's drawing style.
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It's always surprising that there are so few pictures of Albedo as a prey, a character with such a majestically beautiful design and yandere personality. Ainz should use a spell to transform himself into a monster and digest her. Thus Albedo's dream of being with him forever and ever would come true.
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Here's an edited image from previous threads to illustrate this idea.
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Original picture drawn by lin_art.
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It's pleasing when a new talented artist shows up on Eka's portal. Especially considering that at least 90% of the site's content, to put it mildly, doesn't interest me.
Arniro is fucking amazing.
I wish he would learn to draw something other than snakes and worms, mostly because I really like when the prey is curled up inside the stomach. That said, he IS probably the best I've ever seen at drawing snake vore.
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Lizardman is probably one of the best predators.
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Lack pictures of girls from Naruto, considering how mainstream this anime once was. Imagine Kaguya Ootsutsuki awaiting her final fate in some monster gut while her porcelain white divine flesh is covered in gastric fluid. It would be even better if the predator were a simple creature, like a snake, since the disparity in power between it and the goddess makes the situation significantly hotter.
Also, the thread seems to move slower than usual, probably because of Christmas.
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Anon from one of the previous threads wanted to see more pictures of Lyn from FE. I believe I found this picture in Discord some time ago, so it wouldn't surprise me if he had personally commissioned it from the artist.
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I'm surprised noone made a scene from Mario Party's tug of war mini game. All 3 females on the one side getting overpowered and falling into the piranha plants maw.
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Wow this guy's stuff is pretty good.
Stanford should do a new social experiment...
The prison guard social experiment was proven to be falsified and completely decredited.
Just fyi.
Main point is the professor was goading certain students on both sides to over act and be intentionally excessive. Ruining the entire point of such an experiment.
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But I'm sure they might have flaws somewhere
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Flaws like in this comic? Story with willing prey—what could be more horrible?
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Or this one? Truly horrible. What kind of person would like something like this? Certainly not me, haha...
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On a serious note, I wish that willing prey were featured more frequently. Especially considering that creature/monster vore (with female prey) is already rare, and you need to trudge through a sea of disgusting/irrelevant content in order to find it.
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Good. I always assumed it was rigged, I believe the average person would not be so easily convinced to do harm to another.
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Remember when Ninjartist drew vore pictures frequently? This poll (https://www.patreon.com/posts/polls-results-51340037) and Patreon guidelines truly killed the artist for us.
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2025 is the year of the snake, btw. So let's hope for more content with this reptile.
hat sort of insanity is going on in that middle part? is this AI generated?
It's just showing a sequence without drawing the entire snake 3 times. I like it.
If you actually dig into it a lot of these long held studies are just pure bunk. There's a reason there is a huge repeatability gap/crisis in basically all fields of academia.
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Lucy from Fairy Tail is a strong contender for this position (and other girls from this manga too).
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Forgot to share this one here but guess it fits with it being year of the snake now.
Commissioned from
Doesn't normally draw vore but will draw it for money.
Got a lamia idea and a giant slug one in mind for future stuff.
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Regarding the Fairy Tail girls, I attempted to edit the pictures to depict Kagura Mikazuchi's unsuccessful attempt at the lizardman assassination mission. The authors of the original pictures are Voraciousmoga (lizardman) and MaximumImpulse (inside view).
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I like that Aerith's stockings are already beginning to dissolve.
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I can't see the poll but I always kinda hoped he stopped because he just got burned out on it. Disappointing if the potterfags bullied him out of it. They were constantly screeching under every vore image.
>why do things i don't like exist REEE
>vore is weird, spend all your effort creating only things i want
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clothes not dissolving anywhere that matters
God, this was great. Girls getting fucked before getting eaten is my favorite vore scenario, and lizardmen are perfect for this.
Wish this guy drew vore more often.
That's a shame. I can't tell you how many nuts I busted to that picture of the snake eating hermione
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Unfortunately, there's almost no content featuring the girls from FromSoftware games. They are alluring, and the dark atmosphere of the game further enhances their beauty.
Just imagine the following stories: a snake consuming the pale body of the Fire Keeper in the dark corners of the Firelink Shrine and touching darkness within the maiden by bathing her in gastric juice.; Aldrich absorbing Priscilla, as was likely implied by the description of the Lifehunt Scythe miracle; Rennala voluntarily feeding herself to the Wolf of Radagon, a parting gift from her husband; and her sister Rellana sacrificing herself to the snake form of Mesmer, as a confirmation of her devotion and love.
So even though the SoulsBorne girls (especially Priscilla and Fire Keeper) are practically built for it, there's barely any content being created in this setting. The popularity of monster pred vore has been low to begin with, and even franchise popularity can't compensate for it.
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In Elden Ring and Bloodborne, there are enemies that can consume the player completely (bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Labyrinth+Mole eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Giant+Land+Octopus eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Jar+Innards)
And if the HP drops to zero, the spitting-out animation will not be played, which implies that the player has been digested.
Here is a comic with Giant Octopus—
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There is a chance that he will complete a remake of this set in the future. Although it's small, because most of his Patreon audience doesn't like vore.
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I attempted to combine images from various authors to depict one of my stories that is described here >>11202193 . To fulfill her fatal dark desire, the Fire Keeper ascends to the top of the Firelink Shrine, where she met her rapturous end in the embrace of a snake's belly.
Now I want to be able to draw (or have enough money to afford a commission from a good artist)...
She does make good prey. All her smarts useless, all her potential reduced to fat.
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An old picture by ArtOfAdam, who sometimes draws vore.
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Drawn by cookin. You can imagine this picture as part of this >>11200997 sequence, where Kagura's clothes are about to dissolve, exposing her flesh to caresses from the lizardman's stomach.
i don't know if there's more vore content from him after he left fanbox for a different platform
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Yeah, I have no idea. It was always frustratingly secondary to him anyway.
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This image is based on PD's comic.
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Monster-girl races from FFXIV are a natural fit for this type of content.
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Especially Au Ra
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Any good artists who draw fatal like this with snakes/frogs?
The follow-up pages were so good for this one.
I hope someone posts the full manga here.
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the second part of the commission from Ganassa
DeS had implied vore, you loot the Valkyrie armor set (for females) from a slug in valley of defilement. you also find the Valkyrie there, forgot her name. pretty hot thinking that a knightess met her end being slowly digested by a slug in a dark, dirty swamp.
this image literally drives me insane
Technically, this picture is not vore, but you can imagine it as absorption.
Moments before Momiji's body submerged in the slime monster. Can you blame him for his desire to have Momiji all to himself? I certainly wouldn't. Although she deserves to be consumed by a majestic beast, like an asian dragon. Momiji is canonically the dragon shrine maiden after all.
Speaking of shrine maidens and dragons, this >>11190611 picture is a perfect illustration of the bonding event they should share.
A story about this theme.
Do you have part 1? I can't find it.
Can you post the manga with the follow-up pages here if you have them please?
>you loot the Valkyrie armor set (for females) from a slug in valley of defilement
Seems deliberate, lol.
No. People are specifically paying wasu for content and direct information, and I do not want to post fanbox (and other adjacent fanbox-type) content from a creator unless they vanish off of the face of the earth or otherwise nuke their entire art, ccontent, etc. off of the internet and never appear again.
Thank you.

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